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1. ABNORMAL SIZE OR SHAPE OF THE PELVIS  The interspinous diameter is estimated by
 Narrowing of the passageway/birth canal palpating the ischial spines.
 Happen in the inlet, outlet and midpelvis  Most frequent than inlet dyticia because the
 Types of pelvis midpelvis is maller than the inlet and positional
 Gynecoid abnormality is more common at this level
 Anthropoid- oval inlet, ape  An estimated distance of >9 cm
 Android – male pelvis, hear shaped Effects:
 Platypelloid- compressed front-  Arrest of descent
back, oval  Poor application of the head to the cervix
 The narrowing causes: CPD and failure  Abnormal rate of cervical dilatation
to progress in labor.
Factors influencing the size and shape of the  Occurs at the 2nd stage of labor when the infant
pelvis: head is born but the shoulders are too btoad to
 Developmental factor: hereditary or enter and be delivered thru the pelvic outlet.
congenital  Hazardous to the mother- can result in vaginal
 Racial factor cervical tear
 Nutritional factor: Malnutrition results in  Hazardous to the fetus == cord compression
small pelvis  Occur with women with diabetetis, multipara,
 Sexual factor: as excessive androgen may post dated pregnancies
produce android pelvis
 Metabolic factor: as rickets and Risk Factors
osteomalacia a) Brachial plexus injury
 Trauma, diseases or tumors of the bony b) Brain injury- due to lack of o2 r/t cord
pelvis, legs or spines compression of umbilical cord
c) Chest compression leading to the
2. CEPHALOPELVIC DISPROPORTION/ CPD uncoordinated breathing
 Is suggested by lack of engagement at the
beginning of labor, prolonged first stage and Management
finally poor fetal descent.  Mc Robert’s Manuever- mother is sharlply
 A disproportion between the size of the fetal flexing her thighs on her abdomen
head and the pelvic diameters. This result in  Suprapubic pressure
failure to progress labor.
 INLET CONTRACTION- Narrowing of the
anteroposterior diameter to less than 11 cm or of PROBLEMS OF THE PSYCHE FACTORS
the transverse diameter to 12 cm or less
1. Inadequate Voluntary Expulsive Forces
 Rickets in early life 2. Fear/ anxiety
 Small pelvis  Psyche is the woman’s psychological
Effects outlook or refers to the state or feeling that a
 Floating vertex presentation with no descent woman brings into labor.
during labor  A feeling of apprehension or Fright.
 Abnormal presentation\  Women without adequate support can have
 Prolapsed cord extremity a labor experience so frightening and
 Considerable molding of the fetal head stressful which can develop a post traumatic
 Caput succedaneum formation stress syndrome.
 Prolonged rupture of the membranes
 If allowed to continue, abnormal thinning of Nursing care management
the lower uterine segment may occur with  Encourage women to ask questions at
development of Bandl’s retraction ring or prenatal visitsand to attend preparation for
even uterine rupture. childbirth classes help prepare them to
 CS is the treatment of choice in true inlet labor.
contraction  Encourage to share their experience after
Management labor serves a briefing time and helps them
 If minor inlet contraction- spontaneous delivery integrate the experience into their totallife.
 If with moderate and severe degrees
 induction of labor
 CS
 Trial Labor

 OUTLET CONTRACTION- Narrowing of the

transverse diameter at the outlet to less than 11
cm. This is the distance between the ischial
tuberosities, a measurement that is easy to
make during a prenatal visit.

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