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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 195

Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 – 8190



Ms. Shabila Sheraffudheen.K.V Mr. Ashok.K

PG Scholar: Department of ECE Asst.Professor Department of ECE
Al-Ameen Engineering College Al-Ameen Engineering College
Shoranur,kerala Shoranur,kerala

Abstract compression, image de-noising, signal processing, and

Image decomposition is an ill-posed problem usually pattern recognition to name only a few.
addressed in various applications of image processing such as Researchers are still investigating how to properly divide an
image denoising, enhancement etc.. In normal image image into texture and non texture parts for applications in
denoising processes, it is not clear how to decompose the image compression [3], image in painting [4], [5], or related
image into multiple semantic components and thereby image analysis and synthesis tasks. Let us consider an
removing those components which correspond to undesirable fundamental issue of decomposing an image of N pixels into
noise patterns. Here in this paper, we introduces an image C different N-dimensional components. For this we need to
decomposition framework using Discrete Wavelet solve a linear regression problem with unknown
Transform(DWT) filters. The system first identifies and variables. While this problem is not well-posed, image
learns an over-complete dictionary from the high spatial sparsity prior has been exploited to address this task [1]. As a
frequency parts of the input image for reconstruction result, we can morphologically decompose an input image
purposes. Then performs unsupervised clustering on the into different patches based on such priors for a variety of
observed dictionary atoms via method of affinity image processing applications.
propagation. Once the proposed system identifies the image The rest of this paper briefly review morphological
components which are similar, then the proposed framework component analysis (MCA), which is a sparse-representation
automatically removes the noise contaminated image based image decomposition algorithm, and has been applied
components directly from the input image. The performance successfully in image decomposition problems and extended
of this approach depends on the relative denoising techniques to solve the problems of image denoising [6]–[8], image in
used and on the number of iterations of the algorithm and in painting [5], [8], and image de-raining (i.e., rain removal) [9],
most of the cases we require more than hundred iterations [10].
which increase the efficiency of the system. In this paper, we
propose a new and improved method for increasing the A.MCA Algorithm for image decomposition
overall efficiency of the system. Introduction of DWT filter
into the existing system for images corrupted by Gaussian Morphological Component Analysis (MCA) is a novel
noise or rain noise are very useful because of its ability to decomposition method based on sparse representation of
capture the signal energy in few energy transformation signals. MCA iteratively studies the morphological diversity
values. Our experiments show that the proposed system of different features contained in the data to be decomposed
yields improvements in PSNR and thereby increases the in an image and to associate each morphological component
sharpness of images mainly at the edges. to a dictionary of atoms [1], [5], [11].Suppose that the N-
sample image I is the linear superposition of K
Index terms: denoising; sparse representation; image morphological components. Image I is given by I= k .

decomposition; clustering. where denotes the k -th component, such as the geometric
or textural component of the image I. For finely decompose I
I. INTRODUCTION into Ik ,the MCA minimizes the following energy equation
Images are often corrupted by noise during its transmission
or acquisition. The process of image denoising is to remove E({Ik}k=1,2,..K{θk}k=1,2,..K) = ½||I- k||²2
the noise while retaining and not disturbing the quality of the
processed image. The traditional way of denoising involves +τ k(Ik, θk) (1)
only filtering. Recently, lot of research about non-linear
methods of signal de-noising has been developed. Here we The main goal of MCA framework is to solve the inverse
are using a self learning based image decomposition frame problem that consists in recovering the components
work. For this the high frequency components of the input Ik,k=1,2…K from their observed linear mixture. MCA
image is first identified. It then learns an over complete assumes that each component Ik can be sparsely represented
dictionary and then performs unsupervised clustering by
in an associated basis %k Owing to recent advances in
affinity propagation. In the recent years, wavelet
transformation techniques gained much attention from computational harmonic analysis, many novel
researchers in many different areas. Use of discrete and representations, including the wavelet transform, curve let,
continuous wavelet transforms in image processing have contour let, steerable, or complex wavelet pyramids, were
shown great promise in such diverse fields as image
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 196
Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 – 8190

shown to be very effective in sparsely representing certain one or several (sufficiently incoherent) transforms, generally
kinds of signals and images. Thus, for decomposition each corresponding to an orthogonal basis or a tight frame.
purposes, the dictionary will be built by taking the union of


II. OVERVIEW AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF technique when filtering the high frequency,
THE PROPOSED METHOD here we can use any of the filtering approaches (BM3D,
KSVD, BILATERAL filtering etc.).
In this paper, we proposes a self learning based image
decomposition framework which uses Discrete Wavelet
A. Sparse Representation Of Signals
Transform (DWT) for efficient filtering of noise components
from input image. The use of DWT helps to get an efficient The theory of sparse representation indicates that sparse
high frequency components. The proposed frame work first signals can be purely reconstructed from a set of basic
identifies the image components based on its similarities and signals or atoms from a dictionary. In most of the cases the
thus can be easily applied to the applications of image denoising. choice of dictionaries is crucial that scarify the signals. For
Unlike the traditional ways of image denoising, our system an image I, with image patch yp ,the corresponding sparse
doesn’t need the collection of trained images. our proposed coefficient vector θp with respect to the dictionary D is
method advocates the self-learning of the input (noisy) image obtained by solving the following equation:
directly. the dictionary atoms are then observed with high arg ||yp – DѲp||²2+λ||θp||1) (2)
spatial frequency (i.e., potential noisy patterns), and advances
Where λ denotes the regularization parameter. The above
unsupervised clustering algorithm of affinity propagation
equation can be efficiently solved with the help of
without any prior knowledge of the number of clusters. it allows
Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) algorithm. Even though
us to automatically identify the dictionary atoms which the OMP algorithm requires more computation, OMP leads
correspond to undesirable noise patterns. As a result, removing to better results than standard MP algorithms by updating the
such noise from the input image can be achieved by performing coefficients in every step.
image reconstruction without using the associated dictionary
atoms. This shows that our proposed method does not require B. Dictionary Learning
any external training image data and no user interaction or prior
knowledge is needed either. Therefore, our method can be Dictionary learning is to represent an image with few atoms
considered as an unsupervised approach. This method can be by approximating the elements of the image. In order to
directly applied to a single input image and solve single-image construct the dictionary D and to sparsely represent each of
the patches that are extracted from an image I,we can make
problems of rain streaks, which are considered as structured
use of set of training image patches yp where p=12P. in our
noise patterns and removal of Gaussian noise, which are
proposed method, we derives the dictionary D ,that obeys the
unstructured ones. The main attractions of this paper include
above mentioned sparse coding scheme by solving the
:1)the proposed method doesn’t need any pre-collection of following optimization problem:
trained images and doesn’t assume any prior relationships
between input and output images.2) the method of applying ||yp – DѲp||²2+λ||θp||1) (3)
affinity propagation for finding image components with Where λ denotes the regularization parameter and θP denotes
similar context information, so that the noise components can sparse coefficient vector of yp with respect to D.
be identified automatically from the input image.3)The The method of online dictionary learning or KSVD algorithm
proposed system is not limited to a single low pass filtering etc. helps to efficiently solve the above equation.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 197
Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 – 8190

Figure 2: Illustration of the proposed framework using DWT

C. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) are used in this paper are given in TABLE1.the detailed
explanation of the proposed methodology is as follows:
Over the past decade, the wavelet transform have received A. Image Sparse Representation Via Dictionary Learning
wide spread acceptance in applications. In wavelet
transforming, a signal is decomposed to a set In this section we aims at reconstructing the input image via
of basic functions, called wavelets. A single prototype sparse representation techniques. In this paper we mainly
wavelet called mother wavelet undergoes dilations and focuses on addressing the image denoising problems. For this
shifting to obtain wavelets various image processing. DWT the proposed framework first separates the high spatial
technique is highly efficient and robust for sub band frequency components (IH) from the low spatial frequency
decomposition of signals. In image processing, the DWT components (IL) for an. input image I. Because in most cases
produces non redundant representation of images, which undesirable image patterns corresponding to noises such as
provides better localisation of image formation. In wavelet rain streaks and Gaussian noise are of this type. As shown in
decomposition, the wavelet converts the image into a series the figure, in order to separate this high frequency
of wavelets that can be efficiently stored than image pixel components from input image, we makes use of three low
blocks. Wavelets have rough edges and are able to render pass filtering(LPF) Techniques: bilateral [12], K-SVD[7],
pictures better by eliminating the blockings of the image. The and BM3D [13] as pre-processing techniques. Then by
digital filtering techniques obtain the time-scale subtracting the low frequency components I L from the input
representation of the digital signal in DWT. image I we obtain the high frequency components IH. Further
the input image I undergoes Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT) technique and the high frequency components are
represented as its vertical, horizontal and diagonal
components. Since diagonal components covers most of the
critical high frequency components, we add this components
only for dictionary learning purpose. Since we are not sure
about the type of noise present in the image, it is not clear
how to identify the image components IH which represents
the noise patterns that are to be removed.
Figure 2: 2D DWT with single level Decomposition Unlike the traditional MCA approaches, that are using fixed
dictionaries for sparse representations, here we introduces the
learning of dictionary directly from the input image. The
III. PROPOSED IMAGE DECOMPOSITION dictionary is learned using the high spatial frequency
FRAMEWORK USING DWT components of the input. After observing such a dictionary,
the next task is to identify the image components
The above illustrated figure shows the proposed framework
corresponding to noise. The next task is to perform image
for image decomposition using DWT and thereby performs
denoising by removing such undesired image components
image denoising. we have to first perform the task of
from the image. In our proposed method, dictionary learning
dictionary learning for image sparse representation. The
is done by extracting patches of desired size from the image
figure 1 clearly indicates it. The system is then followed by
components by solving the equation (3).
learning context aware image components. The notations that
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 198
Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 – 8190

B. Learning of context aware image components calculates the similarity between atoms with each cluster, the
second term penalizes the case when atoms are assigned to an
While observing the dictionary DH for image sparse
empty cluster and the third term penalizes the case when the
representation, the atoms di are not at all distinct from each
atoms are assigned to more than one cluster or assigned to no
other. Therefore it is difficult to estimate the unwanted image
clusters. The HOG feature extraction has an important role in
patterns IH by observing the dictionary atoms. Inspired by
our work in describing the shape and texture information.
traditional MCA based approaches, we separate the
Since our project focuses mainly on identifying and
dictionary atoms di into disjoint groups. So that each group
removing the dominant undesirable noise patterns from the
consists of atoms with similar context information. Thus it is
input image.
easy to identify the atom group with undesirable noise
After successful grouping of the M dictionary atoms into K
patterns and so can perform image reconstruction by
clusters, the image components associated with each cluster
removing the groups with noise of interest.
can be derived easily. and each of these image components
depict particular context information as shown in figure 1.this
completes the task of input image decomposition.

(a) (b)

Input (a)

(c) (d)

Figure 3: DWT transformation (a) illustration of normalised (b) (c)

level1 transformation.(b)horizontal details (c)vertical details
(d)diagonal details

We address this task by performing unsupervised clustering

of the atoms. We group the M dictionary
atoms(di,i=1,2,....M) into K different clusters with atoms in
the same group exhibits similar edge and texture information.
Since we are performing unsupervised clustering(the value of
K is not known) we apply affinity propagation for solving (d) (e)
this task which reduces the net-similarity(NS) between
atoms. The function s(di,dj) in the following equation
measures the similarity between the atoms di and dj :
ijs(di,dj)- γ ii)( ij) -

γ ( ij) - 1| (4)

Where, Similarity function,

s(di,dj)= exp [-|| HOG(di) – HOG(dj)||2]. and HOG(·) extracts (f)
the features Histogram of Oriented Gradients of atoms. if the
coefficient Cij =1,it indicates that the Figure 4: extracting IH from the input image I by using
atom di is a cluster representative of the atom dj and so dj can different LPF methods.(a),(b),(c) represents the filtered
be categorised to cluster i. Similarly Cii=1 since di itself is the output corresponding to bilateral, KSVD and BM3D methods
exemplar cluster i. In the NS equation the first term respectively. (d),(e),(f) represents the corresponding I H=I-IL
for bilateral, KSVD and BM3D methods respectively.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 199
Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 – 8190

Ground Truth Input (a)

(a) (c) (d)

Figure 5: Example rain removal results. Input represents the noisy version of the ground truth image with rain streaks. The rain
removed output by methods of (a) MCA based(b) bilateral (c)KSVD and (d)BM3D


IHK can be reconstructed easily from the subsets. To perform
A. Our Proposed Method for Single Image Rain Removal rain removal task, one of the images in IHK ,k=1....K
The presence of rain streaks in images or videos may cause represents the high spatial frequency patterns. In order to
complex visual effects which may eventually reduces user identify those patterns the variance of HOG for each of the
satisfaction and degrades the overall performance. Therefore dictionary atoms in each subset or group has to be find out.
removal of such rain streaks from images/videos has gained Suppose that rain streaks are the noises of interest, then the
much importance in recent years. Rain removal task has been edge directions of the rain streaks seems to be consistent
successfully adapted in [21], in which the dynamics of rain throughout the patches in IH and thus one of the resulting
and physics based motion blur model are captured by the clusters is dominated. Then based on the variance of atoms
correlation model and thus developing the photometry of across different clusters we can easily identify the cluster
rain. On the other hand, performing rain removal task on a containing major portion of the undesirable noise patterns.
single image is really a challenging task. Then the corresponding noise contaminated cluster will be
In order to apply rain removal task in our task, we performs removed and the high frequency part of the image can be
image decomposition problem as [9] did. As illustrated in reconstructed easily. Finally we have to add these recovered
figure 1,the input image is first separated into I L and IH by output to the low spatial frequency components of the input
using any of the low pass filtering techniques. The high image to produce the denoised version of input image I.
spatial frequency components extracted are then passed for Figure shows the examples.
dictionary learning. In addition to this we also adds the
B. Our Proposed Method for Removing Gaussian Noise
diagonal elements extracted from DWT filtering to the I H for
dictionary learning. Then performs dictionary learning and Image denoising is to remove structured or unstructured
corresponding dictionary atoms di are obtained. These atoms noise from an noise contaminated version of image.
di are then grouped into different clusters based on its HOG Traditional methods uses bilateral filtering, KSVD(sparse
features via affinity propagation(identifies the dictionary representation based) and BM3D(based on image sparse
atoms which exhibits similar context information).next we representation in transformed domain),where the last two
obtain different subsets of dictionary atoms D HK where each methods requires prior knowledge about standard deviations
subset has atoms with similar HOG features. As shown in of the Gaussian noise.
figure the image components
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 200
Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 – 8190

Ground Truth Input (a)

(b) (c) (d)

Figure 6: Example showing image denoising results. Input represents the noised version of ground truth image (with Gaussian
noise). (a),(b),(c),(d),represents the denoised output produced by methods of bilateral, KSVD, SURELET and BM3D respectively.

Besides rain removal, our proposed method can be applied scale versions as shown in figure. In traditional ways of
for removing Gaussian noise from images. for this task, as in image denoising via bilateral, KSVD and BM3D methods,
the case of rain removal we first decomposes the image into the rain removal is done well. But they inevitably disregard
IH and IL using any of the filtering techniques. The example the high spatial frequency components from the image. While
for producing high frequency component is illustrated in applying these filtering techniques in our LPF pre-processing
figure. After obtaining IH, the dictionary DH is learned and stage, it is easy to identify most of the non rain image details
then the HOG features corresponding to each atoms d i are and thereby increases the quality of image. the prior MCA
extracted. HOG has no role in describing Gaussian noise, based approaches removes rain streaks from images
while the presence of Gaussian noise would result in successfully without degrading the visual quality of the
undistinguishable bin/attributes in HOG features. The noise image. The method of heuristic dictionary partition allows to
free dictionary atoms exhibits dominant bin/attribute in their remove the non rain image components by using K means
HOG features. Even though The standard deviations of the clustering system.
noise is not given here, the undesirable image patterns TABLE I
corresponding to Gaussian noise are still able to identify PSNR COMPARISONS OF RAIN REMOVAL RESULTS
using our decomposition and clustering Framework. After USING DIFFERENT DENOISING TECHNIQUES FOR
removing such noise patterns, the remaining HF components FIGURE5
are added to the spatial low frequency components I L and EXISTING
thus the input image can be reconstructed. The examples are FILTER TYPE OUR RESULTS RESULTS
shown in figure.
Bilateral 19.574 19.21
KSVD 19.720 19.43
BM3D 19.673 19.50
To evaluate the over all performance of the proposed, we
conduct experiments for focussing on two single image
denoising problems i.e., rain removal and Gaussian noise In addition, our proposed method allows single image
removal from images. denoising experiments on real world scenarios. the Table II
shows the PSNR values obtained using our methods. From
A. Performance Evaluation On Single Image Rain the experiments, we observed that the achieved PSNR values
Removal are highest/comparable among the traditional rain removing
Consider the figure to qualitatively evaluate the methods. To ensure that the proposed method is not limited
performance of rain removal task. While performing the rain to bilateral filtering only, we further apply KSVD and BM3D
removing task in colour images, the image must be filtering methods in the pre-processing stage and compare the
represented in YUV space and then denoising is performed in rain removal results obtained by using the two denoising
Y domain. Better visualised versions can be viewed in gray algorithms directly. It is clear from all the experiments that
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 201
Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 – 8190

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