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A. INDEX AL INDEX B, FUNDAMENTAL RULES 2 The Mapboa “emai sttzctiog both combat an movement “eream affecting combat ony Terrain features no fect combat oF 23 Tho Ans and Aled aries, Steckeng Iestatioa combot Comat esluton CGiner terrain ttecté on combat addenda wasic came 1. Ali Game Racord Card 2,008 © Unit Orgoization Chat 2, German Game Record Card 2 008 Time Trace © Unt Orgniaton Chart, 2 Weather 4 Feiany Tenia 5. Sept fvason 1, Terms aertonng to invasions and mphivous movernent {Incision turn comb, 6 Second Invasion 2. See Movement f Inwodveton 3. Amaoibius Transfer fe Erscuation| esing and Taranto eon and Supply 2 General i Germans 10, tered Counters General i, Atacking ©. Datending| 11, Replacements 3 General 2. Aled © German 12, Automatic Victory 32 Beskinrough 14. Second Cortat 15. Vietory Conations 26, Begining the Game . BASIC GAME SUPPLEMENTARY RULES 1. lexroduction| 2. Ais Superionty 2. Supporting Fite General 2. Nava guns — Ais Tatil spp . Aled sir interdetion 5 Commandos 6, Fonts General 1 Construction © Defoding tom forts {Attacking from forts ‘Aiiad Unite not US or British Mountain Units 2 General Combat though High Apennine hex sides 9, Retreat through zon of contr 10. Ply balance f. ADVANCED GAME 1. tntroduetion| 2. Time Record Crd 3. Unt Orgamaton Cards 44 Allied 008 Cars 5. Gorman 008 Card & German Garcon Unite 7, Ried OOB ~ Special Features 8. German 008 ~ Special Features 1 Herman Gosring division 1. SSP2. dvsion withramas Wheat Px. dvison wrthdwals 4 Panzorrenaier withorawal Coweta Commons For: German Ae Replacements 9, German Rapimental Counters 10. The tain Ary a. General 2, Fasosts © Monarehiss 9, Partisans Republicans 21, Mountain Units 12, Ales Poratroons 13. Supporting Five 14 Air Skee 15 Ivesions 16 Ports 17, Commandot 1 Sea Movement 18. Napboard Eds 20, Irlation and Supply 2h. Viewory Conations F. ADVANCED GAME SUPPLEMENTARY RULES 1, introduction Forts Polish Morale Faendy Hexes Step Reduction elation Port Buta Up Jar Start Historical Swength Variant Weather [At Sort Germsn Free Deployment , German and Ais © Alles &. Germane 1, ryotuntary Overtaking 12, Retest Throogh Zone of Con 12. Historia! Second Invaion Aled Ports 18, Aled Reinforcement Option 16, German feiforcemont Oars AT, The Fog at War 1. German hidden deployment ©. Limited ineligenee {008 ootions Bepvevavs Aled ports 18, Py-alonce G. APPENOIX 1, Terain Crifeations 2. Speci! Tern Elect Movement 2. Calelatine Maver 4. Foriemions 5. Examples of Combst 6. Supply an Ioiaion 9, Repmental/Da sional Exchanges H.pEsiGnens: noes: 1. Armies in tal 2. The laian Campsion DESIGN CREDITS: HISTORICAL RESEARCH & ORIGINAL DESIGN, Dave witiams REDESIGN & REORGANIZATION: Tom Olason GAME COMPONENTS: Tom Olesen, Tom Show, | Donald Grosnwood PLAYTESTING: Pete Moncon Jos! Davis, Richard Plosk, Paul ON Interest Group Bek REPLACEMENT PARTS For eutront repacoment paris price ts, send 3 lomped ui addresund envelope to Parts Dept. THE ‘Avalon hil Game Company, 4517 HerfersRd, Bal, Ma 21218 “seh EDITION: Players should ote that this version of ANZIO is uch iforent rom tpreéaceccor When plang ‘ail or with 9 new adversary, bo sure 0 ascertain trbich edition ofthe ules you are playing under. The ‘Stmediion fa now the efi Avalon mil rules for | ‘aNz10. ( B. FUNDAMENTAL RULES 4. INTRODUCTION [Antiois» soll port 36 miles south of Rome. War Pav way of making Mtory in obscure places, ke Gusdscarl, Stalingrad, Wate, and Anzio. Anzio Sn the name of Avaion Hus srateaygume which famous invoion, butte entire ampsion, one of the frost controversial of Werle Wart Should Rommel have released the powerful garison (ia ark Clark binder in epeatedy attacking whet Ila text ell the stronget delensive poston 1 urspu> ‘The unsorpesed rel of Anao peemts ‘Your Ansa pm ineludes: 1. Themapbourd 2. The Aled and German roop counters 13. The Step Reduction Table (SRT? “A. The Time Record Card (TAG), fr the Advanced Gime “Too Uni Organization Gare, one foreach side forthe Advanced Game 66. Two Order of Battle Card (O08), one foreach Side for te Aovanced Game 2. Thare ane Game Record Cards fr each side, for the Saye Gna onthe bank of the OOB cards 2, THE MAPBOARD A. rea shown Thot part of Haly which figured important in the 1318.45 compo i depicted. A hexagon thes) gnc tov been cverrinted to. determine movement. TO {nd south hove boar lotered through ¥. The rows osning nerthwest to routheast are numbered 180, Eramotes Napa RST, Bologrs O15, “errsin alfecting both combat and movement ouh Terrsin ~ dark ochre, for example, hox Pain Toran = ligt gold (012), igh Apeonine ~ rede brown (012) ‘Swarios~ olive een (FS). vers bl lw lines parang though the sides Of a hes, or entering the ata, These may be Inverruped by Bridge, but the river sti exist (era, 6. Headwaters —bive lw lines athe start of ives the sea (014) These are not rer hexes ._Terain affecting combat only 1 Mounting ~ hexee containing back slope cor tours (12). 2. Ai Bases—tho cities of Piss, Foggia, Napoli and Rm (each of te 3 hexos a Separate bac). “eran affecting movernent only Asoc roads ~ gry lines cutina in black (814), Minor roads ~ paral! black dosed ines (812). Bridges — indeated by roads passing over vers (E22) ov impeas where a major or minor Cty, Such aa Roma or Osis (59), 1s bisected by & fer. "There, 90” functional slerenco Famicin 1D46) 6 not» bge hatched in lack, such a ora, Cites do not Trverupt movement if 4 road traverses them. food, For exam, Firenze iran extension of tmajr road No 2. Minor iis ~ back dors suc a Osis 6 Port ~ cont ites, such as Napoli of Sale, forth ved Capscity (Gap) and Build UP (BU) Figures noted nearby. 17. Beaches ~ cot! exes eantaning atlas some pia terran bordering on the sea (314). 18, Const ~ hones bordering the cousin but with fo plain tevin on tha so (C18) 18. vason Zones — beach hexes contained between rains (AUS 4). E. Terrain features not affecting combat oF move 1. Route numbers — in iamonds (814), 2. Pace names ~ rods, tes, ives, lakes, ee Minor lakes ~ smal blue seas such as Lago i Vico (640) 4, Seas —blve aso serounding tay 5. Cosine ~ thick black lines Berween sea and tend, Many coatal hone are eniy part land, but theyre playable woth some exeeptions. See F._ Non playable train 1. Mor lakes ~ the 2 main Hones of Lago Garda. {insin hex each of Vall Comacohi, Lage Bolana, and Lago oi Braeian, and whe 3 main heer of Lage di Tresimena aa invavesoie Exception’ unite may ure the rads through to of the Lago dh Trasimeng hexes, but not st09 2. Land board edge hexes~ the partial hexes onthe south edge contsiing id numbers 71-7273-76, the portal nortn ode. bexee containing or Testers, C, Ect, andthe 3 west edge Hexen the A column ate playable, ass hough they those al along th est edge of the board are not Payable, The two smite may no enter hem Coastal hexes ~ few are 100 smal to be Used ‘Soe appendix 4, Promontories — certain pecinguoe are playable, but wth, the retin that no combat tmovement allowed fam thom dec 10 Gna. aiaeent land hesen, becouse 2 60 30 ‘would pes dwctly through ex sides al se, Example: moverant isnt alowed ditety from 388 to 158, nor could a Gorman unt at J58 attack an ‘Allied unit nest to iat ISB. The rie hx ies ae inthe a0 pena, 1G. miscatony 1. Sicila ~ Although not on the map, itis freauenty refered ton the role. Allied oop i Sc” can Be REDE in any convenient se area of the mepboas, oF next (otha board Nowe thot all Anzio pace names ae tla, 2. The Ansio mapoard is one of the most detailed nd raise seis, tut tere ean be ering fd its staat on the gure. See spendin Tor ‘questions tat my ate 3, THE AXIS AND ALLIED ARMIES The talon campaign wae the fist n story including Hoops ‘tom every inhabited continent. TRESe 36 curatly represented by the two sheets of courts includes, Punch test out carehily. & shape tment may hep. Aergnge ther on the organization! ‘eds provided, which you may wish to mount om Gotourd. On fe mapboara tere is 2 table of Symbols apeearing on the unit counters. The units Cary greatly in trngth, size, and other chose q teristics, The symbole on the counter explain the ature of each nit, which must be known to pay the Same, Many units ae repceented by more than one Counter: these “extra” counts are the same Unt but at differen levee of stength Size: XX = division, X= Brigde, M1 = Regiment ‘Attack Factor 3 unit's basi strangth when attack ing Defense Factor is units bane svength when ‘etending, Movement Ponts measure Unit's mow tment capsbiiy. sttking Number is 3 precie treasure af 2 uni’ ze the stocking number in the upper right hao’ comer, the unit Ae at ful Strength Hin the unper left hand corner, tis at ul strat CCortain units have oul eapabitis. Mountain unis tre indicated by underiing, Commandos by 3 smal eter 9 the unper rigid corer, 4, BASIC FUNCTIONS A. lotroduetion “The Ano nite have 3 base functions: 1. Moving on the maps through the hex aid st 2 oeed governed by ther movement points 2. Stacking with other nits on the same how, {overoed by their Hacking ner. 3. Gombat as determined by a comparison of thir stack an deters actos. Tun Order _ 1. Each game-uin presents one week and consists ftw plaverturn, fst the Ales, and hen the Germans 2. Each playecturn consis of wo phases ist movement, ad then combat. 3. Movement if velunury. Ether player may ‘righ on, 44. Combat is alo voluntary, in that the plover Shy enemy unit. However, once © unit iin 3 combat station, a6 explana fae combat ta Tonge volumtry, but must cou 15, Movement ater combat, snd second and subse fue combats ae aio voluntary, the sense tepined above. They ate aio conditional on the rest of any fst combats, Movement “The fist pat f each playsetunn is he move ment phase. 2, At the start of the movement phase, replace tment ad reforcments enter te game, 6 freee for on that ur, During he movernent pase you may moe al any, oF none of your unit, for al or part af tet 4. They may move in any citection, cx combination of dvectons '5, The movernent phase must be fully completed belore any combat occu. 6 Ouring combat, addtional movement msy be Sowad, a exploned ate 7. Movement can not be wansfrred between u hoe sived from tor tue 18 The movement capailty of each unit is ex fresed in points. core 4 cartan number of 8. Wun 8 unit moves from one hex into an iacent hex, it eronte he Tine Baten he 140, Caled the hoxside, The terran though which this hex Hine dra determines the more iment pnt (MP) cost to crove a ME te 30 Grhin he hex te 10. Many hexsdes eros more than one rype of fovain, tr example, rough and plain. The MP fest is that of the mom advanugeous type of ferrin (lost costly in term of MPs). The mest Seromogeoss terran in e hexside, sneludiog foods may aso be used retreating, of when there tran eftet on combat 11, WP coat to eros 3 Nese containing TMP ~ any pai tein 2 MP — all rough train, or rough train dc ah Apennine All MPs — all High Apannine anor swamp. Since saamps and. High Apennine ace tune onay idenvssl” for" bot moverant and ombat, they will both be refered tos High IRpmonise. Note sat the cost to cfo Hh [Apmrnine sige the ome repadiss oF se MPa Cit how and since al MPs or expended, no ther movement possible in that moverent ‘ase, belore er ater erostng. 4.112 MP = a hecide which is wavered by a Iai toad, segrdless of the thor torrain frossed by the hex se eT MP = 2 hexsidetovered by a minor road, Tegurless of the ether train nthe hex sie {Note that i orc toe the 036 MP rat, the food must be in the hexsde crossed, not other point within the Rex, or another sie of 9. Ail eyoes of terrain, on and off roads, may be travertine rm, 30 Tong as the Unit has nuh MPL 1h. Except for rivers tren costs aro calculated on thebasiof hexsides A.untenterinpe hex pays Ihetoraincostof meside croseadentering the {iit has enough movement pont, may then fut the how tha tervan cost of te ide eit. Fogorders of the erain features uth the Nex 12. Rivers 2 Thw movement penalty in cosing a rive is not faleuated st MP, Therefore, when essa 3 hens containing able ever flow tine, ignore {tor the pupa of eaeutting the MP cost For eample, he nortveaet nde of tHe hex con femnng Litera 1F50) te considered all samp, ‘von though the hexside ie aso crossed by the Canal Mosel bi Units may entra hex containing 2 rie. 290 ‘move along that river onthe sae sige they fst Cmtered, abject 10 the MP cout already ex Dloned, They may not in that sam turn move ff the sven Box foro an adjacent on the ‘ther side of te ever, Uo orser tooth {oss the ever they must end their turn on 2 hex Containing he rier they wish to cross. At the Start of he nent turn, they may then rove off fh either side of the river, Onoe such 2 nit Pas fmoved aw Tor hex contaning te ive. i trould have 10 agin return and end ts turn On| fide the next Rivers may be essed at bridges without this 6, Rivers may abo be crossed in combat without 2. 14 ety, Han attacking unit om a er hex destoys fr causes to reveat adnfoder on the oer side St tne river, the anteker ay immediately Seoupy the wocied Me, wthout te wal wait hex eccupning i Would not resi in crossing Cniy he Ales may move bys. Static Movement Strategie Movement gies unit twice its sual Daas tne unit ad 8 MP, it would have 16, ‘#13, thon 28 Units of both sides that don't start tai ers ext to. enemy unis efered to 35 being 9 oem "zone of eontel") and dont ight that fun, ray tig peal mover Aied “units ust dembarking may ot use Sratexe Moverent. Note that even when using Satie Movement, Crossing an all Hig Apennie hexside costs i Sola EP. rgurctet of to oxact sumer Examples of movement appear inthe ABpEnGX Sucking Each unit ha stacking point number. Esc side ‘nav place up to B stacang points maximum on ‘ne hen egrdes of Tran “This limit does aot apply. while moving. oF Teweatng, Any number of ut can vere 3 fen wile moving prowded that no more than 8 points stop on ae he. It for any reason you ate forced t9 stack ovr 8 points, you must mmnedately destroy enouh frit to reach the mit The sacking layer ‘Chooses which unto eliminate Units of opposing sides can nave stack peter, wath. one exception, Ths eeurs during. 30 “Automate Victory, a expline Tater Iniating Combat [ter se ist movernant) phat of wach player turn is the sacond Teoma hase “The Ghaxes around 9 unit are its zane of contro When you move nest to an enemy unit, YOu iminediatty stop, aed then fight, afer the movement phase ended “There are only 2 exeaptions to his requirement: tevin tle, B24 and cert weak units whieh td not have a rons of conta 1s explained above,» unit ending its turn on a fiver hex en aot moe off the ater sie ofthe fiver tithe next turn, Nonetheless, zone of nul stil extends to Gagjcent hoses, even thow which are onthe other sido of she ver “The paver moving is the attacker, regardless of the bottle dd. The atacker may first bring uP 1B many nits as he ehes before ressiing Combat. No combat gecurs until The tacker Mas froved al he units he wishes, causing 35 many OF The attacker then esos each bute with 2 feporote a ral one at 2 te, in any order he Ghooer. The: consequences of each india Dott, such a anoles, advances andlor re treats any, ate decided before proce to the mont ble, Tete conaquences are cssused Inderal inthe next section Determine battle odds by comparing the at Taskers attack factor against the defenders Sefense factor. This ate 1 reduced to an odds fomporison found on the Step Reducton Table [St Uneven ratios aro always rounded off in favor ctinedofender re. 26t09.42t01, 01370 A angeker may encase To stack at lower than {ren many units wil be ile attacking and Setending. Artaskers of the same hex need ot Sith nthe same outle, P hey are vext 10 defender whch re on moe than ane hex. Some A of the attackers could attack defenders on ane fhe hile seme tack detenderson ane or rore 1. Units from mare than one hex can attack Gotenderson ne hex, if they at all next 9 Units stocks in one hex must be attacked 35 2 hey ‘combine ther etenae Tetors into one total deter factor. The atacker combines he beak factreinto‘one total, and then the 0 9 GF course, many bates do nt involve many fit The atacker'may divide combat 10 any ‘wav be woshess0 fang a ll is Unt 0 enemy Tne of contol fight some atacent enemy Un fought. An excetion duced under Sond 10, The attack oF delense factor of ere wnit may ver be divided serorg bat. 17, Uniess_a Second Combat occu, of explained fevers» unit only stares or defends ones tach turn, (Ser Second Combet ~ C4) 12, Attcks may be made volunanly at odds 2 poor tds for any reason unit would have 10 four ops won sar nd #9 09 ob feinforermente and te withdraw nd attack 14. tess not allowed 10 move directly fom ont tw tae of control belong to dierent enemy tits There must eat eat one steven Nex 15, There fone encption tothe above vle Ee thre ware eumiated or feed to Eten, thet fhveaiy ham’ one enemy zone of contol ‘omer of unite able o ance into the vated F, Combat Resolution 1. Resohe bates in sequence by rotting the di the Die Bol col a det eta ofthe SRT “Th exes wth te atte oda, rm 14 oP 10 2. There aie 6 porsle reuls for eh os Calum depending onthe rt, The unter et ‘won ete tends sult 3. Canale ate taker im stops, whic i UN BY 4. The presence of numer indicates step lst Remove the sumber of tps shown YOU {range For example reflect the loss of sep 10 the German 1 Pre dvion by temosng The fortsvength 6-102 counter, and repeat 2 ih the 59-1 counter which hag he some uni ennifieaton. I the exact same unt lv Ont ‘ep weaker Loss of one step may mean theless “The fl srengh counter i not destroyed. Leave ton the Unt Organization Chart for Tate Use and hen the eaker counter is able (0 bot back ite svenath_ by combina with feplacement counter, The method by ich ‘opted units recover the srengh is expiines| ‘Oni the atacand deters actors change when 2 uni loses stepe At al strength levels, he acing wie a he movement ons eran Reductions must siways be made by soectc sn Relig 3 unit wit euro rat Nor ean move than one counter ota gvan unt be hen 3 unit i educa to its weskest counter, it anal lot 2 step. Ivertingteounte a 13069 Tout. Ramouing the iverad countor i worth ‘more step. Ths means thatthe units destroyed, Sno permanently ext of the geme_ An inverted Counter cam enly sult rom fst stepaing down {runt tots weakest oca-up count, ana thon Many soles unite oniy have 1 counter even tnhan they area ull strength, Thy ean sl be (resend ramoved necessary. "tepr ae ost the payer may apportion the lost ope af esses, subject to certain ponies (Oni atthe end of your tur, you may voluntarily Gastoy any of your units In each combat, both losses and retreats are taken in tha order (a) sige rovreating: if 99 Favret then (2 when an °R appears in your wiangle om the SAY. you mast eret the urls) nwo, Subject 10 certain retritons explained below, fhe reveating player may remove Ms units 1oF2 hemes, whicheves he peters, the svaction of Geecions he prefers. Ie alowed 10 retreat "forward e.g. toward the enemy ont i 50 allowac io etreatonahex,ansthen beck1oa hex ext to tat trom vinintne eteatbegon isnot ‘lowed tend a etieatinhehexi started fom Exception’ Allied units a able 10 evauete but to oto 2 expaine later, sey would not De fenroves ‘A unit retrening across a vers destroyed tis Cevaly ear wien se ofthe ver he unt ean below ave: permited revets (net crossing & five) Example 516 not permitod frosting 8 river. Crossing ata bridge, example T26-725-724 ferreting from a river ex tothe hosswaters Inox ofthat samme var, anathen in any rection, ‘xarple 525-725 ary adjacent hex but $25, Retreating rom the headwaters hex of ive to the adjoining hex of that ver apd then in ay ‘direction example S27-T26anyacaenthexbut S77. If 9 unt etreating fom a ever hex: (2) i not ‘move at turn 0) on moved on exes ofthe Toor) the last nex tom whieh taporoached Ean ete a to ether side of he river, oF prose U26 to T26-—rettent to any adjacet hex {c) movement phase $27 to 726— incent hex I movernent dung its urn ia the movement or tomar phase, took aunt to sive, rom 3 mex fot pao that vee, or seawater he Unit ‘can only cetreat along that iver, © 10 the side from which approached. Example: U27 1028 inthe movement phase, can then eeteat 0 any fuiscent hex but U25, which would be a coss- fiver retreat. Example: U2T to U20 as the fist {arroat na then second revreat hexcouldbe 359 sjacent nox bot U25. teat 0 any A unit may not rots a all High Apennine ote detnucuon. the only fea retrot i ‘hough anal High Ageonine exe, then the faa. It may not retreat the ual second Nex Nor is it slowed to rere 1 hex though {cond hex through an all High Apeonine hex fide In such astuation,onty the fst hex would [beshoweds the unt would then have to stom Win the singe exceotion of consisering together fil events 3 urut may undergo during 9 ven {han forthe purpose af determining whether the tit has erated rive, exon retest far each Combats comideted new test. For ample, 2 unit could be stacked, and then retest ‘rough 9 Highiipemine hecside 35 dese ove, thea Be atecked gain, and ain retreat throw 3 High Apeonine exe, provided rule above is observed, (tne types of tartan do not aac eto plain, rug, andthe wo types of roads. The 1 fr 2 ees allowed ate the same though any of {hee four eyper of trai ited above "The nly exception that roads alow passe thru fough eran, High Apenrie, and) acs ‘Othe tucson eet The 1 or 2 hex allowed re ho same repartes Tea it forces 10 retest nt or through 20 fanny tone of conto tm dertroye. TH units) most end ee retreat i such 2 way thot oveestacking reals, dhe retenting ler Choouwe which units) to. desvoy in order 10 iMovie the cwestacked situation. need not recessvily be the retenting Ut 1 several units ar noted in a rereat and more thon one path is pore, they may reat long orate pth Sometimes, on for Bot) siete) does not lo IW the’ detondorretens. oF Is destroyed even twithout combat, teeeby vacating ns Mex the Suscker atwaye has the option of occupying the cata hex. The only attacking units allowed to ‘rereise this option would be those involved in the atack- or gestuction, should any survive {Ter advance into the vacate hex i subject to the waual stacking limit. ‘The sbove advance may be done even if violates the usual prion on pusing diecty wom one enemy Zane of contol 9 anther. Tes ho slowed. deste terrain revetions hich Crossing ative ota High Apannine hex “Te defender doesnot have the above option the atacer retreat or destroyed. OF court frei then the delender gould occupy Wunder he uel movement rl. Other TocrainEtlcts on Combat Terrin can double or wiple 2 unit's defense {hetor, and halve a unit’ stack factor, or both {iret by themselves do not double defenders, 1 “The detengs factor of a unit is doubled on 3 mountain he Ine stacker is ato on a “The defence factor of unt is dovbled i ats {rocker ae on rver howe, oven thedetender {Sons headwaters hex This advantage stat fever one of Hs attackers i not on a er ROX Boger 4 not negate the doubling eMect of IW the defender ison & mountain hex, and alts attackers are on river exes then he defender i ple “Thee sone instance in which al stickers may Devon tive heres and yet the Fiver 26rontge i tow to the defender Ths occurs i the detent Frauo on a hex of the same rer a6 any fi eockers Thee Resor need ot be adjacent fg the couee of the river, so fong as both Sttacker and defender ate on these river. the attacker and” defender ae beth on ret heves, but differant river, the dotender i til subi, ‘Some hexes contain two rivers. If both atacker nd etender sve on the se rover, DUL because ‘Sf two rivers ma ingle hs, the attacker 0 ‘Oh another river wie the deender iz not, tan the detende is deubiea Some examples of hes with two river are #20, 198,198, 3D ond V2 The attack factor ie Raed when the hexside between attacker and defencer is all High [pennine. The songst possible defensive pow tion fe 2 mountain Behind a High Apennine hens, and alto tehind river The defender ‘would be tiled, and the stacker Paved. Ha unitattacks amultpianoxetensein which Aetender se behind a High Apenrine hex-sde fed another not, the attack factor ft Maved The cetense. factor of the High Apennine etender is doubles. Were i area doubled or ‘ole, t would be doubled again, men aling th attack tater, 60 not drop Iractions For example, a 5 attack focor attack Ing trovgh 3 High Apensine hexside would sequal 21/2 faeor. ite detense factor of even ane defonde in an stacks doubled or pied, osses oe atacker ‘redouble never iipe) the amount indcatedon the SAT. seclained below High Apenninehox ‘des by themeeles do not double aracker’s losses (nclusive ofthe spacial case discussed ‘ule? above) ‘Addenda Examples of combat are given in the Aopen. Forther exceptions tothe Fundamentl Rules re ‘ota ia pertinent eecons ofthe tort Blew C. BASIC GAME 1, ALLIED GAME RECORD CARD A008 1. The nits shown At Stare he sesond week of September, 184, ar vaisble to ade 2, The ofr une, hich ate eintocarants, enter the pam a Sela onthe dats shown. They may Inmediaey wanser to the Mainland subject tO port or Secon rvason rules explained late. ‘2 Starting Sept Il, the Alles get 2 voiacemenss per eek in Si, 8. Time Track 1, This is calendar with one scton foreach of ‘the 15 weekly game turns 2 Al turns have good weather, except those rrarked "for mud, a5 expand ate. 8, "DP" means that the Alles start the Turn So indicted with 2 port counters, fora total of 4 forthe etie 15 tune. The ue of port counters ie ecpinined late, 4 You may indicate the current turn by placing & 6. Unit Organization Chart ‘Space is provided to set up all he counters ned in ‘the Base Game, 2. GERMAN GAME RECORD CARD A 008 1. Location ofthe unit available Sept I is shown, Grime 16h Panzer givin may be placed wwhorever the Gorman player ies. Alter the Dies sant the game by invading the Germans fra tre to ue these fourteen units feey 2. The other units reinforcement enter the gue fn the date shown, an ary north, nore forthest board eoge Rox. The fist hee counts prose thee movement factor, but it may be at ho road at tong 2 8d 1. tang when she Allis invade for 2 ec0nd tine the Germans get resnforment, shown. Tey fter the game jst tthe ater eenforemente , 44. Starting Sept IN, the Germans get 4 vaabie umber of replacement, 3s shown on the Time ‘Track. Thee eter at any major ey in German control, ar explained in the section on replace 5, The iat entry hes for Goemon eitoreomonts Gnd Teslacements cant be im Allied zone of conol Entering Germans can use strategic 8. Time Track 1. As explained inthe Alls section, eae turn snd Ses cuther shows, 2. The umber shown indiates the replacements lihich she Gerrans get that turn, A" means She inonty replacement uit. 42" mean ne Unit Organization Care Sosor i rovided, 1 set up all Ye counters needed in the Base Game 3, WEATHER ud changes MP cous flow 2M —ecside with any pai train {MP — hese hich is all rough terrain, oF ‘ough teen and High Apennine. All othr yeesin MP coats ae unchanged. The ¥ or 2 bx tere alowance isnot affected By mu 4, FRIENDLY TERRAIN ‘A hes is considered tobe friendly to 3 layer fis time, ov since, in enum r0n8 of contol Ahex could be ienaly tothe Garvan, for example, If they Stack fam i, even IF they hav fo rtveat. Only ‘he Allies ere subsequently” to occupy that Hex ‘woulg t than be Final 10 ter, aed no banger to the Germans, Ie would then remain so unless and Unit retsken by the-Germans. At the start of the fame, al aly considered trendy t9 the Germans. 5, SEPT INVASION A. Tha Fret Torn 1, The Alles must start the game by selecting 2 amber ot units from thom vnabe Sept and moving them shore. Thr delined a naira. 2. Am invasion may be made oly at ont of thes froae wich are eniely south ofthe middle map fold, which ie ust north of Roma. Note that this fecal the Roma inesion sea, since prt of Tenor of the fol (Oni British andr US units can ever invade. “Terme pertaining to Invasions and Amphibious Movement 1. Beach hex —hex wth an plain seein bordering testa 2. Beaches ~ lt feeny each Moxos within an 3. Inv Lit (0L) ~ the sae ofthe forces which iney come shore ove bach neces in a9 aon 4. BuildUP (BU) — after the Ital Lif urn, the fovce which can come ashore through friendly teachiead anor port hex in one turn, 5. Capacity (CAP) ~ the maximum force which ean be supplied through » particular beachhead or ort Fora beaciead, export c20 BBD 102m) ral rendy beach hexes atthe dseroton of the’ Allies 0 longs foto supp Wace 03 Ines dows exceed the indeated eapeety for the beaches 6. IL, BU, and CAP ate not given jn numbers of Se rete tromerved. tom one beachhead or port 10 [&.Invasion Tum Movement 1. nit Lift units donot rave ther usual MP rox Instead, ty all have 3 MP. ropardess oftheir Usual MP rating, Mud doesn't effect Ital Ut 2. The fst nex ashore aways cunts MP. because Mot the Invasion Zone hexes a beaches 3. After thet, MP corte 3 follows {TRIP — hens with any pin train 2 MP — hevside al rough eran, oF sough {MP — hex traversed by 9 majo oF 3 minor food. Note the change from the usual RP cos, Sines ft Lift Units ate not considered pe Dred to take fl vantage of mar roads 4. fois Lift units ee ot allowed 10 cs a tain her sds, and Jo Not Mave enaugh MP Ta ‘each High Aparnine ares. 5. The 3 MP limit does pat deprive Allos units of movement after combat, i they ar6 able 10 Sohieve any. 3 explained ater During sueh movement they could cross swamp Sadvor High Apennine New sides. Movoment ‘ter combats he same for ovading units or 6, The Alisd payer can eng ineding ts ashore inony may he wakes within the above les Whim the lms of he tacking poste sn Fed on the bord ner the epson zones, lal eg 1 may corsa of any Brith andlor US uit ._ vation Turn Combat 1. tf eunit ener an enemy zone of ental st mus so imme, ad then ent 9 norl bat, ‘nce te movement phas of he Tum oe 2. Unlike seme other Aaalon Hill games, units ean pot fig fram or eccupy seu hones Zones of comial do not extend out 2 se, ._vason Turn Supls Aoi if ts do not seed sles, on that turn 1. The Allies lacked men and material to activate al The ports and Beaches, 9 the Allied payer i Timed inthe ports and beaehheads be can ae for Capacity an But Up. 2. A port counter i neded co strate» port oF Imeachiea. As shows an the Allied Tine Track, the Ales sar the game wh 2 port counters which they can use forthe Sept Th irvasion. At The sart of ther Now t turn, thoy get 2 tional port counter cn they may Use For 'Socond Invasion, oo actwate any port andlor beactinead frend Yo them The Allies must fname any port of beachhead zane undet 3. Tohow thst 4 port or beachhead is obmatn put port counter onthe port ex, oF 38 nat En ovasion area's ted figures. 44. Port counters may be placed in friendly ports Sno beathheads the turn after tBey ave made than, tor ony ¥en the tur of contruction, the part out of German zone of conte Enomple. Alles invade Sept Il and dectbe pot Eanstuetion at th end of ther turn. Sept tse {nol constuction Before the Alledmoverent nase Sept ll he por counter = paced and during ter turo ta Ales make feenaly 9 Nox Fexhas been ceeupiedbyorinthe one olcoatol ta German anit that sameturn, hat wer oould be counted as the ten of construction 18, The Germane may destroy 8 port counter wed to Aetiate' port ey norway H, on the turn ft contraction, the por being consructed put {in German sone ot conta, is dextoved. Aer the constrtion torn, jst German zone of Conga vs nautfcient. The Germuns would have fo make the port ey hex fanay to them 10 esto i 9or eout 16. The Germans may aia destov 2 port counter ed to aetna a beached zoe in two way fo the ital Lif ral Bepehead ewes 1 fut in German zone of conto, the beachhead Geen zone of conta ie teullicent The {Gormans would have 10:make or agp fren (0 thom al of he bapetieud zoe coast exes in feony 10 the Ale, ater the total LM 0 ft ie ful see, vtin the re ines. Ths Would Sle with the orginal counter 8H an optrting beschteat o¢ pots destroyed, nother counter which they have nt ye use. 1. On the invision turn, the Ales must expend 3 port counter to make thew besehead operable 10, An oporble port ety # never rene. I the Alen, hey need ony use one of tei Wo port counters eailo Sept Mut this would reset heir Capacity an But UP The Alles can sctvate ports and beaches snc they Rave captured by Hondo hay ave 3 No port eounters ae needed fr Sica, Taran, Not ll esta towne are ports, capable af being Sethated with 3 port counter, ust those wh BUICAP figures ner them, ull Up and Capsety Many port cig ate also within the beachhead one, Seachead Guild cowl enter tough ‘perating, provided the Rex war the beachhead fone, in this eat, BuieUp would be 2 the trocthend rae, nat tha port rate, the por were leo operative, Both Bis could enter Seog tat one he Whe oniy rich andfor US units may invade, Bulg-Up may include ary Aled uns ud Up must come athor teaugh an opoating fort or beachhead. In ether eave, they must be firey exes the fst hex ashore foro unt ating under the Build Up tes nary Garman Zone of eon the rivion Aled nit must sto immediately 29 thot fst lend hex. Mt would then fight the elacent German unl in the combat nase of After the Initial Lilt, Aled units o_ aead Supe and must be abe ro taco a supp ne {0 » fendi port or beachead outside German fore of contol The Aled unite mnt also rot frceed the capacity ot ther supply source, Supply a cucond in deta ter ‘uie-Ue maybe accumulated wholly or party for one turn, aver more, On the fltoming tr tp to double the normal Buta Up may be ‘rowght on Th can be repeated a often as the Bites ah, bat oy from ane tn to he next “The Altes must record Build. Up eated forward Cseiy oF supplies may paver be accumulated, hor cn the Alles tring Io are unite tha they Can sueply. Creumatancer may reduce the ppt sealable to unite wtih hey attend have ought in, tut they may net voluntary over ‘oad thei soppy eapscy SECOND INVASION “The Ales can inwade once more as they did in the fal campaign. All of tha rls governing he Sept I rvanon stil apply, moth the iflerences "The second invasion may take place om any 40 from Now I thvugh Dee 1V 1989, inclerwe. The Ihles way dso thoose not to invade 3 tend ‘The ‘Allies may save and use one of theit two Sepe il por counters forthe second invasion ‘Pony alo et to extra counters atthe sat ot thew tow |r the Soper hmovan, ith he baton of te ‘eeur ats one wih one or more exes iad tite red forte zone ivsded, bute Tre the tot! BUIGAP forthe sone MOU! be tctange, to be Givi mona al one beach toad eves Oniy 75% of the indicted tia Lifts er srt, For example, te second vain ta Cite the Pescara invasion Zone would be 11 Hacking paints (9% ofthe Pes ntl Lit of ein 10172, hte faction roundedup 10 11 itor of fe ies nis comping te sto ineasion til Ltt must stat tr torn Selig, Mesima, of ‘Feeoto (if opened by the Allis, a5 explained fateh andlor any actuated pore or beathead “Tror moveret out tose abject v0 Bul UB inst: os explained below under Amphibious Tranter, 7. SEA MOVEMENT A Introduction [Alter the Sept 11 invasion, the ales may sil raster Cis by sea The Gevmane aver move bY 53 8, Amphibious Trantor 1. This i considered to be 2 normal movernent not under eombst eoneitions. 2 During the Allisd movement phase, hey may move among te allowing pnt: 4. Sola, and onee opened, Messina and Taranto, No port counters needed. 1. Becehneads and ports, with counters hey do pot have» sous 01 a in German zone of Control amphibious worse isnot alowed. In order to trate unit bya, jut withaw an tok te destination, 4. Swatene Movement ean never bo used by a unit inelaiog ue ring athe gare 5. Anort fom Initial Ltt unite, sere is no oxher froverent lois ® nit ean Move 10 th Port move by s9 to another port move inland, eve tone i has enough MPS 0 30. 6. MP cost of the frst land hox whon asxing DY mobi transfer fone egress of weather 1. The uber of units whiah can be withdrawn fut to sea Under an amphibious raster i Timed by ne Build Up (BU) number expeesed Insocking points, For example, 12 point could fnit from Salerno, but only 8 from Pescara ‘Taare eno BU tne in Sia 8. The sume Build Up tit is usable both in ans or othe same turn, Eight points ould Tewe Proscar, and @ points could enter, all during the {hive movement pase ofthe same tun 9 tthe Ales exceed the Bul Up tii in an mht raster, the units ove thi Limit are fot coniered to be partipating in an amshi ‘bus tonsfer, but an evacuation, as explained Evacuation 1 This not considered 0 bo 3 normal movement tuta movement either unger combat conditions. fr beyond the normal Busd-Up hints. whether ‘olumary of freed 2. An evacuation starts from any beach hex in or fout of German zone of conta, wrthove a port counter, Alvenatwely, it may be tom any fren’ port andlor beachhead. with counters, bout io German zone of contol” A port city (examples: Napol, Ancona} without a counter treated esa beach for evacuation 3. The Ally can not evacuate from “eoost” hexes (ote Teco rule 8208). 4. tied units which have moved out 0 sea by ttantercestnations, as explained in that section 5. Amevacustion can occur a 3 lifeent tines: 2 Oui the Aled movernnt pha; {During the Aled combat phase, should the units ‘nih to be evacuated have fo fight or veteat, fo regen the beach, penans aking eases During the German combat phase, should the fies etend ona hex trom which they could fNacuste or be forced tack to one, In ts ese ‘he onl pose dewiation forthe evacuated Unit Sia, The Aled player may evacuate (Geran ten 6. SER nits must fist suffer any combat ton . Evacuated unis all ether are, or bacome Invert counters, hereto untewhicnsannt be used ae inverted cuntore cannot be evacua 24 (see below There is 90 limit tothe numberof nit whieh an be ovscuated through anehex, although they trust obay Build Up limite 3 her deration MESSINA AND TARANTO ‘The Italian peingla 2% too long for the Germans to defer te southern extremes. The Bot of Taranto iz on the “hoe!” off the uthest edge of he boot The port of Nessa, Sein, ts ast arose tom the "to", off the South edge ofthe Board, Esher or bath ofthese Porte may be opened by the Ales during the “This snot considered an invasion. Subject othe report fiques atthe Bott of the maboard, ary Allied unis can enter these ports The nits enering must be designated by acing thom neat the tal afOus porting t0 thace place names, Zones of contol do. net trtand ff he board edges, nord staking mits opi in Messing and Toronto. (One turn later hay enter the Boaed. Units from Messina unter anywhere along the south edge Units trom Taranto enter tram hex YO to Y85, Inclusive, Sep ¥58 to VOB, inelusive, Sept thereafter YA6 1 Y05, ncluswe, Units entering tee asints may not use Staten Mavement the fs tor onthe board Allied units tay ao wither off the edges ‘etined in psrayooh 0 above. They may then return by the sre edge they exit on oe next turn or Tater, They may do 40 voluntarily, oF retreating. ‘They do not have to return via the hex they ent, Units exting the board to. Taranto. and/or Messina must end their urn there. Only it the ext turn oould they reenter the boatd. oF transfer amphibious between these te ports Geran wits may not exit hee edges. forced to votes off the ages, they would instead be desoved [Although th Alia car'tenter allo he ¥26-Y65 one untitOc theycouidwtharow theough he frre zone staring Sept Almough Taranto would be shown 2s 2 male Sty it i wore reprezantes onthe baat, German “The Allis cannot enter the boad from Messing andlor Taranto dvectly into a German zone of Coniol, Thus the Germans can prevent entry ‘with ine of units and zones of contol Seeaso fle F108. ISOLATION AND SUPPLY In Goneca ‘unit aot ti can na ace a Pp Hoe from te hex ek ois supply Source. This supiy line most bea est a8 nex wide. I The supply tine, and the supply source nex st leacs to, must tree of enemy snes of cot, Shthaugh fe coulabe waved trough bexes which fare trendy tothe enemy Te the uni alt iim enemy zone of conta. it nay sie suppted 10 Tong a 5 Supp Hie is Folate units retain thee fll combat and move ioloed units may combine wth replacements at pind in that oc, Iplatd units are destroyed attr 2 consecutive turns of polanan. For examole, the Ales free a German unit during the Alied Oct | Pyertrn, the Geran plover must reestlsh I topline before the ovement portan of the ‘Alind Oct iI" playerturn. Ohare, the {Germon un would be sestrayee Ian ole uit renuppie inte, status is Wenteat to a unit which had never been irolaed Flation can be Med not only in he wolated tits pyar turn, but fs tbe enemy plyertar, for psamaie, by’ an enemy unt stayed o° rexveaed by compet. However. f during the temoorari open a supp ine afore completion fit aoiaton Germans “The Germans may trace tet supply line 10 ny Dayabie hex on te northwest, north oF norte st eas ofthe board. The spy ex or exes may change frm tur-touin, noe eed all Ger Ion unis ac Supply to the same soure. Unlike the Germans, whe could supply te eine ory tvough one hex, the Ales ate Printed ext to ports ar beached, 9 re, ate Expacty figue. There ites, im stackinn ons iacinead con vp, not the numberof unis For imance, inthe Gane Game, Napoli would felve the. Aled supply. problesn if it were fetvated, and te enti Aled sry could trace {soppy ine toi Ty eapasty of 100 stacking points would suppiy il the Aled units the Fines is 3 sand inesion, the ivadiog Allied tite may be solted from te. ports anor tracieads they hove aleady opened. Therefore, hey would. hove to. depend on the supoly apscity of the new beached and ort. a. Since the Allies have several port counters, oncvvoble that their army could be separated fino. sever aitfront groups, each deowing Sis fom a ifevant port or beacheat “Toe Allies may aso use Taranto and/or Mess fo ine entry ports coraxpanding to teste Boss Units do not need 10 continge 10 tact thei ‘ppl tine to thre pnd entey point. They fmay. ie whatever spay point they preter, frovided they have aces 0 [ies may not bring bo further Units ures the Bui. Up rules i to'd0 so would overoud thei tere i enough capacity fr them and ony then Remember that fil Lit wits do not need Suis, on tat tn only Alliod unis nay besome alte in either one of “The sme way a8 Germans [Allie units may beable 1 ace a supply ne to ‘may be instceot for led wits wasting 10 ae ie to this ese all Allg units in oxens of Canaciy ae considered to be uote, WSK a ‘hough tney could not Haze 9 soppy Tne Wes this stuaton occur, the Ald player must Immediately stipulate exact hich units re ‘ver the uppiyespacty. and therefore olte. ‘Ths desgnation eannat be changed to other Unie, The uns designated as over pacity must te reupeted in one of two ways. They must 10, either be withawe 10 Sila, whi hes 29 infiie supply capecity, or the Alles most Increase tho suppiy avaliable to these units, fot ‘ample, by gaming acceso another operating port o beachhead. During the movement phase of the second onseestve Allied Payerturn during. whieh & (goer unit fs uneuppied for ether reason, the Sa player mast witaraw it £9 Sia of fnaree wth sutheent supply so. that the Timi n0 loqar excreded. The only other hernatives ve for other Aled unit) to be Supa hoe during the combat phe ofthe ttn 1 the Aled player doesnot oF canna, this then atthe end of the combat phase of the cond wu, te slated unt te destrove. Nate thatthe 2 tune of lation need not be for the some reason [a — cant tee a Hine, B= breveapacityl It could be one turn each for INVERTED COUNTERS Gener [AI Antio unity i= the Basic Game may be {vided nto two epee: Combat unis, which have an inverted counter foun, area explained. Replacement unis, hie donot have an “The process by which combst units a eedueed In sticngth inverted counters i described Under “Combat Revolution” section BAF. Wan towered counter must be removed in ode to love oe sep, then that unt destroyed and tray never agin be used i the gar verted counters are subect to joation ond supp ut tke anyother nit fd stacking pots, at sbown the face ofthe Whonever an ivered counter isreated may Fetvoatieasiie aventhoughnetinenemy one ‘ot conta ‘avacking Sines inverted counters no longer have an atack fra delone fotor, they ae not intended for Combat, but they may Become involve. Inverted counters are never allowed to ter the iWon inertod counter ant witharaw fem 8 Shack which must snack 8 destroyed pir to Inverted counters do not have 9 Zone of cont ‘Theeiors, 9 German inverted counter Cat C01 Goovroy port excapt by occupying the port next) Amines counter cannot estoy another unit, Ita ingrted counter is acjacent 10 an enemy Unie which doesnot Rave an atk Tato, such Granother inverted counter, of a replacement iit nothing Rapouns, sual, such enemy tits can not stack rede. lam inverted countar can be removtd a8 2 sep fort im combat, cold be Taken before o after ‘ner unite at the dcretion of the ayer osng {tape This can occur only Hf the attacking unit fia pot ents the Bate a5 an Hverted counter ‘ahich is not allowed, The inveted_ counter ‘Noutd ove tobe erated by to battle ests, the Zone of cont! of an enemy unit with 20 tac factor, unless they ace sacked with other Friendly une wich hove defense factor xem: an atacking stack finishes 2 bet foi all wcrted cours, because it has fst Stops Neither side reteat, therefore the netted Gouners inthe attacking stacks are in the detende’s sone of control These verted ‘Sea by the SHY. OF cours, teres counters trust a etent when called for by the SAT. In the above example, even if the attacking sack i eontined ane or more units with 2 defense heron the atarker si hot he epton © reret iy his nwerted eauntr, order to withdraw {hen trom the font. Th is done under the Detending Iovertod counters do nor have» defense ctr “They nave no way to defend themelves ures, they se sacked wth 9 it which dows have Gutensefocor, Tha tue ofa gle tered Counter ov several tacked together Ig defonding stack includes borh writs with 3 eter foto, ad inverted eounes, an stack “pois it would be solved under the ST. The ert counter could be omoved 9:2 tp os, before or after other units nthe order desed by te defending Baye. [An atack gsinat unprotected ioverted counters aot resolved under the SRT. All that i ecessaryio Gesttoy an inverted counter, when ft sexed wath another ont wth 2 dense Feton i for it to be inthe zone of contol of Fo destoy an inverted counter, the stacking Ui ned only ae nxt fH dot nt ave 10 Sine inverted counters do not have 9 cone of Sv way. Enemy its may use Strategie Move feat potting next to, oF INOW, sWereS ‘anyone unit with an attack factor can destvoy {sany unprotected enemy svered eoUNers a5 iecan place ints zone of conto Enemy units cannot sack with inverted untae, singe they would destrow them fs, Inverted counters ate neve allowed to remain ‘nem, zone of cont, nls ey are stacked vith oxhar units with a deform factor, Exam P'Gatending stack fishes 9 battle wth ll inverted counters becouse of lost steps. Nether Se reeets. therefore the inverted counter} the defending stack aren the attacker's Zone of ontol, These inverted counters ar alowed 10 Fevreat ‘und the eevaat rol, evn 03H 80 Fevreat wo called for oa the SAT, OF couse ‘Stnulsted an he SRT Tn the cae explained above, even if the etending stack sill has one of more units with 3 Sefene factor, the defender tl has he Option {o reweat any the ineerted counters in order Wwuhdre the fear the font. This Is 008 It the defenders ex is vacated because of Inverted counters vlunatiy. retetings th He wouldnae dhe ease of forced test Te Allies can wade rh though an inverted Counter, destroying ta described above. ‘Uns advancing, o¢ even reteting aftr combat on destroy unpvoneeed verted countes. For {is eason verte counters shouldbe cevrested 2 hese, if posse. Even 59, a4 expoied at, eancing atlackes may possbty move aiacent REPLACEMENTS, General 'As uit fight sie the SAT, thee strength my tbe cepted. Combining them wih ceplocement ounges enables them to recover thee stenat party 0 ly 1 Both sides start the game with a catain numer Of roplacirants, an receive mote 35 show On fhe Tine. Tracks. Dp not confuse those replace 08. ch aplctment equa one ep. [ter combing wit depleted units, hey return immediately fo the replacement poo, fo Tus sahen agai eed Besides th, Sey are the only uns easable i estoy by olution or combat To take a replacement, 4 unit must ond the movement pst of ite turn sacked with a Faplacement counter, The two must be at east 3 brenes frm any enemy vit ever an verted Counter, There rust be at least 2 inteweniog “he depleted combat writ and is eelacerant reed not move together ‘They Must only end ‘heir movement ahs together Evan if 9 depleted unite tacked wath moce than 1 it may never be stengor than the maximum Subiect to stacking ints, combat and replace ment unite may sock fray together, whether combining o nt [At the end of the movernent shase, but Bere Combat. ust. vemove both the replacement Counter, ano the ceplead combat ume ecunter ftom the boot. replacing them wth the later’ Replacements need not enter the gare when feceiad even fn al the counters prone ae fn the Board. They may be saved to enter Evan if al the optacarant counters prone 36 fon the board, repiacerants ae not fest. They Inoy be sesumulate by Keeping a record ofthe pombe, until counters to replace. them te turned ‘back to the replacement poo, i the Player then withes tous thom [Accumulated replacements can not be sed 10 boil up denoted unt Actual replacement Counters must be snd stacked with the depleted ven 0 nit taker 8 replacement, at sam Feplacent counter may not reenter the game [A destoved unit can never be revived with feolacerrent Replacement counters donot hive an upside om lverted counter! te. Wa depleted unit ae a reotacement ae ited together they may combine sf fr enough from Replacements have a stacking valve of 3, This Imus be consdered when caleulating stacking totals, fs tke any omer Un ed In sédtion 10 the 6 replacements with which they stare the gan, the Als get 2 per tu Fhe start in Sea, and may ummedately enter the Joe, subject fo the usual entry ruts. The 6 Aled replacement counters (0012) may De used wth any depleted Altes unt ears [lid replacemnts have no defense factor, 10 they carmot rtend alone, They would be Gestroyed just Uke inverted counters, if not ‘Racked ith another un uth 2 defense ft {Way the end of the Alled tur, on Aled Tepaceent lett unprotected in anomy zone of Control tay retren, has not already done Sov as may any unt on aber 8 Tacking 3 fetenga factor, atthe ere of stu Alli! eolcaents have no attack factors, oF one of contol theretore thay cannot desoy Srverted Sune, or her epiaeents Ita stack is atacked whieh includes Both Atiod feplocements, and ober unite which do have ‘Getense font, the reolacments can be taken 3s Steps lost, Fut, however, a ooher units nthe Getending sto inouding smverted counters, frust be romeved. Only then could any Aled Feplacemente orginally present in the defending In the above example if ny Aled replacements Sve after al requted sens have ren ost, thoy moy retreat, even Hf rot obliged 10. they Sido retest, they sould Be destoves BY Femoining ungrotected inthe zone of contol of Cem ts wth an atone fact, st ke invertes counters Like inverted countess, Allied replacements ate reve slowed to ent” the 2008 of conta of 8 Unt ith dafene foe [Bouin lke sverted counters, Aled replacements Go not hingor the movement of enemy Units 9 [lie unit in Sica may take replacements, bot outa, just 61 they were on the boa German “The Germans start the game with & replacements, {ter vibch they apt arable umber 95 how fo thi Time Track SGermon replacements sar in any maior city Irony co the Germans, apd not oat from ther supply, arin Aled Zone of cont German replacrents ae telered to a5 ent Uni There ae 2 sor, nd 5 infanty [ino can ebuild any depleted unit Infantry can rebuild any unit ncuding panzer Grenadiers exept atmor. “Pure” amor, Show by the counter seo), can ooly rebuild tsth armor replacement. hen thei Ti Track shows 1 raplacement for the Germans infantry, hen shows 2, he weornd amet German renacements (0-48 infantry, 112 Siow do hve 8 defeae factor of one. Unike Alle replacements, of were counters of ther ade, they may defend alone, just ke 3 Eombot wit. They may ao jon in defensive Stocks with other unite When defending. they fan be removed stops Tost in the order fretted by the Geman player. They would not foe to be taken fext ana sack, slthous they ould be German replacements do not have 2 atack factor, and are net alowed to attack. In Tis fespeck. they Tike inwertsd counters oF Aliod German replacements do have ¢ zone of control “Therefore, they stop enemy moverent just Ike 3 ambat unt However, ne thay 0 nat nave 2 Stack facto, they ean not destroy invertad {Counters or Aiedreplacemants. Since they can tmokehocesriendy theyeanestroy ports inte AUTOMATIC VICTORY “This is aterm used to describe an overwhsiiog attack, Thee fe 2 te ‘The atacker has a least 7-1 dds against the Getender in tha case, he delendors} are ‘Sestroyed wen theatacksresolved even fe Sar dows ot calor las of athe steps. Tho attacker is strong enough tobe eersin to Gesuroyinany wayallthestepson the defenders hex including mvertedeouners and/or replace: ments Examoles 41 attack on Garman ersatz counter defending It an inverted counter ware stacked withthe ferse counter, 6-1 would be required tobe se Sr destioying the dalenae's two steps [A5-1atackonsutes teat for any reason he ‘elender oan’ retreat, # woul be destroyed, $0 fhumber of steps, Note that eveeusion does Count aaa retreat an sutomot itary ‘deponds on units blocking rates. ey couldnt Wan attack 1 sure to produce only inverted Counters unable towithsraw from enemy sone ot onal. they would be destroyed reducing an Gutomotie victory. I the inverted counters ean ‘eithorew it net en automate witery. Enemy Unis could not pase tnrough the defenders hex inverted counter moult be sur to eaul there Only a certain automate wctory permis the Sracker io insert combat eesults ino the with either type of automate victory, forthe fest of the movement portion of the Stack’. turn, he sores the fender ard ie 20ne of Control, The defender trot yet removed, butt is treated ike an inverted eauntr Te doesnot hinder the movemant of ater ums notnolved Swatepie Moverent, if feasbla. The orairal Stacking unite must maintain ther 31ace os tions, bat other attacking units could end thir turn, even attack iffarent enemy units rom the ‘original dofender's hex After on automate etry is aoteved. unite net yet deployed may. fp through i fo jon it Mat same atack. feasile.Theee might increase the ods agatrst the defengor, but trey couldn't eprve them ot Shy tera batt agaist he orginal aeacers Lins traversing an Automatic Vietory (AV) to Jon in that same etac, could aso stack i the Geteted unit's ox ‘Rs describad above, the dtending unit cou be Stacked ith enemy units after he automatic tietory hat ean established. This is the sole fxcepton to the prohibition on stacking wth hemy unite It nbject tthe usa stacking ‘mit bur ony the attacker’ stacking points are conniered Ont wien she atacker finishes his entire move fen phase the automatic tory bate role, {o determine sep lost. The atomatic victory bles lke ay other, flied the order the stacker peters. BREAKTHROUGH Wihenver the SRT cals forthe defender ro lve more steps than he has avaiable, the exces loss converted to MPs (movement points. Each nce step equate 2 MPL. For example, the SRT al for the oes of 5 sts, But the defender only fos 2. inching destucton of the inverted Counter, Thee if efit of 8-2 3 steps. This ied by fator of two, bacomes the extra {as granted to the sttackars 32 Bextra MPS “This extra movement isin adtion tothe norma ne hex adrance nto the detener’s vacate He [Alter the attacker advance into the vate He he sil ae the breakthyough bonus movement. I tea is fn edition tothe ual movement shave fl the ur, Ae soon as attackers aovancing eater amy zane of eotel hey must stop. even they Tose beeaktough movement They cant feter enemy zone f con. ten withdraw to Continue tei advance Breaktivough move trent taken betore proceeding the next COs tat any xtra breakthrough MPs may eel from eguae Breakthrough movement does not rewlt trom fhe devotion of liad feplacement counters, br inverted counters, when these aenettecked fh other smite mith 9 defense factor. 1 ahe Sefending stack eontang oth nvrtod counters factor, then a breakthrough onus could ecu Leaktnrough movement is weated ike 2 new smovarant phate, mith the Ua train 3 Sn the usual pechhsion on iret passa Wom fone enemy zone of contrl to another, with 1M to eros «hoxaide with a minor ora msiee ond, not 12 Yor theater, would bo UU As ual, all MPs ae utd to erst one ll High “Agenoing hes, but this ott must be ot eat Ps, A uni with B or more MPscan ers one {uch side, and top, Aunt with os than 8 MPs ould not erst aa Since Brecktnough movement occurs after the ‘ual hex advane, event hat edvance rosad Shall High Apennine ews, yet another ould be rowed during the Bresktnoush, a exelned shove During 2 mud tun, the usu! penalties apy ‘The com to crots a High Azennine side le senanged minim 8 No Strategic Movement tiowed. Allie i interdieton(rulesin section) doesnot sifect breaktough moverant, 38 takes pace fusing tha combat peso. ‘The Breakthrough movement phase is distinct trom the usual Phew advane, ae sessed above NNavathies, for the purpose of eaeuating tacking limits, more than the B point maxim may traverse the fst hex, and then fan out in Beeskthrough. movement. Only when such ‘movement ended would the stacking limi ay. ‘Should & secondo subsequent combat result Decniie of 2 Breakthrough for he iii hex stvance, the process deseribed above could be fepested' os many times. adltional combat Situations develop, andthe attckar wishes 10 {ake advantage of them, SECOND COMBAT ters battle in which the defender destroyed, the wietorioue attackers ial i Not advance, in which ease they cannot faht sesin that payer-ttn, even if Subsequent action Dats them in enemy zone of conta, and the jcent enemy units are attacked. See puragrany 10 ‘Advance, even into enemy zone of contro, but rot atack. See pataraph 14D. ‘Advance into enemy Zone of cont, a atack ‘Advances are mado by india! units right after tach bate, before proceeding othe next bath tang “The drcsion wheter to fight apse need ot be made until the entiee first round of combat Eimshet since 8 subeeuent fet round combat ray change the station, 1H te advancing player decides 10 have second ‘combat, certain ules must be observed ‘he zones of control ofthe une win ewes ro attack must ee parti the bate 1 caver atackers and detenders are involved, ‘combat may be ivided in he usual way, us 36 tna tiateombst. ‘Other ite ion aduances would Not have 40 fitic, but only if Siwy entered the zone of ontrl of oxer enemy units not involved in any Unite which aid not advance eannor attack even i they ace inthe zone of contol of soem nite under attack from ater finaly unis whieh cid vance, 16, “The defender may have 1 fight more than one barte par turn, Al frst combats are resolved Combots te all reed belo any third Combos occur, and 0 forth, Each wave of combats may have automatic victors, beak troughs, and all the facets af the ist combat ‘hoes In theory, unite may fight alter evry Ssivance, if hay com masta contact wth he enemy, ad wah 0 0, 5. VICTORY CONDITIONS The folowing +s 2 Het of important points in Canal and southern Waly wich figure i he fay stages of te c spol, Termok, Cassino, Tertaune, Pescara ‘nao, and Roma, Wen the German finish thee ast tur, Dex 1V 1943, the Alin have won if any 6 of theve 9 cites are in Allie! supp and reny tot ‘Any one Fors nex ates ofl the reaure iment for thit cy. More than one Roms hex {oe aot count extra. Remember that 3 tend Ihe can be in enemy Zone of eontol, tat hex could trace upply line lee of enemy Zone of onto would ill be 49 suppy. SX of the counter is in German zone of cone, even ‘ough fendi to the Ales, is natn Supp ‘unless 2 supply line coud be taced from to ‘nether supply source. 11 the lies fa to meet thei victory conditions, the Germans win, provided they can meet one “sitions requirement. At the end ofthe gam, itthe Allie am ace 9 line of exes from ay fone of ther port outer (a eonstuctd an the Tosi, to 4 German boardedgesupoty hex, and thie line is tow of Garman unis} edn tei ones of contel, then the Alter wn. To But it ‘another way, the Germans must maintain thei front Tine though tha final layer turn In order to meet this requirement. the Germans ould use combat wit replacements, and tit ones of contol, but not swerte counters. For fpuposes of tis alternate wilory eondtion @ ‘German suopiy hex istileonsdeved such even {Aled zone of contra. oF sccupe BEGINNING THE GAME Now that you have rad the rls, You ae ready robin From the Basic Game Record Cards you will notice that only some of the unit counters Suppied wih the gome art vied in the Banc {Game Those ate she counters appearing in the ‘rgoizationl scion ot the Base Game exc, GGermane set up thet units on the Board, at ‘atid on thee Game Car “The Alles then saint an invasion force fom mong the Brain andfor US units avaible Sept fend rove fst = making tei iii oven, -Aithough there are many similarities between the Ganie Game, and the Advanced Game, Ie rrcommended that you bacome fami, Hist sarah the formes, THE GENERAL Now that you know how to lay the game, the next problem is probably wo ta play 8 with, We| ‘can help you with that problem and rary others ‘only through your subserition to our be monty ‘gaming journal, THE GENERAL. In THE GENERAL| ‘yout not only read all there isto know about this ‘game, but willaso learn about our dozens of other ‘exciting simulation games of skill Every fulleooe forty-eight page issue is jammed ful of protes sional articles on the strategy and tactics Avalon Hil gaming. Look and see what THE GENERAL offers: FREE ADVERTISING: Our Opponents Wantes Couimnaows you tosdvertse ton af charge for Soponcnts, dacontnuea games. or competion Pony aor Each ame contains hundreds of ae Whit are read by our meny readers netonwite ‘To fastest way find nopponent for tvsoome, ‘rhether tbe across the street or the Aton Senanis inthe pages of THE GENERAL GONTESTS: Every issue poses chotening game sustions which you can enter and win re {omnes utizing your paying sei forewsor ony oF sion H's many thar gems. "TACTICS & STRATEGY: Learn why you lose or now to win. The nation's best slaves nd | Shical stall" mombers” wrke. many ought frovokiarteleson te winning wy of ee Jo gamut ot Avalon Yl games Each nse con taint a "Series Replay" in which an actual move Syrmove gume fy pinted~protusely dusted, ahd playe by recognized expats HISTORY, Carus why one side aways sours to wi? Each iawn contains ieth ‘strc! materal eenhance your backsroundot {he game sation Satte DESIGN: Wonder why this gome was designe te way tens? Rad THE GENERAL and Sind eur! Our roguor DESIGN ANALYSIS column features explanatory treatees by our cosines Only hove con you find recy. trpay varetons new scenriom and perhaps even mare counters forth gome ‘QUESTIONS ANSWERED: In our Oveston Box youl ind the ony ofa souce of ra terpretations and changes fortis and or other ° PRODUCT REVIEWS: Interested in other Avalon Hil games? Check them ot ithe Render’ Buyers Guide The RBG sa gore review Compiled by our subgeibere at large the paople soo pay the games: Realsm, complexity, ay Salven andexenementievelareony stew oF ategorie rated inthe REG. WHAT'S HAPPENING: {ke so know what's going an in the gaming hobby? Each ose con Soins ‘an ineatment ofthe, “Avalon Phiocophy’ where we annouee thenaw gore ‘Sacuse posable now files, and geeraly keep Sou nfotmed. in oasion, the "WEL TRATOR'S REPORT" keeps youpostedon tournaments cor Contons, eb news, and ens happenings VALUE: In every sve youl nd 8 coupon woni$ 1,00 towards th dect mal purchase of Si Avalon Hit product, Auf ti for ony 83.09, How can you ose? f you're convinced, 22d $14.00 tar 2 your eubsepton and save 4.00 oi th regular pce ‘Since ts inception in 1964, THE GENERAL has etood the test of time, Increase your enjoy ment of this and other Avalon Hil games man fold with a subseription, the we iy is her in ey He| ‘D. BASIC GAME 4. INTRODUCTION Wt further ream ie desived, any or all of the following rules maybe se tothe Base Game 2, AIR SUPERIORITY [A Pisa, Foggia, Naot and each ofthe three Roma owes a conasered major ai bases. B. Unies and uni te Alin ake fenaly any ¥ fof thew esos. Allied ar cover comes fom Sica, and dors not extend above the bottom ‘map od, whe seat south of Nap. Unt the Ales make frien 2 major at bow ‘Anis unts wfc aa'on exes completly north Gf ths fod stack 1 columa higher on te SAT, hen they ar attaching wate whieh ar all oF portly south of the fla, For exampie. German ack of 15, which oraineniy would be dis ‘owed, woul become an allowable 14, white 311 would become 41, and so forth. For an ack to havea superonty. at east al ofthe portipating Aa uns, regardloss of size must have ar superior 10. The Germans eae thie advantage athe star of, their playertuin. after the entie. gamesturn turing wt the Altes capture a major a ase. For enomple iba Ales wore tocaptureNapoi Sept th tne. Gorman would sill havea Superioity during al thew Sept ture. They {ould onion tat the tart athe Sop turn, presuming they ai not suceeestully cour {ck to recapture Napok During mud Tus. {Germans don't ave a superiority The. Gormane may fetake ait superiority Immmahaely by again aking tinal allo the © bene. For example, i on er second attack of the Sept IM payer tern they retake Mapa i they had» subseavent attack would imme: atop be column haher an the SAT, 26 would SS ataces Sept. F. Dye to air support trom Sardinia and Corsica, Staring the Aled Oc I, 1943 tum, even if hey Fovor't captured an aibase, they got 3 Superiority ovr al exes West of and including + Galumn M, besides anyother arexs they would (get oxherwige, he Germans stl retained Superiore over the area north of he bottom fla fd eaat of column M, they could sil stack one clumn higher within or from this 20N6, 35 epained above 3, SUPPORTING FIRE (NAVAL & AIR) tn General 1 There ate 7 naval or ar unit counters. 4 Ais, 3 Garman, Nava guna (Alles nly) ond tacts! “some (bth es ar epresented by counters tutte umber 1 9n ther 2, These counters should be paced atap unis being sited by supporting fir, to 50 india Supporting fre actors ave added othe atark or Gefenaefaior ofthe urls Being aie. 4. When eid 19 ait an attack, ohe supporting Combat faetr may be addea 3 any ime curing the stacker’ teh, Ineluding second of subse fuent combats The decsion to ute supporting fie need not be mae the start of the tu, but whenever he attacker ses ft 5. Allor part of the support factors availble for & ‘Sven paversurn, Hf not used attacking. may be Sind to the dleosefoetor of selected uns ‘ring he suceading enemy player 12 This allocation must be made Known 10 the Spposng player tore the start of tun, ot ‘ring the or SUPPLEMENTARY RULES “Thurtore, i sponsible that the dese factor {ay mot be uted there no enemy attack “The supporting defense fetor may be wies just, ince during any combat depending on wen the Support factrs may ait uit only net na ‘gwen ployer tarfore Hf 3 uni swale ‘support factor once, whenever the attacker Grshes, or on define, the fast time the unt Sisto i stocked Provided suffcint factors a avaiable, a given turn, and then defensive suppert during the ‘seceding enemy 7 a support factor is not used im your turn Stacking, erin the seeading wen defoncing. ‘Sos. thse factors can not be saved trom tne tiendiy piayerturn to he next Trendy player tn tn onder not 10 exegerate the importance of Sgerting ive compared tothe troop counters combat factor, n a given combat. regards of the number of units involved ony one factor may be vsedbythe tender onivane bythe attacker Funtarmare, atleast one detender must have & Ueforse factor in order to use 2 supporting ire tlefenae factor at last one stacker must have fn atack foctor to uso 3 Supporting fire attack fate. [A givin uni can not be asited by more than 1 Snort actor” Of course, it could still be [sed by on stack fetor and then he next (enemy) paver turn, a aelense factor, if [Although the Air Superiority rule may be vied indepenenty ot the Supporting Fire rue. the ‘ponte st not tue. Hf Supporting Fire 5 wie, ‘Ai Superiority must 80 be Use Supporting Fire and train Supporting Fre dove not negne the effect of fers, mountains, of High Apenine tis not doubled or trpled as an ordinary ombat factor may be, ih the Unt asited outed oF tipled, then she engl supporting {tor would be aed after she tere multi Itisnot halved by High Apennine. Supporting Fire ha no elect on the numb ot the atack o defense Foto. Noval Guns ~ Ales ‘Allow the Alice 1 combat factor per Aled Blaveciun, throughout the game. except on I may be adged to the aah factor of any it [esching an Anis dene whch in 3 Rex Meat fo the constine. Examples ~ 839 and B34, The Sacer ead. not Br on the const, but the ‘etender mast be (Only led units which are sn hexes ext to she ferthine. may be suited dlensiely by marl funtre Ths strut even they ae atacked by [lid uns cannot banelt fom the aval aor “Tact Ale Support Bots sides get entra combat factors repreventing sion tonal guns, but in ay Mex The ling ge 3 factors per Aled plevertun, vougheur the ge [Uni hey capone aria iba, he Ales can ‘are on hexes where they have Air Superiority The Aina ar foctore begin to be uable any linere on the board only on the Aled player frm afer the turn yah they attain le Sunenosty For example they make tinal rojo ait base Sept Th they could use thei 3 Factors snvehore during the Allied Sept il Playerunne OF couse, they could se them out ofthe bottom fld om Sept onward snd ‘West of and including column M from Oct FWtve Germans reipture Air Supeonty, inthe Totowing Aled player urn ther mou gain Be “The Gesmans may lloente 1 sie factor defen Sively at part of their itil plseement, before the Ales invce, In ete, the factor ie eld ‘over fom "Sap" “Then on ther half of the Sep It invasion tn, tne Gormany get 3a factors Ar ual hese may be used lly parlly Im stacks, or saved for deterave use during Ye ext Ae Sept) players, ana so ferth ‘The Geimans ako get 2 aie fete ding thoi {ist lover turn imedtay folowing the Aled second Yovsion, and 1 per German playerture forthe reat of 1943 Note thatthe era ason stone only follow the invasions iaeaton is just ane factor per good Neither side may use ai factors during bad tneether (mud Theretre he Germans cannot ove cor for datensive use duringa muaturn ‘Germans get tacteal ai suppor even they ack Allied Ai and Naval interdiction [At the end ofthe Allied playerturn. any sro ‘naval factors ot used attacking, nr aloested for Use defensively during the next German player turn. may be veodtorinerdction during the next ‘German player turn. This may be done neither fr bath of twa ways depending onthe numberof The Alias may attempt te hamper the movement of German units, ‘Tho numberof factors needed to doo varies taith the sie of the German unt ene factor for tachGerman stacting factor Therefore al three ‘Would be pended to itera 3 panzer division, {or instance, bt jot ane for 2 brigade Aer iher turn ends, the Allies incae whieh German uta) they wil wy to sntrdict. They then rll hed, and compare to hs abe 1, 2. German unit not allowed Stateic Movement, luo alowed only hall its somal NPs 2, 4 — No Stage Movement, no ete effect. 5.6-Noetect ‘Note hat if German uoit has halt ts aoe [Pst eould sil eros 3 High Apennines BY fnperdingal of hat hal emining 0 Any othor unite sn the same hex as the unit Inceiction may also be ateeted against 3 hex ntining» bce, fr exam, ln ts eae, he ‘les would ingicate the Ree they wall ty to Inter, Thay then rll the die, and comare i tothe tbe 1, 2, 3. — Any and all Garman units pating through shat exo te fllowing German turn thay not use Stratene Movernen curing the turn There. is mo athor movement penalty. Units starting thot turnin the storied hax aront sioctes, 4,5,6- No etc “The effects of & given intadction any lat one German playeriurn, OF course, the Allies could then repeat he proceso following tures Wan attempted interdcton fais. or inthe caseot Intersicton rected oganataunt,alspartay, ‘ot try again against shat same same turn, even if they Sill Mave “There mo Geran sr interdeion. Allies may attempt si interdiction inside and utsie ther ir superioty sone. Naval ater tion is possible only against a unit or exon a beach ast or port ARMOR ‘Toe special capa relict in 2a ‘Armer attacking through hexsides which areal ‘ough terrain. oF High Aennine loses ¥ attack {acter, evan if not at fll strong The penalty ‘oples ven fnatall tne hexsides through which ‘he atack Is mace are rough terrain or High [Apenoine. For example. anarmredbrigadewit> two stack factors atackng through 8 rough terrain hexsie would count as onl one attack {eter OF n armored division wth 7 attack ‘eters, theeugh High Apandine, would be equa toa{7-1= 8-2-3) Torough High Apennine, the biiac fector is fist reguted By one, then Femainder is halved. Note that this rule could raduen an aac fetr of one to zo Itarmorisinvelved ina breakthrougr movement factor bonus. after using as much of re bonus 8s desired Use only the armor units may move 1 In good weather, the hexsie wovesed must ‘ontum either a 08d, or ore plan terrain, lo mud, it would have to be along a maior or minor road, Otherwise, the 7 hex bonus would not be alowed. of armored units may be ‘The us! prohibition on movement directly For the Aas, these rules govern pure panzer snd Symbols, nt panzer grenasers For the ales, ‘he units affected are armor armored infantry and armored engineers commanoos Only the Allies hove commando units, These are the Brien 255, the USICanadun TSSF, and he US 6615 Rar and SOA Par repmente. They xe Gistinqusned from other uns By 9 letter C on ‘Commandos have seca iovasion capbiitie: {As pat of aninvasion, they ean london any type ferfin, onto same coast West or East aganat tshichihe main invasion fected The Golo Taranto may be consdored part of ether eoest In the Bane Game, no commando landingy te sllwed north of the mile map flo, even ot fart f the scond invation ‘The only exception to ths is that commandos oul land snyahar tha Roman invasion 206 {Spat ofthe Second Invasion, Even though commandos may choose not to invite mtn, ov even ascent to, the main landing tone, Wey count against is ital it lovading Commandos have 4 MPs et the usual 3" the Ital Li ern They rust pay he usual train costs. For xamole, landing ont wholly rough. tera ‘oatal hex side mould cost 2 MPs. Lanting on ‘oattal her all swamp would cot all Ps Like orterivading unis, ance ashore, hey may hen travel tough 2 hex along a major Or 8 minor toad hiss ane MIP gor such 4 Nox twoversed, Commandos do not need repli, theratore they 10 not eount aaist Capacity, and cannot be sestoyed by iaaton, Wa commande unt invades within the bene head sone of te main imeason, st would make that hee tienaly pst af any over Aled Unit ‘would, and subsequent buildup could enter ‘hough that hex Howeve, if» eormmando unit Irvadd #ach hex 0" part ofthe main landing one, buildup cou not come tru that hex Unless the Alles expended « pore counter 10 fen that beachhead zone a ee CCommancos can make trendy «om ouside the it the Allies wh to expend 9 port counter 1 60 to. Bulléup could them arrve through that port Commandos my ako. make cide apart trom ‘hei partiepation in invasions fn the Batic Game, these raids cannot occur north of te mide map fold (On any nonsnision trn, ust commando unit porturncan invade any permissible beach coast fr port pox ‘Thiet not considered to be a second Iason, ‘heafore the Gormane do not get reinforcement nor extra ai factors Since raids ae nt part of an ovasion, there ino reference #9 Intl Lit ‘A commando rade could open 9 pot, if feasible ‘ander the usu rues Regular units could Bull Sp throug 9 port opened inthis fashion, under the ust rule, without the counting as an Commando raters must start thei tuen 9 i they were invading se Basie Game ination ‘ue. Tie movement goversed a tough the aid were anivasion(2MP) Araider sin aiLit ‘movement isnt alacted by mud, But aay Breakthrough movement would be FORTS General (Only the Gormans may build and wie torts in order toumprone thet cefnsive caps, In the Basic Game 2 fort may be built during ich of the fist 3. German playersuns of (October, November, and Decembr, for afta of Yor, Forts ate built during the movement phase of ‘he German turn, before combat. Forts may be built on any playable hex whichis notin Alles zone of contro, and which hasbeen {rienaly to he Germans a ieassinee the end of tne preceding Akos ure ‘The only excpption i tat forts cannot be Bult ‘The German pleat need only indicat which how hei building 8 fort an. No Germn unit noad 2 sccupy that hex during construction, oa any Forts may be occupied and uted the same tun Forts cannot be moved. In order 10 destroy # for, un Aled nit with ny stack factor must pot through its Hes No lose fommovementisnvale Ald units without an attck factor may pas ‘rough for hexes, bu witout etfect on the See the Allies can never ust forts, they cannot capture tem, but ony estoy them. Defending From Forts German unity in forts never ate blind to fevreat, even when 50 stipulated on the SRT. Whether attacking or defending, they. may hoot to obey 2 raestreaat but they de not Apart trom thi, there no. other detenve hontage conferred by 2 fort. The fort tai Goes not doubt the rtenee factor of un Setending on ite hex, although ony eran Sovantaye pertinent fo the hex in question would Stat apply. Nor do forts protect their occupants From enemy zane af conta Attacking From Forts German units attacking from fort use speci dvantgeous rule, Defending Allied units do not get any terrain vantages. such 96 doubling oF tiling of thee Getense factor The Allied defense factor would Siwaya be basic Nor do attacking German unt Suter any terain penalties whatsoever. Nor would German eaustes be double if the [litera on teran that would ordinatily 946 such oreult The usual German stack factor semaine uchenged for atacks fom forts, with is frceoton: attacks woe than 14 are permite, Siang the 1 column, Of ccure, attacks at higher od ar lt alowed, sus It-anetack fram fet hex is assed by other Units attacking any ofthe sme defenders! but from a nontort ex oF hexes, all fort benehits would be Tort forthe Germon unit waved 9 ALLIED UNITS NOT US OR BRITISH “The special logitica problems posed by the payalot Allied amy may be raieted m2 wavs: A an Allied stack contains more than one rationality, the racking limit reduced 17 points from the usual 8. Srish, Canadian, and US units are. also. considered nationalities During he fst turn that these units ener the Imapbowr, they count double aginst Bul-UP. Foe example, the Canadian inantry vision would count 6 pointe azsinet Bula Up, nor che Usual 3. This penalty doesnot apply to Messina fndfor Taranto. Remember tht dase units €28 ever invade, although they can enter the ma owtd by fet moving ashore at Messina andr Toronto. MOUNTAIN UNITS. Genes Units specially ined in: mountain movement tnd combat played a key sole in the Ttlian Comparer, beesue ofthe aiticat terrain, These tints maybe ented by undedining at the bottom ofthe counter. Allind mountain wns in the Basie Game are the ia ia jor 7 od 18 te jor 2 French units, and the US/Caraian 1SSF. The Tater unit lowed to nade ae though it were Shorey US unit but ala allowed to stck mh Sither "US or Canadian waops without any Stacking penal Garman mountain wits in the Basic Game are Bie and 314 Goi enter Nov I). Movement Cost for Mountain Units {LMP te trove ahoxsde with any pli train odier ony rough tara Mountain ante eat Blin and rough terran identically 2 NP for he above, during a mud tn. {V2 all MP to trace an all High Apennine hexside, ‘Therefore, + mountain unit could freer 2 al Hah Apenine ide, oF just one teh al sts MP et for movement through othe eran Ita Gorman mountain uni hoe ony 1/2 Fsnorna A to begin ith boss oF Ale Ai Interietion, Ht would #00 pay only 1/2 ofthat al to crore 4 High Apennie side. Example: 2 German mountain unit th 8 MP inveduced to 3 by inerseion. It ean cross 2. High Apeneioe Sites ort cam eras ony 1 such sige, wth 2 MP letter thee movement, btore o alter vessng Breakthrough MP cost, where afferent from Usual 1/2 a MPs to cross an al High Ape [mountain uot wih & Breaktheough MPS could fnly cogs sich side, Wah Bit could cross 2 fide, oF 1 sido with 4 MPs for othee movement. Aen eeesting, mountain units may ers Hi Apennine hewn at wil subject tothe usual 1 fr? hex teat movement, In all other respects, such as movement along roads, 9 essing Hives, mountain units ae the Combat Through Hi Apennine Hex Sides Mocs units attack at hal tetor throug such fides nder all_crcumstancer_lexcept fo! {German units in for). Mountain unite do ot suifer this penaty. Thoy attack through High ‘Apennine side at fulltrength Units defending against an atack by mountin troops would not ose. any other terrain {santage thee position might stor ther RETREAT THROUGH ZONE OF CONTROL This is a method by which units moy escape ertvetion when they afe forced to retent through or into enemy Zone of cont Ha unit is entiely surrounded ether by enemy unite with detense factors, aor terrain nto taki st earmot reteat, Such 2 the cost fo" German nit or est Ino beach) hoxes fe Allin treat sll meane mmeste destuc However, if at lett one he side isnot blocked Dy am enemy unt ith a. defense factor, oF imporsble terrain, then unt oblige to rtreat fare not automaticly destroyed, but may retest into. and through eneny zones of contol Vinesner attacking or defending. if such 3 Stuaton occurs, the veteting ployer ures this table “The rereting layer folons ths procedure 1 Roll the above table for euch stack forced to fatvest through an enemy. zone of canta. A layer ould voll for aoch Unt ina stack, oF fou unite together, ut would not be Savantanous. the aration ale for by the deal does not font an enemy. unt, 298 is not otherwise impassable, the retreating uritsl move to that I the direction rolled does contain an enomy Unit, oF apsable, the rtveatiog unit cannot revrsting sack, reporaless of the number of nts It contnrs. The retreating Bayer chooses the unit to lose a step. The procedure ie repeated until the retreating stack het moved 2 hexes, Note that the final location could be the sume hex from which the revreat originally started, sf the reveating Units Iroved away. aa then bck. Ht eould ao stil De Everytime the de role, seo i st the delender must retteat trough zone of control but lacks enough step fo strt the fetraa of nish 36a last an nvered counter {tee of nemy ze of control, the stocker gets t least two movement points of breakthrough During the eereat through zone of contol the fetvating unite i they stil ports on aitack factor, could destey inverted counters and/or ‘ite wthout 9 dense factor, hey care next tothem, butwitout gaining th rignttoacvance 9 the wocted hex, which only atacking wits may do TE Geeran uit is forced 10 retreat in a isoton tat would take Ht aut to, 0° into tthe ipusable train under this prosecute, it ‘Shot desnoyed, does rot move and a sap lost, then the ie ales aa. an Aled unit were foci 0 rable to rtrest fut to at st could elt to do 50 under the rocution wut, st tom » rable hex. Ths ‘woul nd the retest throug zone of conto! 3 Thor point, tven ifthe Ut Pad not retested 2 fener, Such ap evacution would not be obliga tory. Howevor, if ehoren by the Allied player it ould ‘be done in 3 retreat taking place in ether players “The Attacker (Onty when the retreat done con the wetonious Dlayer vance into the orginally vated Mex Boe only iit i stl vacant. (The recasting ut ‘mignt move away, and then boc | Only if thive is auch an advance, andthe Bdvancing units) enter the zone oF contro of nother combat lowed, Than the entee process maybe epee. IW the attacking units ae next to, oF advance ext to, inverted counters, or une without Getense Tact, here would. thereby be ostoved procedure coud end st revest sacked with 9 Frenaly unt which ig yet to undergo atack in have moved next to the Friendly Unit but not yet ftacked, Inthe instance, the retest mst Continue, under the rier explained above, Uni the orginally reteating unt moves off the flo beattcked nit, which could then be “To option to retest wulnerabe units such as Inverted counters, and unt without» dlense {ator doesnt apy after completing a retreat tivouge cone of eon ora narmalretreat. That ‘wool bea double rettot, Only one reveat pet Combat phose is pormited 10, ‘The eateat trough 2one of conc rue affects utomate wetory possiives A'S-1 ensures retreat cortnin to coat three steps (Ton the SRT plus at east 2 roteating) & 8:1 inthe uation fesure to coat four steps PLAY.BALANCE Obviusly, not al of the eptonal supplementary "cular sf ony sme of hem are Ld, attention tmust be paid to pose change in ply-blance, Ir fact, players may intentionally use hese ales to handicap 3 super player. Although some of the rales may have a diferent effect cependiog ‘onthe sourse of the oame, thei probable eect ‘on Bay alance i std below Favorable tothe Air: Supporting Fire Commandos Nevtat Retreat throug Zone of Cont Armor Favorable tothe Geman Aur Superiority Allied Units not USce Brith E. ADVANCED GAME game. INTRODUCTION “he Advanced Game includes 3 versions ac sing wth a ifr aapect of the lan Campaign and diferent geographical goa Southern Ialy — covering the same te spa0 35 the Bose Gume, through the end of December 1903, Roma — ending about the same tie the Ales Istria on te atte Hor cena Il une “The Po Valley ~ iciusing the entre TOweck campaig tough Aba 1985. Luke the Basic Game, all 2 advanced verions ‘begin with the Sept invasion, but each vanced game bas on epovoprately ferent (08 end victory condone. Both playecs may fhooieHrom warius OB alternates, the Eombination of whe fine the game lng, and tmewetory conditions, [AN of the Fundamental Rules apy to both Serione ot Anzio, vanced and Base. [Al of the Supplementary Rules to the Basic ‘Game shouldbe ute in the Advanced Gor Most of the Basie Game rules apply 10 the ‘Ravanced Garey at well, wath 2 types of Cases where the advanced les aro essentially Sime, but more extensive, a3 in the case of {Caer where the advanced rules replace the base fate, in Base Gome sections 1 and 2 covering the Game Record Cards, usable only wih the Base Game. Vincever necessary, the rltion ofthe advanced ules tothe bane ries Seleg out TIME RECORD CARD “Tie summarizes 3 narber of factors which may {ary tom tun to tur, ae wells providing space to tecond she rogers of the game, From top € bottom, it festures ae: ‘ealenda of each ofthe weokly gamers The number of weekly replacements for each Side. Whenever the Garmane recowe to, ane of [A eaminder of rinforeements ond withravals for ench sie, Since there are variations posible in the Advanced Game 008, not every check ppc, to each O08. Ite simply Fema tO Consult the detailed OOB Cord ro verity if spolies othe vrsionbeing played Errata: There ‘Should be a check fora Gorman reinloczment abl, 1948 (84n) There should mot be a check for veiforeements Jon, 1984 Weather. Ti snot taeda nthe Base Game Trstag, at the srt of euch Allied cur ring the months of October through Ape the Allied Player sas a die toe heer theres mud Goring that week, The numbers shown ineste twion rolls mandate mud For exam, 21 ora Por the fet two some turns in October, oF 31 ‘throug 5 for any November Weck Forts, Agin thi nt eiely fixed, a isin ‘he supplementary Bae Gare rules, Every turn treated by an °K", the Germans may build a forts In adstion, in 1043 tore are Burns Indicted by the numbers 12. Atte start of the {Gorman part ofeach of these tere he German player ras 3, ane may buid a Tort i eter hrumber appears. Fore deerayed in any wy, hhetuding volumaniy, may be recoived again Under the Time Record Card, although. the Germans may never have en the board simul- neously more than the +3 forts provided in the 5 Ports As in the Bate Gare, the Atlesalaays fart with 2 pore They et 1 more each Aled playectur nested “Te invasion section indiates with an "X" the ‘Mled player-trcs when ivaions ae permuted Guo eoch of the 3 some, ¢ wel 3 showing ‘sen each ge en [As in the Satie Game, replaements ae not fovlerted if sutton counters to epresent them te not avaable, or the aye” wishes to etn them off the. board, Therefore, sections ate provided in wich to note accumulated replace ‘Space i ato provided to note the passage of each UNIT ORGANIZATION CARDS All of the units needed in the Aavanced Game ‘may be pisces here. “The Sept Ml lection of all Haan unis whieh ‘hoy detect 10 the Allies located on the Allied Unt Organization Cac, Seven German dvsion are stown not ony in witonal form, but wih alterate regimental ‘counters, a expiaine ate. ALLIED 008 CARD “The Aled OO i vided into 4 setions Southern ay (Gar Central Italy (Game II), This 0 includes 3 Game une Northern Haly (Game I). All the units on the cand ae welded “The sos replacement bonuses for capture of Napott andor Roma, whieh poly 10. aay Advanced game version. These bonus do not “Sppiy othe Basic Game, They are ereditedto the ‘Aes a the sat of te quem afer te ees a made trendy, even i they are retaken by the Germans. Each bonus may be won ony ence. Errata: The Polish 3 Carp, division shown Jan | 1944" should be a 2412. Ha suboututa vwithrews Mari forthe 46th or 6th eeturas Tip The Frensh Tat vision shown June 1 1944) should be @ 4-5-12. Tho two Polish irsions shown Fab I 1048 should be 45 ws ‘The Gane Game only includes units evaabe Sept IL 1943, ple teinforesmonts, wre the ‘dtonced Games aa incl thera Except for alan parsan units [see below! Ald ceinforcements are in Sica on the Allied ployer turn indicates, ac ray enter 6 ‘urn immctely, subject tote pot eles rom the Basie Game, Units shen ine sucha dhe 3. units hon for Now ih, 1943, must be withdeown on the date Indicate, during the movernent orton of tht Bled ployer turn, before combs. 1 unit snot folate, i shouldbe removed fromthe bowed rely tom texan erat, Fotmoved tou port andout Nonetalass, tmust be counted against the Build Up of any-por 10 leh i eould trace supply. the unit euld not trace a supp ine toa port wt sufficient Bul tp, t would have fo evacuate 25 an inverted ‘ounter, i faaibie, resulting ina aplacement fie Tithe uni iotnted, than substutes are indicated undernaat the unit on te OO8 card {Using apie the Nov Il, 1943 examse, st the Brush t Para were wolatad or desvoved, then, 35 indsats, the Sth, 6h, oF 788 deans must imihdrow instead The Alled player would the inca unt and al substiutes a feslaad or sesvoyed, then 9 num Tepbcoments equals fullstengthnumberet “eps must be withdrawn, oven if one of the Eiputatod units subsequently escapes soiton. Allied nits abla to teach a Beach ex, but Arsupolied, are no lated, since they could be ‘taciateds On a coast hex thi mould not 2H Ter unit, or subsite, withdrawn below full Steengdn «replacement dle created. This must be msde up either by immeditely with Growwea. the, popes number of replacement ‘counters if avnlble, and/or drawing dwn any Secomulated replacement. neuer f avai replacement detent ereated which must foncelie before any ‘placements ener she ie, “The players should dec by mutuol agreement ich Alle OB willbe usd. Ths nes the Terath of the guna, andi combination with the {Gorman OO8 choi Ws vietory conditions. GERMAN 008 CARD [Although the German O08 i ot divided into 3 Shronologeal sections, 15 the Allied it finderstoad that the German player wil have Brabe tho une coresponding tothe game Nenion indicated onthe. Aled OO. For rample, the Alhed OOB is that of Game I the last Geiman unit gealele would be the Sanh infantry seson, Jone, 1988 “The German 008 is divide into 3 sections in teovading order of stent ‘The Standerd O08, whieh the weakest “The Reinforced OO, wien sto icles alte Standard 008 uit The Moximum OB, which cludes al the German unite aelable inthe gone These OOBs have nothing todo withthe fat of the game {Il or Il). The German player ‘nay select any ofthe 3 OOB Tor use in any of the 3 games, ving only those units which ‘correspond tote are ora Besians te base division by suength here ar tne estegars within the German O08: Kesseing’s Command. The 1 units shown st fort including & replacements, af fee to enter the game right after the ial Ali invasion. “hat avi the Basie Gare, 16th Pz. may be put ‘hany playable hex excloe of those occupied by Hakan unit which may sete (te below ‘The Herman Gost. divion may be dvicod Into ste 3 rogments as explained in shat section nd Sottoned in Yor ire of the 3 indicated henas, The location of the other Keserog units teardown FRommels Commind. During the war in tly, many German unite were ved dour g3rioning the industnal conters ‘Some of thes Unite may fenton the guia, The ruler governing gason Ute are daeveed septal Sicond Invavion Reaction. Just as the Basic {Gume, the Garman got atonal nits whan and ite Ales invade 9 sncond tie, Although there inay be subsequent inveone afer he wend ‘German reaction ie povide Ligurian and Adeiatie Commands. Thos are units ationed aff tho mop, 3b expiined in deta teow, Omer unas Kesueting and Rommel” Sept Besides the unite Hirted_ under Tous, ihe invesion texctions, and off board commands hoe ae rary other reeforcments. As in the Bue Goma, theve may enter on the date shown howe then, oF fate, Hf the. German player ete. {Germen seinfrcements, with on exception noted Cinder Garriton Units, entor on any Dex to which Stop canbe traced, 3 explained in that Imanmet, or i friendly majorities, ab 10 he Bosc Gann, atthe Geman option. The same distinction between the Kessling nis {tte tor use, atd the Rane units FMirozen" on ostrson duty, continues to aby forthe reinforcements at they serve. Garson its maybe noted by the ety indested above ther, Fee example, under the Standard 008, the 162nd (Tureaman) infant division ener the spine Oct 11043, but must ave arcty 0 Boogna nt reused to the ron tl July a) Sometimes the stronger {Reinforced and Manin) OOBs contradict the Standard OO8, For example, inthe Maximum OB the TTurcoman dision cited above entre the me trash sarer (Sept IV, 1983), for use ely By the. Gorman player, The indication of the fronger OO8 says taker precedence, provided ‘he Gorman player ha selected i Units printed inet, such as te 356M infantry sion sncisted Jon TM, 1985, must be wih Sramn. The sare procedure ot explained for ‘ile withdraws followed, except German units ean not be evacuated by 38 Ita German ("pure") armored unit is win Undersength, the cessing dei is ony ‘armored replocements, nt infantry. However, {he Germans have a deficit of more than 2 frmored replacements, thoy must slso use Infantry replacomontstorecuce te armordetct toa maximum of 2 Some German unis may withdraw at yarving tims, for example the & song “pure” armor ‘uisione Oras ae gen ina seouat section. [ter the Ales ie their See It ur, and ay Talon defections have been determined, the {German player may Yeely Select which of the 3 (008: he prefers, Only then does he take ns fist nave. The victory conciions foreach of he 2B Advanced Gar versione vory according 1 he Comparison of Aled and German OBS GERMAN GARRISON UNITS ‘Toate seen Zeatoories: ‘Thos thot are om the board Sept Hl ~ Rommel’ Command “Those that srtve as renforements ring the Course of the gure, ‘There later units move {own Hom ther erty point to the grison city ‘pecibe, In either cue, gurtzon units may be ose inthe tation ware “They may have 19 remain 3t thir grrizon poi during ne entire game. Wa date i shown beneath them, they ae picked tip and removed from the game during the movement pus of tat tur, Far example, the $i Pe. Firenze gurison leaves the game Now I, jon, Sometimes 8 unit may fst be ued 0 garson& ty, and fatgr rlemed into the game. AN trample isthe 65th infantry division. which Sorts the gore girzoning Par, ts elessed to the rom, rom Pama, Oct 1, 1943, for vs a6 the German player ss fi Wa detecting tian unit (te seeion E10) 5 ‘thin 10 hates ofa goriom uni that units Teloored to move wthin the ton hex radivsot is seran st nea na ack ho wea 4 withdraws beyond the ton hex radius, the (orrison unit would have to rofurnimesately {ote garrison porn 1a nontaian Allie unit approaces within 10 Ihexes of agarizon hex, the unit stationed there ip tree to enter and stay in the gums. For ‘example, the Firenze gation would enter the ‘ure the Ales ako ii {arin unit may 8 wigered iat the seme ‘by nent talian aes sporcuching within TO exes Boring Hates tase 3 eo, i would enter fom its preant Toeation, without having 10 “rere ore only 3 unite which go not have @ TOrnex “reaction tadur™. These ate dscssed Teter Reaction redus le measuredatrecty even tivough non playabla esas uh a lakes, om the closest pent wavered by a tiggerng unit ‘during ite move, & unit ean avoid tapering @ feoctamby entering adn exting thereceten 11a arian unt reacts nto the game except to fight tan), then the withdrawal date printed ‘beneath ie gurson ety seared. Such 9 un fri be aubject to 2 lotr withdrawal date Fowever, That witha would stl star, For ramp, the Fuenae gerzon (24th Pe), under fhe standard OO8, would withdraw froe the fume Now I, 983. Ths dates prime under the Firense O08 inceation. Hf foray reason 24th Pas reacts into the gyms, that withsranal €3te ‘woule be concalla. Or to put 1 anather wav, Bhth Pe. ig no longer on gpezon duty, and therefore the grizon waarawat date no fone plies, Note, however, at thi unit may aso be Subject to withéramal Jan Uo May I, 1088, Fit Should sei be in the gua. Those itharawal Ghter would il poly. Variable withdrawal Sates such ap ese ae dacussed separately. “The 2 woiteatving at Livoo Sept IV ate 2 speci ene. They were wanstrrd trom Corsica nd Soran. For them to anpear Sept IV in Livorno, it must be friendly aoe supply to the Germans. itis not, they may enter the game at Genova or Usspezi. IW none of hese 3 pots i en and in soy to the German, thew units would enor Wa any Shopiy hex Ost |, 1083. they do not enter at tivomno, the two unite would be fae 10 Use 35 the German player wes. 1 these units do enter at Livorno, andthe Allies te not within TO exes, then’ they ganson Uvommo a explained above 1 because of Allad proximity, these nits can tnter the gone Sept TV, they could not use Seateic Movement that tun, 1 because all twee allomale, pore ae blocked, thew units tnt vis ary supply Bex Oct 1 then they are treated tke sy other Axis reinforcement, ard tan enter rig Svateic Movement. “The SSRF brigade ix the cadre fer the 19SSAF hwson. Unies ts olated, replace it wth the tiessonateaunter De, ust remove the brigade, nd repiace i withthe dvsion, which is then {toe to enter the geme. Should the brigade be iolateg, the dvisom could not enter nt i wae Coieved, or destroyed. Inte Tater case, the Cision would sell enor va ny supply hes, but 2 sepa reduced in strength. Under no circum boar, ALLIED 008 — SPECIAL FEATURES “The Brith SOM and Bet daisions cannot be ied os fovertad counters they have no upside down stop, Thay enter the gpa ae hough they were non Britah/US units (sa supplement 10 Baste Gare, O71, After that, they are wsed a ay fther Brith unit, They can invade, and stad 15 1 with other Bit units one nationality. Since they do not have srwerted counter sts, they Cannot be eaciatd. From Poles in Allied courses, and former "Axis" woop captured at Normandy, anon ‘re was formed foreach of the two Poh tivsion in the gare. Feb, 1985, the Ais get 2 xiva replacement reps treet ths develop front, Poor fo thie, the maximum aength of These unite 34-12, with stacking value of foo the Alles use the extra Fe Il sep 10 increase the strength of the Pai isin, rm ths week onward their maximum stvenath 14512, with a stacking vlue of thre, Fiom Feb Il, 1945 onward, these Plich divisions feta their ew stacking volue of 3 reales of {heir aang lve, 18. e¥en if they are deplete, Although the Posh unite may aWays Use any ‘Alia replacement to rebut, prior to Feb I hey may. not build higher than ther 94-12 GERMAN 008 ~ SPECIAL FEATURES “The Herman Goereg (HG) division prior 40 the German Jan Il, 1984 playertura the Allies ake ther fend inwasin, oF come vthin TS ewes of Livorno, MG stays in the Some unt duty TV, 1948, onan it thao, Inthe absence of either of the above conditions, Het becomes the Livorno eben, subject tothe sua gorson rales, During the German Jan 1, 1944 player tun, HG i emove rom wheroner it's on the boot, and places in ether Livro hen, Note nat ll wrtharowals a. immadite Untke ute anering, wich maw onto the board ‘hough te a CHG gurcizons Uomo, itis. hen witha during the German Fe fi, 1984 torn, Erratum: The" Germen O08 card should show this ‘atharawat of HS {H luring the pesiod when MG is the Livorno bperiton the Albes make tie ead invasion oF ome within 16 howe of Livorno, HG eto 10 the game, and may be used ely nti July IV, bed, wan st iwawn, IV HG is toate when reqived to witha to Livoano fr lata), sbatuts ace indicted, The bts unit would ten Toiow the HG O08 Indication, een f HG ite escapes oto. NG divson and the HG/HG regiment are pure ‘imo: Only he two paneer gronade regiments re abe to bull up wh exhertype replacment “The 2Para Division “Tis unit tne Roms gation font oF al 3 exe dn 1, 1944 1 removed from the gum, and “Para is put inte place 12 Paris ost hing Talons, ax garizon unt, witout enaring te (ome 4Paraenters nt, 1988, fllstrength. I Paras lost any otverway, 4 Pare woulé'tenter the game at al If at any time prior tthe German Jan |, 1984 turn, Aled uns come. watin TT newts of Roms, 2Paa entre the game. In hisses does rot have 19 withdraw Jon | nor AP ae bxoua “The iii tocation of sh it near Roma. Praca di Mare. On the Seot IL tur it moves © Roms, At dco (at, there may be Telan tits fen 40 tho Aes othe Roma area, ond Para may have to combat them in Ore TO each Roms ‘Tha Genova Greizon 135th infantry moves Genova Sept |, 1844, Its etetion radi i S hoes ‘88 Ponzer division withdrawal (1 Lah, 2° Apart trom semporary doty fihting Halas one Sermaneotiy in 2 wave. (wey Met On garrison ou By Alias units approaching within 10 hexes of If the Germans sls an OOB which includes 1 these units remain gteizon units, ten hoy are temoved Nov Ih, 1083, at shown on the OOS cor UW they are ceeaind under the Standard 008, twhichcoulonly bey Allied proximity, they are tithdran Dec I, 1883. In the above cas, if the Ales make thee szond invasion no iter than thet Dee 1, 1943 player then thei withdrawal ie posteoned to the German Jan I, 1944 playertur. For tis reason the divsions sre own 3 withrawing ere On the O08, Ot cour if thoy withdraw Decl the Tan ital gna, “The Germans may let to us iter or both of these cisions Bopnning Sept I, 1943, 1 they Intec one of the who stronger OO, Inthe above eas, the unit} entring Spt I ne longer must witha Now, since ths apis ‘only when they ate on g3s0n dy Even’ inthe stronger OOBs, the $5 Piz fiwsions are sil subject to withdrawal Dee | or dan {as explained above. Wehrmacht Panzer Division Withdrawal (16, 18, 24,25) 6th and 25m Pe ate pare of Kessrings Command, and therlore avaiable for use at som Ps Maotova_ gation under Peinforeed GOB. Enter the gume Seot IV under the Maximum 008. arn, Firenze garrison under the Standsré 008. ers the game Sept H, 1989 under either sronee 008. The two P2. divitone which may remain on Garton duty are withdrawn Nov H, 1843, 11 they did not eater de gue ‘ny of the four Pz dices which enter into the ge are withdrawn none of thee was [SSP divisors HG. : Jan 1, 1088, Note thot there a1@ diferent heh O08. ‘he Alcs utd asin. an or before thee Jo 1988 payer ton the Wehunaent Pe. irione do rot have fo nitheraw un May |, 1948, Here fosin, in tha songer ODEs, some of those fone cna hae fo withdraw a al the Standard and Panzergrenadier Withdrawals (9, 15, 60 Prod) All 3 divsions withdraw during the August- September 1944 period, under the Standard 008, “Te 15th ie retsinad urer the enforced OO8, None ofthe 3 divisions need withaw under he Maximum 008. costal Commands (Sept/Oct 1948) “The 9 units shown are stationed inland seas Grecilyadacent to tow shown on the map howd The Ligurian Command offthe west te. the Adriatic Command off he eat ed. Starting Seot 1, 1948, the Germans may transfer Units fom the board to there commands, and 1 Laurin Command units ener at A13 oF the rent nearest board. edge hex trom. A13 to Broicia, meine, free of Alia zone of canto [Aiaic Command units enter at V2, oF he next fvarest edge nox or Y7 to ¥-2r0, lune “randori not allowed via ax in Ali zone ithe Alles can sat off @ Command entry ares for 2 consecutive Goeran turns, the mits in e Command ate destroyed, attr which tne Ges ‘mane wouls ne longer need to maintain Units ‘here, they would just cease 10 exis. [Any Axis unit may be sm the Commands, but fly ante wnat last defense factor count words the tacking point minimum which Inust be kept in each Command, who in Cestonee, Eros unite and Abs Haan combat nt, even that with zr0ataek actor, count se thi hit, Invrted counters and Repubican ‘eplacement unit do not Command nits may take replacements over and Sow the replacement counters availble. That isl relacerent counters could be on the board, and wns in the Commands could build {op thout using atua counters i the Germans (rt ie replacements onthe TRC. Non-German Axis Replacements Thess are Grech, Slovak, oF Haan They can only be used once, unlike German trsate unt which can be reuse, when they Soin enter on the TAC, Once thoy are used 10 {ebuild » German combat unt, or are destroyed Irony other way, they do not reenter the some Talon nits novo take raptacements, eve Halon replacements nate Divisions Esch of the three raate visions (Se, Wi, ‘Gaimay baaxchanged staring any German tors forttwen intantyreplacamentsfatfullsirenath foo if the divsone. are vnverted counters Remove tne dusion, the dvsionleft unless also an entry point the ‘dusion i wolsed, exchange st lowed. This ‘exenage len troversibe GERMAN REGIMENTAL COUNTERS In the Advanced Gar, 7 Garman divisions may 1 used in ether one oto forme ata dion, +05 2 oF regiments “Theue 7 unite at ineated by @ gray over print ‘nthe Unit Oxgaszntion Crd Both regiments and divisions have the usual complement of counters representing weaker Stengthe, st as 2 counters of liferent ttvength nt rom the same unit can newer be on the bosrd together, only the regimental counters, ‘or the dvisonal esate, may bean the board at [At any ti during the movement potion of his turn, the German player may exchange the Provided ll the regent counters stack to" ether at any ime dering movement “They may move part of thet movement factor, stack, and then proceed ax 2 vision lone counter CCometsey, at any tithe diving the movement fhe, the single duit! courter-may be fxchonged for ite rapiments, whch may than Independently ure any remaining movement factor. This exchange hag nothing to do with reinforce munis, takes place wherever the counter Counters ae. The uit or units changed form flonot howe fo come down fom an entry ex 4. Chanting rom division to regimens, oF vie "a not alowed during the combat part of the Garman player turn, or any part ofthe Aiea payertrn 15. By the end of the movement phase of the German turn, they mut deeds whether they rant a unit to be in Given or regimental form a ee nes tum movement aha E. Neither repimental counters, nor the divisional Counter, nea be a Yl strength io subtitle {ch 3 cite, itis nok alwys possible to exchange fegiental counter of reduced stony for a tivstan couster whieh Ror the ssme numberof fombot ctor, or vicnwersn Thertore, You ‘must take the next weakest counters. So ong Js no combat faster or steps ar gained just by Swtening, except fom taking replacements) fdring the same turn, depleted units may teely Change back and for from regimental to vision form, F. Units with substitet counters may combine with feplacements and leo be swapped for the other form of the same wnt, all during the same Imowesnt phe, This may make an even ‘Srchonge af factors pore oe 1G. A dition could only tke one replacement oer turn, tut ie reginens could each take oe, an regimental for HA depleted ivsion may be exchanged fr lest than the fll umber 9 egmant rote L188 vision in regimental form must witam, apap is able to, and part isolate, thefree part ‘etharaws immediately. the isolated part when bl. meleter are dosroye his would create 2 replacement eft at hat time, J. Substitute Units and Inverted Counters: 1. Te is possible to rebuild fal strength division tom just_one surviving repimental inverted 2. The invert regimental substitute counter does ‘nat count one step in combat. It cannot be femoved 2s» sie lot stacking or doting It |S hate el, cadre wable ony forthe outbose ff ebuilding the unit. In al other respecte texaety the other inverted counters a regimen: {al subst counter loses mere sts than i has its verted counter i ost. eventhough it ‘ocsnt count one step Sreakthvough movement ‘would be ealeulated not counting the Tost Invertes cadre counter a8 9 step. 3, Th dors not apply 10 the cvision inverted Counter, nor to regents high are 0! subst tute counters for a dirsion, They do have the {hua verted counter whichis worth Teombst thor 2 mare spe wen vied n dvsionl form, than wen ne egies! orn Examples of dision/ragiment exchanges ae in the appendix. Note shat the fll svength reg ‘ments constuting a division may be exchanges {ori even though such an exchange can result 10, THE ITALIAN ARMY A In General 1. There ae four ilferent Haan 008, at colored dk orange, Spee unt entiation must bE ‘hacked with 8 OB to. determine the 2 Combat 2. When involved in combat, whether attacking or etending,Ielans are always fast (ke ion units can never be revied with replace: ‘Beosonts which the Germans recive. Fanon do not have a6 inverted counter status {ee aty nove one faceun) ste. Totes are. nared afer pltes, evens, ond Raman Gods The names o not indieste place Foci [Fer incudes all lian unite on the Board At Si OF hese write only the 185th regiment stays sii ine Germans, and may be moved and used Sy them staring Sept This units eat ost The any other Ant unt, wth the aitfereces [Ai other unis wither disband, and ate removed hrschately and semaneny from the game. (tee tothe alles The loeation of thas units fhe Start given om the Ali Unit Organization Gor Defectons tothe Ales are determined by the locaton of the Allied invasion, and 2 die rll ‘ater the Als invade, but hetore a0y combat, {hey fol adie inavidvally Yor each potential thefector, Below are the eros which release Salerno eos cost — all units eisband except From gaison, whieh detects on ros of 1, ‘Napoli, Mondragoe, Teracine ~ Roma gsrton (eters on rll of, al omers 12 From, or north of lama on dhe west coast — ome gvsan a automaticaly defect. al thes Roma or Civitavecchia together with an Aled porattoup drop on Roma by the Bd abocne Giuson (ate E12) Sepe Ital lian Fascists, rcopt 185tn, catect to te Aes. None disband ‘otuntsy isband (destroy Hans, Sept II Aled Halon cannot move, unless they sre obliged tore. Combat Delectng_Ilians may or may not attack fWincent Germans, at the chowce of the Aled ommonder, by. indvidusl_urit. Ths option fopies only to Sept I Using i fan Kaan fttacks 2 Gorman all Gormans in its zone of Control must be attacked. Other alans unin Solved inthis combat. and notin the gone of Como! of Germans stacked by lain, could ignore adjacent Germans. (On the Geiman Seot I, 1949 player turn, they toa tase eta jst ike any athe Allied uit They ney stack, oF witherow. Gorman units Sloning te tn in Kaan zone of eon ae Invading Allied units may move right through Talim, even fg atop then subject to staking tise, by inva it ‘ter Sept 1, ais no tnger ave the above Sntion, They must attack oF withdraw i 0 them zone f contro, wath the usual exception bt an sanonce after combat Sepr tl, 1949 al aly considered friendly to the Geman, even lsiavoccupied ees, and ‘apie the fact thatthe Germans en ony stk wth the 195th Sepr I Oni hexes traversed by Tvading Allied unt come frend 0 tem 09 the frst turn, Fram Sept 1 onward Aled Tealans en make hexes ten to the Ais, “Tavgnout the game, Allied Italians, whether Fauci Monarst, 2" Partisans, cannot open ports a Beachneads, taper the two repiacement 1s esussed under German Garton Units, these nits are fre to combat Kalan units within SOloe fadus of ther garriton point, and then Except ving an Automatic Victory, Germans tray never stack wth ied Tain Snce the aia eannoteaptre ait bass for the ‘Allis, if the Germans hve oi superiority, they fn wie it under the wil cules against tas. ‘toni a base Hoes [Al alan unite wth a dears factr, but nota tock factor, ae governed By the combat rules pertaining to German ersatz counters. ‘up “The 15th supple ike ay Gera unit. halian Fascists defecing to the Als are in Sooply the fet tn, and thereafter can be ‘upplled in any number trom any maj lian {to whch they can tace 8 land Supply He, Sd which i enly te them, oft other Aled TW necesary, Halans may be included io, ne counted appins, reget Allied Capac, fo" ‘xamole sno Taian ty i tana tothe Ais Monarchist Tealy under Aled conto “These unt frm im Sila and enter the game ‘nen called for_on the OOB tke any non: Brrh/US unit. Thay ve sped ike ary Aid tint ad cannot ase strate mawerant the Ht twin on the board Partcans “Two of the most famous Garibaldh partian tnngaes are include inthe Aled OB. ikem called for in the OOB, they appear any face onthe board ar desied by the Allies, even Behind. enemy. linet, except onan enemy cexupied hee Parsons do not have sone of contol and may ignore enemy oner of conto “hey never can ur oad movement ules even fo rego terrain effects, Le when terion Hi [Romnnine slong» oud, they move ae tough MO road existe. “Toay do not need supp, “They atark and detend under tho SPT. deste» new uni reappears at he start of the movement phase ofthe first Allied player thin of each mond staring Nov 1, 1948, and tho the Sed Ales player turn of every monty ‘ating Fe I, 1946. “Toe rewnce ofa partisan unit can block normal Germnon movement, but not German teat Germans ean ret sight through paras, red be taking an extra Bei order not to stack ‘ath thes yisans cannot destroy forts even wan empty hor end thei tun on a fore hex. They could froverse an empty forthe Parusans can undue river defenses in the usu Te they end their turn within 9 exes of 2 Cerman gran unt, 2 intervening hexes, tho unit may eporoath and attack the partisan Ite nent trun he same rules which govern ‘German units moving out ror arson to stack onan Haan thin a TO ox acs. Even {Tths brings the German within 1D henes of roritatian Aller, they ar nt released ince the (elease rads slays veh reference to the Repuptican [ter his overtvom, Maxon: created 9 north Matan state called the Repudsie of Sao, wt Capt! nee Lake Gard woth smal army tinder the German OOS. 2 2 13, “Those unite eater ad te supplied lke German “The 2 Republican placements which ae part of the Sroond Inestion reaction only d8 Nt =Ppe3F gun once they have been used. They may build Up any Geman nonstror unit. They te (governed by the sme rules which pertain to ‘Atved replacements. sould” they "Become Frvolved in combat. Like them, thay Rove no MOUNTAIN UNITS “The Base Gane Supplement ako splis tothe Advanced Game, the ony diference being the foumber of mountain unit incled inthe OOB, Aied ~ 10US, 1SSF, GK, $26¢, tian AG and Proms and all Fresch unite with & movement factor. German, Min, and Ooeha rigid, Every effort ts been made in Anzio to sccurtely identity the units included 10 (GOB, wien means that some units have the ‘mountain symbol, bot pot the expel. and ‘Teevers, “Theo apparent lsreponces are Fistoncaly accurate, Apart from consulting the Mat above, all mouain unit ae ientied by the ine tthe Botom of the counter, ALLIED PARATROOPS “The only pattroopsetion allowed is an ardrop {on Flame during the movement phase of the ‘Aled Sevt It playerssn by all 3 rgiments of the US 82nd asbornedison ‘uch a para drop may ony acorsny an Allied Invasion t Roma or Ciutaveechia. ce 1 of 3 regimens on each Rama ex. They froy then move Tadditons Rex tee opr Thay may ao stack “The 3 tacking pots of the Bnd division donot Count apoins! the Initial it permites ding ‘Aled ‘ursts if these unit ate para-a/0pD20 Should thay be Used ap infantry snvcing, they fl count agin te fot Lit. “The optional Advanced Game rates dscssed [ater permit greater cape (or pratroops by both ‘SUPPORTING FIRE “These rules ate identical to the Bosie Game Suoplement, except for the extension in tine to 1948 45, “The same Alliad weekly sippotig fie alles tion continued, except ring "Sikes (ee Et, “The Germane active the following Tetcal Air 1 por month through June I, 1988 tert of amet. COniy forthe entice rmsiner of 1944 (Gare mh Oniy for allot 1985 (Gare Exactly anon these factor are ied is at the ‘pian of the German player, subject othe esl fules Mu is newer sure inthe Adwaneed Game. Soi the Germans chance raring a datensie Si factor, aa the tin sud, oul be ost. ‘The Germans sil get tere wvasion reaction SSecand Invasion, they would lose ifs Wore 8 ut ue 1. For she purposes of sit interdiction, German {though they had 9 stacking fete fon AIR STRIKES |A. Once on a good weather turn inthe April/May peta 1948, ad once agsinin Ap, 1945, tre ‘Ales may moutt 8 moor asthe, a2 ey did Pustoneally Each Air Strike takes place during fone Aled layer turn 8. During an Rie Strike the Alles donot have Win, oF delensvely in the tolling German turn. They do have the naval factor unless they G. During the entie Air Strike gometurns), the Germans lose all benelit trom fort, whether ‘elending or atacking although the forts se ot femoved trom the map unis dertroyed te ‘ua way. On the next gome turn, he sul for ‘ule sop a0 D. During the Air Swike, Allied battle ods are Increased 3 columns, A 12 becomes 931, ot Thercore, the worst posible attack would be & 14 (1-7 nereased 3 columns) First sough fourth combats we slowed during ‘Ar Ske, but ith and subsequent combate te F, the Allis have not captured an ar bse by tne turn in which they would have tell het At Swike, they could only use te adrontaoe tack Ing hexes where they have a supereiy. INVASIONS [AL The tule governing invasions in the Advanced Gare ie tesieally sar to thaws the Base {Game mith the ctterunces ed below Wy of the 13 wvasions areas delineated in ed on (The Fist Invasion cert to that in the Bac Gams, ease for the wider scope permed 1, 630m ofthe versions af the vanced Gar has ardteent cme table of record ane sibengvest frvesons a¢ dated on the TRC. Ae the Base Gane, thee are vatatons in permitted 1. Game 1 ~ one Second tovasion permed, with 78% of she tal Lit shown tm edo the Goad, au in the Bast Game, which cover the 2 Game — 4% Darog the povod tram Nov th, 1942 to TH, 1088, cle, 190 sivaions re Ding the last 2 weeks of Gane June 1 1984, on adiiona reason 1s petted, wh 50% of iva Li 2. Gane = ng the petio rom Now I, 1043 to Maren fone wth 100% the oer with 79% af nial Ut Flom Jy I), 1944 to the end of the game, an uo vations ae petit, wth 7% fiw orotate Ac the Base Game, Initial Lilt seductions da or py to. Guan and Cataciys which 16, 20. Invasions ust aways be 6 weeks apa, For fear, the second awatan Ove i089, ‘he next posle ieation mould bo an WV. ed ere more than one invasion is permite in 3 ‘ven cme span, at diferent Intl Lite, their Sider in the choice of the Aled payer. The ‘renter inital Life could be used Ht, oF second PORTS ort rules ae basicaly unenanged from the Bs ‘Game, oxceDt tot in Game II the fta of ports called for on. the TRC exceeds the umber Drovided (Bhan the game. Port counters cannot bbe moved from place 1 ple, but they en be voluntary dumantled bythe. Allies er ‘esroved by enemy ston! Therelore, in Game Tih, the Alige may with to cmante 9 por ‘teewnere when the TRE calle for them to 9 other port. The Ales se never allowed 1a have more than @ porte in use xmultaneouty, ror to accumulate more than the B port counters Provided. 2 they can accumulate More replace Inte than te outer rowded. ‘COMMANDOS Base Game rule D582, estriting commandos to Commando raids ae not limited by the unl Sturm separation or inwsione. A command ford could occur na tun when 39 rweson i ot Ai other Basie Game rates a0 SEA MOVEMENT. Consider the costing of aly tobe divided ito ‘Satctions {Genova south to J5B west coat) Napoli to N74, Sc, and Messina Goito a Taranto, Taranto, apd Y46 north 1 ¥13 leost coast Movement it one tan From 2 point i area 1 sdract 10 en 3, and icevers, o HOF allowed, lahether amphibious wander, eveqvation, ovement turn trom a point sates 2t0 area Tandon sen 3 is allowed, advice sera For exarpe, 3 unit wishing 10. mow from Genova to Rimini by se0 must fist go to any pont in area 2. and rom there te nek ur {ll ther Bie Game ruts spay: MAPBOARD EDGES ‘sin the Basic Game, to Alo caot enter the foal ‘ia Marina andlor Taranto diet into the German zone af conta Theretoe, the Germans can seal otfeot southern enty points Note that athowgh esate units would serve thie purpose, ivertad counters and/or haan re Blacerments woul et. because they donot have zone of conta 53 the German ho can move ar retest staring fn their nea playertutn at any ety hex tin [Allied zone of conta. Off these edgos, Allied ‘its are destroyed forced to ratraat ISOLATION AND SUPPLY Begening June 1¥, 1044, the ates 10 wich the Germanr tvaee apa changes thom the noe vost, north, and northeast edges 10 any rth ge hx whieh is eataly east of the Osho Fiver 05 40 V 201010 ¥12 Since teinforcements eater on any Boat edge ange suo reduces he area though which Feinorcemants may age excet for the Coastal {Commend whieh rain explained im EBG, Genova, and the narthnest aes ofthe oat rca ihe Ligurian Cammnand, cou be wolated Tom supply. The unite there could then be Sexroved, even without the Ales Blocking ll fury Benen, ance Allis ould est oft he Northwest getion of the board tom the estcted sappy are ter June 1 Allother Basic Gare ues spy VICTORY CONDITIONS The Goimans oevee had more than a eatvely Bes bagan to pepate to meade France, ti as ko ncrauingy tr of them, Units wore often trentared tom other tants t0. Waly, nd vicevera, With some exceptions, both se Fesarded italy 950! seconds smpertanee, ond thetetore vate rong units tt local es ‘lied goals Mluctusted. The Germans changed Anco, you make these decsions. AS. Aled ‘orcs aporoarate tt As German commander, Confronted by the Aled ianin, you dese Ain ral watar, the better gommander fhe parcon tothe enemy tena As explains eater. before starting she same, the Aled player (or bath payers mutuay| Acide fis statosic goal fom among several ‘tions hetoraly considered Secure the southern third of ly, tecing the Bort of Naps and the base at Fog, by he fof 1983. Capioe Roms and en roe CCapte noriern tly by Apt V, 194. a1 aly by Jone M Exch of these goals tue an appropriate OO8 sean tm unite ich dd, oreo ave seed In aly. As each ofthe 3 guts bors in oath, ‘een ns a eitfren sau schedule 20d 008 All gumes start wrth the Sept I, 1985 svasion. [As cxplnned wale, betorestartiog he Wen German player chooses his OOB’ trom she 3 Gt the came version fined by the Aled eho. ‘The exact victory conditions depo. on 2 com: parizon of the allied and’ Geimen OO8s, The Game 1 — The same wectory conditions at the Sane Game are wind, ay covers the same vad. The only change is ia the number of Ste the Alles need to in ‘German 008 Number of wetoy cites Pes mas expt Standard 5 — same atthe Daic Game Reinforced Maximum 2 (Game It = The same base procedure i used bu the 9 tes formiog part of the wetery con itis ate: Napol, Costing, Pesto, Roma (2 for J hoes stil count at one vetory point Perugia, Ancona, Livorno, Firente, and Rimini ‘German 008 Number of vetory cities ‘ls must eapare siandard 7 Reinforced 5 Mocimum 3 “The Basic Gare requirement fr the Germans to sruitain 9 font lie thro thet tna layer funn also port of Aceanced Somes tan es ‘ot part of Game The Front ine requvomont ‘makes Genovs a partculeywulnarebe point or the Germans Game {German OOB Aled wetory rquireent Standard Capture all major eter on the bar except Bras and ‘cence, ich must teat bem Aled zone alent Reinforced All maor cites except Pianta, Brena, Vanes, tnd Genona. Genova mut also Maximum LaSpezia, Mowers, Fears, and ail mjor etn south of [Asin the Base Game, “capture” it detined having the exis question fenly. Such a hex ould sil by in enemy 2ore of enh, But 35 the Bae Game, st auld have to be Sophy (o The sane of Aled unite may trigger the rele of German units which would not rd raniy be usable in one of the two weaker (008s. This does not change the German 008 for the purpose of determining victory con Gone F. ADVANCED GAME SUPPLEMENTARY RULES 1. INTRODUCTION fatlowingrles maybe added fo the Advanced Gare 2, FORTS {Change the distance fom the enenw at which forts ‘Con be but to the sane distance 3 woh place nents con be taken: 3 henes (2 intervening BOXES bowen Rex on whieh fort £9 be Bult, and any enemy unt 3, POLISH MORALE In eary February, 1945, th Plies unis aly were PotendThevetore, trom the Alls Fe I player fo ine Alixs Man | Bayocturn snchsve, te Alles Iroy attack wth theze units only they are ate, ‘They may detond nthe usual manner They may De {hod er us tore an ater hs pied 4, FRIENDLY HEXES Using this rule requires Kenping a record of whieh AA supply line for that turn can only be waced ‘through endly exes as determined at teen 8, _Stategle Movement can only be through hese fry atthe start yourturn, Haunt rovers ven one untionaly hx if fotos Str Movement that turn © In Furmental Rule 4 certain otra prontien ie enploned, Subject ft to tee pion fevcating un must ge preorence to tend hones Foc example, ita regular unit must choose binang trendy hoses in enemy zone of contol tr behind High Apennioe hex sides, orunfvendly hoses mithout any sueh constant, i could Chore the latter” However, i none of the “Table etreat exes ae unde any such cor fring. the choice 1s limited to fron howe. ‘The determination of tonaly hoxes is at the 5, STEP REDUCTION ISOLATION [At the end of any plsyesturn sm which a unit felonging othe whore. Payer tu nas st fred lsat, or ove the supply tn he case hte Alli, hat uni lous tp. Thre replaces ther isolation rules, Theefore there would no longer bie a 2tur limit on a unit’ wolatian nor would the Biles hve to dewanate Unis wich ae ove Couity. They could uke 4 stop fom whatever Us| they proered on he succesive Player tr tnhen he units waren exces of Capac 6, PORT BUILDUP ‘The Bus Up figure for 8 Hen port or-bearhead ‘eutgoing, For example, Geoora with 12 points Bui Up coud secormodate 6 points entering an 8 pine Ieaving, or any eambination totaling 12. All Dther Bud Up rues, incuding the erry. ove alowed 7. ATSTART HISTORICAL STRENGTH VARIANT “Those units tart the gam 1 step reduced i stonath ach Br Pare divs, German $Para dws (ean be Hom any one tegen, in regimental eons tion), and German 26th Ps: diion 8, PARATROOPS |A. Historical note! both sider io ane talon Campaign mde some use of ther peatroop Copabity, but could have done more Sea, the Gurmane roppsd part of 1P3rabohind thir town’ ine unexpectedly coining with 30 Ble drop! Bt Snlemo, the Alles made 2 drop Avihin their own besten, ad another Behind ermon tines st Aveing, They so considered shops north ot Napa and at Roms, The following rues govern both German ane Allis paradeops Poradrops may take pace only in good weather 2. The drop zone hex may never contain am enemy 3. Sbjct tothe wal stacking rules, he deop hex nay comin tery unis 4 Paradrops oorut 3 2ny time during the move mont phase Tet resul determined belore proceeding 5. Except for the US. 62/504, which commendo, and therefore doer” nat ‘opps, paratroops do ned supplies, ‘The fist (paadeop! twin units parcipating in the drop are considered supplied, even # they ‘would ordinarily be Rot so consieved. Aled baratoops may opin excess supply eapacty, butt nose torn, the usual capaci rules woud spp 0 thor b, The en threats, sual supply res gover, 6. The follomng table ierolld after the oo Nox i Spied, ardor owe if he drop succes "eh nena Moe cities ate considered pain terrain forthe purbowe of eseulating thee surcharges. Minor ity neces are greed by the eer tern 7. paratroopt are permitted to attack onthe drop turn, they 60 50 subject to the uwal combat rules After the drop tun, they are teats os intone. ‘es The Ais have 5 partroop unt: Br. YPae and Para, and the 3 cements ofthe S2ed aborne Until the Aliad playerturn after the Alios ‘apturean irbose they may dcp onlyintohexes which areentely south of me mid fal of he ‘rap, that jst north of Roma, inluding hex Fd Note that ha of ths area esti the zone of German Air Superioty. Oue to air support sm Corsican Sarda, sarting andes ‘lies Oot 1943 tun, the area of permed paraarop inclodes the tra map, (On te et ied player tur ater they eature nai base, ty may parasrop anyuhere on the ‘Should the Germans reastaban Ai Superiority, fon the folowing Died player torn the rete ton in paraaph 2 above woule asm apy ‘An lied unit wishing to paradrop must start its turn in-an ai base notin Gorman zone of onto}, or in Sicha, The drop take race during ‘me movement portion of the tun, belore The Ais may aeration up to 3 stacking points parvurs These rules eeplace the Advanced Game Roms parcrop ue 1 the Allies op 3 stacking pont Set 1.1983 ‘on Roma, combined with an station there or a Citevechia, all talons delect to the. Ales, except the 105th, Any para units may be uted, not only te 82nd ‘Any Roma hex or hex ull the requirement. IF the Allies drop les than 3 points on Roma, oF eop 3 points but donot meet the swan requirement, then Kian defections ae governed by the tole n the Agronced Game Subject to stacking iis lied paratoops may op onto potent Italian electors. [lies may ekop toto wnoecuped for hexes, “esteoying te Tort tte Stop scene | paradrop i not counted against nat Lift. OF course, It partroops invade 0 itanty, they ‘would be counted Partroope may open ports inthe usual manner. 1 ering the Sept, 1943 tun paratcons make frond» exon which the Altes dear that {al oe tain detections using that prt zone ar the seaborne invasion Zone, whenever thy. preer, OF courte, both the Pardon and the Invasion could occur in the same zone. ata tater time poratroops make friendly ahex, and the Ales declare that they ate constructing "port tare, ths not eonsgored & Second Invasion. Therefore no’ German reaction tg. eed, ures, of course, Ths pradrop. should inci with a seaborne Second mation, andor the parstroope ae used a irwaing sntanry £0 apres suitable Fora pore German “Te onty Garman unt wit para capability i the Ase regiment (244-12) f Par, although mary other unite ave the pra symbol 11/1 may drop ly ance i good weather ring the movement phe of any 1983 German turn, Bryatere on the board subject te the usual ules, Ie ust tr ite dro tur in any ofthe base henes, not im Alias or Aled Taian zone of Ie may destroy an Aled port under the usual rules for ding 30. It may drop onto an Aled ort i potable under the siedop roles. Thi (would cestroy the port 5. tine poracepiment is intersted ell 1-8), cen op that tr 9. WEATHER During the pried November ~ Marc, inclusive, if the Alien roll Ton the TRC, which is one of the rurbers stipulating mad lor tht turn, the following tables ao rolled hen thistle ole uring Novem, a 0 acral: making seul at? ponibe (0.,AT-START GERMAN FREE ~ DEPLOYMENT All *Kenering” uns, excent forthe four esate oumters, but inching the. 185th repent. may fiepioy anyone on the baatd excet with italian tune wicn may defect. Regimental subsite ounces ae alloned, but those ofeach unit mut be stacked tapeer. This change layalancesreaty in favor ofthe Germans Alteratvey, in action tether usual deployment, the fapimenis of 1 Para may deploy separately together inthe ares Y48:Y54. This option could be Utes in the Basic Game for the divisional counter 11. INVOLUNTARY OVERSTACKING Jen» retest forces a ployer to sack us in excess ‘reduced to inverted counter status, The units to be 30 Feduced are chostn bythe stacking player Voluntary ‘verstacking I stil nat permite even ifthe excess 12, RETREAT THRU ZONE OF CONTROL, A. This rue apoles only to defenders unable 10 retreat Heel. Le thei atest pais blocked by ‘enemy zone of contol, of another obsacie, oF they are completly Suttounded. 8. The defender must declare use ofthisrula before the combat Involved occurs Using tit eu, wnen 9 deters must retro but can', explained aoove tie act aestoyed. ‘or does it follow the retest through 200" of ‘ontol rules given enrler Instead tlosevether {wo stops, or twice he numberof tes required by the SAT result governing the combat which forced i to ferent. whichever Is greater The retreat is cancelled by paying thss penalty. It reaktiugh result would spply D. A514 using tis rule only sure to cost the Gotendor two steps, which allecte dutomate E._Itsevera units aein one combat. andsome can retreat whe some can the later may use ths fale, but must take lasses test On i they are iminated could the others take lostes @ussroniear secono wvasson Oni one Aled Second Invasion would be permitted, rth 75% of Initial Lift. For Game 1 would be the period Nov I~ DeetV, 1983 than extorson to Feb I, 1084 for Games 1 ana I A other inwsion ed invasionelated rules, such commandos, femgin the ame This option shouldbe declared no later than the rar ofthe Allied torn dng hich Second Invasion occurs. This option does not change the period during which an invasion is permed in 1943, 14, ALLIED PORTS lnsttad of resiving ports on a fixed schedule the Als could rol 3 de a the start of each of their turns, begining Sepe II, 1343. They would recive 3 ort every turn when ass resulted, n (Over local commanders’ protests, the Aliad High {Command often withdrew unit rom ly tom the Normandy invasion, tho invasion of Southern, France, for duly n Greece, ete Youmay cancel ese ‘wiharows. I the Alied player sslacted GeimeI thon atthe stot tan Aled turn ror Nov, 1983 ‘Jan'v, 1948, inclurve, ne may eaneel al further ‘withdrawals inaieated on the O08 This taker ees nly for units which Rave not akeady let Unis ‘raady gone do not o-erter unless such re-enty ‘3rea9y ncleded inthe OO8, Fegardast of when the Allie exorcite this option, 4nd regurlee ofthe German OO8 (except for the German SS Panzer option elon, the victory ‘ondions become thi: by the end of the Feb IV, 1946 tur, the Ales must capture al mor ets the board, excep Brescia and Vicenza, and even they must at eit bein Allied ane of eon 1H, ower, the Allies have chosen the Histeica ‘Second Invsion option, wen combined with tht Feintorcarent option, the game would end Api TV, 1949, ar waa, with the victory conditions a explained above. @ cess neroncanear orrions 'At the ond ofthe Allied Second Inetion tun {not sobsequent Invasions, any), and betore they begin ther plaerturn, he Germans may change their OOB selection, if they have ot Bireacy erosen the Ménxmam OOB. They may Increste the Standard OOB 0 either stronger ‘option, or she. Reinforend OB 10 Maximum. Units which had already withdrawn from the fame under she existing O08 would not return. Victory condone would ehang 10 confor to the new combination of Alled and German (008s, unless overruled by the Ales having feletes their enforcement option, B. Under any 008 the two stong SS. Panzer divsions (2-8-1) withdraw no later than Jan I, 94a. At the start of their Jon f, 1948 player turn, the Germant may either seal tht with- drawal st esther of both of these unite has et ther oF Bom have already withdrawn. In this Tower case, they would ener ike any reitorce It the Germans excite this option, the gare feds atthe end ofthe German frch I, 1938 Bayer turn. The victory conions are the same fr thoteoutlnd in the Advanced Game section Tor Gare I, except thatthe fies neo eptare fnly any two ofthe 9 ites forming part of the ctor conditions. As wsual, the Gedmans must maintain thet frontline az deserved nthe Bane Game. Note that i the Gorman exer the ception, the Alor donot ater any paralty tom Sti cout not do soi they had not chosen Game Ti, even though this apron bring: te gue to rend daring the Gore I tne pon This option ist appease to Game |, and toe ‘usally only declarabla Jaa, 1984 However the Germans may deiore it earlier is revealed that the Allies hove chosen Game thor ill Wa Feplacomentselet stil enstedbecsuse of either fr botn 88 units waning understrongth (ould be satstied by thew ro-entorng sped (2 re roc oF man Some ain oe eas German Hidden Deployment ‘This rule ean nly be ase ogee with seeion P10 Auta Gorman Free Deployment Some oral ofthe unite mentioned in section 10 fray depiy fave dows etore the Allis invade Sep, 1983. Face down deployment i ot alloed ino next fo. ety, any Haan except the 185th ‘The Allis may tun faceup any 1 unit betore In onder to avoid confusion wth inverted counters which may be gimerted by” Allied Combat, all Goa unite must be turned face iher hen invading Aes enter their zone of fonvol, or at the end of thw Aled vation bidden unit, and is found to lack sufficient Hrengis for a 14 attack, tho Alied unit Utsvoyed etre combat, unless ceinfresd to “Tis ehanove play blonce greatly in axor ofthe Gorm. Limited tsetienee “Tin rule i ilfrent from the Gorman Sop 1 Hiden Deploymant, altmouge ican be used to Esch ade hss a number of colored counters wich Rave bes Tet lnk. TR Alias may ured ‘of thse counters, the Germans 2.9 coneel the fompontion af unite im agen hex Since steckia limitations do net apply ding the movement phase of 8 turn, 2 Bayer may bey stack together = murwer af Uns. When thoy move apt the Ales may cover & Unis oF Sacks of wrt, wih lank counter, the Gerrans 2 ‘The same procedure may be used to duguise de nact Wentiy of unite entering the aoe Sbyiously on turns when more than one unt Tinluding replacements ents. Concealed units may not se any spell ano purtroop. They” ako may oniy use @ MP. Foguiess of tein tue MP total, since the foppcing player unable to erty he chore evinces of the un, The ons with & MP can bbe conceaed Subject tothe above, conctled units may sti te road moverant and Stateyie Movement Conceied unite must immediately be eveied when next ta any enemy unt en an nested Counter, OF course, they con be revi at any ‘me by te commana payer. Stacking When 3 conceal nit stacks with othe. non Cconcraid units, it assumed to hove the highest sacking factor posible. This i. forthe Germans, and 6 tor the Alles. The conctied Alla rit would ico be presumed co be of 3 fttrant navanatity from the mon-concealed unit (ny 2 conceoled units may stack together. Note thot this would permit the Aes 10 have # concealed sack wih i over the iit. THs rat allowed, Whenever the Ali ack together 2 oncraed unity they must take cate not 10 froneg. the stocking limit, Should they be Clacoveed to have legally overstacked, his ‘hay be sonaadered a Forteitre atthe tion of the Germ player recon to conceal 2 stack of 2 uns, which eauld bw anything frm apa of inert counters 19 2 fattasngth dwsons, always subject, the cre ofthe Ales, othe stacking xm, Allis ~ Spat Roles The Alles may ust thes rules at any time rears of weather "Te Ales may als cancel invading units, tthe fisk of forfemure they conesal 9 urit not frited to invade, 908 Keeping in mid tat {Germans ~ Spain ules ‘The Gerrans may use these rules freely only during mud tus. In good weather, he Germans may si use these fey for units in hexer which do not contain 39 lain torain, worm ety. Nor may conceal German uns use State Movement, or the trot roa! MP rate, napa weather wih. TROY Could stl use the beett of roads wavering Foushteean andlor High Apennine tthe Ales Fall tor good weather when concealed German be hidden even ih good wtather thow unis frovld be voveaed irvmeditely ater the Allied Fal, fore see movernnt phase \Vinen the Limited fteligence rules reused, the folowing changes must Be merborat ito the Supporting Eve 0 Since conetlad writs annot attack they would br real. when they come accent to a0 framy. unt, rupporting five used to oid 30 Gefen stance to conessed unt [As before, supporting fire cannot assist 0 unt vehieh acs adetersefactor oft own. However. aloyer may place a supporting fie counter on fop of a concealed stack evan if the Units Conceolod cannot be aes by supporting te ‘The only purpose would be to confuse the ‘opponent further about the nature of the uncoated uns) Should the stack be attacked, the supporting fire could nat be used Ali Air ntdietion {Cannot be wt aginst cones German units. Since German unit which ar concealed i good ‘weather turn fortes Stategio Movement, they ‘hich hasbeen intercted by the Ae (008 Options [As aloady “explained, 36h de can choose {mong sural OOB options — [Ais ~ Games 1,11, and IH, and the Reinforce fant Option exalaied a this section oF the ‘Germans ~ Stondard, Reinforced, ana Moximum [008% and ihe. Reinforcement OpUors ex Inthe gure se autlined 20 far, these options ae Known to both dos. The Germans know the tho lied O08, The Alls Know the German (008, an thrafore Both Sides Know the victory Conditions. The etory conditions may cheng the cour of the game should. Reinoresment (Options be chosen, but here oyun, Both ses In order to charge tie perfec knowitdge of nemy.capabitin, Vat sides may. make and Keep the aption. coves secret. This can be Sone by noting # pce! Bape, which an te staid in an erwetpe, ot any thar sch ‘mutually aceptable method Before starting the gume, the Allied player fecetiy decaies which gare version is 10 be Before starting thee fast tra ecile thav 008 seeretly 1 the Germans the vctry conditions othe ume 4. As either side uses unit or urts approsint foniy to one O08, or the Ales invade ata time SHlowsd ony im ne OOS, or ha Ais proceed fora weekly turmallowed ey in Games or I, the capaitie of both ser wl be evened and 4 Uncurtainy ean aghin be invoduced by the Reinforcement, Omvons avaible to ea ie. Eh side may choose ar reject — thar option, ‘yun scaling the decision, Thi would agin make Uni both ids semen who enti ‘Stonly one 008 anion opten 4. As onplained in sction 18. the Alles can Combine the Histories Second ineason rae with there Reinforcement Option, guning 9 stron {O08 atthe saetice ofan ieasion yea or the femive period Fa M, 1902 to Api NV, 1965. In ‘order to ese the threat of 3 tht invasion, fore, daring the period Fb I, 1944 to Feb WV. 1045, the, Garman. player would not Know libether the Allies were capable of 3 third Aled Porte A explained in sction 14, the Allis may ect to foll'a die to detrnine wether they gta ne port Counter, rather thon follow the predetermined Sehadue an the TRC. The Ales may choose 1 Keen to retord the port number secretly. For example, Instead of receiving an alton port counter for vey ax rll, the Allis ould choose any numb fom one to six. Therelore, the Germans would not Know when the Alles rected @ port counts, nos ow momy they had. sensing th ul, not nly Should the port number be recorded, bu 3 record Should be made of Allies rol, fe event! vei ton by the Geman player. F. Aled Invasions “The Alias may. ato prefer not 10 follow the predetermined schedule of invanons onthe TRC, but fo detrmone pers when they may invade Dy 2 Fandom proces. fll At the start of the Now 1, 1043 Allied over: {urn ad the apn before ise , 1948 tar, the All payer secretly dans a vegult laying Card at random froin «andar deck. The fist ‘ard when compared with Chart "AY gies is Invision potential during 1943.46. The second ‘ard, compared with Chart "8", ges the in fon potent for 1948-45, 2. Note that Game I uss only Chart “A. Note ako thot unng tase charts with Game Hl iecuces ‘only the Fret month of Chat "8 2. Combined wie of the Charts, or one period, and the TAC, tor another, not lowed. The Aes trust dich tau eithar one or the hor before he start of thet Nov 1843 tur, forthe est of the ame, This eciion may. be recorded 44, The Alandom lnvston Charts may be use ether with fed ports (FRC), oF wth ports chosen a fandom, by adie roll 5. Obviaunly th rule may not be combined wth the Historie! Second Invasion rl 16. When vsing these charts, the Allies ay sae Irv turn indicate by a darken Line on the hare ‘The rule that si tna must separate 11, The percentage figures apoy only to Intl Lit and x previously exoained, they se rounded of 8 Gxampe: if a gece i dawn under Chart "A the Allis could invade Dee I, 1083 — dan IV. ad inclusive, The Intel Lit for any oa evasion inthis priad would be hal again as truch a indlented nthe bard For enue Roma would be 94 stacking porns 8. The Radom Invaion Charts an Be ued with all 18. PLAY-BALANCE [AL As inthe Basic Game Supplementary Rules, use Gf the Advanced Game Supplementary Rules Imoy ate play balance. Although the elect fot enteelypraicable, probably wll be a Mined eto G. APPENDIX 1. TERRAIN CLARIFICATIONS A. tnwodtion [Although the train in and between mast exes SS readily apparent, im te haat of bate there may be differences ‘of “opinion about some features, Altiough sexe clrifiesions may not include every single ex about whiey dipute ould ae, they should provide examples nplib to al posible disputes, 8, Hexsides through which neither movement nor Combot, i llowed are 827/096, A3B/838, {819/615, 158/88, 087767, X13/¥1, Not playable: 019, O50, 153, J61, K5859, L64, 6. Nate that these Lite ae not excl thre are other hoxer which ae aio not olayable ‘Thee Hits only inelade thore Rees whieh may DL No mountains: £25, H22; J21, K30, L2e56, (a, M2, 026, O54, 062, 7, P55, oat, (683.4, 087, 087, R38, 143, 1, All Hiah Aponnine: P45, Re F. Hexsides not all High Apenning: NW and SW fide of G18, Sand SE sides of T6 6. Mescldes all High Apennine:§ side of P58. SE sido of G45. Tho High Aponnina west of Compabaste covers thee Nex sen: PS1/050, Potosi. Ps2/a51, Hi. Hoxside containing some plan erin: 620/22, (Gaim, 9/10, 144/95, K3B/L.38, KE3/L62, {Sonntag 2/22, U23IV22, x45, 1 Mexider not containing. any. plain tera 186/47, KSZIL52, 9/60, NBNIS2, X78. 4 Hexes wih sone plain teinin: G51, KSA, HSB, NSH, 050, VSO, snd the NE comer of the Citaveccis hex, ext 19 the cont K. Hoxes with no slain tarsin: G10, G41, 137, TAT, TA4, U28, UAB, UAD, VO, VES, 8. Favorable tothe Ais 1. Fonte 2. -AeStart Historia Strength Variant 3. Parsuoops 4 Aled Reinforcement Option 5. Limited tteligence Secret 008 Options 1. Secret Port Determination Radom tosis 1. Stap Redvetion leaation 2 Weather 3 voluntary Overstacking 44 Rerrost Throuph Zone of Contol 5. Roll or Ports |L. Hexes with a malor read: C36, 025, F20, U2, se, wae, IM. Hexes with @ minor road J50, NSS, NEI. 018, Y64PSO. Hexsides traversed by minor roads 60/060, Mo4/N64, Ni Hexes not containing @ major roud: €37, 026, 22.101 0. Hexes not containing ¢ minor road: 026, 628, 316, L86, 071,820. P.Hexes not next to the coseline: C14, Vad, Y12. © mere» junction between major route 7 and ‘minor re 99 in hx UGD? Yer. 1. Napoli and Genova are one just one Nex: KS7 and ALM vospectvely Anzio io £49. MBB Is all South of he bottor oa M7 all Now. Theres oriwer in VIO, nor 52. Theres aBndgeinFa5, 25's the Livorno port ho 2. SPECIAL TERRAIN EFFECTS ‘ON MOVEMENT, Sometimes a rad traverses two hexes et the same spo, for example, Route 06 through hoxes 45/7 ond FAT. or Route 09 rm the SE corse of Mex O57, and adjoining hexas. One may follow te read at the road ‘ate, hough whichever hex i preferable, ong 35 {Rontsne evan 2 bt of road 3, CALCULATING MOVEMENT Examine the movement rulesin conjunction with hi diagram, following the Poth of umts A, B, and ‘Sroweinceste she iraetion of movement sd the humbersthe cumulative MP cost the movement tere made in 3 mad tur, the count would be A246 8101018, 99 1. Favorable tothe Germans 1. Polish Morale 2 Feenaty Hewes 3 Port Build Up 44. At Start German Fee Deployment 5. Histories! ‘when aecired) 1, German Reinforcement Otions 1. German Hidden Depioyinent Second Invasion nenly 8. 1212-24567 © 2344125512610 1 any unit a al on B's hex wanted to eave tho road it would have to poy the cost of moving tious High Apennine Hesse 4, FORTIFICATIONS Fed is on 2 foriiation counter and Black it attacking. Ifthe SRT elle for Red t9 retreat, ed Bed it utara fon oon ed Se Unis woud vats nes posta Io wis ifthe SRT aed for mer player 0 Fe. additonal units om the fort toad i. the 5, EXAMPLES OF COMBAT 1 Back i ah attacker {Thee av other enone a 8 ‘Notice that in both the above examples Red O snd Black O weren't in any battes because they weren't ‘ould. diide combat in. many more. ways, For Instance e's asume Fed Square Aas two counters ‘omit, One could stack Black A, the her Black B. 7, REGIMENTAL/DIVISIONAL EXCHANGE! 6. SUPPLY AND ISOLATION “Though the Red unit looks tapoed thas a supply Tine an is not alate. However, i lack hada unit fonher bu, for instance, Red wel be alte, SS steps per unit in parenthesis) op— 7 a 7 7 eae lela [onsen - 7 7 nce can oa lati gt Leia iad [ihe] se ro Sse ote a a (8) 2) 7 Saumens er ‘e istranat H. DESIGNERS’ NOTES 1. ARMIES IN ITALY For those to whom it wasn't obvious, the mapboard and compass are in Italian. This proved the best compromise between the many titerent spellings used Tor Halian cities by the ‘Americans, British, Germans and other. Napoli and Roma should be obvious, but several of the major Malian cities are pro: rrounced and spelled very differently than in English speaking countries. Livorno, for in stance. is better Known a Leghorn, Firenze isn't too hard: Florence, Mantova is Mantua and Genova is Genoa, Lago flume, golfo and ia ate, in Enalish, lake, river, gulf, and road. onifica Pontina isthe Ponti Among the proudest ace Mussotin’s fascists was the swamp and the Lago Fucino 35 land re tion and resetlement projects. When war came to Italy the Getmans pulled the corks and the areas became swampland again Via Aurea, Via Appia. et. are the Roman names of the great roads af Haly, which are stil sed Marshes mplishments of When pronouncing Italian keep one simple rule in mind, The stress always goes on the fccented syllable, When there's no accent, stress the penultimate — next to last ~ syllable Mote different types of units and national ties fought in Hay in World War Il than in any father campaign. [t is this whieh explains the Tange variety of different combat factors in the ame. Te organization of the divisions both sides employed in Italy varied greatly. There was no Standard, Theoretically an infantry division had 6 to 9 batalions of infantry in two of theee fegiments of brigades. But usually the Germans fielded Uheir auxiliary units as combat troops. ‘The Americans always had a wealth of support ing units; the Britsh freely switched brigades ‘ethin divisions: the New Zealand division was frganized as either a super infantry division or Super armoured division ~ take your pick The German ‘army’ in the field actualy consisted of three distinct and completely Separate branches — the Wehrmacht, the SS, fnd the German Air Force with its parachute divisions, Herman Goering Division, and regular field divisions. Tae SS and Luftwatfe units 92 usually had an oversized organization and frst pick of equipment, replacement, ete. ‘The following abbreviations and terms ap pear on the unit counters Leg = Legnano Cant — Centauro ‘Mant — Mantora Crom ~ Cremona Pise — Piacenza SM = San Marco Pat — Pasubio MR — Monto Rosa G ~ Garibaldi AG ~ Alpe Geaje G iS ~ Granatieri i Sardegna the Serdinin Grenadiers tor — Moroccan Li T = Lupi i Toscana ~ the Wolves of Tuscany Lehr — Demonstration Unit Fras — Fraseath G ~ Glider troops ‘lg — Algorin HG = Herman Goering Col ~ Colonial F-MK1, F-MIK2 — Field Marca Kezsiring Machine Gun Battaion Sturm ~ storm or assault troops m. ~ motorized infantry Pol ~ Polish NW — Nebo! Werfer ~ ‘sereaming ‘Mimis! ~ multiple rocket launchers. Hub — Reicheprenadierdivision Hoch ‘und Doutschmeister; a former ‘Austrian Army unit beating @ ttle from the Teutonic Knights rs — Ersats — substitute or replacement RE — Royal Engineers Carp — Carpathian ‘Turco ~ Turcoman ~ Cossseks ‘Schi ~ Sechlesien Wild — wildflecken NZ — New Zealand Ost ~ Ortpreussen SA — South Arican cger — Light infantry Gls ~ Guards LAH — Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler fi Reich GK ~ Greek AF Reichstunrer dew — Jewish Slov ~ Slovakian (Gdn ~ Canadian Tiger, Panther — special heavy tanks ‘SS — elite German troops Ind ~ Indian Fr ~ Froneh er MT ~ Moroccan Tabour ~ ea ‘Goumiers ~ irreguler African troops US442 Regiment — Japanese Americans {SSF — mixed force of North American ‘Commandos Kees — Kresowa Not indicated as such ate British and United States units which, making up the majonty of Twoops in the game, are color coded for easy identiticaion 2. THE ITALIAN CAMPAIGN When World War I was over both the German and Allied commandets claimed strate- tic victories in Haly ~ and Tor the same reasons. Hoth sides said they had immobilized on a Secondary front large numbers of enemy’ toons that could have Been used bettcr elsewhere, a Title cost to themselves This argument, and the debates over the success of flute of the trage Anzio invasion, Stl rage In the Tate summer of 1943 the Allies had cleared Africa and Sicily of Axis forces and ‘wete looking for somewhere to employ their Forces in the interim unl the projected 1944 imasion of France. An invasion of Haly was chosen ‘The reatons behind the decision might not have held up if the Allies had known the Long and. brutal campaign ahead of them. But in 1943 the Russians were pressing for the Allis to open a sccond front. If if hada’t been for Haty. the Allie would not have faced the Germans on the ground during the winter of reer Tnvading Maly also offered prospects of Knocking that country oU of the war. perhaps bringing the Ialan any over to the Alles and peihaps trapping. large numbers of Getman troops, The Allies saw the capture of Rome the first Axis capital — as an_easy target. Finally. the Toga’ air base complex would allow the Allss to extend the bomber offensive ‘against Germany. So the Allies invaded, choosing the Gull of Salerno because it was within fighter cover and near Naples. Simultaneously. the British 8th ‘Army etossed the Straits of Messina from Hay. advancing op the toe. A. British Parateoop ‘division grabbed and opened the port of Taran But the Germans ignored these moves and ‘concentrated on Salerno, and in more than a week ‘of bitter hting almost crushed the shallow beachhead the Alles Formed there Meanusile, back in Germany, Hitler had writen off the German units in southern Haly ‘The Desert Fos, Trin Rommel, was in charge fof a large panver force in northern Italy” and Rommel wis to defend the tine between La Seria and Rie Hitler's ally Mussolini meanwhile had to be fescued from his own people. The Italian government and army surrendered, except in Rome, and most of the troops simply. went home. Several Italian divisions tried to defend Rome but were soon overcome by thelr Former allies ‘Albert Kesscling, @ Luftwaffe general and fan Halophile was im command in the south and hie felt the peninsula could be held despite the exposed sea flanks. When he failed 10 crush Salerno Kesselring began an orderly withdrawal up the peninsula ‘The Allies took Naples and Fogeia, then crossed the Voltueno River But the going was slow and costly. Maybe, thought Hitler, Kessel: ie eas right: maybe Maly could be delended. In November Kesslsing had all at stopped the Allis in Front of his forward positions between the Garighano and Volturno. Kesselring and not Rommel Finally took over in Italy Inching their way through the German fotifcations around Cassino was not the Allies idea of how to fight a war, Would an amphibs ‘ous landing, pethaps near Rome, cut the main foads and trap the Germans? In this way the [Anrio invasion was basm. No oppasition faced the Allies when they Mormed ashore at Anrio January 22. 1944, But the Alles filed to Push inland. even though the toad to Rome was open Kesscning was waiting fo just such an invasion, and when he saw the Allies wore hesitating he surrounded the beact- tread’ and. laid plans to crush this invasion Meanwhile, he also reinforced the Cassino position where the Allied attack in support of the invasion was severely beaten back Between January and May the Germans attacked the beachhead several times. Though hear success the effort had failed. But so had the invasion, The Germans looked down on the beachhead from the hills to the east and called 1 the largest self-supporting prison camp in Europe: - With fair weather and heavy reinforcements the Allies launched the "Diadem’ offensive in mid-May. A massive air attack went with the ‘operation, and the Germans finally broke at both Casino and Anzio. Rome fell the day before the Allies swarmed ashore at Normandy ANSWERING SERVICE ur design department wil be ho Many German units were disorganized and others disintegrated. It looked like the Allies at fast bad a cleat chance to blitz their way 10 the Po River ‘Unfortunately, it was just at this time that seven veteran divisions ~ including all the Trench mountain troops — had to be with

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