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For the past few months of having my Contemporary Wor ld subject as a

course for my program which is Medical Techonology, I got introduced to the
complexity of our society and how our current one suffers from various
problems. The youth of today must be well informed with the current
issues. Contemporary world tackles the concept that are timely relevant
and well suited, where Filipinos learn the concepts needed in involving
societal issues and certain solutions for them.
Contemporary World subject covers different aspect which can refer to technical,
social, cultural, legal, political and economic features. Which conclude economically,
that globalization involves goods and services, and resources of capital . Technically the
advancement of information have increased awareness among populations and
investment opportunities. In social terms, globalization represents greater
interconnectedness among global populations. Culturally globalization represents the
exchange of ideas and values among cultures. Politically, globalization has shifted
activities to the global level of organizations.
This subject made me realize that I had to dwell into societal issues than just being
ignorant of the current situation of my country, We need to have the capacity to recognize
and understand the nature of our society and be critical and objective when it comes to
resolving issues. The curiosity of the things happen in our world would help this subject
to look forward and engage the real happenings.

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