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Bogdan Sipos


Assignment #3

TER-S19 Submit online (individual) on Its-Learning and in PDF format before 20/03/2020

1- A power plant generates 150 MW of electrical power. It uses a supply of 1000 MW

from a geothermal source and rejects energy to the atmosphere through a cooling

W =150 MW Q H =1000 MW

a) The rejected power to the atmosphere in MW

Q L=Q H −W =1000 MW −150=850 MW Q L=850 MW

b) How much air should be flowed to the cooling tower (kg/s) if its temperature cannot be
increased more than 10oC.

Q °L=m°air ∗∆ h=m °air∗c p∗∆ T

Using table A-2, we can find c p for air to be c p=1,005

∆ T =10 ℃=10 K ( value stays the same as it isa change∈temperature )

° Q °L 850∗103 kg
m air = = =84577
c p∗∆ T 1,005∗10 s

c) The efficiency of the geothermal plant.

W 150
ηth = = =0,15
Q H 1000

2- Water at T= 10°C, P = 200 kPa flowing at 0.1 kg/s is heated to 40°C

in a constant-pressure heat exchanger. The energy is supplied by a
heat pump with a coefficient of performance of COPHP= 2.5.

T 1=10 ℃ P=200 kPam °=0,1 T =40 ℃COP HP=2,5
s 2
Bogdan Sipos


1- The the amount of heat power that the water received from the heat
exchanger assume that there is no heat desipated to the atmosphere.
Using table A-3, we can find c p for water to be c p=4,18

Q H =m °∗( h1−h 2) =m ° c p∗∆T ∆ T =40 ℃−10 ℃=30 ℃=30 K

kg kJ
Q H =0,1 ∗4,18 ∗30 K =12,54 KW
s kg∗K
2- Find the required power to drive the heat pump.
COP HP= 2,5= Q =8,96 kW W =Q H −Q L =12,54 kW −8,96=3,58 kW
Q H −Q L 12,54−Q L L

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