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English File, Intermediate, Student's Book , Part 1 (uploaded above)

File 6 A
Shot on Location
1. Reading
A) Look at the photos with the article. Do they remind you of any films or TV series that you have
seen? Write a short comment.
B) Before you read the article: look at the title and photos of it, make predictions and answer the
question: What is the article about? Give your opinion and write a short comment. (2-3
C) Now read the article and check if your predictions are correct.
D) After you read the article: write a very short summary of the article (3-4 sentences). What is the
article about?
E) Read the article again and complete it with a past participle from the list (EXERCISE:1 Reading,
exercise-B, page:54).
F) Underline all unknown words in the article and try to guess the meaning of the words from the
context. Write all unknown words with your definitions. Then find the definitions in the online
dictionary (uploaded above) and check if your definitions are correct.
G) Do exercise C (page: 55)
H) Do exercise D (page: 55)
Answer the questions: Have you seen any of the films or TV series mentioned? Which of the
three places would you most like to visit? Why? Write a short comment.
I) Vocabulary Bank -Cinema (page: 159) Do all exercises!

English File 3rd Edition, Intermediate , Workbook PDF(uploaded above)

File 6 A
Shot on Location
1. Page: 37

Exercises: a,b

2. Page: 38
4 Reading

Exercises: a,b,c,d

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