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PHYSIOGNOMY: The Art of Reading People by Quyen Quang

Tran book

Ebook PHYSIOGNOMY: The Art of Reading People currently available for review only, if you need complete ebook PHYSIOGNOMY: The
Art of Reading People please fill out registration form to access in our databases Download here >>

Paperback:::: 598 pages+++Publisher:::: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (October 20, 2016)+++Language:::: English+++ISBN-
10:::: 1537570935+++ISBN-13:::: 978-1537570938+++Product Dimensions::::6 x 1.4 x 9 inches++++++ ISBN10 1537570935
ISBN13 978-1537570

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Are your first impressions of others often wrong? Do you wish you could be luckier in love?Physiognomy, or the art of reading a person’s features,
is commonly used in Asian cultures to help people plan for success and steer clear of heartache and frustration. It is also considered enormously
helpful when choosing friends, business partners, and romantic interests.Physiognomy can be used not only to discern a person’s character and
personality, but also to glimpse his or her fate. For example, by reading a special feature on a person, skilled physiognomists can predict whether
this person will have a long life, marital happiness, good health, or fame.With the help of physiognomist Quyen Quang Tran, you can learn to use
physiognomy in all walks of life. You can also use it to divine what fate may have in store for you and others: success or failure, sickness or health,
marital bliss or conflict, or good or bad fortune.Author Quyen Quang Tran has practiced physiognomy for over fifty years. Now, in Physiognomy:
The Art of Reading People, he presents fundamental concepts and skills to help others learn this life-changing science.Tran explains the
fundamentals of reading the forms on the face and on the body as well as interpreting the voice, color, and countenance of an individual. He
includes hundreds of illustrations to help readers identify and read various features on the face and on the body of a person.A special chapter of the
book is for the discussion of dozens of readings conducted by Tran’s mentor, Mr. Ngo Hung Dien. These stories illustrate the practical
applications of physiognomy on people in their own lives.Physiognomy: The Art of Reading People is a thorough guide to the fundamentals. Topics
include: • observing and interpreting a person’s physical forms, his/her color, voice, and countenance, • grouping the physiognomic features into
sets, and • applying physiognomy to daily life of any individual to contemplate.The book also includes forty detailed case studies to illustrate the
practical uses of physiognomy.Whether you’re seeking insights into your friends or your fate, Physiognomy will offer you a fresh perspective to live
a life that you are looking .

I have been anticipating the release of the English version of Quyens book. It is a fascinating read and will be used as a reference book for many
years to come. Growing up I would hear bits and pieces from my mother and other adults and didnt think much of it and attributed it to just being
coincidental. Just one of those things that go in one ear and out the other. In the last 6 years, I have been more curious because many things Quyen
has shared has taken place in the community and the lives of my family and friends. I always wondered how does he do it! By reading this book, it
has helped me understand Quyens diagnoses/readings and the hows and the whys behind it. The illustrations and case studies are useful in helping
to bring it all together and help you understand the whole picture/situation. There are many moments that led to chuckles and laughs because you
will identify people in the news or in your work and personal life that fit the physiognomy features described to the tee. I will be reading parts of
this book over and over again over the years to fully understand the meaning and teachings. Another thing that I really liked that Quyen did was he
took in account functionality and modern issues and its application. If not, this ancient art will remain mysterious and foreign to many people. I am
so thankful the author has shared his gift and simplified this ancient art/science for more to understand and appreciate.

PHYSIOGNOMY: The Art of Reading People in Religion and Spirituality pdf books

PHYSIOGNOMY: The Art of Reading People

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