ESE Vs Conventional in Lightning Protection System PDF

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ir Terminal in an external lightning protection Practical Issues in India

A systems can be divided into two categories, namely,
conventional and non- conventional. The conventional
ESE rods are installed in almost every building in India.
Some are made in Europe/China and balance in India.
systems use Franklin rods or mesh. Early Streamer
As a proof of reliability ESE manufacturers claim test
Emission (ESE) and Dissipation Arrays (sometimes reports from CPRI. Mistakes done in India are
called Charge Transfer Systems – DAS / CTS ) are the
non conventional air terminals. 1. ESE rods are tested with a short current pass of few
KA (an iron rod also pass this test). This test report
Many decades of experience shows that Franklin rods
have nothing to do with the principle of ESE
or mesh located at critical points on a structure with
a proper down conductor and earthing system, the 2. ESE rods with one insulated down conductor is
damage due to lightning on the structure could be used. Even insulated cable through the steel sheet
systems with in the structure SPD’s are necessary. The Standard itself
system is accepted and appreciated by all national / 3. Down conductors are installed with number
international standards. of bends and often through electrical shafts.
This create serious threat to electronic installation in
Early Streamer Emission the building
ESE manufacturers claim that ESE terminals are NF C 17-102: 2011 (French standard on ESE rods)
equipped with discharge triggering device to initiate explain as below
streamers and increase the probability of connecting to Level of protection I+: The ESE system at level of
a downward leader. The time advantage realized by the protection 1 is additionally connected to the metal
early inception of the connecting leader from an ESE structure or reinforced bars of the building in addition
terminal in comparison to a normal Franklin rod would to the dedicated down conductors included in the ESE
provide a possibility interception at a longer distance in system at roof level and ground level. When down
comparison to that from a Franklin rod. Consequently, conductors are not interconnected at roof level, a
it is claimed that under similar circumstances an ESE ring conductor located above the roof can be used to
terminal will have a larger protection area than a Franklin achieve this requirement….. If there is no natural down
rod of similar dimensions. conductors or if the above requirement can not be
are baseless. How ever these rods are accepted in the Level of protection I++: WKHURRILVSURWHFWHGDW,ZLWK
French standard as an additional standard (in addition an ESE terminal having radius of protection reduced
to EN 62305) by 40 %.

44 July 2017

The above clause from French standard shows ESE The Fact
protections is just like doing a conventional Lightning
Both ESE and DAS installations in India do not
Protection system with an extra ESE rod and down
provide any protection to structure, Electronics and
conductor. Even ESE suppliers don’t know such points
from the ESE standard
the building. These devices are widely used due to the
(6(DLUWHUPLQDWLRQSULQFLSOHGRQRWFRQÀUPWR,6 attractive features explained in the catalogue.
standards, National electric code, National Building
Insurance companies deny ESE as a protection device
Code as well as CEA safety regulations. As per CEA
and ask users to replace it with conventional system
regulation every building with more than 15 meter height FRQÀUPLQJWR,6,(&
shall be protected as per IS/IEC 62305. In spite of this,
large number of industries and commercial buildings An installation properly designed and installed satisfying
use ESE rods (always with one down conductor). Users Indian standards IS/IEC 62305, IS 3043, IS 732 will
consider ESE rods as they believe it is the easiest way of protect the installation for years with out maintenance.
doing lightning protection, but are never aware of the National Building code (2015-draft) recommends not to
dangers behind it. Such installation create serious use these non conventional system. Lightning protection
threat to the structure as well as its contents. as per IS/IEC 62305 is mandatory for buildings more
Critical telecom installations in India were using ESE than 15 meter height as per CEA safety regulations
URGVDGHFDGHEDFNÀQGLQJLWVLQHIÀFLHQF\LQSURWHFWLRQ (2016-amendment draft). With these code & regulations
ESE rods were replaced with DAS. in place it becomes a legal requirement now to use
conventional system and not ESE and DAS.
Dissipation Array System or (Charge Transfer System)
Courtesy: published research papers of Mr. M.A. Uman
The original idea of lightning eliminators or dissipation and Mr. V. A Rakov & Mr. HARTONO Zainal Abidin
arrays is to utilize the space charge generated by
one or several grounded sharp points to “dissipate”
(i.e. neutralize) the charge in thunderclouds and thus Lightning Protection System
prevent lightning strikes to a structure to be protected. &RPSDULVRQFRQÀUPLQJWR,6,(&
The manufacturers of this system claim that the space
charge generated by the array will silently discharge the
This comparison is made based on the installation
The idea of DAS means an area with number of DAS
practices prevailing in India. NFC 17-102 ESE standard
systems will never experience a lightning hit. The idea
require down conductors and earthing as per IEC
seems to be attractive, but it is the peak of exploitation.
62305 which is not followed in India. (refer French
Engineering community never accepted DAS. standard NFC17-102:2011 on ESE rods)

Sr. Design ,6,(& NFC 17-102:

No. Standard 2011

1 Name Conventional Advanced

usually used Lightning Protection Lightning

2 Protection ELPS for structure Focused only

required and SPM for on ESE rod.
against contents. All No protection
requirements provided against
failure, step
potential, touch
potential & EMC
DAS in a telecom tower
3 Acceptance Yes. Accepted world NO (except
DAS has been installed widely in India especially for
E\VFLHQWLÀF wide (including french and spain
critical telecommunication application. After every
bodies france and spain as as an additional
failure, DAS supplier reply to users that the lightning
main standard) standard - due
which created failure is higher than the capacity of that
particular model of DAS. Manufacturer recommend to to local business
replace the existing DAS with a bigger one at extra cost conditions)
after every failure.

July 2017 45

4 Theory Faraday Cage only highlighting

Behind the rod

to IS
6 Testing IEC 62561 - 1 to 7 Short circuit &
surge current
from CPRI. Both the right choice!
tests are not Publication Date 1st working day of the month of the issue
related to ESE
theory Cover Pages 210 GSM Art Paper *
Inside Pages 70 GSM LWC Paper *
to NBC-2016 Magazine Size A - 4, 297 mm x 210 mm
NBC of India -
and CEA
regulation 2016 banned use
8 Level of Class 1 to 4 Class I and I RATE PER
Rates for 4 colours
Air For both classes Cover Positions and non bleed
Termination and structural steel as Front (GateFold) 260 mm x 390 mm 1,37,500
Down conductor down conductor
Front (GateFold) - Half 260 mm x 180 mm 88,000
recommendations is mandatory.
VSHFLÀHGLQ,6,(& Additional Inside Front 260 mm x 180 mm 93,500
62305 exposed down Inside Back 260 mm x 180 mm 88,000
conductors Back 260 mm x 180 mm 93,500
in multiple BackFold 260 mm x 390 mm 1,21,000
locations are
also required (ref Rates for 4 colours
Special Positions of NFC and non bleed
17-102: Page 3 (5) 260 mm x 180 mm 71,500
2011). But in Page 4 (6) 260 mm x 180 mm 60,500
India one or two
Page 5 (7) 260 mm x 180 mm 66,000
exposed down
conductors alone Page 9 (11) 260 mm x 180 mm 55,000
are used Page 15 (17) & 260 mm x 180 mm 52,800
onwards each
Rates for 4 colours
Ordinary Positions and non bleed
Expected problems of ESE rods Full Page 260 mm x 180 mm 44,000
to French standards - ESE standard Double Spread 260 mm x 360 mm 88,000
recommend to reduce the coverage radius
Insert 305 mm x 215 mm 88,000
buildings, which is not done India Rates for 4 colours
Appointments: and non bleed
2 1RSURWHFWLRQSURYLGHGDJDLQVWÀUH Full Page 210 mm x 165 mm 27,500
electronics failure, step potential, touch Half Page 100 mm x 165 mm 13,200
potential, EMC. Focused only on ESE air
terminal rod Extra Charges:
3 Fire and Flash over due to 1 or 2 down Full Bleed : 20 % Extra
conductors. Recommendations as per ESE
standards are not followed especially usage PHQWLRQHGDERYH
of natural down conductors
4 Insurance companies also reject ESE rods
Series Discounts:
as a result number of industries installed
5 One world famous ESE manufacturer claims DSSOLFDEOHIRUFRYHUSDJHV
ESE rods as per NF-C standards will not )RURUPRUHUHOHDVHVGLVFRXQW
work !!!!!!!!!!!!!.
-Director LP Consultants International Pvt. Ltd.

46 July 2017

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