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Bauan Technical High School



Today urbanization has been considered as one of the primary keys

for societal development and progress. As a result, many people congregate

to cities and urban areas to search better opportunities and on how to earn a

quick money. However, not all individuals who migrated to trade centers can

equally reap its fruits and vegetable, as an effect many individuals engaged to

sidewalk vending to earn money to attend their basic needs and to feed their


Sidewalk Vendors or also called Street Vendors is defined as a person

who offers goods for sale to the public without having a permanent place to

sell their goods. Sidewalk Vendors can move in the sense of moving from

place to place on the sidewalk or in another public/private place to take a seat

or carry a thing car or push carts. They survive and grow because this type of

business provide services to city residents and also because they are a

source of significant work. Poor sidewalk vendors ship items, including cheap

food. Thus, we know that the poor of the city, some of the sidewalk vendors,

are disappearing from urban poverty, supplying low-priced goods, including

food. Sidewalk Vendors make up the majority of the informal economy in

developing countries. These activities allow people to earn income without the
Bauan Technical High School

need for large-scale human capital requirements with minimal investments in

financial capital. The informal sector in an economic activity related to the

production of goods and services that are registered and not regulated by

state or local authorities in the framework of the regulation of this activity.

As the sidewalk vendors work day and night time their income is the

source of the money they use to cover up their daily expenses. Every day

people spend his/her money on something that people need to use and to

eat, but in the case of the sidewalk vendors they work hard to generate

income to sustain their daily needs. Budget their money not only for

themselves but also to their family who depend on the income coming from

the goods they are selling. Many people choose to sell goods in the street

because of lack of money to buy a place or rent a building for their dwelling.

According to Redento B. Recio, about 2.5 billion people, or half of the

global labour force, work in the informal economy, the International Labour

Organization estimates. In developing Asian countries, more than 50% of the

urban labour force is in informal work. Street vending is the most visible from

this. Yet no accurate statistics on street vendors are available. The poverty

and lack of useful employment in the rural areas and the smaller town drive

large number of people to the cities for work and their employment. These

people usually own low skills and lack of level of education required for better

paid jobs in the formal sectors. And those who do not have economic powers
Bauan Technical High School

and those who were left out add on the statistics of unemployment stated by

Alfie (2014).

Senator Santiago (2009), stipulated that a good city is one with great

sidewalks. She emphasized the presence of the S.B. No. 1757 bill or the

“Clear Sidewalk Act of 2009” which is to ensure that sidewalk are free from

unauthorized commercial or personal use to facilitate the smooth passage of

persons and to clear obstructions to vehicular flow. By the statement given by

Senator Santiago, the law must be a big threat to those sidewalk vendors and

it can cause a total breakdown to those families that depend on selling their

goods using sidewalk vending.

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