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10 Travel Exercise 5
I onabus
Exercise I
2 at the station
Dear Grandma and Grandpa, 3 at the airport
Hi. I'm on holiday in Majorca with my friends, Tracy and Sharon. we b
arrivedlast Saturday. The first two days the weather wasn't very nice. so we I a driver
did some sightseeing. I /ddft lots of photographs. On Wednesday we hired a b passenger
car and drove orr into the country . We stopped lor lunch at a lovely little c ticket
village and then in the afternoon we found a beautiful beach. Last night we d seat
went to a disco. we didn't get back till about 4 a.m., so we got up late thrs 2 a train
morning and. we decidedto have a relaxing day by the hotel swimming b platform
pool. So that's where I am now. c luggage
Love, Tina d trolley
I a passport
Exercise 2
b boarding pass
Tina Hello, Toby. c label
Toby Oh, hi, Tina. When did yot get back from your holiday? d suitcase
Tina A couple of days ago.
Toby Did you have a good time? Exercise 6
Tina Yes, I did. Il was great. checkout of a hotel
Toby Where did you go? buy a ticket
Tina I went to Majorca with Sharon and Tracy. carch a flight
Toby Very nice. What was rhe weather /ike? show a passport
Tilra Itwasn'tvery good at first. but after that it was fine. take a holiday
Toby What sort of things didyot do? pack a suitcase
Tina We did some sightseeing and we spent a lor of time on the beach, find a seat
too. sort out a problem
Toby Did you see much of rhe island?
Tina Yes, we did. We hired a car and drove oul trto the country one day. Exercise 7
It was lovely. I At the station we got out of the taxi, hurried to the platform, and got ort
Toby I bet it was. Did you buy lots ol souvenirs and things? the train.
Tina No, I didn't, brt the other lwo did. Anyway, look, I must be off 2 Mr Dawson goes to work ,/ train.
Toby Yes, me 1oo. Bye. 3 we got an the plane and looked for our seats.
Tina Bye. 4 We landed al ten, but we didn't get off rh.e plane till half past.
5 She came out of the station and got in a taxr.
Exercise f
6 At the car park we got |ut ofthe car and walked to the shops.

d I 0 v e w o
t t
Did you come Dy car or by bus?
He got ln the car and drove awaY.

l0l Exercise 8

II r' ll Jake woke up and looked at the clock. It was 8.30. Oh, no! The flight to
Milan was at 10.30. He had an important meeting with Signor Rossini.

t l
s He didn't have time for a shower. He got dressed. He didn't eat any
breakfast. He packed his bag and hurried downstairs.
l 1 l g v He checked out of the hotel. The receptionist gave him a message. He
t l
rB) s didn't look at it. He put it in his pocket. He ran out of the hotel and got

I0l in a taxi.
l l
t ll n l
I I 4 The traffic on the way to the airport was terrible. The taxi cost a lot of
money. He didn't arrive at the airport until ten past ten. He checked in
lul and showed his passport and boarding pass. He rushed to the plane and
t t lol got on just in time.
He found his seat and sat down. Five minutes later, the plane took off.
lsl lol 5
He remembered the message in his pocket. He took the message out of
lt r 'l l
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his pocket and read it. It was from his secretary. The message was,
'signor Rossini is ill. He can't make your meeting. Don't go to Milan
z a b @ Exercise 9
Travel agent Can I help you?
Exercise 4 Customer Yes, I'd like to book a skiing holiday in Europe, please-
Travel agent Where would you like to go?
I Were yo! born in 1989?
Customer France or Switzerland, I think.
Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.
Travel agent How many people is it for?
2 Did yot get up late this morning?
Customer It's for four people.
Yes, I did. i No, I didn't.
Travel agent Is that four adults? 1 Are they all adults?
3 was the weather nice yesterday?
Customer No, there are two adults and two children.
Yes, it was. / No. it wasn't.
4 Did you have a pizza for lunch yesterday? Travel agent How old are the children?
Customer They're l0 and l2 years old.
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
Travel agent How long do you want to go for?
5 Did you spend your last holiday in Majorca?
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. Customer About ten days.
Travel agent When do you want to go?
6 was yotr last birthday over six months ago?
Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't. Customer In February.

7 Did you watch anylhir'g interesting on TV last night?

Travel agent Do you need arcommodation?
Customer Yes, we do. A hotel with a swimming pool, please.
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
8 Did you ro shopping last Saturday? Travel agent How would you like to travel?
Customer We'd like to go by train, if possible.
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
9 wereyot asleep at I a.m. this morning? Travel agent What's your name?
Yes. I was. / No, I wasn't. Customer It's Jackson.
Travel agent Right, well just a minule, Mr Jackson, and I'll have a look
at the computer.


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