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GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU ABSTRACT Fundamental Rules - Fundamental Rule 27 - Fixation of pay on promotion or Appointment to higher post after restorat iginal seniority - Government servants retired or died before such restoration - Pay fixation - Amendment - Issued. PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS (FR.IV) DEPARTMENT Dated 6.7.2001 3.0. Ms. No. 120 ae Read : G.O. Ms. No. 203, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (S) Department, dated 30.10.2000, ORDER: ‘The following amendment is issued to Fundamental Rules. 2. The amendment hereby made shall come into force on and from 30.10.2000. AMENDMENT In the said Fundamental Rules, under Rule 27, in ruling (17), the following proviso shall be added, namely:- "Provided that in case of Government Servants whose names were deferred for inclusion in the panel for promotion to higher post due to pend charges, but subsequéntly included in the same panel on exoneration of the charges afier the daté of their retirement on superannuation on appeal or review. their pay shall be fixed notionally on the date oftheir retirement on superannuation at the stage at which they woutd have drawn, had they been promoted or appointed to the higher post along with ‘heir junior for the purpose of pension and other monetary terminal benefit. Provided further that in the case of Government Servants whose names were deferred for inclusion in the pane! due to pendency of charges and have subsequently died while in service or after retirement from service, the charges shall automatically stand abate. In such cases, the pay shall be Fixed notionally on the last date of their service or on the date of the retirement on superannuation, as she case may be, at the stage at'which they would have drawn had they been promoted or appointed % the higher post along with their juniors for the purpose of pension and other monetary terminal benefits" (By Order of the Governor) Sd/- Secreatary to Government, SiiporG oe vetureri wigs Piamesd FIP pp (os) geep. wig srei, 29866/ereiv/2001-2. jurer24.8.2001. remiss 86.2. Gwissim Cpt, B24 fprad Geuneert up “song 2988 Gowanrenter, Gasirener - 9. piswa/ oyinoound Qurgdr = Lu giwefisé — giyph Gupp up euiaeener Gumi uCywed — Serfleaseiucs Cpigsdr ~ ucyudid Gers Condse — meopSuerar sa Gu Piewruis — ceréaqeor - Aasfich (uodng. micas : 1 oie yen Hlanen sreiot. 368, venfhumert wihgpib iitamress Si Shops (ereiv) ‘sip, poet. 18.10.93. . 2. Sine aysneer (enon stoi. 203, uemflumart nna (Biivrens Fi Shes (sTsv) ‘yen, wrdir. 30.10.2000. Unione Qreapd SAIL gorse, Lut upAsenen CpigCent Auuit Uywed punidaiudid Gurgg) suCyuad Gotdanud giteflendaiu et uowfureriaatier ypenpxtGl CudyenSG her UNFomenaei Aérort, efopu ULywidli Oia Cot used ewes gehseLGd qpsirarty ore aieaiatiaee Gas nae eniieSlese1 @iey Gx 0g) von esiGumegg p erat inemrioen_ fg) «kU Criinwcte &pscsir ang ses Swourar ears Piremrwid Gorin sone Clash Cur. g1 (2) use ewissarar GetpGeri Quut uCpusld Quit Coideinrmod geiref eoeuioue (deferred) oe expuut, aug epBitailer erremions. gisa Quip Skireai, apanprS O/GuosrxpempsO/.— Aer Uildmme&6) Séront 560 wbgb Ose syiuE iid gia QuBMshe (pbs UCgwAld Corde Daniaterunernds sssmatur Gee GenerGurt uses ewie; Quip prone syphuem wns Gonsin® Giipigund wip gear Gist Umma qoas grb Hem UiGTELO, Styli pete BBegennens (1) ~ de &ip GiaQupp provéry, sqpHueren (Notional) eeu frerand Gevins (24) USsil austere CotACont Gust uC iptishd Grud Gwiéecen mod gerefl eonudeulL (deferred) om axifust, ueRSSGaesiOurys) um S 6 gba QHD Skin woremioen fre jase 6g SUdGULLL Gimeen adr mack iucr gras GG CasinDa si seosGuTGAes, QeoorGumi Upnil aiute; Quip prea sppumured QaneinG, eipyOud upg geeru gucy se vendre poner ssid 2IOLud GUEELO, -jpiruen. ofl 27K (ponpenia (17) ~ a Sip . gst seo sures Lentini pret songs eunies updos sirpemorss gisny BUD prs, DBM ores cpeireert MaipSeiryoer sibsrofieies sc3sEwerer (Notional) asxiw Grier Gein Coin 2.ugefl auteslpenan CatgCsmnt Uiguald Sic ast Sata ob ben epsbts 6, 3010200085 Gairert Gi Gujim BUFGEEE 2976 2yeeer (Pena) si, 203, uMfuToTt Wipd Manas FACES (edu) gionp, prs. 30.10.2000 - et uy eG oGweren axGu Srtewrud Asim upyunon erg! GH issfyes engin Umma Geninuier gs 3. 30.10.2000 ~sAiie (siren gis) Guip gut Gipson yD ig AGaASELULL ger onremars Bang Aunt sePidie spinor ups ewido sfur gemrO ucyudld Corssenid wor 30.10.2008 Pie rani yee Goeth tux nd, skempien Gptaiscfii .ireneemr (Siem) ei 203, usmfusrer? wingu Slime Bi Segoe (rsd) glen rer. 30.10-2000—A is 4 (1) ~ eld agra aGsPuaner sf Hiss Ariwamd eras pis erds OpMslsgié QeinsrsiCprn. op86 Qawaner gions.

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