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1. Vacuum Extractor A.

A. Indications: Maternal exhaustion, prolonged second First degree: fourchette, superficial perineal skin or
labor, fetal distress in second stage of labor, maternal vaginal mucosa,
medical disorders (cardiac, cerebrovascular, pulmonary Second degree: perineal muscles, fascia
disorders) Third degree: anal sphincter
B. Complications: cephalhematoma (subgaleal/ 3a: ext anal sphincter <50%
subaponeurotic hemorrhage due to rupture of emissary 3B: ext anal sphincter >50%
veins), nerve palsy, retinal hemorrhage, skull fracture; 3c: internal anal sphincter
Maternal perinal lacerations, Fourth degree: rectal mucosa

2. Compound presentation 10. Diameter:

A. Face presentation, Brow presentation, Breech A- Suboccipitofrontal diameter
presentation, Shoulder presentation B- Occipitofrontal diameter
B. Face presentation (anterior) C- Submentobregmatic diameter
D- Suboccipitobregmatic diameter
3. Female condom Norplant subdermal implant E- Occipitomental diameter
Copper T IUD Male condoms A= Suboccipitobregmatic diameter
11. A = Secondary arrest
A. COC pills B= Normal labor
B. LNG-IUS C = Prolonged latent phase

4. Cusco’s bivalve self retaining vaginal speculum 12. Cystocele

A. Obtaining pap smear, A - Obstetric trauma
Obtain high vaginal swab B- Genuine stress urinary incontinence
Visualize cervix and vaginal wall in pelvic exam
Insert/ remove IUD 13. Uterine perforation
Insert laminaria A - Anteverted anteflexed
B - Anteverted anteflexed
5. Secondary arrest (Arrest in cervical dilatation)
A. Causes: CPD, OP position, Inadequate uterine 14. Brandt-Andrews maneuver
contractions A. Causes: prolonged labor, precipitate labor,
B. Mng: CPD = CS overdistended uterus, induction of labor, high parity, use of
OP position = exclude obstruction, oxy MgSO4, macrosomia, >35yo, obesity, polyhydramnios,
Inadequate UC = amnio then CS multigravid, multiple gestations
B. Management: uterine massage, uterotonic drugs,
6. Oxytocin: Augment labor, active management for 3 rd stage blood transfusion, catheter
labor and control PPH, Given after evacuation of uterus C. Hysterectomy
Mg SO4: eclampsia prophylaxis
Hydralazine: Preeclampsia and eclampsia 15. Information: enlarged uterus, adnexal mass, wiggling
Ergometrine: Uterine atony, expulsion of h.mole, excessive tenderness (PID), vaginal disacharges
hemorrhage A. Vaginal atrophy vs. Endometrial pathology

A. Cardiac arrest 16. Diagnosis: Turner syndrome

B. Water retention A. Coarcatation of the aorta
B. Growth hormone and Estrogen
7. 5 questions: Frontal headache unrelieved with
paracetamol, Visual disturbance (blurring of vision), 17. Complete H. mole
Epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting, swelling, malaise A. Quantitative B-hCG, TVS UTZ, chest xray, cbc, kidney
and liver function tests
8. Indications: Prolonged second stage, fetal compromise, B. Symptoms: abnormal growth of the uterus, severe
maternal illnesses, breech, fetal malposition nausea and vomiting, vaginal bleeding during first 3 months
A. Prerequisites: engaged head, fully dilated cervix, of pregnancy, hyperthyroidism symptoms, symptoms of
position of head must be known, no CPD, ruptured preeclampsia
membranes, adequate analgesia, Adequate facility,
competent operator 18. Grips: Fundal grip, Umbilical grip, Pawlik’s grip, Pelvic grip
B. Piper’s forceps A. Engagement is when the widest part of the baby’s
presenting part enters the pelvic brim or inlet
9. Types: Median episiotomy, Mediolateral episiotomy B. B. Station 0
C. Pelvic brim

19. PCOS
A. Type 2 diabetes
B. Clomiphene citrate

20. Frothy discharge

Strawberry cervix
Trichomonas vaginalis

21. Ectopic / Tubal pregnancy

A. Pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, amenorrhea
B. Threatened abortion, twisted ONG
C. Methotrexate, Pelvic lap

22. Cardiotocograph
A. Late deceleration, category 3
B. Uteroplacental insufficiency

23. Batholin gland

A. Infection with E. coli, gonorrhea, chlamydia
B. Bartholin gland abscess
C. Clindamycin

24. HPV
Pap smear

25. S/SX: heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure/pain,

frequent urination,
A. Intramural, subserous, submucous
B. Hysterectomy
C. Calcific

26. Hydrosalpinx
Chlamydia/ polymicrobial
Ceftiaxone, Clindamycin, Doxycycline

27. Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit Maneuver

Complications: Fetal head entrapment, Nuchal arms,
Cervical spine injury, Cord prolapse,
Types: Frank, Complete, Incomplete

28. Couvelaire’s uterus

Abruptio placenta

29. Hysterectomy
Myoma, Cancer, ONG, Severe endometriosis
Ureteral injury

30. Mcroberts maneuver

Shoulder dystocia
Brachial plexus palsy/ Erb/ Klumpke’s
Risk factor: Maternal diabetes, Fetal macrosomia,
prolonged labor/ precipitate labor, induced, maternal
obesity, epidural

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