Scabies and Pediculosis

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Scabies and Pediculosis

SCABIES male mite fertilizes the female and dies. The
Scabies, a common cause of itching, is produced adult female, after impregnation, burrows into
by infestation with the mite Sarcoptes scabiei var the skin and forms a tunnel in the horny layer
hominis. Poor hygeinic conditions and over- (stratum corneum). It burrows at the rate of 1
crowding, permitting close body contact, favor to 5 mm per day. Two days after fertilization,
the transmission of the disease. it starts laying eggs along her course in the
Acarus scabiei has four pairs of legs. The female burrow. Two to three eggs are laid each day.
measures 400 µ by 300 µ in size (Fig. 12.1). A female Acarus lays a total of 10 to 25 eggs
The male is appreciably smaller. Acarus scabiei during her lifespan of 30 days and then dies at
undergoes its life cycle on the skin surface. The the end of the burrow. The egg hatches in 3 to
4 days producing a larva that moves to the skin
surface. It then moults through various stages
of octopod nymph into an adult mite in 10 to
14 days.

not occur for three to four weeks, till the patient
is sensitized to the products of the mite. In
subsequent attacks the symptoms may develop
within few hours of infestation.
The patient presents with nocturnal itching,
most marked when the person is warm in bed.
It is associated with burrows, papules, papulo-
vesicles, vesicles or pustules (Figs 12.2A to C).
Burrows, though considered pathognomic
of scabies, are not frequently encountered in
Indian patients. This is because they present late
for treatment and by this time the burrows have
Figure 12.1: Sarcoptes scabiei been excoriated and the secondary bacterial
Scabies and Pediculosis 51

Figure 12.3: Scabies: Papular, pustular lesions

affecting the genitals
infection has often supervened, resulting in
impetiginization. The distribution of lesions is
characteristic and the sites of predilection are the
elbows, anterior axillary folds, lower abdomen,
buttocks, nipple area in females, and external
B genitalia in the males (Fig. 12.3). In infants and
small children the scalp, face, palms, and the
soles may also be involved. Very often, more
than one member of the family may be affected.

Clinical Variants
A number of clinical variants may be encoun-
tered such as the following.

Classical Scabies (vide supra)

Norwegian scabies (crusted scabies): It is en-
countered in mentally retarded, physically
debilitated or immunosuppressed patients.
It is characterized by erythematous, scaly
eruptions on the hands and feet, harbo ring
C myriads of mites. There may be associated
dystrophy of the nails. It is highly contagious
Figures 12.2A to C: Scabies depicting papules and and even a casual contact may transmit the
pustules affecting the interdigital spaces and the wrist
of the hand disease.
52 Textbook of Clinical Dermatology

Scabies in clean patients: One or two sites of ‡ 0RUHWKDQRQHPHPEHURIWKHIDPLO\DIIHFWHG

bathing. sites of predilection (vide supra)
Scabies in infants and children: It is charac- ‡ 5HFRYHU\ RI WKH PLWH HJJV RU VF\EDOD IURP
the head, neck, palms, and soles. The itching
is severe resulting in excoriations. Secondary TREATMENT
bacterial infection results in pustules, impetigo, The treatment should be formed around as
ecthyma, and crusting. detailed in Table 12.1.
Scabies in the elderly: It is characterized by
severe itching which is frequently attributed to PEDICULOSIS
dry skin, anxiety or passed off as senile pruritus. Pediculosis results from infestation with the lice,
Elderly patients, when bed ridden for a prolon- of which there are two types: (1) Pediculus huma-
ged period, may have involvement of the back. nus with its two varieties: Pediculus humanus
Nodular scabies: Nodules develop as a part of corporis and Pediculus humanus capitis, (Fig. 12.4)
hypersensitivity reaction. They are reddish brown and (2) Phthirus pubis. These infest the body,
and pruritic and are distributed on covered parts scalp, and the pubic area, respectively.
especially male genitalia, groins, and axillae. The gravid female louse lays a few eggs daily.
Scabies incognito: Systemic and topical corti- These eggs are called nits. They are small,
costeroids may mask the signs and symptoms oval, greyish white, and 0.5 mm in length
of scabies. However, the infestation persists and )LJ   7KH\ DUH ÀUPO\ JOXHG WR WKH KDLUV
may show atypical distribution and unusual RU ÀEHUV RI WKH FORWKLQJ 7KH\ PRXOW WKULFH LQ
extent of involvement. a period of 2 to 3 weeks, to attain maturity. Its
Animal scabies: Close contact with the infested entire life cycle is of 1 month.
animals is responsible for transmission of scabies Pediculosis capitis: It is the infestation of scalp
from animals to man. The eruption is less severe by P. capitis. It localizes in the scalp, favoring the
and the characteristic burrows are not formed. occiput and temporal areas. The adult louse is
Various complications may ensue in a case of rarely observed. However, the nits along the hair
untreated scabies, such as the following: shafts are easily seen. They are laid close to the
‡ 6HFRQGDU\EDFWHULDOLQIHFWLRQ scalp surface, at the bottom of the hair. They are
‡ 8UWLFDULD carried higher along with the growth of the hair.
‡ $FXWHSRVWVWUHSWRFRFFDOJORPHUXORQHSKULWLV sheath and cannot be moved along the shaft.
in children due to secondary infection with Itching is the usual presenting complaint.
streptococci. Scratching causes trauma with resultant oozing.
Secondary infection usually supervenes resul-
DIAGNOSIS ting in pustulation and abscess formation.
It is based on the following: Occipital and cervical lymph nodes are
‡ +LVWRU\RIQRFWXUQDOLWFKLQJ frequently enlarged. A recurrent pyoderma
Scabies and Pediculosis 53
Table 12.1: Scabies treatment
Scabicidal agents Mode of applications Number of applications Other measures
1. 25% Benzyl benzoate Apply to the whole of 3 applications at 12 hours Clothes, bed clothes may
for adults skin surface below the intervals followed by a bath be laundered. New
12.5% for children neck after a hot scrub washed set of clothes
(Ascabiol) bath should be worn after
2. 1% Gamma benzene -do- Single application. -do-
hexachloride (Gab, Bath after 8 hours. Avoid application on face
Scarab) and in children as it is an
3. 0.5% Malathion solution -do- -do- -do-
4. 10% Crotamiton May be applied on Two applications at 12 Usually preferred in
whole body including hours interval followed infants and small children
the face by a bath
5. 10% Precipitate sulfur Rarely used — Irritant and it stains the
in pertrolatum clothes
soap) prior to applying
other scabicidal agents
7. Topical thiabendazole — — —

Figure 12.5: Nits

of scalp should always arouse a suspicion of
Pediculosis corporis: The body louse inhabits
the seams of the clothings. The nits remain
getting the warmth of the body.
The lice bites the skin to suck blood. During biting,
a mild toxin is released which is responsible for
producing a purpuric spot and evokes strong
Figure 12.4: Pediculosa corporis itching. This results in excoriations, which are the
54 Textbook of Clinical Dermatology

Table 12.2: Treatment of pediculosis

Site of infestations Pediculocidal agents Modes of applications
1. Pediculosis capitis 1. 1% Gammabenzene hexachloride (Gab) Three applications on consecutive days
2. 25% Benzyl benzoate (Ascabiol) followed by tying a cloth on the scalp.
3. 0.5% malathion Shampoo after 7 days.
2. Pediculosis corporis Laundering and ironing of clothes,
especially the seams.
necessary, repeat after 3 days.

hallmark of the disease. They are distributed over of thighs. These are maculae caerulae. They
the shoulders, trunk, and buttocks. Other lesions result due to the altered blood pigments of the
which may be encountered are wheals, papules, infested person.
and exanthematous rashes. Secondary bacterial
infection supervenes in neglected cases. DIAGNOSIS
9DJDERQG·V GLVHDVH UHVXOWV IURP SURORQJHG The diagnosis is usually suspected on clinical
neglect of pediculosis and is characterized by H[DPLQDWLRQ DQG ÀQGLQJ WKH QLWV RU WKH DGXOW
dry, scaly, darkly pigmented skin associated ORXVH RQ WKH KDLU RU WKH ÀEHUV LQ WKH VHDPV RI
with excoriation, eczematization, bacterial WKH FORWKLQJ ,I QHFHVVDU\ WKH KDLU RU WKH ÀEHU
infections, and accumulation of crust. may be observed under the low power of the
Pediculosis pubis: This is the infestation of microscope.
pubic and perianal hairs by Phthirus pubis. It
is usually transmitted by sexual contact. The TREATMENT
adult louse clings to the hairs with its mouth Treatment should be formed around as shown
parts buried in the skin. The adult female lays in Table 12.2.
pubic hair. The patient complains of itching, RECOMMENDED READING
which inevitably results in scratching. The   0HOODQE\ . Scabies, 2nd edition. Hampton,
hairs may be matted in the thick crust of dried England: E.W. Classey 1972.
pus, serum, and blood. The patient may also   2UNLQ 0 6FDELHV DQG 3HGLFXORVLV 0DMRU 3UREO
Clin 1977;19:209-221.
notice tiny blood spots on the underwear.   6HKJDO915DR7/5HJH9/et al. Scabies: Study
Occassionally, bluish macules, 0.5 cm in of incidence and treatment methods. Int J Dermatol
diameter may be noticed on the inner aspect 1972;11:106-111.

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