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Maulidatuz Zuhria
English Education Study Program

The aim of this study is to find out the way of learning between the low achiever and the high
achiever students in English Department also what factor that could impact their understanding in
learning. The study uses a case study design and the instrument was interview. The data were
collected on December 25th up to 30th 2019. This study was conducted for students in STKIP PGRI
Pasuruan from the English Department batch 2017A in academic year 2019/2020. The participants
of this study were 10 students (3 males and 7 females). The results showed that their learning
strategies and academic performances are related to each other. In high achiever students deep
learning is significant as compared to low achiever students. Furthermore, comparative analysis of
learning styles on males and females are preferred learning strategy equally.

Keywords: high achiever, learning, low achiever, student

The approaches to learning play a content (Hasnoor, Ahmad and Nordin,
significant role in determining the 2013).
outcomes of educational endeavors The researcher showed the interest
(Hasnoor, Ahmad, & Nordin, 2013). There in students’ learning approaches, how do
are three essential elements that influence they learn and why they chose a particular
learning of students: (a) students, (b) approach for their learning. Based on the
course, and (c) teaching strategies (Mayya, study of Marton and Saljo (1976), there
Rao, & Ramnarayana, 2004). Each of the are commonly two strategies of learning;
elements has an impact on students’ surface learning approach and deep
adopted approach to learning (Hasnoor, learning approach. Surface approach is
Ahmad, & Nordin, 2013). Teaching and memorizing information without
course produce a variety of environments understanding the deeper knowledge, also
for students and to cope with pressure they known as rote learning. The features of
adopt learning strategy according to the this learning are; 1) unreflective approach,
situation (Hasnoor, Ahmad, & Nordin, 2) no interaction with content or ideas, 3)
2013). It has some factors that impact the concentrates only on memorization, 4)
learning strategy among students, either underlying the argument not the
the high achiever or the low one. Such as comprehend, 5) treats the task as like a
the assessment, process of rewarding, monotonous chore, 6) external incentive–
teaching, work overload, reproduction of based on demand or test, 7) aims to recite
content knowledge as well as student and regurgitate material inactively.
perceptions about the relevance of the Meanwhile in deep approach, the students
involve themselves in the study process to class activities. The high achiever students
grasp the deeper understanding of the were active, energetic, and always give
content (Duff, Boyle, Dunleavy, & attention and response to the lecturer,
Ferguson, 2003). The features are; 1) either when the lecturer explained the
relates topic and ideas to past knowledge material or gave the questions and task.
and experiences, 2) thinks critically about Meanwhile, the low achiever students
newly learned material, 3) ties in were the opposite. They were inactive and
information from other sources, 4) creates just listen to the lecturer’s explanation
new arguments and understands logic without understanding it.
based on new information, 5) recognizes a The high achiever students and the
structure in the content, 6) motivation from low achiever students were definitely have
within–wants to learn, 7) aims to their own way in learning, that cause
understand the meaning behind the themselves had difference score
material. achievements. Hence, this study was
Marton and Saljo (1970) proposed aimed to explore these questions;
the idea of student approach to learning, 1. What is the way or strategy of
which then becomes part of student these high achiever students and
approaches to learning concepts (Hasnoor, low achiever students in their
Ahmad, & Nordin, 2013) this learning learning?
approach is a vital and essential element as 2. What factor that might impact their
it helps students to get good scores in their understanding in learning?
examinations. Students’ learning
approaches have a significant impact on METHOD
the quality of learning and academic This research used documentation
achievements. To make students better research. This research applied a thesis
graduates they should be encouraged to statement, the researcher made a thesis
develop deeper research strategies statement to prepare questions to be given
(Hasnoor, Ahmad, & Nordin, 2013). to the students in order to get answer about
There were 10 students that their way or strategy of learning and its
participate in this study. They were from A factors that impact in it. Besides the thesis
class batch 2017. Five students among statement, there was also an interview and
them were known as the low achiever make a report. The interview was done to
students because most of their scores were know answer from students’ experiences,
under B grade, and five students left were opinions, and personal perception in their
high achiever students that usually got A- learning.
and A scores in all subjects in fifth This interview was conducted to
semester, those subjects are English for get information which includes the ideas
Young Learners, TEFL, Academic about how do they learn. The data was
Writing, Extensive Reading, Classroom collected on 25th up to 30th December.
Management, Syntax, Semantics, There were 10 participants that were
Introduction to Research Method in ELT, interviewed. The participants consist of 3
Sociolinguistic, and Introduction to males and 7 females. In this research the
Translation. Besides that, the researcher researcher gave some questions and asked
also knew the participants in the whole them to explain their way in learning. The
researcher didn’t give limited time to the between the high achiever students and
participants to answer the questions. After low achiever students. This study
interviewing, the researcher made a report conducted to look for the following
of the results of the interview, using the objectives to determine the learning of the
results of the data that has been analyzed. high and low achiever students that impact
The data was analyzed descriptive their achievement in the college. The result
quantitative with diagram. showed that gender wasn’t the factor that
determined the student was included the
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION high or low achiever students. It depended
The way or strategy of learning that used on their focus and activeness while
by high achiever students and low learning activity in the class. The high
achiever students. achiever students put their whole attention
Based on the observation by to the lecturer and noted crucial point by
interviewing the participants, the themselves. The result of the interviewed
researcher got the information and facts below;
that both of these qualifications had the “Mostly I learn the material in the
contrast way of learning. The high class, because I can understand
achiever group used the deep learning the material directly. Then I write
approach, which means they focus on in my note what points that must be
understanding the material totally. The low noted, so I can re-read in the
achiever group used the surface learning home” (FR/M)
approach they memorized the material at “Usually I listen to the lecturers’
that time/ class only, without explanation very carefully, then I
understanding it. The results of this study re-write the material by my own
showed that the high achiever students words” (LS/F)
were totally pay attention to the lecturers. “While lecturer explains the
They noted the crucial points of the material, I surely pay attention to
explanation, and understood what the him/ her, but sometimes I don’t get
lecturer told then they wrote the the point. So I am kind of person
commentary about the material by their that likes to ask. Because by
own words. They said it could increase asking, I can get the point well”
their comprehension in every subject. (LFW/F)
Factor that might give impact to their “To comprehend and understand
learning is the way of lecturer teaching. the material better, I usually sit on
Because slow or fast the comprehension of the first line/ bench. So I am able
the high achiever students depended on the to listen to the material clearly”
way of lecturer teaching. Compared to (WF/F)
those students who had low achiever, they “If I still feel confused with the
listened to the lecturer but didn’t note any material, I usually look for the
points or they noted the material but didn’t same topic on internet with many
listen to the lecturer’s explanation. Mostly sources, so I can really understand
they memorized the material only. the material” (ZDP/F)
The purpose of this study was to (/M= male and /F= female)
find out the way or strategy of learning
From the interviewed results of high within–wants to learn (29%), aims to
achiever students, the researcher classified understand the meaning behind the
their answers into what kind of features of material (0%). Evidently, the researcher
deep learning approach they were. The also found that some students had 2
following is a percentage diagram that features of this learning; the first
shows the result of kinds of features of participant was the kind of 4th and 5th
deep learning approach by high achiever feature; the second participant was the 4th
students. feature; the third participant was the 2nd
feature; the fourth participant was the 6th
feature; and the fifth participant was the 3rd
relates topic
and ideas to
and 6th feature. It could be seen that the 4th
past knowledge and the 6th features were the common ways
experiences for these 5 high achiever students. It was
in line with the state from Noordin (2013)
thinks critically
about newly mostly students that used deep learning
approach have strong motivation from
within and wants to learn by themselves
ties in
also like to create new arguments that
from other logic based on new information or
14% sources
29% knowledge they got. In addition, Hasnoor
14% creates new (2013) stated in his study that all of feature
arguments and
understands in deep learning approach emphasizes in
logic based on
new information
understanding. Several students sometimes
29% have compound feature in their learning. It
recognizes a
structure in the
means they have variety ways to
content comprehend and understanding.
motivation from
Meanwhile the low achiever
within–wants to students they focused on the note or the
material only. They didn’t focus on the
aims to explanation of the lecturer. The results of
understand the
meaning behind the interviewed below;
the material “Usually when the lecturer
explains the material, I write what
(Picture 1.1 Percentage of High Achiever Students’
the Power Point is shown first. So I
From the diagram above, the researcher busy with my note” (AM/F)
found that; relates topic and ideas to past “I can’t focus on learning in the
knowledge and experiences (0%), thinks class, because some lecturers don’t
critically about newly learned material give any material. He or she just
(14%), ties in information from other delivers it directly. I have no note
sources (14%), creates new arguments and at all. So I borrow my friend’s note
understands logic based on new to copy” (MTR/F)
information (29%), recognizes a structure “I prefer to write down all the
in the content (14%), motivation from materials, then I study and
memorize it to prepare on any Based on the diagram, the percentage of
test” (LH/M) low achiever students’ features in surface
“I actually pay attention to the learning approach were; unreflective
lecturer, but sometimes I forget to approach (12%), no interaction with
write down what I have content or ideas (12%), concentrates only
understood, it makes me to re- on memorization (25%), underlying the
study what I have learned” (AL/M) argument not the comprehend (13%),
“I just note what should be noted. treats the task as like a monotonous chore
Then, if there is test or something, (0%), external incentive–based on demand
I memorize what I noted about the or test (25%), aims to recite and
material” (AD/F) regurgitate material inactively (13%). The
(/M= male and /F= female) researcher found the similarity as the
From the answers of the low achiever previous result. There were 2 students who
students, it was proven that they used had compound features of this learning.
surface learning approach. The following The first participant was kind of the 2 nd
is the percentage diagram of low achiever feature; the second participant was the 4th
students features that already classified by feature; the third participant was the 3rd
the researcher; and 6th feature; the fourth participant was
the 1st feature; and the last participant was
the 3rd, 6th, and 7th feature. The most
feature that used by the low achiever
students was the 3rd and 6th feature, which
means concentrates only on memorization
and external incentive – based on or
unreflective no interaction
approach with content
demand or test. Nordin (2013) stated that
or ideas surface learning approach is kind of old
concentrates underlying the
only on argument not
learning which focusing on strong
13 13 memorization the memorization only. It doesn’t matter if the
% % 13 comprehend
25 % treats the task external
students understand or not about the
25 as like a incentive– material. Ahmad (2013) added, mostly
13 % monotonous based on
% chore demand or students who will have a test, they force
test their mind to memorize the material
aims to recite
and totally. They just move the material from
regurgitate the note into their brain. No
inactively comprehension at all. Sometimes it was
caused by the teacher who wants the
answer same as their explanation. It makes
the students can’t develop their
From these interviewed results of
high and low achiever students, it found
(Picture 1.2 Percentage of Low Achiever Students’
that the students that are high achiever
focus on deep understanding the materials
then improve it by themselves. It was
proven that students who used deep “My comprehend depends on how
learning approach were better in the lecturer teaches us” (LH/M)
understanding the knowledge. According “If the lecturers deliver the
to Hasnoor (2013) stated in his study that material properly, loudly and
students who have good achievement are clearly, I am able to get the
those who have great understanding. material well” (AL/M)
“There are some lecturers in the
Factor that impacts their understanding in class who teach the students
learning correctly. They just give us the
Based on the observation, the points of the material then they
researcher found the astounding result. All widen the material well. I like the
the participants in high achiever and low way they teach” (AD/F)
achiever had the same factor that impacts From the interviewed results, the
their understanding or comprehension in researcher concluded in a diagram Venn
their learning. The results of the below;
interviewed below;
High achiever students
“The only one factor is how the High way of Low
lecturer delivers the material” Achieverlecturer Achiever
(FR/M) Students'teachin Students'
Understanding Understanding
“It depends on the lecturer. If she
or he explains the material
properly, it will give the good
impact for my understanding” (Picture 1.3 The Similarity of High and Low
Achiever Students’ Factor that impacts Their
“The way of the lecturer explains
Based on the diagram, those 10
and interacts to the students
participants in high and low achiever
frequently” (LFW/F)
completely had the same factor that
“I am able to comprehend or
impacts their understanding. According to
understand the material if the
Hasnain (2014) the teacher is the central
lecturer teaches us well” (WF/F)
information and knowledge for the
“When the lecturers spell out the
students. If the teacher is not able to
material in a good way, and
deliver the information or knowledge
always give the examples in a real
correctly and properly, the students won’t
life, it impacts my understanding”
get the point. Duff (2012) stated the
teacher is to know the difference between
Low achiever students
do the students listen and do the students
“I can understand the material if
understand. Because the success teacher is
the lecturer explains respectively”
when the students can comprehend,
understand and implement the information,
“Sometimes, the lecturer gives us
material and knowledge that have been
short material and he or she
explains it briefly. It’s hardly to
understand” (MTR/F)
The participants mentioned that the material by using those kinds of
how the lecturer delivers the material features in deep learning approach.
properly, clearly, loudly, respectively, and Whereas, the low achiever students used
how the interaction or communication with surface learning approach, which means
the students. Better the teaching of the focuses on memorizing only. For factor
lecturer, more better for the students to that impacts their understanding was same
understand the material. between the low and high achiever
students, the factor was how the way of the
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION lecturer teaching the students.
In order to find out what is the way Suggestion
or strategy of high and low achiever The researcher has suggestion for
students, the researcher used a both, high achiever students and low
questionnaire that consists of 2 questions achiever students about their way of
about what is the strategy of their learning learning. Achievement is a thing that is to
and what is the factor that impacts their be gotten by students, because from
understanding. All the participants which achievement, people could know the
are 10 students, 5 of high achiever quality of the student itself. For low
students, and 5 of low achiever students, 7 achiever students, they must change their
of them are female, and 3 left are male. way of learning, memorizing is important
Based on the research finding on students’ actually, but don’t use it in all the things.
response of questionnaire and interview, Memorizing material is an old way of
the strategy that used by high achiever was learning. It doesn’t fit in this era. It’s better
deep learning approach which focuses on if the students who have low achiever have
understanding. From 5 students who have a study together with the students who
interviewed mostly they were kind of the have better ability in study than them.
4th and the 6th feature, those were; creates Then for high achiever students, keep
new arguments and understands logic improve and develop the comprehension
based on new information and motivation and understanding of the material. Use
from within–wants to learn, the percentage another feature to make it better and better.
was the same, both these feature were
29%, for the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th feature were REFERENCES
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