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Nama: Nisa Nurmareta P.

Kelas: X-MIPA 4/(25)

Abu Nawas Was Accused Of Stealing

Abu Nawas is very famous for its cleverness in solving the quaint. So is the story of this one,
Abu Nawas overwritten problems, vilified and accused of stealing.

Will the Abu Nawas is able to resolve this matter? Here’s her story.

One day,si Fulan came into King’s Palace Harun AL Rasyid. He is secretly harbored a sense of
revenge to Abu Nawas. After meeting with the King, so hel tells the story about the meaning of
his return.

“Your Majesty, I would like to report a misdeed of one people trust you,” said si Fulan.

“Who is he and what he has done?” asked the King.

“He has a confidant of Paduka, namely Abu Nawas. She has been doing indecency, that steal the
gold necklace I am,” replied the Fulan.

The King was surprised, and asked any si Fulan tells what happen.

“This is glorious, it looks like Abu Nawas had long coveted the gold necklace, but the servants
did not want to sell it,” bright si Fulan.

Hear the incitement that person, Abu Nawas ever directly called into court. Arriving at the
Palace, the King ordered the soldiers to imprison Abu Nawas.

“Wait a minute, actually it is no your Majesty what until so angry to me,” said Abu Nawas while

Hear the Abu Nawas, greeting the King of direct wrath,

“Dare you ask like that, wouldn’t you have to steal the necklace si Fulan?” snapped King si
Fulan pointing that not far from the King.

“Not your Majesty, for what I stole her necklace?” Agent: Abu Nawas.

Abu Nawas is starting to realize that he had maligned.

“The proof, these people carry a scarf of yours, and I’ve seen to wear it,” said King.

Abu Nawas is indeed the owner of the shawl, but it’s been two days shawl that lost stolen by
He’s already tried to explain several times until it’s long, but I think his efforts in vain only.

Beheaded or Hung?

The next day, and because of the large number of incitement that leveled the Fulan unto the
King, finally Abu Nawas was sentenced to death. In addition, she also wanted to test the Abu
Nawas’s brain in this matter.

It’s time the death penalty is given. Shortly before the death sentence was carried out, the King
had asked what the last request Abu Nawas. And oh it turns out this moment that palking
awaited by the Abu Nawas. Abu Nawas ask that giventhe chance to vote for the death penalty it

“I ask when the option right, the servant of servants willing to put to an angular. But if the
servants is considered wrong, then slaves were hanged,” said Abu Nawas pleaded.

“You are a strange people. The precarious moments still only got around to talking banter.
However, your lies cannot save you,” said the King.

“I wasn’t talking banter, your Majesty,” said Abu Nawas.

More King laugh. But it is not finished, Abu Nawas shouted with a loud voice.

“I ask the punished an angular!” “I ask the punished an angular!”

All those who were present when it was made to shock. They wonder why the Abu Nawas make
decisions like that. Meanwhile, the King began to suspect and at once began to think about the
sentence the last request from Abu Nawas.

“The King, the servant had said that the servant will be put to an angular. If pilihsn is true, then
he servant of the servant punished an angular. But where is the location of the error option, to the
slave should be hanged. When the servant’s select sentenced an angular? Explain Abu Nawas.

Unsuspected by said Abu Nawas makes the King was astonished and menyadrinya. Inside, the
King acknowledged the greatness of Abu Nawas. And furthermore, the problem still solved

Serlang a few days later, turned out to be Abu Nawas just vilified just by si Fulan.
Nama: Regita Trias P.
Kelas: X-MIPA 4
In one village, there lived a woman commonly called Mbok Randa, he has a foster
child named Jaka Tarub which has grown into a young adult who is handsome and very
happy hunting. One day when he is hunting as usual, he heard the voice of the woman
who is less clear because it swallowed
up dedauanan, Jaka Tarub curiosity eventually leading to kesumber votes to sneak.
Jaka Tarub see 7 people pretty girls that are being bathed in the Lake, almost at the same
time, he also saw some pieces of scarf lying into the Lake, there is a
whisper of in Jaka Tarub to pick it up, and sneak him take one of them. When the girl
who turns out to be a fairy it was about to return to the interface, one of them freak
out because it didn’t find her shawl, but the sixth was another nymph can not do
anything. Look at the Jaka Tarub approached the Apsaras were
left named Dewi Nawang Wulan, Dewi Nawang Wulan was forced to tell
her everything, Dewi Nawang Mulan had no other choice, he
finally joined Jaka Tarub home. Days changed today, they get married and have children.
Anyway Dewi Nawang Wulan was an Angel until he had excess, one is able to make
the sebakul rice rice seeds from only one, as long as no one knows it, which is
why Dewi Nawang Wulan forbids her husband to open the rice, but
the tanakan Jaka Tarub was not able to resist the sense of penasarannya, he opened
the tanakan rice it and very surprised because there is only one seed of rice in
it. Jaka Tarub asking about it to his wife, when the Goddess Nawang Wulan lost
his supernatural powers.
Having been fullest human being always, Dewi Nawang Wulan have struggled to
make the everyday requirement, should be pounding rice, bersusah-susah and take the
padi dilumbung. The longer dilumbung, rice on the wane. Until one
day, when Dewi Nawang Wulan wanted to take rice, she found her
shawl tucked between a grain of rice.
Dewi Nawang Wulan feel sad at once excited, he’s happy because knowing he will soon
be gathered with his friends, he’s sad about having to part with his family, but there’s
no other choice, he had to leave the currently last Jaka Tarub turned out to see it has
turned out to be a fairy anymore. Dewi Nawang Wulan just sent so that her
husband make a loom up near the cottage shortly before returning to the interface.
Disuatu desa,hiduplah seorang perempuan yang biasa dipanggil Mbok Randa,dia
mempunyai anak angkat bernama Jaka Tarub yang telah tumbuh menjadi seorang
pemuda dewasa yang tampan dan sangat senang berburu.Suatu hari ketika dia berburu
seperti biasanya,dia mendengar suara wanita yang kurang jelas karena ditelan
dedauanan,karena penasaran Jaka Tarub akhirnya menuju kesumber suara secara

Jaka Tarub melihat 7 orang gadis cantik yang sedang mandi di telaga, hampir
bersamaan dengan itu,dia juga melihat beberapa lembar selendang yang tergeletak
dipinggir telaga,ada bisikan dari dalam diri Jaka Tarub untuk mengambilnya,dan secara
mengendap-endap dia mengambil salah satunya.Ketika para gadis yang ternyata
bidadari itu hendak kembali ke khayangan,salah satu dari mereka panik karena tidak
menemukan selendangnya,tapi keenam bidadari lain tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa.

Melihat hal tersebut Jaka Tarub mendekati sang bidadari yang tertinggal bernama Dewi
Nawang Wulan itu,Dewi Nawang Wulan terpaksa harus menceritakan semuanya,Dewi
Nawang Mulan tidak punya pilihan lain,akhirnya dia ikut ke rumah Jaka Tarub.Hari
berganti hari,mereka menikah dan mempunyai anak.

Bagaimanapun Dewi Nawang Wulan adalah seorang bidadari sehingga dia mempunyai
kelebihan,salah satunya adalah dapat membuat sebakul nasi hanya dari satu biji
padi,asalkan tidak ada yang mengetahui hal itu,itulah sebabnya Dewi Nawang Wulan
melarang suaminya untuk membuka tanakan nasinya,namun Jaka Tarub tidak sanggup
menahan rasa penasarannya,dia membuka tanakan nasi itu dan sangat terkejut karena
hanya ada satu biji padi di dalamnya.

Jaka Tarub menanyakan perihal itu ke isterinya,ketika itu pula Dewi Nawang Wulan
kehilangan kesaktian.Karena telah sepenuhnya menjadi manusia biasa,Dewi Nawang
Wulan pun harus bersusah payah untuk membuat kebutuhan sehari-hari,harus
bersusah-susah menumbuk padi,dan mengambil padi dilumbung.

Semakin lama,padi dilumbung semakin berkurang.Sampai suatu hari,ketika Dewi

Nawang Wulan ingin mengambil padi,dia menemukan selendangnya terselip diantara
butir-butir padi.Dewi Nawang Wulan merasa sedih sekaligus gembira,dia senang
karena mengetahui dia akan segera berkumpul bersama teman-temannya,dia sedih
karena harus berpisah dengan keluarganya,tapi tak ada pilihan lain,dia harus
meninggalkan Jaka Tarub yang sedari tadi ternyata melihat ia telah berubah menjadi
bidadari lagi.Dewi Nawang Wulan hanya berpesan agar suaminya membuat sebuah
dangau di dekat pondoknya sesaat sebelum kembali ke khayangan.

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