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Acute Coronary Syndrome

Article  in  Journal of Intensive Care Medicine · September 2013

DOI: 10.1177/0885066613503294 · Source: PubMed


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Journal of Intensive Care Medicine

Acute Coronary Syndrome

Nader Makki, Theresa M. Brennan and Saket Girotra
J Intensive Care Med published online 18 September 2013
DOI: 10.1177/0885066613503294

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Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
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Acute Coronary Syndrome ª The Author(s) 2013
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0885066613503294

Nader Makki, MD1, Theresa M. Brennan, MD2, and

Saket Girotra, MD, SM2

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a major health care and economic burden in the United States and accounts for more than
1 million hospitalizations annually. The morbidity and mortality due to ACS are substantial—nearly half of all deaths due to
coronary heart disease occur following an ACS. This review provides an up-to-date summary of the pathophysiology, diagnosis,
and treatment of ACS. We also provide an overview of the management of common hemodynamic disturbances and myocardial
infarction complications that physicians often encounter in an intensive care setting.

acute coronary syndrome, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, management

Introduction with either pharmacological or catheter-based approaches in

patients with STEMI. Patients with partially occluded coronary
Each year approximately 635 000 Americans have a new epi-
arteries generally lack ST-segment elevation but may have
sode of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), and approximately
other changes suggestive of ischemia (eg, ST-segment depres-
280 000 have a recurrent event.1 Although mortality from ACS
sion, T wave inversions).7 These patients are classified as hav-
has declined substantially,2 it is still estimated that 40% of the
ing unstable angina (UA) or non-STEMI (NSTEMI),
patients who experience a coronary event will die within 5
depending on whether they have evidence of myocardial injury
years with the risk of death being 5 to 6 times higher in individ-
(elevation in troponin).
uals who experience a recurrent event.3,4 The economic burden
Certain anatomic characteristics of the atherosclerotic pla-
due to ACS is also quite substantial; annual cost per patient is que make it more likely to rupture and lead to ACS. These
estimated to be US$22 528 to US$32 345 with the majority
include presence of a thin fibrous cap, a large lipid core popu-
being due to hospitalizations.5 Direct costs (physician, hospital
lated by numerous inflammatory cells, abundant production of
services, and prescribed medications) and indirect costs
matrix metalloproteinases, and relative lack of smooth muscle
(decreased productivity) were estimated to be at US$310 bil-
cells.6,7 Also referred to as vulnerable plaque, such plaques can
lion in 2009.1 Given the high prevalence of ACS, its deleterious
evade angiographic detection, as they may not be anatomically
impact on health, and its economic consequences, improving
obstructive, and may remain silent until they trigger thrombo-
outcomes in patients with ACS through the use of evidence-
sis.8,9 In addition, several patient factors may increase the like-
based treatments, can have significant societal benefits. lihood of plaque rupture resulting in ACS and sudden death.
Systemic inflammatory changes, changes in local shear stress,
Pathophysiology platelet hyperreactivity, and prothrombotic states (transient
hypercoagulability from smoking, dehydration, infection,
Rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque that results in partial or
complete occlusion of an epicardial coronary artery is the most
common mechanism responsible for ACS. Plaque disruption 1
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics,
exposes subendothelial collagen, which results in activation Iowa City, IA, USA
of platelets and the coagulation cascade, leading to thrombus Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine,
formation.6 Reduction in blood flow due to coronary occlusion University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA, USA
and/or distal embolization of thrombus into coronary microcir- Received April 10, 2013, and in revised form May 31, 2013. Accepted for
culation results in symptoms of ischemic chest discomfort. publication June 11, 2013.
Thrombus may be completely or partially occlusive. Patients
with complete occlusion generally present with ST-segment Corresponding Author:
Saket Girotra, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of Internal
elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). If the occlusion is Medicine, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 200 Hawkins Dr, Ste 4430
unresolved in a timely manner, it may result in transmural RCP, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA.
infarction.7 This provides the rationale for early reperfusion Email:
2 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 00(0)

Table 1. New Classification Scheme for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI).

Type 1 Spontaneous MI related to ischemia secondary to a primary coronary event like plaque rupture, erosion, or dissection.
Type 2 MI secondary to ischemia due to increased demand or decreased oxygen supply, for example, coronary artery spasm, anemia, sepsis in a
patient with coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, hypotension, and hypertension.
Type 3 Sudden unexpected cardiac death, including cardiac arrest, often with symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischemia, accompanied by
presumably new ST-segment elevation, new left bundle branch block, or evidence of fresh thrombus in a coronary artery by
angiography and/or at autopsy, but death occurring before blood samples could be obtained or at a time before the appearance of
cardiac biomarkers in the blood.
Type 4 (4a) MI associated with percutaneous coronary intervention.
(4b) MI associated with stent thrombosis as documented by angiography or at autopsy.
Type 5 Myocardial infarction related to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
Abbreviation: MI, myocardial infarction.

cocaine, malignancy, etc) facilitate this process.7,10 Myocardial and therefore should be triaged to cardiac intensive care unit
ischemia and/or infarction may also result from coronary artery and/or, early coronary angiography.
spasm, emboli, or dissection in the absence of atherosclerotic
coronary artery disease.11 Finally, instrumentation of the cor- Electrocardiogram
onary vessels during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
or coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) may result in myo- A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) is the single most impor-
cardial necrosis. tant test in the initial evaluation of patients with ACS and
should be performed and reviewed within 10 minutes of arrival
of a patient with suspected ACS.13 Presence of ST-segment ele-
New Definition vation in 2 or more contiguous leads or a new left bundle
Given the diverse mechanisms that may lead to myocardial branch block (LBBB) in the appropriate clinical scenario iden-
ischemia, a clinical classification system has been developed tifies patients who would benefit from emergent reperfusion
to ensure consistency between clinical reports of myocardial therapy (Figure 1A and B). Findings such as transient ST-
infarction (MI). This classification, which is based on clinical, segment elevation, ST-segment depression, and/or T-wave
pathological, and prognostic differences, is shown in Table 1.12 inversions support a high likelihood of ACS. Such patients
Type 1 is due to plaque rupture with thrombosis, whereas need to be started on aggressive medical therapy and need to
type 2 is secondary to an imbalance between myocardial oxy- be evaluated for early coronary angiography. While a normal
gen demand and supply with fixed atherosclerotic obstruction, ECG reduces the likelihood of ACS, it should be remembered
vasospasm, or endothelial dysfunction playing a permissive that the posterior (Figure 2A and B) and lateral walls (Figure
role. Type 3 includes patients with sudden death having fatal 3A and B) are not adequately represented on the ECG and
MI even though cardiac biomarker evidence is lacking. Finally, therefore may not completely exclude ischemia in those
types 4 and 5 include patients with MI associated with PCI and territories.
CABG, respectively.
Cardiac Biomarkers
Clinical Features In patients with clinical syndrome that is consistent with ACS,
Most patients with ACS describe chest discomfort that is deep, elevation in cardiac biomarkers signifies MI. Cardiac troponins
poorly localized, and potentially radiating into the left arm, T and I are the most sensitive and specific markers of myocar-
jaw, or neck. The discomfort is usually prolonged (>20 min- dial necrosis and have largely replaced other biomarkers. An
utes) and may be unrelieved by rest and/or nitroglycerin. For elevation in cardiac troponin above the 99th percentile of the
those with prior episodes of stable angina, the discomfort asso- normal range for the specified assay constitutes an abnormal
ciated with ACS is usually more severe, though this is not test. Since it may take up to 6 hours following onset of myocar-
always a reliable marker of ACS. Patients may present with dial necrosis for troponin to become elevated, an initial nega-
symptoms other than chest discomfort; such ‘‘angina equiva- tive test should prompt a repeat test 6 to 9 hours later.
lent’’ symptoms include dyspnea (most common), nausea and Importantly, reperfusion therapy should not be delayed in
vomiting, diaphoresis, and unexplained fatigue. Although most patients with suspected STEMI until troponin elevation is
patients with ACS may have an unremarkable physical exam- documented. In patients without ST-segment elevation but sus-
ination, findings such as diaphoresis, cool and clammy skin, pected ACS, 2 negative tests 6 to 9 hours apart usually exclude
presence of an S3 or an S4, an apical systolic murmur (due NSTEMI, but not UA, which by definition represents ACS
to mitral regurgitation caused by papillary muscle dysfunc- without myocardial necrosis. Although troponin assays have
tion), and lung rales due to pulmonary edema suggest profound greatly enhanced the ability to diagnose acute infarction, diag-
ischemia and impending cardiogenic shock. Such patients may nosis of reinfarction using troponin may be difficult, given that
seemingly appear stable, but they can deteriorate quite rapidly the levels may remain elevated up to 2 weeks following the
Makki et al 3

Figure 1. A, A 12-lead ECG representing anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). This ECG was performed on a 56-year-old
man with previous history of drug eluting stent to proximal left anterior descending (LAD) artery who presented with several hours of chest pain
and diaphoresis. The ECG shows marked ST-segment elevation in all precordial leads. B, Angiographic still frame showing occluded LAD. The
patient had an occluded proximal LAD due to thrombosis of the old LAD stent. The patient had stopped taking his aspirin for a GI procedure. He
underwent successful primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with balloon angioplasty only. ECG indicates electrocardiogram.

Figure 2. A. A 12-lead ECG representing posterior infarct. This ECG was obtained on a 52-year-old woman with chest tightness and left neck
pain who presented within 30 minutes of onset. The patient became hemodynamically unstable shortly after presentation. Significant ST-segment
depressions are noted in the anterior precordial leads signifying a true posterior infarct along with subtle inferior ST-segment elevation. B,
Angiographic still frame showing an occluded proximal RCA. This patient had an occluded proximal RCA. The patient underwent successful
primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with a bare metal stent with immediate resolution of ST-segment elevation. The patient had
an uneventful recovery. Echocardiogram prior to discharge showed intact left ventricular function with mild hypokinesis involving the inferior
wall. ECG indicates electrocardiogram; RCA, right coronary artery.

initial injury. Creatinine kinase (CK), especially the MB frac- potentially allow earlier detection of MI in patients with sus-
tion, has a shorter half-life (3-5 days) and may be used in that pected ACS.
situation. Recently, introduction of highly sensitive troponin It is important to emphasize that elevation in cardiac tropo-
assays into clinical practice has further improved the sensitivity nins identifies myocardial injury, regardless of the mechanism
and specificity of diagnosing ACS, especially early in the clin- of injury. This mechanism could be myocardial ischemia due to
ical course when traditional troponin assays may remain nega- ACS (most patients) or due to alternative etiologies that are
tive. In a recent study of 1818 patients with suspected ACS, a unrelated to ischemia (eg, decompensated heart failure, myo-
single-sensitive troponin I assay at the time of admission sub- pericarditis, pulmonary embolism, trauma, etc). Therefore, ele-
stantially improved diagnostic accuracy (area under the curve vation in troponins should be interpreted in the appropriate
0.96) compared to traditional troponin assay.14 This could clinical context.
4 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 00(0)

Figure 3. A, A 12-lead ECG representing lateral wall ischemia. This ECG was obtained on a 71-year old man with chest and jaw pain. There is
subtle ST-segment elevation in I, aVL, V5, and V6 and reciprocal changes most prominent in V1 and V2. Coronary angiography showed 99%
thrombotic lesion in a large diagonal artery. B. Angiographic still frame showing an occluded diagonal artery. The angiographic still frame for the
above patient showed an occluded large diagonal branch of the LAD. This was successfully treated with a drug-eluting stent. The procedure was
uneventful and the patient had complete resolution of chest discomfort. ECG indicates electrocardiogram; LAD, left anterior descending.

Diagnosing ACS in Critically Ill Patients that treatment be started within 30 minutes of patient arrival
(door-to-needle time). If a mechanical reperfusion strategy is
Although most patients with ACS are identified in the emer-
chosen (primary PCI), it is recommended that balloon inflation
gency room, some patients experience ACS while hospitalized
in the infarct-related artery occurs within 90 minutes of patient
for other indications (eg, postoperative patients in surgical
arrival (door-to-balloon time). Both these measures are
units, critically ill patients). Diagnosing ACS in such patients
included as core measures of quality of STEMI care, under-
may be challenging due to difficulty in obtaining clinical his-
scoring the importance of timely reperfusion in these patients.
tory due to concurrent illness or sedation, and presence of coex-
The choice of reperfusion treatment depends on the availability
isting conditions that may produce ECG changes suggestive of
of PCI capability and patient factors.
ischemia (eg, hyperkalemia). As a result, a heightened degree
of clinical suspicion is required which may be complemented
with interviewing family members, comparing recent ECG Primary PCI
with previous tracings, and using alternative diagnostic modal-
ities like bedside echocardiography for new wall motion Primary PCI is more effective in restoring coronary blood flow
abnormalities indicative of ischemia. Managing ACS in this compared to thrombolytics. A number of studies, including a
population is rarely straightforward (eg, bleeding risk with anti- large meta-analysis have shown that when both are available,
platelet and antithrombotic treatments in postoperative primary PCI is superior to thrombolytics in reducing mortality,
patients, risk of contrast-induced nephropathy in patients with recurrent MI, and stroke and is associated with lower risk of
borderline renal function, etc), and therefore requires close col- bleeding, making it the reperfusion treatment of choice in
laboration with the primary medical and/or surgical team in patients with STEMI (Figure 4).16 Very few patients are con-
devising appropriate treatment plans. It is clear that critically sidered ineligible for primary PCI (eg, patients with poor arter-
ill patients who have troponin elevation even in the absence ial access).
of ACS have a markedly worse prognosis.15 A major limitation of primary PCI is that it is not available at
all hospitals (only 25% of US hospitals have PCI capability).17
Treatment options for patients who present to hospitals without
PCI capability include administration of thrombolytics or
Reperfusion Therapy for Patients With STEMI transfer to a center capable of performing primary PCI, a
Emergent reperfusion therapy to establish flow in the infarct- choice that is governed by the rapidity with which transfer can
related coronary artery reduces infarct size and mortality in be achieved and patient factors. Studies have shown that the
patients with STEMI.13 Reperfusion may be achieved using incremental benefit of primary PCI over thrombolytics in
either pharmacological (eg, thrombolytics) or mechanical reducing mortality is completely lost when PCI-related delay
means (eg, primary PCI). Achieving prompt reperfusion treat- (door-to-balloon minus door-to-needle time) is more than 60
ment is the cornerstone of STEMI treatment and is regarded as minutes.18 Others have suggested that this relationship may
an important goal for health care systems delivering STEMI be modified by patient factors (eg, age, infarct location, and ini-
care. If a thrombolytic strategy is chosen, it is recommended tial delay in presentation) with lower tolerance for PCI-related
Makki et al 5

Figure 4. Short-term and long-term outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) treated with thrombolytics versus percuta-
neous transluminal angioplasty. Adapted with permission from Keeley et al.16

delay in younger patients, those with anterior infarction, or presenting within 0 to 6 hours and 20 per 1000 for patients pre-
those presenting within 120 minutes of symptom onset.19 senting between 7 and 12 hours. Beyond 12 hours, the benefit
Real-world studies have also documented significant delays was uncertain although is still recommended in patients younger
in achieving timely reperfusion in patients with STEMI that than 65 years who have evidence of ongoing symptoms and per-
present to hospital without PCI capability and get transferred sistent ST-segment elevation. In older patients, the modest clin-
to a PCI-capable center (median door to balloon time of 120 ical benefit of thrombolysis in late presenters may be offset by
minutes, <20% of transferred patients achieved overall door increased risk of complications. Compared to patients who were
to balloon time under 90 minutes).20 Given that most of the treated later, mortality benefit was much larger in patients who
transferred patients were eligible for thrombolytics, it appears were treated within 2 hours of onset of STEMI where it
that immediate on-site thrombolytics may be underutilized in approached the benefit afforded by primary PCI.22
the real world. Current guidelines recommend that on-site A number of thrombolytic agents have been studied in STEMI
thrombolysis is preferred for eligible patients with STEMI in which include fibrin nonspecific agents (eg, streptokinase)23 or
whom transfer to a PCI-capable center cannot be achieved fibrin-specific agents (eg, tissue plasminogen activator [t-PA],
within 90 minutes of patient arrival.13 reteplase, and tenecteplase).24-26 Due to its lack of fibrin specifi-
city and antigenicity, streptokinase is not commonly used in the
United States for patients with STEMI. On the other hand, t-PA
Thrombolytics is fibrin specific and requires a bolus dose followed by an infusion
An analysis of all randomized trials of thrombolytic agents, over 90 minutes. Modification of t-PA using recombinant tech-
which included at least 1000 patients, showed that thrombolytics nology has led to the development of third-generation agents
were associated with a 25% overall reduction in short-term mor- (tenecteplase, reteplase), which have more sustained plasma
tality in patients with ST-segment elevation or new LBBB.21 half-life allowing them to be administered as a bolus dose only,
The absolute mortality reduction was 30 per 1000 for patients thereby simplifying treatment algorithms. Table 2 lists the
6 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 00(0)

Table 2. Absolute and Relative Contraindication to Thrombolytic Therapy.

Absolute Contraindications Relative Contraindications

Any previous history of hemorrhagic stroke Oral anticoagulant therapy

History of stroke, dementia, or central nervous system Acute pancreatitis
damage within 1 year Pregnancy or within 1 week postpartum
Head trauma or brain surgery within 6 months Active peptic ulceration
Known intracranial neoplasm Transient ischemic attack within 6 months
Suspected aortic dissection Dementia
Internal bleeding within 6 weeks Infective endocarditis
Active bleeding or known bleeding disorder Active cavitating pulmonary tuberculosis
Major surgery, trauma, or bleeding within 6 weeks Advanced liver disease
Intracardiac thrombi
Uncontrolled hypertension (systolic blood pressure >180 mm Hg, diastolic blood
pressure >110 mm Hg)
Puncture of noncompressible blood vessel within 2 weeks
Previous streptokinase therapy
Traumatic cardiopulmonary resuscitation within 3 weeks

Table 3. List of Available Thrombolytic Agents.

Agent Dose Fibrin Specific Comments

Streptokinase 1.5 million units for 30-60 minutes No Lower cost

Neutralizing antibodies may limit
subsequent use
Risk of hypersensitivity
Less effective compared to fibrin-specific agents
Tissue plasminogen activator 15 mg bolus ! 0.75 mg/kg over Yes More effective than streptokinase.
(t-PA, altepase) 30 min ! 0.5 mg/kg over 60 minutes Costly
Short half-life, requires continuous infusion
Reteplase Two boluses 10 units each Yes Outcomes similar to alteplase
30 minutes apart Short half-life, allows bolus dosing
Tenecteplase Single bolus Yes As effective as alteplase
<60 kg: 30 mg Can be administered as a bolus due to
60-69 kg: 35 mg longer half-life.
70-79 kg: 40 mg
80-89 kg: 45 mg
>90 kg: 50 mg
Abbreviations: t-PA, tissue plasminogen activator.

absolute and relative contraindications of thrombolytics, and of high-risk patients (patients with angina that is refractory to
Table 3 lists the available thrombolytic agents that are approved medical therapy, ventricular tachycardia or other life-
for use in patients with STEMI in the United States. It is estimated threatening arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock, etc). There is no
that nearly 40% of the patients treated with thrombolytic agents role for thrombolytics in this group of patients (class III recom-
may not achieve reperfusion in the infarct-related artery as evi- mendation). Patients with UA/NSTEMI should be admitted to
denced by ongoing symptoms, and/or persistent ST-segment ele- telemetry or intensive care unit depending upon their clinical
vation on the ECG, and another 10% may develop recurrent situation and undergo a period of medical stabilization as out-
symptoms while in hospital after initial successful reperfu- lined below prior to undergoing coronary risk stratification.
sion.27,28 Such patients are best managed with PCI (rescue PCI). Patients at high risk of short-term mortality should undergo
Given the potential need for rescue PCI, we recommend that all coronary angiography within 24 to 48 hours with the intent
patients with STEMI, following treatment with thrombolytics, to revascularize, whereas patients at low risk may undergo non-
should be transferred to a PCI-capable hospital. invasive evaluation. A number of risk stratification schemes
are available, of which the most widely used is the Thromboly-
Revascularization in Patients With NSTEMI sis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) risk score.

In contrast to STEMI, the majority of patients with NSTEMI

and UA can be initially stabilized with medical therapy. Emer- Risk Stratification. The TIMI risk score is a 7-point scoring sys-
gent coronary angiography may be necessary in a small group tem that includes age (65), aspirin use in the last 7 days,
Makki et al 7

Table 4. Guidelines for PCI and CABG in Patients With UA/NSTEMI.

Recommendations for PCI

Early invasive strategy with angiography and PCI within 12–24 hours of admission (class I)
Early invasive PCI strategy in high-risk patients without serious comorbidity and who have amenable lesions for PCI (class I)
PCI or CABG in patients with 1 or 2 vessel CAD with or without proximal LAD but with a large viable at-risk territory (class I)
Recommendations for CABG
Significant left main CAD (>50%; class I)
Three vessel CAD, especially patients with LVEF less than 50% (class I)
Two vessel CAD with significant proximal LAD stenosis and either LVEF less than 50% or ischemia on stress testing (class I)
Poor or no options for PCI who have ongoing ischemia refractory to medical therapy (class I)
Abbreviations: CABG, coronary artery bypass surgery; LAD, left anterior descending; NSTEMI, non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; PCI, percuta-
neous coronary intervention; UA, unstable angina.

severe angina (2 episodes in the last 24 hours), ST-segment size. This is achieved through administration of supplemental
changes (0.5 mm), cardiac marker elevation, history of cor- oxygen (class IIa recommendation), especially if patients are
onary artery disease (CAD; 50% stenosis), and at least 3 risk hypoxemic. Nitroglycerin increases oxygen supply by dilating
factors for CAD (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, coronary arteries and reduces myocardial oxygen demand by
family history of CAD, and current smoker).29 This score reducing preload and afterload. It can be administered as a sub-
assess an individual’s 30-day risk of all-cause mortality, MI, lingual tablet (0.3–0.6 mg up to 3 times), spray, or intravenous
and recurrent ischemia. Studies have shown that patients with drip (5–10 mg/min which may be up titrated to 200 mg/min, as
higher scores are more likely to benefit from an early invasive needed). Morphine also provides relief in chest discomfort; it
strategy.30 The tool is simple and easy to apply at the patient’s also helps to reduce preload and allay anxiety.
bedside. The Global Registry of Acute Cardiac Events b-Blockers reduce myocardial oxygen demand by decreas-
(GRACE) risk score is an alternative method of risk stratifica- ing heart rate, blood pressure, and contractility. Although they
tion. Although, it is more complex, it may be better at predict- are clearly beneficial in alleviating angina, acute b-blocker
ing long-term events (eg, 6-month and 1-year mortality).31 therapy may precipitate cardiogenic shock in some high-risk
patients (eg, age greater than 70, systolic blood pressure less
Early Invasive Versus Conservative Strategy. An early invasive than 120 mm Hg, heart rate greater than 110 bpm or less than
strategy (diagnostic angiography with intent to revascularize) 60 bpm and increased time since onset of symptoms of
is recommended in high-risk groups within 24 to 48 hours. STEMI). Caution is advised in using b-blockers in this set-
These include patients with high TIMI score, patients with ting.34,35 Other relative contraindications to b-blocker therapy
refractory angina, elevated cardiac biomarkers, hemodynamic include (PR interval greater than 0.24 seconds, second or third
instability, and prior CABG and PCI within the last 6 months. degree heart block or reactive airway disease).
Early invasive strategy has been shown to reduce the risk of MI Oral preparations are acceptable and can be switched to
(odds ratio [OR] 0.75, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.65-0.88, intravenous if patients are unstable. Goal of therapy is to reduce
P < .05), severe angina (OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.68-0.87, P < .05) heart rate to 60 beats/minute with a systolic blood pressure of
and rehospitalization (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.60-0.72, P < .05) 90 to 100 mm Hg. Calcium channel blockers are third-line
when compared to a conservative strategy in such patients.32 agents and are usually recommended in cocaine-induced and
For low-risk patients or patients with significant comorbid- vasospastic angina; only diltiazem and verapamil (both of
ities (eg, advanced cancer, advanced Alzheimer’s disease, or which act selectively on the heart muscle) have been shown
other noncardiac life-threatening conditions), an initial conser- to reduce recurrent MI and death.36,37 b-Blockers and nitrates
vative strategy is recommended. This strategy includes initial are contraindicated in patients with right ventricular infarction
medical stabilization followed by noninvasive evaluation with (evidence of ST-segment elevation on right sided EKGs) as
echocardiography and a stress test (eg, exercise treadmill, or they may lead to dangerous hypotension.
adenosine myocardial perfusion scan, or dobutamine echocar-
diography) following initial medical stabilization. Presence of Antiplatelet Agents. Antiplatelet agents form the cornerstone of
high-risk findings on noninvasive evaluation (eg, large area medical therapy in patients with ACS. Aspirin irreversibly
of ischemia, EF < 40%) should prompt coronary angiography blocks the platelet enzyme cyclooxygenase 1 and prevents
and revascularization as indicated. Table 4 lists the American collagen-induced platelet activation as well as the synthesis and
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines release of thromboxane A2, a potent platelet activator. Com-
for revascularization in patients with UA/NSTEMI.33 pared with placebo, 160 mg of aspirin daily reduces the risk
of short-term (ie, 35-day) death by 23% in patients with
STEMI.23 A loading dose of 162 to 325 mg should be given
Medical Therapy immediately followed by a maintenance dose of 75 to 100
Administration of agents that increase myocardial oxygen sup- mg; higher maintenance doses are associated with increased
ply or reduce myocardial oxygen demand may limit infarct bleeding risk without any mortality benefit.38
8 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 00(0)

Clopidogrel is a thienopyridine that causes irreversible inhi- events (eg, stent thrombosis) while receiving clopidogrel (ie,
bition of the P2Y12 receptor—the platelet surface ADP recep- patients with clopidogrel resistance). The greater potency of pra-
tor thereby preventing ADP-induced platelet aggregation. It is sugrel is partly counterbalanced by an increased risk of bleeding.
a prodrug that requires metabolic activation by cytochrome It is contraindicated in patients with a previous stroke or transi-
P450s to its active metabolite. There is overwhelming evidence ent ischemic attack, patients 75 years or older, or weighing less
that clopidogrel reduces ischemic end points in all subsets of than 60 kg.
patients with ACS (STEMI, NSTEMI, and UA).39-41 A loading Ticagrelor is a nonthienopyridine and a reversible ADP
dose of 300 mg followed by a maintenance dose of 75 mg daily receptor antagonist that does not require metabolic activation.
is recommended; for patients who are planned for early PCI, a It is administered as a loading dose of 180 mg followed by a
loading dose of 600 mg achieves earlier platelet inhibition than maintenance dose of 90 mg twice a day. It is more potent than
the 300 mg loading dose. Risk of major bleeding is increased in clopidogrel and is also another alternative for patients with clo-
patients treated with clopidogrel, which may be of particular pidogrel resistance. In a large clinical trial involving 18 624
concern in patients referred for bypass surgery. It is recom- patients with ACS, ticagrelor was associated with a 16% reduc-
mended that clopidogrel be discontinued at least 5 days before tion in cardiovascular events, and a 22% reduction in total mor-
planned/elective surgery if possible. After bypass surgery, clo- tality compared to clopidogrel; rates of non-CABG major
pidogrel should be resumed whenever feasible and continued bleeding and fatal intracranial bleeding were slightly
for a period of up to 1 year. increased.50
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa agents—
Clopidogrel Resistance. There is significant interindividual
abciximab, eptifibatide, and tirofiban block the final common
variability in the antiplatelet response to clopidogrel in popula-
pathway of platelet aggregation—the fibrinogen-mediated
tions.42 Several factors account for this interindividual variabil-
cross-linkage of platelets through the GP IIb/IIIa receptor. With
ity (also termed clopidogrel resistance)—diabetes, smoking,
the advent of oral dual antiplatelet therapy, these agents are
ACS, potential drug interactions, and genetic polymorphisms
used much less commonly in patients with ACS. Current indi-
in the cytochrome P450 enzymes. In fact, polymorphism
cations for use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors include
involving the CYP2C19 enzyme, the major enzyme involved
patients with UA/NSTEMI with refractory angina despite dual
in clopidogrel activation has received considerable attention
antiplatelet therapy, patients not pretreated with dual antiplate-
in the past few years. The wild-type allele is referred to as the
let therapy prior to PCI or patients with a large clot burden dur-
*1 allele and codes for an enzyme with normal activity. The *2
ing PCI.51
and *3 alleles code for a defective enzyme with little or no
metabolic activity, whereas the *17 allele codes for an enzyme
with enhanced activity. The reduced function CYP2C19 alleles Antithrombotic Drugs. Anticoagulant drugs are the cornerstone of
(*2 and *3) are relatively common (30% of whites, 40% of medical treatment of ACS. The choice of anticoagulation may
blacks, and over 55% of East Asians).43 Patients with 1 (or depend upon the reperfusion strategy, but full systemic anticoa-
more) reduced function alleles have reduced (or absent) ability gulation should be administered to all patients without contra-
to activate clopidogrel and therefore have lower platelet inhibi- indications. Table 5 provides details regarding individual
tion while receiving clopidogrel.44,45 These patients are at anticoagulation agents. For patients with STEMI and UA/
increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events including stent NSTEMI treated with invasive strategy, unfractionated
thrombosis, and this effect appears to be limited only to heparin, or bivaluridin is preferred.52-54 For patients treated
patients who receive coronary stents.46 Prasugrel, which is less with conservative strategy, enoxaparin or fondaparinux are pre-
dependent on CYP2C19 enzymes and ticagrelor, which does ferred agents.55,56Anticoagulation may be discontinued in
not require metabolic activation are alternative therapies for patients following PCI unless there are alternative indications
patients with recurrent events despite receiving clopidogrel. (eg, intra-aortic balloon pump, mechanical valve). However,
Future studies will clarify whether tailoring antiplatelet therapy it should be continued for at least 48 hours in patients treated
based on genetic testing is beneficial in reducing cardiovascu- with thrombolysis, or medically managed patients with UA/
lar events.47 NSTEMI.
Prasugrel is an alternative thienopyridine with a mechanism
of action similar to clopidogrel. However, it is much more Statins. Statins inhibit the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-
potent compared to clopidogrel and is less dependent on cyto- coenzyme A reductase, an enzyme essential for cholesterol
chrome P450s for its enzymatic activation. As a result, patients production in hepatocytes. As a result, they increase the surface
receiving prasugrel achieve more rapid (within 30 minutes fol- expression of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor and
lowing a loading dose of 60 mg) and complete platelet inhibi- increase clearance of LDL-cholesterol from the plasma. Given
tion with significantly less interindividual variability in its the central role played by LDL-cholesterol in plaque formation,
response.48 Clinical studies have confirmed that prasugrel is lowering of LDL-cholesterol by statins has been shown to sig-
much more effective in reducing ischemic events compared nificantly decrease the risk of recurrent coronary events and
to clopidogrel in patients with ACS.49 In addition, it is also an mortality over long term.57 Guidelines recommend that LDL-
alternative to clopidogrel in patients who may have recurrent cholesterol target should be less than 100 mg/dL in patients
Makki et al 9

Table 5. List of Recommended Anticoagulation Agents in Patients With ACS.

Agent Mechanism Dose Comments

Unfractionated Binds antithrombin, which Bolus: 60-70 units/kg Widely used, inexpensive
heparin inactivates thrombin (IIa), Maintenance: 12-15 units/kg/hr Anticoagulant activity can be easily monitored using
and activated factor Xa. ACT or aPTT, which makes it attractive for use in
catheterization laboratory.
Risk of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
Enoxaparin Similar to UFH except greater 1mg/kg twice a day More predictable anticoagulant activity (doesn’t
specificity for Xa, and Prior to PCI: administer 0.3 mg/kg require routine monitoring). Anti-Xa levels can be
reduced anti-IIa activity bolus if last dose of enoxaparin was used to monitor, however not widely available.
more than 8 hours ago Dose response unpredictable in obese patients
Contraindicated in patients with advanced renal fail-
ure or dialysis
Lower risk of HIT
STEMI: not commonly used especially in patients
undergoing PCI due to difficulty in monitoring
anticoagulant activity.
NSTEMI: may be used as an alternative to heparin
especially in patients treated with an initial con-
servative strategy
Bivalirudin Direct thrombin inhibitor Initial: bolus 0.1 mg/kg followed by Superior to heparin or enoxaparin due to lower risk
0.25 mg/kg/hr of bleeding
Prior to PCI: additional bolus of 0.5 Anticoagulant activity can be monitored using ACT
mg/kg followed by 1.75 mg/kg/hr Can be used in patients with HIT
No anti-dote available
Should not be used in patients treated with a con-
servative strategy (not studied)
Fondaparinux Factor Xa inhibitor 2.5 mg once daily Low risk of bleeding
Can be used in patients with HIT
Not recommended in patients undergoing invasive
treatment due to higher rates of guide catheter
Abbreviations: ACS, acute coronary syndrome; ACT, activated clotting time; aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; PCI, percutaneous coronary interven-
tion; STEMI, ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

with established CAD (post-ACS), with newer evidence sug- of ACE-I and ARBs agents was found to be harmful in these
gesting incremental benefit with even more aggressive targets patients.62 Hyperkalemia and renal failure are common side
(LDL less than 70 mg/dL).58 However, statins have additional effects of these medications. The Eplerenone Post-Acute Myo-
pleiotropic effects, which include reducing inflammation, and cardial Infarction Heart Failure Efficacy and Survival (EPHE-
plaque stabilization that makes them beneficial even in the SUS) study found that the selective aldosterone receptor
short term (before significant LDL-cholesterol reduction is blocker—eplerenone reduced mortality and rate of sudden car-
achieved). High-dose atorvastatin 80 mg/d started within 1 to diac death in patients with MI complicated by LV dysfunction
3 days in patients with UA/NSTEMI was found to reduce the and/or heart failure.63 Patients should be closely monitored for
risk of recurrent ischemia and rehospitalization within a few development of hyperkalemia, especially in the setting of renal
weeks.59 Therefore, we recommend that statins be initiated failure.
regardless of baseline cholesterol levels in all patients with
ACS within the first 24 hours of admission.
Hemodynamic Compromise in Patients With ACS
Inhibitors of Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone Axis. Angiotensin- Mortality in patients with ACS is commonly a result of circu-
converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) especially lisinopril and latory failure due to severe LV dysfunction, or as a result of
captopril have been shown to decrease mortality in patients complications. Most complications manifest themselves as
with ACS who present with pulmonary congestion or reduced hemodynamic compromise. Common hemodynamic distur-
ejection fraction (LVEF <40%; class I).60 Mortality benefit bances include cardiogenic shock, hypovolemia secondary to
with ACE-I was noted as early as 24 hours and has been attrib- hemorrhage, and arrhythmias.
uted to its effects on ventricular remodeling.61 In patients who
cannot tolerate ACE-I, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB; eg, Cardiogenic Shock. Cardiogenic shock is one of the dreaded
valsartan) may be used as alternative agents. The combination complications of ACS and is associated with a high mortality
10 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 00(0)

(>50%).64 The incidence of cardiogenic shock in patients with performance by reducing afterload, improving coronary perfu-
ACS ranges from 5% to 10%. Extensive myocardial damage sion and increasing cardiac output. Thus, IABP may help stabi-
that results in severe LV dysfunction is the most common etiol- lize patients as definitive treatment is planned (eg,
ogy of cardiogenic shock. Patients with ACS and cardiogenic revascularization, surgery for papillary muscle rupture, etc).
shock usually have severe 3-vessel disease and involvement Although recent evidence has called into question the utility
of left anterior descending (LAD) is common. In addition, of intra-aortic balloon in patients with cardiogenic shock,65
patients with extensive right ventricular infarction (usually we believe they are still useful in stabilizing patients. Other
seen in combination with inferior STEMI) can also have pro- mechanical support devices like Impella, Tandem heart provid-
found hypotension and cardiogenic shock due to impaired fill- ing more robust LV support have been recently introduced, but
ing of the LV. Less commonly, cardiogenic shock may result may not be as widely available.
due to the development of a mechanical complication (eg, rup- Emergent revascularization is indicated in patients in car-
ture of the interventricular septum resulting in ventricular sep- diogenic shock due to severe myocardial ischemia (class I) and
tal defect, papillary muscle rupture resulting in acute mitral has been shown to reduce mortality, especially in patients less
regurgitation, and free wall rupture resulting in cardiac tampo- than 75 years of age.66 At hospitals with PCI capability,
nade). Mechanical complications have become less common in patients should promptly undergo coronary angiography and
the era of reperfusion therapy but still continue to occur, espe- PCI as indicated; CABG is used less often due to high operative
cially when reperfusion is delayed. mortality. At hospitals without PCI capability, immediate
Clinically, patients may have respiratory distress, diaphor- transfer to a PCI capable hospital should be considered after
esis, and cool extremities in addition to other signs and symp- stabilizing the patient. Although subgroup analyses of lytic
toms of ACS. Altered mental status may result due to cerebral trials suggested a lack of benefit in patients with cardiogenic
hypoperfusion. On physical examination, patients usually have shock, thrombolysis should be considered in patients with
tachycardia (heart rate >100/min), hypotension (SBP < 90 mm STEMI who cannot be transferred to a PCI-capable center in
Hg), hypoxemia, and cool extremities. An S3 gallop rhythm a timely fashion. Patients with cardiogenic shock due to
may be present on cardiac auscultation. A holosystolic murmur mechanical complications should be promptly evaluated by a
at the lower left sternal border signifies development of a ven- cardiac surgeon. Unless prompt surgery can be performed,
tricular septal defect (VSD); an apical systolic murmur may be mortality in these patients is very high. Reducing afterload with
heard in patients with acute mitral regurgitation. The ECG an intra-aortic balloon pump can be extremely beneficial in sta-
changes are consistent with extensive ischemia. Development bilizing patients with a VSD or papillary muscle rupture prior
of profound hypotension following administration of nitrogly- to surgery.
cerin may indicate right ventricular infarction. Laboratory stud-
ies may show lactic acidosis and evidence of end-organ failure
(renal, hepatic, etc).
Hemodynamic criteria for cardiogenic shock include sus- Given the central role of antiplatelet and antithrombotic treat-
tained hypotension (systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg for ments in ACS treatment, bleeding is predictably a common
at least 30 minutes), reduced cardiac index (<2.2 L/min/m2) complication in patients with ACS. Bleeding should be consid-
and an elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP ered in patients who become hypotensive. In patients under-
>15 mm Hg); the latter can be assessed during a right heart going PCI, access site bleeding accounts for a majority of
catheterization. Echocardiogram is especially helpful when bleeding episodes. In post-PCI patients, hemopericardium due
there is suspicion for mechanical complications (free wall rup- to guidewire-induced coronary artery perforation is another
ture, ventricular septal rupture, and papillary muscle rupture). potential procedural cause of bleeding and should be consid-
Invasive blood pressure monitoring is also recommended in ered as etiology of hypotension. Most bleeding episodes can
titrating vasopressor and/or ionotropes. be managed with local control, and interruption of anticoagula-
In addition to standard pharmacological support for ACS tion. Hemopericardium post-PCI warrants urgent pericardio-
(antithrombotics, antiplatelets that were previously discussed), centesis as well as treatment of coronary perforation with
vasopressors, and/or inotropes are important in optimizing balloons/covered stents.
myocardial performance, improving tissue perfusion and stabi- Several studies have shown that bleeding including minor
lizing the patient. b-Adrenergic agonists (dopamine, dobuta- bleeding is associated with an increase in the risk of death,
mine) are helpful in improving myocardial contractility; MI, and stroke in patients with ACS.67 Treatments that lower
dobutamine may also lower afterload and improve end-organ bleeding (eg, bivalirudin) also lower mortality in patients with
perfusion. Patients with right ventricular infarction should be ACS.53,54 The causal mechanisms of the adverse impact of
given a trial of plasma volume expansion before initiation of bleeding on clinical outcomes remain unclear but may be
inotropes. b-Blockers are contraindicated in patients with car- related to interruption of antiplatelet and antithrombotic regi-
diogenic shock. If severe hypotension (SBP < 70 mm Hg) mens, hypotension, anemia with reduction in oxygen delivery,
develops, vasopressors like norepinephrine may be needed and potentially worsening myocardial ischemia.
(Figure 5). Placement of an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) Until recently, transfusion practices in patients with ACS
can be valuable in this situation as it helps improve myocardial were based on liberal thresholds (<10 g/dL); recent evidence
Makki et al 11

Figure 5. Choice of pressors in patients with cardiogenic shock. Adapted with permission from Antman et al.13

has challenged this notion. Mortality is increased with blood Purkinje system (associated with extensive anterior infarction)
transfusion in patients who are hemodynamically stable, and may be associated with second-degree Mobitz type II block
hematocrit as low as 25% may be well tolerated.60,68 Potential and/ or complete heart block. Escape rhythms in such patients
explanations include platelet activation and aggregation, are unstable or they may progress to frank asystole. Therefore,
impaired oxygen and nitric oxide delivery, all of which can these patients frequently require temporary and even perma-
promote thrombosis and worsen degree of ischemia. As a nent pacemaker.
result, recent guidelines have recommended a more restrictive While premature ventricular complexes or short runs of non-
transfusion threshold (hematocrit < 25%). sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) are common in patients
with ACS, they are usually well tolerated and do not require
specific antiarrhythmic therapy (other than b-blockers).69 More
Arrhythmias prolonged episodes can be accompanied by hypotension or
Patients with ACS are at risk of a variety of brady- and tachy- degenerate into ventricular fibrillation (VF). Treatment with
arrhythmias. Here, we focus on atrioventricular (AV) block and intravenous lidocaine (loading dosage: 1-1.5 mg/kg of intrave-
ventricular arrhythmias—the 2 common arrhythmias associ- nous lidocaine followed by an infusion 1-3 mg/min) or intrave-
ated with ACS. nous amiodarone (loading dose: 150-300 mg, followed by
The mechanisms of AV block in patients with ACS include infusion 0.5-1 mg/kg/min) is recommended. Defibrillation is
ischemia or infarction of the conduction tissue, or increased necessary in unstable patients or patients with VF.
parasympathetic activity. First-degree and second-degree AV
blocks (Mobitz type I) are usually due to ischemia of the AV
node often seen in patients with involvement of the right coron-
Future Therapeutic Approaches
ary artery. Bradycardia in these patients is usually self-limited Although mechanical or pharmacological reperfusion in
and does not require treatment, even when it progresses to com- patients with ACS has led to improved outcomes, some patients
plete heart block because the escape rhythm (junctional do not achieve myocardial reperfusion despite restoration of
rhythm) is usually stable. Temporary pacing is rarely neces- coronary flow (‘‘no-reflow’’). This is due to a combination of
sary, and complete recovery of AV block occurs in a majority distal embolization leading to microcirculatory occlusion,
of these patients. On the other hand, ischemia to the His- ischemia, and reperfusion injury.70 For patients with a high
12 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 00(0)

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