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Field Experience Log & Reflection

Instructional Technology Department

Candidate: Mentor/Title: School/District:

Janee Glover Amanda Campbell/ELA Dept Paul D. West Middle/Fulton
Chair/Teacher County
Field Experience/Assignment: Course: Professor/Semester:
Multimedia Design Project ITEC 7445: Multimedia Dr. Cain/Summer 2018
& Web Design in

Part I: Log
Date(s) Activity/Time PSC Standard

6/14/18 Completed WebQuest Review & Pre-Plan for the PSC 2.1, 2.5, 2.6, 3.4, 4.3
WebQuest [2 hours]
7/16/18 Designed the activities for the WebQuest [3 hours] PSC 2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 3.6, 4.2, 4.3
7/17/18 Developed the WebQuest online [8 hours] PSC 3.3, 3.5, 6.1
7/18/18 Completed Multimedia Design Report [2 hours]

Total Hours: [15 hours ]

(Place an X in the box representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups involved in this field experience.)
Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students
P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Asian X
Black X
Hispanic X
Native American/Alaskan Native
White X
Multiracial X
Students with Disabilities X
Limited English Proficiency X
Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals X
Part II: Reflection

(Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question)

1. Briefly describe the field experience. What did you learn about technology facilitation
and leadership from completing this field experience? During this field experience, I
was required to complete a Multimedia Design Project in which I chose to create a
WebQuest. I learned that in order to be proficient in technology facilitation and leadership
it is important to understand all of the instructional technology standards. This will help
understanding how to develop various resources, the components needed to make these
creations beneficial to students, and the learning targets that are expected to be accomplish
as a result.

2. How did this learning relate to the knowledge (what must you know), skills (what must you
be able to do) and dispositions (attitudes, beliefs, enthusiasm) required of a technology
facilitator or technology leader? (Refer to the standards you selected in Part I. Use the
language of the PSC standards in your answer and reflect on all 3—knowledge, skills, and
Creating this WebQuest related to the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed in order to
become a technology leader of facilitator. It showed me that in order to begin developing
technology tools used by students you must first have a clear understanding of all the resources
needed to put these things together. Collaboration with other teachers, knowledge of the
technological resources that will be used, understanding of different assistive tools to help students
with disabilities, and so much more. When creating Multimedia Projects, technology facilitators
and leaders should use the standards as a guideline to creating successful projects.

3. Describe how this field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or
student learning at your school. How can the impact be assessed?
This field experience will impact school improvement within my school because it can be used as
a guide to show other teachers how to create projects for their students. I would be able to assist
other teachers in creating Multimedia Projects, and guide them if they needed assistance, and this
would help to increase and improve the faculty development of technology integration. Students
would benefit from this project because they would be learning how to use various technology
resources while gaining knowledge at the same time.

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