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There are proposals to prohibit/penalize businesses such as boarding houses

who will discriminate against front liners such as by refusing them access to
their goods/services BECAUSE they're front liners.

- It is the indubitable duty of the government to protect and give the utmost
care to our front liners. The proposed prohibition must, as soon as
possible, be implemented; to be treated such discrimination in exchange
for the risk they take every day is clearly inhumane and must not be
tolerated. The government must give the proper accommodation to our
front liners, not only the right of self-preservation of the landlords must be
focused upon but also to give our front liners the peace they also deserve
after all the things that they go through throughout the day. It would be
wise for the government to provide for the housing for all the front liners,
not to separate or discriminate them again from others, but for the
purpose of the public interest of national security and safety.

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