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Topic: Chronological order of Joseph Andrews by Henry Fielding

Story as it is:

1-) Joseph Andrews was in the service of sir Thomas Booby.

2-) Thomas Booby died and Lady Booby wife of Thomas Booby tries to seduce Joseph.
3-) Joseph rejects Lady Booby and he was dismissed.
4-) He left to meet Fanny his childhood love to country side.
5-) On the way, he was attacked by robbers.
6-) And helped by a couch passage and taken to in Inn.
7-) There he meet Parson Adam, both of them stayed in another Inn.
8-) On the journey they meet Fanny.
9-) Both were imprisoned.
10-) Someone recognized Parson Adam and they were released.
11-) Fanny and Joseph were very happy to be together.
12-) Slipslop left because he was jealoused of young lovers.
13-) All of three were penniless so, Parson Adam went to Parson Tulliver in hope of
money but not successful.
14-) A poor Paddler gave them money.
15-) They continued their journey and they went to another Inn.
16-) They stayed there with Mr and Mrs Wilson, they gave them a warm welcome.
17-) Mr. Wilson told them his story.
18-) Then they set out again.
19-) Parson Adam and Joseph both were troubled by a follower.
20-) Fanny was kidnapped by Squire’f man, Peter Pounce meet the kidnappers and his
man rescued Fanny from them.
21-) They arrived home and both waiting eagerly for the publishing of their wedding
buns. Lady Booby also arrived there.
22-) Lady Booby even had Fanny and Joseph arrested to prevent their marriage.
23-) Squire Booby and his wife Pamela arrived and then they released.
24-) Travelling Paddler reveals them that Fanny and Pamela are sisters and Mr and Mrs
Andrews tell that Fanny was stolen by Gypsies and replaced by Joseph.
25-) And Joseph was son of Mr. Wilson.
26-) Finally they got married.

Chronological order:

1-) Mr. Wilson was born in London and spent a luxurious life there.
2-) He was imprisoned for debt.
3-) He was rescued by a kind cousin whom she later married.
4-) Mr and Mrs Wilson had retired from London to the lovely country home.
5-) They had three lovely children but third child with a strawberry mark on his shoulder
was stolen by Gypsies.
6-) Joseph Andrews was in the service of sir Thomas Booby.
7-) Thomas Booby died and Lady Booby wife of Thomas Booby tries to seduce Joseph.
8-) Joseph rejects Lady Booby and he was dismissed.
9-) He left to meet Fanny his childhood love to country side.
10-) On the way, he was attacked by robbers.
11-) And helped by a couch passage and taken to in Inn.
12-) There he meet Parson Adam, both of them stayed in another Inn.
13-) On the journey they meet Fanny.
14-) Both were imprisoned.
15-) Someone recognized Parson Adam and they were released.
16-) Fanny and Joseph were very happy to be together.
17-) Slipslop left because he was jeasloused of young lovers.
18-) All of three were penniless so, Parson Adam went to Parson Tulliver in hope of
money but not successful.
19-) A poor Paddler gave them money.
20-) They continued their journey and they went to another Inn.
21-) They stayed there with Mr and Mrs Wilson, they gave them a warm welcome.
22-) Mr. Wilson told them his story.
23-) Then they set out again.
24-) Parson Adam and Joseph both were troubled by a follower.
25-) Fanny was kidnapped by Squire’f man, Peter Pounce meet the kidnappers and his
man rescued Fanny from them.
26-) They arrived home and both waiting eagerly for the publishing of their wedding
buns. Lady Booby also arrived there.
27-) Lady Booby even had Fanny and Joseph arrested to prevent their marriage.
28-) Squire Booby and his wife Pamela arrived and then they released.
29-) Travelling Paddler reveals them that Fanny and Pamela are sisters and Mr and Mrs
Andrews tell that Fanny was stolen by Gypsies and replaced by Joseph.
30-) And Joseph was son of Mr. Wilson.
31-) Finally they got married.


If we knew this at the beginning that Joseph is the brother of Fanny then there will be no
suspense and charm in the novel. And there will be no moment of shock when at the end
we realize that Fanny is the sister of Pamela and Joseph is also brother of Pamela. So,
there will be no suspense at all.

Presentation # 2
Topic: Application of the characteristics of Magic Realism on Beloved a
novel by Tonii Morrison.

Magic Realism:

1-) “Dreamlike and fantastic elements woven into the fabric of fiction”
2-) “A fantastic situation is realistically preated”

Tonii Morrison’s magical flair is to merge fantastic with reality by taking a character
from history named Margaret Garner who has suffered the miseries and hardships of
Slavery and killed her child rather then allowing the child be returned to Flair.

Story Line:

Story revolves around a female ex-slave Sephe who gives her daughter in order to save
her from the misiers of slavery that she has endured, but the ghost of her daughter comes
to take revenge of her murder without knowing the actual purpose behind her murder.
“ Definations belong to the definers-not the defined ” (pg. 190 )
It gives rise to racism in which one race needs another one to prove oneself, for example
in the novel white people needs black people to prove themselves superior.

Right Left

Definer Defined
Whites Blacks
School Teachers Sixo
Superior Inferior
Masters Slaves
Mr.Garner Paul, Hell, Sethe

They ( Black ) were kept underground in boxes.

“ It rained. In the boxes the men heard the water rise in the trencs and looked out for
Cottonmouths. They squatted in muddy water, slept above it, Peed in it” ( pg. 110 )
They were physically and mentally tortured.
“ When he turned his head, aiming for a last look at brother, turned it as much as the robe
that connected his neck to the axle of a buckboard allowed, and, later on, then they
fastened the iron around his ankles and clamped the wrists as well there was no outwards
sign of trembling at all. Nor eighteen days after that when he saw the bipches, the one
thousand feet of earth five feet deep, five feet wide, into which wooden boxes had been
fitted.” ( pg. 106 )
If they want payment for their work first they have to pay to set themselves free.

Magic Realism
1-) “ It’s a tree, Blue. A Chokecherry tree. See, here’s the drunk-its red and split wide
open, Full of Fap, and this here’s the parting for the branches. You got a mighty lot of
branches. Leaves, too, look like, and dern if these ain’t blossoms. Tiny little cherry
blossoms, just as white. Your back got a whole tree on it. “
2-) New born baby was “ Crawling already “
3-) Beloved’s return as a ghost. “ A fully dressed women walked out of the water. She
bearly gained the dry bank of the stream before she sat down and leaned against a
mulberry tree.” “ The woman gulped water from a speckled tin cup and held it out for
more. Four times Denver filled it and four times the woman drank as though she had
crossed a dessert. “ “ Paul D wondered at the newness of her shoes. “

Element of terror

“ In the dark my name is beloved.Hot. nothing to breathe down there and no room to
move in. You see anybody? Heaps. A lot of people is down there. Some is dead. “ “ I
wait, then I got on the brigde. I stay there in the dark, in the day time, In the dark, in the
day time. It was a long time. “

Collective Consciousness

Baby Sugg’s speech;

“ She said love it hard. Yonder they do not love your flesh. They despise it. They do not
love your eyes; they’d just as soon pick em out. No more do they love the skin on your
back. Yonder they flay it. And o my people they do not love your hands. Those they only
use, tie, bind, chop off and leave empty. Love your hand love them. Raise them up and
kiss them. Touch others with them, tap them together, stroke them on your face because
they do not love that either. You got to love it, and no, they ain’t in love to your mouth.
Yonder, out there, they will see it broken and break it again what you say out of it they
will not heed. What you scream they will not hear. What you put into it to nourish you
body they will snatch away and gives you leavins instead. “

Political Critique

Baby Sugg’s speech;

“ She said love it hard. Yonder they do not love your flesh. They despise it. They do not
love your eyes; they’d just as soon pick em out. No more do they love the skin on your
back. Yonder they flay it. And o my people they do not love your hands. Those they only
use, tie, bind, chop off and leave empty. Love your hand love them. Raise them up and
kiss them. Touch others with them, tap them together, stroke them on your face because
they do not love that either. You got to love it, and no, they ain’t in love to your mouth.
Yonder, out there, they will see it broken and break it again what you say out of it they
will not heed. What you scream they will not hear. What you put into it to nourish you
body they will snatch away and gives you leavins instead. “

Sethe, Paul D and Denver went for carnival to celebrate and to enjoy themselves.. This
had a very positive effect on them and they enjoyed there a lot.
“ And on the way home, all though leading them now, the shadows of three people still
held hands. “

Hybridity of time

Time is not linear in the novel is sudden shift in to the past and then suddenly back into
the present. Memories haunt people throughout the novel.

Decolonization style

Style of the novel is decolonization style because when Tonii Morrison was writing the
novel Africa was a free state it was no more under the British rule. Tonii Morrison is
criticsing on atrocities of white people.

Setting of the Novel

124, Sweet Home, Kentucky, Georgia, Cincinnati.

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