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J O H N ’ S E P I S C O P A L

The Chimes
St. John’s Episcopal Church is a loving community of faith and
worship, showing the love of God to each other and the world.

a publication of St.John’s Episcopal Church, Sealy, Texas April 2020

Hwy 36 N at 6th St. Life is Not Fair Upcoming Events
Sealy, Texas Page 1 Schedule of Upcoming
Birthdays &
Anniversaries Events
Phone: 979-885-2359
Here’s the Scoop Church Worship Page 12
Keep up with what is Schedule and Calendar Photo Gallery
happening in the Page 4 St. John’s events
lives of our for the months of
parishioners February and
Website: March
Page 3 Page 5-11
Join us at 10 am on
Sunday for Worship!

“Life is Not Fair” A few minutes later, God saw His

children having an apple break!
“Didn’t I tell you not to eat the fruit?”
How many times have we thought
God asked?
that “Life is Not Fair”? How many
“Uh huh” Adam replied.
times have things happened to us we
“The serpent made me do it,” Eve
knew were unfair? Not being fair
seems to have been with us since the
“She started it!” Adam said.
beginning of time.
“Did not.”
Just remember, after creating heaven
“Did too.”
and earth, God created Adam and
“Did not.”
Eve; and one of the first things God
Having had it with his two children,
said was “Don’t!”
God punished them with children of
“Don’t what?” Adam replied.
their own. Not Fair!
“Don’t eat the forbidden fruit,” God
And this pattern has not changed
since that time.
“Forbidden fruit? We have forbidden
Then there is the parable of the rich
fruit? Hey Eve, we have forbidden
young man who asked Jesus what he
fruit!” Because I am you Father and I said must do to be saved; and Jesus told
“No Way!” says Eve. so!” God replied, wondering why He him to take all that he has, sell it, and
“Yes way!” Adam said. hadn’t stopped creation after making give the money to the poor.
“Do Not eat the fruit!” God the elephants. “Not Fair” either.
Said.“Why”” Adam and Eve said in “No Fair” said Adam and Eve, “he And in the movie Fiddler on the Roof
unison. has all the fun!”
April 2020 1

the poor Jewish milkman sings what You see, the parable today is not only longer remember or imagine what
he would do “if I were a rich man.” about the laborers, it is indeed about being outside is like—what being
His wife quickly reminds him that the mercy and Grace of God. It is without God is like.
money is a curse. He immediately about the Generous Land lord.
shouts up to heaven, “Curse me God, Yet, that just doesn’t seem fair. It We have worked harder;
curse me.” goes against the business mentality
We have been here longer;
There was once an English Supreme that dominates our lives. It goes
Court Judge who went to church and against what we have always been We have done more
found himself kneeling at the taught: you only get out of something
Communion rail next to a burglar he directly in proportion to that which We have had to go through this – so
had sentenced to prison several years you put in it. should others
before. Remember, Christ said, “The first
After the service the pastor asked the shall be last and the last shall be We have lost all sense of our
judge if he noticed he was kneeling first.” Bishops need just as much of blessedness and it disappears.
beside the convict he had previously God’s Grace as each of us do. And I
sentenced. The judge said he did can assure you that my late-in-life After serving as a missionary for
notice, and “what a miracle of God’s lifting to the priesthood makes me forty years in Africa, Henry C.
Grace.” The judge then asked the just as much a priest as those who Morrison became sick and had to
pastor to whom he was referring. The have been ordained for many more return to America. As his ship docked
pastor said, “Why, I was referring to years. in New York harbor there was a great
the convict” whereupon the judge It really wasn’t fair that Jesus, a crowd was gathered on the dock—but
said, “Well, I was referring to sinless man, goes to the cross for our the crowd was not there to meet him.
myself.” sins and for mine. Yet, that is The crowd was there to welcome
“You see, it did not cost that burglar precisely what happened. You see, we Teddy Roosevelt after his return from
much to get converted when he came live in a world of tallies, accounts, of his African Safari.
out of jail. He had nothing but a debts owed, and debts paid We live in Resentment seized Henry Morrison
history of crime behind him, and a world of boundaries and schedules, and he was angry, for he had devoted
when he saw Jesus as his Savior he spreadsheets and bookkeeping, and of over 40 years of his life to God’s
know there was salvation and hope hourly wages. ministry.
and joy for him. The economics of the Kingdom of Then a still small voice came to
“But look at me,” the judge said, “I God are quite unlike the economics Morrison and said, “You are not
was taught from the earliest infancy of the world. And like Simon Peter home yet, Henry.”
to live as a gentleman; that my word we bitterly complain about the We have a reward coming! But not in
was to be my bond; that I was to say unfairness of it all. We miss the point this world. The economics of the
my prayers, was called to the church, that if God had our tally book kingdom of God are different than the
take Communion and so on. I went mentality, and went strictly by what is economics of the world.
through Oxford and got all the fair, then salvation would be out of We are not home yet.
breaks. the grasp of us all. And I will confess
Let us Pray:
“Pastor, nothing but the Grace of God to you, I would not be standing here
Oh God who has given so much to us,
could have caused me to admit that I in front of you today. The issue is not
Give us one thing more,
was a sinner on level with that what is fair. The issue is: How can we
A grateful heart,
burglar. It took much more of God’s bring more into the fields to serve our And help us Lord to remember that
Grace to forgive me for all my pride Master. While it is possible to give without
and self-deception, to get me to admit So many of us live with the certainty loving,
I was no better in the eyes of God of our salvation; we are so used to It is impossible to love without
than that convict that I sent to being part of God’s work and being giving.
prison.” guaranteed our reward that we can no + Fr. Eric

2 April 2020

Fr Eric and his grandson, Jordan

Scroggs, at Louisiana Tech
University. Jordan recently
graduated from LaTech with his
Photos to the right:
Waverly on the trail ride
Waverly and Cricket all ready to ride.
Far right:
John and Caroline Owen @ Senior Serve
John O and Sugie Sartwelle @ Senior Serve
Allison Vazquez @ Interact Mardi Gras
Party for nursing home residents

The Columbarium at St Alban’s. It’s

located in the side chapel, where
Judy’s sister, Jeanette’s ashes are
interred. Judy and the St. Alban’s

April 2020 3

• Gloria Noy
• LaJuan Farrell
• Fr. Eric
• Carla Beckendorff
• Cody Childress
April • John Klotz

In addition to those we are praying for on a regular
4/10 Wyatt Kellner basis, please consider adding the following prayers to
4/16 Jeff Whitzel your daily prayers.
4/21 Gloria Noy
4/23 Rita Royle For Medical Professionals
4/24 Will Ford Sanctify, O Lord, those whom you have called to the
4/26 Annie Smith study and practice of the arts of healing, and to the
4/30 Lavinia Owen prevention of disease and pain. Strengthen them by
your life-giving Spirit, that by their ministries the health
of the community may be promoted and your creation
glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Unemployed

Heavenly Father, we remember before you those who
suffer want and anxiety from lack of work. Guide the
people of this land so to use our public and private
Anniversaries wealth that all may find suitable and fulfilling
employment, and receive just payment for their labor;
4/28 Eric & Mary Lou LeBrocq
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Those Who Live Alone

Almighty God, whose Son had nowhere to lay his
head: Grant that those who live alone may not be
lonely in their solitude, but that, following in his steps,
they may find fulfillment in loving you and their
neighbors; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

4 April 2020

Palm Sunday and Easter

On Sunday, April 5 in the morning, put a branch on
the door of your house or in the window to
celebrate Palm Sunday.

It could be any green branch you can get. This

would help, despite the social distancing, to be
connected as we enter into the Holiest of Weeks.

We may be physically isolated, but not separated.

We are united as the members of the body of
Christ. We are the Church.

As people of faith, we certainly grieve the loss of routine in our lives and in our churches, but the church calendar is
an expression of our faith in a spiritual reality. It is not the spiritual reality itself. Easter represents our belief that there
is a truth that illness, fear, pandemic, economic distress and even death cannot touch. That truth is God’s incredible
love for us.
Once a year, we come together on Easter Sunday to celebrate that reality in all its fullness with trumpets, flowers,
baskets, brunches, and words of great joy. This year, we most likely won’t be able to celebrate that love with those
symbolic expressions on the designated day, but our faith in God’s love abides.
We will be relying on it in the days ahead and trusting that there will be a day when we can join
together as a community in person again. The first thing we will celebrate is the power of God’s
love, the power of love over pandemic and death.
That day, whenever it comes, will be Easter Sunday! 
Amber Neuroth, pastor, Hope United Church of Christ, Alexandria, Virginia

St. John’s in bloom

for Easter
April 2020 5

Palm Sunday and Holy Week Memories

Palm Cross folding experts

Look at these Easter kids!

6 April 2020

April 2020 7


April 2020

St. Valentine’s
Cookie Party

Outreach at the
April 2020 9

I've gone to the website: 

I.Rita says - for the first time in many years  my closets
They have a quick test that will give you a
are clean, but no Goodwill to take all of this junk to.
list of character strengths ranked by your
For a good book to read, try ORDINARY GRACE by
Wm KRUEGER. Wonderful book, full of  suspense
Questions to ask: did any of the character
and drama.
strengths surprise you? Were there any that
just didn't sound like you at first? How do
these character strengths show up in your
faith life? How can you apply your character
strengths to our current circumstances?

What I'm doing during the siege: we still

have to be prepared to provide emergency
care, so the two dentists in our clinic are
taking turns attending work to provide
coverage.  Not much to actually do while we
wait for the phone to ring. The assistants and
hygienists have been recruited by the nursing
staff to provide coverage screening
Candace is working from home and also doing some EVERYONE who is admitted to the campus.
cooking. She shared a recipes
Hushpuppies Paul still works, he's a computer geek who
1 cup flour" " " 2 tsp baking powder can work anywhere, so he's been holed up in
the Hill Country.
1 cup cornmeal" " 2 Tbls sugar
¾ cup buttermilk" " 1 egg And Al cracked out the bread machine!
1 tsp salt" " " ½ tsp baking soda
1 onion chopped Look forward to seeing you all again.
Mix and fry!
Carol Heath

Patty McAlexander reported that she has

Kathleen Kelly is thankful that John Kelly made it home been busy with tax season and has been
from Sweden. He arrived home on Wednesday, April 1. blessed with 8 new calves!
He was on the last flight out of Sweden to the US.

8 April 2020

The Sealy News

featured Joel and
James Gassiott in an
article about how the
Corona Virus is
affecting high school
seniors in sports. https://

Senior outfielder James Gassiott may have the

Senior pole vaulter Joel Gassiott was just beginning
rest of his final baseball season in Tiger black
to catch his stride in his senior year, but the
and gold cut short due to the coronavirus, but he
coronavirus pandemic has put a halt on things. Still,
isn’t letting it get him down. He’s used the free
his sights are set on the next level and qualifying for
time to prepare for college while also staying in
an Olympics sometime soon & his twin James is
shape by working out with his twin brother Joel.
helping keep him in shape. Pictured: Joel heading
Pictured: James warming up for a district contest
down the runway at Sealy’s T.J. Mills Stadium for last
against El Campo last year at Sealy’s Aubrey “Mutt”
year’s running of the Sammy Dierschke Relays
Stuessel Stadium.
Shout out to Sealy ISD
Our St. John’s family includes the Superintendent of
Sealy ISD, a board member and at least 4 teachers.
Those in leadership have done an awesome job of
guiding us through this unprecedented time in public
education. They also have helped relieve anxieties
by paying all full time staff during the pandemic.
Teachers are working to provide lessons for
students to complete at home. This is a difficult
endeavor as not all students have access to
technology to support their learning. Adjustments
are being made, teachers and students are
adapting. Hopefully the result of this real life
experiment will be to foster a closer relationship
between parents and teachers.
Before the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo was Sheryl Moore announced her retirement from Sealy
forced to shut down due to coronavirus concerns, ISD earlier this year, effective June 30, 2020. I for
Sealy FFA members earned ribbons in various show one am thankful for her leadership through this
categories. difficult time.
Senior John Owen was able to show his goat one last Please pray for our students, teachers and staff as
time on the green shavings of the HLSR and took we navigate through this unchartered territory in
home sixth place in Class 16. public education.
April 2020 11

Upcoming Events at
Historic St. John’s Episcopal Church
The Diocese of Texas has moved the
restriction of gathering 10 or more
people to Sunday May 10th, 2020.
Any previously scheduled events
have been cancelled, including
Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter.

St. John’s Episcopal Church is located at Hwy 36 N & 6th St., Sealy, TX
Phone: 979-885-2359 Email: Website:
Join us at 10 am on Sunday for Worship!

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