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Use of Adjuvant Intralesional Bevacizumab

for Aggressive Respiratory Papillomatosis
in Children
Derek J. Rogers, MD; Shilpa Ojha, MBChB; Rie Maurer, MA; Christopher J. Hartnick, MD, MS Epi

Importance: Juvenile recurrent respiratory papilloma- injections (with 532-nm pulsed KTP [potassium titanyl
tosis (RRP) can be an aggressive disease process neces- phosphate] laser when necessary) at intervals of 2 to 3
sitating frequent trips to the operating room with mul- weeks.
tiple anesthetics for tumor debulking and airway
preservation. Adjuvant therapy, such as that which is re- Main Outcome Measures: Time between surgical pro-
ported in this article, may help reduce the number of op- cedures, number of procedures per year, Derkay stag-
erative procedures affected children need each year and ing, total Pediatric Voice-Related Quality of Life
therefore may also affect their overall quality of life (QOL). (PVRQOL) score, Emotional PVRQOL score, and Physi-
cal PVRQOL score defined by comparing the year lead-
Objective: To describe our experience with intral- ing up to first of 3 bevacizumab injections with the year
esional bevacizumab (Avastin) treatment for children with following the third bevacizumab injection.
severe RRP by comparing median number of surgical pro-
cedures per year, median duration of time between pro- Results: The median duration of time between surgical
cedures, Derkay staging, and voice QOL before and af- procedures increased by 5.9 weeks after bevacizumab
ter bevacizumab treatment. (P=.002). The median number of procedures per year
decreased by 4 (P =.002). Derkay staging decreased by 6
Design: Prospective, consecutive case series. (P =.03). The median total PVRQOL score increased by
25.5 (P=.02), the median Emotional PVRQOL score in-
Setting: Tertiary care aerodigestive center. creased by 11.3 (P = .047), and the median Physical
PVRQOL score increased by 14.3 (P =.047).
Participants: Ten children, aged 18 months to 18 years,
with severe RRP necessitating more than 4 operative in- Conclusions and Relevance: Intralesional bevaci-
terventions in 1 year whose parents (or legal guardians) zumab treatment may increase duration of time be-
consented to intralesional bevacizumab treatment. tween surgical procedures and decrease number of pro-
cedures per year, while improving voice QOL.
Interventions: Intralesional bevacizumab adminis-
tered at concentration of 2.5 mg/mL for 3 consecutive JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;139(5):496-501

ECURRENT RESPIRATORY PAP- cause of hoarseness in the pediatric popu-
illomatosis (RRP) repre- lation.7 Some children may present with
sents the most common stridor from airway obstruction by the pap-
neoplasm of the pediatric illomas.
larynx.1 The disease is char-
acterized by repeated growth of multiple
warts involving the larynx as well as other CME available online at
parts of the upper respiratory tract. The
incidence of RRP in the United States is and questions on page 444
about 0.2 to 1.1 per 100 000 children per
Author Affiliations: year,1 and its prevalence is estimated to be Children with RRP usually require mul- Author Aff
Departments of Pediatric 1.7 to 2.6 per 100 000 children.2,3 Recur- tiple surgical procedures to eradicate their Departmen
Otolaryngology (Drs Rogers rent respiratory papillomatosis is most disease. The National Registry of Chil- Otolaryngo
and Hartnick) and commonly caused by human papilloma vi- dren with RRP noted an average of 4.4 pro- and Hartnic
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck rus (HPV) types 6 and 11.4,5 Occasion- cedures per year, totaling over 10 000 sur- Otolaryngo
Surgery (Dr Ojha), ally, RRP is caused by HPV types 16 and gical procedures annually for children with Surgery (Dr
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Massachuse
Infirmary, Boston; and Brigham
18.6 Infrequently, papillomas may un- RRP in the United States.8 Scarring and vo- Infirmary, B
and Women’s Hospital and dergo malignant transformation. Most chil- cal fold webbing may occur in these chil- and Women
Massachusetts General dren with RRP present with hoarseness, dren after repeated procedures. Recur- Massachuse
Hospital, Boston (Ms Maurer). making RRP the second most common rent respiratory papillomatosis resolves in Hospital, B


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most children, but some continue to have disease into
adulthood.9 Depending on the prevalence, the annual Table 1. Demographics of Children Treated
medical costs of juvenile-onset RRP in the United States With Intralesional Bevacizumab
are estimated at $42 million to $67 million.10 Children
Patient No./Sex/Age at
diagnosed as having RRP before age 3 years are 3.6 times First Bevacizumab
more likely to have more than 4 surgical procedures per Treatment/Age at First Prior Cidofovir
year and almost twice as likely to have 2 or more ana- RRP Treatment HPV Type Injections, No.
tomical sites affected.2 Although several studies have sug- 1/F/4 y/2 mo 11 4
gested that HPV type 11 is associated with more aggres- 2/F/13 y/8 y 6 3
sive disease, HPV type may only be weakly associated with 3/M/22 mo/10 mo 6 0
disease course when simultaneously accounting for pa- 4/F/18 mo/9 mo 11 0
tient age.11 A child born to a young primiparous mother 5/F/8 y/2 y 6 0
6/M/20 y/16 y 11 2
with condylomas is at high risk for developing RRP.12
7/M/8 y/3 y 6 0
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis remains primar- 8/M/6 y/2 y 6 6
ily a surgically treated disease at the present time. Sur- 9/F/2 y/9 mo 6 0
gical options include cold steel excision, microde- 10/F/18 y/2 y 11 Unknown
brider, 532-nm KTP (potassium titanyl phosphate) laser,
carbon dioxide laser, 585-nm pulsed-dye laser, flashed Abbreviations: HPV, human papilloma virus; RRP, recurrent respiratory
pumped-dye laser, and photodynamic therapy. The pri- papillomatosis.
mary goal of surgery is to completely remove the papil-
lomas while preserving normal structures. Although the studies21 and case reports showing malignant conver-
carbon dioxide laser has become quite popular in recent sion22 or progressive dysplasia in patients with RRP re-
years, the most common method of papilloma removal ceiving intralesional cidofovir.23 With the growth of pa-
has now become the microdebrider.13 tient and family websites and web resources (http://www
While surgery is currently the mainstay of treatment, many families come in with concerns and are
for RRP, approximately 20% of cases require adjuvant looking for alternative treatments. They often ask about
therapy.1 Adjuvant therapy may include oral indole-3- bevacizumab, and a paucity of long-term outcomes data
carbinol, mumps vaccine, heat shock protein (HSP) E7, exists, especially in the pediatric population.
interferon, and intralesional cidofovir. Indications for ad- Bevacizumab (Avastin) is a human monoclonal anti-
juvant therapy are the need for more than 4 surgical pro- body that binds to and neutralizes the biologic activities
cedures per year, rapid regrowth of papillomas with air- of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) isoforms,
way compromise, or distal multisite spread of disease.1 blocking the interaction with their receptors.24 Rahbar
Although historically interferon was a common ad- et al25 showed strong expression of VEGF-A in the epi-
juvant therapy for RRP, cidofovir has been the most widely thelium from papillomas in patients with RRP as well as
described injectable adjuvant treatment in the current lit- expression of VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 messenger RNAs
erature. Cidofovir is a cytosine nucleotide analog known in underlying vascular endothelial cells. In a pilot study
to have considerable antiviral activity against a variety and a prospective investigation thereafter, Zeitels et al26,27
of herpes viruses.14 The US Food and Drug Administra- showed good results using bevacizumab with 532-nm
tion (FDA) has approved cidofovir for the treatment of pulsed KTP laser in adult patients. However, no stan-
cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with acquired im- dardized grading system was used to assess the visual ap-
munodeficiency disease. The first use of cidofovir for the pearance of the larynx, such as Derkay scores. Because
treatment of RRP was described by Snoeck et al15; in their of the favorable results in our previous study28 and in the
study, 8 of 11 mostly adult patients showed excellent re- studies by Zeitels et al,26,27 we sought to further investi-
sponses. Pransky et al16 followed 11 children with RRP gate the use of bevacizumab as adjuvant therapy in chil-
treated with intralesional cidofovir over 6 years and found dren with RRP. The goal of this study was to describe
that 5 patients decreased their mean severity scores from our experience with intralesional bevacizumab in chil-
17.8 to 4.0 and no longer required cidofovir. Pransky et dren with aggressive RRP by comparing the median num-
al16 also reported remarkable decreases in the total num- ber of surgical procedures per year, median duration of
ber of surgical procedures per year and increases in the time between procedures, Derkay staging, and voice qual-
interval between procedures for children with RRP treated ity of life (QOL) before and after bevacizumab treat-
with cidofovir.17 The current standard of care was de- ment. One must remember that this is a small case se-
rived from a systematic review by Chadha and James,18 ries, which should be used as motivation for a blinded,
which estimated the median intralesional cidofovir treat- randomized controlled trial in the future.
ment protocol to be a concentration of 2.5 mg/mL to 5
mg/mL, every 2 to 4 weeks for a year. Injecting cidofo- METHODS
vir in this manner is believed to limit malignant change
and provide durable remission by preventing an in- PATIENTS
crease of HPV type E6.16,19
Derkay and the Multidisciplinary Taskforce on Re- The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary institutional review
current Respiratory Papillomas20 have published guide- board approved this study. Ten children aged 18 months to 18
lines for clinicians interested in using cidofovir to treat years at first bevacizumab treatment were included in this study
RRP because of potential carcinogenic effects in animal (Table 1). Children met inclusion criteria if they had under-


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Table 2. Comparison of Medians Before and After Bevacizumab Injections

Measure PreTx PostTx Difference (95% CI) P Value

Duration between treatments, wk 6.0 12.0 5.9 (3.7 to 10.2) .002
Treatments per year 8.0 4.0 ⫺4.0 (⫺6.5 to ⫺2.5) .002
Derkay staging 19.0 13.0 ⫺6.0 (⫺12.0 to ⫺2.3) .03
Pediatric Voice-Related Quality of Life score
Total 52.5 70.0 25.5 (⫺0.6 to 39.1) .02
Emotional 20.0 32.5 11.3 (⫺0.1 to 16.0) .047
Physical 32.5 40.0 14.3 (⫺0.5 to 23.1) .047

Abbreviations: PostTx, 1 year after third bevacizumab injection; PreTx, 1 year prior to first bevacizumab injection.

gone more than 4 procedures per year, either failed treatment small sample size and because the data did not achieve a nor-
with cidofovir or did not want to try cidofovir, and wanted ad- mal distribution. The total PVRQOL score has a range of 0 to
juvant therapy. Children were excluded if they had under- 100. The Emotional PVRQOL score was the sum of questions
gone fewer than 4 procedures per year, did not want adjuvant 4, 5, 8, and 10 from the PVRQOL questionnaire with a range
therapy, or had a known sensitivity to bevacizumab. No pa- of 0 to 40, and the Physical PVRQOL score was the sum of ques-
tients who received bevacizumab were excluded from this re- tions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 9 with a range of 0 to 60. The Wilcoxon
port. The 3 patients from our previous experience with beva- signed rank test was used to determine statistical significance.
cizumab28 were not included in this study. The age at first RRP The effect of HPV type and age of first RRP treatment were evalu-
treatment ranged from 2 months to 16 years. Six of the pa- ated, but regression did not allow for differences to be seen,
tients were female, and 4 were male. Six of the patients had pap- possibly owing to small sample size.
illomas positive for HPV type 6, and 4 were positive for HPV
type 11. Four of the patients had failed treatment with any-
where from 2 to 6 cidofovir injections. RESULTS
The families were thoroughly counseled regarding various
adjuvant therapies. They were provided literature on bevaci- All 10 patients completed the aforementioned protocol.
zumab. A special informed consent form was developed with The median duration of time between surgical proce-
the aid of the pharmacists at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear dures, number of procedures per year, Derkay staging,
Infirmary disclosing the off-label use of bevacizumab, includ-
total PVRQOL score, Emotional PVRQOL score, and
ing risks and benefits. Families chose to either continue stan-
dard surgical therapy or start bevacizumab adjuvant therapy Physical PVRQOL score the year after the third bevaci-
after reading the consent form. Parents or legal guardians had zumab injection were compared with those from the year
to sign both the expanded bevacizumab consent form and before the first bevacizumab injection (Table 2). The
standard consent form before bevacizumab was used in the median duration of time between surgical procedures in-
children. creased by 5.9 weeks after bevacizumab (95% CI, 3.7-
10.2; P = .002). The median number of procedures per
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE year decreased by 4 (95% CI, ⫺6.5 to ⫺2.5; P = .002).
Derkay staging decreased by 6 (95% CI, ⫺12.0 to ⫺2.3;
Suspension microlaryngoscopy with microdebrider removal of P = .03). If the 3 surgical procedures in which bevaci-
bulky disease followed by 532-nm pulsed KTP laser treatment zumab was injected are included, the median number of
of sessile papillomas involving the anterior commissure, true procedures the year after the first bevacizumab injec-
vocal folds, or ventricles represented standard surgical treat-
tion was 7.
ment (as defined by the senior author, C.J.H.). Once this stan-
dard surgical treatment was complete, we performed bevaci- The voice outcomes also improved after bevaci-
zumab injections. Pransky et al16 used a 2-week interval between zumab treatment. The median total PVRQOL score in-
cidofovir injections because they found greater than expected creased by 25.5 (95% CI, ⫺0.6 to 39.1; P = .02). When
papilloma regrowth when the interval was more than 2 weeks broken down into separate parameters, the Emotional
and because of data from several prior studies.15,18,29 Our tech- PVRQOL score increased by 11.3 (95% CI, ⫺0.1 to 16;
nique for adjuvant bevacizumab injections involved using a la- P = .047), and the Physical PVRQOL score increased by
ryngeal needle to inject a total of 0.5 mL of bevacizumab at a 14.3 (95% CI, ⫺0.5 to 23.1; P = .047).
concentration of 2.5 mg/mL into the areas most affected by the
papillomas. Each patient underwent a series of 3 bevacizumab
injections approximately 2 to 3 weeks apart. Our time points DISCUSSION
started 1 year prior to the first bevacizumab injection and ended
1 year following the third injection. Pediatric RRP remains an extremely challenging disease
to treat. Ideally, medical treatment will eventually be de-
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS veloped in the future to treat RRP without the need for
The duration of time between surgical procedures, number of
multiple surgical procedures. Since maintaining an ad-
procedures per year, Derkay staging, total PVRQOL (pediatric equate airway is an absolute necessity, repeated proce-
voice-related QOL) score, Emotional PVRQOL score, and Physi- dures are performed at the expense of scarring and po-
cal PVRQOL score the year after the third bevacizumab injec- tentially permanent voice disturbance. Adjuvant therapy,
tion were compared with those from the year before the first such as cidofovir, is considered by surgeons to ensure
bevacizumab injection. Medians were compared owing to the the longest time possible between surgical interven-


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tions and ultimately to limit the total number of proce-
dures for each patient. Does the child require > 4
treatments per year?
Adjuvant therapy is an attractive treatment modality Yes No
in children with aggressive RRP, but limited data exist
concerning the optimal dosage, efficacy, and possible ad- Do the parents or child No Continue surgical debulking
verse effects. Most studies involve small numbers of pa- desire adjuvant therapy? procedures as needed

tients and/or lack consistent surgical and medical treat- Yes

ment of these patients between institutions. Despite some Has the child failed cidofovir No Consider intralesional
solid evidence showing efficacy of cidofovir in pediatric or do the parents or child
refuse cidofovir?
RRP,16,17,30 not all children experience such remarkable
responses. Cidofovir use is also not without risk. Be-
cause of potential carcinogenic effects in animal stud- Intralesional bevacizumab
injections at concentration of
ies21 and case reports of malignant conversion22 and pro- 2.5 mg/mL consecutively every
gressive dysplasia in patients with RRP receiving 2 to 3 wk for 3 injections
intralesional cidofovir,23 the Multidisciplinary Task Force
on Recurrent Respiratory Papillomas20 has published
guidelines for clinicians interested in using cidofovir to Figure. Proposed algorithm for adjuvant use of intralesional bevacizumab in
recurrent respiratory papillomatosis.
treat RRP. Since cidofovir is not effective in all cases and
may be associated with a risk of malignant disease, par-
ents of children with aggressive RRP desire other adju- these results may not be as dramatic as those with cido-
vant treatments that are safe and beneficial. fovir presented by Pransky et al,17 they show that intra-
Bevacizumab is a human monoclonal antibody that lesional bevacizumab may make a remarkable impact on
binds to and neutralizes the biologic activities of VEGF the patients and their families. Fewer surgical proce-
isoforms, blocking the interaction with their recep- dures and more time between procedures will hopefully
tors.24 In 1994, the FDA approved bevacizumab for the lead to less scarring and fewer general anesthetics for these
treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer largely owing patients. For 50% or more of the patients, 1 or 2 addi-
to the pioneering work by Folkman.31 Bevacizumab has tional procedures resulted because of the decision to use
been used in treatment of diabetic retinopathy, macular bevacizumab and thus may be associated with a signifi-
degeneration, and other ophthalmologic conditions.32 Po- cant cost and burden. We have devised a potential algo-
tential risks from intravenous bevacizumab administra- rithm for the use of adjuvant intralesional bevacizumab
tion include, but are not limited to, bleeding, blood clot- in our pattern of practice (Figure). Our definition of ci-
ting, high blood pressure, and hypothyroidism.24 No dofovir and bevacizumab failure is defined as requiring
adverse effects have resulted from intraocular injections the same number of procedures or more the year after
of bevacizumab at a dose 100 to 400 times lower than treatment with cidofovir or bevacizumab compared with
the intravenous dose.33 those required the year before cidofovir or bevacizumab
After the study by Rahbar et al25 showing high lev- treatment. For those children who fail treatment with the
els of VEGF-A in pediatric papilloma specimens and initial bevacizumab injections, we have begun treating
the work by Zeitels et al 26,27 using bevacizumab in them with a series of 3 injections at a concentration of 5
adult patients with RRP, it seemed logical to assess the mg/mL every 2 to 3 weeks. These data will be reported
efficacy of bevacizumab in children with aggressive in the future.
RRP. The initial bevacizumab dose used in adults The voice outcomes also improved after bevaci-
ranged from 5 to 12.5 mg at a concentration of 25 zumab when comparing the total PVRQOL scores as well
mg/mL.26,27 We used an initial concentration of 2.5 as the Emotional PVRQOL and Physical PVRQOL scores
mg/mL, which had been used safely in pediatric oph- separately. Parents felt that their children’s QOL was no-
thalmology.34 The concentrations were formulated by ticeably improved. These results compared favorably with
our institutional pharmacy. The patients’ parents were those presented by Zeitels et al26,27 even though our dose
thoroughly counseled and given handouts regarding of bevacizumab was considerably lower. Whether these
bevacizumab and various adjuvant therapies before improved voice outcomes were directly due to bevaci-
initiating bevacizumab therapy, as outline in our prior zumab or merely a result of fewer procedures remains
work. 28 Extrapolating from the data presented by to be elucidated. However, cidofovir has been reported
Chadha and James 18 in their systematic review of to stiffen the vocal cords through scarring and fibro-
intralesional cidofovir, we chose to perform 3 intra- sis,35 which we have not found to occur with the use of
lesional bevacizumab injections at a concentration of bevacizumab.
2.5 mg/mL every 2 to 3 weeks. One must also consider Our study had a few limitations. Our sample popula-
the overall dose injected, especially in the pediatric tion was small, and we were unable to assess the effect
population. We injected approximately 0.5 mL at each of age, HPV type, and sex in patients treated with beva-
session. cizumab. Also, all surgical procedures were performed
In our study, children who were treated with intra- according to the senior author’s technique. Multicenter
lesional bevacizumab injections required 4 fewer surgi- trials would likely help investigate different surgical tech-
cal procedures per year and showed an increase in the niques. The dose of bevacizumab was merely an estima-
duration of time between procedures by 5.9 weeks. In tion based on the use of this medication in pediatric oph-
addition, the Derkay staging decreased by 6 points. While thalmology, and the time interval between injections was


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Downloaded From: by Friska Thtklrsmh on 08/14/2019
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