Positive Behaviour Management

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Positive Behaviour ManagementJuly 9, 2019

Positive Behaviour Management for children

The management and staff of Ratoath Childcare Ltd believe that children should be
encouraged to grow and develop to their full potential in a suitably planned environment,
where they know what is expected of them, and where clear limits are set, appropriate to their
age and stage of development and any additional needs they may have.
Children’s efforts, achievements and feelings will always be acknowledged so as to promote
the growth of self-esteem and self-discipline. The service will strive to manage behaviour
consistently in order that children have the security of knowing what to expect and can build
up good patterns of self-discipline. Adults working in the service must be good role models
by following codes of behaviour and showing respect for each other and the children. It is
recognised that the key to behaviour management is good observation skills in the adults.

Positive Strategies for Behaviour Management

It is recognised that all children’s behaviour has some meaning to the child however at times
this behaviour may be difficult or pose a danger to the child or other children. When dealing
with the children staff will engage with the following strategies:
 It will always be made clear to the child in question that it is the behaviour and not the
child that is unacceptable.
 Staff will demonstrate respect and empathy by listening and being interested. By
offering alternatives, positive behaviour is encouraged and helps to teach children
about the value of compromise. Remodelling includes: explaining feelings, using a
calm tone of voice, giving choice to the children, using language to help children
understand positive decisions, getting down to the child’s level.
 Recurring problems will be dealt with in an inclusive manner following observations
and involving the child’s parents, and other appropriate adults.
 Books and activities will be available to help the children explore and name their
feelings, where appropriate, in conjunction with an adult.
 The curriculum developed will be developed with the age and developmental stage of
the children in mind.
 Any rules will be kept to a minimum, be clear and age appropriate
 Children will be given ample outdoor time allowing them to explore and feel free.

Positive Behaviour ManagementJuly 9, 2019

 Children will not have to sit for long periods of time allowing them have a choice and
to move from an activity which does not interest them.
 The play environments will be laid out into specific play spaces which supports
children’s natural curiosity encouraging them to become engrossed in their play and
develop their own interests
 Motivational strategies may be implemented and will be adapted to reflect the age and
understanding of the children intended.


Biting can be a common problem and most children go through a stage of biting at some
point. For many different reasons:

 Teething
 Frustration
 Boredom
 Inadequate language skills
 Stress or change of environment
 Feeling threatened
 Feel a sense of power

If a biting incidence occurs the following steps are taken:

 The two children are separated

 Comfort is given to the child who was bitten
 First aid is administered to the best of the staff ability and according to the severity of
the bite.
o Skin intact
 a cold cloth is placed on the area to help reduce swelling and it is
massaged with bruise cream
o Skin broken
 the area is encouraged to bleed freely and washed thoroughly using
soap and water. It is then dressed.
 The bitten child’s immunisation record will be referred to for up to
date vaccination information

Positive Behaviour ManagementJuly 9, 2019

 The biters file will be referred to for any declared infections or

conditions that may cross contaminate
 the parents/guardians will be advised to have their child assessed by
their medical practitioner. The parents/guardians will be informed of
any information gathered during the above checks.
 An accident report is written out for the biter and the child who was bitten
 Strategies are put in place to help the biter understand their actions and to choose
alternate reactions
If a particular child appears to being going through a phase of biting Ratoath Childcare Ltd
 Shadow the child during the day and intervene any incident of biting to the best of the
staffs ability
 Parents of the biting child will be informed of the issue and a plan of action put in

It is not the policy of Ratoath Childcare ltd to exclude any child from its service due to biting

Strategies for dealing with behaviour

Minor behaviour Issues

e.g. children fighting over a toy or game, ignoring a staff member, being unmannerly (age
and understanding taking into consideration), the following conflict resolution approach will
be used:
 Staff will approach calmly – putting themselves in the shoes of the child. They will
get down to the child’s eye level.
 Staff will acknowledge feelings – staff may describe how the child/ children are
feeling, “you both look very sad and upset”
 Staff will gather information giving each child the opportunity to tell their side of the
 Staff will restate the problem so both/ all can understand both sides of the story.
 Staff will ask for ideas for solutions & choose one together. This gives the children an
opportunity to come up with solutions and keep working on it until you all agree on

Positive Behaviour ManagementJuly 9, 2019

 Staff will ask themselves “do/es this child/ren need to get outside?”

Sanction (if needed)

At this level a verbal reprimand and advice on how to improve behaviour is generally all that
is needed to resolve the issue

Parental Involvement
A common sense approach is implemented regarding the reporting of minor behaviour issues.
Squabbles and arguments between children are a normal part of development, most of which
can be dealt with within the service by staff. When minor incidents are becoming more
frequent or concerning parents will be informed. It is expected that parents will listen and co-
operate with staff and work together to help their child regulated their behaviour.

Moderate behaviour Issues/On-going minor behaviour

This type of behaviour can be recognised when inappropriate behaviour is becoming a more
regular occurrence.
E.g. hitting out at other children, biting when not developmentally appropriate, persistent
minor infringements of expected bahviour.
The staff will carry out the following:
 The staff team will discuss the reoccurring behaviour and put a plan in place
 Staff will observe the child to identify any triggers of the behaviour
 When the behaviour happens the steps above will be used with the child
 The matter will be discussed in detail with the child’s family
 All details will be documented

The following sanctions may be implemented depending on the child and situation at the
 Separation from peers and an alternate activity provided
 Designated bus/homework/kitchen seat/ designated class seat
 If possible the child will be allowed time outside of the room/area to refocus

Positive Behaviour ManagementJuly 9, 2019

Parental Involvement
At this level a childs behaviour has become a concern for the staff involved. Parents may be
called to a formal meeting where the behaviour will be discussed as well as steps already
taken by the service. A plan will be put in place to monitor and assist the child in developing
more acceptable behaviour. This plan and meeting will be documented and reviewed within a
specific timeframe set out at the meeting.

Gross misconduct/dangerous behaviour Issues

If a child’s behaviour is considered dangerous to themselves, others or is an act of vandalism
to property of Ratoath Childcare Ltd or any of its staff members, a staff member will
carefully remove either the child from the room/area/situation or will remove the other
children from the room/area/situation. This is in order to protect all using the service. The
child will be given time to become calm and a staff member will help guide them with their
behaviour using the above strategies.
If a child’s behaviour is ongoing or becomes severely challenging the service will implement
the following strategies:
 The staff team will carry out a meeting to discuss the behaviour and plan out going
forward to help the child overcome the issues.
 The staff will carry out a number of observations to try establish a trigger of the
behaviour. Incidents of behaviour may be recorded in the Accident and Incident book.
A record book may be kept documenting behaviours.
 All observations/record books will be discussed with the family to aid the
management of the behaviour and implementation of strategies/supports to help the
child. A formal meeting may be held with the parents/guardians to discuss the
 A plan will be drawn up in collaboration with the staff team and family of the child.
This plan will be reviewed weekly with details of home strategies and service
strategies being discussed as well as behaviours and improvements seen or unseen. A
timeframe of ONE month will be determined for the next formal meeting.
 If necessary the family will be supported to contact any relevant external

Positive Behaviour ManagementJuly 9, 2019

 If the behaviour is a child protection concern the Child Protection Policy will be
 All information gathered and discussed with the relevant staff will be stored securely
and all conversations are highly confidential.
 The staff will always work in the best interest of the child using their best judgement
in each situation which can be demanding and stressful on all involved.

A timeframe of ONE month is placed on this action plan. Thereafter Ratoath Childcare Ltd
expects to see an improvement on the child’s behaviour as well as evidence of parental
involvement. Should Ratoath Childcare Ltd deem the child’s behaviour still unacceptable and
or the level of parental involvement unacceptable a meeting of management and the directors
will take place. This meeting will determine whether the child remains within the service or is
asked to leave.
Should the child’s behaviour deteriorate again thereafter within a THREE month timeframe a
meeting will be held with the parents and given a TWO week timeframe for improvement.
After this two week period should no improvement be seen or parental involvement deemed
unacceptable a meeting will be held with management and the directors as to the continuation
of the child’s attendance or not in the service.
Should the child’s behaviour deteriorate again after THREE months the procedure will start
Ratoath Childcare Ltd at all times reserves the right to exclude a child with immediate effect
if it believes that its stakeholder’s wellbeing is compromised and or the child poses an
immediate risk.

Practices Prohibited
 Corporal or physical punishment
 Any practices that are disrespectful, exploitive, intimidating, emotionally or
physically harmful or neglectful
 The use of bold chairs/corners/any area deemed “bold”

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