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Assignment 4

A Rankine cycle using steam as

shown in the figure. For the given
data as shown in the table and with
assumption that the system is
insulated so you can disregard heat
transferred to surroundings.

Point 1

Steam P1 P1 ≔ 70 bar = 7 MPa

Temperature T1 T1 ≔ 500 °C

Point 2

Condenser P2 P2 ≔ 0.2 bar = 0.02 MPa

Quality X2 X2 ≔ 0.84

Point 3

Pump P3 P3 ≔ 0.2 bar = 0.02 MPa

Quality X3 X3 ≔ 0
Enthropy S3 S3 ≔ 0.8320
Specific Volume v3 v3 ≔ 0.00107 ――
Point 4

Boiler P4 P4 ≔ 70 bar = 7 MPa

Enthropy S4 S4 ≔ S3

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STEP 1 - Determining the enthalpies at all the 4 points

At point 1: P1 = 70 bar T1 = 500 °C Using table A6

10 3 J
Enthalpy at point 1 h1 ≔ 3411.4 ――

At point 2: P2 = 0.2 bar Using Mollier Diagram

10 3 J
1st Method: h2Mollier ≔ 2230 ――

2nd Method: Using the h2 = hf + x ⋅ hfg


10 3 J 10 3 J
Enthalpies Table A5 hf ≔ 251.42 ―― ; hfg ≔ 2357.5 ――
kg kg

10 3 J
Enthalpy at point 2 h2 ≔ hf + X2 ⋅ hfg = 2231.72 ――

At point 3: P3 = 0.2 ((bar )) and X3 = 0 Using table A5

10 3 J
Enthalpy at point 3 h3 ≔ 251.42 ⋅ ――

At point 4: P4 = 70 bar
solve , h4 2.0 ⋅ 10 -7 ⋅ ⎛37343.0 ⋅ MPa ⋅ m 3 + 1.2571 ⋅ 10 12 ⋅ J⎞
⎛ ⎞ ⎝ ⎠
h4 ≔ v3 ⋅ ⎝P4 - P3⎠ = h4 - h3 ――― → ―――――――――――――――

10 3 J
Enthalpy at pointt 4 h4 = 258.889 ――

a) The steam mass flow rate required to produced 75 MW of power (WoT), assuming the
process from point 1 to point 2 is isentropic process

Mass flow rate from point 1 to 2 with a 75MW power production:

Wnet = m ⋅ ⎛⎝h2 - h1⎞⎠ Wnet ≔ 75 MW

solve , m°steam 15.0 ⋅ MW ⋅ kg ⋅ kg

m°steam ≔ Wnet = m°steam ⋅ ⎛⎝h1 - h2⎞⎠ ――――→ ―――――――――――
682280.0 ⋅ J ⋅ kg - 446344.0 ⋅ kg ⋅ J

Steam mass flow rate m°steam = 63.577 ―

b) The pump power input required (WoP)

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b) The pump power input required (WoP)
1 m2
Pump Power WP ≔ v3 ⋅ ⎛⎝P4 - P3⎞⎠ = 7.469 ― ⋅ ――
W s2
Pump Power WP = 7.469 kW

c) The cycle thermal efficiency

h2 - h3
Thermal efficiency ηth ≔ 1 - ―――
h1 - h4
Thermal efficiency ηth = 0.372

d) The cooling water mass flow required for the condenser if the inlet and the outlet water
temperatures are 20 oC and 45 oC respectively at pressure of 3 bar

10 3 ⋅ J
Specific heat of water cp ≔ 1.23 ――― table A3
kg ⋅ K
QL = mw ⋅ cp ⋅ ΔT

Temperature difference ΔT ≔ ((45 + 273.15)) ⋅ K + ((20 + 273.15)) ⋅ K

Temperature difference ΔT = 611.3 K

10 3 ⋅ J
qL ≔ h2 - h3 = ⎛⎝1.98 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ ―――

m°steam ⋅ qL kg
Cooling mass flow rate m°cooling ≔ ―――― = 167.444 ―
ΔT ⋅ cp s

Cooling mass flow rate m°cooling = 167.444 ―

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