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Min e ral lnformation Service

- - -, ---·-,----------.
~alifornia Ro no ld Reagan, Governor
Though _most of our rcadcrs are u n doubtcd ly familiar w it h
the excced111gly fine C? llecr,io n of Ca\iforniana and books from
,rces Agency Normon B. Livermo re, Jr .,
<:1therfi~lds at the C:1 li for111a Sra_tc L1brary in Sacram ento, not By Dougl as M. Morton and Robert Streitz
Admin istra lor :,;~ m:tn}, perh~ps,_ k n ow of .r he L1brary's only bra nch, the SutrO Port One
ni o f Conserval ion James G. Steo rns, DireclOI'
Libra ry, herc m S?n Fr,mc 1sco . For t hat reason wc have asked
f Mi n es ond Ge o logy Ion Compbe ll, Slafe Geofogist
1\lr. R1ch:u~ ~- D 1llon,.Sutro Librarian and wcll -known author Ar firsr, for people campe<l :1 long che m:1rgins oí che ,·all cy, I.arc Cretaccous(?) :1gc in thc L:11,: c 1\ l c:1d are:1 of NcYada ;1nd
lquo rl ers office: f erry Build ing, San Francisco 94111 for a descnpt1011 of l11s ch:1rge. l-lis rcp ly is prescnted here~ ir was on ly :1 111oment:1ry :1warencss, nor :1 true rca li zation - th c11 A rizo na. Breccias of post-C rc taccou s agc, rcscm bling "modern
undcr: ir came, a Yiolcnt rock-s harrering shake. Loase <lebris, :1long <l:1 y mud-Am,· and dehri s-flo\\" accum u larions" werc reponed
Branch offices:
Clio-the Muse of history-poys lillle more heed to stote boundories w ith grcac sli ces cif bedrock clea,·ed from th c m o untain core, in severa ! arcas of sout hcrn Califo r n ia by R. H . Jahns and
,ge les: Los Angeles Stot e Office Building, Room 1065, th an she does to county lines. Hence th e importonce of Sutro librory 's came tumbl in g ,111d Yau lting to\,·ard the va ll cy Aoor in a rre - A. E. E ngcl in 19i0.
107 Sou t h Broadwoy, 900 12 c~llection of historico l Americano to bode up the Ca liforn iana collec- mendous landsli de. Campers in irs p:1rh fe lt a horrifyin g blasr
19: State Bu ilding, 2135 Akard S!ree t, 96001 !10ns of a holf-doze n g reot in stitutio ns in the state one of which is of air chat was pus hcd asidc by rhe falling debris- rhcy cl un g
nenia: 1416 9t h St reet (9th ond O Stre eh), 95814 Su~ro's "moth e r", the Ca lifo rnia Stote Li b ra ry in Sa~rome nl o. The la t- despe rately to trecs o r anyt hi ng w ithin rcac h. Some had rhcir
ter 5 San Froncisco-ond on ly-b ranch, the Sufro Library is a refe rencc clothcs torn from rh cm, ot hers were blow n h cyo nd che surge
u n t hc progrcss of ca rth scicncc in California,
7 nd reseorch libro ry in the ge nera l field o f history, ~ilh mo re than of ad,·ancing rock ; ami, unfortunatcl y, so me ,nrc engu lfed.
00,000 vo lumes ond many thousonds of manuscripts. Aftc r a fcw minutes only che clull clacJ.:ing of a few spcnt rock
·1furn~ th c pub!ic uf disco,·c ri cs in gco logy and . Th e Sutro Libro ry's st re ngths are in such fields os British history fra g ments cou ld be hcard an<l rhen it was once m ore quier
·r h sc 1cnccs o f 11 1tcrcst :md conccrn to chcir li ,·cs lite ~otu rc, Mex ican histo ~, r_ore books, and the history of science'. on the ,·alle)' flo or. T hc landslides follow in g- che 1959 H ebgen
ihood. lt also sc n·cs as a ncws rc lcasc on minera l ~n 1ike. mas! West Coost l1bro ries, th e Sufro is not pa rticular/y inte resled Lake earthq uakc, in a remate pare of i'vlomana, k ill cd 28 peoplc
es , min in g o p cratio ns, srar isti cs o f che mincr~d s •n Ca liformo history but dotes o n tho t of a l/ of the ot he r forty -nine and c hanged thc facc of che landscape hy crcaring laJ.:: cs and
. ,111t! ne\": p ublica cions: Je is iss ucd monchly br Sfol~s. Thus, it performs o back-up function vio loans c nd referencc alrering rhc shapc o f che mount:1 ins.
·o rn1a D1ns1on of M111es and Gcology. Sub- sCrv1ces fo o th e r librari es of th e state. To rhosc in thc v icinity of chis landsl id e ic ,,·,1s :1 major
pricc, J anua ry t hro ug h Dcccmbcr, is Sl.00. ca rascrophe; in che rea lm of gcology ir ,,·as an isobrcd occur-
p ub lica tio ns of che D ivisio n inclu de t he Annua l re n cc of :1 nor m al ge ologic process. L 111dsliding is an imporrant
í rhc Srnrc Gco logist~ th e Bnlletin, Spccial Re- agc nt shap ing thc earth's su r face and ir ha s been acr i,·e as long
2. S (1 cc t ,.and Cou nr y Repon ser ies; the Gcolog ic as rherc h avc bccn natural slopcs. As ca n yo ns :1rc cut b y run -
~ahforrna; a nd othcr maps an d publica tions. A ni ng water, or as mountains are thrusr upward, che force of
e Di ,·ision's ,H"a ilabl e publications wi ll he sent grav iry perio dicall y pulls clown masscs of carth m:1tcr ials from
ucsr. Communications to che Division of Min es exposed slo pes. This p roccss produces much of ch e debris rhar
ogy, includi n g o rd ers for puhlic:uions shou ld is later carrie cl away by srreams and ri,·ers to be dcposited :ts
sed ro th c San Fr;mcisco office. ' . scdi m cnts in intcrmontanc bas ins and o n che occan fl oor.
MARY R. H1u., Editor Tcc hn ically, landslid es are part of a more genera l catcgorr
of erosio na! processes ca llcd mass-wasting-thc rcrm ap pli e<l
by gcologists ro t hc proccss of down-s\ ope mo\·emenr of eart h Prehis t oric londs lid e, over 5 m i les in length, on the
fORY BOOKSHELF southeos t ern f lank of the Santo Roso Mountoin s, Riverside

• •
matcri als, pr imari ly by gravit)'. This mm·cmcnt, eirhe r slo w
or rapid, occurs when the strength of che m aterial is exceeded Cou nty. Londslide moterials ore g r onitic rocks of Mesozoic
oge. O nl y obout h a lf o mile of the 5 mi le length of the land-
'ª·. Vo l. 2, No. l. A licc M:uhi sen, Libr:1rian, T e- b y the forc e o f grav ity. C reep is that parr of mass-wasting in
s li de exte nd s beyon d the mountain front. Ncte the bou ld ers
. L1br,H)', 909 Jcffcr1on Srrccr, Red Illuff, CA 96080. wh ic h earch materials w ith poorly dcfincd bounds move ar
on the surface of the londslide. Ph oto by John S. She lton.
,., p roccss:d. 1966. !·rec. Requcsr from Lib ra ri an . imperceptibl y slow rates. " ' h en a discrete u nic (or unirs) of
s h_on art1~·lc 011 n\· cr traffic 0 11 rh e uppcr Sacra- carth materials m ovcs perccptibl y, it is te rmed a landslide.
1ar ~cs o! h1 srorr rcr m papc~s prepared by studcnrs A ncient d cposits that ma}' represcnt landslid cs are fou nd in T he ab ili ty to distingu ish bcrwcc n geo logica ll y ol d and
H 1g h Sc ho.ol , :111d d n pnon~ of books :rnd g ifts thc geo logic record :is far back as Prccaml>rian time. 13ennic modcrn-day landslide d eposits is of cons id erable practica \ Yaluc.
:~! ro rh c _L1 h rar}·. Alice Math 1sen\;: recognirio n of W. Troxel has scen breccia dcposirs rescmbli ng lanclsli de debris For insta nce , geolog ists R ich ard H . Jalm s and Gco rgc B. C le,·e-
,~ll sets a fine prcccdent, and should make her issues in thc Upper Precambria n Kingsron Peak Formarion of sout h- land, working in che Palos Verdes P cninsub arca in Los An-
11.t a srimul us not only to che local hig h sc hoc;I crn Death Va ll ey. C hestcr R. Longwe ll , writin g in 195 1 (see ge les Cou nt)', report th,tt there Al ioccne breccia :md submarine
sto ry, bue also to orhcr pc rsons w ho ma,· be able Adolph Sutr~ is no stra nger to !he Division o f Mines and Geo logy. bibliograph y), describ ed hrccci as, w hi ch he term cd megabrcc- slu mp deposirs greatly rescml>lc moder n landslidc dcposirs-but
~ ,·cliic ics ro cn c.:o urage their roung peop!C's efforrs A G~,m~n emigran! turn e d self-toug ht minin g eng in eer, Sufro mod e a c ias, that also rese mblcd landslide debris-t hese from rocks of with one important differc nce: che ancient matcria ls are re la-
fo rt une m Nevada w he n he rescued the mines of the Co mstock Lode rively st:J. blc. T hus, if a Miocenc \Jrcccia deposir ,,·ere confused
from flooding by driving a great odit, th e famed Su tro Tunn e l, inland w ith a m odem-da)' landsli de deposir, u nn ecessary conccrn
'.)RY TRA IL from the Corson River to dra in the mine sha fts of water. He re tired to about the srability of an are:1 co uld rcsulr-or perhaps e\·en che
unnecessa ry rejecrio n of a sitc for bui lding co nstrucrion .
San Francisco a millionoi re, to dabb le in rea l estate and to trave l.
; D. Slcepe r , Srn ff H istor ian of The ln·inc Com- But th ~re he discovered h is t ru e voca tic n, that of a b ibl iop hile. Sufro T hc most dcsrructi\'e series of landslid es in recorded hi storr
CA 92664, comes a lcttcr and a copy of the first and his agents boug ht heavi ly in Brita in , Mexico, th e Unit ed States , o ccu rred in Ka nsu Province. China. Duri ng an ean h qu:ike in
Comp:tn)''s T/.ie Rnncbo San Joaquin Ga::ette. and !he Near East. Befa re his collecting days e nded when he was 1920 g iga ntic masses of loess (unstr:u ificd deposits of silt) were
Jef, e lect~d Mayor of San Frcinc isco in 1896 over the two moior-party shaken loose, ancl moved down mounrain sidcs, j¡rnndatin g
~rn p~ut. of t h e srate, J fcar, has a <listincr jump condidotes, he ha~ p robo b ly ~he lor gest private librory in th e country. populated valley arcas up ro 3 mil es in len gch. i\'lorc t h an one
111h1sron ca l awarcncss. As a ce ntury-o ld insritu- There ~ 0 .s never time far o n inventory, bu t estimates ron to a quo d er hund red thousand persons w cre kill ed in chis carastrophc. The
c Ra nch is hopefu ll y rrying ro corrccr che defi - of a md l,on, or 300,000, vo lum es. C hin ese aptl y describcd rhe cxtcnsivc landsli de arca as «,,·herc
Su tro died in 1898 on d th e Sa n Francisco eart hqu ake ond fire of ch e mountain s wa lk". Smallcr lands!ides bv manY ordcrs of
ard, I am passing on to yo u che firsr cdition of 1906 spared less tha n ho lf of his li bra ry, a lo ng with the enti re Bo n· m agnitudc are mor e common :md gen erally .feprcsei1r no se riou s
)ff,r]oaqufn Ga,:,ette, w hich you may find of croft Li bro ry, now in Berke ley. AI I o th er co llections were utterly de- thrcac ro li fc; h ut thc y are, ne,·errh elcss, cos tl )' w h cr e the y-
stro~e.d. ~odoy, Sutro. lib ra ry is the on ly p re-quake o nd fire libra ry affect rhe acci,·iti cs or works of man. Rockwell Sm ith. in hi s
e~ wi ll fea tu r c . a:riclcs an d picru rcs trca tin g Bu ll surv1v1ng in San Francmo, t he o n ly lin k in the Cit y to ih p ioneer book.- study oí thc cconnmic :1nd leg:11 aspects of landslides, estimatcd
rmg, Loca l Al 111111 g Booms, the Sron· of Sikcr- co llecting days o f th e 1870s and 1880s. rhat t hev cose rhe nation hundreds of m illi ons of dolbrs
.\ lo djc ska , the Ruron Massacrc, Ú1c Toma to The Su~ ro library, loco ted on G o lden Gote Avenue opposite Temesco l annually:
-;t11d asso rtcd orher h air -rai se rs. Te rrece, 1s we ll worth a visit, lt is cpen to the public from 9 to Thoug h landsli des are gcncrallr cons idered a decriment to
r rcaders c_a:c ro sccu r~ ~opics (free of charge), 6 p.m., Mondoy throug h f r iday, excepting stote ho lidays. Phon e [415] che works of man , a numher of dams h:n-c \Jecn \Juilt in ri,·cr
so by ,n1t111g lo \V ilh am L. Aldrich, Publi c 557-03~-4. T~e ~o lif~ rnia S tote Librar ía n is Mrs. Ca rmo R. Leig h; the Blockhowk l ands li de wh ic h ex t ends cbou t 5 m il es fr om courscs ar consrrictions c:1used b y landsl idcs. For ex,1mpic, ch e
ctor. The l1T inc Co., In-inc, Californ ia 92664." Su tro l1brar10n 1s R1d1ord H. Oi ll on. An illust ro ted brochure Anolomy th e front of the San Berno rdino Mounta i ns in San Bernard i no farmcr's Uni on Rescn·oir on the Rio Gra n de Ri,·er is located
ro .\ [ r. Slccper. Vo lu me 1, number l of che o f a Librory, is ovo ilob le • a t no casi to th ase who ore in;erested in County onto the ge n tly s loping f loo r of the Mojave desert. at a narrow port ia n whe rc che ri,·er's co ursc is thrcc -quarrers
Jul)·, 1876, is ,1 handsomc '-f pages dc,·oted ro books Clnd history, os long as t he supp ly lash. block cd by a land slide. Thc Ilonncvillc dam sitc on thc Colum -

The londs li de mate rial is Furnace Limest o n e of Mi ss i ssip-
1V ExJJrcss, csra blishcd in 1866 ro run bc- pion age. Thi s l o nd slide, initi olly a rockfa ll , opparently bia Riv cr was formed by rhe tlcflect ion of che river by ;111

.. From Sufro library; not ovoiloble from the Di vision of Mines and Geológy.
'.go an d Los A nge les. Thc arciclc, a recrcated traveled across the deser t fl oo r ot en exceed in g ly hi gh ancient lan <ls lide. T he ChcakJmus Dam, British Columbia, ,,·:1s
r}d <: bct,,·ce n L~JS A ngeles :111d S:111 Joan Cap- velac it )' on a cushion of oir. Note the pro n ounced lateral foundcd on :1 landsli de and t hc dam, an euth -and-rock-fi ll
' 1s t!lustratc<l ,,·1rh ;1bour a dozen old etchings From "Geo/ogy lflustro ted", by John S. She l1on, copyright ridge s and the s urfa ce c renulation s . Compa re the sh ope, srructurc, was construcrcd of bndslidc and landslidc -derive<l
otos. by W. H. Freemon and Company, thickn ess, distonce trave led from the mountain front and materia ls. In such instances, ho we,·er, intensi,·c gco log ic and
l ock af boulde r s, with the San t o Roso Mountoins londs li de. cng in ccring i1H"csrig,uions are a n ccessary saíery mcasurc.

124 ,· Mineral ln formation Service October 1967

In California, intcrcsr in landslidcs has in c rcascd m:ukcdl y

bcca usc of rh c grcat influ x: of pcoplc :rnd thc concomit:lllt cx-
pansion and dcvclopmcnt of ncw public focilirics :rnd cnlargc d
a rcas of privare housing. As fl at land is uscd up, urban dcvclop-
mcnr is bccoming more Cxtc nsiv c in hilly and mountainous
arcas. Hillsidc dcv clopmcnt ca n "triggcr'' old l:mcl slid cs and
iniri:ttc ncw oncs, if th c projcct is im propcrl)' managcd o r
Examples of various types of landslides.

Elm, Switzerland
Flimlenlein, Switzerland
Saidmarreh, lran
Frank, Alberto, Canoda
Büu and Helm, 1881; Hei,._ 1882
Putno"" 1964
Harrisa n and Falcan, 1937; Kent.. 1966

dcsig-ncd. Eirhc r n:n ural o r man-induccd bnds\id cs can occur Do ly, e t al.. 1912
in a'i-cas whc rc dc \"C lopmcnr is not propc rl>' contro llcd. San Juan Mountoins, Colorado Howe, 1909
Mount Rainier, Wash ington Crandell and Fohnestocl 1965
Sowtooth Ridge, Montano Mudge, 1965
Blackhowk Conyon, Son Berñordino Woodford Ofld Horriss, 1928;
County, Californio Shreve, 1959 (see pi.oto)
New Madrid oreo, Missouri Fu lle,-, 1912
~mazan Rlver, Broxil Botes. 1B75
Norway Brigha"" 1906
Northern Californio coost lawson, et al., 1908
Goldou, Switzerlond Hei~ 1932
Bellinzona, ltoly Holmes. 1964
Voiont Oam, ltaly Selli, et al .. 196-4
lo Pota, Ponoma Nat'I Acad. Sci,. 1924
Gros Ventre, Wyoming Alden. 1928
Hebgen loke, Montana Hadley, 196-4
Kettle Folls, Washington Varnes, 1958
Paint Fermin, Californio Miller, 1931

Telluride ond Monlrase, Colorado Vornes., 1949
Toreva, Arizona · · Reiche, 1937
Echo Cliffs ond Vermillio n C liffs, .l\rizona Strahler, 1940

• •
Cope fortunos, California lawson, e t al., 1908 Eorthflow in 1940 which occurred near Sorg e nt, s outh of Gilroy, Santo C l.oro Cou nty. TThhis hlarge flowh •lyp~ ofl lftds!;~c
Orinclo, California Herling and Stafford, 1952 (see pi.oto) - f Id d · ¡ d d I f th Puri s imo F o rmoti on of Pl1ocen e age. e P o tograp o n I e e , w i
Poclfk: Palisodes, Califo rnia McGill. 1959 u ccr't~? h"wa: to1 ~~ '.ht:f~r:;ro~~d, ss~~:sº num:rous o lder lond s lide s indi c oted by the ~u_mm oc ky groundh T~e ~hºti'oph
Portuguese.Bend, Colifornia Merriarn. 1960 ~ the right looks down the direction of l ond s li de mov e menl ond s how s c leorly the prec1p1tou s scarp al t_ e :a o I e
lond slid; ond hu mmoc ky ground on bo th si des of the londs l ide. Photo by Clyde Sunderland, Oakland, Caldorn,a.
Stockport, New York Sharpe, 1938
New Philodelphia, Ohio Sharpe and Dosch., 1942
San Juan Mountoin1, C~lorado Howe. 1909
Horseshoe llend, ldaho Peebles,. 1962
SoÜrdough Peok, Wrangell Ronge, Alasko Holmes, 1964
Grand Coulee Dom, Washington . Legget, 1962
l ossen Volconic Parle, California Shorpe, 1938
Gilroy, Californio Krauskopf et .al., 1939 (see pi.oto)
San Clemente, California Blonc and Cleveland, in prepmlllion
Tunne l Road (Ca lifornio Stot e Highwoy 2-4) londsl id e
of December 9, 1950. This l and s lid e occ urred in cloy ond FASf FLOWS
grave[ of the Orindo Formation of Plio ce ne age neor Orindo, Kori1u Province, Chino Clase and McCormick, 1922
Contra Costo Coun t y. lt wo s st o bi li z ed by dewotering the Gunong Keloet, Java Scrivenor, 1929
l ands li de mo ss by meons of O s eries of horizo n ta l droin Zinal, Switzerland Bonney, 1902
holes . Photo by Bif/ Yo ung, court e sy San Francisco Chron - St. Thuribe, Quebec,. Canoda Dowson. 1899
icle, Yamad:a, River, Quebec, Canada Clork_. 1947
Greensboro, Florida Jorda"' 1949
N ature o f Lrmdslides. Land slides tak e pla ce in widely dif- Slumgullion Gulch, loke City, Colorado Howe, 1909
fering- rock rypes and are of :1\most eve ry con ce i\' ablc sizc and Thunder Mountain, Raosevelt, ldaho Bumgarten. 1910
shape. The y are found at clcv_at ions ran g ing from loft}, moun- Paridl County, Utah Woolley, 19,46
tain µeak s ro rhe sea floor, and o ccur in every c lim ate from Stillwater Range, Nevado Blackwelder, 1928
fri g id Arc ti c to humid tropic and arid desen. The resultin g Montrose, California Troxell ond Peterson. 1937
w icle ran ge of Yariabks produc es many diffcre m kinds o r Wrightwood, California Sharp and Nobles_, 1953
trp cs of 1:tndslides. Gcol ogiscs havc thcrcforc found it hel pfu l
to g roup rh cm alon g uscful paramcrers. Of thc various classifi - UNDERWATER FLOWS
carions, thc onc proposc d by C.F.S. Sh:upc in 1938, an d t hc Zug, Switzerlond Heim, et al.,. 1888
eme proposcd by D.J. Va rn cs in 1958, are probahly che most Atlantic Oceon Heezen and Ewing, 1952
widcl)' :icceprcd . Hawaiian Ridge, Pa~ifk Oceon Moore, .,.1964 (see olso Mineral l•lor•
Th e following classifi cat ion is, in esscncc, che o nc cl cnloped mation "Se rvice, vol. 19, No. 3, p. 50.)
hy Mr. Varn cs, wi t h slight 1nodific:1tio n. H e rc che principal
di\·ision of bnd slid es is b:iscd upan thc ty pe of landslid e mo vc-

• •
mcnr-fa ll , sl id c, or flow , and wirhin c:ic h type of m ovcmcnr
is a subdivis ion dcs ignaring rhc material irn-oh-ecl (i.c. rock, FALLS are limi tcd ro th c fre e fallin g of earth lll atcrial of :in y
so il . mixtures, cte.). In :iddirio n, fo r the flow ty pc of lan dslidc, sizc . The nam c "fall" is moclifi cd de pcndin g upon thc principal
warcr contcnt of the material (ranging from dry to saturarcd) rnarcri:11 in vo lvcd: rock fall, d cb ris fall, and so il fall. F:ills ma}'
is c:ons idcre<l. A complcx land slid c consists o f any comb inat ion cake p lace in any mater ial th at can stand in a \" Crtical slope
of rhc chree basic rypes. for cve n a short tim e. Sorne of t hc most spccr:tcular and brgcst
126 Mineral lnformation Service 127

landslid cs havc bcen of this typ<; or werc complex landslidcs occur on the scale of indi vidual grains or panic1es. Flows occur
which includcd initial free fall. Talus, common in mountafoous 100 mi les pcr
on slopes w hi ch rangc from very gendc to stecp and consist
and desert arcas, is usually thc rcsult of numcrous individual of matcria ls w~1 ich rangc from wc ll sortcd to mixcd. T hey roba bly abom
rockfolls. cncompass a w1de ra ngc of water conrcnt and may display a ared thc Elm
turbulcnt or laminar flo w structurc. r sccond, or
SLIDES (rock slidcs, dcbris sli des, and so il slid cs) occur whcrc
e the rule for
mo vcmcnt rakcs place on onc or more shcar or slip surfaccs Crcc p, hcre considercd thc slow cnd -mcmber of fto w movc-
and rhc ::i.ffccte_d mass consists of single to num crous scgmenrs mcnt, is an imporrant mass-wastin g agent. Ir has a vcry sig-
of sorne brgc
boundcd by slip surfaccs. Thc mo vcmcnt is co mmonly rapid, nifi ca nt r clationship to la nds lid es, in t hat it prepares slopc
t igation of thc
t houg h je docs not att:J. in thc vclocitics rcachcd by falling deb:is fo r . more rapid __ mass-mov~mcnr. This is accomplished
matcrials. by. mc rcasmg pcrmeabil 1ty_, rcducrng shcar strc ngrh, overstccp-
j Ca lifornia, in
cnmg slop cs, and dcvclopmg downslopc st ru cture in soil and ~ild on l}' ha\·e
Pbnar slid cs involvc translatory (11011-rot:i.tional) movc- p mprcssed air.
mcnt of thc slid c mass. Somc suc h slidcs consist of single or detritus.
is ph ysica ll y
sc,·cral undcformcd rnasscs tcnncd block glid c, an d others con-
sist of numcrous un its such as dcbris slid cs. Slump slid es involvc
Dry ílows are tcrmcd rock, sand, and silt flows, dcpending
upon t hc lll:lterials invol vcd. \Ver flows, including mudflo\\'s
r in 1965, indi -
!ccts of sim ilar
;t ro tation al mon:mcnt of thc slide mass. Slumps may consist com mo nly rcsult from torrcntial ru noff following cloudbursrs: btl y, rh c samc
of sing le undeformed blocks, as in lateral sp reading, or multiplc \ind cpcndc ntl~-
partl y deformed unirs termed compound slumps. Slumps com- Rcc?g11itio11 <?f. Landslidcs .. Certainly no one has any diffi- FOLD SIDE FLAP S FIRST
hined with considera bl e interna! deformation of the slid e mass c_ulty 111 r_c cogni Zlll g a l:md shde that hlocks a highwa y or car-
are quite common in the Coast Rangcs of California. n es . a nc1ghbor s yard ~r home away. T hcsc landslid es are
o~lnously om-of- rhc -ordmary fcatures in a backya rd ar on a
z ~- :::;:; z
F 1.0\\'S 1 the t hi rd gene ral t ype of land slide mo vement, occur
h1g!1w:1 y. Thc :1no111~l~us naturc of landslidc slop es is one of ► "O '<

w herc thc disp bccd mass is deformcd and moves ]ikc a viscous n O
t helí n.10st c haractcnsnc fc~rurcs, rcgardlcss of whethcr thc\· o e
fluid. No discrcrc slip or shear surfaces are discernible within
occur lll y;1r.ds or cn t1rel y rcmoyed from civilization oíl
~f "
oo ¡¡-
th e landslid e mass. T hc intra-la ndslidc mo vemcnts gencrally
far off 111o unta1n sirl es. As a gcologist maps landslidcs, he Iooks aro
r ro

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lm o o o !xterr1 :1l cn1sc.
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out :idditional
i u,
\\'hich \\'ou ld
i11g as a rcsu lr
,e~. othcr tlrn n
1 :1ia thi s takcs
San Francisco
i l\,·intcr-111ont h
~e seasons oí
Ae ri o l v i ew from obove Kaweah Basin sout h eostword ove r g l acial c i rq u e s. Th ese s t eep wo ll ed recesses ore co r ved in N N
g roniti c roc k s on a 13,0 00 foo t ridg e in Sequoio Notiono l Pork . The prom i nent omphitheater-like c irqu e in the foreground. 'u 'u ¡:i, too, bnd -
son of g rca t
con t a in s a t ongue -like g l acia l moroine ond i s ove rri d d e n by o s molf roc k g l ac ie r. Th e ro c k g l ocier o ri g in o t es from the oc-
cumu l ot i on of g r on iti c t o lu s composed o f angu l a r blocks, so rn e o f w hi ch ore more than 10 feet ocross. Th e bro od re l o tive ly
fl ot t er roi n i n the neor ba c kgr ound is Boreal P lo teo u, on unglocioted remnan t o f a n o n c i e nt erosiono! surfoce. Photo by JohnL.
B um ett, 1964.
4 t mcchanism
landslidcs go
chquakc epi-
126 October 1967 127

l:mdslidcs ha v,
which incl ud c
an d d cscrr are
roclda lls.
SunEs (roc l,
movcmcnt mi<
:md thc affcct
• • firsr for ph ysiographic fcaturcs w hi c h are :rnom alous in a
p;1rt ic ubr gco logic and gcornorphi c sctti ng . To do chi s, thcrc-
forc, che gcologist nm st be fam ili ar with che "normal " phys io-
grap hi c dc\·clopmcnr o f a givc n rcgion. \ ,V hat is physiographi-
ca ll }' :rnonulou s in eme sctring mav he "nonnal " in :mothcr
sctt in g. ·
Nn d ifficu lt )' is cxpcricncccl in ch e rccog ni rio n of che mosr
disca n ce of 2500 metcrs in 50 se c ond s ( about 100 mil es pc r
hour mean ye)oci ry ); its maximum v cloc ity ,,·as prohahly al>out
200 miles pc r h our. Albert Hcim , w h o in vcstigatcd thc Elm
sli de, bcl ic,·cd nlocir ics of 50 to 150 rnc tc rs pe r sccond , o r
abour 100 tu more t h an 300 miles pcr hou r, to he rhc rule íor
fa ll s w ich \\"hich h e \\"as ía miliar.
R ece nrl y a mcc h:rnism for rh c r transpon <_1f s~rn c brgc
l.ioundcd by s rccc nt l:rndslidcs bccausc of rh c barc scar p of ch e so urcc arc::i landsli dcs h as bec n proposcd. In a t h oroug h m,·est1~a~1on ~f t l~c
though j r doc and t h c di sru rbc d surfocc of t h e ma te rial w hic h h as mov ed. 13\ackhawk land slid c, San llcrnardino Counry, Ca lifor111 a, m As rime passcs, crosion and ngcrar io n moclify t he scar p :md 1959, R. L. Shr c\'C sho\\"ed thac ch is bndslidc co uld n nl )' h a~·e
rhe lan ds lid e deposit, but t hc c h:u acterist ic landslidc form is come about hr bcing transponed on :l. la rcr of cornpresscd a1r.
Planar sli d< still ge ncrall y rccognizablc. Later t hc surfo cc -altcr in g age n cies He funhcr d cmo nstratcd rime such a mc c hanism is physica ll f
mcnc of t h c s
obliterare rhc a11 o rn :J.lous for m, b'rin gi ng it into cquilib rium possiblc fr om a rh corctica l sr:mdpo inr. H e latcr, in 1965,. in_di -
scvcrn l undcfo wit h thc rcgion ,1! landforms. Fina ll y, regiona l gcolog ic proc- c:tted t h ac rhis h )1 pot hcsis accoun t s for manr aspccrs oí s11m lar
sise of numero
;1 rotacio n a l ir
csscs can cornplctcly rcmo vc or inrcg r:1tc rh c landsliclc m ass la rgc bndslid cs clscwhe rc in thc "·orld . Apparc nr\ ~,, che samc
inro the gcomorphology of t hc arca. T hc rccogni tion of a tran spo mnion mcc h an ism larcr was suggcstcd in d cpcndentl ~·
oí l~ ~mdc. la11dsli dc whosc form has becn larg cly ma sk cd b y subsequcnt by P. E. Kcnt.
:ilrcrarion is a probl cm to thc gco log isr. T h c anom alou s fo r m
may be gon c or subd ucd and in its place ma y be a smooth ed-
Causes of La11dslidcs. T hc causes of lan d slidin g ca n be

o vc r s urfacc. In t hi s case th c gcologist muse rcly o n oth er and
oftc n in d irccr cvidcncc, such as rh c state and cypc of che carth t raccd ro rhc in hc rent propcnies of rh e rocks, ancl ro extern a\

material, :md prese ncc of a sli dc surfacc (sli p-surface), or so rne facrors rclacccl to che geolog ic scrci n g. Thcse tcrms, " inh crcnt"

r orhcr loca l featu rc . ami "exte rn a!" , correspond in genera l to oth er C\\"O-fo ld di ,·i-
Commonl~,. in thc coursc of ge neral gco logic mapping in sion s of rh c causes of land sliding, such as " real" and "imm e-
diatc," as proposcd by O. P. Kry n ine and YV. R. J udd.
>- urban arcas, thc lack of d cfi niti,· c ficlcl c,·idc n cc forces thc
T he inh crc nt propcrties o f a rock unir which ma y lc:td to :1
01 gcologisr ro ouclinc arcas of possiblc land sli dcs . This action
..2 " Aa gs" t hesc arcas as porcnt ial troublc sites. T he sub stanriation "s lid e-prone" co ndirion in cludc low srrcngth inin e ral s, such as
o(]J of thcse land slid cs rem:lins unresok ed uncil cngin ec rin g gcol- kao linitc; min eral s posscssin g perfect cleava gc, suc h :tS gy psum
ogisrs perforn1 a d ctail cd exarn inatio n of t he site ro dete rmin e ami sorne se rp cntinc min era Is; rioCks· t hat swe ll , such as
t'.) rhc rcl:::tti o nship .of r he la11dslid e or land slid e rnate rial s to a mor1tmorillo11itc-b ca rin g :111d ;rnhy d ritc-bear in g rocks. Anoth er
particular e ng in cc rin g srrucrnrc o r cle,·clo pm cnt plan. in hcre n t propcny rh at ma)' lcad ro slidin g is ch e orientarion
"U Re lati vcly intense st resscs ma y de,·c lo p within a landslidc o í plan ar clements of rocks such as bedd in g plan es, ioints, :1t1d
e: "St orh e r reg ular su rfa ces.
o IJod y during the pcrio d of its m onmcnt. Thcse strcsses giYe
Low-srrcngth matcrials are commonly rcstrict cd to o nc or
;¡; .,.,
CX) ri se to a t h o roug hl )' fractured d e posir of low strc ngth, t h ough
indi,·idu:il bl ocks in thc land slide mass ca n, and often do, retain sc,·era l lith ologic units in :m :i.rea. In t h e Tesla quaclrang lc,

• •
e: o- rhcir original srrength. This state of the mater ial is ;1 critc rion Alameda Cou nty, all th e rnappcd la n dslides a re pa rti:i ll y, if not
wholl y, w irhin t hc Cierbo L'ormat io n . Mosr of th e landslides
i o
suggesri,·c of a bn d slid c. Suggcsci,·e on lr, bccausc orhc r geo-
logic proccsses m ay g i,·e risc ro similar. appearin g matcri:i l. in rh c San J uan Bautista quadrangle in rhc Momcr cy arca :1 rc
...... ·2 In so rne landslidcs. su c h as a sing le slmn pcd b lock, licclc if in che Puri si ma f-or mari on. In ch e E cl Rin r arca, in n orrh crn
C·il iforn ia, m ost of t he land slides are in th c mudstones of thc
e: ~
o .,
any dcformati on is de,·clopcd w ithin thc slide mass, ancl o ther
rcc hn iques of id cnt ification must be used . Thcsc in cludc: 1) \•Vild c ar Grou p and in rhc Yage r Formarion. Sc rpc ntinc is
slidc- p rone in man y pl aces in thc west -central and non hcrn
·;;¡ o -~t thc dctection of thc actua l slidc su r fo ce, or 2) ch e prcscncc of
rocks out of t hcir normal strati gra phic sc qucncc, and 3) thc parrs of C:1liforni:1, suc h as th c Lo\\"c r Lakc q uadran g lc ancl
·;; ~ u ., nonconfo rmity of rhe d ip in che slidc with t h at of che sur- Orcigalira P eak quad ra ngle. T he l one Formation , commo n\~·
ric h in ciar. is slid e- p ro nc in che Orm·ill e arca. In sourhcrn
o ..e:
E'e: "'e:
round in g rocks . A n examp lc of a lancl slid c tha r conta in s largc
unfraccurcd and und efonncd bl ocks is che Vaiont Dam land- Ca lifornia , rhc A lr:unirn 1\lcmber of thc i\ l ontc rc\· Formati on

,Q e: .e slidc thar rook plac e in 1963 in Ita ly. T hc hlocks in this slide
;1rc so largc and rclati,·cl )' undisrnrbcd that n.r ious rock rypes
in rhe Palos Verdes Hills, and La \ 7 ida 1\ lcmbcr o·f th c Pncnrc
Formation in t hc Pt1entc 1-iills foi l rcadi lv; both of thcsc are
e: z 11)
E 0 can be differentiated onr much of ch e bndslidc mass. Such :1 fine lr bcdded :rnd conrai n somc ciar la );crs.

Exre rnal conditions rhar cause la n dslidcs ran ge fro111 g ra,·it r .
-o ~
slid c, in an arCa of po o r exposu rcs, cou ld rcmai n undcrecrcd
excc pt for dircct obscrvation of :l. slidc surfa ce, thc om-of \\"hic h is al\\"ars present, through crosion and r:1i11fal l, whi c h
o are com mon lr or periodicall~· prcscnr, ro c:1rth(]uakcs. w hi ch
"St o ] scquencc narnrc of thc rocks, or d edu ction hascd upon s uspi -
inircqucnt. Cornmo nl~- ;1 bnd slidc rcstdts fr om t\\°11 nr
u V) c io ns of a rrained obscn·cr. H e
mor e inhcrcnc properr ics plus t\n) or more c:-..:tern:1 1 cond iti o ns.

0 Si"Ze and _Ho--·,N?111eut of Lauds/idcs. Thc n.ilume of material .-\ simplificd cxampl c o f this wou ld be : .-\ sequc n cc uf scdi -
i1l\'okcd in ind ividua l Lrndsli des ran gcs from lcss ch:rn a cubic m enrar y la rcrs, one uf rhcm a bcd of n)lcan ic ash , is d cposited
foot, such as a single fa lling rock, m 4 to 5 cubi c miles, such in a basin . .-\ s rime passcs, th c ash h cd is altered ro bcntun it c
i as rhe Sai dmarrc h landslidc of l ran. (a montmo ri llonirc -hearin g alrcrcd \·olcanic :l.Sh) :md t hc sedi -
m c: ntarr scqucn ce is clcnrcd ancl ti ltcd. A t r h is poi m rn·o
Age and volume of some large landslides. po rcnria ll y slid c- p ronc inhc rcnt pro pcrri cs ha\"C bce n dcnlopcd
Volume --rhc bcn toni rc becl and its t iltcd cond it ion. Latc r, c ro sion cm s
Dale (million cu. yds. .i ca n ro n cxposing rh c h cntonice h cd , ""hic h is so o r icnced as ro

Riviere Blanche Quebec, Canada_._ . 1898 3.5 h e ,·crr susc.-cp rihlc to slidi ng- (the eros ion is an ex cema l cau sC' .
10-11 :-i s is gra,· ir r). Failurcs co uld follm,· cithe r withou t :1 ddition:1I
Elm, Swifzerland -··--·-•-·--·-·-·-····· --··-··-· 1881
St. Albans, Quebec, Conada ._______ ··· ~-····- 189-4 25 externa ! ca uses. or \)\· t hc inrroduction of \\·arer w h ich would
Frank, Alberto, Conado __ ___ __···-· 1903 35-40 e:xpancl alH'I \,·ca kcn thc ciar, or perhaps h r sh:i kin!-! as :i rcsult
50 of ;in ea rrh q uake.
G ros Ventre, Wyoming --- ·-·-··--··· -····---·· 1909
370 Pro bahh· rhe mosc oh,· iou s of rh c cxtcrnal c:iuse s, orher rh an
Blackhawk, California ·-·------- ..... ··· --······ ·· Prehistoric
390 g r:l\' ity, iS scasonal rainfa ll. In coastal California thi s take:-.
Vaiont, ltoly -··--·-·- ···-··-····- 1963
Tin Mountain, California ._ .. _._____ .... ..... Prehístoric 2,350 plac e in th e w inrer 111onths. Lrndslides in thc S:111 F ra nci scu
15,000 arc;1, fo r instan ce, are almost cxclusi,·clr :1 \\"inr e r-rn onrh
Flims, Switzerland -·--·····-•· -··- ····- ·- ··· - Prehistoric
2 1-27,000 ph c nnmenon. manifestcd particularly durin g th e scasons o f
Soidma rre h, lro n •. -· ·•·-··--·····---·- ·- -· ...... Prehistoric

Ae ri o l v i e :1\im·e- nurmal rainfall. ln thc Los Angeles ;irc,1, roo, la nd -
gronitic roc k slidcs usu:111~· incrcasc in 11u111bcr durin g ;1 scaso n of grcar
cont o in s o t o Lands li dc ycJoc it ics rangc from :lll :irbitrnri ly c hosc n lowc r rainfa ll.
cumu l ot i on o l limit suc h as 1/5 of a foot pc r yea r to rh e terminal ,·elocity 1-:,1rrhquakcs are proliably rhc most promin enr mcc hani sm
f lot te rroi n i n in air of particu lar fra g mcnts. A land sli d e t h ar atrn ined high th:i t d ircctlr tri ggc rs bnd slidcs. L.anhquakcs and landslidcs go
Burnett, 1964 vclocity is t h c Elm, Switze rland , landslid c w hi c h co,·e rcd a h:1nd in han d in Ca liforn ia, p:nricubrlr n cu e:1rt hquakc epi -
Mineral lnformafion Service

20 (1 j) i%7
Stole of Californ ia
The Re sources Ag e ncy

Oeparlm e nt of Cons e rvalion

Division of Min e s and G e ology
Ronold Reagon, G o vern o r
Normon B. Livermore, Jr .,

James G. Steorns, Director

Ion Campbell, State G eologist
DMG lnformation File Needs Help
By Dougla s M. Morton and Robert Streitz

Pa r ! T wo
Heodquorlers office: Fe rry Building, Son Francisco 9411 1
Onc of thc Di,·ision of Mines and Gc olog y's b:isic functions
Branch offices : is to sen-e as a center ur cl carin g ho usc of information on all
:1spcc ts o f thc can h sc icnc cs in C:ilifornia. ínform:aion clcsks :u
Los An ge les : Los Angeles Stole Off:ce Bui lding, Room 1065,
ali four o fficcs (San Francisco, L os Angel es, Sac ramento, Rcd - .-\ s dcrnil cd gc ol o g ic rnapping progrcsscs in t hc dese rt :1.reas.
107 South Broadwoy, 90012 din g) ans\\"cr ahout 10,000 qu cst io11 s cnr y ycar, in pcrson, br f.andslidcs i11 Califorma. \ Virhin th e boundari cs nf C ali(or-
nia is alm osr c,· c r)· im ag in:ilil c C)"l)C oí roc k, stru c rnrc , ph ys1og- more :111d mo re lar ge bnd sli dcs or dcbri s ílo\\"S :irc rccof{n1zc d .
Redding : Sta te Building , 2135 Ak.ord Street, 96001 !creer, an d h r phonc .
ra ph y , ami climatc. Unfa,· o rabl c clcmc nts \\·irhin cac h o f rhcsc Rccc nrl r. th c prchisror ic Ti n 1\ louncain landslid e in. ~h e
Socrame n to: 1416 9th Stre et (9th ond O Stre e h), 95814 Fo r m an)· )·ca rs, most qu esrion s h:w c co nce rncd mines ;rnc\ Dc;1 rh \ ':tll ev :ire:1 w as shown to ha \'C :i \·olume of ~.35 !11ll1011
m ineral r csourccs. i\ lorc rcce ntl r , ch e cmpha sis has swun g to fa cto rs a re gcncrall }' consid c rcd to he h:1sic ca uses of land -
,\ II NE R/\1. IN rORMAT ION SERV ICE is dcsig ncd sliding. As :i resulr, bndsli des are fou ncl in m ost of rhc ,·:i.stly n il1i c ~· ards Üf dehris.
g co logic a l quesrions, partic ubrl r ro gco log ic haza rds d ata, :ind
ro rcport o n thc prog rcss o í c:urh scicncc in Ca li fo rnia . urhan , "cm ·ironmenral " , o r c ng ineering gco lo g r topics. di ffe rc nt em ·ironm cnts oí Cal ifo rnia . Urb,111 /-Jillsidc De·.Jclop111e11t. lnrensi,·c hillsid c d cvcl opmc m
an d to in íorm t hc publi c of disconrics in gcol og y and T he D i\·ision's uscfuln ess in ans,,·ering t hese qu est ions, and The coa st:i l :i.rcas oí Ca lifo rnia appcar tO co nta in th c m ost ca n lc:Hi to bn dslid in g if rhe geology is not t horou ghlr und e r-
alli cd carrh sc icnccs of imcrcst :r nd conccrn to th ci r )i ves irs abili t}· ro pro,·ide necded d ata , are di rcccl y proportional ro b ndslid cs . .-\ prime factor in t hcsc :1rc:is is thc rc bci,·c in - stood nnd c on sidere d p rior to dcYclopm cnt. In manr arcas o f
:rn d li,·cl ih ood . Ir nlso se rHs as a news relea sc o n mineral rh e :uno u nc and q ua lic r o í in fo rmat io n o n hand. st:ib ili tr o í som c o f rhc roc ks o í T eni:1q' and b tc .\ k sOi'.oi c C1 liforni a und ergo in g hill side d c,·e lopm enr ar chis t ime, dc-
tli scon ri es, m inin g ope rations, srar istics o f t hc min cra ls Th e D i,·is ion 's own P.ub~shcd :l.!lcl o íli ce rcports w hich go :igc . As rhcse ,1rc:1 s of rhc scarc show th c most rapid po pulat io n t:i i\ ccl J..:"CO!ogic m ap pi ng is a hasic prcrequ isitc for rhe fo rmu l:1~
industq •, and ncw publi c:nions. 1t is iss ued · mo nrh l)' br li;1c k tu 1880, ch e cxtens1n co llcc tio ns of publi shed rcferenccs grow th , che recog niti o n :1nd und e rsta ndin g of land slidcs · rio n of ~rad in g plans. Pro pc r g rading prac tices w ill min im iz.c
rh c C aliforni a Di,· ision of Min es ancl G cology. Suh- in rh c. Di,·isio n's Lihrar r in Sa n isco, :i.nd a growing- t hem is o f pa ramoun t irnpo rc :i ncc. t he poss ib ili ry oí ini t i:irin g b ndslidcs, bot h during and aftc r
sc riprio n pri cc, J nnu ary th ro ug h D cc emb cr, is $ 1.00. co ll ec uon o f open file repo rts • :irc rh c Di,· ision's principal In thc no rrhcrn coa srn l ranges o í C aliforni a, bnd slid es :ippca r i..: radin g:.
Orh e r puh lic ario ns of rh c Division include t he A nnual ro be a\·c fcaturc, cspec i3l\ y in t\1 c roc ks of rhc Fran - - Kno\\"l edgc o f g-eolog ic fc aturcs, such as the ori ent:i.ti on o f
R cport oí rh e St:i. tc Gcolog isr; thc Bullctin, Spec ial R e- sourccs of data for answ crin g qu estions. Ali d:i.ta are kept .ts
up-to-da te as possiblc li}· addiri o n of c urrent first-hand knowl- c iscan f'ormacion and assoc iared se rpcnt111c. A ndrew Lawson, bcddin g p l:m es ur joinc srstcms, rhc J?resencc o f srructural~ y
port, 1\ htp S heet, :i.nd Co unty Repon series; thc G eolog ic as car!\' ;1 s 1908, indicatcd th:it land s\id es ,nrc importam \\·cak units, :rnd th e presc nce oí cxpans1\"C or cla ycy bcds, \\" 111
¡\ 1:lp of C:i. li forni:1; :rnd othe r maps and publ icati o ns. A cd ge of Division staff mcmbei s.
Thc incrcascd importancc and ckm:111d for inform:ition on " . . . i1~ rhc e,·o\ution of t he ge omorpholog )' o í thc Coas c ;1 id in dcterminin g thc propcr oricnt:nion oí cut slopcs :111.d
li st oí rh e Di,·isio n's ani lab lc publications wi ll be sent Ran gcs of Ca li forni a cu an cxrcnc c~u:ilcd in fcw othc~· r~ - propcr c ut-slo pc anglcs. This knmv~cdgc also cna~1ks an cn g1-
upon requ esr. C omrnunic:nions to rhc Di,·ision of M ines "c m·iron m cntal gcology", howcn :r, r cquirc c urrent data oí
spccializcd rypcs rhat ;irc for more cxtcnsi,·c in scopc rh:m thc g- ions . ." This foct \\":Is re -cmphas1zed hy \V. P. lrwm rn nce r to dete rmine \\"h cthcr prc,·ennvc or c orrecr n·c m casur cs.
:rnd Geolog y, includin g ordcrs for publications, should 1960: " . . . l:i.ndslides" he ,,·rore, " are m ost co nunon and wide - such as lrnttrcssin g of kno\\'n or suspccred rrouhle sites, :i.rc
be :i.ddressc d to rh c Francisco office. Di,·ision staff ,·done can produce. Since o thcr agencies and pri -
,·:n c firms cuncerncd with applied gcol ogy :ilso ,·crr commonh· spread throughout 1he ce ntra l bcl c oí Fr:in c isc:in Fon~1ation ncc clcd.
i'v{ARY R. H1LL, Edit or nec d brondcr informati o n t han th ey ca n produc e alone, it b~- wh c rc rhey :irc pcrhaps rh e for emost m ode of deg radatwn oí Rc lated direc cl y to bndslid c problcms in ;1rtificially cut
com es csscntial to han a "clc:1ringhousc" of sh:ircd gcologic t he land scape." Somc land slid es o r land slid e :i. rcas mappcd b r slopcs are p robl cms in arcas bcing fill ed. Thc pbc ing oí :1

in fo rmat io n . him are ncarlr 10 miles lo ng. hillsid e fill , un\css d o ne propcrl y on a suitabl y sta hle :ind am cn -
ÜHr;11l cog ni z:incc ancl mai ntenancc of an effecti,·c infor- C. B. Bcat v found t hat, in rh c ce nt ra l Coasc R anges of able surfo cc, c an re adil y lc:id to foilurc of che fi l\.
ma t io n cc ntcr is ge ncr:i. ll y recog nized :is the propcr prO\·in ce • Cn lifornia, " .· . . lanclslid es ma)' w ell he th e ma jar agem in P robabl v rhe m ost fa mil in :rn d most t rou hlcso me man-in -
,.,,,,¡ •• ~A NAGEMt NT AN2 ~ IRCULf TION ,,. ~..,_,
I'"1,1, .;¡',....•,~,';":~ I:.:;_.--;:::'.., .,.,.,.
..~ .,;
oí thc Scatc, and the D i,·isio n of Mines :me! Geologr h,1s long
hcen glad to pcrform rhis fun c t io n for gcological informa -
ch e processcs at w o rk "·hic h m o,·e m :i terial fr o m hi g her to
lower cle,·arions." In rhis reg io n slidcs occ ur o n slo pcs as gcntlc
du ce d b1lc! slid cs a re thc small land slidc s in road c.:m s or, lcss
comm o nlr, in ro:1 cl fi ll s. Though mosc man-c:iuscd 1andslid cs
Se p t. 16, 19 6 7 j Wi - r a l iof orzu t i on S e r v l c c rio n t hro ug houc California. Th e Divisio n, parti cularl r ch roug h as 3º ro 5" , as wcll as 0 11 steepe r slo pes. are he rc re rmecl small, ch er do nor :i ppca r to he small w thc
its St,n e Gcolog ic 1\ bp prog ram , stri,·cs to m :i. intain :in :i.warc - Thc coastal are:i.s o f souchern C:1. lifornia are similarl y ,·cry ho me mn1e r w hen his h:ick y;i rd d isappcars :md his prope rt~·
Won th l >·
. ,.,..,_o,, _ _,..,, .. _,.._ .... _ .,. ...~. ,,, ......, ncss oí sources of gcu log ic da ta in C alifornin- publi c and pri - suscept ibl e ro landslidin g. Land sli des, suc h as t he P o nug uese n luc is hal n d. T hc occ urrencc o f such "sm all" landslid es c:111
Fe r r y Bu. ll d l n , , S• n Yr •nc hco, S a n Yra nc i ac o, Ca !H orn i a 9H ll ,·atc age n cies and ind i,·idu al geolog ists-an d does its bcst to Bend landslid c on th c Palos V erdes Penin sul a in L os A ngeles be :1 crushing fin anó:i l loss to horh d c,·clo pc rs :i nd hom e
'"'"_ 0- ,.....- ...... ....... .......- ......... ...... .... .... ., .. ,.._., .. , Count r, ha,·c resultcd in losscs :ig g regatin g 111:i ny millions of
,~. ~
ob tain copi es oí thc res ul ts uf t heir srudics. o w ncrs. \ Vhcn just a fcw o f thcsc small l:md sli dcs o cc ur to-
ílut w ich onl y a limiccd sra ff of gcol og ists, ic is cle:i.r rha c d o ll ars. g:crhc r, t hc resultant loss is a di saster; ami so it h:1s hec n
__ .,... , , , ••,,.,-4,.., .•
fo r dat:i o n 111;1n y arcas , th e Di,·ision's in fo rmation c entcr must Reccnt geologic mappin g- indi cated numc rous landsliclcs ~d - decl a red in w este rn Los Angeles Counc y.
~ : ~ _ ;-~ ~ • • D,,· i • i on of Wi n u •nd li~o l o1y
reir hca ,·ily on coop crari o n fro rn o rh er carth sciemists and iacent to :ind ,,·irhin th e Los A nge les are:i. E ,·en th c "solicl" To w ha t cx tcnt man and his acti,·itics h:i n influ encc d th c
Va ry R. Bil l, r .. rr)" Bu il di<> l , S a n F r•<> ci sco , CJ. 9H II
o t hc r :1g-c nci cs that do g colog ic work in Ca lifornia. Thc DiYi - c rystalline hascrncnt rocks of rh e S:inta Mo ni ca and San G:i.bricl rrigge ring of a bndslid e cm, in many e;1se s, be d cbaccd . Suc h
sion's effccti,·cness in scrYin g :1 s rhc cc nter for gcologic d:ita- .\ l ounrains ,1rc liceralk c o\"Cred wirh bmlslidcs. app:ire nt suhtlcti cs as lawn \\·:1ter, scwagc effiucnt, or st recc
7 OW N" • : •• • • " · / • • • I"<'•"••• '" o,•• ,o J •. .. •. , ., • ., ¡,, , ,.,, J ,o,l o/ ,. ,• ., ,J,. o,{ ·•,.,,¡,, " • .,.,,.,.,1,,/ :1equiring information promptlr from :ill poss iblc sourccs and High molmt:iin rnnics, such as rl~ c Sierra N cv;1da, Klam~th , draina ge di sc hargcd inrn :ilrcad)' "prcca ri ous" gcolog ic sit~1 :i. -
•JJm,/ ,f ••• ••"'•,',,1,. 1 1 : ••"-' .,',.,,... 1
..,, ......,, .......,,.,.,.., ..,. ,.,,,._.._, -,•,,..,.,l,,
- --fJ.,•mf ,:.,'J,,•. '' :;:.¡,',1:,11,.',.'.'"
- /.,- --,•.,, - ----~ J .,
111:1ki ng it a,·aibblc to those who need it- d epcnds to an im-
porranc exrcnt on such coo per:i.ti on.
:md San Gabr iel, are ;ircas of exre ns1,·c mass~ w:i snng. Quannta -
ti\· elr rh e mosr importanr land slid es, r et tl~ e lcast impress.ivc,
rion s ha\·c hec n sin g lcd out as thc causes, or as rh e rcnC\\·1n g
,1gc nrs, oí land slidi11 g.
r-suJ..&:.JLC•l.ti.DLw. Th e po inr wa s re -cmphasizcd reccncl >' b y 1\1:l.nin Van Cou- :ire probably the innume rabl e roc k f:ill ~ wh1 c h form th e . \\"Jdc - .-\ rccc nt co urt rulin g fo u nd rhc Counrr of Los Ange les tu
,·crin g , fi rst president of th c Am eric an lnsti t ute of Profcssiona\ sprc:id t:ilus deposits of rhcsc m oumam s. Man y lake s 111 thc lic p3 rt )' ro rhe rcac ti\·:icio n of pa~t of :1!1 :rn ~icn~ bndslid c
O <N0 " N'°"'D00<0< U . M0 tl O o OU I , .,DO! ... O >I Uh1' ...,.<>« • W . <.>O N<.><O<N OU <t N! 0 .. <>•< 0,IQh L O ._.
Gcolog iscs, and now ch:i. inn:m of :1 co mmit tce sceking ro Sierra Xe ,·,Hla , such as 1\ l irro r L:i ke in Yosc mire V allc y :ind ,1t P o rrugu esc Bcnd , Pal os V erdes H1\ls, Cali fo rnia. 1 he easrcrn
.,...,..,. ..oo,c.euo,01,-1 , wt""'_" _"l_••...;
.. _•_•••-•======::""::'":===========j imprn,·c t he informati o n flo w to pro fcssional geologists, who
has said , "Curre ntl r imcrcsc and at cention often focus ed
Kcrn L:i. ke in Kcrn Ri ,·c r Ca nron, or igin:itecl from land slid es
t hac b\ oc kcd rhe can yon s. C lose rela rins o f land slides, thc slo \,· -
part o f thi s ole! land slidc, which c o,·crs 300 t? -100 ac res, hcgan
1110,·in g in che sununer of 1956 and has contmued to mo,·e . I n
on geo log ic informat ion rh:1t c ithc r has no t yc t bccn published , m o ,·in g roc k g lac ie rs. ;uc fo und in parrs o f th e Sie rrn Ne ,·a ~a . ch e pc riocl bctw ecn rh e bcg inn ing of thc rn o,·,cm cnt :ind Scp ~
··-- r or has not bcen produ ccd for puhli cati o n-suc h as consultin g Sorn e o f rhcse :Htain a max imum dim cnsion o f at lcast a m 1le. 1c111ber 1959 d:i ma ge to th e pro pcnr ,,·as cstnn :n ed to he 111
~ P•"•"r•• · ••d • •••••~•· •• ,.,,., " ""º •••""!hui<., "'>«••"• O..IJ., ' PI"•" ,,... , i.. ..._. , -' , ... , _ , . , , .,
t<••- •N •• • • • ...... , ··•• " '> '° '"-• ,...
0 0"'• , ~ <h< ,..., ..... •~ , u,ro, " ,o,n fo o • - ••<• ....... H " ""• • , l............
o r 'officc' rcports." Land sli dcs are commo n wi rh in the scmi -a rid or a rid d esc rts cxccss o í 10 milli on d olbrs. Possiblc c :i uscs c on sid e red IO ha,·c
:;:, 1~:~..:!: ;;~· P•:•1•;r,.':,1.J .,:.::'.: ,.,:•;,:; ,~"u,~-;,:....,,~ ,N,'":' .•.~ :~ ~•,;;'"',~";;'.;'.";:::.':.:'.;::",!':"'.,.."-:..::-: Th c Di,·ision is an xio us to rece i,·e cop ies oí ali geolog ic o í ch e st:i. te; calus is ,·er~· ,,·id csprcad in thc hi g h mounrai~1s, \cd ro rh c reac tinti on o f ch is slid c in cl ud c: ( J ) incre:isc d
:~~~;~. ~:·. ::;}::,J,;:. :.~~J~ 'J•, ~... •:••.~;,:!,J:~~ -:~:::7.::~:"':~;~~~;·~~·-::::?:.!:':':~:"' . . :'"°'~J.~ m aps an d reporcs on Californ ia, bo th current and past, th:i.t
c:m be m :1d e a,·ailabl e for its fil es. O ffi:ce repons, processed
:11ul mud flow s are in c,·idcncc in m:inr arcas. Incerla ye rcd w 1ch !..!roun d w:i.ter du e to surfac.:c w :J.Cc ring and SC\\·;igc cfllu ent . O 1
:1llm· ial ían dcposit s in ch e inre rmo nrn ne basi ns rhrou g hout t hc fncrc;ised n:lt u ral prcci pitati o n :ind , ( 3) loa d ing: :H rhc l:iml -

!:·~:·=.~·::::.'::~::~ , , ,.,_,._,, 7~~'.:::,¡,5~

: ·,::;:~~" re ports, and consultin g rcpo n s, w hich normall r ha,·e ,·crr
limircd d isrriburion , :i.rc pa rt ic ul ar!}' nced cd . Th c Di,·isio n w ill
he happ y co makc irs ow n co pies of maps and repares if
Bas in and Ran ge ph r siograph ic rcg inn :1~e shee ts of. t11.1so rt<;d
d cbr is incc rpretcd as anc icnr mudfl o\,·s. Thcsc are surnbr- 111
rhc n:itu re of rh cir m:a e ri:il - to rhose o í prcsc nt da y m udfl o w s.
-; lid c hcad \)\· high \\"a,· fil!.
:\. c.:ou rc )lHlg°mcnc· ag:iinst t hc C: o unr r of l .os .-\ ngc\cs for
rheir su ppose d role in thc landslicl c rca cti\·at io n \,·as 5 5,360,000.
co pies c a n he lo:i.ncd for t hat purpose. O n rh e flank s of th e d cse rt r:i.n QCS, suc h :is ch e Santa Rosa or This sum g iH s thc l:indslidc ;1 tan g ible conn ccr io n to :111 Los
n .rn i\ l ost prac ticin g geolog isrs in Californi:1 necd no rcmindcr Sa n Be rnardino .\l ountai ns, are Sc:1ttc rcd b rge bnd slides ; mud - .- \n ge lc s C ounry r;1:,:p:1~·c rs.
oí thc uscfulncss of th e informati o n in thc Di,·ision's oíliccs fl o \\"s are found in th c S:in G abri el .\l ountain s.
and ics importancc to th eir w o rk. T hi s note is a reminder to Laudslide Prcv e111io11- K.110·<::lcdgc o f tl.1c T crr,1111.·. In th e
1 them ch at copies of their o,,·n dat:1, maps, :ind rcports can past it \,·as co mmon, whcn stud)'ing t he genera l ge olog y nf a
¡, .....,,,,_ ,.,_ , ,.,,,,. 1 help by incrcasing rhc store oí ;tvailablc data in t he Geologic reg ion , ro gi,·c o nlr c m so r)' :ntcntion to l:mds\id~s. Some gc ol -

1,900 lnformatio n Ccnter. ... T.E.G. og ists faithfull\' rcco rdcd ch e prescncc of Lmdslide s, but gaH
~, 66 1
The first part of thi s re port appeared in the Oct~ber, onl r sli g hresr ;ncnri o n to thcm in rh c ir rc:-.:r. Orhc rs disc usscd
2 l , 000 1
" " Ope n fi le " n:po rt s a re typccl ma nu scrip ls \l"ith h :rnd-drawn 111aps, ; h:1 1 • 1967 íssue of thi s magazine. Th e September, 1967 , ssue Lhcir cx istc nc.:e in rh c t cxt bu t die\ not rnap th cm. Str iking c ase:~
are :wa ilab lc fo r 1lubl ic rcfcrcncc :H D ivhion officc s. Thcy indudc Di\"ision contained on additiona l article entitle d "Why Landslides?" of li t ho lo g ic , stru crur:il, nr geomo rphic c on t rol of hindsli dcs
rcport s in p roccss of publication. Division ami no n -Di\"ision 1eports of in- h;1 ,·e go nc cncire ly un mc mi o ncd .
tcrim n at u rc, J"eport s not sch ed ulcd fo r publica tion , theses aml dissertation s.
12/l Mineral ln formation Service October 1967 129

• •

• •
Ro to t ionol or s l ump l onds li de, Puente Hills, Los An ge les County. Lan d s l i de i s in th e Puente Formoti on of Mio ce n e og e. Su rficial, s h ee tli ke planar land s li de, in the Pue nt e F o rmo ti o n (?) o f Miocen e oge, Puente Hill s, L os Ange les Cou nt y.
Th e Puente Formati on is notor i ous for la nds l id in g. In t h i s l onds l id e o boc k wo rd rotot i o nol movement resu lt e d in the relotive- N ote t h e wr in k led noture of the landsl id e mass and h ow it has c rumpl e d ond pil ed up against the rid ge in the foreg ro und.
ly f l otte n ed humm ocky su r fo ce be low th e c liff- li ke sco rp r imming th e uppe r port of t h e lond s l ide, Mony smal le r lands lide s T he hummocky surfoced orea at th e heod o f the landslide i s th e sco rp or " pu l l-away''. In the lowe r l ef t c omer i s the upper
ond qu es t ionab l e l ondslides ore v i s ibl e in t h e photograph. Photo by J ohn S. Sheltan. part of qnother s imilor l ands lid e. Compare the shape, thickn ess , and apparent diff e rence i n th e mode o f moveme nt o f th ese
lands l ide s with the preceding photo, token in the sorne vic init y. . .
From "Geology /1/u strated" , by John S. She lt on, copy right by W. H. Freemon and Company.

cc nrcrs. T hc arca of slidin g is re latcd to thc magnitud c of thc dcna an d Vi ncenr, in rhc San Gabriel Mounta in s. Nca r che Mo unrain, rhe sitc of thc Frank, Alberca, lanclsl idc, consisrs of cook place ar ch e start of che 1919 erupcion of Gu nong Kclocr
cart hquakc, thc discrncc from th c cpiccntcr, an<l thc sta tc and Wh irc \ Volf faulr on Bcar 1\ 1ounrain, landslidcs conti nucd for Pa leozoic limestonc rhrust ovcr Mesozoic shal e, sa nd stone, and in Ja\"a. This eruption ancl :Htcndanc ac tivitr killed mo re th:.m
kin d of rock marc rial s itH'OiYcd. at lc:tst cwo months ;1fter rhc main shock : " \:Vhcncve r onc of coa l beds. Severa) la rgc slidcs alon g rh c norrh cast sidc of che 5,000 pcoplc. Suc h mudflows are common in ochcr pans of ch e
Landsli d es are co mm un duri ng carrhquakcs. T hc 18 11 ca rth- rhc numc ro us afccrshoc ks '\\':tS fcl r, clouds of du sc f rom land - Anwacz Moumains, in rhc Mo javc Dcsc rr, may be du e to wo rld , though vcry infreq ucnt in Ca li fornia . T he eruption o f
quakc at Ncw i\fadrid , Missouri, rcsulc~d in "scvcre" b.n~sl!dc~ slid cs wo ul d be seen ri si ng out of the canyons shorrly after- O\"Crstecpe ning oí slopcs res ul ting from reverse faulting. J\lft. Lasse n-one of rhc few historicall y rccorded volcanic
in an arca of more than 5,000 sq uare miles alo ng t hc M1ss1ss1pp1 wards," reponed gco logists J. P. Buwalda and Pierre Se. Amane\. Ob\·iously ovcrsteepencd topograp hy causcd by fault in g is cru ptions in California-was accompa ni cd by cxtc nsi\·c rnu J -
Ri\·cr Va ll cy. Thcre was ap parcmly almost co_nrin uous la nd- In term s o f propcrcy damage, thc mosr dcvasrac in g fearnrcs not lim ited to reverse faulc rn oYcmcnt. Scarps produced by Rows . Especia ll y notable wcre those that occurrcd in conj unc-
slidin g fo r a disrnncc of 40 miles alon g che Ch1 ckasaw Bluffs, o f che A laska eart hqu akc of 1964 \\"ere che landslicl cs in An- norm:i.l faulting are che most spectac ular in rhc statc. T he stee p tion with che cxplos ions of May 19- 22, 19 15; thcse wcre th (:
case a1HI so uth of New 1\fo.drid. Thc 1899 Ya lrntat Bay, Alaska, choragc, so rne 80 mil es from rhe eart hqu akc's cpi ce ntcr. castcrn facc of rhe Sierra Nev ada is thc sitc o f co nsta nt rock greatest explosions of che 3-ycar period of act i\" itr.
carrhquakc rcsultcd in in numerable ava l:mchcs. Onc was re- Faults cause landslides by mca ns ocher cha n 1110\'Cmcnt during fa lls. T he hi gh sca rp of thc San Jacinto fault, north of che Th c act ivit ics of man musr be co nsid crcd an externa! cause
poned at a di srance of -00 miles from Yakurat Bay! carthqua k cs. Faulrs or fau lt zones, bcin g rhc sitcs of crushed cown of San Jac into, appea rs rarhcr rhoroughl }' co\·cred b y conrriburing to thc triggc rin g of somc spcctac ular landslid e'$ .
Thc 1906 San Francisco eanhq uakc tr iggc rcd num cro us land- and fragmemcd rock, are o f low scrcn gr h- :rn inh crcnt cause large landslid cs. Slatc quarry ing has bcc n citcd as a cause fo r t hc landslid c :.n
slicles ovc r an arca of approxi marcl r J 3,000 square mil es. Thc for ~rosion and 1:i ndsliding. Gcologic n-iaps of numcrous Ca li- Differen ti al crosion gi\'Cs risc to m·crstccpcncd topography El m, Swirzc rland; coa l minin g has bccn suggesrcd as a con -
most cxrensivc of thcsc was a slum p at Cape Fortunas ,vhich for111a arcas show a prcpondcrance of sli des alon g fa ul ts; in a :in<l ve rtica l faces, as in th c Orm,jJle arca, wherc basa lt overl ics tributing factor in rhc Ca nadian landslide at Frank , Alberc a.
mcasured al most a rnil e in lengch and a quartcr to half a milc fcw cases the only landslicles sho\vn are :d ong faults. Along h:ircly consolidatcd sediments. Eros ion by running water and Landslidcs, whi ch ki ll cd 11 peoplc near M.enton, Francc.
in width. Most of che lands lidcs rcsulcing fro m chi s ea rthquakc much of th c infam ous San And rcas fau lr zo ne lan dslidcs :ll"e slumps undcnnin e thc cap and produce cxccnsivc rock - wcrc blamed on thc culriva tion of carnati o ns. The farmcrs .,¡
occurrcd on stecp slopcs o r in soft alluvi um along strearn rcadi ly \·isiblc. falls and rocks lid cs. Abovc muc h of rhc Ca li fornia shorcline, che rcgion, unawarc of che clcmenc of sta bili zar ion crcatcd b:-·
courscs. Reverse fa ults in cc nain circumstanccs appear to be nry \\"ave act ion produ ces srccp cliffs which rcsu lr in rccurring roots of olive crees, re moved the crees in favor of thc mor l'.
Thc Kcrn County carchquakc of 1952 r cs ultcd in the forma- profita ble bue less scabi li zin g ca rnacions.

• •
f:worabl e sires for lanclsli dcs . Drs. Buwalda and Sr. Amand landslid cs.
cion of m any hund reds of l:ugc and small landslides. Most of statc char , in ch e Tchachapi arca, " ... m active re\'crsc fault Mudftows, gcncrall }' thc rrsul r of canyon scou r following To be continueOf
chcm werc ncar th c ,1/hitc Wo lf fault, movcmcnc on which wich numcrous hran c hcs, c rear in g a hig h sc.up, is :t vcry fa\·or~ torrenc ial downpour in arid or sc mi:uid arcas, are common
was respo nsiblc for che ca rthquake. Man y ochcr landslid cs ablc zon c for landsliding on a largc scalc." T hc speccacular fca ru res in California. A spccial case of chi s rypc of Row lnformotion In this pape, has been dr awr:, from m~ny
occurrcd ar distances of 50 to 60 miles from che fa ult. Rock 13lack ha w k l:mclslid e o n che norrh facc of che San Bcrnardin o :lccompanics volc:m ism and ca n occur in anr c li rnatc. Somc $ ources, An extensive bibliogrophy witl accompony the
folls partl y blockcd che A ngeles Crcst Highway betwcc n Pasa- Mounta ins owcs its origi n to low-a nglc r e\'Crse faulting. Turtle volca nic nmdflows reac h considerabl e sizc. suc h as rhose that l.9_st port of this series.
'16 Min e ral fnformati on Service N ovember 1967

• •

• •
La n ds li de in the Mo nt erey Fo rma t ion of Miocene age
ot Pa los Verdes Penins ul a, Los Ange les Coun ty. The land -
s li de sco r p pos ses t hrough o neo rl y complet ed h ouse.
T h is l o n ds li de invo l ves o relot i ve ly smo ll oreo in t erms
of othe r l ondslides i n the region. Photo by George B.
C/eve land.

P ac i fic Po li so d es lands li deJ L os An ge les Cou nt y, Apr il 4 , 19 5 8. F o il ure occ urr ed in th e Mode lo F o rmoti on o f Mi oce n e oge .
No te smoller, o lde r londs li de on th e seo c liff im med ia t e ly beyo n d th e la n ds lide . T h e eq ui pmen t olo n g th e toe o f th e lo nd s li de
is being u sed to c lear U. S. H ighwoy 101. Photo by John S. Shelton.

Today, cspcciallr in che rcg io ns of urb:tn o r cx pccrcd urb:rn co ndi tions, ca n he an i1w aluablc aid in lo ng- range pbn ning
growth, intcnsiYc stu dics uc Uc in g rn adc of thc di sr ri but ion o f ami in the c,·a lu:trion of a spccific sirc .
bnd slid cs, :1s \\·el ! :ts of or hc r geo log ic fcat urcs pc rrin cnt to In 1960 t hc Sr;1rc O i\·i sio n o f i\ lin cs ;rnc\ Gcolog)' c mbark ed
urb:rn d cnlop mcnt. T hi s work has bccn idcnr ifi cd pcr iodic:dl y upon w har has mrne d out to be an c,·e r-w ideni ng progra m of
as cngi nccring gcology, urban gcology, or c1n- ironmcnta l gco l- urhan gco log ic smdies. A par:unounr conccrn in rhese i1westi -
ogy, by rhc ,·:ir ious age ncies c ngagcd in rhc cfforts. g:1rions is the origi n o f b nds licl cs :rnd rheir geo log ic setr in g.
Thc U.S. Gcologica l Sun·ey was t hc firs t goHrnmenral Thc first study, undertake n by R. H . Ja hns ancl Gcorge B.
agcncy to initiatc regional dcta il map pi n g in urban arc:1s w ithi n C lcvcl and , a coopc r ati,·c cffon bccwecn che Los Ange les
Ca li fnrni:1. Th is ,,·ork ,,·;1s io iri:ttcd in t hc Sa n F ranc isco lhy Cou nty Enginccr and ch e Oi,·isio n of 1\ li ncs :md Geo logr,
arca jusc hcforc 1950; :rnd, in rhc la te 1950s, wo rk w:1s hcgu n c\ ea lt wirh th c P:1 los Ve rd es Pc ni nsub arc a, w hi c h is kn ow n
in t hc 13:tld win Hills ;11 Hl J>ac ific Pal isa dcs arcas of so urhc rn for lan dslid c dc,·:1srntion . T hi s projcct ,,·as fo ll n\\'c d by a stud)'
Ca lifornia. Currc ntly t hc U.S. Gcolog ic:1I Sur\·cy is m:1pping of t he San C leme n te arca, in it iarcd by R. P. Blanc an d G. 8.
:1 brgc pare of che S:mt,1 .\ lo n ica ¡\ founrnins in che Malibu Clcve land. T hc ir srudy is an expcrim cnc in b ro:1d-sca lc ccrra ne
:ire:1 in coopcration ,,·irh thc Los Ange les Cou nrr F nginccr. :malysis in rega rd to slope srnb iliry.
Thcsc srud ics are in largc p:1rc conccrncd \\"ith surfic ial rnatc-
ri als, thcir disrribut ion, composition, origi n , and rcb rionship In 1962 a progra111 ,,· :1 s begu n ro stu dy che south fro nt uf
to gco log ic Ír:1 m cwork. Onc go:11 of thcsc stu di cs is to pro \·ide che San G ab rie l Mo untain s fro m Sa n Bern a rdin o County o n

;1 m ;1p and rcxr uscfu l in pl:1nn in g fut urc url);ln dc,·clo pmcnr. che cas e to rhe arca of i\fr. \,Vil so n o n the wesr. T his in vcsti-
They d o not replacc t hc dcr:1 il cd sitc i,wcsr igarions m:1dc by g:1tion, cur rcn tl y u nder way, is :t coopcrarin cffort wi th t hc •
cngi ncc r ing gcologists, h ur rat hc r dr;t\\' .tt tcnrio n to brgc Los A ngeles County Flood Contro l D isrrict :rnd thc Los An -
regiona l fc:nurcs pcrti nenc ro rhc local pro hl cm . R.ccognit io n geles C ou my Enginccr; it h:1s produccd four open fil e m aps
of th c fact that a pan icu lar roc k unir is pronc to fai l in o nc to date, and two more are jn progrcss. Another cooperacivc
:1rea and not in :inothc r, nr is pronc to sli dc und cr certa in prograrn, w ith the C ity of San Diego, is also u nder way. T his
.l •
) 39
138 Mineral lnform afion Service November 1967

southwest lron: Geogrophicol Journo l, v. 89, P· ~2-:-- 47 - b

study has irl\"okcd mapping :t largc pare o f t hc C it}' oí S:m REFERENCES Heeze n, B. C., and Ewing, Mour ice, 1952, Turb1dlly currents and su ·
T hc Vc nrn ra A\"Cnuc oil ficld, Ventura County, a Yery
Diego ar a sede of 1: 24,000; hO\\'C\"Cr, fmurc rnappin g on this import:rnr sourcc of pctrol cum in the state, has extcnsi\·c l:in<l- Alden, W. C., 1928, Lan dslide ond ílood ot Gros Ventrc, Wyoming: marine slumps, ond the 1929 Grand Bonks eo rthquoke: Journal of
projccr w ill be done in grcarcr dcta il in cr itica! arcas.
Dct.iilcd studics supporccd solc lr by Division fund s :trc bcing
slidcs \\"hich ha,·c causcd cons iderabl e d:unagc to producing
oil \\'C ll s. To increase che st:thilit )' of thc prob\cm arca, che
American lnstitutc of Mining ond Mctollurgical Engineers Trans., v. 76,
Sci~:~:•, \. 1 !!~;, pl8~~~-~:~· 8crg slurz von Elm: Deutsche geol. Gel l. ,
mad c in thc \Valnut Crcck arca, Contra Costa Councy; thc co,·cr o f vcgctar ion was rcmoYcd and th e arc:t cm·e red with P·!t1~~~ 6
}· E., 1946, Geology of the Son Juan Bau li sta quadronglc, Zeitschr., v. 34, p. 74- 113, 435- 439.
Sw lbfocl arca, ¡\ brin County; thc San Juan Capistrano arca, m acadam. T hi s rech niquc, rogcthcr \\" ith exccnsive systcms of Ca lifornio: Californio Divis ion of Mines Bull. 133, 75 P- _ Heim, Albert, 1932, Be rgstun und Menschen Leben: Fretz und Wos-
Or:mgc County; thc Thouswd Oaks arca, Ventura County; hor izon tal subd rains to th c imeriors of the sli dcs, has bcen Bailey, E. H., lrwin, W. P., ond Jones, D. l., 1964, Franrnca n ~nd ~e-
:rn<l thc nonhwcsrcrn San Fc rn :1ndo Va ll cy arca, Los Angeles quite effcc ti n in dccrcasi ng landslidc mo,·cment. loted rocks, ond their significoncc in the geology of western Cal ,forn10 : mu~:i~~rl:~ ~o~·;, 2;_~ ~-nd Bürkli-Ziegler, A., 1888, Die Colaslrophe
County. A u n ique rcmcdial systcm \\"as uscd in rhc Pacific Palisadcs Californio Oivision of Mines ond Geclogy Bu ll . 183, 177 P- von Zug 5 Juli 1887: Zurich, Hofer und Burger, 49 P· d C l"f .
arca o f so uthern Ca liforni :1. Aftcr sc ,·e ral landslid cs in 1932, Botes, H. W., 1B75, The nolurolist on the Rivcr Amazon. London, John Hcrling, E. W ., ond Slofford, Gifford, 1952, Orindo sli e: 0 1 ornio
Lmdslide Prcvc111ion-E11gi11eeri11g Tcc/mir¡ucs. fn thc prc- rn·o cxploraco r)' tunncls wcre dug ro drai n \\"atcr bclicvcd to 49 5 Highwoys and Public Works, v. 31, nos. 1 ond 2, p. 45. _ _
nntion :rncl corrcction of landslidcs, v:trious cng in ccr ing tcch- be pcrc hcd on a clay str:ttum. No free water was cncoumercd. Mu~::r;,P·c~ a~~ ~956, londsli dcs ond slope exposure: Journo l ol Hinds, N.E .A., 1952, Evolution of the Californio 1ondscope: Californio
niqucs han bccn cmploycd, w irh difTcrcnr dcgrccs of succcss. Thcreforc, as si mple dr:iinin g rne thod s cou ld not l>e uscd , addi-
A prcrcquisirc is thc rccogni rion of bnd slid c or porcnrial land- riona l t unncls were dug and hoc air \\"as circulatcd to drr out Gc:1':::~e;de~:- E~~.~<>;:;s, Mudflow os o gcologic ogent in semiorid Div~s~::,º!r~~~~s l ~~~: ~:!d s~i!~spin lhe Son Juan Mountoi_ns, ~olorodo,
slid c arcas. thc clay. This ap parentl)' success ful opcrat ion conrin ued for mountoins: Geologico l Society of Americe Bu ll. , v. 39, p. 465-484. including O considerotion of th eir causes ond their closs1ficot10n: U.S.
In rcgions \\·hcrc cuts are to be mad e in unstahl c matcrials 6 rcars. An cstimarcd 3000 pounds o f \\·ater was e\·aporarcd Bonillo, M. G., 1965, U.S. Geologico l Survey engineering geology Geologicol Survey Prof. Poper, 67, 58 p. . .
sncral possihlc :tltcrnatiHs cxist. In arcas of unfa\·orablr ori- d:1i lr durj ,~g rhe firsc 6 months of opcrac ion. in vcs tigotions in Californio: in Eorthquoke ond Gea lo?ic ~oiords Con- Huey, Arthur S., 1948, Geology of th e Tesla quodrongle, Colilorn,o :
cntcd planar srructurcs or 111:ttcrials of low srren gth thc srabi lit)' To stabiliz.c a landslid e thrcatcni ng to impcdc const ruccion fer ence, Dec. 7 ond 8, 1964; Resources Agency of Coliforn10, P· 47-5~- Californio Oivision of Mines Bul l. 140, 75 p.
of ch e slo pc mar be increasecl mcrcly by fbttcning rhe cut- of Gr:tnd Coulce Dam, anothcr unu su:11 correcti,·e mcasure B.:inney, T. G., 1902, Moroines ond mud-streoms in thc Alps: Geolog 1· locopi, Roberl, 1964, Eorthquoke country: Lon e Book Co ., Men lo
slopc :111glc or hcnching thc slopc. Consuuct ion of rctaining \\":lS usc d. T he landslide which \\'as composcd of water-lad cn col Mogotine, v. 9, p. 8-16. _ . Pork, Californio, 191 p.
strucrurcs suc h as fil] hunrcsscs, concrete walls o r slopcs, silt \\"JS sta bilizcd by frcc z. ing che si lc -wa ter mixture. This ,,·as Brice, J. C., 1953, Geology of lower Loke quodrongle, Col1forn10: lrwin, W. P., 1960, Geologic reconnoinon~e of the n~rthern _Coo_st
cribhing, ami pilings can he cffcc ti\-c. Gabrons , usccl in Greac done using 377 frcczin g poinrs ami a rcfrigcr:aion sysccm Californio Div ision of Mines Bu1 1. 166, 72 p. . Ronges, Californio, with O wmmory of thc m,nero l depouts: Col,forn,o
ílritain rn scabiliz.c slopcs, are srce l wirc erares fillcd wi th h:md -
sizc rocks. Thc sc are \"Cf)" scro ng strucrures and hax e thc :tddcd
a,h-amagc of bcing permeable. Thc use of piles, \\"hich is often
c ircu laring- a brinc-::immonia solution. The systcm \\"as able to
makc 160,000 pounds of ice a day. A frozcn d:im 40 fcet hig h,
Briggs, L. l., 1953, Geology o f the Ortigoli lo Peak quodronglc, Cali -
fornio: Californio Division of Mines Bull. 167, 6 1 p. _ Di~i:t:s,º~-M~~.eso~~IIE ~:: 1•,
PE-., 1950, Chaot ic brecc~os in s~uth ern
10 feet thick, and 100 fcet long was formcd cluring co nstruc - Brighom, A. P., 1906, A Norwegion lo ndslip: Geogrophico l Soc1ety of Ca lifornio; teclonic ar sedimentary? (abstrae!): Geolog1col Soc1ety of
ineffcctive as a rcmc di:11 mca surc, must be ad,·iscd on l)' aftcr tion to prc\'Cnt further bndslid c mo\"Cment. Philadelphio Bull ., v. 4, p . 292-296. . _ Americe Bull., v. 6 1, p. 1474. - fi Id
a thorough examin:-ition , hccausc ,·ibrations produced during Bumgorlen, Kor1, 19 10, Thunder Mountoin londslide (ldoho): M1m ng {Jennings, C. W.l, 1954, Londsl_ides in the Venturo Avenue 01\ e '
che dri ving of piles can indu ce f:t ilu re in sc nsiti\"C materials, or ond Scientific Press, v. 101, p. 698- 699. . Mineral l nformotion Senice, v. 7, No. 5, p. l.
:1ccelcrare slow-mo,·ing landslid cs. Durin g some highway con - Lrmds/ide Predictio11. A ncw ami int ercsting ficld of study Burchfie l, B. C., 1966, Tin Mounloin landslide, sou lh eostern C~li- Jordon, R. H., 1949, A Florido londsli de: Journol of Geology, v. 57,
scrnction che problem has hce n a,·oidcd cnt ircl y by bridging is lands lidc prcdietion: that is, eithcr to forcc:ist :1n immcdiatc lornio, ond lh e orig in of megobreccio: Geo logico l Soc iely of Amenco
:!~~ 4
m·cr un stablc arca s. Parcial or co mplete removal of unstablc
maccria ls or landslidcs is ::ilso used :is a pos itivc rcmcdi::il meas-
urc. Rock boles, boles inserred and wcdged in hales drilled
fa ilurc, or to asce rtain whcre landslides will occur. A bcgin -
ning on forec::isting landslidcs has bccn made by rh e Norweg ian
Gcotec h nic::il lnstiture. In Norway, rock falls on rhe srcep faces
Bu~~s;,- ::~sr::d-~~~- Albert, 188 1, Der Bergsturz van Elm: J. Wus ler
p. ~~-E. 1966, The tronsporl mechonism in cotostrophic rock !ali:

Jo;nol l~f JG~olo~J-4.t 6~inf~ 9 ::~!!·

soil slips of th e Coas! Ronges of
t hroug h lms~abl e or potcmia ll y unsrnble rocks imo stablc rocks, of fjords have caused huge w:ivcs, w h ich in turn have d c- un~u~:Íd~~aJ~ r~~-hi;~~e's~e1:g~n~-, ~!~re, 1955, Geological effech of cenl::s,e ~•c liÍor;io: Jo~rnol of Geology, v. 51, p . 342-352.
wcrc cxccns1YC l)1 uscd :tt thc G lcn Canyo n Dam 0 11 rhc Colo - stroyed shorcline vill::igcs. T hc lnstiru rc designed :ind installcd the Arvin -Teho chopi ea rthq uolce: Californio Division of Mines BulL 171, Krauskopf, K. B., Feitl er, S., and Griggs, A. B., 1939, Structurol feo -

• •
rado River. Ar rh e How ard A. Hanson D:im, on rhe Green :iutomatic sensing cxte nsomcters, whic h rclay any sli g ht dif- tur es of o londslide near Gilroy, Californio: Journol of Geology, v. 67,
RiYCr, \ •V ashington, rock boles as mu c h ;1s 40 fcct in lcngth
_\\·ere used tü secure che slopes.
Common ly, srnbility can be in c rcascd b y dccrca sin g ground-
fercntia l rock movemenrs which mighc precede a rock fo ll .
Thc seeon d typc of slopc fai lurc predicr ion cnt:t il s an in tcn -
si,·e geologic invcsrigation of the cntire rcgion in qucstion.
p. ~!";p bell, Ion, ond Troxel, B. W., 1965, Geologic hozords; t_he urbon
mo pping progrom of the Oivisian of Mines ond Geology: Mmerol In•
61 1
p.~~:~:;~- o. P., ond Ju dd, W. ~-, 1957, Principies of engineering
eo logy ond gcotechnics. McGrow-H11\ Book Co., \n e., New York, 69? P·
w;1rcr prcssurc in thc unstable arca . This, in part, can be ::ic-
comp li shcd by incrcasing surfocc run off or by sca lin g che sur-
\Vich t hc knowledgc of thc liasic gco logic co nclicions, the
for;0~ / 1:~ ;_e~'.~eÍ 9~0:~• 0 ~0 9 ; 0~\he 8oldwin Hill s oreo, Californio:
* Lodd, G. E., 1935, Lond slid es, s.ubsidcnces ond rock-f~lls: Amer\o;
inhcrcnr rock propercics, and rhc externa \ causes w hich give U.S . Geologico l Sv rvey, Open-file report. (Not publishcd .~ . Railwoy Engin ec rs Associotion Proc., v. 36, p. 109 1- 1162, Bull., v. ,
facc. Exccssi,·c g:roundwaccr can be succcssfully withdrawn by rise to landslid cs, prcdicrions of thc locnions, or rhe most Cost le, R. O., 1960b, Surficiol geology of the Beverly H1lls ond Vemce 72
;1 su bdrain sysrcm in che inrcrior of rhe landsl id e are:t. li kclr loca tions for slid ing ca n he m adc. quodrangles, Californio: U.S. Geologico l Survey, Open-fi le report. (No t L~-wson, A. C., el al., 1908, The Ca liforn io eorthquak.e ~f _April 18.
1906 (Repo rl of the St_ote Eo rthq uoke 1nves1igolian Co:-~~~1on): Cor·
pu~l/;~i,d~- H., 1947, Two recen! londs li des in Quebec: Royal Socie ty of negi e lnstit vle of Woshmglon Pub. 87, v. 1, pi . 2, P· 38 ·
Cenado Trons., v. 4 1, p. 9- 18. . Leggel, R. F., 1962, Geology ond cngineering. New York, McGrow-

r; •
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wolked: Notionol Geogrophic Magazine, v. 41, p. 46 1-464.
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Hil~, 884 ~Í Ch ter R. 1951 Megobreccia deve loped downslope from

lar:en1:~11:: A;: ricon Journ~ I of Science, v. 249, p. 343-355.

.;:¡ · : :j ",) /-- lanches from Little Tohomo Peak on Mounl Rom 1er, Woshmgton: U.S.

Ge~ log:co l ;vr;ey 1B9u~~ 12¿e1~~g~O ;- th e Oroville quodrangle, Bulle

McDowcll, Bort, ond flctcher, J. E., 1962, Avolonche! (Peru): No
tiono l Geogrophic Magazine, v. 121, p . 855- 880. _ .
McGill, J. T., 1959, Preli minory mop of the londslides m_ the Pcc1fic
Cou~~;,\:oli.for~ia: Californio Division of Mines ond Geology Bull. 184,
·y~:)<- 86
Polisodes oreo, City 0 f Los Ange les, Ca lifo rnia: U.S. Geo logico1 Svrvey,
rf~ ly, R. A., Mille r, W. G., and Rice, G. S., 1912, Report of the com•
mission appainted to in vestigole Turtle Mounlain, Fronk, Alberto: Con·
;;~h~:; \~:i,·
Porluguese Bend lond slid e, Polos Verdes
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. eni~co~~nt l t .~· 19
¿/· ¿¡~!~
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Su;:: 1 :t i.,
1 9 1
V{~ ~:5~ : Geology of the Heoldsburg quodrong le Cali-
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Toe of o lond s li de al o recen! subd ivi s ion ti es, Ca li fornio: Ca lifornio Division of Mines Bu ll. 178, 120 p. . posih al Sowlooth Ridge, Montano: Geo1ogico1 Society of Am~rico
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0 ~~~; ~/1~ience, 1924, Report of !~ e Camm~Hee of 1he
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• •
the left, out of view, ond pressur e at the t oe emy 0 f Science, Washington, Mem., v. 18, 84 p. _ .
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ha s fo rced up the street. At the time of failure
68 dur ing 1952: Californio Oivision of Mines Bul1. 171 , 2B3 p .
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Photo by Roy M. Kepncr, Jr.
Minernl lnformalion Service 141

;: .,
<- \'"i:1¡ -

;,, -
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, .,;/ ' -
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slides in o por! of the Orinda For ma tion, Contra Costo Coun ly, Ca li- north crn Arizono: Journo l of Geomorphology v. 3, p. 285-301. the Governor Augus t 14, 1967. Th e e(fective date of the
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oct is November 8, 1967. description oL -~li'tii
Reiche, Parry, 1937, The Toreva block - a dist in cl ive londslide type : quodrong le, C~lifornio: Ca li fornio Division of Mines ond Geo logy, Open-
Jou rnal of Geology, v. 45, p. 5 38- 548. file mop. (No t published.) This legis lotion repre s~nts the consensus of a Mining further, the a ff idav
Sau l, Richard 8., 1966, Geology of SW¼ of th e Wo lnut Creek quod- Stre itz, Roberl, 1966, Pre liminory gcologic mop of th e SE¼ G 1end oro Low Workshop hefd under the ousp i ces of Th e Resources ment s ond o // noli
ro nglc, Californio : Co lifornia Divi;ion o f Min es and Geo logy, Open"fil e quodrang le, Ca liforn io: Ca lifornio Division of Mines ond Geo logy, O pe n- Agen cy and under the cho i rmonship of P. R. Brodley, ol o dale within ·,
map. (No t published.) fi le mop. (Not pub lis hed.) Choirman, California M ining and Geo/ogy Board, on Novem- oHidovit is mode. F
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Mise. Geo l. tnv., Map 1-272. 69, 135 p. The /egislotion contains lwo imporlant chong es: o( 1he act and intent of the owner to abandon such
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mop of the coasto l por! of th e Malibu Beach quodrang le, Los Ange les seo rch Co uncil, Highway Research Board Bibliography 10, 53 p. a ha/e lo o spec ifi c depth to so ti sfy tli e discovery Th e texl of the fow fo fl ows.
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Troxell, H. C., and Petenon, J. Q., 193 7, Flood in Lo Conodo Vol1ey,
pub li shed.) Californio Jonuory 1, 1934: U.S. Geological Survey Woter-S upply Poper CHAPTER Jl32 as a p lacer claim by one pe rson , may, within 90 days of the
Schoeflhomer, J . E., Yerk es, R. F., ond Compbell, R. H., 1962, Pre- 796-C, p. 53-98.
lim inary geo1ogic map of the coasto l pa rt of the Point Dume quod-
date of location , dtill a hale to a hole dcpth of not lcss tban
* Vo rn es, D. J., 1950, Re lotion of londslides lo sedimcnlory feo tu res,
rong le, los Ange les Cou nly, Ca lifor nio; U.S . Geologi co l Survcy, Ope n Chopte r 13, in Trosk, P. D., ed. Applied sedi menl o tion . New York, An act to amend Sections 2301 , 2304, 2306, 2307, and 2313 of, 25 feet by any drilling cqui pment capable of collccting an d
file repo rl. (No t published.) Jo hn Wiley ond Sons, ln c. p. 229-246. to add Sec tion 2315.1 to, and to repeal Section 2305 of, the brin gi ng to the surface a sarnplc that may actually be in-
Scr ivenor, J. B., 1929, The mudstreoms (" lahors") of Gunon Kco le t in Vorncs, D. J., 1958, Landslide ty pes and p rocesse~: Chaplcr 3, in P·ublic Resources Code, nlating to mining claims. spected or tested. Such h olc may be. drilled on a lode claim
fovn: Geo logico l Mogozinc, v. 66, p. 433-434. Ecke l, E. B., ed., Lond slides ond engin ecring proctice: N o tionol Rescorch at any point within the claim or withiu a group of claims
[Approved by Qc,\'ernor Augusl 14, 1967. F'lled wlth not exceed ing 10 in number, in a n y contig uous or ientntion and
Seed, H. B., 1965, Soil engineering problems: in , Eorthquoke on d Counci l, Hig hwoy Rcseo rch Boa rd, Speciol Rept. 29, p. 20- 47. Secr etaryofStatcAu gus l 14, 1967. )_
Geolog ic Ho zords Confere nce, December 7 ond 8, 1964. Resources Vornes, H. D., 1949, l a ndslides problems of soul hw estern Colorado:
arrangement, excep t tlrnt thc maximum dimension of such
Agency of Californ ia, p. 37-43. U.S. Geo log ical Survey Circ. 3 1, 13 p. '' Tke people of tke S tato o[ ·California do e11act as follows: grou p arrangement shall not cxceed seven thousa nd fi vc hun-

Se lli, R. , Trevison, L., Corboni, G. C., Ma zzon ti, R., ond Ciobo tti, M., Woodfard, A. O., ond Harriss, T. F., 1928, Geo logy of Blockhowk dred (7,500) feet and prov idin g that the hole depth oi the
1964, l o fren a .Je l Voiont: Annol e de l Museo Gcologico de Bologna, Conyon, Sa n Berno rdino Mountoins, Colifornio: Unive rsity of Co lifornio ..: SECTJON l. Section 2301 of the P ublic R esourccs Codc is hole or holcs drilled as d iscovcry work for th c group shall
se rie 2, vol. 32, 154 p. Pub., Deporlment Geo log icol Sciences Sull., v. 17, p. 265- 304. '.: amcndcd to read: aggregate a total not lcss than 25 feet times the total number
S horp, R. P., und Nobles, l. H., 1953, Mudílow of 194 1 al Wright- Wool ley, R. R., 1946, Cloudbursl fl ood s in Utah : U.S. Geo1ogicol • ~ 2301. Any person, a citizen of th e Un ited Sta.tes, or who of clairns within such group. S uch a hole for a pl acer clai:m
wood, southern Californio: Geological Society of Ame rita Bull., v. 64, Su rvey Wo ter-Supp ly Papc r 994, 120 p. - has declared bis intention to bccomc a citizen, who diseovers may be drillcd at any point within thc claim, but th e numbcr
p. 547-560. Ye rkes, R. F., Compbell, R. H., ond Schoe llhamer, J. F., 1964, Pr e- of f eet of drilling so don e for a n association claim must ag-
f a vcin or load of quartz, or other rock in place, bcaring gold,
* Shorp e, C. F.S., 1938, Londslid".?s o nd reloted phenome na . New limino ry geolog ic mop ond sections of the sou thwe sl por l of the To- gregate not lcss than 25 fcct t imes thc number by wh ich 20
Osi l ver, cinnabar, lead, tin, copp er, or other valuable deuosit,
YC1 rk, Co lumbio Univenity Presi, 137 p.
S harpe, C. F.S., o nd Dosch, f . F., 1942 , Relati on of so ilcreep to eo rth-
pongo quodrong le, Lo s Ange les Cou nty, Colifor nio : U. S. Gcolog cco l
Survey, Open-fi le reporl . (No t published.)
= may loca te a claim u pon such vein or lodc, by defin ing tbe will divide in to the total number of acres in thc assoeintrnn
ílow in the Appo lochion Plol eous: Jo urnol of Geomorpho logy, v. 5, te bow1dar ies of the claim, in the manner hcr cin af ter dcscr ibed,
p. 312-328. ~ and by posting a notice of such location, at th e poi nt of d1s- (e) If thc locato r has clcc ted to do such discovery wark as
* Popcrs cootoining c,i;ce ll e nt bibliogrophie s on londslid cs.
,.; covcry. The no tice shall contain: proYicled in subdiv ision (b) of this ection he sha ll with in the ~-
- (a) The nam e of the lode or clai m. t ime spcc ificd within subc.l" -f ; - ' 1iS 'ScctÍ~n, cap Qf _ º ·
( b) T he n ame of tbe locator or locators. plug each dril! hole in t e as iscovery work and -in ark .i t:;--=----
(e) Thc number of linear fect claimed in lcn gth nlong thc with a woodcn post at lcast ·four ches· iameter/o r a met8.l"
MOON EXPLORATION VEHICLE BEING TESTEO IN LAVA FIELD -~ coursc of tbc vein, eacb way from t he poin t of cliscovery, post; pl aced wi thin íh e'-fect of st shall be -
Scic11tists of thc U.S. Gco logic:1 \ Sur\'C~- are rcsting a hi g hl y with thc width on each side of t he cc ntcr of the claim, a.nd at least 48 iu chcs in height a I be firmly
1n:rn cu;·cra hl c Ychic lc ·which nuy he ad:tptcd to lunar cxp lora- =. the gene ral course of the ve in or Jode, as near as ma_y be. imbedded in the ground, an ed to .it a
rion. "• (d) T he date of location. notice can tni n ing the namc a.tcd, the -
C:1 ll cd che '· Explo rcr" Ur lun:u spccia li sts of rhc U.S. Gco- ; ,. . (e) S uch a description of th e cla im by r cfer encc to sorne namcs of thc contiguous clai ~ laitñed -
lof{ica l Sun·cr's Cemcr of Astrogcology n gsrnff, A riz., the ~ natural object, or permanent monument, as will ident ify the as discoYery wor k, an~ the e
,·c hicle is Ucin!,! tcst-dr i\"C n in thc Yolc:mic b .\":t ficlds no rthcast - claim locatcd. Th c township and rangc shall be inc l ud ccl in snch SEc. 2. Scction 230¡; o ~
of Fbgstaff, :tn arca \\"Íth 1110011-likc tcrr:i. in . :-: dcscr ipti on . pealed. ·. .._.
Thc simul:t rcd Loca l Scicntific Su n:c\· 1\ lodulc (LSSi\ 1) is ! Sea. l.G. Sect.ion 2304 of t hc Public R esonrccs Cocle is SEc. 3. Sec tion 2306 .e o é
<.'x pcc tcd to p la)' an impona nt part in rile fic ld traini ng of rhc nmend cd toread: - :f ,.__, ' r . _
.L. amcndcd to rcad: '"
asrron:rnts :1s ,,·cll as in tc:.ring na,·igat ional, s:1mplc collccting, 2306. The rcloeatiq,;( ,9.e11.11r lo <>,;; !)
com munica rion and rcbrcd cquipmcnr p rior to :1crual lun:tr use. 2304. (a) Within 90 days aftcr the date of location of
· nny Jode cla im or any pl:tcer claim con taining not more tha;1 wb ich is subject to r clócatiil),l·Jl,¡¡µ I be,!Dadc
:\. H. Cbi dcstcr, thc Sll :-·.-cr's D cputy .--\ ssist:tnt C hicf Gco l- tion is required to bé·{1 ~f ·~,
ogist fo r Astrogco logr, 11orc\.l th:tt, :tlthou gh anr ,·chicle uscd :. the maximum arca locntabl e as a p lncc r claim b~, o n•! person
1111 ~he 11 100 11 must be :1blc ro c..:opc ,,·ith thc ruggc d lun ar · hcrer,fter located, the locator or lucators thereof sh all sink a either sink a n ew slrnf);-; ' · '
tc 1-r:11ll , ir mmt rcq uirc :t mini1mm1 of cffon on thc p:irt of rhc - di scovcry shaft upan the claim to a depth of at lcast 10 feet lcast 10 fcc:t from the ,l'ow
astronam-drin:r. - fr om thc lowest part of the rim of thc shaft at thc surface, the surface, or dri\'e a n;6,"
'· Thc LSSM is cquippcd \\"ith simpl e stick contro ls, both :H ~; or shall drive a tunnel, adit, or open cut u pon thc cla im to at claim to at lenst 10 f · ·
rhc tr,mt a1HI in thc rcar, so rhat ma11cm ·cring thc ,·chicle w ill _ lcast 10 fcct below the surface, and the locators of an assor,i- may si nk thc original
he rrl::.ti,·ely sim ple, c,·cn for an opcrator \\"Car in g a pressurizcd
spacc suit," sa id Dr. Chidcster. Thc Ychi cl c also ha s an opt iona l
= ation p lace r cla im containing a largcr area herca ftcr locatcd at the time of relocatiou;:on;
open cut upan the clai'ni-"'l ·
7 shall si nk one ·such shaft or drive onc such tunn el, adit or open
~tcc ring \\'hccl fo r normal cross-co untr)' rra,·cl. · cut for each 20 acres cautaiued in the association cl ni m. drill a hole or boles u¡iéef..

Thc 4-,,·hccl dri,·c sirnulator incorpora tcs imponant fca turcs ami (e) o[ Scctio n 230:~f;j:'1
proposcd fnr rhc ncrna l LSS.\I, bm ha s rct:'lincd thc sta nd ard (b) In licu of thc discovcry work required by subdivision
(a) of this scction, the locator of a Jode claim or nny placer SEc. 4. Scc tion 2307 b_
gaso linc cngin c, rubbcr tires :me\ ot hcr fcaturcs ncccssarv for amcnded to r cad: r1:._ ,
rhc canh-bound tests. Thc 4,000 rprn cngin c pro,·idcs a i11axi- • claim conta in ing not more th an the maxi mum orea locatablc
mu m spccd of 30 mi les pc r hou r :md a c ruising spcccl of
15 mph.

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