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Coastal Structures

Functions of Coastal structures

Secure inland infrastructure due to flooding caused by high water levels, erosion, and impact from
waves and currents

Protect boats, vessels by reducing waves and wave impact

Stabilize navigation channels by reducing sedimentation, inlet migration

Shoreline/beach stabilization due to controlled erosion Enhance the splendid of coastal environment

Coastal structures could be classified broadly as erodible (soft) and non-erodible (hard) structures where
Beach fills, Dunes, Marshes and Bioengineered approaches could be identified as soft approaches.
Seawalls, Revetments, Breakwaters, Jetties, Groins and Bulkheads are non-erodible coastal protection
structures. Non-erodible structures could further be classified as Navigation Structures, Coastal
Armoring Structures and Beach or soil Stabilization Structures. Coastal armoring structures are potential
to resist waves, scour, overtopping and Beach or soil stabilization structures basically hold upland
sediment, retard alongshore transport. Navigation structures are erected for resisting waves, currents,
and sedimentation.

Coastal Armoring Structures

Seawalls, Revetments and Bulkheads are commonly employed coastal armoring structures

Sea walls are vertical structures constructed parallel along the shoreline with the main focus of safe
guarding upland infrastructure from flooding, wave impact and overtopping. These gigantic structures are
potential to hold fills (shore, bluff-high cliff) while withstanding against high wave energy. Commonly
used material for erecting these structures are concrete and rubble mound or other materials could also
be used for the purpose. Scour protection is an integral function of these structures where they tend to
be free-standing with backfill, gravity or pile supported. Sea wall may be considered to be the last line of
defense in a coastal protection scheme.

It is worth to note that there are several potential impacts of a sea wall on a coastline, as it has no capacity
to respond to natural events. As a rule of thumb sea wall should be positioned as far landward as feasible
so as to allow the natural coastline as much freedom as possible. The alignment of the wall should be as
smooth -follow the natural contours rather than have severe changes in alignment to suit landward
features. Wall should be designed to dissipate as much wave energy as possible and wave reflection from
sea walls on erodible shorelines will cause a redistribution of sediment and cause toe scour unless there
is very high net positive sediment supply in to that area. The feedback effect results in deeper water closer
to the sea wall to allow larger waves to break on the wall and hence accelerate the process. Typical
sections of seawalls are shown in Fig. 1.

The construction of seawalls does not simply entail dumping rock on a foreshore. A properly designed
seawall will provide robust protection to foreshore assets and require minimal commitment to future
Fig1. Typical sections of sea walls
According to the intended service design life of a seawall may vary. Temporary works having a relatively
short structural purpose may be removed or demolished when no longer required. A more permanent
structure such as that fronting essential coastal infrastructure will typically have a longer design life of 25
to 100 years. The design life of the structure would depend on economic aspects such as the cost of
replacing the seawall and/or the design life of the infrastructure it is protecting

The selection of a Design Event is typically based on an acceptable probability of that event occurring
within the length of time that the structure and its components are intended to serve their given
purpose (ie. the design life of the structure). The severity of the design event is quantified by assigning
it an Average Recurrence Interval (Return Period). This is the average time that elapses between two
events that equal or exceed a particular condition. For instance, a 100 year Average Recurrence Interval
(ARI) event is one which is expected to be equalled or exceeded on average every 100 years over a very
long period of time. However since such events occur randomly in any particular timeframe under
consideration (rather than at precise regular or cyclical intervals), they have a probability of occurrence
within that time.

Types of sea wall

Tetrapod toe, Stepped, Rock toe, Re-curved wall, Gabions, Open stone asphalt with rock toe

Fig. 2 Scouring at the sea walls

Sea walls provide protection against major coastal damage mechanisms such as flooding, erosion and
wave attack. If the sea wall entertains overtopping due to design fault or extreme weather that would
remove unprotected soil from behind structure and fails the functional behavior of the structure as shown
in Fig. Scouring is commonly observed problem in the vicinity of sea walls. In summary three fundamental
mechanisms of failure – or indeed any combination of these could be identified in seawalls.

 erosion of the armour layer – instigated when the rocks or concrete units on the front face of
the wall are not able to withstand the forces applied by waves as they wash against the
slope. The armour is effectively swept off the structure by the waves.
 undermining – occurs when wave action causes scouring of erodible material at the toe of the
armoured slope, causing it to be undermined and to then collapse (even though it may consist
of large armour units that would otherwise not have been moved by waves). (Fig. 2)
 wave overtopping – caused by waves that wash up over the top of the armoured slope and scour
the material immediately behind the wall. The top of the wall is then no longer supported by
underlying material and it collapses into the scoured area behind it – lowering the top of the
seawall further, allowing greater overtopping, greater scour and rapid progression to structural
failure. (Fig. 3)

Fig.3 Unprotected soil behind a sea wall is removed due to extreme weather conditions

Revetments are shoreline structures constructed parallel to shoreline that are commonly placed on shore
face, bank or cliffs with an eye to protect the shore line against erosion by reinforcing part of the beach
profile. These structures are designed to absorb the energy of incoming sea waves and currents.
Commonly it is considered revetments are as economical alternatives for sea walls. “Medium” cross-
section size that extends long distances, made of rubble mound could commonly be seen in many sea
walls. Construction of seawall is done following the existing slope in the near coastal regions. Rock, Geo
textile and concrete revetments could also be seen in function at coastal sites

Components of a typical Revetment are armor layer (or Rip Rap), filter layer and toe Protection

Fig.4 Typical revetment section erected with conventional materials

Fig.5 Different types of revetments and their cross sections

Stone revetments commonly employed revetment category bear many advantages over other methods
of erosion protection and specifically considered to be the most effective structure for absorbing wave
energy. Stone revetments do this by dissipating wave energy over their many irregular surfaces.
Due to the wave run up and energy depletion on these structures, major failure modes of erosions that
are scour and rebound are controlled. As these structures are solid, such as in bulkheads, seas walls or
even gabions, the more energy is created as waves crash into the solid structure.

As waves hit revetment type structures the incident wave energy is deflected rather than absorb hence
much of the energy pushed down with the resulted scour of materials in the seaward of the structure.
Rebounded waves carry the scoured materials away from the toe resulting failure due to tilting of
structure towards seaward. Subsequently the structure collapses forward or reshaped in to a
configuration which is no longer protect the beach.

Stone revetments are also the most economical and quickest to install of all of the methods of erosion
control. They are easier to maintain and can settle with little or no effect on their protection value.

Revetments absorb wave energy thereby reduce the erosion in the near costal region and cheap durable
option for coastal protection. But under stormy conditions there might not be effectively functioning
and regular maintenance is required for its function and existence. As these structures are visually
obstructive and hinder the accessibility of the beach users, recreationally may bring some demerits to
the economy.

Bulk Heads
These are vertical retaining structures to hold or prevent the soil being slide seaward with the main focus
of retaining the upland soil. In the construction of these structures banks of the area should be reinforced
to protect against the sliding. Steel, concrete, timber, vinyl or composite bulk heads are commonly used
for the above purpose. These structures could withstand against light to moderate wave action and used
to protect eroding bluffs by retaining soil at the toe and increasing stability, or by protecting the toe from
erosion and undercutting. Further when a fill is needed seaward of an existing shore under reclamation
activities, bulk heads could be used. Very efficient in designing marinas and other structures where deep
water is needed directly at the shore

Fig.6 Section of a typical bulk head.

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