Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1 - 2C - Topic 3

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Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

20 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

1) Jan 2014 Q (1_a, b, e)

1 The table shows the numbers of particles in two atoms, L and M.

Atom L Atom M

number of electrons 6 6

number of neutrons 8 6

number of protons 6 6

(a) Which particles are present in the nuclei of both atoms?


(b) (i) The atomic number of atom L is ...................................

(ii) The mass number of atom L is ...................................
(c) Atoms L and M are neutral because

(d) Use information from the table to explain why atoms L and M are isotopes
of the same element.

21 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

(e) The electronic configuration of atom M is


2) June 2014 Q (3)

3 The diagram shows a section of the Periodic Table and the symbols for the
first 20 elements.

(a) (i) What name is given to a horizontal row of elements such as Na to Ar?
(ii) Name two metals in the row Na to Ar.
......................................................... and ...........................................................
(iii) Which is the least reactive element in the row Na to Ar?
Explain your answer.
least reactive element ........................................................................................
explanation .........................................................................................................
(b) State, in terms of electronic configurations, why the elements in the
column Li to K have similar chemical properties.

22 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

(c) (i) Which element has atomic number 6?

(ii) Which element has atoms with an electronic configuration of 2.8.6?
(d) An atom has atomic number 8 and mass number 18.
How many protons, neutrons and electrons does this atom contain?
protons ...............................................................................................................
neutrons .............................................................................................................
electrons ............................................................................................................
3) June 2014 [R] Q (1)
1 Neon is an element with atomic number 10.
(a) Which sub-atomic particles are present in the nucleus of a neon atom?

(b) Use words from the box to complete the sentences about the particles in a
neon atom.
Each word may be used once, more than once or not at all.

electrons neutrons nuclei protons

The particles with the smallest mass are ...............................................

An atom of neon has no overall charge because it contains equal numbers
of ........................................ and .................................................
The chemical properties of neon depend on the number of
............................................ in the outer shell.
(c) What is the electronic configuration of a neon atom?

23 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

(d) Neon has two main isotopes that can be represented as 20Ne and 22Ne.
(i) Explain, with reference to sub-atomic particles, what is meant by the term
(ii) The relative atomic mass of neon is 20.2
How does this information support the fact that a sample of neon contains
more 20Ne than 22Ne?
(e) Neon belongs to the family of noble gases and is inert.
(i) What is meant by the term inert?
(ii) Why are noble gases inert?

24 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

4) Jan 2015 Q (6)

6 Potassium sulfide is an ionic compound.
(a) Complete the table to show the arrangement of electrons in the ions
formed when potassium and sulfur react to form potassium sulfide.
Give the charge on each of the ions.

Arrangement of Arrangement of
Element Charge on ion
electrons in atom electrons in ion


S 2.8.6

5) June 2015 Q (1)

1 The table shows the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in some
atoms and ions.

(a) (i) Which particles have the same mass?


25 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

(ii) What is the atomic number of P?


(iii) What is the mass number of Q?


(b) Which group of the Periodic Table contains element T?

(c) (i) Which two letters represent isotopes of the same element?
.......................................................... and ..........................................................
(ii) Which letter represents a positive ion?
(d) The diagram shows the arrangement of particles in another ion.

26 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

How does the diagram show that this ion has a negative charge?
6) June 2015 [R] Q (1)
1 An atom of an element has an atomic number of 6 and a mass number of 12.
(a) Using this information, complete the table to show the numbers of protons,
neutrons and electrons in one atom of this element.

number of protons

number of neutrons

number of electrons

(b) The Periodic Table shows the positions of five elements, J, Q, T, X and Z.
The letters do not represent the symbols for the elements.

(i) How many electrons are there in the outer shell of an atom of X?
(ii) There are 31 protons in an atom of X.
Using this information, explain how many protons there are in an atom of Z.

27 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

(iii) What is the electronic configuration of an atom of Q?

(iv) State one similarity and one difference between the electronic
configurations of atoms of J and T.
similarity .............................................................................................................
difference ...........................................................................................................
7) Jan 2016 Q (3_a, b)
3 The table shows the electronic configurations of four elements.

Element Electron configuration

chlorine 2, 8, 7

argon 2, 8, 8

potassium 2, 8, 8, 1

calcium 2, 8, 8, 2

(a) Why is argon an unreactive element?

(b) Krypton is an unreactive element in the same group of the Periodic Table
as argon, but in Period 4. It has an atomic number of 36.
Deduce the electronic configuration of krypton.

28 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

8) June 2016 [R] Q (5_a)

5 Potassium and lithium are Group 1 metals that exist as isotopes.
(a) (i) Complete the table of information about two isotopes of potassium.

Atomic Mass Number of Number of

number number protons neutrons

19 39

19 22

(ii) A sample of lithium has this percentage composition by mass.

6 7
Li = 7.4% Li = 92.6%
Use this information to calculate the relative atomic mass of lithium.
Give your answer to one decimal place.

relative atomic mass of lithium = .....................................

9) June 2017 Q (1_a)
1 Sodium sulfate is a compound with many uses.
(a) The formula of the main compound used as the source of sodium sulfate is
How many different elements are shown in this formula?

29 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

10) June 2017 Q (2_a, b, c, d)

2 The diagram shows the positions of some elements in part of the Periodic

(a) How many periods and groups are shown in this diagram?

(b) How many elements shown in the diagram are noble gases?

(c) What is the formula of the compound formed between magnesium and

30 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

(d) The table shows the percentage composition by mass of a sample of


Calculate the relative atomic mass of this sample of silicon.

Give your answer to one decimal place.

relative atomic mass = .................................

11) June 2017 [R] Q (1)
1 The diagram represents an atom of an element.

(a) (i) What is the particle labelled X?


31 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

(ii) What is the mass number of this atom?


(iii) Name the element that contains these atoms.

(b) Hydrogen has three isotopes.
State, in terms of subatomic particles, one way in which these isotopes are
the same and one way in which they are different.
same ..................................................................................................................
different ..............................................................................................................
12) Jan 2018 Q (2)
2 The diagram shows an atom of lithium with atomic number 3 and mass
number of 6.

(a) Name the particle labelled E.

(b) Name the part of the atom labelled F.

32 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

(c) Name the two types of particle found in part F.

(d) Another type of lithium atom has atomic number 3 and mass number 7.
(i) State the name given to atoms with the same atomic number but different
mass numbers.
(ii) Draw a diagram to show the arrangement of electrons in an atom of lithium
with atomic number 3 and mass number 7.

(e) A sample of lithium contains 92.5% of atoms with mass number 7 and
7.5% of atoms with mass number 6.
Calculate the relative atomic mass of lithium.

relative atomic mass = ................................

33 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

13) Jan 2019 Q (2)

2 Rubidium is an element in Group 1 of the Periodic Table.
A sample of rubidium contains two isotopes, 37 Rb and 87

(a) (i) State how the nuclei of the two isotopes are similar.
(ii) State how the nuclei of the two isotopes are different.
(iii) How many electrons are in the outer shell of a rubidium atom?

(b) The relative abundances of the two isotopes in the sample of rubidium are

Calculate the relative atomic mass of rubidium.

Give your answer to one decimal place.

relative atomic mass = ...........................

34 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

14) June 2019 Q (1)

1 The diagram shows the particles in an atom of an element.

(a) The box gives the names of some particles.

Use words from the box to label the diagram.

(b) Give the mass number of this atom.
(c) Complete the sentence about isotopes.
Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of ...........................................
but have a different number of ........................................... .

35 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

15) June 2019 Q (2_b)

(b) Chlorine has two isotopes of mass numbers 35 and 37
The relative percentage of each isotope in a sample of chlorine is
chlorine-35 77.78% chlorine-37 22.22%
Calculate the relative atomic mass of this sample of chlorine.
Give your answer to one decimal place.

relative atomic mass = ……………………….

16) June 2019 [R] Q (2_a, b)
2 The diagram represents an atom of boron.

(a) Use information from the diagram to complete the table.

The first row has been done for you.

36 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (9-1) Classified 4CH1_2C_Topic 3

(b) Boron has two isotopes, boron‑10 and boron‑11.

A sample of boron contains 18.7% of boron‑10 and 81.3% of boron‑11.
Calculate the relative atomic mass of this sample of boron.

relative atomic mass = ...................................

37 3 – Atomic Structure Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

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