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Following is a brief description of the main components of the sexual health

education :

(1) Sex Roles

The study of sex roles is vital to achieve one of the objectives of sexual health
education, namely, to enable the youth the understand and cope with changes in
their own lives. The breaking down of traditional social structures and the changing
role of men and women as a result of social change is one such example.

Studies on sex role stereotypes indicate that men and women generally hold
stereotypes of the typical characteristics of males and females. Males are logical,
dominant, independent, unemotional, and aggressive while, women are sensitive,
emotional, nurturing, and are somewhat dependent and submissive.

It is unlikely that such personality characteristics are completely in same, because in

some cultures women are aggressive and dominant, while men are found to be
emotional and sensitive. If there is inherent pre-disposition that is different for each
sex, it appears that particular cultures emphasize some and mask others.

Furthermore, literature and mass media tend to create, reinforfce and perpetuate
many sex role differentiations. Many experts agree that the pressure, anxiety and
confusion about male female roles are core issues in most concerns related to
sexuality. Stereotyped sex roles hinder people from developing their natural abilities
and personalities.

(2) Pre-marital sex and teenage pregnancies

Pre-marital sex has given rise to a range of alarming problems. Today's teenagers
are faced with new challenges. Sexual activity has become more over among the
youth and society in general. Girls and boys are reaching sexual maturity at an
earlier age. Because of their early menarche girls are able to conceive at a younger

As sexual intercourse among adolescents in some countries becomes common,

teenage pregnancies are on the increase. Sexual permissiveness is encouraged by
sexual messages conveyed through the mass media. It has negative impact on the
individual and the society. Hardly any effort is made to provide moral education.

Teenage pregnancies pose many problems. Strong social pressure may lead to
illegal abortion and may also provoke the women to commit suicide. Illegitimate
children may face the problem of social and legal discrimination as well as economic
hardships. If marriage is forced on the mother, there is a high probability of marriage

When a low level of educational attainment among the women is perpetuated from
generation to generation, their opportunities for employment also get reduced. Thus,
their continued dependence on others for their

livelihood is reinforced. In terms of health, early reproduction is usually harmful both

physically and emotionally, then one which begins late.

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