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Request for proposal document of HP company has been used here for analysis. HP wants to

increase its educational consortium and spread it to other areas of the world. purpose of this

educational consortia is to promote STEM education and learning in the field of science,

technology and engineering and Math. They want to polish the skills of students all over the world

to deal with different challenges faced by society and community using science and technology

and they also want to strengthen student empowerment. HP is the sponsor organization and their

office of global social innovation in looking into this project for educational revolutions. HP brings

together different organizations under one roof that serves the purpose of spreading STEM

education among students all over the world. This RFP was presented by HP to increase its team

of 5 member organizations to 20 organization this time and for that purpose they proposal request.

In the topic RFP of the book certain conditions and requirements were written which were

important to write a good RFP. It was explained that RFP is presented by and organization when

they do not have the team of experts who can perform that task which is why they look for sources

and proposals from other organizations to perform that task. RFP gives a complete and detailed

overview of what the organization is looking for and their requirements in detail. These details

should include an objective of the work and its background to give a clear understanding of the

work. It should include a statement of work to point out major tasks and customer requirements

which includes a detailed list of required stuff. Deliverables and acceptance criteria should be
mentioned in detail to understand the items that are required and types of items that will be

accepted. It should also include the due date, schedule, evaluation criteria and funds.

In HP RFP for educational consortium first, they gave a brief overview and background of the

organization and their requirement. In the next section, they gave a detailed background and issue

to give a clear understanding of what the organization is looking for. The objective was very well

defined. Key focus areas were explained separately in the opportunity section to identify the

deliverables. Statement of work and list of the requirement for the organization was clarified which

identified how the team will look like. The grant award was also explained which discussed the

budget and the grant that HP was offering to each organization that gets selected. They also

discussed the selection criteria which will be used to select the organizations under this project and

term on which the organizations will be preferred was also mentioned under the selection criteria.

They also defined the grant commitments and roles of the organization including the team

members for each role. They elucidated the reporting method of the progress as well which

comprised of the steps to use while reporting the progress of the organizations working under the

project. In reporting, they also mentioned the criteria for the report that how it will be presented

by the organizations and what will be help provided by the HP company to them. Key dates and

milestones were also defined clearly in a separate section. The RFP included a section to describe

the process of applying for the proposed position, and overview of the main things that are required

by the company which should be a part of the proposal including the details of the organization,

its objectives, team members to work under this project, institution’s information and the deadline

of the proposal requests. This RFP of HP had almost all of the details that were mentioned in the

guidelines for the request for proposal. Not a single point or area was missed by the company.

Every major or minor detail was explained by the company in their RFP.

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