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Is FBI Drug
liable in abuse
Muslim rises as
spying? 2016
An appellate panel
questions the agency’s
tactic in mosque
surveillance lawsuit.
By Maura Dolan
As campaigns turn to
New Hampshire, its
Craig Monteilh told the addiction epidemic
imam that he wanted to em-
brace his French and Syrian draws the focus of
heritage and convert to Is- presidential hopefuls.
Monteilh adopted an Is-
lamic name, donned Muslim Photographs by Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times By Seema Mehta
robes and a skull cap, and at- PARKGOERS enjoy the view next to dying trees on a dry slope at Angels Point in Elysian Park. The
tended prayers vigilantly. irrigation system that sustained the trees is broken. Some of the park’s forests are 100 years old. MANCHESTER, N.H. —

Little life in these limbs

The Islamic Center of Irvine Zach Brewster had a long
embraced him — until he be- history of addiction and was
gan talking of violent jihad. dealing drugs after flunking
Congregants reported out of college.
him to the FBI and Irvine One night he injected a
police, and then obtained a cocktail of cocaine and hero-
restraining order against in and stopped breathing.

A recovery plan drafted in 2006 lies dormant as the exotic

him. Only later did they dis- He was taken by ambulance
cover Monteilh was working to the emergency room of
for the FBI. the suburban hospital that
A federal appeals court is
now considering whether
trees of Los Angeles’ venerable Elysian Park wither and die employed his parents, where
they were told their son
the FBI can be held liable for might not survive the night.
allegedly indiscriminately By Doug Smith When he pulled through,
targeting Muslims for sur- his parents thought the
veillance. If the court de- Around the turn of the 20th century, the dedicated scare might make him seri-
cides the FBI cannot defend stewards of Elysian Park were in an exotic mood. Euca- ous about recovery.
itself without revealing state lyptus, deodar cedar and Mexican palm were their fancy. Three days later, he was
secrets, the court likely Their canvas was the miniature range of ridges and se- back to using heroin.
would uphold the dismissal questered canyons linked to downtown through Chavez Over the last decade,
of a class-action lawsuit Ravine, which decades later would became Dodger Sta- families like the Brewsters
brought by Southern Cali- dium. have become the face of
fornia Muslims. With access to federal recovery funds and plentiful la- opioid and heroin addiction
The review by the U.S. 9th bor during the Great Depression, they laid pipe and that is gripping the North-
Circuit Court of Appeals planted forests and glens that gave actual meaning to the east. Until recently, the epi-
comes at a time of height- park’s name, Elysian — the mythical place where the vir- demic received little atten-
ened fear of terrorism and tuous went after death. tion.
incidents of backlash Now, those forests, some 100 years old, are nearing the But a sharp increase in
against innocent Muslims. end of their life cycles. The irrigation system that sus- heroin overdoses over the
Judge Marsha Berzon, in tained them is broken. Drought and pests have acceler- last 18 months and New
a hearing this month, ac- ated the effects of age. The trees are dying. Hampshire’s first-in-the-na-
knowledged the sensitivity Today’s horticulturists have a new vision for the park: tion presidential primary
of the matter as she strug- Let the nonnative species die out and replant the slopes are placing the issue square-
gled to understand what with saplings of oak and walnut, gradually restoring the ly in front of the country as
constituted a state secret. hillsides to the natural, and sustainable, ecosystem that candidates barnstorm the
The state secrets doctrine AMID a canopy of dying trees, joggers enjoy the Gaspar de Portola witnessed when he camped beside state.
bars litigation of a case if it solitude of a dirt path in Elysian Park, which may the Los Angeles River in 1769. At town halls, in diners
[See FBI, A16] be the city’s best known and least known park. But that vision, articulated in a [See Elysian, A13] and at house parties, candi-
dates of both parties are
hearing tales from an-
guished voters about drug

In China, actors
addiction in their families.
And the White House hope-
fuls are repeatedly grilled
about their approach to

play role models

fighting drug abuse.
“If they didn’t get it be-
fore they started campaign-
ing, they certainly get it
now,” said Tim Soucy, direc-
tor of Manchester’s Public
pornography and gambling. Health Department. “We’ve
Celebrities sign moral Simultaneously, sub- always had heroin and
stance-abusing performers opioid addiction issues, but
pledges; offenders are found their films shut out of it has really exploded. It’s so
edited out of movies. cinemas, forcing producers cheap and so readily avail-
into hasty reshoots and re- [See Drugs, A12]
edits. And major news out-
By Julie Makinen lets began running editorials
criticizing top directors for
BEIJING — Imagine if, failing to narc on associates
after arresting a wave of ce- they had witnessed smoking Driver plows
lebrities on narcotics pot or taking Ecstasy.
charges, American govern- This parallel universe of Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times into crowd
ment officials pressed the probity is no fanciful fig- AT PERSHING SQUARE in downtown L.A., people take part in a lightsaber
heads of major Hollywood ment: With China develop- battle event Friday to celebrate the opening of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” in Las Vegas
studios, A-list actors, record ing a hearty appetite for

‘The Force’ is wide awake

A woman drove into a
label chiefs and chart-top- marijuana, methamphet- throng of people out-
ping singers to sign promis- amine and other illicit sub- side Paris Hotel &
es that they’d stay away stances, Chinese authorities Casino, killing one and
from vices including drugs, [See China, A4] injuring dozens, au-
thorities say. A15
‘Star Wars’ reboot sets record weekend box office Black artists
Wars: The Force Awakens”
on the edge
By Tre’vell Anderson out of the stratosphere and A provocative exhibi-
and Ryan Faughnder A more-inclusive tion at the California
into the Hollywood record
‘Star Wars’ galaxy books, as millions of watch- African American
Claudia Colindres had “The Force Awakens” ers — ranging from fanboys Museum widens per-
never seen a “Star Wars” reflects diverse, modern like Alvarado to newcomers ceptions. CALENDAR, E1
film, so before her friend world. CALENDAR, E1 like Colindres who wouldn’t
Christian Alvarado would know a Wookie from a Won- Weather
take her to the franchise’s re- ka — swarmed theaters Cool; showers possible.
boot, “Star Wars: The Force wood’s TCL Chinese Thea- nationwide to give “Star L.A. Basin: 64/54. B8
Awakens,” the two binged tre on Saturday for the 7 p.m. Wars” the largest opening in Printed with soy inks on
for two days on all six of the show. movie history. partially recycled paper.
earlier films. “I made sure she could The Disney picture
“It’s crazy,” said Co- understand,” said Alvarado, grossed an estimated $238
Zhao Bing Imaginechina lindres, 17, of Los Angeles, as 19, of Culver City. million in the U.S. and Cana-
JAYCEE CHAN, left, son of Jackie, apologized pub- she and Alvarado settled It’s that kind of dedica- da. 7 85944 00200 5
licly upon his release after a six-month jail term. into the back row of Holly- tion that propelled “Star [See ‘Star Wars,’ A15]




A2 M O NDAY , D E C E M BE R 21, 2 015 L ATI M E S . CO M

hoppy holidays

santa bunny Thein Than Oo

h a n d -pa i n t ed fi n e p orcel a i n “WE’RE not really into politics.... We just want to stick with the truth,” says Aye Aye Aung, right, with Thazin
i n her en d’s sign at u r e fish n et pat t er n Nyunt Aung. Their band, Y.A.K., has been toiling in Yangon’s underground hip-hop scene for over a decade.
3.25”H, $350
with Shashank Bengali

Rewriting women’s roles

for mor e a bou t her en d v isi t GE A RY S .c om

3 5 1 N . B E V E R LY D R I V E | 8 0 0 . 7 9 3 . 6 67 0 Daring rap duo aims to elevate status of fellow females in Myanmar

ith their beloved 70-year-old democ- The duo stuck to writing more traditional singers
tattoos, racy activist who just led her songs aimed at elevating the who dance and wear fancy
loud tank opposition party to a re- status of women. Although gowns, they said. To pay the
tops and sounding victory in parlia- censorship laws have been bills, Thazin works as a
super- mentary elections. Thazin eased, women remain un- sound engineer and Tri-
short shorts, Thazin Nyunt and Triple-A describe her as derrepresented in public ple-A has a day job at an
Aung and Aye Aye Aung “incomparable,” but ac- life. Suu Kyi, the country’s event planning company.
don’t dress like most Myan- knowledge that her Oxford most popular politician, is For years, they were told
mar women. education and patrician air constitutionally barred that to make money, they
The country’s first fe- are not attainable stand- from becoming president should forget writing their
male rap group, the duo ards for most young women. because her late husband own songs and get into
known as Y.A.K. sometimes “We’re not really into was foreign-born, as were “copy tracks.” These blatant
finds itself at performances politics, anyway,” Triple-A her sons. rip-offs of international hits,
or recording studios along- said, polishing off a plate of Before the election, a rewritten with Burmese
side demure, warbly voiced rice at a quiet Thai restau- leader of the pro-military lyrics and belted out by local
divas who specialize in more rant here in Myanmar’s ruling party told a rally in artists, have long been
commercially successful largest city. “We just want to Yangon, “The president is Myanmar’s most popular
Myanmar pop music. The stick with the truth.” above any other position, music genre.
encounters can be awkward: Y.A.K. — whose etymolo- just as in a household, a “There is still not a lot of
the nation’s traditional gy is the subject of some husband is in charge.” room for things that are
notions of femininity debate, but more on that A recent Y.A.K. song, different or original,” said
smacking into an audacious later — has been toiling in “Myanmar Women,” takes Triple-A, who is the quieter
new wave. Yangon’s small under- aim at such views: of the two but lets her hair
“They don’t think we’re ground hip-hop scene for do the talking, recently
pretty. They wonder how we more than a decade. The We weren’t born to obey trading in a half-shaved look
became singers,” said Aye pair met in 2004 when a unjust orders for a short, boyish cut that’s
Aye, 31, who goes by the mutual friend gave Thazin, We’re made of flesh and equally daring for Myanmar.
sobriquet Triple-A. “So we who was then rapping solo, blood, like the rest of you The two hope that as
wrote a song about such one of Triple-A’s CDs. They Our sight is set on the fu- Myanmar’s political transi-
women. It’s called ‘Porn discovered they had both ture’s promise tion continues, their music
Face.’ ” been inspired by a local Women, lean on each other, will gain wider acceptance.
The song is a gritty, collective called the Myan- reach out to each other The name Y.A.K. came from
occasionally vulgar take- mar Hip-Hop Assn., as well Don’t be afraid to go up the name of a bird that
down of what the pair de- as American rappers Missy against anyone, walk belonged to Myanmar’s
scribe as a common charac- Elliott and MC Lyte. with conviction royal family, but fans later
ter in the Southeast Asian Back then, Myanmar Stop thinking women are decided it stood for “Yangon
country: the pretty young was ruled by a military weaker than men Always Kingdom” — a rejec-
woman who seeks out a rich government that kept Suu tion of Naypyidaw, the city
older man to “sponsor” her Kyi under house arrest and Y.A.K. scored a coup that the military built to
designer handbags and that strictly censored writ- when its music video for replace Yangon as Myan-
shopping trips to Bangkok, ing and music. The few “Porn Face,” made by a local mar’s capital a decade ago.
the Thai capital. They wrote nontraditional artists per- producer, became a minor Triple-A’s family has not
it to protest a lack of diverse formed at tiny clubs and for YouTube sensation in My- embraced her rap career,
OYSTER PERPETUAL female role models in this friends, but had to steer anmar two years ago. But she said with a hint of re-
DATEJUST L ADY 31 deeply patriarchal society clear of controversial lyrics. the duo still performs gret. But Thazin said her
that is transitioning to “No politics, no sex,” said mainly at small clubs and father, a former military
democracy after more than the tall, chatty Thazin, 32, international cultural cen- man, supports their music.
five decades of military-led who hides her dyed brown ters while trying to raise “And my mom really likes
government. hair under backward base- enough money to produce ‘Porn Face,’ ” she said.
Of course, there is one ball caps. “It was a very an album.
giant female figure in Myan- conservative place. It still Local promoters book shashank.bengali
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L AT I M ES . C O M M O NDAY , D E C E M B E R 21, 2 015 A3

Infamous militant killed in Syria
Hezbollah blames an
Israeli strike for the
death of a guerrilla
who fatally attacked a
family in 1979.
By Nabih Bulos,
Patrick J. McDonnell
and Batsheva

BEIRUT — The leader of

a notorious 1979 attack on an
Israeli family — who later be-
came a prominent operative
with the Lebanese militant
group Hezbollah — has been
killed in an airstrike in Syria,
according to official and me-
dia accounts Sunday.
Hezbollah blamed an Is-
raeli rocket barrage for the
death of Samir Kuntar, who
spent almost 30 years in Is-
raeli lockups for his role in
the brazen attack in which a
man and his 4-year-old
daughter were kidnapped
and slain.
Kuntar was freed in 2008
along with four other Leba-
nese prisoners in exchange
for the remains of two Israeli
Kuntar has since played a
high-profile role with Hez-
bollah, a close ally of Iran, Is-
rael’s regional archenemy.
Hezbollah, which is assist-
ing the Syrian government
forces in its ongoing civil war,
is deemed a terrorist organi-
zation by both the U.S. and
In a statement issued
Sunday, Hezbollah said Ariel Schalit Associated Press
Kuntar — whom it lauds as RELATIVES in Ein Kinya, a Druze village in the Golan Heights, mourn Hezbollah operative Samir Kantar and Farhan Shaalan, who were
“the dean of Lebanese pris- killed in an Israeli airstrike near the Syrian capital, Damascus. Shaalan was a commander with an anti-Israel group.
oners” — was “martyred”
when warplanes of the “Zi- sorry” if accounts of his de- ers, and was embraced by building up Hezbollah’s “ter- cus have accused Israel of the Syrian opposition,
onist enemy” fired missiles mise were accurate. Hezbollah as a symbol, rorist infrastructure in the providing medical and ma- whose ranks are dominated
at a residential building in In1979, Kuntar, a member though the attack long pre- Golan Heights,” according terial support to Syrian reb- by Sunni Islamist factions.
Jaramana, a southern sub- of the Druze sect who was dated the Shiite Muslim to a U.S. State Department els, including Al Qaeda-affil- Hezbollah is hostile to Sunni
urb of Damascus, the Syrian then 16, led a guerrilla squad group’s founding. Israel re- news release last year that iated fighters. Israel count- militants such as Al Qaeda
capital. whose actions remain leased Kuntar in 2008 in an labeled Kuntar a “specially ers that it is only treating the and Islamic State.
There was no direct con- seared in Israeli minds. exchange for the remains of designated global terrorist” wounded, regardless of their In January, an Israeli
firmation from Israel, which Infiltrating northern Is- two Israeli reservists killed subject to financial sanc- affiliation. missile strike killed a top
generally refrains from com- rael by sea, Kuntar and three in a 2006 cross-border inci- tions and other penalties. Israel is one of a number Hezbollah commander and
menting on airstrikes in Syr- others killed a policeman in dent that sparked a month- Kuntar became “a pivot of nations, including the Iranian general while the
ia. the town of Nahariya and en- long war between Hezbollah in the efforts of Hezbollah” United States and Russia, pair were on a reconnais-
Lebanese broadcaster Al tered the apartment of the and Israel. to reshape the Golan that have conducted bomb- sance mission in the Qunei-
Mayadeen reported that the Haran family, seizing Danny “Justice has been done,” Heights as a front against Is- ing runs in war-ravaged Syr- tra area of southern Syria.
attack was conducted by Haran and his 4-year-old Smadar Haran, the only rael, according to Yaakov ia, though the Israeli govern- Hezbollah forces later retali-
two Israeli aircraft that hov- daughter as hostages and family member who sur- Amidror, a researcher with ment has seldom publicly ated with a rocket attack
ered close to the Israeli-Syri- taking them to a nearby vived the 1979 attack, told Is- the BESA Center at Bar-Ilan acknowledged its involve- against Israeli forces, killing
an border area of the Sea of beach. raeli media Sunday. Israel University and Israel’s for- ment. The skies above Syria two Israeli soldiers.
Galilee before firing four Kuntar shot the father to had “settled its debt,” she mer national security advis- have become heavily con- Israel’s targeting of Hez-
missiles toward Jaramana, a death and was also accused added. or. Israel has occupied much gested with foreign fighter bollah reflects Israel’s
stronghold of the govern- of killing the child by smash- Many Israelis were en- of the Golan Heights since jets. broader security stance in
ment of Syrian President ing her skull with his rifle raged when Hezbollah gave 1967. Previous airstrikes in the region. Many Israeli offi-
Bashar Assad. butt, a charge he vehemently the ex-prisoner a hero’s wel- Hezbollah, a dominant Syria attributed to Israel cials regard Iran and Hez-
Syrian state media re- denied. come upon his return to Leb- military, political and social have reportedly targeted bollah as Israel’s gravest ex-
ported that Kuntar was Danny Haran’s wife, anon. force in Lebanon, is deeply weapons convoys and posi- ternal threats.
killed along with “several” Smadar, fled with their Kuntar soon emerged as involved in the war raging in tions of Hezbollah. Israeli of-
others “in a hostile terrorist other daughter, who was 2, an informal spokesman for Syria. Its cadres, working in ficials have said they are patrick.mcdonnell
rocket strike” on a residen- to a crawl space and inad- Hezbollah, making regular concert with Iranian advi- committed to blocking the
tial building in Jaramana. vertently smothered the appearances beside the sors, have bolstered Syrian transfer of advanced, strate- Times staff writer
Yuval Steinitz, Israel’s child to death while trying to group’s leader, Hassan Nas- government forces through- gic weaponry to Hezbollah McDonnell reported from
minister for infrastructure, silence her as the pair hid rallah, and speaking at ral- out the country, especially via Syrian territory. Beirut. Special
would not comment on the from the intruders. lies. near the Lebanese-Syrian Unlike the warplanes of correspondents Bulos and
reports but said Kuntar was Captured after the at- Kuntar also took on an border but also in the Golan Russia and the U.S.-led co- Sobelman reported from
“no small villain” and he tack, Kuntar became one of operational role and was Heights area. alition, Israeli aircraft are Beirut and Jerusalem,
doubted “anyone would be Israel’s longest-held prison- aided by Iran and Syria in Hezbollah and Damas- not known to have attacked respectively.

China landslide buries buildings

Dozens of people are
missing in Shenzhen
after an industrial
park is inundated.
By Jonathan Kaiman

BEIJING — A massive
landslide buried an industri-
al park in the southern Chi-
nese city of Shenzhen on
Sunday morning, according
to Chinese state media re-
ports and online posts.
At least 59 people were
missing, and rescuers pulled
four people alive from col-
lapsed or buried buildings,
the official New China News
Agency reported late Sun-
day. About 1,500 rescue
workers were dispatched to
the scene.
The landslide covered an
area of nearly 650,000 square AFP/Getty Images

feet in Shenzhen’s Guang- RESCUE WORKERS look for survivors in the landslide that covered an area of
ming New District, including nearly 650,000 square feet in southern China. Thirty-three buildings collapsed.
the Liuxi Industrial Park,
according to a televised minimized.” run People’s Daily. and Resources wrote to its
statement by Shenzhen mu- “The site is quite narrow Pictures posted online official microblog account
nicipal official Li Yikang. At and is located on a ramp, so show wrecked tangles of low- that the landslide was
least 900 people were evacu- it is very difficult for vehicles slung concrete buildings — caused by a man-made pile
ated, he said. to enter,” the New China both residential complexes of dirt and construction
After the landslide, Chi- News Agency quoted Ao and worker dorms — sub- waste, which was stacked
nese President Xi Jinping is- Zhuoqia of the Shenzhen merged in a tide of red dirt. too high at too steep a gradi-
sued an “important direc- fire department as saying. Others show rescue author- ent. It said that mountains
tive” demanding that pro- “We have to go there on foot.” ities in orange jumpsuits in the area “did not slide”
vincial and municipal au- “Several people have and white helmets walking during the disaster. Thirty-
thorities “rapidly organize” been trapped, and the num- over the dirt with shovels. three buildings collapsed.
emergency response mea- ber of casualties cannot be One video shows a three-
sures and “do their utmost estimated,” said an article story building collapsing. jonathan.kaiman
to ensure that casualties are on the website of the state- China’s Ministry of Land
A4 M O N DAY , D E C EM B E R 21, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM

Entertainers cast as moral models

[China, from A1] velop a world-class enter- who violate its norms to is-
are training their crosshairs tainment industry, which of- sue public apologies. It
squarely on stars — even as ficials see as a key to could also disqualify them
they look to celebrities as advancing its cultural and from awards or “blacklist”
front-line soldiers in the na- economic influence. them from the industry.
tion’s nascent war on drugs. “This is the perfect Last month, the group
As of June, China had ‘damned if you do, damned if held a forum in Beijing, tout-
listed more than 3 million you don’t’ situation. If ing the fact that 50 of its
people on an official roll of [Zhang] told, he might be member organizations had
drug users, up from 1.8 mil- called a rat; if not, then he’d signed on to its “pledge on
lion in 2011, according to Li- be accused of dereliction of professional ethics and self-
ang Ran, a drug-control offi- duty,” said Ying Zhu, a schol- discipline.” (In addition to
cial in the Ministry of Jus- ar of the Chinese entertain- shunning drugs, the pledge
tice. ment industry at the City also obligates signatories to
Millions more fly below University of New York. “The “protect the leadership of
the radar of police, and nanny state and the media/ the Communist Party.”)
China’s National Narcotics Internet vigilantes need to Actress Fan Bingbing,
Control Commission esti- be mindful of the conse- who has crossed over into
mates the actual number of quences of ratting out Hollywood productions in-
drug users to be more than friends, colleagues, and cluding “X-Men: Days of Fu-
14 million, roughly 1% of the neighbors and families.... ture Past” and “Iron Man 3”
population. In 2014, author- There is a chilling price to be said at the forum, “A good
ities seized 69 tons of illicit paid for turning people actor must be a good person
drugs, arrested nearly against each other while first.”
890,000 people on posses- looking over one’s own Pi said he believed ex-
sion-type charges and al- shoulders.” tracting such public pledges
most 170,000 more on “Ethically,” commission from celebrities would make
charges related to produc- Peng Peng Associated Press Patrik Stollarz AFP/Getty Images advisor Pi said, “Zhang them less likely to trans-
tion and trafficking. KAI KO delivered a tearful public apology over drug charges, but he was still cut should report drug users, gress and more inclined to
Among the celebrities from films. Wang Xuebing, right, also had scenes trimmed after he was busted. but in Chinese culture, it’s think about the financial
who have been busted on hard to put righteousness consequences of breaking
drug charges in the last 18 ple tried to persuade me to available online in China and tracizing drug-using celebri- above friends and family.” their word by exposing
months are Jackie Chan’s try Ecstasy, and even told is popular. ties raises parallels with the Authorities, he added, themselves as untrust-
son, Jaycee, and his fellow me, ‘This is the origin of in- “Even President Obama anti-communist witch might have more success in worthy in the public eye.
actor friend Kai Ko; the pop spiration,’ ” he added. has acknowledged he hunts in Hollywood in the making it commercially “I don’t think the law will
singer Yin Xiangjie; and ac- But rather than winning smoked pot,” Pi said. 1940s and ’50s, which forced risky for stars to use (or si- ever [totally] bar these films
tor Wang Xuebing, who had plaudits for his propriety, How fans, business asso- many talented and creative lently condone) drug use. from the screen,” Pi said.
a major role in “Black Coal, Zhang was pummeled in the ciates and law enforcement people to leave the indus- That’s why Chinese officials “But the question is, can
Thin Ice,” which took top state-run press for failing to should respond to celebrity try. are pressing ahead with a movies featuring repeat
honors at the 2014 Berlin rat out the law-breakers to drug use has been a topic of By pressuring people in host of measures to discour- drug users be profitable? I
Film Festival. police. periodic debate in the U.S., Zhang’s shoes to be inform- age bad behavior. believe audiences will reject
Yin and Chan spent “Instead of protecting his with actor Philip Seymour ants, some observers say, This fall, the China Alli- movies starring repeat drug
months in jail; Ko delivered a actors, he was appeasing Hoffman’s 2014 overdose and Chinese authorities are ance of Radio, Film and offenders.”
tearful public apology but and shielding them. This will the recent death of singer walking a thin line that can Television — a state-sanc-
nevertheless found himself only make these movies Scott Weiland, who long erode social trust and sow a tioned umbrella group of of-
cut out of films including stars more addicted to struggled with addiction. culture of fear, discontent, ficial industry organizations Nicole Liu and Yingzhi Yang
“Monster Hunt,” a partly drugs,” said Eastday, a But for some observers, secrecy and creative conser- — formed an ethics commit- of The Times’ Beijing
animated family film that af- Shanghai-based news out- the notion of blacklisting, vatism. That could under- tee that it said could order bureau contributed to this
ter hurried reshoots became let. “If Zhang considered it sanctioning or otherwise os- mine China’s efforts to de- individuals or organizations report.
the top-grossing Chinese disloyal to report his friends
movie of all time. Wang’s to the police, he has made a
gritty drama, “A Fool,” serious mistake, sacrificing
abruptly had its May release the greater good for the sake
date scrapped and only ar- of his self-interest.” WORLD BRIEFING
rived in theaters in Novem- The Southern Metropolis
ber with some of the sup- Daily penned a similar com-
porting actor’s scenes mentary headlined, “Real
trimmed. love is informing on friends
But in a one-party sys- to police,” while the Global
tem where even today’s Times, a nationalist tabloid
Communist Party leaders closely affiliated with the
maintain that art should Communist Party, ran a car-
“serve the state,” authorities toon of a sad-looking yellow
are not merely setting out to star shooting up with a
punish stars who break the hypodermic needle as
law. They seek, in a time of Zhang watched from around
rapidly loosening social mo- a corner.
res, to turn entertainers into “The government wants
moral models — and even celebrities to actively shoul-
model informants. der more responsibility” for
The rectitude campaign spreading anti-drug mes-
has caught even the most re- sages, said Pi Yijun, an ad-
spected celebrities flat- visor to the Beijing Narcot-
footed. Take director Zhang ics Control Commission. “Al-
Yimou. Last month, after though celebrities are a
Yin was arrested, the state- small percentage of China’s
run New China News Agency overall drug users, they are
interviewed Zhang and an indicator of the trend. If
about a dozen major stars more celebrities are taking
about their attitudes on ce- drugs, then so are more ordi-
lebrity drug use. nary people.”
“I have seen many actors China, Pi noted, is still
using marijuana together much less permissive about
during their breaks…. It’s drug use than America. And
terrible that artists are in- censors ensure that drug us-
volved in pornography, gam- age very rarely figures in
bling and drugs,” said the popular Chinese entertain-
auteur, who’s helmed films ment; a Chinese TV pro-
including “Hero” and “Raise gram along the lines of
the Red Lantern” and is cur- “Breaking Bad” would al-
rently in production on the most certainly never be ap-
big-budget “The Great Wall” proved by authorities —
starring Matt Damon. though the American show Associated Press

“This trend is unhealthy about a meth-cooking high AN AIR FRANCE flight from Mauritius to Paris made an emergency landing in Mombasa, Kenya, after a
for the industry. Many peo- school science teacher is device was discovered in a lavatory cabinet. The device, rigged to resemble a bomb, turned out to be fake.
KENYA INDONESIA Van der Sypt declined to parliament introduced mar-

Hoax forces Scores missing provide details of the search riage equality in March, but

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Democratic, GOP races diverge
It’s not that Sanders has “carpet-bombing” Islamic
Sanders appears given up; he will certainly State territory.
continue to push the issues Clinton, with relatively
unwilling to challenge that have mobilized the little worry about opposition
Clinton as Republican more than 2 million small- from her party’s antiwar left
dollar donors who have fi- wing, has been able to pitch
candidates escalate nanced his campaign. Al- to the less committed voters
their primary fight. ready he can credibly say he who, even in this partisan
has drawn the Democrats to age, can swing key states. In
the left on at least some Saturday’s debate, she ad-
By David Lauter parts of his agenda. But even vocated expanded use of
though his aides have talked special operations forces
WASHINGTON — The to reporters about potential and an intensified air cam-
sharpest contrast between attacks on Clinton, Sanders paign, meeting only limited
Tuesday night’s Republican has made it clear by his ac- opposition from Sanders.
presidential debate and Sat- tions in three successive de- None of that means
urday’s Democratic face-off bates that he has no desire Democrats can stop feeling
was not tone, although the to wage an all-out fight nervous about the fall. Re-
difference was marked, or against the party’s pre- publican disarray in Decem-
the number of candidates. It sumptive nominee. ber does not guarantee divi-
was the time horizon: While On the Republican side, sion in the general election
the GOP anxiously eyes Feb- meantime, the brawling is campaign. Partisans on
ruary’s primaries, the growing only more intense. both sides have a strong
Democrats already have Whether the party will re- tendency to pull together in
shifted focus to November’s main together or split be- the end, no matter what.
general election. tween its establishment And winning a third straight
Their long view could be wing and its Donald Trump presidential election re-
seen Saturday as former faction remains an open mains a difficult challenge.
Secretary of State Hillary question. Jim Cole Associated Press “I still think this cycle is
Clinton, the Democratic “Clinton is now on a glide BERNIE SANDERS and Hillary Clinton during a break at the debate Saturday. tougher for us than many on
front-runner, and Sen. Ber- path to the nomination, but “Clinton is now on a glide path to the nomination,” one GOP strategist says. my side will acknowledge,
nie Sanders of Vermont, her the Republicans are just get- mainly because we have be-
main challenger, passed up ting started,” said Dan Schwarzenegger’s Califor- ter that.” Clinton that opposing Assad come so dependent on a spe-
chances to go on the attack: Schnur, a veteran GOP nia gubernatorial cam- But the candidate’s ac- needs to remain a priority. cific turnout coalition,” said
Sanders apologized for strategist who now directs paigns. tions tell a different tale, Each of them argues that the Steve Schale, who ran Presi-
his aides having raided the USC’s Jesse M. Unruh Insti- But “the process is so un- seen most notably in her Sunni Arabs whose help the dent Obama’s successful
Clinton campaign’s voter tute of Politics. settled” on the GOP side statements about combat- U.S. needs to battle Islamic campaign in Florida in 2008.
files. Clinton said both cam- For months, Republican that multiple candidates re- ing Islamic State militants State will cooperate only if “Take my home state. The
paigns should “move on” to operatives have speculated main possibilities for the in Iraq and Syria, an issue they believe the U.S. is on smallest change in black
other issues. about whether Trump nomination, he said. that cuts across both parties their side in the fight against turnout or Hispanic support
When Martin O’Malley would run an independent “Republicans could be to create odd de facto alli- Assad, who is allied not only changes the math in the
criticized them for inconsis- campaign if he loses the facing unprecedented disas- ances. with Russia but also with wrong way.”
tency on gun control, Clin- nomination. Now some have ter or success,” Stutzman Trump and Cruz, for ex- their enemy Iran. But Schale, who was ac-
ton and Sanders defended begun talking seriously said. “It’s clear as mud.” ample, agree with Sanders Each also supports a tive in the unsuccessful ef-
each other. Clinton, having about the opposite scenario: Despite evidence to the that the U.S. should seek a more vigorous version of the fort this fall to get Vice Presi-
successfully bashed Sand- an establishment Republi- contrary, Clinton campaign deal with Russia to fight Is- Obama administration’s dent Joe Biden to enter the
ers on gun issues for much of can running a third-party ef- officials insist they are not lamic State. To make that policy, combining airstrikes race, joined GOP strategists
October and November, fort if Trump wins. Either taking their attention off the happen, they say, the U.S. and raids by U.S. special op- in saying that the battle on
complimented him for alter- way, the GOP could divide primaries. should stop insisting that erations forces with a long- the Democratic side has
ing his stand. its presidential vote to the “We are totally focused on Syrian President Bashar term effort to help Sunni gone from being a threat to a
And when Clinton, eyes Democrats’ great advan- this primary right now, first Assad, whom Russia sup- groups fight for control of useful warm-up round for
fixed firmly on the general tage. Iowa, then obviously here in ports, must leave. Each also the territory in Syria and the leader.
election audience, talked “Republicans could be in New Hampshire where criticizes U.S. involvement Iraq that Islamic State rules. “Clinton,” he said, “has
tough about Syria, Iraq and a disastrous state if Trump there’s a very tight race,” in past efforts to overthrow But the dynamics of the really upped her game the
Islamic State, Sanders said is nominated — I think un- campaign manager Robby dictators in the Mideast, in- Republican race, especially last few months.”
he worried that she might be likely — and frankly not Mook told reporters Satur- cluding Saddam Hussein in the competition to be as
“too aggressive” but ac- much better off with” Sen. day night after the debate. Iraq and Moammar Kadafi tough-sounding as Trump,
knowledged that it was a Ted Cruz of Texas, said Re- “We’re focused on earning in Libya. have led the candidates to Times staff writer Michael
“complicated issue.” publican consultant Rob every single vote, every sin- Sen. Marco Rubio of Flor- state their position in ever- A. Memoli in Manchester,
“I don’t think anyone has Stutzman, who helped guide gle delegate, and then we’ll ida and Jeb Bush, the former harsher terms, such as N.H., contributed to this
a magical solution,” he said. former Gov. Arnold worry about the general af- Florida governor, agree with Cruz’s call this month for report.


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L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, D E C E M B E R 21, 2 015 A7

Mistrial not the end in Baltimore

Nine of the 30 counties Amy Dillard, a University voting to acquit would trig- “When you look at some-
Hung jury in the trial had information on what of Baltimore School of Law ger rioting like that seen in thing like ‘12 Angry Men,’
happened after a mistrial professor, said the idea of de- the city in April. Baltimore what you see in that is the
of an officer in the was declared because of a manding a unanimous ver- Circuit Judge Barry G. Wil- holdout for not guilty ulti-
death of Freddie Gray hung jury. Researchers re- dict is centuries old. liams determined after quiz- mately over time turns the
ported that in a third of “Unanimity gave the as- zing jurors that they could tide,” she said.
doesn’t signal a lost those cases, the defendant surance in criminal cases of be impartial, but the issue “The idea is that the peo-
cause for prosecutors, underwent a second jury tri- proof beyond a reasonable could surface again before a ple who are holding out are
al; a few others were retried doubt and the jury was retrial. holding out for a reason, not
researchers say. before a judge. In the re- speaking the mind of the Dillard pointed to one of because of a bias or hard-
maining cases, charges were populace at large,” she said. the more famous fictional headedness or a personality
By Ian Duncan dismissed, the defendant Porter’s attorneys have accounts of jury deliber- disorder.” Patrick Semansky AP
pleaded guilty or the result questioned whether he ations as a reminder of how WILLIAM PORTER
BALTIMORE — The was unclear from court re- could get a fair trial in Balti- seriously jurors usually take will probably face the
deadlocked jury in Officer cords. more if jurors feared that their task. Twitter: @iduncan same odds in a retrial.
William G. Porter’s trial
raised questions last week
about prosecutors’ ap-
proach to the case, but re-
search on hung juries sug- NOW THROUGH WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23
gests that the mistrial will
not hurt their chances of
of Freddie Gray. COSMETICS & FRAGRANCES! See below for details.
When juries cannot reach
a unanimous verdict and
prosecutors retry the case
before another jury, they win
about 70% of the time, re-

searchers at the National
Center for State Courts
found — the same percent-
age for a first trial.
Baltimore prosecutors
face a number of crucial
strategic decisions in the

coming days, including the
possibility of offering a plea

deal to Porter, as they seek to
use him as a witness in cases

against five other officers.
But many lawyers expect
Porter to face a second trial.
By then, prosecutors and de-
fense attorneys will have
carefully reviewed details of
the trial that ended Wednes-
day to determine where they
were effective and where
they stumbled.
William H. “Billy” Mur-
phy Jr., the Gray family’s at-
torney, said prosecutors


should be able to go into a
second trial prepared to
more aggressively attack
Porter, who testified in his
own defense.
“They can recast their en-
tire cross-examination of
him,” Murphy said. “Now
they have videotape of
everything he said.”

Porter, 26, is charged with
involuntary manslaughter,
second-degree assault, mis-
conduct in office and reck-
less endangerment in Gray’s
arrest and death. He has
maintained his innocence,
as have the other officers
charged in the case. The
medical examiner con-
cluded that Gray suffered a
fatal spinal injury while be-
ing transported in a police
It is unclear why the jury
in Porter’s case could not
reach a verdict, or how many
jurors favored acquittal or
conviction on each charge.
The judge handling the case
ordered the jurors’ identities
kept secret and did not re-
lease records of any votes


the jurors might have taken.
Lawyers in the case are sub-
ject to a gag order.

Researchers have exam-
ined why juries sometimes
cannot agree. Although the
Porter case is unusual be-


cause he is a police officer ac-
cused in a death, it also in-
cluded factors — ambiguous
evidence and complex legal

A $10 “CASH” CARD*

questions — that can leave
jurors in disagreement, ac-
cording to the National Cen-
ter for State Courts.
The case against Porter
centered on his alleged fail-
ure to take action, an unusu-
al focal point in a criminal


case. Prosecutors said he did
not follow Baltimore Police
Department rules on plac-
ing seat belts on those ar-


rested and seeking medical
care if requested. Defense
attorneys argued that Por-
ter did not know how badly

Gray was hurt and that he
acted as other officers would
reasonably have done. They
also challenged crucial
medical evidence.
The National Center for
State Courts report, pub-
lished in 2002, remains the
most comprehensive study
of hung juries, said Paula


Hannaford-Agor, a jury re-
searcher at the center and
one of the study’s authors.
Researchers gathered data
court systems and then
scrutinized about 400 cases
in Washington, New York,
Los Angeles and Phoenix to
figure out why a trial ends in
a hung jury.
Jury deliberations are se-
cret, so the research team
spent months gathering sur-
vey responses from jurors as
cases ended in an attempt to
piece together why they
were unable to agree.
Researchers found that it
was rare for juries to dead-
lock. For every 10,000 felony
cases in the courts they
studied, just 16 ended in a *The Macy’s $10 “Cash” Card may be used to purchase merchandise and in store services at any Macy’s store (U.S. only) from 12/20-12/22/2015. Excluded at the following
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L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, D E C E MB E R 21, 2 015 A9

Syrian Christian dad at a loss in Texas

would be released Thursday ty checks and screenings. legally as refugees. the U.S. via Mexico and Cen- ing Santa deliver gifts to the
By Molly and to buy plane tickets, he “We are not coming here There were 104 asylum tral America, especially af- children, going to church.
Hennessy-Fiske said. They did. Then they to cause any damage…. We cases filed by Syrians this ter the Paris attacks. “I was hoping to spend it
were told the release was are not going to cause harm year as of June, almost twice In detention, the barber with my sister and parents in
HOUSTON — After his postponed to Friday, then to America,” he said. as many as in 2010, according has no one to talk to, be- California. After four years
village in Syria came under Monday, then indefinitely. Immigration officials to immigration court re- cause he is being held apart of civil war in Syria, I did not
repeated rocket attacks this “Why can’t they let the know he is Christian, he said. cords. Last year, Syrians from the other Syrian men. think my children would be
year, the 32-year-old Chris- children be released to their He has shown them videos of were among the top 25 He spends his days think- in detention on Christmas.
tian barber knew he had to grandparents for Christ- his sons’ baptisms (both groups granted asylum in ing about what will become Not just that, we are sepa-
save his wife and two boys, mas?” he said, noting that have Christian first names). the U.S. for the first time in of his family. rated from each other, and
ages 5 and 2. his parents hold green cards. It’s unclear how many recent years. “I’m thinking, thinking, we don’t know when we will
He had once applied to He was unaware politi- Syrians in recent months Those who work with thinking, like my head is go- be released.”
immigrate to the United cians have voiced suspicions have arrived at the border Syrian migrants said they ing to explode,” he said.
States, hoping to join his about Syrian refugees and seeking asylum, as opposed are increasingly seeking to In Syria, he would be molly.hennessy-fiske
parents and sister, who live have called for added securi- to those brought to the U.S. flee Europe to join family in decorating the tree, watch-
in California. But that proc-
ess could take years, so in
May he traded $50,000 worth
of land to a smuggler who


had the family fly first to
Lebanon, then Turkey and
Brazil, where they spent sev-
eral months.
From there, the land
journey north began, up
through Latin and Central

America and, finally, Mexi-
co, where they took a taxi to
the border crossing in Nuevo
Laredo last month. There
they turned themselves over
to U.S. authorities in the
hope of receiving asylum.
“The whole time the fam-
ily was together, the kids

were well and I was watching
over them,” he said of the
journey to Texas. “It was
worth it. Then I arrived here
and I was shocked by the
treatment. I never imagined
we would be put in prison,
separated, and I would not
be able to contact them at
all, to watch over my kids.”
The barber is among a
handful of Syrian Christians
who showed up at a Texas
border crossing in Novem-
ber amid the national de-
bate about screening Syrian
refugees. In his first remarks PLUS, USE YOUR MACY’S CARD OR PASS TODAY, DEC. 21
to a reporter, the man spoke
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South Texas. The call was fa-
cilitated by RAICES, a San
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The barber and another
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rived at the Laredo border
crossing on Nov. 17 insist
they are fleeing religious
persecution. He asked not to
be identified because he
fears family members in Syr-
ia could face retaliation.
Arriving at the southern
border, he said, “I expected
that we would be inter-
viewed and investigated for
some time, but then we
would be released.”
Syrians who arrive at the
border are subject to the
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governors have said they do autodialed marketing SMS/MMS messages from Macy’s to this number. Consent is not required to make a
not want Syrian refugees purchase. Text STOP to 62297 to cancel. Text HELP to 62297 for help. Terms & conditions at
settled after the Paris at- Privacy practices at
tacks of Nov. 13, calling the
Syrians a potential security
risk. Texas officials filed suit
in federal court in Dallas to VALID 12/21/2015
block the refugees. The case
is pending.
Since their detention, the
barber has been able to talk
to his wife and sons only
once by phone, on Wednes-
“We talked about our suf-
fering. We did not expect to
be treated like this, like
criminals,” he said. “She was
crying most of the time.”
She said their sons are
not doing well. They don’t
like the detention center
“They want their dad,” he SALE PRICES IN EFFECT 12/21/2015. MERCHANDISE WILL BE ON SALE AT THESE AND OTHER SALE PRICES THROUGH 1/2/2016, EXCEPT AS NOTED. *Intermediate price reductions
may have been taken. Orig.*/Now items will remain at advertised prices after event and are available while supplies last. Advertised merchandise may not be carried at your local Macy’s and
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immigration officials told OPEN A MACY’S ACCOUNT FOR EXTRA 20% SAVINGS THE FIRST 2 DAYS, UP TO $100, WITH MORE REWARDS TO COME. Macy’s credit card is available subject
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gourmet food & wine. The new account savings are limited to a total of $100; application must qualify for immediate approval to receive extra savings; employees not eligible.
A10 M O NDAY , D E C E M B E R 21, 2 015 WSCE L AT I ME S . CO M

Greenland ice loss may explain rising sea levels

mates of the shrinkage of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) given that human industrial didn’t think there was tonnes. And from 2003 to
By Amina Khan Greenland ice reserves and to changes in temperature activity was significantly enough data,” said lead au- 2010, the ice sheet lost 1,305
could help scientists more during the twentieth cen- ramping up during this pe- thor Kurt Kjaer, a glacial ge- gigatonnes.
The Greenland ice sheet fully account for the world’s tury remains contentious,” riod. The start of the 20th ologist at the Natural His- This process has been
has lost about 10 trillion tons rising sea levels. the study authors wrote, century also marks, roughly, tory Museum of Denmark. speeding up in recent years.
(about the weight of 1.7 mil- Researchers have been “largely owing to difficulties the decline of the Little Ice However, there is a trove Because of the ice sheet’s
lion Giza pyramids) of water using satellite data to track in estimating the spatial and Age, an approximately four- of aerial photos from the shrinkage from 1900 to 2010,
ice from 1900 to 2010, and it’s the Greenland ice sheet’s temporal distribution of ice century cold snap (about 1980s. Now the researchers sea levels have risen about 1
dropping mass today at an mass loss since the 1990s, be- mass changes before 1992, 1450 to 1850) when the were able to take these inch, the scientists said.
increasing rate, an interna- cause understanding its be- when Greenland-wide ob- Greenland ice expanded. photos and create 3-D re- The researchers were
tional team of scientists say. havior is key to understand- servations first became So without the kind of di- constructions of the ice also able to show that the
From 2003 to 2010, the ice ing the effects of climate available.” rect satellite data we’ve had sheet over time. mass loss is largely coming
sheet lost mass at a rate change and the conse- That’s problematic, be- to work with since the 1990s, The scientists found that not from chunks of glacier
more than twice the rate quences on rising ocean cause it means the Green- estimates of the sea level rise from 1900 to 1983, the Green- breaking off but from melt-
during the entire 20th cen- levels. But to really grasp land ice sheet’s contribution remain incomplete. land ice sheet lost about ing ice, a clear link to rising
tury, a new study shows. this long-term pattern, re- to sea level rise has been Even for a recent U.N. In- 6,233 gigatonnes (about 7 air temperatures.
The findings, published searchers need a fuller pic- largely overlooked for most tergovernmental Panel on trillion U.S. tons) of mass.
in the journal Nature, pro- ture of the 20th century. of the 20th century — a Climate Change report, Then from 1983 to 2003, the amina.khan
vide unprecedented esti- “The response of the yawning gap in the record, “there’s blanks where they sheet lost about 1,475 giga-


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L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, D E C E MB E R 21, 2 015 A11

Digging into the dog’s past

dogs descended from a sin- husky (Arctic and Siberia) results in the Chinese chow
DNA study indicates gle group of wolves that split and the Chihuahua (the chow,” Savolainen said.
from other members of the Americas). Although Savolainen
the split with wolves species at that time. In southern East Asia, re- feels confident in the results
took place in eastern For the paper, research- searchers looked for dogs in of his study, he said his team
ers studied dogs that repre- remote regions whose an- has more work to do to on
Asia 330 centuries sented historical popula- cestors would have had little the natural history of dogs.
ago. In human years. tions of where they lived. opportunity to breed with The group already is
That included breeds long animals from other parts of working on extensively
associated with specific geo- the world. studying dogs from the east-
By Deborah Netburn graphical locations, such as “We think this works ern Asian region to find the
the Afghan hound (central pretty well because if we go exact birthplace.
The love affair between Asia), the Sloughi (North to the Chinese countryside Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times
humans and dogs has been Africa), the Alaskan mala- and sample dogs from there, deborah.netburn THE DOGS we know today initially migrated out of
going on for thousands of mute and the Siberian we find basically the same the southern region of eastern Asia, study finds.
years. But when and where
dogs first branched off from
wolves is the source of scien-

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tific debate.
Over the last decade, var-
ious groups have posited dif-
ferent locations as the birth- visit m ts
place of the dog, including
Europe and the Middle East.
Now an international
group of researchers
presents another possibility.
After analyzing the whole
genome sequences of 58 Rollerballs and Travel Sprays from Calvin Klein, Jimmy Choo
wolves and dogs from and more. $19-$50. H WebID 1733242.
around the world, they say
dogs first split from their
wolf ancestors about 33,000
years ago in the southern
part of eastern Asia.
The team also reports
that dogs began to migrate
out of that part of the world
across Eurasia 15,000 years
ago, eventually making their
way to Europe about 10,000
years ago.
The findings were pub-
lished in the journal Cell Re-
Peter Savolainen, an evo-
lutionary geneticist at the
Royal Institute of Technolo-
gy in Solna, Sweden, and co-
author of the paper, has DONNA K ARAN
spent the last 15 years study-
ing dog DNA to try to dis- LIQUID CASHMERE
cern the canine’s journey
from aggressive and fearful COLLECTION
wolf to man’s best friend. Only $49, an $81 value. 3-pc. set: 0.34 oz.
The archaeological Rollerballs in Black, Blush and White. H 2401060.
record is too sparse in many
parts of the world to paint a
complete picture of this evo-
lution, he said, so DNA anal-
ysis may be the best way to
sort it out.
In 2002, Savolainen and
his colleagues looked at mi-
tochondrial DNA from 654
dogs from around the world.
They found that dogs from
eastern Asia had more ge-
netic diversity than those
from other global regions.
Another study from the
same group in 2009 further
limited this glut of genetic
diversity to dogs from south-
ern China, northern Thai- i n t h e m ag i c o f g i v i n g
land, Vietnam and Laos, or
an area the researchers
called “southern East Asia.”
It turns out genetic diver- N EW! FRE E S H I PPI N G O N ALL
sity is exactly what you
would expect to find in a spe-
cies’ place of origin, Savolai-
nen explained. That’s be-
cause as animals migrate
they take a limited amount
of genetic information with
Only $38, a $68 value. 3-pc. set: 0.33 oz.
For example, if the origi- Travel Sprays of Viva la Juicy,
nal dog population started Viva la Juicy Noir and I Am Juicy Couture.
with 10 DNA types, it is un- H WebID 2439799.
likely that the few individu-
als who left home would
bring all 10 types with them.
After all, most of the popula-
tion probably stays put.
More probable is that some
fraction of the DNA types
would travel to Europe and
perhaps another fraction
would land in Africa.
In the more recent study,
Savolainen and his team ex-
amined where canine genet-
ic diversity was highest, but
this time they analyzed the
whole genome sequence of
46 dogs and 12 gray wolves
from across the planet.
Whole genome se-
quences are much larger and JOHN VARVATOS FOR HIM
more complex than what is 4-pc. set, $50. 0.5 oz. Eau de Toilette Sprays of Vintage,
found in mitochondrial Artisan Acqua, Artisan and John Varvatos. H WebID 2357711.
DNA. Therefore, the re-
searchers say, it can provide
a more holistic approach to
understanding the evolu-
tion of dogs.
Only $40, an $80 value. 4-pc. set: 0.5 oz. Eau de Toilette
Once again, the data
analysis suggested the same Pours of Euphoria Men, Eternity for Men Aqua,
place of origin of dogs. Dogs Eternity for Men and Reveal. H 2346548.
from the pinpointed Asian
region had more genetic in-
formation in common with
wolves than with dogs from
any other region in the
world. They also had the
largest genetic diversity.
“We find that dogs from
southern East Asia have the
same DNA types that are
found in dogs all over the
world but also unique types
that we don’t see anywhere
else,” Savolainen said. “We
saw that in the mitochondri-
al DNA, and now we see it in
the genomic DNA as well.”
To determine when dogs
first diverged from wolves,
the researchers compared
the genes of gray wolves and
dogs from the Asian region.
After calculating how long it
takes a certain number of
mutations to appear in the
genome, they concluded
that the time of the split was
33,000 years ago.
That does not mean that
dogs became domesticated
33,000 years ago, however.
And it’s possible that all
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crisis is
[Drugs, from A1]
The presidential candi-
dates today have placed a far
greater emphasis on reha-
bilitation than punishment.
This is a departure from
nearly a half-century’s ap-
proach, starting with Presi-
dent Nixon’s “war on drugs”
and through the 1990s, when Tim Shortt Florida Today
the number of people im-
prisoned for nonviolent drug O F F T H E R AI L S I N F LO RI DA
offenses skyrocketed.
A freight train’s locomotive and four cars derailed by U.S. 1 in Brevard County early Sunday. No injuries were reported.
State governments be-
gan turning to rehabilitation
during the first decade of the
new millennium, but the fed-
eral government only re- than 400 overdose deaths re- to nearly 700 overdose Leader; write-ups now candidate Hillary Clinton Many obstacles remain:
cently began shifting its fo- lated to heroin and opioids calls, with 85 deaths. Mayor include information pro- hosted a drug forum in There is a bed shortage in
cus. — double the number two Ted Gatsas raises the crisis vided by families about their Keene, N.H., where she laid residential programs, re-
Brewster has seen both years ago. with every candidate he loved ones’ struggles with out a $10-billion proposal sulting in waiting lists that
approaches. He has been ar- A major cause is people meets. addiction and death by over- that would send states fed- are weeks long. An effort to
rested nearly a dozen times being prescribed painkillers, “It’s the first thing we dose, rather than euphe- eral money to boost treat- create a drug court in Man-
and has spent time in treat- developing an addiction and have a conversation about,” misms about “dying sud- ment programs and urge law chester failed because of a
ment centers that cost tens then switching to heroin be- Gatsas said. “If there was denly.” enforcement to focus on re- lack of funding. And drug
of thousands of dollars a cause a crackdown made it any one item that was killing At a town hall in Bel- habilitation rather than in- dealers are increasingly cut-
month. None of it worked, more difficult to obtain pre- people at the rate that this is mont, N.H., this year, New carceration. ting heroin with a synthetic
until one day in 2013 when he scription opioids and be- doing, people would be out- Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Susan McKeown, a nurse version of the analgesic fen-
woke up in a hotel room sur- cause of the cheap and raged.” described staging an inter- practitioner, was among the tanyl, which is much more
rounded by people doing abundant supply of the il- He added, “If this has not vention for a close, success- local drug experts Clinton powerful and is leading to
drugs and he felt as though a legal narcotic. A 30-milli- touched you yet, it will very ful friend from law school consulted. After dealing more overdoses.
“concussion grenade” went gram oxycodone pain pill soon.” who developed an addiction with addiction in their fami- Zach Brewster, who has
off in his head. He acted on can cost $90 to $100 on the Indeed, many of the Re- to pain pills after a back in- ly, McKeown and her hus- stayed away from drugs for
an overwhelming urge to call street, money that can buy10 publican presidential candi- jury. The man was in and out band, Patrick, started a sup- more than a year, now runs
his mother and told her he or more doses of heroin, Sou- dates have personal connec- of rehab for a decade before port group 13 years ago for the learning center at Teen
was serious about getting cy said. tions with addiction. being found dead in a motel parents of addicts in Man- Challenge, the 26-bed men’s
straight. Heroin addiction is a Former Florida Gov. Jeb room with an empty bottle of chester. Back then, the group home where he lived
“We were just assuming nationwide problem. The Bush has spoken about his Percocet and an empty gatherings attracted par- for 15 months in downtown
every phone call we got after rate of heroin use doubled daughter, Noelle, who bat- quart of vodka. ents of teens who were Manchester during his reha-
a hiatus of not hearing from from 2002 to 2013, and the tled prescription drug abuse “When I sat there as the drinking alcohol or smoking bilitation. (Despite its name,
Zach would be the last,” said number of overdose deaths and was jailed for possessing governor of New Jersey at his marijuana, missing curfew the group home treats adult
his father, Bill Brewster, a nearly quadrupled, accord- crack cocaine. Sen. Ted funeral and looked across and cutting school. addicts.)
physician at Harvard Pil- ing to the Centers for Dis- Cruz’s sister and former the pew at his three daugh- At a meeting this month, Brewster, now 29, said he
grim Health Care, where he ease Control and Preven- Hewlett-Packard chief Carly ters sobbing because their when asked whether their believes he has a “moral obli-
works as associate medical tion. Fiorina’s daughter both dad is gone, there but for the child was battling heroin or gation” to share his experi-
director for New Hampshire. Geographically, the overdosed and died. grace of God go I. It can hap- opioid addiction, all but two ences with others.
Zach’s mother, Jo-Ann, is an problem is the greatest in The candidates’ candor pen to anyone,” Christie of the 15 attendees raised “Help is going to come
emergency room nurse at the Midwest and the North- reflects a growing move- said. “And so we need to their hands. from success stories, people
the hospital. east, and New Hampshire is ment to increase awareness start treating people in this The McKeowns were who aren’t afraid to talk
The state attorney gen- one of the epicenters. by being open about the country, not jailing them. We asked to expand the groups about what they’ve come
eral told a legislative task Manchester is the state’s cause of such deaths. It’s need to give them the tools around the state. There are from.”
force this month that New largest city, with about seen in the too frequent obit- they need to recover because now 12, with three more
Hampshire was on pace this 110,000 residents. This year, uaries of young people in the every life is precious.” scheduled to start in Janu-
year to see a record of more paramedics have responded New Hampshire Union Democratic presidential ary. Twitter: @LATSeema
L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, D E C E MB E R 21, 2 015 A13

A zombie forest of dead twigs

[Elysian, from A1]
2006 proposed master plan,
is in no better health today
than the exotic trees.
After a decade, the mas-
ter plan has yet to be
adopted. The L.A. Depart-
ment of Recreation and
Parks has no funds to re-
move hundreds of dead and
dying trees and no plan to re-
introduce native vegetation.
As a result, much of Ely-
sian Park is slowly becoming
a zombie forest of angular
dead twigs silhouetted
against blue sky and the
downtown skyline.
Department officials find
it difficult even to talk about
the park’s condition. Asked
to outline a plan, forester
Laura Baurenfeind would
not recommend any sort of
triage to improve the park’s
aesthetics or safety, or esti-
mate the cost.
The department is build-
ing an electronic database of
all the city’s 300,000 park
trees, she said. The Elysian
Park portion has not been
“We would want to com-
plete the inventory so we
could assess what is here
and prioritize,” Baurenfeind
Tom Gibson, the depart-
ment’s landscape architect,
said installing a reliable irri- Photographs by Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times
gation system in critical A FRISBEE player tosses his disc in Elysian Park. Today’s horticulturists have a new vision for the park: Let the nonnative species die out
areas is the highest priority, and gradually restore the hillsides to the sustainable ecosystem that Gaspar de Portola saw when he camped next to the L.A. River in 1769.
followed by removing failed
or failing trees. He would said. paving of the park’s circu-
give no cost estimate. But a study commis- itous roads and the restora-
Elysian Park may be the sioned as part of the 2006 tion of its famed Avenue of
city’s best known and least master plan shows that the the Palms. But as a priority,
known park. It is also the deterioration of the park’s he considered roads much
most complex. Its Gibraltar- nonnative forests long pre- less urgent than clearing the
like palm crested slopes ceded the current drought. dead trees and dangerous
mark the entry to downtown In the draft master plan, limbs.
for hundreds of thousands of Glendale landscape archi- Gibson, who is in charge
motorists on the 5 and 110 tects Withers & Sandgren of the park’s irrigation sys-
freeways. identified dead and dying tem, sees a brighter future
Behind those ramparts, a trees as an immediate con- when a recycled water line
maze of roads connects cern and called for a dedi- from the Glendale treat-
mountain trails, vista cated crew to remove them. ment plant will fill a large
points, a reservoir, quaint It also recommended a long- tank to be built by 2021 at a
avenues of clapboard term plan to let the park high point in the park. The
houses, the Los Angeles Po- transition to native, tank will provide reclaimed
lice Academy, sprawling pic- drought-tolerant species. water to the downtown area
nic grounds and the asphalt No crash program of tree and supply a refurbished ir-
expanse of Dodger Stadium. removal was ever funded, rigation system in the park’s
The park’s crisis remains and the plan, though posted grassy areas, Gibson said.
largely unseen except by the on the parks department’s Hodel and Scow said the
predominantly Eastside website, has not been native reforestation of the
families who flock on week- adopted. park’s dry portions cannot
ends to its cozy glens still Asked via email why the be achieved without a tem-
kept a lush green by the last plan remains on the shelf, porary irrigation system al-
surviving lines of the aging department General Man- lowing saplings a year or two
irrigation system. ager Mark Shull said the de- to become established.
But two experts who partment’s vision is in line Michael O’Brien, a mem-
toured the park with The with the plan and pointed to ber of the citizens committee
Times said they were dis- the economic downturn as and a landscape architect
mayed by its condition. They HIKERS walk along a dirt trail under the canopy of a dying tree in Elysian Park. the reason it wasn’t formally who recently retired from
identified two emergencies A study shows that the park’s problems long preceded the current drought. adopted. the city Planning Depart-
arising from the park’s two The Citizens Committee ment, estimates that the
major environments. the glens and canyons where On separate tours, Hodel forester, said five new tree to Save Elysian Park, a vol- cost to install temporary ir-
On the dry slopes, which city workers struggle daily to and Scow pointed out nu- specialists have recently unteer group that advocates rigation and replant the hill-
haven’t been irrigated for keep the aging irrigation merous trees that had been added to the crew of 25, for the park, faults the de- sides would be at least $2
many years, enough dried- system working. branches ready to fall. but they are spread too thin- partment for not pushing for million.
out wood exists to feed a con- The trees there are large Scow said a tree special- ly to maintain all park trees. adoption of the plan. But for O’Brien, who lives
flagration, they say. and lush but long overdue ist certified in risk assess- A spokeswoman for the “You would think within in nearby Echo Park, the pri-
“You have a lot of dead for pruning. Branches fall by ment by the International Recreation and Parks De- the political area that there ority is removing the fire
trees,” said Donald R. Hodel, the dozens during storms, Society of Arboriculture partment did not respond to would have been a push to hazard.
a Los Angeles-based envi- and whole trees occasionally should examine every tree in a follow-up email from The get it approved,” said archi- “We hope it never hap-
ronmental horticulturist for come down. Many of those the park’s heavily used areas Times asking if the city has a tect Pete Lassen, a commit- pens, but someday some-
the University of California dangerous trees are near to identify those in need of specialist qualified in risk tee member who lives next to body is going to drop a
Cooperative Extension. picnic tables and trash cans, immediate pruning. assessment and when the the park. “Yet it has been match or a cigarette and the
“They probably have to be endangering visitors. “I appreciate that’s a last risk assessment was sent to the Rec and Parks whole thing will explode,” he
removed. I’m not sure they After branches fall, main- matter of budget, but there done. board, and nothing has hap- said.
could be left. It would prob- tenance workers circle them are some safety factors there Baurenfeind attributed pened.” “It’s just really a big pile of
ably be a big fire hazard.” with crime scene tape, then that are significant,” Scow Elysian Park’s condition to Along with other com- kindling right now.”
More urgent, Hodel and leave them on the ground for said. “That’s something the four years of drought. Other mittee members, Lassen ac-
arborist Jan Scow agreed, is days before returning to cut city needs to look at.” city parks and public lands knowledged some recent im-
the hazard of falling limbs in them up. Baurenfeind, the city’s are in similar condition, she provements, including the Twitter: @LATDoug

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Though facing
many firms are
set for fast
By Times staff

Virtual reality, connected

cars, e-sports, the on-de-
mand economy — all are be-
coming important elements
in the Southland economy,
and all are poised for rapid
growth in 2016 — along with
some challenges. And then
there’s Snapchat Inc., based
in Venice, and one of the
most highly valued compa-
nies currently competing in
the latest venture-capital-
juiced start-up cycle, which
many believe is way over-

The popular disappear-
ing chat and video app needs
to create predictability for
investors to increase the
odds of going public at a val-
uation exceeding the $16 bil-
lion at which it’s supposedly
The Washington Post/Getty Images
valued. That includes
steady growth in sales. THE SNAPCHAT OFFICES , just off the Venice boardwalk, present a secretive facade, with little signage. The popular chat and video app
More time spent on needs to create predictability for investors to increase the odds of going public at a valuation exceeding $16 billion.
Snapchat means more ad
revenue for the company. So mistic that they’re onto the cused on consumer elec-
a string of new features will next $1-billion sport. tronics, in 2016 will devote
certainly be added in 2016. Three possible scenarios more than 200,000 square
Some possible new addi- for 2016: feet — up from 150,000 last
tions: 1. NBA star LeBron year — to automotive tech-
Group chats: Snapchat James just signed a lifetime nologies.
users must individually se- endorsement deal with Nike Still, for all the buzz and
lect message recipients. worth more than $500 mil- potential, there are numer-
Snapchat Chief Executive lion. A video game player ous tensions at play.
Evan Spiegel has said es- won’t be getting a contract Detroit, long the auto
chewing group messaging that sweet, but how about a capital of the country, for
was intended to make peo- multiyear deal of at least $10 years resisted the bridging
ple think deeply about who million? It’s possible, says of the car and tech sectors.
they are sharing their lives Koh Kim, co-head of busi- Although it has come
with. But he’s got to keep ness development at game- around — it didn’t have
users thirsting for group streaming app Mobcrush. much choice — the conver-
chats happy, so expect some Expect 2016 to provide a gence of Silicon Valley and
streamlined sharing. good case study of whether Detroit continues to be a
Changing tunes: Spiegel someone like “League of work in progress.
is big on music, and has a Legends” great Sang-hyeok And Wednesday, Califor-
long-stated interest in help- Lee, known as Faker, can nia’s Department of Motor
ing aspiring musicians and move U.S. consumers. Vehicles introduced draft
artists. How that translates 2. E-sports will get a lot rules for public use of driver-
into chat features is unclear, more data savvy, says Kevin less cars that would require
but expect Snapchat to in- Lin, chief operating officer of a licensed driver to be in the
troduce at least one big Twitch, the leading app for vehicle, among other regula-
thing around sounds. For videos about playing video tions. Google has already
one, Spiegel can’t ignore the games. Event organizers will voiced its disappointment
Luxe Valet
smashing success of Dubs- understand viewers better with the proposed restric-
mash, an app that dubs sel- THE SAN FRANCISCO on-demand valet service Luxe Valet is among the start- and make data-driven ex- tions.
fie videos with popular ups transitioning its workers to employees. pansions into markets such — Andrea Chang
sound clips. It’s soared in big as Latin America. Game
countries including India. publishers finally will track
Snapchat’s foray might be a how viewership translates to
The on-demand
voice alteration feature. sales. And they’ll use the economy
Growing local: Snapchat data to innovate marketing, If 2015 was the year the
has hired aggressively for a crowdfunding drives and on-demand economy be-
“Live Stories” team that or- other business initiatives. came a mainstay in Califor-
ganizes user-generated vid- They’ll maybe even get into nia, 2016 could be the year
eos into categories like holi- building arcades and arenas the business model power-
day celebrations in London for e-sports. ing services such as Uber,
or summer lake parties. But 3. North America’s four Lyft, and GrubHub un-
the company can hire only so major sports leagues each ravels.
many “content analysts” has a players union; expect Come June 20, 2016, the
without labor costs running players in one of the top e- business model of using in-
wild. Expect Snapchat to be- sports league to unionize to dependent contractors to
gin producing videos aimed create fairness in pay and fulfill on-demand service
at more regional audiences, working conditions, says such as taxiing passengers,
like surfacing videos from in- Dennis Fong, founder of e- cleaning houses and deliver-
dividual towns, by using sports video start-up Raptr ing meals will quite literally
computer analysis to group and a former professional be put on trial when a class-
content. player. action lawsuit against Uber
Shopping data: Snap- — Paresh Dave over worker misclassifica-
chat could better compete tion goes before a jury in a
with YouTube by making Connected cars U.S. District Court.
publicly shared user posts Whether it’s Internet- Other businesses, such
searchable, leveraging data connected cars or self-driv- as Lyft and DoorDash, face
about what users are talking Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times ing vehicles, the very defini- similar lawsuits.
about to target ads, and just FARADAY FUTURE , a Gardena electric car company, is scheduled to show a tion of an automobile is The class actions argue
allowing people to link out to prototype next month. It plans to roll out its first vehicle in 2017. changing dramatically. Car that many workers in the on-
their websites. It’s unlikely industry analysts portray a demand economy have been
that any of that is coming loads of hardware and con- ware to make the technology eo in VR. world in which cars trans- misclassified as independ-
from a company that ex- tent for immersive technolo- compelling. Remember Kinks remain — namely, form into entertainment ent contractors, effectively
presses queasiness about gy — a burgeoning market when 3-D glasses were sup- dialing-down the vomit fac- hubs and people won’t have stripping them of rights to
snooping into too much user segment that includes virtu- posed to be the next big tor when getting disoriented to get driver’s licenses any- overtime, expense reim-
data. But mounting pres- al reality, augmented reality thing? wearing one of the headsets. more. bursements and other ben-
sure from advertisers is and other means of putting On that front are game And here’s hoping there’s a It’ll be years before you efits.
likely to get Snapchat to cre- users in an alternate uni- makers like Ubisoft Enter- way to one day look less can ditch your car and rely Many workers want to be
ate some sort of method for verse, usually with the aid of tainment, which is develop- dorky strapping a plastic on a fleet of on-demand recognized as employees —
users to buy non-Snapchat computer-connected gog- ing “Eagle Flight” for Sony block to your face. driverless vehicles, but the benefits and all — a proposi-
goods and services through gles. Playstation VR, which al- — David Pierson auto revolution will continue tion that start-ups are balk-
the app, maybe through ce- Expect 2016 to be even lows players to control an to make big strides in ing at because, in addition to
lebrity and brand accounts bigger. Right now, Sam- eagle over an abandoned E-sports 2016. the costs involved, it would
only. sung’s Gear VR is the only Paris, overgrown with trees Great video game players California leads the de- require a complete business
Camera upgrades: The major brand with a headset and vegetation. have competed against oth- velopment of autonomous model overhaul.
camera screen, through available to consumers. But German software devel- ers for years with money or cars, advanced green vehi- The outcome of the class
which users can see the come next year, Sony’s oper Crytek is producing a trophies at stake. But now cles and automotive soft- actions could determine the
scene they’re about to cap- Playstation VR, Facebook’s game for Oculus Rift, “The that millions of people are ware, including Google’s and direction in which the on-de-
ture, is the most-seen fea- Oculus Rift and HTC’s Vive Climb,” a harrowing adven- watching those e-sports Apple’s growing automotive mand economy heads, al-
ture on Snapchat. Literally, are expected to be released ture in which users climb contests in big arenas and operations; it’s also home to though Uber has expressed
the app opens up to the cam- and rumored to range in dangerous mountains and other venues, entrepreneurs ride-hailing apps Uber and confidence that it can win
era every time. Snapchat price from about $300 to rock faces. are perking up. Lyft. The state’s aggressive the lawsuit and the issue will
now charges users to ani- $1,500. And Samsung’s Gear VR In 2016, the e-sports in- environmental regulation soon be laid to rest.
mate their faces on the cam- Moviemakers are invest- — the most affordable of the dustry will see a huge burst and generous electric car Not everyone shares that
era. Expect more features ing in more sophisticated major headsets at $100 of investment and rapid pro- subsidies have nurtured confidence, though. A num-
along that line, ranging from immersive equipment. apiece — is amping up exist- fessionalization, analysts companies such as Tesla ber of start-ups in Califor-
special fonts to object recog- Many were rigging cameras ing mobile games such as say. Video game competi- and its emerging rival, Gar- nia, such as meal delivery
nition. together to capture the 360- “Temple Run” with the VR tions will begin running on dena electric car company services Munchery and
— Paresh Dave degree view. Now Nokia is in- treatment. cable network TBS on Fri- Faraday Future. Sprig, on-demand valet
troducing a $60,000 camera Beyond games, the New day nights, sponsors will in- To kick off the new year, service Luxe Valet and gro-
Virtual reality called the Ozo specifically York Times’ partnership crease tournament prizes, Faraday is scheduled to cery delivery service Insta-
Just this year, Apple, No- for high-quality virtual reali- with Google Cardboard and those scheming entre- show off a prototype of its cart have already transi-
kia, Netflix, the New York ty content. demonstrated the medium’s preneurs will try to cash in first electric car at the Con- tioned their workers from in-
Times, GoPro, the Discov- The challenge will be potential in journalistic quickly just in case e-sports sumer Electronics Show the dependent contractors to
ery Channel and even toy finding enough games, mov- storytelling. Meanwhile, Ap- turn out to be a fad. For now, first week of January. The employees.
maker Mattel introduced ies, TV shows and other soft- ple released a U2 music vid- industry experts are opti- trade show, historically fo- — Tracey Lien
L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, D E C E M B E R 21, 2 015 A15

Numbers bode well for Disney

[‘Star Wars,’ from A1] box-office numbers, com-
Steering the phenome- pared with last year, were
non that captivated the na- lower. Theater owners set
tion are J.J. Abrams, who di- aside huge portions of their
rected the new film, and auditoriums for the film,
George Lucas, the visionary with some showings as early
who in 1977 launched the as 2 a.m.
franchise distinguished by It remains to be seen
highflying heroics, dazzling whether “Star Wars” will
special effects and the clas- have a halo effect on the in-
sic battle between good and dustry and get theatergoers
evil. to also see other movies.
“It’s been three years of Highly anticipated offerings,
preparation for this mo- including Sony’s “Concus-
ment, and it started with sion,” Paramount’s “Dad-
great storytelling,” said dy’s Home,” Fox’s “Joy”
Dave Hollis, Disney’s head of and Warner Bros.’ “Point
distribution. “J.J. and Lucas- Break,” will hit theaters this
film delivered a true Star week.
Wars experience.” Though some analysts
The space saga outpaced worry such films could get
previous record holders: lost in the shadow of “Star
Universal’s “Jurassic World,” Wars,” others suggest more
which opened in June with films may benefit from that
$208.8 million, and Marvel’s movie’s huge success as
“The Avengers,” also from more people are inspired to
Disney, which debuted in leave their residences and go
2012 with $207.4 million. to the multiplex. That film’s
“Star Wars” also smashed performance has brought
analysts’ optimistic projec- Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times out consumers who haven’t
tions of $220 million, and has THE DEDICATION of “Star Wars” fans has produced a list of records for the film, including the best Decem- been to a theater in a long
now positioned the film in- ber opening; best performing 3-D title; and highest opening weekend per-theater average for a wide release. time — welcome news to the-
dustry for a record box-of- ater owners who have seen
fice year as the winter holi- numbers were tallied, the of- ber opening; best perform- Boyega and Lupita Nyong’o, fans. “The future of ‘Star attendance stagnate in re-
day season picks up. ficial first-day total was esti- ing 3-D title; highest open- the new release was well re- Wars’ is looking good.” cent years.
The film wasted no time mated at $120.5 million from ing weekend per-theater av- ceived among audiences His comments reflect the “You’ve got people com-
in showing its strength: more than 4,000 theaters. erage for a wide release and critics alike. The film re- high stakes for Walt Disney ing out who aren’t frequent
Early screenings on Thurs- This gave the film the high- ($57,568); and highest De- ceived an A grade overall Co., which paid $4.1 billion in moviegoers,” said Will Palm-
day brought in $57 million in est single-day gross on cember opening theater from audiences, according 2012 for Lucasfilm, largely for er, chief executive of the film
ticket sales. That perform- record, and also the record count (4,134). to polling firm Cinema- the “Star Wars” franchise. marketing analytics firm
ance far exceeded the previ- for the first film to break the Mixing stars from the Score, and an A-plus among The big numbers for “The Movio. “This is [bringing in]
ous benchmark of $43.5 mil- $100-million mark in a single original “Star Wars” films women and younger audi- Force Awakens,” however, a whole raft of customers
lion set by “Harry Potter and day. such as Harrison Ford and ences. Rotten Tomatoes bode well for the studio, who don’t usually go to the
the Deathly Hallows — Part Other records the film Carrie Fisher with new cast critics gave it a 95% positive which counts on the movie movies and have disengaged
2” in July 2011. When Friday now holds: the best Decem- members Daisy Ridley, John rating. to kick off years of with the cinema.”
At the TCL Chinese The- sequels and stand-alone The industry is also wait-
atre’s Thursday night show- spinoff films. Burbank- ing to see whether the fan-
ing, fans cheered enthusias- based Disney also stands to tasy film can help push U.S.-
tically for the first bars of generate sizable returns Canada ticket sales to a
John Williams’ opening across other business seg- record $11 billion this year. If
theme and the introduc- ments, including video the film’s performance thus
tions of characters familiar games, merchandise and far is any indication, the
and new. theme parks. force is with them.
“The crowd just went Such a spectacular show-
nuts for everything,” said ing for “Star Wars” is on par trevell.anderson
Sabarish Chandramouli, a with the palpable anticipa-
24-year-old video game engi- tion demonstrated by fans ryan.faughnder
neer. “It was a throwback to and the movie theater indus-
the good old days.” try ahead of the release. Au- Times staff writers Lauren
At downtown’s L.A. Live diences set a number of re- Raab and Meredith
Regal Cinemas the same cords for advance ticket Woerner contributed to this
night, Eric Dermanouelian sales on sites such as Fan- report.
agreed. dango, and the movie racked
“ ‘Star Wars’ is itself again up more than $100 million in
and I think that’s a good pre-sales by its Thursday
thing,” said Dermanouelian, night opening.
24, of Culver City, referenc- The interest of fans led to RETIRED COUPLE
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THE VEGAS STRIP is filled with police cars and emergency crews after a driver

plowed into a crowd near the Paris Hotel & Casino early Sunday evening.

Crash kills 1, injures %

dozens in Las Vegas
to the Clark County Fire De- dent did not appear to be a
By Matt Hamilton partment. terrorist act.
Fire officials said 36 peo- At the time of the crash,
One person was killed ple were injured in the crash. the Miss Universe pageant
and six were severely injured The Las Vegas Metropolitan was being held in the Planet
Sunday night after a car Police Department put the Hollywood hotel.
plowed into pedestrians on
the bustling Las Vegas Strip,
authorities said.
figure at 37.
The identity of the per-
son who died was not re-
Police officers shut down
Las Vegas Boulevard be-
tween Harmon Avenue and
Apartment. Office. Shopping
The driver was taken into leased. Flamingo Road while inves-
custody and tested to see After the crash, a woman tigators canvassed the scene
whether she was under the who was driving the car with and emergency personnel
influence of drugs or alcohol, a 3-year-old passenger fled treated the injured and took
police said.
The crash occurred
about 6:30 p.m. near Paris
the scene and later turned
herself in to authorities at
Tuscany Suites & Casino,
some victims to hospitals.

Attention Commercial
Real Estate Investors
Hotel & Casino and Planet about a mile away, KSNV-TV
Hollywood Las Vegas Re- reported. Twitter: @MattHjourno
sort & Casino on South Las Las Vegas Police Officer The Associated Press
Vegas Boulevard, according Jesse Roybal said the inci- contributed to this report.
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A16 M O N DAY , D E C EM B E R 21, 2 015 WS C E L AT I ME S . CO M

‘The fundamental question is will we be viewed as partners or suspects?

The fear here is that we are being treated publicly as partners and privately as suspects.’
E DINA L IKOVIC , speaking for the Muslim Public Affairs Council

State secrets privilege questioned

[FBI, from A1] they would never know they
would expose or threaten to were being spied on 24 hours
expose matters of national a day,” Monteilh said.
security. He said his work identi-
“I just am having real fied terrorists overseas, al-
trouble seeing where the line though it did not lead to con-
is drawn in this very difficult victions of local Muslims.
situation we are in now,” Monteilh also said he under-
Berzon, a Clinton appointee, stands why the FBI con-
told a government lawyer. ducted the surveillance.
The government argued “Let’s face it, they have
it could not defend itself to,” he said. “That is the only
without disclosing state se- method they can use to be
crets. U.S. District Judge preemptive.”
Cormac J. Carney agreed It could take several
with the government in 2012, months before the 9th Cir-
dismissing the bulk of the cuit rules.
lawsuit on the grounds it Berzon was the only
would require disclosure of judge on the panel who
matters vital to national se- asked questions during the
curity. Carney reviewed clas- hearing. The other two re-
sified information before his viewing the case are 9th Cir-
decision. cuit Judge Ronald M. Gould
The Southern California and Judge George Caram
Muslim community, repre- Steeh III, a district judge
sented by the ACLU of from Michigan, both Clinton
Southern California, be- appointees.
lieves the FBI targeted peo- Although she was skepti-
ple solely because of their re- cal of both sides, Berzon told
ligion and should be held ac- attorneys for the govern-
countable. Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times ment that their arguments
Muslim leaders com- CRAIG MONTEILH , shown in 2009, secretly videotaped congregants at 12 L.A.-area mosques for the FBI. were “circular.”
plained that the spying mis- The agency is the focus of a class-action lawsuit brought by Southern California Muslims over surveillance. She also observed that
sion eroded trust in law en- another circuit court had
forcement at a time when suspects.” dent, 53. “All the information week, he received a pay in- videotaped Muslims found that the government
the government needs help About 500,000 Muslims they got came from me.” crease, the suit said. His through a camera hidden in could not invoke the state
from the Muslim community live in Southern California, Monteilh said the FBI handlers told him to write a button in the front of his secret privilege in a lawsuit
to fight terror. with more than120,000 in Or- paid him $177,000 to infiltrate down the license plate num- shirt. unless the secrets were an
“The fundamental ques- ange County, the second- about12 mosques in Orange, bers of the cars in the park- His identity was revealed integral part of the govern-
tion is will we be viewed as largest population of Mus- Los Angeles and San Ber- ing lot, he said. during a court hearing. He ment’s “meritorious de-
partners or suspects?” said lims in the United States. nardino counties over the But at times his devotion had a criminal record, and fense,” not just a possible de-
Edina Likovic, speaking for Monteilh, who had a fall- course of 14 months, starting raised eyebrows. He at- the FBI helped him get off fense, an issue a court would
the Los Angeles-based Mus- ing out with the FBI, has in June 2006. He said his job tended lessons in Arabic — a probation early, according have to determine.
lim Public Affairs Council. been working with the was to gather as many cell- language he didn’t speak. to a court transcript. “We certainly can’t do
“The fear here is that we are ACLU. phone numbers and email He also appeared to be Monteilh later accused that if you can’t tell us your
being treated publicly as “I am the principal wit- addresses as possible and to extremely absent-minded. the FBI of breaking promis- defense,” she said.
partners and privately as ness,” said the Irvine resi- find Muslims who could be Congregants remembered es to him. The FBI has said it Monteilh said he has re-
compromised because of im- that he was forever leaving does not target people be- mained a Muslim, though
migration, sexual or busi- his keys or his cellphone be- cause of their religion and his conversion initially was a
ness issues. hind. Monteilh later said his that Monteilh signed a confi- ruse. He said he prays five
Posing as a fitness con- phone and a fob on his keys dentiality agreement. times a day, studies the Ko-
sultant, Monteilh frequently contained recording devic- Monteilh, who unsuc- ran and fasts.
worked out with Muslims at es. cessfully sued the FBI, said But he does not attend a
the gym and secretly record- During the hearing, a he has no regrets about his mosque.
ed them, he said. lawyer for the FBI agents undercover work. He “People would freak out if
OF CALIFORNIA “This surveillance was so said Monteilh had signed a learned about FBI tech- they saw me,” he said. “I am a
fruitful that Monteilh’s han- contract saying he would niques and methods and former FBI informant, and
REFINISHING OF: dlers eventually told him not leave listening devices policies and now works as a that will always be with me.”
they were seeking approval unattended. Monteilh said consultant on counter-ter-

*(), ' *#!%, ' ,#.", ' $#)%-&!+,,

Valid to have him open a Muslim he signed no such contract, rorism, he said. His mission maura.dolan
1-800-882-5464 Until
gym,” the suit said.
When he agreed to attend
and the agents knew what he
was doing.
unveiled the government’s
scrutiny of Muslims, he said.

Promo prayers at dawn four days a Monteilh said he secretly “If I didn’t work that case, @mauradolan
Lic.#775121 Code:
L AT I ME S . CO M / O P IN I O N M O N DAY, D E C E MB E R 21, 2 015 A17

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tangling over
with Cuba Cheap oil’s
Reaching an agreement will be
hard enough, but Congress is
making it nearly impossible.

ust over a year ago, President Obama
began thawing the half-century Cold
War chill between the U.S. and Cuba
when he and President Raul Castro
agreed to reestablish diplomatic rela-
tions. More recently, Florida-based Stone-
gate Bank announced it would start issuing
debit cards that American travelers can use
in the island nation, a first for an American
firm. Last week the administration permit-
ted U.S. airlines to resume flights to Cuba,
which will make it easier for approved travel-
ers who have been relying on a complicated
charter system to get to the island. While
rapprochement with Cuba is long overdue, it
will take a significant amount of time and
delicate negotiations before full reconcilia-
tion can be achieved.
One of the thorniest elements is ensuring
that Cuba makes good on the assets it seized Karen Bleier AFP/Getty Images
from Americans and U.S.-based companies
55 years ago. When Fidel Castro’s guerrillas
By Steve Yetiv Saudi Arabia attacks the sup- On the other hand, Ameri-

swept dictator Fulgencio Batista from pow-
er in 1959, the new regime quickly converted il prices have fall-
ply side — that is, it cuts pro-
duction to boost prices. But the
The sluggish global can frackers will probably (fi-
nally) cut back production in
the island’s governance to a communist sys-
tem and nationalized billions of dollars in
en dramatically to Saudis have decided (most re- economy and the coming months. But that

private property, from small homes and

the mid-$30s on the
New York Mercan-
cently just two weeks ago) not
to do so, probably because they pessimistic traders alone can only push prices up so
farms to foreign-owned utilities, hotels, sug-
ar cane estates and other corporate assets.
tile Exchange from
more than $105 per barrel in
believe that low oil prices have
still not done enough to under-
are pushing down All this pressure on oil prices
is just fine for the American and
Castro settled property claims with Eng- 2014. Such extraordinarily low mine the North American ener- prices. That’s not global economy, if not for oil
land, Spain, Mexico and others, but negotia-
tions with the U.S. ended in 1960 when Presi-
prices are affecting global stock
markets, big oil exporters and
gy boom and hurt their neme-
sis, oil-rich Iran. good for the producers. But there is a down-
side to this story.
dent John F. Kennedy barred Americans
from buying from or selling to Cuba. The em-
consumers worldwide.
How can we explain this
Meanwhile, U.S. shale oil
producers haven’t cut back as
environment. The negotiators who struck
the recent climate change
bargo came in response to Castro’s seizure of crash and where are oil prices much as expected. In fact, they agreement in Paris want to
refineries owned by U.S. companies that re- headed? are overflowing with oil and are send a message to the markets;
fused, under Kennedy’s order, to process So- The global economy is in the building caverns in which to major oil fields. Sure, the terror- they want to convey that burn-
viet oil. More than 5,900 claims with an initial doldrums, and China, the store hundreds of millions of ist organization is stealing oil, ing fossil fuels is an increasingly
world’s biggest oil importer, ap- barrels for when demand re- but what it pumps from the costly habit. Unfortunately, low
value of $1.9 billion have been certified by the
pears plagued by structural po- turns. Traders see such over- areas it controls is just a drop in oil prices are sending the exact
Justice Department’s Foreign Settlement
litical and economic problems supply as a bearish sign for the global bucket of oil, even opposite message.
Claims Commission, and estimates put their
that it may or may not over- prices. though it makes tens of millions The upshot is that low oil
current value, with interest, at more than $7 come in the next few years. En- Adding to the mix, the U.S. doing it. prices aren’t something to cele-
billion. Notably, those claims do not include ergy agencies have therefore Federal Reserve is likely to raise Can oil prices rebound? brate. Over time, long invest-
losses by Cubans who later fled to the U.S. lowered global oil demand fore- interest rates repeatedly in the China’s economy won’t ment horizons tend to generate
Cuba, meanwhile, argues that the U.S. is casts. coming years, which should bounce back overnight, nor will boom and bust cycles in oil pro-
on the hook for some, if not all, of the $117 bil- These problems have rattled buoy an already strong U.S. dol- that of other countries. The duction and prices. But if prices
lion in damages it claims were caused by the traders on markets such as the lar. Since oil is traded in U.S. Saudis may decide to cut pro- remain low for too long, that will
embargo. While the Cuban responsibility to NYMEX. dollars, its strength translates duction in the coming months, hurt efforts to address climate
compensate for nationalized property is When traders believe that oil into even lower oil prices. but only if they believe that change, especially in the U.S.,
clear, it’s specious for Cuba to argue that the prices will rise, they buy futures Finally, although the Middle other OPEC countries will fol- where citizens largely oppose
U.S. owes damages because it refused to en- in hopes of selling them later for East is a political mess, its oil low suit. raising oil taxes.
gage in trade. Murkier is the validity of a Cu- a profit. Their actions increase supplies are relatively secure. As for the U.S. dollar, it’s
ban court ruling 15 years ago that found the the price of oil and, eventually, The Iran nuclear agreement pretty stable. So long as Ameri- Steve Yetiv is professor of
U.S. was also responsible for damages the price of derivatives, such as has removed, for now, the most ca is seen as a safer bet for for- international relations at Old
caused by the Bay of Pigs fiasco and other gasoline and heating oil. That’s likely chance of the type of war eign investments than most Dominion University. He is the
CIA-backed incursions. How enforceable not happening now because — an attack on Iran — that other places, and so long as the author of “Myths of the Oil
that might be is a question that ought to be traders are pessimistic. could really spook markets. Fed follows through on raising Boom: American National
What usually happens in Even the Islamic State is not interest rates, the dollar will re- Security in a Global Energy
wrapped into the negotiations.
such circumstances is that a significant military threat to main strong. Market.”
It’s a thorny situation, especially since
the U.S.-based claims would consume a sig-
nificant chunk of Cuba’s $77-billion gross do-

Your bleak retirement prospects

mestic product. One compromise worth ex-
ploring would be to compensate smaller
claimants for at least some of their losses
with cash, while paying off larger creditors
by giving them access to Cuban markets and
resources — a deal that also would help
Cuba by pumping some energy into a gener- rapidly, so it was almost cer- There are four main advan- of the annual holdings. By con-
ally low-performing economy. To prevent lower living tainly lower in 2015. tages to this idea. trast, private plans can easily
The biggest obstacle to moving forward, Although many people were Almost half the workforce charge 1.5% or more. The differ-
though, is Congress. Although the Cuban
standards, state-run hopeful that 401(k)s would be does not have the option to en- ence for someone putting $2,000
embargo began with executive orders, Con- plans are necessary. sufficient to support a comfort- roll in a 401(k)-type plan at their a year into an account for 30
gress later added its own stamp, most sig- able day-to-day retirement, this workplace. By creating a state- years would be more than
nificantly with the Cuban Liberty and has proved not to be the case. In run system, many would have $25,000.
Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996, which ef- By Dean Baker 2013, the middle fifth of house- access to such an account for It’s increasingly obvious that

fectively bars the president from lifting the holds of people ages 45 to 54 had the first time. there’s a major hole in the
he vast majority of less than $60,000 in total finan- One problem with employer- retirement system, and that the
embargo unilaterally. Better known as the
Americans who ex- cial assets. And most home- managed retirement accounts government can help fill it.
Helms-Burton Act, it precludes U.S. assist-
pect to retire in the owners in this age group still is that when people change That’s why President Obama
ance until there are democratic reforms that
next decade can had less than 40% equity in their jobs, they often cash out their asked the Treasury Depart-
don’t involve the Castro brothers, and it au- count on little in- homes, meaning they could holdings, paying penalties and ment to set up a new low-cost,
thorizes sanctions against corporations and come other than their Social look forward to paying off a losing their savings. But a pub- low-maintenance savings plan
countries that do business with Cuba. It also Security. This is true not only mortgage well into their retire- licly run system would be port- for workers—called myRA for
calls for the very reparations that are under for low-income workers, who ment. able, so that people could keep “my retirement account.” But
discussion now. have struggled most of their In response to this situation, contributing to the same sys- the myRA limits are low and
Unfortunately, the president and influen- lives, but also for millions of Illinois is developing a state-run tem from one job to the next. participants can only invest
tial lawmakers are at odds over the sagacity middle-income workers. Al- retirement program that will Another benefit to the state in low-yielding government
of normalizing relations with Cuba. But though Social Security is a tre- make it easier and cheaper for system is that participation bonds. What Illinois and, per-
Obama is on the right track here. The em- mendously important pro- workers to save. Many other would be the default option. haps soon, other states, pro-
bargo has not only exacerbated the hard- gram, and provides a solid base states, including California, are There is now a considerable pose to try is more ambitious,
ships faced by people living under the Cas- that retirees can depend upon, studying this option. body of research showing that and may ultimately be more
tros’ totalitarian regime, it has harmed its $16,000 average annual bene- Although there are differ- workers will contribute to their effective.
Americans and American companies with- fit doesn’t go very far. Many if ences in proposals, the com- retirement if they’re automati-
out weakening the Castros’ grip on power. not most can expect to see mon goal is to create a publicly cally enrolled, but won’t con- Dean Baker is co-director
With Fidel retired and Raul promising to sharp reductions in living managed system that will auto- tribute otherwise. (The basic of the Center for Economics
step down in 2018, now is an optimal time for standards. matically include workers story is that inertia is powerful. and Policy Research. He is
The reason for such bleak re- whose employers do not enroll Many people may want to take coauthor of “Getting Back to
the U.S. to begin exerting positive influence
tirement prospects is the disap- them in a plan. part in a retirement plan, but Full Employment: A Better
on one of its nearest neighbors.
pearance of traditional defined Workers would have a mod- they have busy lives and never Bargain for Working People.”
The administration should ensure
benefit pensions and the failure est amount (around 2% to 3%) get around to doing the paper-
through these crucial negotiations that of 401(k)-type plans to fill the deducted from each paycheck, work if it requires action.)
Americans who lost property to the Cuban gap. A recent analysis by the although they could opt out if The last advantage is that a
revolution receive some measure of justice. Employee Benefit Research they chose. The money would publicly run plan would have far HOW TO WRITE TO US
Yet the United States’ most pressing inter- Institute found that, in 2011, only then accumulate like a 401(k) lower costs than many privately Please send letters to
est here lies not in making amends for the 14% of private-sector employees during a person’s working run alternatives. The adminis- For
past, but in forging a better future. Congress participated in a defined bene- years, with the option to receive trative fees for a plan in a large submission guidelines, see
should join the Obama administration in fit pension plan. The participa- a lump sum or draw a monthly state such as California would or call
this effort, and lift the embargo. tion rate has been falling quite payment at retirement. almost certainly be under 0.5% 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.


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M O N D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A


tied to
Englander accepts
$8,400 in campaign
contributions as firm
competes for LAPD
camera contract.
By David Zahniser

L.A. voters went to the

polls in 2011 to crack down on
what some referred to as
“pay to play” practices at
City Hall, passing a measure
to limit the political influ-
ence of companies that seek
government business.
Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times
Measure H, backed by
OFFICIALS have not uncovered alleged terrorist plots against “soft targets” such as the 91 Freeway, under construction, until now. then-Councilman Eric Gar-

A ‘nightmare’ scenario
cetti and an array of good-
government types, prohibits
firms seeking lucrative city
contracts from making cam-
paign contributions to the
politicians who have final
say over those agreements.
But that law may prove to
be toothless in the case of

Officials begin to weigh response plans to freeway terror attack

Taser International, the
Scottsdale, Ariz., company
currently up for a $31.2-mil-
lion contract to provide
By Richard Winton thousands of body cameras
to the Los Angeles Police De-
There are few places where the seriousness of the plot, given partment.
Southern Californians feel more that there are so many easier ways Last year, a dozen donors
trapped than on a freeway in grid- Terror in transit? for active shooters to cause mass affiliated with Taser, half of
locked traffic. casualties. them company executives,
An outlandish plot to attack the 91 Freeway is just the latest in
One of the San Bernardino Officials said they had never un- put $8,400 into the reelection
several aborted efforts to commit terrorism at transportation
shooters and his longtime friend covered an alleged terrorist plot in- bid of Councilman Mitch
hubs, law enforcement authorities say:
talked about taking advantage of volving freeways until now. But Los Englander. Englander heads
this vulnerability by launching a Angeles Police Department Depu- the council’s Public Safety
2000: Plot uncovered to attack Los Angeles International Airport.
terrorist attack on a clogged free- ty Chief Michael Downing, who Committee, which recently
way using guns and pipe bombs, 2003: Man plots to cut cable supports for the Brooklyn Bridge. oversees the counterterrorism bu- reviewed the effort to buy
according to court records re- reau, said it’s a scenario officials 6,140 cameras and 4,400 Ta-
leased last week. 2006: Group talks of blowing up a train tunnel under the Hudson River, have discussed and tried to ad- sers. Nevertheless, he says
causing massive flooding.
Syed Rizwan Farook and En- dress with a response plan. the campaign money is not
rique Marquez Jr. mapped out the 2006: Men plot to blow up gas storage tanks and lines leading to JFK It is “a nightmare that we worry covered by the ballot meas-
attack plan of the 91 Freeway in de- Airport. about,” Downing said. ure’s restrictions.
tail and collected weapons and ex- According to a criminal com- At the time the money
plosives in 2011 and 2012, only to 2008: Man talked of using a suitcase bomb in river tunnel on Long plaint filed against Marquez last was given, “Taser was not
abort the plot, the charges say. Island Railroad. week in federal court, he and subject to Measure H be-
Still, their outlandish alleged 2009: Men plot bombings in New York subway system. Farook planned to target a location cause they were not bidding
scheme has counterterrorism ex- on the 91 Freeway during the after- on a contract or responding
perts both alarmed and baffled. 2012: Men are accused of plot to blow up a bridge near Cleveland. noon rush hour. to any solicitation by the
Experts say such an attack would Source: Times reports; New York Police Department The complaint does not specify city,” said Englander
be feasible, but some questioned [See Freeway, B6] spokeswoman Stephanie
Saporito in an email.
Critics contend Taser
was already in the process of
seeking work from the city

Acting L.A. schools chief

CAPITOL JOURNAL when the donations were

made. Englander, who rep-
resents the northwest San
Fernando Valley, accepted
the contributions in June

at home is named as search continues

2014, when Taser and a com-
petitor were already several
months into a field test of
their body camera equip-

for gov.’s ment at the LAPD.

That testing period
helped lead to the depart-

to-do list
ment’s decision to recom-
The district’s No. 2 mend Taser as its body cam-
era vendor. But under the
official, Michelle city contracting rules, that
King, is a candidate test was not considered a
formal bid process.
GEORGE SKELTON for the top job. Kathay Feng, executive
in sacramento director of the campaign fi-
By Howard Blume nance watchdog group Cali-
Back from fornia Common Cause, said
Paris and Ten days after Los Ange- the fact that a competition
planet-saving, les schools Supt. Ramon C. was underway — one involv-
Gov. Jerry Cortines quietly slipped out ing Taser — shows that the
Brown pre- of the district, his deputy, contributions to Englander
sumably has Michelle King, is assuming [See Englander, B5]
returned to the role until a permanent
his day job. successor is selected, offi-
Let’s hope. cials said.
Don’t read The Board of Education
this wrong. Slowing global had hoped to announce a How state
warming is noble and neces-
sary. California can help
new superintendent Satur-
day, but emerged from a
benefits in
show how it’s done and be closed-door, 13-hour session budget deal
a role model, even if the with nothing settled.
state does emit only 1% of Although the board took Congress’ sweeping
the world’s greenhouse no official action, King will budget includes
gases. serve as superintendent be- drought aid, tax
Brown needed to attend cause she was the No. 2 ad- credits for renewable
the United Nations summit, ministrator under Cortines, Al Seib Los Angeles Times energy and funding
because if for no other rea- said district general counsel L.A. UNIFIED Deputy Supt. Michelle King already has experience serving for for an earthquake
son, global warming is his David Holmquist. short periods as acting superintendent, especially under Supt. John Deasy. warning system. B2
obsession. In fact, Brown King is a candidate for
always has been fixated on the top job, but there is no in- cisco Supt. Richard Carran- Late Saturday evening, versations are absolutely Tanaka backers
what he used to call “Space- dication that her provisional za; and Miami-Dade County after the meeting adjourned, appropriate to the weight to get $800,000
ship Earth.” promotion is either an en- Supt. Alberto Carvalho, who board President Steve Zim- and significance of the deci- A jury finds his
But there are plenty of dorsement or a sign that has said publicly that he did mer offered an upbeat view sion. supporters faced
things that need saving she’s out of the running. not want the L.A. job. of the search process. “I am very proud of this retaliation from
at home. And California’s Besides King, educators Other individuals have “The board is absolutely board. Every one has then-L.A. County
governor has more power who are under consider- been under serious consid- on track, working extremely brought their best selves Sheriff Lee Baca. B3
than anyone to do it. ation or who have been re- eration as well. hard, and I am confident and kept their best selves
Mundane things like cruited include Fremont The school board has that we will be able to reach a even through these mara- Lottery ...................... B2
California’s pot-holed Unified Supt. Jim Morris, a scheduled another meeting decision within the first thon sessions.” Obituaries ................ B7
roads. longtime L.A. Unified senior on the selection of a superin- month of the school year,” The board has held four Weather .................... B8
[See Skelton, B8] administrator; San Fran- tendent for Jan. 5. Zimmer said. “And the con- [See L.A. Unified, B7]
B2 M O N DAY , D E C EM B E R 21, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM


River draws international focus the giant red trucks parked about 27 million gallons a
Officials are urged to outside Tijuana’s main fire day, said Juan Tamayo, the
station. Yet for a quarter of a service commission’s depu-
revamp pump station’s century, it has played an ty director for water treat-
operation to stop important role in keeping ment in Tijuana.
beaches clean on both sides Tamayo said that when-
polluted water flows. of the border. ever his workers turn off the
PB CILA was built after pumps — and when they
Minute 283, a 1990 agree- turn them back on — the
ment between the United state agency notifies Mexi-
TIJUANA — The opera- States and Mexico that says co’s counterpart of the
tion of a small pump station “the government of Mexico IBWC. It is then up to Mex-
near the U.S. border has will assure that there are no ican federal officials to
become a matter of growing discharges of untreated notify the IBWC.
international concern. domestic or industrial The station doubled its
The station, known as wastewaters into waters of capacity more than a dec-
PB CILA, prevents dry- the Tijuana River that cross ade ago — from three
weather water flows in the the international bounda- pumps to six pumps, he said
Tijuana River channel from ry.” in an interview Friday.
crossing to the United The agreement also led “There has been no change.
States. The station shuts to the construction of the On the contrary, we’ve
down when rains that raise South Bay International improved.”
the channel’s volume over- Water Treatment Plant, There has been no mal-
whelm the pumps’ capacity which treats sewage from function of the pump sta-
— and the result is the flow Tijuana and sends it to the Sandra Dibble San Diego Union Tribune tion in recent months, Ta-
of polluted water to the Pacific Ocean. THE PUMP STATION in Tijuana shuts down during heavy rains, resulting in a mayo said. But some unsea-
coastline on both sides of But although these flow of polluted river water to the coastline on both sides of the border. sonal rainstorms over the
the border. measures have largely last year have resulted in the
“It’s the age-old story. served to contain polluted the concrete channel of the discharge their treated gallons a day, according to station’s shutdown at un-
Water’s contaminated and cross-border flows under Tijuana River for discharge water into the channel, the State Public Service usual times, “as a result of
the beaches are closed,” dry weather conditions, the into the Pacific at Punta where it blends with runoff Commission. climate change,” Tamayo
said Steve Smullen, area problem persists when it Bandera, Mexico. This and some untreated waste PB CILA’S pumps are said.
operations manager for the rains. volume has grown in recent water from nearby colonias. turned off when rains raise
U.S. section of the Interna- The issue with PB CILA years, as new sewage treat- In dry weather, the chan- the volume in the channel Sandra Dibble writes for the
tional Boundary and Water involves water sent down ment plants upstream nel’s flow is about 13 million above 1,200 liters a second, San Diego Union Tribune.
Commission, or IBWC.
The subject of polluted
cross-border flows in the
Tijuana River watershed for BUDGET WATCH
decades has been a recur-
ring theme in the San Di-
ego-Tijuana region and the
subject of much binational
collaboration. In October, a
U.S.-Mexico agreement,
Minute 320, established a
new framework for cooper-
ating on the issues of sedi-
ment, trash and polluted
storm water in the water-
Last month, 18 nonprofit
groups in San Diego cited
the agreement in a letter to
the IBWC’s U.S. commis-
sioner, Edward Drusina,
urging a solution and de-
manding improvement in
the operation and manage-
ment of the station.
The contaminated flows
“pose a threat to public
health of San Diego-Tijuana
border residents,” says the
letter, whose signers in-
cluded the Imperial Beach
environmental group Wild-
coast, the San Diego Audu-
bon Society, the Tijuana
Sloughs Surf Club and the
chambers of commerce of
San Ysidro, Imperial Beach
and Coronado.
In the letter, the groups
call for the establishment of
a new binational agreement
detailing “when the PB
CILA pump station should
be operational and when ...
it should be turned off.” The
letter says that “during past
rain events, the station has Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times
been turned off during A HOME near downtown Napa last year after a 6.0-magnitude quake rocked the area. An early-warning system, which has been in devel-
periods longer than opment since 2006, gave a 10-second warning before the temblor struck. The budget deal sets aside $8.2 million in funding for the system.

What the state gains from D.C.

Near the U.S. border, PB
CILA is operated by Baja
California’s State Public
Service Commission. The
station is easy to miss, as it
sits behind a chain-link
fence and is often hidden by
an “atrocious policy,” the was a “Band-Aid” and not a
The new U.S. budget wind and solar tax credits long-term fix to the way the
would “eliminate around 10 government fights fires.
includes drought help
Lottery results times more carbon pollu- After several large wild-

For Saturday, Dec. 19, 2015

and more tax credits tion than the exports of oil fires last summer, lawmak-
will add.” ers began calling for chang-
Super Lotto Plus for renewable energy. es that would allow the U.S.
Mega number is Bold
Big boost toward quake Forest Service to tap into
4-17-25-27-31—Mega 14 early-warning system federal disaster money
Jackpot: $25 million Lawmakers included typically used for hurricanes
Winners per category: The sweeping budget $8.2 million in funding for an and other incidents. The
No. of Amount deal — a $1.1-trillion omnibus early-warning system for move came after the Forest
winners of prize(s) spending package — tackles earthquakes on the West Service was forced to bor-
5 + Mega 0 --- a number of policy areas, in- Coast, a more than $3- row money to fight the
5 2 $20,733 cluding making some $650 million increase over last various blazes.
4 + Mega 10 $2,073 billion in tax breaks perma- year. “The money’s helpful,”
4 367 $94
nent, adopting new cyberse- Rep. Adam Schiff (D- Bonnie said of the funds,
3 + Mega 591 $52
curity rules and repealing a Burbank) called the spend- “but we very much need a
3 15,629 $9
2 + Mega 7,315 $11
decades-old ban on crude oil ing a “very substantial sum Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times long-term fix.”
1 + Mega 35,719 $2 exports. in these budget-constrained LAKE McCLURE in Mariposa County. The budget
Mega only 53,694 $1 These types of year-end times.” Experts and re- includes more than $50 million in drought aid. A victory for ranchers and
bills are loaded with spend- searchers have said the wine producers with repeal
Powerball ing in just about every area system, once in place, could next few years we’ll have it ticularly Sen. Dianne Fein- of meat-labeling law
Powerball number is bold of government, and are offer the crucial minutes fully installed,” said Rep. stein, for blocking the The omnibus bill re-
28-30-41-59-68—Powerball 10 sometimes referred to as needed to slow trains, stop Ken Calvert (R-Corona), drought legislation. verses a controversial 2013
Jackpot: $202 million “Christmas trees.” surgeries and take shelter who is chairman of the The Republican version law that requires beef and
California winners per category: before a major earthquake appropriations subcommit- of the measure, proposed by pork to be labeled with
No. of Amount More tax credits for solar begins. tee that oversees funding for Rep. David Valadao (R- where the livestock was
winners of prize(s) and wind energy The system, which has earthquake programs. Hanford), would have au- born, raised and slaugh-
5 + P-ball 0 --- The deal extends tax been in development since thorized projects for water tered.
5 0 --- credits for wind and solar 2006, gave a 10-second warn- Drought help is on the way storage, desalination and The World Trade Organi-
4 + P-ball 1 $49,482 energy development by five ing last year before a 6.0- … sort of recycling, and would have zation ruled the law violates
4 35 $706 years. This means big magnitude temblor hit The two parties were funneled more water from international trade agree-
3 + P-ball 128 $200 breaks for California busi- Napa. unable to hash out a broad- the delta to San Joaquin ments and said earlier this
3 3,416 $8 nesses and individuals “This Early Warning er water deal in the spend- Valley farmers by lowering month that Mexico and
2 + P-ball 3,000 $9
involved in producing or System is an investment we ing package, but it provides the amount of water used to Canada could impose retal-
1 + P-ball 24,533 $5
investing in renewables. need to make now, not after more than $50 million to support endangered fish iatory tariffs of more than $1
P-ball only 60.423 $4
The state, which is a the ‘big one’ hits,” Schiff Western states to combat populations, something billion.
Winning jackpot ticket(s) sold in other
national leader in renewable said in a statement. the historic drought. conservationists have op- The tariffs would have
states: None
energy, already has nearly The additional money Leaders in both parties posed. affected U.S.-made wine,
For Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015 eliminated coal from its will help researchers at the had been negotiating for chocolate, beef, dairy and
Fantasy Five: 4-5-15-18-39 power sources and in 2013 U.S. Geological Survey, months, but finger-pointing A 50% increase for fighting processed tomato products
got nearly 20% of its energy Caltech, UC Berkeley, the ensued after talks appeared wildfires, but no long-term and could have begun as
Daily Four: 3-5-1-9 from renewables like wind University of Washington to break down recently. fix to funding early as this week.
Daily Three (midday): 8-4-8 and solar. Under a bill and the University of Ore- Last week, Democrats The U.S. Forest Service California ranchers,
signed by Gov. Jerry Brown gon, who have been devel- contended that Repub- is getting an additional including John Harris of
Daily Three (evening): 0-3-4
this year, California will oping the tool. licans had stopped negoti- $600 million for its fire- Harris Ranch in the San
Daily Derby: need to derive half of its But don’t expect the ating and jumped the gun suppression budget this Joaquin Valley, pushed for
(04) Big Ben electricity from renewable work to be done overnight. by introducing drought year, a massive increase the repeal in fear that the
(02) Lucky Star sources by 2030. Schiff has said it would take language that hadn’t meant to help with the tariffs could harm their
(01) Gold Rush In a letter urging her another $30 million or so to been agreed to by Demo- record $1.7 billion the agency business.
Race time: 1:46.53 Democratic colleagues to finish building the system, cratic leaders or stake- has spent fighting wildfires
Results on the Internet: support the spending meas- and an additional $16 mil- holders back home, despite this year. christine.mai-duc ure, House Minority Leader lion a year to run it. months of informal meet- But Robert Bonnie, who
General information: Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran- “We’ve gone a long way ings. oversees the Forest Service Times staff writers Lisa
(800) 568-8379 cisco) said that although with this warning system, GOP lawmakers later as undersecretary of Agri- Mascaro and Sarah D. Wire
(Results not available at this number) lifting the oil export ban is and I’m hopeful over the blamed Democrats, par- culture, said the allocation contributed to this report.
L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, D E C E M B E R 21, 2 015 B3

Officer fatally shoots man in ER
Victim, 26, had picked
up a stool and grabbed
for LAPD policeman’s
gun at Harbor-UCLA
Medical Center.
By Kate Mather

A Los Angeles police offi-

cer shot and killed a 26-year-
old man Saturday in Har-
bor-UCLA Medical Center’s
emergency room after he
picked up a metal stool and
grabbed for an officer’s gun,
police said.
The man, identified as
Ruben Jose Herrera of Tor-
rance, was the 20th person
shot and killed by on-duty
LAPD officers this year. Fif-
teen other people have been
wounded in shootings by
LAPD officers.
The events leading to
Saturday’s deadly encoun-
ter began about 8 a.m. in the
1600 block of West 207th
Street, where LAPD officials
said residents called 911 to
report a man throwing bot-
tles at an apartment com-
The residents “were try-
ing to resolve it themselves,”
Lt. John Jenal said, but ulti-
mately called police.
Officers responded to the
Harbor Gateway neighbor-
hood and tried to talk to
Herrera, Jenal said. Herrera
allegedly took a “fighting
stance” and attacked the of- Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times
ficers, at one point reaching A LOS ANGELES police officer stands outside Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, where a man was fatally shot in the emergency room by an
for an officer’s weapon, Jenal LAPD officer. Ruben Jose Herrera, 26, of Torrance was the 20th person shot and killed by on-duty L.A. officers this year.
The officers used a Taser cleared Herrera to be taken tenant said, Herrera again the Police Commission and was pepper-sprayed and Ta- make the transition from the
and a carotid restraint — in to jail for booking, Jenal said. reached for one officer’s gun, its inspector general. sered twice by police during hospital bed to the patrol car
which pressure is applied to About 2:30 p.m., when offi- prompting an officer to draw Jenal said the LAPD de- the initial encounter at the … he went violent again,” he
the sides of the neck — to cers went to remove his his weapon and fire. layed releasing information apartment. “I told him to said.
take Herrera into custody, handcuffs from the hospital Herrera was struck once about the shooting until the stop, my son was bipolar,” Harbor–UCLA Medical
Jenal said. gurney to take him to a pa- in the torso, Jenal said. Doc- man’s family could be noti- she said. Center, a 570-bed public
Both Herrera and the of- trol car, Jenal said, the man tors and nurses tried to help fied of his death. Graciel Herrera said her teaching hospital near Tor-
ficers — who Jenal said were “suddenly goes on the at- him, he said, but he died at He said relatives had son was cooperative with po- rance, serves 700,000 resi-
injured during the struggle tack.” the scene. gathered at the hospital Sat- lice. dents in the South Bay. It is
— were taken to nearby hos- Herrera picked up a met- One officer complained urday after the initial inci- “Everything they told one of only five Level One
pitals for treatment. al stool and the officers of pain after the struggle at dent that brought the man him to do, he did,” she said. trauma centers in Los Ange-
Herrera was taken to again tried to use a Taser, the hospital, Jenal said, but there, but left and couldn’t Jenal said investigators les County.
Harbor-UCLA Medical Cen- Jenal said, but the device the extent of any injuries was initially be found after the would try to determine what
ter in Torrance. There, Jenal “did not have any impact.” unclear. shot was fired. prompted Ruben Herrera’s kate.mather
said, “he was cooperative, he The struggle moved from a Jenal said there were sev- “We did not want the fam- actions.
was pleasant.” treatment room into a hall- eral witnesses to the strug- ily to find out by watching “He went from very vio- Twitter: @katemather
“Everything seemed to be way near the nurse’s station, gle and shooting, which will the news,” he said. lent to very calm and cooper- Times staff writers Ben
fine,” Jenal said. Jenal said. also be reviewed by the dis- Herrera’s mother, Gra- ative at the hospital and, as Poston and Doug Smith
Medical staff ultimately At some point, the lieu- trict attorney’s office and ciel, told KTLA that her son they did the handcuffing to contributed to this report.

Backers of ex-lawman
awarded $800,000
Supporters of Paul
Tanaka had faced
retaliation at the
Sheriff’s Department.
By Cindy Chang

Shortly after going on a

fishing trip with then-
Undersheriff Paul Tanaka in
June 2013, Capt. Chuck
Roger Wilson Glendale News Press Antuna was transferred to a
BURBANK has forbidden bicycle riding on the Mariposa Street bridge, which job that increased his daily
equestrians desired. But walking bikes across it is OK. Above, a wrangler in 2012. commute by hundreds of

Bicycling on bridge barred

In the Los Angeles
County Sheriff ’s Depart-
ment, such a transfer is com- Mark Boster Los Angeles Times
monly known as “freeway SOME OF the award money will come from former
therapy.” Sheriff Lee Baca’s own pocket as punitive damages.
“no bicycles” signs on and bridge for equestrian use. Antuna sued the county
By Chad Garland near the bridge. Mixing cy- “Bike riders have many more and then-Sheriff Lee Baca, the verdict, Baca said he did versy involving spare heli-
clists and horses is unsafe, opportunities.” alleging that Baca trans- not retaliate against the copter parts obtained from
Equestrians argued that some contend. Gabel-Luddy, along with ferred him because of his plaintiffs and that there the federal government.
it was a “bridge to nowhere” To help settle their differ- Mayor Bob Frutos, sup- support for Tanaka, who were other reasons for the After the new sheriff, Jim
for bicyclists and that they ences, the Burbank City ported an alternative meas- planned to run for sheriff transfers. McDonnell, took office,
shouldn’t be allowed to ped- Council unanimously ap- ure that would have banned against Baca. “That’s the professional Antuna was transferred
al their way across the Mari- proved an ordinance that bicycles on the bridge, but Last week, Antuna was way to do things,” he said. back downtown and
posa Street bridge into Los bars bicycle riding on the that proposal failed to gain among eight sheriff ’s offi- “All the professional stand- now works at Men’s Central
Angeles, where there’s no bridge, though that means the support of a majority of cials awarded a total of ards of the department were Jail.
outlet for them into Griffith pedestrians will still be al- the council. $800,000 by a federal jury met.” Another plaintiff, Kevin
Park. lowed to push bikes across. On the L.A. side of the that agreed they were tar- The trial provided a look Hebert, was recently pro-
Instead, the bridge Equestrians had urged ap- bridge, bicyclists are prohib- geted with retaliation for back at the Baca-Tanaka moted from captain to com-
should be reserved for pe- proval of the measure, and ited from riding on a dirt supporting Tanaka. era, where loyalty was prized mander.
destrians or horses, they some bike enthusiasts said trail that leads to a tunnel Some of that money, and Tanaka bonded with his Tanaka was forced into
urged the Burbank City later they were happy with under the Ventura Freeway, $45,000 per plaintiff, will inner circle by smoking ci- early retirement by Baca,
Council last week. the compromise. which is marked as a bridle come out of Baca’s own gars on a private patio. who himself stepped down
Bike enthusiasts, on the Councilwoman Emily trail. pocket as punitive damages, Current and former top abruptly in January 2014.
other hand, said the bridge Gabel-Luddy said the ordi- City Manager Mark Scott according to Brad Gage, officials, including Baca, Tanaka then ran against
gave them access to a route nance is “the right step for- said that city staff had rec- an attorney for the plaintiffs. Tanaka and Interim Sheriff McDonnell for sheriff, losing
along the Los Angeles River ward,” but she added that ommended the ban on rid- The rest of the judgment John Scott, testified in court by a wide margin.
to connect to miles of bicycle the council could choose to ing bikes across the bridge consisted of emotional dis- or in recorded statements. In May, Tanaka was hit
paths. revisit the issue later when a because there was no place tress awards to each plain- One plaintiff, Capt. Rob- with criminal charges in a
And it has never been bridge across the river at immediately on the other tiff. ert Tubbs, was allegedly the case that has resulted in
closed to bicyclists in its 70 Bob Hope Drive opens. She side of the 140-foot span No economic damages target of an internal investi- convictions of eight sheriff ’s
years of existence, though also suggested cyclists could where cyclists can legally were awarded. gation for smoking a cigar on officials for obstructing a
some ranchers and eques- travel down Riverside Drive ride under L.A.’s laws. That “This is a case about pow- duty. federal investigation into al-
trians have tried to dissuade to Victory Boulevard and doesn’t mean cyclists can’t er — about a man who Such an investigation legations of abuse and cor-
them from using it, they across the bridge there to walk their bikes across the wanted to keep his power as would be “a little childish,” ruption by deputies in the
said. the L.A. River bike path. bridge, he said. sheriff of Los Angeles Baca said in videotaped tes- county jails.
Equestrians said that “Looking at the whole of County,” Gage said in clos- timony. He is scheduled to stand
they’ve been treated un- Burbank, the bridge is chad.garland ing arguments. Among the plaintiffs trial in March.
kindly by some bicyclists as unique,” Gabel-Luddy said, “Absolute power can cor- were three former Aero Bu-
well, pointing out that some- arguing that the ordinance Garland writes for Times rupt.” reau officials who were
one has spray-painted over was about preserving the Community News. Reached by phone after transferred after a contro- Twitter:@cindychangLA
B4 M O N DAY, D E C EM B E R 21, 2 015 WS C E L AT I ME S . CO M

5 killed in
plane crash
three hours after receiving
Debris is found an alert from the Federal
Aviation Administration
south of Bakersfield. about a missing plane that
Authorities say bad was last detected an esti-
mated 10 miles south of the
weather may have city, sheriff ’s Cmdr. Shaun
been a factor. Beasley told the Associated
By Ben Poston Air traffic controllers lost
contact with the single-en-
gine Piper PA32 about 4 p.m.
Five people were killed as it was flying from Reid-
Saturday when their single- Hillview Airport in San Jose
engine plane crashed in an to Henderson Executive
John Gastaldo San Diego Union-Tribune almond orchard south of Airport near Las Vegas,
SAN DIEGO COUNTY Sheriff’s Deputy Barron Noah, left, and Hemmen Karim look for homeless camps. Bakersfield, authorities a spokesman for the FAA
The expansion of a diversion program will include illegal lodging charges brought against homeless people. said. said.

More ‘community court’

The victims’ bodies were King said bad weather
recovered from the crash may have been a factor. A
site in the orchard near Pan- meteorologist with the Na-
ama Lane and Buena Vista tional Weather Service in
Road, said Sgt. Mark King of nearby Hanford said it was
the Kern County Sheriff ’s rainy and cloudy in the area
Department. south of Bakersfield around
The coroner’s office has the time the plane went off
Touted as a national people out of the crowded gives us an opportunity to not released the victims’ radar.
San Diego expands model, it recently received a court system, Goldsmith dig into drug cases and the identities. The National Transpor-
$415,000 federal “smart jus- said. homeless issue.” Authorities found air- tation Safety Board and the
diversion program to tice” grant to help fund the During a one-year pilot, Because many homeless craft debris scattered in the FAA are investigating the
include illegal lodging, expansion and data track- the program was limited to people are charged with a orchard hours after the crash, King said.
ing. first-time offenders accused misdemeanor at some point, small plane sent out a may-
minor drug offenses. Called “community of trespassing, vandalism, Goldsmith said, he’s opti- day call and disappeared ben.poston
court,” the program aims to shoplifting and other minor mistic the expansion of com- from radar.
By David Garrick steer early offenders onto misdemeanors. munity court could help A search and rescue crew Twitter: @bposton
the right path by imposing Goldsmith said he’s make a significant dent in found the crash site about The Associated Press
swift consequences for mi- ready to include drug of- San Diego’s homeless popu- 7:30 p.m. Saturday, about contributed to this report.
SAN DIEGO — A city nor, nonviolent crimes. fenses and illegal lodging be- lation, which a recent survey
program focused on pre- “Early offenders in our cause he’s adding a screen- found to be the fourth-larg-
venting early offenders from criminal justice system ing system to determine est of any city in the nation.

Judge orders 2
becoming career criminals is don’t really get the kind of at- whether participants need “San Diego has a lot of
expanding to include minor tention they need, and it special help and a case man- fine homeless programs, but
drug offenses and illegal shows up in escalating be- ager to connect them to there is not one strategy,” he
lodging charges brought havior,” said City Atty. Jan whatever support services said. “There is a lot of differ-
against homeless people. Goldsmith, who launched might be appropriate. ent strategies and not as

to stand trial in
The year-old diversion the program in November “We’ve kind of been a lit- much coordination as you
program lets people avoid 2014. “When you wait down tle bit in the dark about what would like.”
jail time and a criminal the road, it’s too late — it’s the person needs,” Gold- Goldsmith said he won’t
record for low-level misde- too late when they kill some- smith said. “The whole focus be able to solve the homeless

fake DUI case

meanors if they complete one.” of community court is to get problem but that an ex-
two days of community serv- The program also saves to them early and get to the panded community court
ice and pay a $120 fine. taxpayers money by keeping heart of the problem. This could make a difference.
“We’re going to slowly in-
sert ourselves into the
homeless issue and try to de-
velop a strategy that allows
the first responders to work find damaging information.
with the housing folks and The pair are accused The police union and the
the providers in a way that law firm have not been
gets these folks off the of false imprisonment charged with any crimes.
streets and into programs and conspiracy in the Prosecutors have granted
and housing,” he said. police association members
The expansion is possible 2012 stop of a Costa immunity in exchange for
partly because of the U.S. Mesa councilman. their testimony.
Department of Justice grant Much of the case against
and partly because each of By Jeremiah Dobruck Lanzillo and Impola centers
the program’s original par- around the night of Aug. 22,
ticipants agreed in late No- 2012. Prosecutors say Impola
vember to continue beyond An Orange County judge and a woman working with
the first year. has ordered two private in- him were surveilling Mona-
“This is a win-win for all,” vestigators to stand trial on han in a restaurant he owns
Get insights into the movie said San Diego County Sher-
iff Bill Gore, who has agreed
charges of false imprison-
ment and conspiracy in con-
in Costa Mesa.
After seeing Righeimer

straight from the source.

to help fund preliminary nection with a fake drunk at the restaurant’s bar, Im-
screening of offenders. driving report against a pola contacted Lanzillo,
“They realize there are con- Costa Mesa city councilman who tailed Righeimer when
Watch exclusive videos featuring sequences for their actions, who was detained by he drove off, prosecutors al-
the creators of this award-worthy film. and the communities bene- police outside his home in lege.
fit from their program as- 2012. According to testimony
signments.” Superior Court Judge at a preliminary hearing,
The local chapter of the Cheri Pham’s decision last Lanzillo called 911 to report
American Civil Liberties week reverses a magistrate’s that Righeimer was swerv-
Union has also been a sup- earlier ruling that the offi- ing in and out of lanes.
porter. “Through communi- cer’s sobriety test on Coun- Soon after, a Costa Mesa
ty service and connection to cilman Jim Righeimer didn’t police officer arrived at
support services, individu- constitute a detention, Righeimer’s home and ad-
als are held accountable to thereby negating prosecu- ministered a sobriety test,
the community without tors’ charge of false impris- which Righeimer quickly
wasting taxpayer dollars on onment. passed. Righeimer later pro-
unnecessary incarceration,” Over objections from de- duced a receipt for two Diet
said Kellen Russoniello, an fense attorneys, Pham also Cokes from Monahan’s res-
ACLU staff attorney. said there is enough evi- taurant.
So far, 82% of partici- dence to suggest that pri- Though Righeimer’s
pants — 602 of 738 — have vate investigators Chris interaction with the officer
completed their community Lanzillo and Scott Impola lasted less than a minute
service, paid their fine and conspired about the fake and he consented to the
cleared their record. An ad- DUI report. sobriety test, Pham said any
ditional 177 participants are Her decision means Lan- reasonable person in the
completing the program, zillo and Impola now face fel- same situation would under-
which they must do within ony counts of conspiracy stand that he wasn’t free
90 days. and false imprisonment re- to leave until the officer
The 915 total participants lated to the DUI stop. They had finished the investiga-
represent 66% of the 1,386 are also charged with two tion.
people offered community additional felony counts of Pham also agreed with
court by Goldsmith’s staff, conspiracy on allegations of prosecutors that a series of
Actress Lily Tomlin
with the other 471 preferring using GPS devices to il- phone calls among Lanzillo,
to pursue their case in the legally track a lawyer and a Impola and law firm partner
courts or accept probation second Costa Mesa council- Dieter Dammeier before

Grandma or jail time instead of com-

munity service and a fine.
man, Steve Mensinger.
Prosecutors allege that
Lanzillo’s 911 call supported
charging the private investi-
(Sony Pictures Classics) Goldsmith said he was Lanzillo and Impola were gators with criminal con-
initially worried about the trying to dig up dirt on a spiracy in the DUI report.
Q&A with: program being perceived as group of City Council candi- She added, however, that
too soft on crime. dates who were feuding with the evidence was circum-
Actress Lily Tomlin, director Paul Weitz “If too many people par- the police union in the run- stantial and may not be
and producer Andrew Miano. ticipated, that would mean up to Costa Mesa’s 2012 elec- enough to produce a convic-
we were giving away the tions. Council members tion, which requires a higher
Moderated by: store and the reputation Mensinger and Gary Mona- standard of proof.
would be out there that it’s han were up for election, and Prosecutor Robert Mest-
Mark Olsen, Los Angeles Times writer
easy,” he said. “And if the Righeimer is their ally. man said Pham’s decision
numbers were too low, I’d be Authorities believe the adds a few months to the
worried that we were being private investigators were possible jail time Lanzillo
too tough.” working for the now-defunct and Impola could face.
The county public de- law firm Lackie, Dammeier, If convicted, each could
fender’s office has endorsed McGill & Ethir, which repre- be sentenced to a maximum
the program since its incep- sented the Costa Mesa Po- of four years and four
tion and supports the ex- lice Assn. at the time. months behind bars. pansion. Prosecutors said that as part of a campaign against jeremiah.dobruck
david.garrick the candidates, the police association had recently in- Jeremiah Dobruck writes
@Envelope /LATimesEnt #EnvelopeScreenings
Garrick writes for the San creased the law firm’s re- for Times Community
Diego Union Tribune. tainer with instructions to News.
L AT I M ES . C O M M O NDAY , D E C E M BE R 21, 2 015 B5

Critics question cash donation

[Englander, from B1]
violate, at a minimum, the
spirit of Measure H.
Englander “should not
have been soliciting cam-
paign contributions … know-
ing there was a process
underway,” said Feng, who
signed the ballot argument
in favor of Measure H.
Taser officials did not re-
spond to requests for com-
ment from The Times. Arnie
Berghoff, a lobbyist for the
company at City Hall, said
Friday that Taser executives
were unavailable because of
the holiday season.
Under Measure H, com-
panies are barred from giv-
ing to elected officials at City
Hall once they turn in a bid
for work valued at more than
$100,000, according to the
city’s campaign finance or-
dinance. The measure pun-
ishes donors, not politicians,
for engaging in such activ-
ities. Companies found to
have broken the law can be
barred from competing for
city work for up to four years,
depending on the number of
Ethics Commission re-
cords did not show dona-
tions from Taser executives
to any other elected official
at City Hall.
The City Council had
been scheduled to vote last
week on Taser’s body cam-
era contract, which is
Al Seib Los Angeles Times
backed by Mayor Eric Gar-
cetti and police Chief Charlie L.A. CITY COUNCILMAN MITCH Englander, left, accepted campaign donations from Taser International executives.
Beck. Council President
Herb Wesson postponed the cials. port on how to implement geles of offering Taser a “no-
meeting after hearing con- Over the last three years, the cameras throughout the bid” contract. But both Eng-
cerns from his colleagues Englander has repeatedly department. “This field lander and the LAPD dis-
about the initiative, which is pressed for the LAPD to ob- study is the result of my Sep- puted that notion, saying
expected to cost $57.6 million tain body cameras, describ- tember motion directing the Taser and Coban competed
over five years. Beyond the ing the devices as a way to re- Los Angeles Police Depart- to show they had the best
$31.2-million Taser contract, duce costly legal payouts ment to work with Taser product.
the city anticipates spend- over allegations of miscon- International,” he wrote. “We certainly went
ing an additional $26.4 mil- duct. Five months later, Eng- through a competitive proc-
lion to cover other technolo- In September 2013, Eng- lander flew to Phoenix for a ess early on, before Kern
gy and expenses for full de- lander drafted a proposal to campaign fundraiser, ac- County” issued its own re-
ployment of the cameras. have Taser test its on-body cording to campaign re- quest for bids, Goodrich
Councilman Bob Blu- camera equipment at the cords. He later reported re- said.
menfield said he experi- LAPD, calling the company ceiving a dozen donations Studio City resident Eric
enced “sticker shock” after “a leader in the field of on-of- on June 7, 2014, during the Preven, a critic of the body
learning that more than 100 ficer video.” Two months lat- time of that trip. Those do- camera selection process,
officers may be needed to er, LAPD technology officers nations included money said voters should close
oversee the program. Coun- appeared before Eng- from Taser executives and loopholes in Measure H to
cilman Mike Bonin an- lander’s committee to say their family members, as make sure contributions are
Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times
nounced he was “totally they planned to let both Ta- well as a contribution from a barred during such testing
freaked” out over the poten- ser and a competing com- manager with Evidence- THE CITY plans to buy 6,140 cameras and 4,400 periods. When Taser execu-
tial drain on LAPD re- pany, Coban Technologies, .com, the entity that’s ex- Tasers for its patrol officers at a cost of $31.2 million. tives contributed to Eng-
sources. offer their cameras for the pected to provide storage for lander, they were trying to
Englander, in contrast, study. the LAPD’s video footage. partment’s chief informa- County, which signed an get LAPD business, he said.
said last week that he would In January 2014, Eng- After the test was com- tion officer. The LAPD de- agreement with Taser for “They should be pun-
“fully recommend” the deal lander announced his sup- pleted, LAPD officials con- cided not to conduct its own body cameras in September. ished,” he added.
to his colleagues. “I think port for that strategy, saying cluded that Taser had the bidding process, relying in- That arrangement
you have done a phenom- in his weekly newsletter that preferred product, said stead on a procurement prompted one software david.zahniser
enal job,” he told LAPD offi- his committee wanted a re- Maggie Goodrich, the de- process carried out by Kern company to accuse Los An-

Jail protocols aim to cut suicide rate

and allowed out only one modules, where cells have
San Diego County hour a day, “with no other in- been stripped of any tie-off
mates allowed out of their points to prevent hanging.
has enhanced cells, cell at the same time.” Inmates are given tear-
fencing and other The medical examiner’s proof suicide smocks and
report says Nishimoto was blankets, and new protec-
policies to prevent seen by a psychiatric nurse tive fencing prevents them
in-custody deaths. Sept. 25 and had an appoint- from jumping off the second
ment to see a psychiatrist tier of two-tier modules. The
By Kelly Davis Sept. 27, the day he was sheriff has hired additional
found hanging in his cell. mental health clinicians,
Attorney Chris Morris Joshua said, and is in the
SAN DIEGO — Jason said he plans to file a lawsuit process of hiring more.
Nishimoto was not sup- on Rochelle Nishimoto’s be- In developing the pro-
posed to have a sheet in his half. gram, Joshua said, sheriff ’s
jail cell, or anything to hang “If [Jason Nishimoto’s] medical staff reviewed past
it from. But he did. treatment followed the new inmate suicides and toured
The 44-year-old, who’d suicide matrix, then clearly jails around the country that
been diagnosed with the suicide matrix is not ac- had successfully reduced
schizoaffective disorder, was complishing its stated goal,” their suicide rate, such as
supposed to be in a suicide Morris told the San Diego Dallas, which had no inmate
watch cell with special safe- Union-Tribune. suicides for two years.
guards under new policies at The San Diego County Identifying at-risk in-
the San Diego County Sher- Sheriff ’s Department intro- mates is the most important
iff ’s Department for people duced its suicide prevention part of any suicide preven-
whose cases indicate suicide protocol in February. The tion program, said Lindsay
Hayne Palmour IV San Diego Union-Tribune
risks. changes were spearheaded Hayes, project director for
When the jail took Nishi- ROCHELLE NISHIMOTO of Vista holds a photo of her son Jason, who hanged by Dr. Alfred Joshua, who the National Center on Insti-
moto in after a family dis- himself in a San Diego County jail cell. There have been five suicides this year. was hired in November 2013 tutions & Alternatives.
turbance in September, his as the department’s chief “Jails do a very good job of
mother, Rochelle Nishimoto Los Angeles County, with zuela, 20, was found hanging suicide attempt and ongoing medical officer. keeping people alive — once
of Vista, received reassur- three times the jail popula- in his cell in the Central Jail. risk. In addition to better com- they’re identified as suicid-
ances in a phone call from a tion of San Diego, has had According to the medical ex- His mother also told the munication among jail staff al,” Hayes said. “But that’s
nurse. one jail suicide this year af- aminer’s report, Valenzuela jail’s psychiatric nurse, who and those who come into really not what suicide pre-
“ ‘OK, don’t worry mom, ter 10 in 2013. struggled with drug addic- called the next day with contact with inmates — vention is. Suicide preven-
we’ll take good care of your The drop in L.A. jail sui- tion and had previously been questions about medica- other law enforcement agen- tion is the identification
son,’ ” Rochelle Nishimoto cides is the result of a federal hospitalized for a suicide at- tion. cies, court staff and medical process.”
said she was told, shortly be- investigation — and a subse- tempt. Nishimoto had never providers — the protocol in-
fore her son took his own life. quent agreement with the On Sept. 29, Martin Do- been to jail nor had been ar- cludes placing inmates Kelly Davis is a contributor
After six suicides last U.S. Department of Justice zal, 38, killed himself at the rested, Rochelle Nishimoto flagged as a suicide risk in to San Diego Union
year, the county instituted — regarding the treatment George Bailey Detention Fa- said. He also had attempted “enhanced observation” Tribune.
new policies and protocols of mentally ill inmates, in- cility in Otay Mesa. Nicholas suicide in August with Klo-
this year in an effort to re- cluding suicide prevention. Medel committed suicide nopin, she said. He was
duce such deaths. The effort In September, L.A. County there Nov. 8. treated at Tri-City Medical
is partly to better care for in- agreed to pay $1.6 million to Nishimoto’s trip to jail Center and put on suicide
mates and partly to save tax-
payers from multimillion-
the family of 21-year-old Aus-
tin Losorelli, a suicidal in-
started with a suicide at-
tempt. On Sept. 24, he swal-
watch. After he was re-
leased, he seemed to be do-
Wheels For
dollar legal settlements that mate who was transferred to lowed a bottle of the pre- ing OK, she said.
have resulted from jail a single-person cell where he scription medication Klono- “We always got through
deaths. hanged himself. pin. His mother, Rochelle hard spots before,” Rochelle

The protocols seemed to “This is costly for coun- Nishimoto, found the empty Nishimoto said.
pay off for the first half of ties,” said Peter Eliasberg, medication bottle and called The medical examiner’s
2015, but a rash of suicides in legal director at the ACLU of Jason’s brother, Adrian, who report notes that at the time Benefiting
the fall have brought the to- Southern California. “Where lived nearby. of his arrest in September,
tal to five for 2015 so far. there’s these warning signs When the brother ar- Nishimoto “made suicidal
That number is signifi- and basic protective steps rived, Nishimoto was trying statements and stated he Make-A-Wish®
cant compared with the
other five largest jail sys-
aren’t taken, counties can
get slammed.”
to leave in his car. He picked
up a shovel and threatened
had consumed a large
amount of pills.” Deputies Greater Los Angeles
tems in California. San Ber- San Diego County start- to hit his brother, who called took him to the emergency
nardino has had three jail ed 2015 with a jail suicide on 911. room at Tri-City, where he *Free Vehicle Pickup ANYWHERE
suicides. Los Angeles and Jan. 6, before its new proto- Family members said was cleared before being *We Accept All Vehicles Running or Not
Santa Clara each has had cols were fully implemented. they told the dispatcher — booked into jail.
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one. And Orange and Sacra- Then for seven months, and the deputies who ar- At the jail, the report
mento counties have had there were no suicides. rested Nishimoto over the says, Nishimoto was placed *Fully Tax Deductible
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* Wheels For Wishes is a DBA of Car Donation Foundation.
B6 M O NDAY , D E C E M B E R 21, 2 015 L ATI M E S . CO M

Alleged plot’s seriousness questioned

[Freeway, from B1] military convoys have been to the 91Freeway plan as well Hate and Extremism.
the exact location but said hit with improvised explo- as another aborted plot tar- The alleged 91 Freeway
the area lacked exits, which sives, rocket-propelled gre- geting Riverside City Col- plan is one of many plots un-
the pair believed would in- nades and gunfire. lege. He was also charged covered in the United States
crease the number of tar- Some experts are skepti- with illegally providing some that targeted transporta-
gets. Marquez admitted to cal about the likelihood of a of the weapons used in the tion. According to the New
authorities that he would set freeway terror attack, noting massacre. York Police Department,
up a position in the hills that there are other “soft Both the San Bernardino plans included cutting the
south of the freeway as targets” that could likely shooting and the ISIS at- support cables of the Brook-
Farook would throw pipe yield more casualties. tack in Paris underscored lyn Bridge, exploding bombs
bombs into the eastbound “It has not been in the ji- the vulnerabilities of “soft in the New York subway sys-
lanes to stop traffic, the hadists’ playbook,” said Bri- targets.” Both attacks oc- tem and blowing up train
court papers said. an Jenkins, a senior advisor curred away from land- tubes under the Hudson and
Farook would then move at Rand Corp. and a top offi- marks that officials have East rivers.
among the stopped vehicles, cial with Mineta Transpor- often considered the most “Transportation targets
shooting motorists. tation Institute. “Active likely terrorist targets and are fairly common with ter-
Marquez said his plan was to shooters look for folks in instead hit suburban areas rorists, but they usually in-
shoot at stopped vehicles confined environments, not with much more limited se- volve mass transit, aircraft
KTLA Associated Press
from the hill and watch for behind metal.” curity. or bridges,” Levin said. “A
approaching police and ENRIQUE MARQUEZ JR. , left, has been charged Farook and his wife, “Terrorists are con- horrendous operation such
emergency responders, with conspiring with Syed Rizwan Farook in 2011 and Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 stantly looking for ways of as the one envisioned in the
prosecutors alleged. His pri- 2012 to commit crimes of terrorism. people Dec. 2 at a holiday not only hitting people at complaint not only confines
ority, he said, was to shoot at party in San Bernardino. large symbolic targets and civilians while they would be
police before opening fire on Downing said that even send officers to the scene They were later killed in a events, but also during ev- under vicious attack but ob-
medical personnel. staging an accident on a sec- quickly to stop the attack. shootout with authorities. eryday routine activities as structs and places first re-
The document said tion of a freeway with few Ambushes in narrow pas- Both are said to have ex- well, where civilians are sponders at risk from sniper
Marquez stopped plotting exits would give terrorists sages with no escape routes pressed support for Islamic most vulnerable and least fire as well.”
the attack in 2012 for several the ability to attack motor- have long been a staple of radicalism. Marquez was able to escape,” said Brian
reasons, including the arrest ists stopped in traffic. warcraft. Such tactics have charged last week with con- Levin, a Cal State San Ber- richard.winton
of a group of men in Chino in The key for law enforce- been used in the wars in Iraq spiring to provide material nardino professor and direc-
an unrelated terrorism case. ment, he added, would be to and Afghanistan, where U.S. support to terrorists related tor of Center for the Study of Twitter: @LAcrimes

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L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, D E C E MB E R 21, 2 015 B7

BEN EDICT ANDERS ON, 1936 - 2015

Expert on roots of nationalism dissertation. Suharto rose flected three continents. He seminar, your adrenaline
By Jill Leovy to power just a few years lat- was an exacting teacher. would be pumping.”

er, bolstered by claims of an Robinson recalled trying Beneath it, said Robin-
ou know what you attempted Communist to enlist his help in avoiding son, Anderson was kind. “In-
are doing to this coup. Anderson’s famous a statistics course. Ander- donesians would come and
newspaper; you are Cornell paper, written with son would have none of it. visit Cornell. They were
reading it. Ruth McVey, sought to de- “Once you have done that freezing cold. They didn’t
But do you know what bunk those claims. course and gotten an A, you have any friends,” he said.
this newspaper is doing to Despite being blacklisted have earned the right to Anderson “would always
you? in Indonesia, Anderson re- criticize it,” he told Robin- have them stay at his
Southeast Asia scholar mained deeply committed to son. house.”
Benedict Anderson argued the country. He said he often “He was a model of the Besides his sister, Ander-
that reading a newspaper thought in Indonesian. He idea that class should be son is survived by his broth-
was not just a pastime. It adopted two Javanese sons. scary,” Zinoman said. er, Perry Anderson, a UCLA
was the making of a new or- The nationalism that “There is something incred- history professor, sons Yudi
der by means of a powerful arose from anti-colonial ibly productive about being and Beni, and niece Louisa.
technology. forces in Indonesia struck afraid … you would prepare
Along with maps, him as puzzling. It didn’t so much. When you went to
schools, health services, mu- seem born of ethnic loyalties
seums and other trappings or fascist ambition. How had

of modernity, newspapers hundreds of ethnic groups
lead people to adopt shared across thousands of islands
national identities, he said India Today Group Getty Images stitched themselves to-

— even if it means identify- SOUTHEAST ASIA SCHOLAR gether?
ing with strangers miles Benedict Anderson studied how nationalism is Anderson came to see
away. Newspapers, in short, constructed and why it’s so widely embraced. what he called “nation-ness”
helped explain nations. as a surprising, distinctly Place a paid Notice:
That nations needed ex- modern and potentially fa- Search obituary notice archives:
plaining — a novel proposi- donesia’s democracy move- collection of relics. vorable turn of events.
tion in itself — was the kind ment, and Suharto was “He was really a Renais- Somehow, people took a Baar, Barbara (Bobbie)
of insight for which Ander- ousted in 1998. In Indonesia, sance man,” said Geoffrey kind of collective imagina- January 19, 1928 - December 10, 2015
son was known. Nations may Anderson’s death has been Robinson, UCLA history tive leap. Lots of factors Bobbie was the Mater Familias, the
seem normal. But Anderson treated by many as a public professor and former Ander- prompted them to do so, not guardian of all beings two-footed,
saw them as new and weird loss. “He was one of a few son student. “If you went to least the institutional foot- four-footed, winged and those that
crawled. Her tough exterior protected
— “the shrunken imaginings American scholars who one of his talks, you never prints of colonialism — land her tender spirit and soft heart.
of recent history,” he wrote. really just dished it out to the knew if it would be a straight surveys, censuses, common Marlow (Mike), her loving husband
Anderson, who spent Suharto regime…and he suf- academic talk or a reflection vernacular languages. of 66 years, pre-deceased her by 20
part of his childhood in Los fered for it,” said David on Thai kung fu.” Print capitalism, epito- days. She leaves her two daugthers,
Gatos, Calif., and gained em- Biggs, a Southeast Asia Colleagues were as- mized by newspapers, was Stacy Baar and Diane Kirbis and her
son-in-law, Bruce Kirbis, who she loved PePPerman, Lois elizabeth
inence for both the range scholar at UC Riverside. tounded by his linguistic especially important. “You as a son. February 20, 1922 - December 15, 2015
and quality of his scholar- “People respect him for skills, which the New Repub- have to understand the nov- A memorial will be held in January. Devoted wife of the late Joseph
ship — as well as his unwa- that.” lic called “superhuman.” Af- elty of the morning paper. All Pepperman. Beloved mother of
vering criticism of the Su- In this country, Anderson ter he was blacklisted in In- these people get up at the Paul (Jacalyn), Donald (Melodee)
harto regime in Indonesia — figured large mainly among donesia, he learned Thai, same time … and identify Finch, Margaret and Joy (Wayne Smith). Cherished
died Dec. 13 in the city of Ma- scholars. The young profes- Spanish and Tagalog, and with the child who fell down grandmother of Amy (Evan
Finch, Margaret, 93, of La Crescenta. Greenburg), Katie, Brantley, Samantha
lang, Indonesia. He was 79. sors he trained at Cornell became a respected author- a well,” Zinoman said. At and Emily, and great-grandmother of
He is best known for his University include several ity on Thailand and the Phil- some point, they become Log into http://obituaries.invocare.
com/tribute/ to view complete Oliver. Preceded in death by sisters
1983 book “Imagined Com- now in California. ippines. willing to die for an abstrac- obituary information. Vera and Neoma, and brother Richard,
munities: Reflections on the Anderson was seen as a “The most brilliant guy I tion similar to that which she is also survived by many nieces,
Origin and Spread of Na- leading scholar of post-colo- ever met,” said Peter Zino- links them to the child. nephews and friends.
tionalism,” which examines nial theorists on the left, and man, UC Berkeley history Nationalism was not an Lois (née Herrick) grew up on a
family farm in Hill City, Minnesota.
how nationalism is con- his assertions drew fiery re- professor and another for- ideology like fascism, he ar- She was the valedictorian of her class
structed, and why it’s so pas- buttals. mer Anderson student. He gued. It was merely another at Hill City High School and graduated
sionately embraced. But the depth and com- called Anderson “a magi- kind of community, a twist from Itasca Junior College in 1941.
KorshaK, amy She joined the American Red Cross
More than three decades plexity of his arguments, cian.” on the theme of village or
after its publication, the and his expertise with lan- Benedict O’Gorman An- kinship network. It was a shortly after the start of World War
57, of Van Nuys. Log into http:// II and was stationed at Hondo Army
book remains a touchstone. guages, made it difficult for derson was born in 1936 in cultural artifact manufac- to Airfield in Texas, where she met her
In recent months, analysts opponents to dismiss him. Kunming, China, the son of tured by various state and view complete obituary information. future husband, Joe Pepperman. After
have invoked it to explain “Imagined Communities” an Anglo-Irish Chinese Mar- market processes — some the war, she worked in Fargo, North
countries as diverse as Ire- remains a staple text, as- itime Customs employee conscious, some not. Dakota before relocating to New York
land, Russia, Syria and Ni- signed to graduate students and an English mother. The Crucially, he argued that City, where she and Joe were married.
In the early 1950s, Lois and Joe settled
geria, as well as the rise of the across disciplines. family left during World War these processes were “mod- in Southern California where they
Islamic State. Anderson drew lofty ide- ll and settled in Los Gatos. ular,” meaning they could be raised their family of three children.
Anderson also co-wrote a as from low places. He Anderson became a scholar- replicated all over the world. Lois was a long-time volunteer at
highly influential paper combed obscure govern- ship student at Eton, gradu- Thus, nation-ness was Major, Margaret the Motion Picture Home, collected
critical of Suharto’s brutal ment registers, shipping ated from Cambridge Uni- catching. And a nation-ized crystal and Hummel figurines, and
Major, Margaret, 69, of Los Angeles. enjoyed traveling, musical theater,
seizure of power in 1965 and news, songs and poems. He versity with a classics degree world would probably have bowling, golf and spending time with
Log into http://obituaries.invocare.
1966 — at least 500,000 peo- grounded sweeping theo- and went to Cornell in 1958, staying power, he suggested com/tribute/ to view complete her grandchildren. Services will be
ple were killed. The paper retical assertions in the ar- according to his sister, Mela- — which so far it has. obituary information. private. Donations in her honor may
got him banned from Indo- cana of everyday life — a nie Anderson. Described as shy and be made to the Motion Picture and
nesia for three decades. postcard, a piece of class- Anderson first traveled gruff, Anderson had an am- Television Fund
But it was seized on by In- room art, a colonial officer’s to Indonesia in 1961 for his biguous accent that re-
Schenck, nikki
August 1, 1938 - December 13, 2015
Mc Kinney, Richard Devoted wife, beloved mother,

No. 2 official
CALIFORNIA BRIEFING sister and Baube. Lifelong educator,
mentor and friend. Celebration of
Mc Kinney, Richard, 86, of
Lakewood. Log into http://obituaries. Life at American Jewish University on
PALMDALE nandez said. to view December 27 at 11 am.

Deputy kills
— Ben Poston complete obituary information.

to act as L.A.
Ward, William

man outside BERKELEY

Student found
Ward, William, of Van Nuys. Log

schools chief
tribute/ to view complete obituary

dead near UC Mezin, norman information.

of Long Beach. Log into http://

A Los Angeles County Berkeley police are inves- to
sheriff ’s deputy shot and tigating the death of a 23- view complete obituary information.
killed a suspect early Sun- year-old student who was
day during a confrontation found unresponsive near the [L.A. Unified, from B1] Cortines also said he was Whitney, Dale
outside a fast-food restau- UC Berkeley campus early lengthy meetings over the comfortable with his actions
rant in Palmdale, according Saturday. last seven days as it tried to even though the threat Whitney, Dale, 57. Log into http://
to a Sheriff ’s Department Police and fire were dis- make its most important proved a hoax. to
spokeswoman. patched to the 2900 block of hire. With his retirement view complete obituary information.
The shooting occurred Channing Way just before The choice of King, 54, to about to take full effect, the Share a memory
about 3 a.m. outside a Taco 7:30 a.m., Berkeley Police Of- step in temporarily was no district needs to establish a To sign a guest book
Bell in the 37900 block of 47th ficer Jennifer Coats said. surprise; she’d already be- clear chain of command, please go to
Street East, said Sheriff ’s The male victim was found come acting superintendent said Dan Schnur, director of
Deputy Crystal Hernandez. at the Pi Kappa Phi frater- on Dec.11, when Cortines un- the Jesse M. Unruh Institute
The suspect, described nity house, according to Bay officially stepped aside. Cor- of Politics at USC.
only as a 39-year-old man Area TV station KTVU. tines returned to duty three “If they’re not ready yet to Gail W. Jesswein
from Altadena, was taken to — Paloma Esquivel days later, however, when name a permanent replace-
a local hospital, where he district officials received a ment, the events of Tuesday June 8, 1915 - December 18, 2015
died, Hernandez said. terrorist threat. The threat morning made it clear that Celebrating his 90th birthday, Gail announced, “I
The incident began when HUNTINGTON prompted the cancellation there is at least a strong have had a great life…more blessings than I ever
employees at the restaurant BEACH of school for 640,000 stu- need to put an interim su- imagined.”

2nd venomous
reported to the Sheriff ’s De- dents Tuesday, but turned perintendent in place,” Loving husband of Marilyn for 39 years and
partment that a vehicle had out to be a false alarm. Schnur said. Bernie (d. 1974) for 25 years, Gail left us after 90
very full seasons. While an active member of St.
crashed into the restaurant
near the drive-through, and sea snake found Cortines said in an inter-
view last week that King, as
King has experience
serving for short periods as
Brendan’s parish (Los Angeles) and running his
electrical contracting business, Gail and Bernie
that the driver appeared to acting superintendent, had acting superintendent, es- raised their family of 6 daughters and 2 sons. It
be unconscious, authorities Wildlife rescuers have a the authority to cancel pecially when she worked was through St. Brendan’s, that Gail (a widower
said. new problem: For the sec- schools, but that it also was under Cortines’ predeces- with 8 kids) met Marilyn, his second wife who
When deputies tried to ond time in two months, a reasonable to bring him sor, John Deasy, who fre- embraced his family with love.
Born on his grandfather’s farm in Michigan, Gail
arrest the driver on suspi- rare venomous sea serpent back to manage the crisis. quently went out of town for and his brother, Don, were raised on their parents,
cion of driving under the in- has washed up on a local King did not respond to conferences and meetings. William and Dorothy’s farm near the Chicago Trail
fluence, he began to fight beach hundreds of miles questions about the han- Last week, she oversaw in Indiana. After serving in the Merchant Marines,
with a deputy, according to a from its normal haunts. dling of the incident, but she the staff presentation at a Gail knew that he would never again live in a
Sheriff ’s Department state- The dead 27-inch male was one of three senior dis- board meeting over a sensi- landlocked state! Boating, waterskiing and cruising
would always be in his life as he found his love in
ment. yellow-bellied sea snake was trict leaders who had dealt tive topic: the temporary California. His professional life in Los Angeles
At some point the sus- discovered last week during with the situation early on, closing of two schools be- included his tenure as President of Jesswein
pect grabbed a deputy’s a Surfrider Foundation along with school district cause of a natural gas leak in Electric and as the Director of the Electrical
weapon, according to the cleanup campaign in Hun- police chief Steven Zipper- the northwest San Fer- Training Trust (IBEW/NECA).
statement. Despite a strug- tington Beach. man and Zimmer, who re- nando Valley. Moving north with Marilyn in 1980, Gail’s career
continued in Sacramento as the Chief of California’s
gle, the suspect refused to let A 2-foot yellow-bellied ceived the email threat at 10 In April 2014, she oversaw Division of Apprenticeship Standards, the Registrar
go as the deputy attempted sea snake was discovered in p.m. Monday. the early hours of the dis- of the California State Contractor’s License Board,
to take back his gun. October after slithering onto When it became clear trict’s emergency response and the Commodore of the Delta Yacht Club.
Fearing the suspect was a Silver Strand State Beach in that local and federal law en- when a bus carrying stu- A man of substance with faith, family and
threat, one deputy shot the Ventura County. It died forcement officials were nei- dents on a college visit friends, Gail will be honored and missed by many.
He is survived by wife, Marilyn and brother, Don,
man, Hernandez said. The shortly after being taken to a ther going to take charge nor crashed in Orland, killing 10, his children: Joyce Searls (David), Sheila Grady
deputies who responded local U.S. Fish and Wildlife give unequivocal guidance, including one L.A. Unified (Sean), Laurie Nieto (Bob), Margie Paul (Ed),
sustained cuts, bruises and Service office. The species, Cortines was called at 5 a.m. student. Other district stu- Rosy Bergin (Rich), Noreen Bergin (Russell),
abrasions in the altercation. Pelamis platura, was He said that it would be un- dents were injured. Bill (Katherine), Paul, grandchildren, great
Sheriff ’s detectives found first seen in Southern Cali- fair to criticize his L.A. Uni- grandchildren, and lifelong friends in Los Angeles,
Sacramento, and the Delta.
a blue-steel pistol and a large fornia in San Clemente in fied colleagues, but that he howard.blume Donations to Immaculate Heart High School
baggie of marijuana inside 1972. wished he’d been alerted
the suspect’s vehicle, Her- — Louis Sahagun sooner or perhaps not at all. Twitter: @howardblume or Homeboy Industries
hmg3aq7 would honor Gail well.
B8 M O N DAY , D E C EM B E R 21, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Cool, partly sunny: High clouds will block the sun at times today as an area of low pressure moves into More wet weather: Another storm system will move onshore in the
the Pacific Northwest. With the clouds, temperatures will be below normal. Many inland areas will Northwest, bringing rain, mountain snow and gusty winds. The
remain in the 50s, while coastal areas will get into the lower 60s. As a cold front moves south, clouds Eastern Seaboard will turn milder ahead of a storm system
increase tonight and showers will develop late tonight and through Tuesday. spreading rain from the central Gulf Coast to the Great Lakes.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
Today 64/54 61/50 63/54 46/27 66/48 Anchorage
Partial sunshine Partly sunny Partial sunshine Partly sunny Partly sunny 18/11
Tuesday A few showers 66/52 A few showers 62/49 A few showers 66/51 Clouds, sun 46/29 Some sun 68/49
Wednesday Partly sunny 68/46 Partly sunny 63/40 Partly sunny 67/46 A shower 48/23 Some sun 70/47
Thursday A p.m. shower 62/44 A p.m. shower 59/38 A p.m. shower 62/43 Windy 41/14 Some sun 67/43
Friday Showers 58/42 A few showers 54/36 A few showers 58/42 Mostly cloudy 33/12 Showers 62/37
Los Angeles Basin: clouds and sun. Becoming Becoming mostly cloudy becoming very windy.
Sunshine and clouds. Partly mostly cloudy tonight with and windy tonight; a shower Low desert: Sunshine and
to mostly cloudy tonight a spotty shower late. in spots late. patchy clouds. Increasing Seattle
with a shower late; breezy. Ventura/Santa Barbara: Local mountains: Sunshine clouds tonight, becoming 45/37 New York
Valleys/canyons: Sunshine Sunshine and areas of high and high clouds, windy. breezy. 53/52
and some clouds. Partly to clouds. Becoming mostly Increasing clouds tonight, a San Francisco Bay Area:
mostly cloudy tonight, a cloudy with a shower in shower late, windy. Mostly cloudy with periods Las Vegas Chicago
shower in spots late, spots late. High desert: Sunshine and of rain through tonight. 54/42 Denver 53/35
breezy. San Diego County: clouds; becoming windy. Cloudy Tuesday with a 43/27
Orange County: A mix of Sunshine and high clouds. Increasingly cloudy tonight, passing shower or two. Los Angeles
64/54 Miami
Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available Houston 83/75
South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality


BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 62/50 Hesperia
Santa Ojai 65/48 LOS ANGELES CO. 58/44
Barbara 63/44 Simi Valley
65/51 63/49 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 61/51
63/53 67/54
63/52 58/47
Yucca Valley
U.S. cities
UCLA Fairplex 57/36 High 82 in Edinburg, Texas
Oxnard LA Downtown San Bernardino
Westlake 64/54 Ontario Low –10 in Wisdom, Mont.
63/54 Woodland 64/54 62/47 60/44
Village 62/48
Santa Barbara Co. Hills Whittier Sunday Today
63/46 Chino
62/51 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
Height Period Direction Santa Monica Hills 64/47 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO.
1-3’ 10 sec W 63/54 64/53 Fullerton 61/44 Albuquerque 52 32 -- 48 27 Su
Torrance 65/52 Amarillo 65 41 -- 59 34 Su
Ventura Co. 64/54 Santa Ana Anchorage 28 15 -- 18 11 Pc
Height Period Direction Long 63/54 ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm Atlanta 55 34 -- 59 55 Pc
2-4’ 12 sec W Beach Newport Irvine 60/43 Springs Atlantic City 44 33 -- 59 53 Pc
65/54 Beach 62/54 66/48 Austin 68 46 Tr 76 50 Cy Taken at 3 p.m. Sunday
Los Angeles Co. Mission Viejo Baltimore 47 21 -- 55 48 Pc
63/55 Temecula Billings 31 26 .05 34 27 Cy
Height Period Direction 61/51 Spokane 33 27 .15 35 25 Sn
Laguna 61/45 Birmingham 57 31 -- 61 58 Sh Springfield, Mo. 55 42 -- 55 31 Pc
2-4’ 10 sec W Beach San Boise 40 26 .01 40 33 Sn Tallahassee 68 31 -- 74 64 Cy
61/54 Boston 41 31 -- 53 47 Pc
Orange Co. Clemente Tampa 76 51 -- 82 70 Pc
Surf and sea Height Period Direction 62/52 SAN DIEGO CO.
83 69
49 46
Tucson 63 46 -- 65 39 Pc
POINT CONCEPTION TO MEXICO Oceanside Tulsa 58 48 -- 57 34 Su
2-4’ 7 sec W Burlington, Vt. 32 24 .06 43 39 Pc Washington, D.C. 46 32 -- 55 49 Pc
Inner waters: West winds increasing to 64/47 Casper 32 23 -- 35 33 Pc
10-20 knots. Wind waves 1-4 feet, west Wichita 59 43 -- 49 31 Pc
swells 1-3 feet.
San Diego Co. Charleston, S.C. 63 30 -- 72 58 Pc Yuma 63 46 -- 66 47 Pc
Height Period Direction Escondido Ramona Charleston, W.Va. 49 22 -- 57 53 Sh
Surf zone: Potential for strong rip 2-4’ 13 sec WNW 62/49 62/46 Charlotte
55 48
51 35
currents is moderate from Ventura Poway Acapulco 91 77 -- 88 77 Pc
Cincinnati 48 23 -- 54 46 Sh
County south through San Diego Cleveland 43 21 -- 51 47 R
Amsterdam 54 51 .15 52 50 Sh
County and low at the Santa Barbara Tides UV index Colo. Springs 56 35 Tr 46 29 Pc
Athens 57 39 -- 58 43 Su
County beaches. L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. Baghdad 63 43 -- 63 42 Su
Minutes to burn for San Diego Columbia, S.C. 58 27 -- 63 53 Pc
Bangkok 86 70 -- 90 76 Hz
Station Time Wind Waves Temp Today 5:33a 6.1 Hi 12:36p -0.1 Lo sensitive people Columbus 44 21 -- 52 48 R
Barbados 85 79 .05 84 78 Pc
Las Vegas, 60
65/57 Concord, N.H. 38 28 -- 46 34 Pc
Morro Bay 4p SSW3 1/12 58/58 6:44p 3.8 Hi 11:51p 1.4 Lo Beijing 40 27 -- 45 18 Pc
Los Angeles, 45 Dallas/Ft.Worth 64 49 -- 72 44 Pc
Santa Barbara 4p W6 3/10 61/63 Tue. 6:18a 6.5 Hi 1:23p -0.7 Lo Phoenix, 45 Berlin 55 43 -- 51 46 R
Denver 48 34 -- 43 27 Pc
7:39p 4.0 Hi ------ Lo San Francisco, 60 Buenos Aires 81 52 -- 85 67 Pc
Ventura 4p WSW6 4/12 61/60 Des Moines 54 32 -- 38 29 Pc
Cabo San Lucas 79 65 -- 81 60 Cy
Zuma Beach 4p SW4 3/11 61/60 Almanac Detroit
50 40
27 21
Cairo 70 54 -- 68 50 Su
Marina del Rey 4p SW3 3/10 61/59
Hermosa Beach 4p SW4 3/10 62/60
Sunday Downtown readings Sun and moon El Paso 67 44 Tr 60 36 Su
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Eugene 50 41 .08 51 40 R
Cabrillo Beach 4p SW4 3/10 62/59 Today’s rise/set Full Moon Copenhagen 52 48 -- 49 43 Cy
High/low 61/44 62/43 64/45 Dec. 25 Fairbanks 4 -8 -- -6-11 Pc
Hunt’n. Beach 4p SW3 1/7 62/60 High/low a year ago 64/50 65/49 66/53 Los Angeles County Dublin 50 45 .07 51 45 R
Fargo 24 21 -- 23 18 Cy
Newport Beach 4p WSW3 1/7 62/60 Normal high/low for date 67/47 67/44 66/44 Sun 6:54a/4:48p Edinburgh 48 47 .45 48 42 R
Flagstaff 33 26 .10 43 21 Pc
Dana Point 4p W3 1/7 62/59 Record high/date 83/1985 80/1999 82/1954 Moon 2:06p/2:42a Last Quarter Frankfurt 48 37 -- 53 48 Pc
Grand Junction 37 17 -- 36 30 Cy
San Clemente 4p SW3 1/13 63/59 Record low/date 35/1887 37/2006 30/1967 Jan. 1 Geneva 50 34 -- 50 37 R
Grand Rapids 46 21 -- 49 39 R
Orange County Havana 79 73 .12 85 69 Pc
Oceanside 4p W3 1/13 62/59 Precipitation Green Bay 41 21 -- 39 28 R
Sun 6:53a/4:47p New Moon Ho Chi Minh City 82 73 .28 83 75 Sh
Solana Beach 4p WNW3 1/13 63/57 24-hour total (as of 4 p.m.) 0.25 0.19 0.00 Hartford 42 32 -- 50 43 Pc
Moon 2:05p/2:41a Jan. 9 Hong Kong 64 60 .22 70 66 Cy
Mission Beach 4p WNW3 1/13 62/59 Season total (since Oct. 1) 0.93 0.71 0.93 Helena 25 10 -- 31 26 Cy
Istanbul 54 41 -- 54 44 Su
Avalon 4p WNW4 3/10 63/57 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) 4.42 3.75 4.89 Ventura County Honolulu 82 73 .06 82 72 Sh
Jerusalem 57 42 -- 56 39 Su
Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 3.00 2.82 3.73 Sun 6:59a/4:51p First Quarter Houston 67 46 -- 74 62 Ts
Johannesburg 88 63 .25 89 63 Cy
Wind speed in knots; wave heights in feet/intervals in seconds;
Humidity (high/low) 92/49 93/40 89/40 Moon 2:10p/2:47a Jan. 16 Indianapolis 50 25 -- 53 38 R
temperatures for sea/air Kabul 47 20 -- 44 25 Su
Jacksonville, Fla. 68 37 -- 77 63 Pc
Kingston 88 79 -- 88 76 Pc
Kansas City 55 45 Tr 42 29 Su
California cities Las Vegas 54 41 Tr 54 42 W
Sunday Today Tuesday Sunday Today Tuesday Sunday Today Tuesday Little Rock 55 37 -- 69 47 Sh
Manila 86 73 .04 88 78 Pc
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Louisville 52 28 -- 59 51 Sh
Mecca 84 69 -- 87 66 Pc
Medford 42 35 .07 48 41 R
Anaheim 59 42 .01 64 52 64 50 Laguna Beach 61 44 .14 61 54 63 53 Sacramento 53 36 .01 53 51 64 45 Mexico City 74 43 -- 75 44 Pc
Memphis 56 37 -- 66 56 Sh
Avalon/Catalina 61 45 .07 56 50 60 51 Lancaster 49 37 .09 59 47 59 44 San Bernardino 59 44 .21 60 44 58 46 Montreal 28 21 .01 39 35 Cy
Miami 77 70 .03 83 75 Pc
Bakersfield 53 42 .13 58 50 62 47 Long Beach 63 43 .19 65 54 69 54 San Clemente Pier 56 49 -- 62 52 63 52 Moscow 39 36 .12 46 40 Cy
Milwaukee 50 23 -- 45 34 R
Barstow 52 39 .15 62 45 67 47 Mammoth Lakes 41 1 -- 42 32 46 24 San Diego 63 57 .11 65 57 66 59 Mumbai 86 75 -- 89 70 Hz
Minneapolis 41 24 -- 34 27 Pc
Beaumont 51 38 .29 55 40 53 44 Mission Viejo 61 42 .23 61 51 62 51 San Francisco 54 42 .01 58 57 59 49 New Delhi 68 43 -- 69 43 Hz
Nashville 57 29 -- 59 55 Sh
Big Bear Lake 39 18 xx 46 27 46 29 Monrovia 60 43 .17 58 47 59 45 San Gabriel 64 44 .23 63 52 64 50 Oslo 48 42 .12 50 43 W
New Orleans 71 41 -- 72 62 R
Bishop 48 14 -- 52 34 57 27 Monterey 56 40 -- 61 55 61 48 San Jose 54 37 Tr 60 55 62 47 Paris 55 50 .10 54 52 Pc
New York 43 35 -- 53 52 Pc
Burbank 59 40 .19 63 52 64 51 Mt. Wilson 42 29 -- 49 37 50 39 San Luis Obispo 61 41 Tr 62 54 63 49 Rio de Janeiro 90 79 -- 88 75 Pc
Oklahoma City 59 48 -- 58 34 Su
Camarillo 52 40 .01 67 54 71 49 Needles 62 43 Tr 63 46 64 48 Santa Ana 59 44 .16 63 54 66 54 Rome 61 37 -- 60 39 Su
Omaha 52 37 -- 38 28 Pc
Chatsworth 61 41 .15 61 51 62 49 Newport Beach 62 49 .10 63 55 64 55 Santa Barbara 63 38 -- 65 51 68 48 Seoul 43 23 .09 43 26 Pc
Orlando 75 50 -- 82 66 Pc
Chino 61 38 .03 64 47 64 48 Northridge 61 42 .11 62 50 64 48 Santa Clarita 54 36 .16 62 50 62 48 Stockholm 55 45 .01 49 39 W
Philadelphia 43 30 -- 57 52 Pc
Dana Point 59 45 .17 62 54 63 53 Oakland 53 39 Tr 58 53 60 45 Santa Monica Pier 60 45 -- 63 54 66 51 Sydney 87 68 -- 79 66 Ts
Phoenix 65 44 -- 65 45 Pc
Death Valley 59 36 -- 57 36 62 37 Oceanside 62 43 .18 64 47 65 51 Santa Paula 65 37 .07 65 48 68 45 Taipei 77 63 .04 75 68 R
Pittsburgh 41 19 -- 50 48 Cy
Del Mar 61 53 .11 61 53 63 58 Ojai 61 31 .01 63 44 66 41 Santa Rosa 50 34 .51 59 51 60 42 Tehran 45 34 .02 44 27 Su
Portland, Maine 38 29 -- 45 35 Pc
Escondido 61 47 .13 62 49 61 53 Ontario 59 44 .17 62 48 62 49 Simi Valley 60 38 .06 63 49 64 46 Tokyo 52 37 -- 55 45 Pc
Portland, Ore. 49 41 .20 49 39 R
Eureka 54 44 .34 57 51 54 44 Oxnard 60 42 -- 63 54 67 52 Tahoe Valley 33 10 Tr 41 36 43 31 Toronto 38 27 -- 46 44 R
Providence 43 28 -- 56 48 Pc
Fallbrook 60 46 .26 61 48 61 51 Palm Springs 63 43 .02 66 48 68 49 Temecula 60 43 .21 61 45 60 49 Vancouver 45 39 -- 45 34 R
Pueblo 61 27 .06 53 27 Pc
Fillmore 60 36 .01 65 50 67 46 Pasadena 59 42 .19 61 50 62 48 Thousand Oaks 54 38 .05 65 46 67 46 Vienna 41 38 -- 43 40 Fg
Raleigh 54 27 -- 58 51 Pc
Fresno 51 40 -- 53 48 58 44 Paso Robles 53 32 .01 57 48 60 42 Torrance 61 47 .19 64 54 68 54 Winnipeg 16 12 .03 17 16 Sn
Rapid City 35 28 -- 35 20 Pc
Fullerton 62 43 .20 65 52 68 51 Pomona/Fairplex 58 43 .31 62 47 61 46 UCLA 60 47 -- 64 54 66 52 Zurich 50 34 -- 47 36 Cy
Reno 49 26 -- 49 43 R
Hemet 54 40 .15 60 43 58 48 Poway 61 43 .20 63 50 63 57 Van Nuys 60 43 .12 64 53 65 51 Richmond 49 26 -- 56 49 Pc Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Hesperia 51 34 .06 58 44 59 43 Redding 44 35 1.02 51 47 58 39 Ventura 64 45 -- 63 53 67 51 St. Louis 57 41 .01 64 34 Cy foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz;hazy
Huntington Beach 63 43 .19 63 55 64 55 Rialto 62 41 .21 59 45 58 45 Whittier Hills 62 40 .21 64 53 65 50 Salt Lake City 39 31 .05 44 34 Sn Sh showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow;
Idyllwild 39 26 .33 48 37 47 39 Riverside 60 43 .16 61 44 60 45 Woodland Hills 60 36 .16 62 51 65 49 San Antonio 70 52 -- 77 55 Cy Sf snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy;
Irvine 63 44 .29 62 54 64 52 Wrightwood 37 23 xx 47 35 48 33 San Juan, P.R. 82 73 .17 85 75 Su Tr trace. Notes: National extremes are for NWS
L.A. D’ntown/USC 61 44 .26 64 54 66 52 Forecasts provided by Yorba Linda 62 43 .15 62 50 62 50 Santa Fe 45 24 Tr 42 24 Pc stations; excludes Alaska and Hawaii.
L.A. Int’l. Airport 59 47 .35 63 55 66 55 AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015 Yosemite Valley 42 32 .18 44 42 45 31 Seattle 46 42 .09 45 37 R Missing data indicated by “xx”.

Plenty at home for Brown’s to-do list

[Skelton, from B1] heavy commodification of Senate leader Kevin de
Also: our entire existence.” León (D-Sacramento) is
8 Our Medi-Cal health- “We’re talking about a preparing a proposal that
care system for the poor different kind of life,” the would tax all managed care
that soon will lose a big governor continued. “A life plans, whether Medi-Cal or
chunk of money. not based on oil, and a life not. That would generate
8 An underfunded pro- not based on so much em- enough money to also re-
gram that serves the devel- phasis on the individual as store recession-era cuts to
opmentally disabled. opposed to the common Medi-Cal doctor fees and
8 School construction good.” services for the develop-
and modernization, a pro- OK, but most people still mentally disabled, such as
gram that has run out of have to drive to work. And in children with cerebral palsy
state money. the Los Angeles Basin, they or autism.
Whether Brown has lost crawl through the second- Republicans still would
interest in these issues — or most-congested traffic in need to be persuaded to
really ever had much — is the country. The San Fran- vote for the managed care
debatable. But they’ve been cisco Bay Area is the third taxes.
high on the Capitol agenda worst. No. 1 is Washington, On school construction,
all year with essentially no D.C. a proposed $9-billion bond
progress being made. Many Capitol hands issue has qualified for the
These nagging problems have pretty much lost hope November ballot. The initia-
will be carried over into 2016. of raising enough money for tive is sponsored by the
They will undoubtedly be road repairs. Beall wants to home building industry.
brought up again when the impose a $100 annual fee on That’s because it would get
Legislature reconvenes Jan. electric cars — because socked for the state’s cost
4 and the governor unveils their drivers don’t pay fuel of building schools if
his proposed new budget a taxes — but Brown’s dead the state kitty remains
few days later. set again that. empty.
“If chatter could be The senator also is ad- This probably would
Michel Euler Associated Press
counted as progress, then vocating a state constitu- result in a lot less home
I’d say we’ve come a long GOV. JERRY BROWN at the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Paris. Deci- tional amendment to pro- building.
way,” says Jim Earp, who sions on state issues on health, roads and schools are pushed into the new year. tect highway funds against But Brown is opposed to
heads a coalition called thievery for other causes. more bond debt. And teach-
California Alliance for Jobs the governor’s help.” billion more was needed question of when.” And he’s proposing clean ers unions don’t want a
that has been pushing for The funding shortage is annually. There’s no greater power locomotives to haul shipped school bond on the Novem-
new highway funding. “But because the gas tax hasn’t Later, he proposed a on this, however, than the cargo away from ports to ber ballot to compete
I’ve never worked on any- been raised since 1994 $3.6-billion package that governor. reduce big-rig congestion against their anticipated
thing where I’ve seen so and inflation has eroded its would cost average motor- He may have mixed and pollution. But that may tax increase proposal.
little progress.” buying power. Moreover, ists $84 extra a year, in- feelings about petroleum- not be enough to coax Re- So Democratic legisla-
One guy who has been motorists are buying less cluding a 6-cent gas tax dependent, greenhouse publicans into raising fuel tors may place a smaller
trying to raise money for gas because cars are more increase. gas-emitting traffic anyway. taxes. school bond on the June
road repairs is Senate trans- fuel efficient. But these But he never expressed And he has always tended to The healthcare funding ballot.
portation committee Chair- vehicles still pound the any real urgency and didn’t look down at the way most problem is because the Nothing will get done —
man Jim Beall (D-San Jo- pavement, doing damage. push. “The roads are going mortals live. Obama administration again — without the gover-
se). The Brown adminis- to get fixed,” he told report- In Paris, Times reporter has ordered Sacramento to nor’s coercion, compromise
“He’s been in Paris,” tration estimates there’s a ers in September. “Whether Chris Megerian wrote that stop taxing Medi-Cal man- and commitment.
Beall says of Brown. “I’ve $137-billion backlog in it takes a week, a month, a Brown called on people “to aged care plans if it doesn’t
been in Turlock, Bakersfield needed repairs for state and year or two, ultimately the live lighter on the planet. also tax other such plans. george.skelton
and Chico talking to people local roads. A year ago, the powers that be [are] going Friendship, beauty, art has That will leave a $1.1-billion
[about a solution]. We need governor said that $5.7 to up the pressure. It’s just a to take the place of this hole. Twitter: @LATimesSkelton

M O N D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / S P O R T S

NFL :: WEEK 15

survive a
Giant scare
Gano’s field goal as Rarefied air
time expires wins it, Carolina is hoping to be-
38-35, and Carolina come the second team to
start 14-0 and win the
goes to 14-0. Super Bowl. The best
starts in NFL history:
Team Yr. Started Finished
Patriots ’07 18-0 18-1
Dolphins ’72 17-0 17-0
Fate was briefly on the
Colts ’09 14-0 16-3
side of the New York Giants.
But the Carolina Pan- Panthers ’15 14-0 TBD
thers had Cam Newton ...
and karma. undefeated for a season. A
Bolstering his case for regular season was 14 games
NFL most-valuable-player then, so those Dolphins
honors, Newton threw five finished 17-0 overall.
touchdown passes and Carolina is the fourth
directed the winning field- team in the Super Bowl era
goal drive inside of two to start a season 14-0. In
Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times minutes Sunday as the addition to the 1972 Dol-
QUARTERBACK Philip Rivers (17) leads a prayer circle after the Chargers’ 30-14 win over Miami. Un- Panthers held on to beat the phins and 2007 Patriots, the
less a deal is made to replace aging Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego might need a miracle to keep the team. Giants, 38-35, and avoid an 2009 Indianapolis Colts did
epic upset. it, too. Of those three teams,


The Panthers are 14-0 only Miami turned that
and two victories from great start into a Super
matching the 2007 New Bowl victory.
England Patriots as the only Carolina, which closes
teams to win all 16 regular- the season at Atlanta and
season games. Those home against Tampa Bay,
Patriots lost the Super Bowl nearly frittered away Sun-

to the Giants, so they fin- day’s game after building a
ished 18-1, meaning the 1972 35-7 lead with less than six
Miami Dolphins are the only minutes remaining in the
modern-era team to go [See Farmer, D4]

Fans pay fealty to Chargers at what could be the last game in San Diego.
If team moves to Carson, all that will be left are bittersweet memories.
the Chargers will play in the city cooked meat in the parking lot, the
By Nathan Fenno they’ve called home for 55 years? The day felt like a wake. A red-jacketed se-
anxiety seemed to cast a pall over the curity staffer wondered aloud if he’d
SAN DIEGO — In the final row of acres of asphalt. get to keep his job. Hawkers offered
Qualcomm Stadium’s sprawling “It’s like a bad, bad divorce,” said copies of the “final edition” of the
parking lot, Johnathan Case consid- Case, a 30-year-old with a large light- “Tailgate Times” newsletter. Fans
ered the end. ning bolt tattoo on his biceps. asked each other what they’ll do if the
Music thumped, smoke rose from A “Save Our Bolts” banner hung team isn’t here.
charcoal grills and tailgaters sipped nearby. So did another poster that Behind all of it was a lingering
cans of light beer. But an uncomfort- warned: “Don’t be the grinch who sense of surprise that the quest to re-
able question lurked beneath the stole our Bolts from San Diego.” place the hulking concrete stadium, Jeff Siner Charlotte Observer
pregame rituals. Was Sunday’s game Amid wind-whipped “Charger opened in 1967 and considered one of CAROLINA QUARTERBACK Cam Newton tries to
against the Dolphins the final time Country” flags and the aroma of [See Chargers, D6] get past New York Giants end Jason Pierre-Paul.

2 015: WOM E N I N S P O RT S
Trying to escape
A GAME claws of average
CHANGER Clippers know they’ve
been underachieving.
Doors in the NFL, NBA, Major League So what are they
Baseball and beyond open in landmark ways going to do about it? TONIGHT’S GAME
Maxx Wolfson Getty Images
By Ben Bolch Clippers vs.
JESSICA MENDOZA became the first female ana-
year for women in U.S. lyst to work a big league game for a major network. Oklahoma City
By Kevin Baxter sports. The Clippers have lots of at Staples Center
Over the past 12 months, problems. Being in denial TV: Prime Ticket, 7:30 p.m.
Leave it to the father of women have beaten down isn’t one of them.
two teenage girls to confront doors once thought impene- They are acutely aware
the presumption that wom- trable. They’ve joined the they have underachieved games into the season and
en are the weaker sex when it NFL, both as an assistant and are no longer willing to the breaking-in phase
comes to sports. coach and as an on-field offi- trot out the easy excuses to should be over.
When President Obama cial, while the NBA now has soothe the sting of being “This is the point in the
welcomed the World Cup two female assistant coach- only four games over .500 as season where it’s too late to
champion U.S. women’s soc- es, two female referees and Christmas approaches. keep saying, ‘OK, well, we’ve
cer team to the White House in Michele Roberts, the first It’s true that the Clippers got to figure it out,’ ” forward
this fall by saying “playing woman to head the players’ have eight new players. It’s Blake Griffin said late Satur-
like a girl means you’re a union in a major men’s pro- also true that learning each day after the Clippers took
badass,” his became the fessional sports league. other’s tendencies and find- another Texas misstep with
loudest voice in a growing The Oakland Athletics Harry How Getty Images ing which players best fit to- a 107-97 loss to the Houston
chorus acknowledging what recently became the first RONDA ROUSEY is the biggest drawing card in gether takes time. Rockets that followed a de-
has been a breakthrough [See Women, D8] mixed martial arts, outshining the men. Another truth: It’s 28 [See Clippers, D3]


Holiday Event

.&, 5< 7= "'F)CC @;,>$7 $9 D<<O$,> D(D$M97 I/0G =* 2MDO <5;@&D9,F M=7 7D1F 7$7O,F >,97$MD7$=MF =; &DM>O$M( @&D;(,9E I597 7D!,
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D2 M O NDAY , D E C E M B E R 21, 2 015 WSCE L AT I M E S. C O M /S P O RT S

Great sportsmanship is on display

who spent 48 minutes trying panded to 13 and the top five put in divisions based on
Football state title to tackle him offered a games were moved from their last two years of ac-
glimpse of why so much Carson to Sacramento. complishments rather than
game between effort and commitment is Attendance wasn’t great based on what league they
Centennial and De La put in. (14,626 over two days), but play in. That means Mission
Taylor, 5 feet 6 and 170 Hornet Stadium is a good Viejo, with a 28-game win-
Salle is a joy to watch. pounds, had 169 yards in 29 facility and based on the ning streak, will be moving
carries. Twice on fourth many teenagers showing to the revamped Pac-5, and
down, he was stopped an tears of joy and tears of longtime Pac-5 schools will
inch or two away from a first sadness after games, it’s be moving out.
down that could have clear the participants truly Most importantly, coach-
It was the final high changed the outcome of the care what happens. es shouldn’t forget why they
school football game of a game. That’s how evenly It was a season not with- are needed. Regardless of a
season that stretched over matched these two powerful out controversy. There were game’s outcome, their job is
five months of games and 20 programs have become. forfeits because of ineligible to teach life lessons, and
weeks of practices. Concord When the game was over players. There were teams Coach Matt Logan of Cen-
De La Salle came away with and De La Salle players that ended their seasons tennial should be proud
its seventh state title since went to celebrate and Cen- prematurely because of because his top player (Tay-
state bowl games began in tennial players stood in Jose Carlos Fajardo Bay Area News Group injuries and dwindling lor) gets it.
2006, defeating Corona disappointment, everyone CORONA CENTENNIAL’S J.J. Taylor runs past rosters. There were continu- Asked whether he was
Centennial, 28-21, in a rous- soon lined up to congratu- Concord De La Salle’s Isaia Taotua (76) on Saturday ing concerns raised about frustrated, Taylor said, “Not
ing CIF Open Division final late each other in a tradition in Open Division state championship game. concussions and whether really. I did what I tried to do
Saturday night at Sacra- that continues to make playing 16 games in a high and the team did what we
mento State. sports special at any level. Spartans remain the team ing extraordinary moments school season is too long. tried to do. It didn’t work
Afterward, watching The fact De La Salle to beat in California prep of scoring, remarkable play Changes are coming. The out as planned. It’s life. It
running back J.J. Taylor of (13-1) came out ahead of football no matter the ven- at the receiver position and Southern Section is ex- happens.”
Centennial shake hands Centennial (14-1) to take ue, no matter the opponent. plenty of successes and pected to adopt a playoff
and receive hugs from the home the championship There were lots of les- failures. structure in January that
same De La Salle players trophy showed that the sons from a season featur- The bowl games ex- will result in teams being Twitter: @LATSondheimer


21 22 23 24 25 COLLEGE BASKETBALL By Eric Sondheimer:
2 p.m. Women, Florida State at Arizona State TV: ESPNU Rk. School (W-L) Comment (last week’s ranking)
at OKLAHOMA CLIPPERS 4 p.m. Appalachian State at North Carolina TV: ESPN2
Denver CITY 7:30 1 CHINO HILLS (6-0) Plays at Montverde (Fla.) Academy on Monday (1)
6 7:30 ESPN, TWC, 4 p.m. Chicago State at Marquette TV: FS1
2 SIERRA CANYON (6-1) Enjoying tournament life in Hawaii (2)
TWC, Dep. TWC, Dep. Dep., Prime 4 p.m. Providence at Massachusetts TV: CBS Sports
LAKERS 3 BISHOP MONTGOMERY (7-0) Playing in Mission Prep tournament (3)
4 p.m. Eastern Kentucky at West Virginia TV: ESPNU
OKLAHOMA at LAKERS 4 p.m. Sacred Heart at Northwestern TV: Big Ten 4 MATER DEI (10-0) Spencer Freeman MVP of North OC tourney (4)
CITY 7:30 6 p.m. Pepperdine at Gonzaga TV: ESPN2 5 CORONA CENTENNIAL (7-2) Jordan Griffin played well in Las Vegas (6)
7:30 ESPN, TWC, 6 p.m. North Texas at Creighton TV: FS1 6 REDONDO (7-2) Coach Reggie Morris wins 300th game (5)
Prime Dep., Prime
CLIPPERS 6 p.m. Oregon at Alabama TV: ESPNU 7 SANTA MARGARITA (7-1) Plays St. Augustine on Monday (7)
6 p.m. Quinnipiac at Oregon State TV: Pac-12 8 FAIRFAX (7-0) Overtime victory in Hawaii on Saturday (8)
SAN JOSE 6 p.m. Women, UCLA at California TV: Pac-12LA
7:30 9 CRESPI (7-1) Celts starting to live up to preseason hype (11)
8 p.m. Southern Illinois Edwardsville at USC TV: Pac-12
NBCSN 10 ORANGE LUTHERAN (7-1) Faces Los Alamitos on Tuesday (10)
R: 710
COLLEGE FOOTBALL 11 AYALA (7-1) Took Mater Dei into overtime (NR)
at N.Y. at N.Y. 11:30 a.m. Miami Beach Bowl, W. Kentucky vs. S. Florida TV: ESPN 12 LONG BEACH POLY (4-4) Good experience playing in Las Vegas (9)
Islanders Rangers HOCKEY
4 4 13 WESTCHESTER (7-4) Ed Azzam ties Willie West with 803rd coaching
FSW Prime 4 p.m. Ducks at N.Y. Islanders TV: FS West victory (18)
DUCKS R: 830 14 VIEWPOINT (10-1) Patriots playing in MaxPreps tournament (17)
Shade denotes home game. PRO BASKETBALL
15 COMPTON (6-2) Playing in Under Armour tournament (20)
4:30 p.m. Minnesota at Boston TV: NBA
7:30 p.m. Oklahoma City at Clippers TV: Prime 16 INGLEWOOD (7-3) Knocked off Taft (NR)
R: 980, 1330 17 HARVARD-WESTLAKE (8-1) Playing in MaxPreps tournament (19) PRO FOOTBALL 18 CANTWELL-SACRED HEART (6-2) Getting ready for Del Rey League (16)
5:30 p.m. Detroit at New Orleans TV: ESPN, ESPND 19 DAMIEN (9-1) One-point loss to La Cañada (13)
R: 1220
No defection for this Cuban SOCCER
20 RANCHO VERDE (10-0)
21 LA MIRADA (7-4)
Playing in Hemet tournament (NR)
Anthony Newman averaging 21 points (14)
11:45 a.m. England, Arsenal vs. Manchester City TV: NBCSN,
Lourdes Gourriel Jr. is a rangy shortstop with NBC Universo 22 MARANATHA (4-4) Victory over Cathedral in Las Vegas (24)
unlimited potential. If MLB and the Cuban fed- TV programming subject to blackout. For TV channel questions and availability please 23 JW NORTH (7-1) Tournament winners in Canada (23)
eration can agree to terms, he could be the first contact your cable or satellite provider; Note: Times may be different for satellite TV users; 24 ALEMANY (7-2) Headed to Rancho Mirage (25)
Cuban in nearly 60 years to be able to sign a big consult your guide.
25 ST. JOHN BOSCO (7-0) Faces Crespi on Monday (NR)
league contract while still on the island.

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Lottery-draft position
Standings have been arranged to reflect how the teams will be deter-
mined for the playoffs. Teams are ranked 1-15 by record. Division Timberwolves 100, Nets 85 Hawks 103, Magic 100
standing no longer has any bearing on the rankings. The top eight MINNESOTA ATLANTA

has several variables

teams in each conference make the playoffs, and the top-seeded Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
team would play the eighth-seeded team, the seventh team would Prince .........24 2-3 0-0 0-1 0 1 4 Bazemore ....32 5-9 2-3 0-6 4 1 13
play the second, etc. Head-to-head competition is the first of several Garnett .......10 0-1 0-0 0-7 2 2 0 Millsap........34 5-16 3-4 3-13 3 4 13
tiebreakers, followed by conference record. (Western Conference di-
Towns .........28 10-19 4-4 3-10 1 3 24 Horford .......29 7-15 0-0 2-6 5 3 14
visions: S-Southwest; P-Pacific; N-Northwest; Eastern Conference
divisions: A-Atlantic; C-Central; S-Southeast). Rubio .........27 1-6 6-7 0-2 15 1 8 Teague ........27 4-7 6-8 0-2 1 3 14
Wiggins.......31 6-11 4-6 2-3 0 3 16 Korver.........34 6-8 1-2 0-2 5 2 19
WESTERN CONFERENCE Dieng .........36 9-12 2-2 0-10 3 4 20 Splitter........14 3-6 0-0 2-3 0 1 6
Payne .........16 0-3 0-0 0-7 0 1 0 Sefolosha....15 2-4 1-1 1-2 0 2 6
Team W L PCT GB L10 Rk. LaVine ........22 4-10 2-2 1-4 4 1 10 Schroder .....20 1-3 1-1 0-1 3 3 3
who can pass like a point 3. Lakers finish with Muhammad .10 0-4 0-0 1-1 0 0 0 Scott ..........17 6-10 0-1 0-2 1 2 15
1. Golden State 26 1 .963 9-1 P1 By Mike Bresnahan guard and rebound like a NBA’s third-worst record Martin.........17 5-9 3-3 0-0 3 2 16 Patterson.....12 0-0 0-0 0-4 3 0 0
2. San Antonio 23 5 .821 31⁄2 9-1 S1 Bjelica ..........3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 2 0 Totals 39-78 14-20 8-41 25 21 103
center. He averages 18.7 (15.6% chance at top pick).
3. Oklahoma City 18 9 .667 8 7-3 N1 Miller............9 1-1 0-0 0-0 1 1 2 Shooting: Field goals, 50.0%; free throws,
DENVER — This might points, 13.9 rebounds and 5.8 This is the risk zone for Rudez ...........1 0-1 0-0 0-1 0 0 0 70.0%
4. CLIPPERS 16 12 .571 101⁄2 6-4 P2 be the strangest pause in the assists. He also leads the the Lakers. It would happen Totals 38-80 21-24 7-46 29 21 100 Three-point goals: 11-22 (Korver 6-8, Scott 3-5,
5. Dallas 15 12 .556 11 5-5 S2 Shooting: Field goals, 47.5%; free throws, Bazemore 1-1, Sefolosha 1-2, Schroder 0-1, Mill-
Lakers’ schedule, three full team with 22 steals and 14 only with something stun- 87.5% sap 0-2, Horford 0-3). Team Rebounds: 8. Team
6. Memphis 15 14 .517 12 4-6 S3 days on the road between blocked shots. ning — a winning streak. Three-point goals: 3-12 (Martin 3-4, Rubio 0-1, Turnovers: 20 (24 PTS). Blocked Shots: 7 (Millsap
7. Houston 14 14 .500 121⁄2 7-3 S4 Rudez 0-1, LaVine 0-2, Muhammad 0-2, Wiggins 2, Horford, Patterson, Schroder, Sefolosha, Split-
games. In order, here are the If they pass New Orleans 0-2). Team Rebounds: 4. Team Turnovers: 14 (10 ter). Turnovers: 19 (Teague 6, Schroder 4, Baze-
8. Utah 11 14 .440 14 3-7 N2 They’ll practice twice in three likeliest outcomes for or Brooklyn in the stand- PTS). Blocked Shots: 5 (Towns 2, Dieng, Payne, more 2, Horford 2, Millsap 2, Korver, Patterson,
Wiggins). Turnovers: 13 (Wiggins 3, Martin 2, Rubio Splitter). Steals: 6 (Millsap 2, Bazemore, Horford,
Denver and finally play the the Lakers the rest of this ings, there’s a two-headed 2, Towns 2, Dieng, LaVine, Payne, Prince). Steals: Korver, Teague). Technical Fouls: None.
9. Phoenix 12 17 .414 1 4-6 P3 Nuggets on Tuesday before season, with an eye toward hit in the percentages. Their 12 (Rubio 4, Garnett 2, Martin 2, Dieng, Miller, ORLANDO
heading home. the lottery. chances drop at getting the Towns, Wiggins). Technical Fouls: None. Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
10. Denver 11 16 .407 1 5-5 N3
BROOKLYN Harris .........30 2-9 0-0 0-6 3 5 4
11. Minnesota 11 16 .407 1 3-7 N4 With so much time be- 1. Lakers finish with top pick and increase to a Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Frye............26 3-4 5-5 0-2 2 3 13
12. Sacramento 11 16 .407 1 5-5 P4 tween box scores and so few NBA’s second-worst record somewhat unsettling 53.11% Johnson ......30 2-10 2-2 2-6 6 3 6 Vucevic .......33 10-19 0-0 4-11 4 2 20
Young .........33 4-11 4-4 1-8 0 1 12 Payton ........30 6-14 2-6 0-2 6 2 14
13. Portland 11 18 .379 2 4-6 N5 accomplishments this sea- (19.9% chance at top pick). that they fall out of the top Lopez .........39 8-11 4-5 2-12 5 3 20 Fournier ......35 5-8 6-6 1-3 4 1 17
14. New Orleans 8 19 .296 4 4-6 S5 son, it seemed reasonable to It’s where the Lakers (4- three on lottery night. Jack ...........29 2-9 0-0 0-3 6 5 4 Gordon .......16 1-5 0-0 2-4 1 0 2
update the odds for their 23) sit and it’ll probably stay That would make this Bogdanovic..37 5-12 0-1 0-3 2 3 13 Nicholson ....17 2-4 7-7 1-6 0 3 12
15. LAKERS 4 23 .148 8 2-8 P5 Ellington......20 4-10 0-0 0-1 2 1 10 Oladipo.......27 2-11 0-0 0-0 6 3 4
most popular event in May that way. season utterly useless be- Bargnani .....19 3-6 5-6 1-3 1 0 11 Smith .........14 5-5 0-0 0-1 1 1 10
the last two years — the NBA They’re not bad enough yond some nice Kobe Bry- Sloan..........19 3-7 0-0 0-3 4 1 6 Hezonja ........6 2-2 0-0 0-1 0 2 4
EASTERN CONFERENCE Reed ............4 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 1 2 Totals 38-81 20-24 8-36 27 22 100
draft lottery. to finish below Philadelphia ant farewell moments and, Brown...........6 0-0 1-2 0-0 0 2 1 Shooting: Field goals, 46.9%; free throws,
Team W L PCT GB L10 Rk.
The Lakers’ 2016 first- (1-28) and not good enough sure, maybe some develop- Totals 32-78 16-20 6-39 26 20 85 83.3%
1. Cleveland 18 7 .720 7-3 C1 Three-point goals: 4-12 (Frye 2-3, Nicholson
round draft pick is top-three to pass New Orleans (8-19) or ment among the young play- Shooting: Field goals, 41.0%; free throws,
1-2, Fournier 1-3, Oladipo 0-1, Payton 0-1, Harris
2. Miami 16 10 .615 21⁄2 6-4 S1 80.0%
protected, so they keep it Brooklyn (7-20) in the stand- ers. Three-point goals: 5-21 (Bogdanovic 3-7, 0-2). Team Rebounds: 7. Team Turnovers: 13 (13
3. Indiana 16 10 .615 21⁄2 5-5 C2 only if they finish among the ings. But it’s almost January Ellington 2-6, Johnson 0-1, Lopez 0-1, Sloan 0-1, PTS). Blocked Shots: 5 (Frye 2, Harris, Nicholson,
Jack 0-5). Team Rebounds: 6. Team Turnovers: 16 Payton). Turnovers: 13 (Frye 4, Nicholson 3, Payton
4. Chicago 15 10 .600 3 5-5 C3 top three after the lottery. If Danger alert: If they fin- and the Lakers have not won 2, Gordon, Oladipo, Smith, Vucevic). Steals: 16
(19 PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Lopez 2). Turnovers: 14
5. Toronto 17 12 .586 3 5-5 A1 they don’t, they forfeit the ish second-worst, there’s a consecutive games. Never (Lopez 4, Bogdanovic 3, Jack 3, Johnson 2, Barg- (Payton 5, Frye 3, Fournier 2, Oladipo 2, Harris,
nani, Ellington). Steals: 7 (Bogdanovic 2, Bargna- Hezonja, Nicholson, Vucevic). Technical Fouls:
6. Atlanta 17 12 .586 3 6-4 S2 selection because of the 44.31% chance of falling out has picking up a few games ni, Jack, Lopez, Sloan, Young). Technical Fouls: De- Coach Skiles, 3:31 third
7. Charlotte 15 11 .577 31⁄2 6-4 S3 Steve Nash trade. (Phoenix of the top three when the in the standings seemed like fensive three second, 10:29 second. Atlanta 25 27 25 26— 103
Minnesota 26 26 23 25— 100 Orlando 29 13 36 22— 100
8. Detroit 16 12 .571 31⁄2 7-3 C4 originally acquired the pick pingpong balls are drawn. such a longshot.
Brooklyn 16 27 22 20— 85 A—16,982. T—2:12. O—Bill Spooner, Eric Lewis,
in 2012 but traded it to Phila- 2. Lakers finish with JT Orr.
9. Orlando 15 12 .556 1
⁄2 6-4 S4 delphia earlier this year.) NBA’s worst record (25% Bryant is improving A—14,552. T—2:04. O—Brian Forte, Mark
Ayotte, Leon Wood.
10. Boston 14 13 .519 11⁄2 5-5 A2 If this seems familiar, it is. chance at top pick). Bryant did not practice Kings 104, Raptors 94
11. New York 14 14 .500 2 6-4 A3 The same pick last season It’s unlikely to happen Sunday but was called prob- Heat 116, Trail Blazers 109 SACRAMENTO
12. Washington 11 14 .440 31⁄2 4-6 S5 was top-five protected and simply because Philadel- able by the team for Tues- Casspi ........34 6-8 0-1 0-11 3 2 15
13. Milwaukee 11 18 .379 51⁄2 4-6 C5 the Lakers kept it after mov- phia has been so poor. Then day’s game against the Nug- Aminu.........32 6-9 0-0 1-4 2 3 16 Gay ............40 7-17 4-4 1-9 1 2 19
14. Brooklyn 7 20 .259 81⁄2 3-7 A4 ing up to the No. 2 spot on again, the 76ers’ only victory gets. Vonleh ........11 1-4 0-0 1-3 0 3 2 Cousins.......31 5-13 4-8 1-9 5 3 15
Plumlee ......30 3-5 5-7 4-7 2 4 11 Rondo.........38 8-13 2-2 0-2 13 1 19
15. Philadelphia 1 28 .034 151⁄2 0-10 A5
lottery night. was against the Lakers. And He sat out the Lakers’ 40- Lillard .........37 10-18 9-11 1-2 9 3 32 McLemore ...19 5-7 0-1 1-3 0 3 12
This can easily turn into the teams play again Jan. 1. point loss to Oklahoma City McCollum....33 8-19 0-0 0-3 6 1 20 Belinelli.......25 2-5 2-2 0-0 2 0 6
Leonard ......25 3-5 0-0 1-9 1 3 8 Koufos ........23 3-6 1-4 2-7 0 3 7
another awkward season Big night for lottery jockey- on Saturday because of a Collison.......26 4-7 2-2 0-1 2 5 11
Crabbe........30 3-9 2-2 0-4 1 2 8
TODAY’S GAMES where Lakers fans cheer for ing! sore shoulder. Bryant had Davis ..........16 2-4 2-2 1-4 1 5 6 Totals 40-76 15-24 5-42 26 19 104
Favorite Line Underdog Time their team to lose, if it hasn’t If the Lakers finish at the been on a little roll his last Henderson.....8 2-4 0-0 0-2 0 0 4 Shooting: Field goals, 52.6%; free throws,
Harkless......13 1-3 0-0 1-4 1 0 2 62.5%
Oklahoma City 11⁄2 at CLIPPERS 7:30 p.m. already happened. bottom, there’s an addi- three games, averaging 23 Three-point goals: 9-21 (Casspi 3-4, McLemore
Frazier ..........0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
at Washington 21⁄2 Sacramento 4 p.m. What’s at stake? tional bonus waiting in May points and shooting 53%. Totals 39-80 18-22 10-42 23 24 109 2-4, Cousins 1-1, Collison 1-2, Rondo 1-4, Gay 1-5,
at Boston 81⁄2 Minnesota 4:30 p.m. Belinelli 0-1). Team Rebounds: 7. Team Turnovers:
The prize is Louisiana — a slightly more palatable Shooting: Field goals, 48.8%; free throws, 81.8%
16 (20 PTS). Blocked Shots: 8 (Cousins 4, Gay,
at New York 11⁄2 Orlando 4:30 p.m. Three-point goals: 13-34 (Aminu 4-7, McCollum 4-9,
State freshman Ben Sim- 35.76% chance of falling out Lillard 3-9, Leonard 2-3, Harkless 0-1, Henderson 0-1, Koufos, McLemore, Rondo). Turnovers: 15 (Rondo
at Chicago 101⁄2 Brooklyn 5 p.m. 5, Casspi 3, Cousins 2, Gay 2, Belinelli, Collison,
mons, a 6-foot-10 forward of the top three picks. Twitter: @Mike_Bresnahan Plumlee 0-1, Crabbe 0-3). Team Rebounds: 9. Team Turn-
McLemore). Steals: 8 (Gay 3, Cousins 2, Casspi,
at Atlanta 6 Portland 5 p.m. overs: 19 (29 PTS). Blocked Shots: 0. Turnovers: 19 (Lillard
6, Plumlee 5, Henderson 3, Aminu 2, McCollum 2, Vonleh). Collison, Rondo). Technical Fouls: Cousins, 5:34
at Houston 21⁄2 Charlotte 5 p.m. second
Steals: 7 (Aminu 3, Crabbe 2, Lillard, McCollum). Tech-

Newcomers have struggled

at San Antonio 81⁄2 Indiana 5:30 p.m. nical Fouls: None. TORONTO
at Utah 41⁄2 Phoenix 6 p.m. MIAMI Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Johnson ......32 7-11 0-0 1-6 1 1 14
Deng ..........32 5-7 2-2 0-2 1 3 17 Scola..........25 1-6 0-0 0-6 0 3 2
Bosh ..........30 11-19 4-5 0-6 4 2 29 Biyombo......25 0-7 2-2 5-13 0 2 2
Whiteside ....37 10-13 2-4 3-11 1 3 22 Lowry..........24 4-13 4-5 3-5 4 2 13
Dragic.........27 4-10 0-0 1-2 8 2 8 DeRozan .....35 10-24 8-8 2-7 1 4 28
RESULTS [Clippers, from D1] Wade..........27 6-11 6-9 1-2 7 3 18 Ross...........32 5-14 0-0 1-3 2 2 13
Joseph ........29 2-7 0-0 0-1 3 0 4
Winslow ......24 1-3 1-1 0-3 1 0 3
feat against the San Antonio Green .........32 6-9 1-3 0-1 1 1 17 Patterson.....33 6-12 2-2 1-8 1 4 18
Udrih ..........20 0-3 2-2 0-1 2 0 2 Totals 35-94 16-17 13-49 12 18 94
Spurs the previous night. Haslem .........7 0-0 0-0 0-2 1 0 0 Shooting: Field goals, 37.2%; free throws,
“We’ve got to be better than Totals 43-75 18-26 5-30 26 14 116 94.1%
Three-point goals: 8-29 (Patterson 4-8, Ross 3-
this. We are better than this Shooting: Field goals, 57.3%; free throws, 69.2% 10, Lowry 1-6, DeRozan 0-1, Joseph 0-1, Scola 0-1,
Three-point goals: 12-23 (Deng 5-6, Green 4-6, Bosh
and we’re not showing it, so 3-7, Dragic 0-1, Udrih 0-1, Winslow 0-2). Team Rebounds:
Johnson 0-2). Team Rebounds: 7. Team Turnovers:
12 (12 PTS). Blocked Shots: 3 (Biyombo, Johnson,
we’ve got to figure some- 4. Team Turnovers: 12 (13 PTS). Blocked Shots: 7 (White-
Irving makes season
Joseph). Turnovers: 12 (DeRozan 3, Ross 3, John-
side 5, Dragic, Winslow). Turnovers: 11 (Bosh 5, Wade 2,
thing out.” Whiteside 2, Deng, Udrih). Steals: 11 (Winslow 3, Bosh 2,
son 2, Scola 2, Lowry, Patterson). Steals: 8 (Pat-
terson 3, DeRozan 2, Johnson 2, Lowry). Technical
The first thing the Clip- Dragic 2, Wade 2, Whiteside 2). Technical Fouls: Defensive
debut in Cavaliers’ win pers need to do is address three second, 6:05 first Ejections: Dragic, 1:37 third.
Portland 32 30 24 23— 109
Fouls: Lowry, 2, 7:22 third. Ejections: Lowry, 7:22
their point-guard rotation Miami 23 29 30 34— 116
Sacramento 37 18 23 26— 104
Toronto 18 30 22 24— 94
after backup Austin Rivers A—19,600. T—2:15. O—Ed Malloy, Eric Dalen, James
CLEVELAND 108 suffered a severely sprained Williams.
A—19,800. T—2:12. O—Derrick Stafford, Marat
Kogut, Scott Wall.
PHILADELPHIA 86 right ankle against the
Rockets. Rivers could be out Cavaliers 108, 76ers 86 Pelicans 130, Nuggets 125
for an extended period, PHILADELPHIA NEW ORLEANS
Kyrie Irving played 17 minutes meaning the Clippers prob- Covington ....20 2-9 0-0 1-3 0 3 5 Gee............16 2-4 0-0 0-2 1 3 4
in his season debut and scored 12 ably will rely on a committee Noel ...........31 5-10 5-11 4-12 1 3 15 Asik............17 2-2 1-2 2-4 1 3 5
Okafor ........25 3-11 3-4 4-8 0 2 9
points, and LeBron James had 23 of Pablo Prigioni, Jamal Marshall......17 3-7 2-2 0-2 4 1 8
Davis ..........19 9-13 9-9 0-6 1 1 27
Evans .........32 7-13 6-8 1-8 10 3 21
as the Cleveland Cavaliers rolled to Crawford and Lance Ste- Canaan.......21 2-9 0-0 0-2 0 3 6 Gordon .......31 6-11 4-5 1-3 3 1 20
a 108-86 victory Sunday over the phenson for their ball-han- HThompson .21 2-6 0-0 1-2 0 2 6 Cunningham 19 1-2 0-0 0-3 0 3 3
Wroten........14 2-8 2-2 0-3 3 1 6 Anderson.....31 6-11 2-3 2-5 1 1 16
visiting Philadelphia 76ers, who dling needs beyond starter Grant..........22 2-9 2-2 2-2 1 4 6 Holiday .......24 7-13 5-8 0-3 5 3 21
lost their 10th straight and fell to Chris Paul when they face Sampson ....23 4-7 2-4 1-7 2 1 10 Cole ...........20 3-6 4-4 0-0 1 2 10
Holmes .......13 1-4 3-3 1-2 1 1 5 Perkins........16 0-0 0-0 1-2 1 2 0
1-28. the Oklahoma City Thunder McConnell ...15 4-6 2-2 1-5 3 1 10 Smith ...........2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Irving was on the floor for the on Monday night at Staples Stauskas .....12 0-0 0-0 1-1 0 0 0 Babbitt .........6 1-3 0-0 0-0 0 0 3
first time since breaking his left Center. Totals 30-86 21-30 16-49 15 22 86 Totals 44-78 31-39 7-36 24 22 130
Shooting: Field goals, 34.9%; free throws, 70.0% Shooting: Field goals, 56.4%; free throws,
kneecap in Game 1 of the NBA Fi- The Clippers still feature Three-point goals: 5-25 (H.Thompson 2-4, Canaan 2-6, 79.5%
nals against Golden State. The three of the NBA’s top play- Covington 1-6, Grant 0-1, Holmes 0-2, Marshall 0-2, Wro- Three-point goals: 11-24 (Gordon 4-7, Ander-
ten 0-4). Team Rebounds: 16. Team Turnovers: 21 (28 son 2-3, Holiday 2-5, Cunningham 1-2, Evans 1-2,
Cavaliers did OK without him, go- ers and a fortified bench. PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Grant, Noel). Turnovers: 19 (Mar- Babbitt 1-3, Gee 0-2). Team Rebounds: 12. Team
ing 17-7 to start the season, but But both the starters and re- shall 3, McConnell 3, Wroten 3, Holmes 2, H.Thompson 2, Turnovers: 10 (11 PTS). Blocked Shots: 11 (Davis 4,
Canaan, Covington, Noel, Okafor, Sampson, Stauskas). Cunningham 2, Anderson, Evans, Gordon, Holiday,
they’re a more complete team with serves have underper- Steals: 6 (Canaan, Covington, Holmes, McConnell, Noel, Perkins). Turnovers: 10 (Anderson 2, Evans 2, Per-
the All-Star point guard healthy. formed, for a variety of rea- Scott Halleran Getty Images Stauskas). Technical Fouls: None. kins 2, Asik, Davis, Gordon, Holiday). Steals: 4
Matthew Dellavedova made sons. THE CLIPPERS’ point-guard depth took a hit when CLEVELAND (Holiday 2, Evans, Gee). Technical Fouls: None.
four three-pointers and added 20 Paul has appeared less Austin Rivers sprained an ankle Saturday in Houston. James.........25 10-17 3-4 0-5 4 0 23 Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
points for the Cavs, who improved aggressive while dealing Love ...........21 2-4 5-6 0-4 1 4 10 Gallinari ......22 3-10 11-12 0-2 3 0 18
Mozgov .......23 3-6 2-2 1-8 1 2 8 Faried .........24 8-14 5-7 9-13 0 5 21
to 12-1 at home and are eyeing a with injuries to his groin, routinely outrebounded and Irving..........17 5-12 0-0 0-1 4 1 12 Lauvergne....12 2-4 0-0 0-2 1 2 5
Christmas Day game against the ribs, eye and finger. Center rarely have been able to get Smith .........21 3-5 1-1 0-2 4 1 8 Nelson ........36 6-12 0-0 0-2 6 4 15
Warriors. James didn’t play in the DeAndre Jordan’s energy Clippers good games from their start- Dellavedova .22 7-10 2-2 0-0 2 1 20
Shumpert ....15 1-5 1-2 0-2 4 0 3
Harris .........26 1-8 0-0 1-2 1 2 2
Arthur ...........5 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 2
fourth quarter, logging a season- level has inexplicably vacil- ers and reserves on the same
low 26 minutes. lated and shooting guard J.J.
tonight night. The starters were so
TThompson..21 2-4 2-2 2-6 1 2 6
Jones..........15 1-5 0-0 0-5 1 1 2
Jokic...........22 6-8 1-2 1-3 2 2 13
Barton ........36 12-25 1-1 2-10 6 2 32
Jefferson .....22 3-6 0-0 0-1 1 3 9 Foye ...........21 6-10 0-0 0-2 3 3 17
The 76ers are 0-17 in road games Redick has missed a handful listless against the Rockets Varejao .......12 0-4 0-0 1-3 1 3 0 Papniklaou ..20 0-3 0-0 0-2 2 2 0
and are on their second double- of games with ankle and VS. OKLAHOMA CITY that Coach Doc Rivers ac- Cunningham 12 1-4 1-2 0-1 1 0 3 Miller..........11 0-1 0-0 0-1 2 3 0
Kaun ............5 2-3 0-0 2-2 0 1 4 Totals 45-96 18-22 13-39 26 25 125
digit losing streak this season. back injuries, depriving him When: 7:30. knowledged he considered Totals 40-85 17-21 6-40 25 19 108 Shooting: Field goals, 46.9%; free throws,
of consistent rhythm. Where: Staples Center. removing them for the rest of Shooting: Field goals, 47.1%; free throws, 81.0% 81.8%
at Miami 116, Portland 109: Chris The Clippers (16-12) On the air: TV: Prime the game in the first half. Three-point goals: 11-25 (Dellavedova 4-6, Jefferson Three-point goals: 17-35 (Barton 7-11, Foye
3-5, Irving 2-2, Smith 1-1, Love 1-2, Mozgov 0-1, Shumpert 5-7, Nelson 3-6, Gallinari 1-2, Lauvergne 1-2, Fa-
Bosh scored 29 points, Hassan somehow have been more in- Ticket; Radio: 980, 1330. Paul was plenty assertive 0-1, Cunningham 0-2, Jones 0-2, James 0-3). Team Re- ried 0-1, Jokic 0-1, Miller 0-1, Papanikolaou 0-1,
Whiteside had 22 points and 11 re- consistent despite returning Records: Thunder 18-9, after the game in his assess- bounds: 9. Team Turnovers: 12 (11 PTS). Blocked Shots: 6 Harris 0-3). Team Rebounds: 10. Team Turnovers: 6
Clippers 16-12. (Dellavedova 2, James, Jones, Mozgov, T.Thompson). Turn- (11 PTS). Blocked Shots: 4 (Harris, Jokic, Lau-
bounds, and the Heat finished their core of Paul, Griffin, ment of the Clippers. overs: 10 (Dellavedova 4, James 2, Love 2, Irving, Kaun). vergne, Miller). Turnovers: 5 (Nelson 2, Barton, Fa-
strong after trailing by 10 at half- Jordan, Redick and sixth Record vs. Thunder “We’re not a team that Steals: 11 (James 3, Dellavedova 2, Irving 2, Love, Shum- ried, Foye). Steals: 5 (Harris 3, Foye, Miller). Tech-
time. Damian Lillard had 32 points man Crawford for a third (2014-15): 2-1. anybody needs to be worried
pert, Smith, Varejao). Technical Fouls: Coach Blatt, 0:40.8 nical Fouls: Defensive three second, 10:02 first.
and nine assists for the Trail Blaz- consecutive season. This is Update: Oklahoma City has about, I’ll tell you that,” he
New Orleans 36 31 32 31— 130
Philadelphia 25 13 22 26— 86 Denver 31 43 22 29— 125
solidified its hold on third Cleveland 21 34 33 20— 108
ers. the fourth year Paul, Griffin, said. A—13,857. T—2:20. O—Marc Davis, Kane Fitz-
place in the Western A—20,562. T—2:15. O—Sean Wright, Bennie Adams,
Jordan and Crawford have Although the Clippers gerald, Karl Lane.
Conference by winning Justin Van Duyne.
Minnesota 100, at Brooklyn 85: played together and the fifth seven of its last eight stand fourth in the strangely
Karl-Anthony Towns had 24 points year of the Paul-Griffin-Jor- mediocre Western Confer- CLIPPERS, LAKERS STATISTICS
games, including a Through Sunday’s games
and 10 rebounds in the building dan era. ence despite their unimpres- Bucks 101, Suns 95
40-point shellacking of the
where he was taken with the No. 1 A year ago at this time, sive record, they have only MILWAUKEE CLIPPERS PPG RPG APG
Lakers on Saturday. Kevin Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
pick in the June draft, and the the Clippers were 19-9 de- Durant and Russell five victories against teams Griffin 23.9 8.6 4.9
Middleton....39 10-17 4-4 0-3 7 4 26
Timberwolves continued their spite a notoriously thin Westbrook continue to be that currently are over .500, Parker .........27 2-7 3-4 2-6 1 2 7 Paul 16.8 3.2 9.0
Monroe .......25 6-10 1-2 0-2 4 4 13
strong play on the road. They are bench. the NBA’s top one-two not nearly enough to make Cartr-Willms.35 9-16 2-4 1-9 6 3 20
Redick 15.2 1.4 1.6
7-6 in away games but only 4-10 at “Being how our team was punch, combining to anyone consider them a Mayo ..........41 5-11 1-4 0-5 5 2 12 Crawford 11.5 1.8 2.4
home. last year, I think we’re be- average 52.1 points, 14.6 team to beat. Copeland ......8 0-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 0
Jordan 11.1 13.3 0.9
Vaughn .......17 2-6 0-0 0-0 0 1 6
hind as far as figuring out rebounds and 13.6 assists. “We haven’t won any big Henson .......22 3-4 2-4 2-6 2 2 8 Rivers 7.0 2.0 1.3
Atlanta 103, at Orlando 100: Kyle that trust and stuff like Meanwhile, the Clippers games and we haven’t won Ennis............5 1-1 1-2 0-1 0 0 3
Smith 5.9 4.0 1.4
Korver scored 13 of his 19 points in that,” Paul said. “So we’ve are 0-3 against the top any games that you go into O’Bryant......17 3-5 0-0 1-4 0 4 6
three teams in the West Totals 41-79 14-24 6-37 25 23 101 Johnson 5.6 2.0 0.3
the fourth quarter and the Hawks just got to keep building.” them thinking, OK, this is Shooting: Field goals, 51.9%; free throws, 58.3%
and are desperately in Stephenson 4.4 2.7 1.7
got past the Magic for their third Among the newcomers, one we have to get,” Griffin Three-point goals: 5-16 (Vaughn 2-2, Middleton 2-6,
straight win. Stephenson, Josh Smith need of a marquee victory said. “I feel like we’ve lost all
Mayo 1-5, Carter-Williams 0-1, Copeland 0-2). Team Re- Pierce 4.1 2.3 0.8
bounds: 10. Team Turnovers: 14 (15 PTS). Blocked Shots: 6
and Paul Pierce have been more than a quarter of the those games. We’ve won (Henson 4, Carter-Williams, Mayo). Turnovers: 13 (Carter- Prigioni 2.0 1.3 1.6
way through the season. Williams 3, Middleton 3, Mayo 2, O’Bryant 2, Ennis, Mon- Mbah a 1.9 1.7 0.2
Sacramento 104, at Toronto 94: disappointments. Pierce some games I think we roe, Vaughn). Steals: 8 (Mayo 2, Middleton 2, Carter-Wil-
Beating the Thunder liams, Henson, O’Bryant, Parker). Technical Fouls: Mayo, Moute
Rajon Rondo had 19 points and 13 has acknowledged frustra- should have won, but we
certainly would qualify. 4:55 first Flagrant Fouls: Mayo, 7:28 fourth. Aldrich 1.2 1.8 0.2
assists, Rudy Gay scored 19 points tion with his career-low “That’s a great team,” have to be better than that if PHOENIX
against his former team and the playing time and produc- we expect to be a playoff Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Wilcox 0.0 0.0 0.0
Clippers forward Blake Tucker .........24 4-4 2-3 2-7 2 0 12
Kings ended a four-game road los- tion. Stephenson has been in Griffin said. “They’re team and a team that con-
Leuer..........21 4-6 0-2 2-6 0 3 9 LAKERS PPG RPG APG
ing streak. and out of the lineup, twice ahead of us in the tends.” Chandler .....27 2-4 0-0 1-5 0 3 4
Bryant 16.7 4.3 3.4
receiving the dreaded Did standings, they’re playing For now, the Clippers are Bledsoe ......33 6-11 5-5 0-1 1 2 18
Knight.........28 3-10 2-2 0-2 4 4 9 Clarkson 14.9 3.6 2.2
New Orleans 130, at Denver 125: Not Play—Coach’s Decision. well, they’re healthy. That’s challenging for only one des- Morris.........15 2-5 3-3 0-3 4 1 8
Anthony Davis left after the first Smith has developed a mad- ignation: flop of the year. Williams 14.0 2.5 2.3
one of those games that we Booker........18 1-5 5-5 0-2 2 1 7
quarter because of an illness but dening over-reliance on have to go get.” At least they seem to real- Len ............19 1-5 0-0 1-7 1 1 2 Russell 11.9 4.4 3.6
Warren........24 7-13 4-4 0-1 0 2 18
returned in the fourth and finished three-point attempts de- — Ben Bolch ize it. Price...........15 2-3 0-0 0-1 3 4 5 Randle 11.6 9.4 1.7
with 27 points, pushing the Peli- spite shooting only 31.5% “You’ve got to be honest Teletovic ......10 1-8 0-0 0-4 1 1 3 Young 9.2 1.5 0.5
Totals 33-74 21-24 6-39 18 22 95
cans to only their third road win of from long range. with yourself as a team,” Shooting: Field goals, 44.6%; free throws, 87.5%
Hibbert 7.4 6.5 1.7
the season. Even Griffin’s consistent “It’s not like we have a ton Griffin said. “I think this is Three-point goals: 8-18 (Tucker 2-2, Knight 1-1, Leuer Bass 5.3 4.0 0.8
1-1, Morris 1-1, Price 1-1, Bledsoe 1-2, Teletovic 1-6, Warren
production and some bet- of rookies in here to where the point of the season 0-1, Booker 0-3). Team Rebounds: 6. Team Turnovers: 21 World Peace 4.9 2.6 0.9
Milwaukee 101, at Phoenix 95: ter-than-expected play from we’re trying to figure out where either something’s (21 PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Chandler, Len). Turnovers: 20 Nance Jr. 4.3 3.7 0.6
(Morris 5, Bledsoe 4, Chandler 3, Knight 2, Tucker 2,
Khris Middleton scored 11 of his 26 small forwards Luc Mbah a how to play and find our got to change or we’re not go- Booker, Len, Leuer, Teletovic). Steals: 8 (Bledsoe 3, Kelly 3.8 3.6 0.9
points in the fourth quarter and Moute and Wesley Johnson way,” Jordan said. “Every- ing to put ourselves in a good Booker 3, Knight, Morris). Technical Fouls: Morris, 4:55
Black 3.8 4.4 0.1
Greg Monroe hit a spinning, go- have not been able to com- body knows their job; we’ve position come playoff time.”
Milwaukee 27 18 25 31— 101 Sacre 3.4 3.0 1.0
ahead layup with 20.6 seconds left pensate for the short- just got to accept our roles Phoenix 26 27 18 24— 95 Huertas 3.3 1.3 2.9
to lift the Bucks past the Suns. comings of almost everyone and play.” A—16,859. T—2:22. O—Tom Washington, Curtis Blair,
— associated press else. The Clippers have been Twitter: @latbbolch Leroy Richardson.
Brown 1.5 0.2 0.2
D4 M O NDAY , D E C E M BE R 21, 2 015 WS C E L AT I M E S. C O M /S P O RT S



10 4 0 .714 308 259 6-4-0 4-0-0 3-2-0
Bengals clinch playoff spot
Kansas City 9 5 0 .643 365 257 8-2-0 1-3-0 4-1-0 [Farmer, from D1]
Oakland 6 8 0 .429 319 356 6-4-0 0-4-0 2-2-0 third quarter. The Giants roared back with
San Diego 4 10 0 .286 280 348 3-7-0 1-3-0 0-4-0 four touchdowns to tie it, 35-35.
North W L T Pct. PF PA AFC NFC Div. That’s when Newton mounted an eight-
x-Cincinnati 11 3 0 .786 378 243 8-2-0 3-1-0 4-1-0 play, 49-yard drive in the final 1 minute 46
Pittsburgh 9 5 0 .643 378 287 6-4-0 3-1-0 2-2-0 seconds, setting up the winning 43-yard
field goal by Graham Gano as time expired.
Baltimore 4 10 0 .286 292 360 3-7-0 1-3-0 2-2-0
That the game went from a laugher to a
Cleveland 3 11 0 .214 253 387 2-8-0 1-3-0 1-4-0
nail-biter was acutely disappointing to
South W L T Pct. PF PA AFC NFC Div. Newton.
Houston 7 7 0 .500 275 301 5-5-0 2-2-0 3-1-0 “It shouldn’t have been a thriller, I can
Indianapolis 6 8 0 .429 285 372 4-6-0 2-2-0 3-2-0 tell you that,” he said. “We just had to find
Jacksonville 5 9 0 .357 343 380 5-6-0 0-3-0 2-3-0 ways. It’s great for us to be in a game like
Tennessee 3 11 0 .214 269 359 1-9-0 2-2-0 1-3-0 this, it’s kind of like our first dose of mini-
East W L T Pct. PF PA AFC NFC Div. games of what playoff football is going to be
y-New England 12 2 0 .857 435 269 9-1-0 3-1-0 4-0-0 about. We have to create that killer instinct.
New York Jets 9 5 0 .643 344 272 6-4-0 3-1-0 2-2-0 The Giants did an unbelievable job at the
end, but for us we have to do better, and we
Buffalo 6 8 0 .429 341 336 6-5-0 0-3-0 3-2-0
will do better.”
Miami 5 9 0 .357 278 361 3-7-0 2-2-0 0-5-0
As for karma, that came in the heralded
NATIONAL CONFERENCE matchup between two of the most talented
West W L T Pct. PF PA NFC AFC Div. players on the field. Giants receiver Odell
y-Arizona 12 2 0 .857 445 269 9-1-0 3-1-0 4-1-0 Beckham Jr. and Carolina cornerback Josh
x-Seattle 9 5 0 .643 370 248 6-4-0 3-1-0 2-2-0 Norman tangled all game, and TV cameras
caught Beckham going out of his way to
St. Louis 6 8 0 .429 241 294 5-5-0 1-3-0 3-1-0
land cheap shots with his fists and by spear-
San Francisco 4 10 0 .286 202 339 3-7-0 1-3-0 0-5-0
ing his helmet into Norman’s.
North W L T Pct. PF PA NFC AFC Div. “I really like the battle with him and Josh,
x-Green Bay 10 4 0 .714 347 265 7-3-0 3-1-0 3-2-0 it was like Floyd and Pacquiao,” Giants
Minnesota 9 5 0 .643 296 272 6-4-0 3-1-0 4-1-0 cornerback Prince Amukamara said. “It
Chicago 5 9 0 .357 289 352 2-8-0 3-1-0 1-4-0 was a great matchup.”
Detroit 4 9 0 .308 267 336 3-6-0 1-3-0 2-3-0 There might have been more punches
South W L T Pct. PF PA NFC AFC Div. thrown in Beckham-Norman than in that
y-Carolina 14 0 0 1.000 449 278 10-0-0 4-0-0 4-0-0 overblown fight between Floyd Mayweather
Atlanta 7 7 0 .500 302 312 4-6-0 3-1-0 0-4-0 Jr. and Manny Pacquiao.
This time, Beckham was flagged for
Tampa Bay 6 8 0 .429 311 353 5-5-0 1-3-0 3-2-0
personal fouls three times.
New Orleans 5 8 0 .385 323 397 4-6-0 1-2-0 2-3-0
“He lost his composure,” Giants Coach
East W L T Pct. PF PA NFC AFC Div. Tom Coughlin said of the receiver.
Washington 7 7 0 .500 316 332 6-4-0 1-3-0 2-2-0 Making matters worse for the Panthers,
Philadelphia 6 8 0 .429 318 362 3-7-0 3-1-0 2-2-0 it was Beckham who made a 14-yard touch-
New York Giants 6 8 0 .429 373 358 4-6-0 2-2-0 2-3-0 down catch to forge a 35-35 deadlock. It
Dallas 4 10 0 .286 246 324 3-8-0 1-2-0 3-2-0 looked as if he was going to be the hero, dirty
x-clinched playoff spot; y-clinched division. play notwithstanding.
That’s when Newton returned to slam
THURSDAY’S RESULT at New England 33, Tennessee 16 the door, completing three passes for a total
at St. Louis 31, Tampa Bay 23 Carolina 38, at N.Y. Giants 35 of 37 yards, and running twice for 12.
SATURDAY’S RESULT at Washington 35, Buffalo 25 “That’s what he’s done all year,” Coach
N.Y. Jets 19, at Dallas 16 Green Bay 30, at Oakland 20 Ron Rivera said of Newton. “When we’ve
SUNDAY’S RESULTS at Seattle 30, Cleveland 13 been in tight ballgames and we’ve had to get
Kansas City 34, at Baltimore 14 at Pittsburgh 34, Denver 27 Michael Conroy Associated Press
something done, he’s been able to do it.
Houston 16, at Indianapolis 10 at San Diego 30, Miami 14
That doesn’t surprise me he made the plays JAELEN STRONG of the Houston Texans dives into the end zone for an eight-
Atlanta 23, at Jacksonville 17 Cincinnati 24, at San Francisco 14
that he did to put us in position to win the yard touchdown reception ahead of D’Qwell Jackson of the Indianapolis Colts.
at Minnesota 38, Chicago 17 Arizona 40, at Philadelphia 17
football game at the end.”
Newton became the first player in league Safety first
history with at least 300 yards passing, 100
yards rushing and five touchdown passes in BEST OF THE WEEK The Tennessee Titans played it safe with
Marcus Mariota after the rookie quarter-
PASSING Att Cmp Yds TD back injured his right knee midway through
The outcome was briefly in doubt, but in the second quarter at New England.
In addition to the division champions, the remaining top two the end, New York (or New Jersey, actually) BEN ROETHLISBERGER, Steelers 55 40 380 3
teams in each conference advance to the playoffs as wild-card Even though Mariota said he wanted to
proved to be Newton’s apple. JAMEIS WINSTON, Buccaneers 50 29 363 2 go back in the game right away, Coach Mike
entries (seeds five and six). First tiebreakers are head-to-head
SAM BRADFORD, Eagles 41 28 361 2 Mularkey held him out the rest of the way,
games, division tiebreakers if division teams, best won-lost-tied Playing catch
percentage in conference games, best won-lost-tied percentage CAM NEWTON, Panthers 45 25 340 5 replacing him with Zach Mettenberger.
Seattle’s Russell Wilson is the first “I don’t think it was serious,” Mularkey
in common games (minimum of four), strength of victory, strength quarterback in NFL history to pass for at KIRK COUSINS, Redskins 28 22 319 4
of schedule, best combined ranking among conference teams in said of Mariota’s injury. “I’d rather err on the
least three touchdowns with no intercep- RUSHING Att Yards Avg TD side of caution.”
points scored and points given up. tions in five consecutive games. DAVID JOHNSON, Cardinals 29 187 6.4 3 Mariota, who sat out two games this
Wilson threw for three in the Seahawks’ season because of an injury to his left knee,
AFC NFC 30-13 victory over Cleveland, which secured a
RASHAD JENNINGS, Giants 16 107 6.7 1
ALFRED BLUE, Texans 20 107 5.4 0 said he doesn’t expect to be sidelined for the
Kansas City 9-5 5 Seattle 9-5 playoff spot for Seattle. Titans’ final two games.
A lot of those touchdowns have gone to CAM NEWTON, Panthers 8 100 12.5 0
Pittsburgh 9-5 6 Minnesota 9-5 Doug Baldwin, who has caught 10 in the last DARREN MCFADDEN, Cowboys 16 100 6.3 0
four games. The only other receiver to Quick snaps
New York Jets 9-5 7 Atlanta 7-7 match that during a four-game stretch? RECEIVING No Yards Avg TD 8 Kansas City beat Baltimore to win for
Jerry Rice. ANTONIO BROWNS, Steelers 16 189 11.8 2 the eighth time in a row. The Chiefs are the
EMMANUEL SANDERS, Broncos 10 181 18.1 1 only team in league history to win eight
Texas turnaround games in a row immediately after a five-
JORDAN MATTHEWS, Eagles 8 159 19.9 1
Carolina started the day 13-0. In a sense, game losing streak.
MIKE EVANS, Buccaneers 9 157 17.4 0 8 Antonio Brown had two touchdown
SCHEDULE Houston was 0-13.
In 13 tries since they were formed in 2002, DESEAN JACKSON, Redskins 6 153 25.5 1 catches in Pittsburgh’s 34-27 victory over
San Francisco at Detroit ............10 the Texans had never won a game played in Denver. He leads the AFC with 116 catches
Cleveland at Kansas City ...........10 Indianapolis. and is one of two players to catch at least 110
Detroit at New Orleans ...........5:30 Indianapolis at Miami ...............10
That came to an end as the Texans beat Roll Tide passes three seasons in a row. The other is
THURSDAY New England at N.Y. Jets............10 the Colts, 16-10, to move into the driver’s seat Wes Welker, who did that with New England
Cincinnati clinched a playoff berth for
Chicago at Tampa Bay...............10 in the AFC South. It was Brandon Weeden, from 2007 to 2009.
San Diego at Oakland .....5:15 p.m. Houston at Tennessee ...............10 the fifth consecutive year when A.J. McCar-
cut loose by Dallas this season, who bailed ron, replacing the injured Andy Dalton, led 8 The Patriots won their 12th game,
SATURDAY Jacksonville at New Orleans ..1 p.m. out the Texans. He replaced the injured T.J. something they have done six years in a row.
the Bengals to a 24-14 victory at San Fran-
Green Bay at Arizona ..............1:15 Yates and threw the go-ahead touchdown in The only other NFL team to accomplish
Wash. at Philadelphia......5:15 p.m. cisco.
St. Louis at Seattle.................1:15 the fourth quarter. that was the Peyton Manning-led Colts, who
McCarron, who won two national cham-
SUNDAY N.Y. Giants at Minnesota.........5:30 At 7-7, Houston is in sole possession of had a seven-year streak from 2003 to 2009.
pionships at Alabama, is the school’s first
Carolina at Atlanta.............10 a.m. first place in the division. The 6-8 Colts have player to win an NFL game as the starting
DEC. 28
Pittsburgh at Baltimore..............10 lost three games in a row and would need quarterback since Jeff Rutledge did that for
Dallas at Buffalo ......................10 Cincinnati at Denver .......5:30 p.m. help to reach the playoffs. the Giants in 1987. Twitter: @LATimesfarmer

HAPPY WIFE? Cardinals soar to division title
Cardinals 40, Eagles 17
Johnson runs for three Arizona ..................................7 10 13 10—40
Philadelphia ...........................3 7 0 7—17
touchdowns and First Quarter
Ari—D.Johnson 1 run (Catanzaro kick), 10:44.
Arizona clinches the Phi—FG Sturgis 36, 6:00.
Second Quarter
NFC West. Ari—FG Catanzaro 28, 14:08.
Phi—Ertz 22 pass from Bradford (Sturgis kick), 8:26.
Ari—D.Johnson 47 run (Catanzaro kick), 4:00.
ARIZONA 40 Third Quarter
PHILADELPHIA 17 Ari—D.Johnson 1 run (kick failed), 9:48.
Ari—Jo.Brown 16 from Palmer (Catanzaro kick), :40.
associated press Fourth Quarter
Ari—Bucannon 39 int. return (Catanzaro kick), 14:50.
Phi—Matthews 78 from Bradford (Sturgis kick),
PHILADELPHIA — The Ari—FG Catanzaro 38, 2:55.
Arizona Cardinals are NFC Attendance—69,596.
West champions. Now, they First downs ...................................28 19
have more to accomplish. Total Net Yards .............................493 424
Rushes-yards ..........................39-230 20-74
David Johnson ran for 187 Passing.......................................263 350
yards and three touchdowns, Punt Returns ................................1-6 2-12
Kickoff Returns ...........................3-62 5-118
Carson Palmer threw a Interceptions Ret. ........................2-42 0-0
Men, regardless of your age or medical history the doctors at touchdown pass and the Car- Comp-Att-Int..........................20-33-0
Sacked-Yards Lost .......................2-11
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Time of Possession ....................37:28
Individual Leaders

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after making a reception in the second half. RUSHING: Arizona, D.Johnson 29-187, K.Williams 6-
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The Chiefs became the first NFL team to follow a five- Who knew? All the Texans needed to finally win a game in At first they couldn’t lose. Then they couldn’t win. What’s
game losing streak with eight consecutive wins in the same Indianapolis was third-string quarterback Brandon next for the Falcons, who started the season 5-0 and just
season, and the Ravens had a lot to do with that success. Weeden, who started the season with the Dallas Cowboys. ended a skid at six games with a victory in Jacksonville?
Kansas City’s Tyvon Branch returned a fumble 73 yards He replaced the injured T.J. Yates (knee) late in the first “It’s very difficult not to allow doubt to happen when we
for a touchdown and Marcus Peters clinched the victory half and threw a go-ahead, eight-yard touchdown pass to haven’t had success the last couple of weeks or the last two
with a 90-yard interception return for a score with 4:36 left. Jaelen Strong with 10 minutes 36 seconds to play. It was months,” quarterback Matt Ryan said. “But I didn’t feel
Kansas City also scored touchdowns following a drive-ex- Houston’s first victory in Indianapolis in 14 tries. that from anybody today. The reason you are so proud and
tending Baltimore penalty and a failed fake punt. “He’s a pro, he acts like a pro, he carries himself like a pro, you’re so pumped up for the other guys is we know how easy
“To have the three turnovers — and technically, almost a he is a pro,” Houston Coach Bill O’Brien said of Weeden, who it is to doubt yourself in those situations.”
fourth when they went for the fake — to be able to capitalize joined the team Nov. 18. “Look, I’m not sure he has the whole Julius Jones finished with nine receptions for 118 yards
on those, it changed that game,” Chiefs quarterback Alex offense down pat, but I think he has enough that he can go in and set the franchise record for catches in a season. He has
Smith said. there and function.” 118, breaking teammate Roddy White’s mark of 115 set in 2010.
Houston ..................................0 3 3 10—16 Interceptions Ret. ...........................1-9 1-6 Rushes-yards .............................33-83 20-72
Passing ........................................164 273 Comp-Att-Int ...........................17-28-1 18-32-1 Atlanta ....................................7 10 0 6—23
Kansas City ............................14 10 0 10—34 Indianapolis .............................0 10 0 0—10 Jacksonville..............................0 3 14 0—17 Passing ........................................245 285
Baltimore.................................7 7 0 0—14 Punt Returns ................................3-11 2-27 Sacked-Yards Lost.........................3-23 3-20 Punt Returns................................4-21 2-17
Kickoff Returns .............................1-19 6-153 Second Quarter Punts.......................................4-50.3 7-41.1 First Quarter
First Quarter Kickoff Returns.............................1-24 3-62
Interceptions Ret...........................2-93 0-0 Ind—Moncrief 11 pass from Hasselbeck (Vinatieri Fumbles-Lost .................................2-1 1-1 Atl—Freeman 5 run (Graham kick), 10:48. Interceptions Ret. .........................1-84 1-3
KC—West 38 run (Santos kick), 9:13. Comp-Att-Int ...........................21-25-0 26-45-2 kick), 14:50. Penalties-Yards.............................6-48 8-94 Comp-Att-Int ...........................22-35-1 23-38-1
Bal—Juszczyk 1 pass from Clausen (Tucker kick), 6:30. Sacked-Yards Lost...........................3-7 2-8 Time of Possession......................33:56 26:04 Second Quarter
Ind—FG Vinatieri 29, 6:12. Sacked-Yards Lost ..........................1-1 2-12
KC—Branch 73 fumble return (Santos kick), 2:49. Punts .......................................5-46.4 5-43.6 Hou—FG Novak 22, :00. Jax—FG Myers 42, 14:05. Punts.......................................5-43.2 6-42.3
Second Quarter Fumbles-Lost .................................1-0 1-1 Individual Leaders Atl—Jones 11 pass from Ryan (Graham kick), 3:47. Fumbles-Lost .................................0-0 3-0
Penalties-Yards .............................6-55 7-63 Third Quarter
RUSHING: Houston, Blue 20-107, Hunt 5-26, Yates Atl—FG Graham 34, :00. Penalties-Yards.............................5-43 5-62
KC—Maclin 13 pass from A.Smith (Santos kick), Time of Possession......................32:19 27:41 Hou—FG Novak 46, 2:42.
1-7, Weeden 5-6, Polk 4-6, Prosch 1-2, Grimes 1-1. India- Third Quarter Time of Possession......................34:33 25:27
14:56. Fourth Quarter
KC—FG Santos 53, :50. Individual Leaders napolis, Gore 16-44, Tipton 1-4, Allen 1-1, Hasselbeck Jax—Bortles 1 run (Myers kick), 10:40.
Bal—Aiken 48 pass from Clausen (Tucker kick), :00. RUSHING: Kansas City, West 16-76, A.Smith 4-17, Da- Hou—Strong 8 pass from Weeden (Novak kick),10:36. 1-1. Jax—A.Robinson 10 pass from Bortles (Myers kick), Individual Leaders
vis 5-14, A.Wilson 1-8, Daniel 2-(minus 2). Baltimore, Hou—FG Novak 32, 1:56. PASSING: Houston, Yates 6-10-1-68, Weeden 11-18- 6:15. RUSHING: Atlanta, Freeman 25-56, Coleman 4-23,
Fourth Quarter
West 7-35, Clausen 5-30, Allen 4-18, Koch 1-7, Magee Attendance—66,083. 0-105. Indianapolis, Whitehurst 1-2-0-13, Hasselbeck Weems 1-4, Ryan 3-0. Jacksonville, Bortles 6-44, D.Ro-
KC—FG Santos 32, 6:45. Fourth Quarter
2-5, Givens 1-(minus 2). TEAM STATISTICS Hou Ind 17-30-1-147. binson 14-28.
KC—Peters 90 interception return (Santos kick), 4:36. PASSING: Kansas City, A.Smith 21-25-0-171. Balti- RECEIVING: Houston, Hopkins 8-94, Washington 3- Atl—FG Graham 33, 10:28. PASSING: Atlanta, Ryan 22-35-1-246. Jacksonville,
Attendance—70,791. First downs.....................................20 14 Atl—FG Graham 46, 1:42.
more, Clausen 26-45-2-281. Total Net Yards ..............................305 190 18, Griffin 2-30, Strong 2-23, Hunt 2-8. Indianapolis, Bortles 23-38-1-297.
TEAM STATISTICS KC Bal RECEIVING: Kansas City, Maclin 7-50, Kelce 6-73, Rushes-yards ...........................37-155 19-50 Moncrief 5-51, Johnson 3-32, Hilton 3-29, Whalen 2-9, Attendance—64,016. RECEIVING: Atlanta, Jones 9-118, Freeman 7-45,
First downs .....................................15 19 A.Wilson 4-27, Avant 2-12, West 2-9. Baltimore, Aiken Passing ........................................150 140 Gore 1-15, Fleener 1-12, Herron 1-6, Allen 1-5, Dorsett TEAM STATISTICS Atl Jax White 3-47, Hardy 3-36. Jacksonville, D.Robinson 8-46,
Total Net Yards...............................277 366 8-128, M.Williams 5-31, Juszczyk 5-26, Butler 3-60, Punt Returns................................3-21 4-67 1-1. First downs.....................................22 21 Thomas 6-79, A.Robinson 3-57, Lee 2-46, Hurns 2-44,
Rushes-yards............................28-113 20-93 West 2-11, Givens 1-17, Matthews 1-6, Magee 1-2. Kickoff Returns...............................0-0 3-80 FIELD GOALS MISSED: Houston, Novak 56 (SH). Total Net Yards ..............................328 357 Lewis 1-26, Greene 1-(minus 1).


Teddy Bridgewater literally deserved a high-five. Danny Woodhead needed to do something to atone for The Titans are out of contention but sat their quarter-
The Vikings quarterback threw a career-high four touch- his drop last week on what could have been a tying touch- back to protect their future. The Patriots have many playing
downs and ran for one as the home side ended a skid at two down on the last play of the game. Mission accomplished. with injuries, but have no time to rest as they continue to
games. Minnesota turned a lost fumble and an interception Woodhead had his first career four-touchdown game and hold on to the top seed in the AFC playoff picture.
thrown by Jay Cutler into 14 second-half points. Philip Rivers recovered a fumble on a play that began with The Patriots knocked out Tennessee quarterback Mar-
“It shows that when we do put the ball in the air, we’re him throwing an interception as the touchdown-starved cus Mariota (knee) early and cruised to an easy victory.
pretty good,” Bridgewater said. Chargers finally tilted the scoreboard in what could be the “I wanted to go in right away,” Mariota said, adding that
“These last two weeks, I’ve seen a different look in his club’s last game in San Diego. he deferred to the wishes of the training staff. “I don’t expect
eyes,” running back Adrian Peterson said of Bridgewater. “I “If this is the last one,” Rivers said, “I’ll always be sick to be out for the rest of the year.”
Rushes-yards ..............................21-59 26-93
really don’t have to say much to him.” that we didn’t win a championship while we were here.” Tennessee ................................0 3 7 6—16
Passing.........................................223 253
New England.............................7 17 3 6—33
Chicago....................................0 7 3 7—17 Rushes-yards ..............................20-94 36-129 Punt Returns ................................2-24 4-36
Passing.........................................199 221 Miami ......................................0 0 7 7—14 Punt Returns.................................2-16 6-44 First Quarter Kickoff Returns .............................2-24 1-75
Minnesota ................................7 10 7 14—38 San Diego ................................6 17 0 7—30 Kickoff Returns..............................4-92 0-0
Punt Returns ..................................0-0 0-0 Interceptions Ret. ..........................2-43 0-0 NE—Gronkowski 5 from Brady (Gostkowski kick), 7:10. Interceptions Ret.............................0-0 2-51
First Quarter Kickoff Returns............................5-153 1-22 First Quarter Comp-Att-Int............................23-34-2 23-35-0
Comp-Att-Int ............................20-34-0 26-36-2 Second Quarter
Min—Diggs 15 from Bridgewater (Walsh kick), 5:44. Interceptions Ret. ............................0-0 1-3 SD—Woodhead 20 pass from Rivers (kick failed), 4:16. Sacked-Yards Lost .........................3-29 1-9 Sacked-Yards Lost .........................5-51 2-14
Comp-Att-Int ............................26-37-1 17-20-0 NE—Hicks fumble recovery in end zone (Gostkowski Punts .......................................5-54.4 4-45.5
Second Quarter Second Quarter Punts........................................8-45.8 3-36.7 kick), 13:48.
Sacked-Yards Lost .........................5-32 1-10 Fumbles-Lost..................................2-1 0-0 Fumbles-Lost..................................2-1 1-1
Min—FG Walsh 53, 14:22. Punts........................................4-40.3 3-43.0 SD—FG Lambo 28, 9:05. Ten—FG Succop 49, 9:44. Penalties-Yards .............................3-29 5-35
Chi—Jeffery 10 pass from Cutler (Gould kick), 5:40. Penalties-Yards..............................9-72 7-48
Fumbles-Lost ..................................1-1 1-0 SD—Woodhead 2 run (Lambo kick), 4:18. Time of Possession ......................21:07 38:53 NE—White 30 from Brady (Gostkowski kick), 9:23. Time of Possession ......................30:23 29:37
Min—McKinnon 17 from Bridgewater (Walsh kick), :26. Penalties-Yards..............................6-39 4-45 SD—Woodhead 9 pass from Rivers (Lambo kick), :39. NE—FG Gostkowski 43, 1:44.
Individual Leaders
Third Quarter Time of Possession ......................27:50 32:10 Individual Leaders Third Quarter
Third Quarter RUSHING: Tennessee, Andrews 14-45, Cobb 4-9, Met-
Min—Diggs 33 from Bridgewater (Walsh kick), 10:40. Individual Leaders Mia—Ajayi 12 run (Franks kick), 1:30. RUSHING: Miami, Ajayi 6-27, Miller 9-12, Tannehill Ten—Walker 7 from Mettenberger (Succop kick), 10:05. tenberger 2-5, Fowler 1-0. New England, Iosefa 14-51,
Chi—FG Gould 51, 4:23. RUSHING: Chicago, Forte 8-47, Langford 11-46, Cutler 3-4, D.Williams 1-1. San Diego, D.Brown 12-90, Gordon NE—FG Gostkowski 38, 5:09. Bolden 10-36, White 1-6, LaFell 1-0.
Fourth Quarter
Fourth Quarter 1-1. Minnesota, Peterson 18-63, Asiata 5-28, Bridgewater 15-41, Woodhead 8-10, Clemens 1-(minus 1). Fourth Quarter PASSING: Tennessee, Mettenberger 20-28-2-242,
4-17, McKinnon 7-10, Thielen 1-8, Line 1-3. SD—Woodhead 9 pass from Rivers (Lambo kick), 4:14. PASSING: Miami, Tannehill 20-34-0-216. San Diego, Mariota 3-6-0-32. New England, Brady 23-35-0-267.
Min—Bridgewater 12 run (Walsh kick), 8:45. Mia—Tannehill 1 run (Franks kick), 1:35. Ten—Walker 57 from Mettenberger (kick failed), 6:52.
Chi—Forte 4 pass from Cutler (Gould kick), 5:13. PASSING: Chicago, Cutler 26-37-1-231. Minnesota, Rivers 26-36-2-311. RECEIVING: Tennessee, Green-Beckham 6-113, An-
Attendance—66,676. RECEIVING: Miami, Landry 8-54, Parker 4-87, Miller NE—FG Gostkowski 42, 3:30.
Min—Line 4 pass from Bridgewater (Walsh kick), 1:50. Bridgewater 17-20-0-231. NE—FG Gostkowski 32, 1:06. drews 5-25, Sankey 3-23, Fasano 3-21, Walker 2-64,
Attendance—52,421. RECEIVING: Chicago, Forte 6-57, Miller 6-57, Royal TEAM STATISTICS Mia SD 2-12, D.Williams 2-11, Stills 1-23, Ajayi 1-15, Sims 1-9, Douglas 2-15, Fowler 1-8, Stevens 1-5. New England,
Cameron 1-5. San Diego, Gates 6-88, Woodhead 6-50, Attendance—66,829.
5-31, Mariani 3-31, Carey 2-18, Langford 1-11, Jeffery 1- First downs......................................13 26 White 7-71, Gronkowski 5-54, LaFell 4-88, Martin 3-26,
TEAM STATISTICS Chi Min 10, Housler 1-9, Bellamy 1-7. Minnesota, McKinnon 4-76, Total Net Yards ...............................231 442 Herndon 5-35, Inman 3-78, D.Brown 2-14, Green 2-13, TEAM STATISTICS Ten NE Bolden 2-18, Williams 1-7, Amendola 1-3.
First downs......................................21 20 Diggs 3-55, Wallace 3-37, Wright 3-32, Rudolph 2-21, Rushes-yards ..............................19-44 36-140 Floyd 1-27, Gordon 1-6. First downs .....................................15 17 FIELD GOALS MISSED: New England, Gostkowski 48
Total Net Yards ...............................293 350 Asiata 1-6, Line 1-4. Passing.........................................187 302 FIELD GOALS MISSED: San Diego, Lambo 48 (WR). Total Net Yards ...............................282 346 (WR).


The Panthers continue to do astounding things this sea- In an up-and-down season for the Redskins, they finally It might not have been in typical dominant fashion, but
son. went up twice. the Packers are back in the playoffs again.
This time they blew a 28-point lead but came through Kirk Cousins equaled his career high with four touch- Aaron Rodgers threw a touchdown pass and Damarious
with a field goal on the last play of regulation to remain un- down passes and ran 13 yards for another score, helping Randall returned an interception for another score to help
defeated. Carolina needs wins over Atlanta on the road and Washington win consecutive games for the first time in Green Bay clinch a franchise-record seventh straight playoff
Tampa Bay at home to become the third team to finish the more than a year. The Bills were eliminated from playoff berth.
regular season unbeaten, the others being the 1972 Miami contention. “It’s big, especially when a couple weeks ago everybody
Dolphins and the 2007 New England Patriots. “Everybody said we couldn’t win back-to-back games,” was counting us out,” said defensive back Micah Hyde, who
“These last two games are division opponents, and we’ll said receiver DeSean Jackson. “So this was the first time in had an early interception that helped Green Bay get off to a
be in a hostile environment in Atlanta,” Carolina quarter- a long time we were able to get accomplished what we fast start. “It’s good to clinch, but at the same time, this is
back Cam Newton said. wanted to get accomplished.” something that’s expected around here.”
Carolina...................................7 14 14 3—38 Total Net Yards...............................480 406
N.Y. Giants ...............................7 0 7 21—35 Rushes-yards............................29-171 27-161 Buffalo ....................................0 0 17 8—25 Rushes-yards ...........................31-240 27-123 Green Bay ..............................14 0 10 6—30 Rushes-yards ............................28-103 25-120
Passing ........................................309 245 Washington ..............................7 14 7 7—35 Passing ........................................212 308 Oakland ...................................0 13 7 0—20 Passing.........................................190 252
First Quarter Punt Returns ................................3-44 4-32 Punt Returns..................................1-0 2-5 Punt Returns ................................2-24 2-(-3)
Car—Ginn Jr. 3 pass from Newton (Gano kick), 5:33. Kickoff Returns .............................5-82 1-19 First Quarter Kickoff Returns.............................3-51 3-50 First Quarter Kickoff Returns............................5-117 4-92
NYG—Randle 27 from Manning (Brown kick), 1:24. Interceptions Ret. ...........................1-0 0-0 Was—Reed 3 pass from Cousins (Hopkins kick), 9:22. Interceptions Ret. ...........................0-0 0-0 GB—Kuhn 5 run (Crosby kick), 5:08. Interceptions Ret. ..........................2-77 1-1
Second Quarter Comp-Att-Int ...........................25-45-0 29-46-1 Second Quarter Comp-Att-Int ...........................16-27-0 22-28-0 GB—Randall 43 int. return (Crosby kick), 4:53. Comp-Att-Int............................22-39-1 23-47-2
Sacked-Yards Lost.........................3-31 0-0 Sacked-Yards Lost.........................5-23 1-11 Second Quarter Sacked-Yards Lost .........................2-14 3-24
Car—Olsen 37 pass from Newton (Gano kick), 2:14. Punts .......................................7-45.4 7-45.0 Was—Cousins 13 run (Hopkins kick), 12:46. Punts.......................................4-35.0 3-46.7 Punts .......................................4-52.8 5-43.4
Car—Funchess 14 pass from Newton (Gano kick), :15. Fumbles-Lost .................................1-1 2-1 Was—Reed 18 from Cousins (Hopkins kick), 8:47. Fumbles-Lost .................................1-0 1-1 Oak—FG Janikowski 23, 14:53. Fumbles-Lost..................................1-1 0-0
Third Quarter Penalties-Yards .............................7-88 7-47 Third Quarter Penalties-Yards.............................8-56 5-6 Oak—FG Janikowski 30, 8:36. Penalties-Yards .............................6-75 10-95
Time of Possession......................30:52 29:08 Time of Possession......................30:56 29:04 Oak—Cooper 19 pass from Carr (Janikowski kick), :20. Time of Possession ......................29:29 30:31
Car—Brown 20 pass from Newton (Gano kick), 10:03. Buf—FG Carpenter 32, 8:59.
Car—Ginn Jr. 14 pass from Newton (Gano kick), 5:32. Individual Leaders Was—Jackson 77 from Cousins (Hopkins kick), 8:39. Individual Leaders Third Quarter Individual Leaders
NYG—Tye 8 pass from Manning (Brown kick), 1:18. RUSHING: Carolina, Newton 8-100, Artis-Payne 14- Buf—Gillislee 60 run (Carpenter kick), 6:48. RUSHING: Buffalo, Gillislee 4-81, Taylor 9-79, Ka.Wil- GB—FG Crosby 24, 10:18. RUSHING: Green Bay, Starks 9-51, Lacy 11-23, Cobb
Fourth Quarter 59, Tolbert 5-10, Whittaker 2-2. N.Y. Giants, Jennings 16- Buf—Watkins 48 from Taylor (Carpenter kick), 3:48. liams 4-41, McCoy 10-29, Manuel 2-6, Dixon 1-5, Thig- Oak—Cooper 26 from Carr (Janikowski kick), 6:48. 4-18, Kuhn 3-12, A.Rodgers 1-(minus 1). Oakland, Murray
107, Vereen 4-29, Williams 6-21, Manning 1-4. Fourth Quarter pen 1-(minus 1). Washington, Morris 14-84, Jones 10- GB—J.Jones 30 from A.Rodgers (Crosby kick), 5:46. 21-78, Carr 4-42.
NYG—Jennings 38 run (Brown kick), 13:24.
NYG—Vereen 8 pass from Manning (Brown kick), 5:27. PASSING: Carolina, Newton 25-45-0-340. N.Y. Gi- Was—Garcon 5 pass from Cousins (Hopkins kick), 28, Cousins 3-11. Fourth Quarter PASSING: Green Bay, A.Rodgers 22-39-1-204. Oak-
NYG—Beckham Jr. 14 pass from Manning (Brown ants, Manning 29-46-1-245. 11:16. PASSING: Buffalo, Taylor 16-27-0-235. Washington, GB—FG Crosby 21, 10:01. land, Carr 23-47-2-276.
kick), 1:46. RECEIVING: Carolina, Ginn Jr. 6-85, Olsen 6-79, Buf—Watkins 20 pass from Taylor (Taylor run), 1:26. Cousins 22-28-0-319. GB—FG Crosby 33, 4:25. RECEIVING: Green Bay, J.Jones 6-82, Cobb 5-40, Ad-
Car—FG Gano 43, :00. Cotchery 4-47, Brown 3-51, Artis-Payne 2-34, Funchess Attendance—80,124. RECEIVING: Buffalo, Watkins 5-111, Woods 4-44, Gil- Attendance—55,087. ams 5-32, Abbrederis 3-33, R.Rodgers 1-7, Perillo 1-5,
Attendance—79,436. 2-30, Whittaker 2-14. N.Y. Giants, Vereen 8-43, Beckham lislee 2-2, O’Leary 1-37, Gragg 1-16, Hogan 1-13, McCoy Starks 1-5. Oakland, Cooper 6-120, Crabtree 6-70,
Jr. 6-76, Tye 5-43, Randle 4-47, D.Harris 2-9, Nicks 1-10, TEAM STATISTICS Buf Was 1-8, Dixon 1-4. Washington, Reed 7-84, Jackson 6-153, TEAM STATISTICS GB Oak Reece 3-37, Rivera 3-20, A.Holmes 2-17, Walford 2-10,
TEAM STATISTICS Car NYG White 1-10, Cunningham 1-7, Jennings 1-0. First downs.....................................21 23 Garcon 3-34, Crowder 3-21, Grant 1-13, Jones 1-8, Young First downs .....................................18 20 Murray 1-2.
First downs .....................................28 21 FIELD GOALS MISSED: Carolina, Gano 34 (BK). Total Net Yards ..............................452 431 1-6. Total Net Yards ...............................293 372 FIELD GOALS MISSED: Green Bay, Crosby 49 (BK).


After a slow start to the season, the two-time defending Yes, the Bengals can win with Alabama’s AJ McCarron at Broncos fans might be asking: How long before Peyton
NFC champions are back in the race to potentially return to quarterback in place of injured Andy Dalton. Manning comes back?
the Super Bowl for a third consecutive season. After a drought of 13 starts without a victory by an Ala- Denver blew a 27-10 lead as Brock Osweiler, starting in
Russell Wilson threw three touchdown passes, two to bama quarterback in the NFL, McCarron threw a touch- place of the injured Manning, was unable to produce any
wide receiver Doug Baldwin, and the Seahawks won their down pass and the Bengals forced three second-quarter points in the second half as the Broncos lost their second
fifth in a row to clinch a playoff spot for the fourth consecu- turnovers. The last Alabama quarterback to win an NFL game in a row. Denver was shut out in the second half for the
tive season. start was Jeff Rutledge with the New York Giants in 1987. third consecutive week. Ben Roethlisberger passed for 380
“We’re resilient,” Baldwin said. “You can count us out. “I was happy for him,” Dalton said of McCarron. “It’s nev- yards and Antonio Brown caught 16 passes for 189 yards and
You can say what you want to about all of our players, but er easy to win on the road.” two touchdowns to help rally Pittsburgh.
we’re going to be consistently efficient at what we do.” “They had turnovers, quite a few, and we didn’t,” McCar- “If we take care of the ball, we feel like we can go up and
Total Net Yards ...............................230 423 ron said. “That’s the key to the game a lot of times.” down the field on anyone,” Steelers Coach Mike Tomlin said.
Cleveland .................................7 3 0 3—13
Seattle .....................................7 13 0 10—30 Rushes-yards ..............................17-94 36-182 Denver ...................................14 13 0 0—27 Total Net Yards ...............................385 377
Passing.........................................136 241 Cincinnati ................................0 21 3 0—24 Kickoff Returns.............................2-46 3-87 Pittsburgh.................................7 6 7 14—34 Rushes-yards ............................25-104 17-23
First Quarter Punt Returns ..................................0-0 1-5 Interceptions Ret. .........................3-44 0-0 Passing.........................................281 354
San Francisco...........................0 0 7 7—14 First Quarter
Cle—Barnidge 7 pass from Manziel (Coons kick), 8:07. Kickoff Returns............................5-159 4-91 Comp-Att-Int ...........................15-21-0 30-50-3 Punt Returns ..................................1-4 3-23
Interceptions Ret. ............................0-0 1-0 Second Quarter Sacked-Yards Lost.........................4-18 4-32 Kickoff Returns .............................4-74 2-49
Sea—Baldwin 3 pass from Wilson (Hauschka kick), Pit—D.Williams 2 run (Boswell kick), 10:16.
:43. Comp-Att-Int ............................19-32-1 21-30-0 Cin—J.Hill 1 run (Nugent kick), 5:16. Punts.......................................8-51.6 7-40.6 Den—Thomas 18 from Osweiler (McManus kick), 4:41. Interceptions Ret. ..........................2-13 1-0
Sacked-Yards Lost .........................3-25 2-8 Cin—J.Hill 1 run (Nugent kick), 1:17. Fumbles-Lost .................................1-1 1-1 Den—Sanders 61 from Osweiler (McManus kick), 3:08. Comp-Att-Int............................21-44-1 40-55-2
Second Quarter Punts........................................3-43.0 1-64.0 Cin—Kroft 20 pass from McCarron (Nugent kick), :53. Penalties-Yards.............................6-45 11-98 Sacked-Yards Lost .........................2-15 3-26
Time of Possession......................30:59 29:01 Second Quarter
Sea—Baldwin 6 pass from Wilson (Hauschka kick), Fumbles-Lost ..................................2-0 0-0 Third Quarter Punts .......................................6-43.0 6-38.7
9:56. Penalties-Yards..............................4-40 5-30 Individual Leaders Den—Osweiler 7 run (kick failed), 11:30. Fumbles-Lost..................................3-1 0-0
Cle—FG Coons 34, 6:31. Time of Possession ......................25:27 34:33 Cin—FG Nugent 22, 8:40. Pit—FG Boswell 24, 7:33. Penalties-Yards..........................12-127 9-63
Sea—FG Hauschka 49, :55. SF—Miller 1 run (Dawson kick), 3:14. RUSHING: Cincinnati, Bernard 14-33, J.Hill 19-31, Den—Thomas 6 from Osweiler (McManus kick), 1:56. Time of Possession ......................28:44 31:16
Individual Leaders McCarron 2-2, Sanu 1-2. San Francisco, Draughn 9-38,
Sea—FG Hauschka 27, :00. Fourth Quarter Pit—FG Boswell 41, :04. Individual Leaders
RUSHING: Cleveland, Johnson Jr. 4-46, Crowell 9-23, Gabbert 2-10, Cadet 2-4, Miller 2-3, Gaskins 2-0.
Fourth Quarter SF—Boldin 15 pass from Gabbert (Dawson kick), Third Quarter
Manziel 2-17, Benjamin 1-9, Pryor 1-(minus 1). Seattle, PASSING: Cincinnati, McCarron 15-21-0-192. San RUSHING: Denver, Hillman 14-48, Sanders 1-24, Osweiler
Michael 16-84, Wilson 5-46, Brown 9-43, Coleman 5-10, 2:17. Francisco, Gabbert 30-50-3-295. Pit—Brown 9 from Roethlisberger (Boswell kick), 7:16. 5-19, Anderson 4-14, Siemian 1-(minus 1). Pittsburgh, D.Wil-
Sea—Lockett 27 pass from Wilson (Hauschka kick), Attendance—70,799.
14:54. T.Jackson 1-(minus 1). RECEIVING: Cincinnati, M.Jones 4-89, Bernard 4-18, Fourth Quarter liams 14-26, Roethlisberger 3-(minus 3).
Cle—FG Coons 37, 9:02. PASSING: Cleveland, Manziel 19-32-1-161. Seattle, TEAM STATISTICS Cin SF Kroft 3-31, Sanu 2-8, Green 1-37, Hewitt 1-9. San Fran- Pit—Wheaton 9 from Roethlisberger (Boswell kick), 12:34. PASSING: Denver, Osweiler 21-44-1-296. Pittsburgh,
Sea—FG Hauschka 30, 3:34. Wilson 21-30-0-249. First downs.....................................14 17 cisco, Boldin 8-74, Gaskins 6-52, Bell 4-43, Cadet 4- Pit—Brown 23 from Roethlisberger (Boswell kick), 3:24. Roethlisberger 40-55-2-380.
Attendance—69,002. RECEIVING: Cleveland, Johnson Jr. 5-39, Barnidge 3- Total Net Yards ..............................242 318 32, Patton 3-37, Smith 2-33, McDonald 1-10, Miller 1- Attendance—67,234. RECEIVING: Denver, Sanders 10-181, Thomas 5-61, Nor-
29, Benjamin 3-26, Crowell 3-7, Bowe 2-22, Gabriel 2- Rushes-yards .............................36-68 17-55 10, Draughn 1-4. wood 2-29, Daniels 2-14, Anderson 1-6, V.Davis 1-5. Pitts-
TEAM STATISTICS Cle Sea 18, Moore 1-20. Seattle, Kearse 7-110, Lockett 5-55, Passing ........................................174 263 FIELD GOALS MISSED: San Francisco, Dawson 41 TEAM STATISTICS Den Pit burgh, Brown 16-189, Bryant 10-87, Wheaton 6-62, D.Wil-
First downs......................................15 28 Baldwin 4-45, F.Jackson 2-17, Willson 2-17, Helfet 1-5. Punt Returns ..............................3-(-1) 6-40 (BK). First downs .....................................20 28 liams 5-30, Miller 3-12.
D6 M O N DAY, D E C E M B E R 21, 2 015 L ATI M E S .C O M / S P O RT S

To fans’ chagrin, team has NHL STANDINGS


become a political football

Pacific W L OL Pts GF GA Metropolitan W L OL Pts GF GA
KINGS 20 10 2 42 81 71 Washington 24 6 2 50 103 70
San Jose 16 15 2 34 88 91 N.Y. Rangers 19 12 4 42 101 91
Vancouver 12 14 9 33 89 102 N.Y. Islanders 18 11 5 41 91 80
Arizona 15 15 2 32 87 102 New Jersey 16 13 5 37 79 84
Calgary 15 16 2 32 87 112 Philadelphia 14 12 7 35 70 89
Edmonton 14 18 2 30 88 105 Pittsburgh 15 14 3 33 71 82
[Chargers, from D1] during a presentation to the
DUCKS 12 14 5 29 58 77 Carolina 13 15 5 31 79 99
the NFL’s worst facilities, Carson City Council that
Central W L OL Pts GF GA Columbus 13 19 3 29 86 107
reached this point. 23% of Chargers fans live in
“I don’t even want to the L.A. area, though he Dallas 24 7 2 50 114 85 Atlantic W L OL Pts GF GA
think about it,” said Chris didn’t provide further detail St. Louis 20 10 4 44 87 81 Montreal 20 11 3 43 103 82
Campos, a 35-year-old with a about the number. Chicago 20 11 4 44 96 83 Boston 19 9 4 42 104 83
plastic lightning bolt dan- Mark Fabiani, the point Minnesota 17 8 6 40 86 73 Detroit 17 9 7 41 86 85
gling from a long necklace. man on stadium issues for Nashville 16 11 6 38 85 85 Florida 18 12 4 40 93 80
“Hopefully they’ll come to the Chargers, declined to Colorado 17 16 1 35 95 90 Ottawa 17 12 5 39 104 102
their senses.” provide specifics about the Winnipeg 15 15 2 32 90 97 Tampa Bay 17 14 3 37 86 80
Ten months ago, the team’s market penetration Note: Overtime or shootout losses Buffalo 14 16 4 32 79 89
Chargers announced plans in L.A. are worth one point.
Toronto 11 13 7 29 77 86
to partner with the Raiders But there’s little sign
to build a privately financed Chargers supporters plan to
stadium for $1.7 billion on an follow the team up Inter- AT FLORIDA 5 Panthers’ Jaromir Jagr scores his 732nd goal to move
old landfill in Carson. Rams state 5. VANCOUVER 4 (SO) past Marcel Dionne for fourth place in NHL history.
owner Stan Kroenke is also “It’s not going to hap- AT TAMPA BAY 5 Steven Stamkos scores twice and Mike Angelidis gets his
pursuing a $1.8-billion sta- pen,” said Donney Cum- OTTAWA 2 first NHL goal in nearly four years for Lightning.
dium in Inglewood. NFL mins, a 38-year-old who is
AT BOSTON 2 Ryan Spooner scores lone shootout goal and Bruins
owners could vote on the doubtful NFL owners will al-
plans as early as next month low the Chargers to move.
NEW JERSEY 1 (SO) improve to 11-1-3 in last 15 games.
during a special meeting in “Maybe, maybe you might AT DETROIT 4 Dylan Larkin, Brad Richards score 45 seconds apart
Houston, though a consen- get 2% of fans going to L.A.” CALGARY 2 midway through the second period for Red Wings.
sus doesn’t appear to have “It’s going to take at least AT CHICAGO 4 Jonathan Toews scores at 2:21 of overtime and
emerged on which project three generations for them SAN JOSE 3 (OT) Blackhawks win for seventh time in nine games.
will move forward. to have a solid L.A. fan base,”
WASHINGTON 7 Justin Williams’ two goals and assist spark Capitals, who
That’s little consolation Campos said. “This genera-
to San Diego. After search- tion is not going to accept
AT N.Y. RANGERS 3 score final six goals of game; Rangers lose third in a row.
ing for a stadium solution in them.” For complete NHL summaries, go to
the city for more than a dec- In the Qualcomm Sta-
ade, the Chargers have gone dium parking lot, Johnny
all-in on the potential move Abundez and a couple of DUCKS at New York Islanders, 4 p.m. St. Louis at Philadelphia, 4 p.m.
to Carson. They broke off ne- other fans held up a large Columbus at Pittsburgh, 4 p.m. Washington at Carolina, 4 p.m.
gotiations with San Diego in anti-Carson sign. They have Montreal at Nashville, 5 p.m. Dallas at Minnesota, 5 p.m.
June. Chargers owner Dean no intention of following the Toronto at Colorado, 6 p.m. Winnipeg at Edmonton, 6 p.m.
Spanos and San Diego May- Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times Chargers to Carson, either. TUESDAY’S GAMES
or Kevin Faulconer met last AN EMOTIONAL Justin Pellegrin, center, tears up Abundez wore a hard hat DUCKS at New York Rangers, 4 p.m. San Jose at KINGS, 7:30 p.m.
month — Kroenke did the as he and other fans stand for final seconds of per- with lightning bolts on the St. Louis at Boston, 4 p.m. New Jersey at Detroit, 4:30 p.m.
same with Missouri Gov. Jay haps the final Chargers game at Qualcomm Stadium. sides, a No. 55 jersey to hon- Vancouver at Tampa Bay, 4:30 p.m. Ottawa at Florida, 4:30 p.m.
Nixon — but the team’s push or Chargers great Junior Montreal at Minnesota, 5 p.m. Chicago at Dallas, 5:30 p.m.
to L.A. hasn’t slowed. ple looking for other people including that it is much fur- Seau and blue and yellow Winnipeg at Calgary, 6 p.m. Toronto at Arizona, 6 p.m.
The frustration among to blame. I was kind of ther along in terms of proc- camouflage cargo shorts. He HOLIDAY BREAK
Chargers supporters hasn’t shocked at how deeply it ess,” said Craig Gustafson, hands out business cards in- No games.
been helped by the team’s went.” press secretary for Faulcon- troducing himself as SATURDAY’S GAMES
dismal performance on the The city and county have er. “Johnny Bolt Pride.” Even KINGS at Arizona, 6 p.m. Montreal at Washington, 4 p.m.
field this season. Neither did proposed a $1.1-billion sta- Gary Plummer, who his shoelaces are embla- New Jersey at Carolina, 4 p.m. Buffalo at Boston, 4 p.m.
inflammatory comments dium for the Chargers at the played linebacker for the zoned with Chargers logos. Columbus at Tampa Bay, 4 p.m. Detroit at Nashville, 5 p.m.
last week by Houston Tex- current site in Mission Val- Chargers from 1986 to 1993 “They think if you can Dallas at St. Louis, 5 p.m. Pittsburgh at Minnesota, 5 p.m.
ans owner Bob McNair. A ley. The Chargers believe and still resides in the area, make the people in your Edmonton at Vancouver, 7 p.m.
member of the NFL’s influ- that the project, which calls understands the team’s town and your city hate you,
ential Committee on L.A. for the city and county to frustrations over the years of then it’s easier to say good-
Opportunities, McNair told contribute $350 million, failed efforts to secure a new bye,” Abundez said. “We’ll
the Houston Chronicle that forces the team to assume stadium . . . to a point. see. There’s still a lot that
the efforts to build a stadium the project’s risks. Among “[The city] seems to be can happen.” AT NEW YORK ISLANDERS
in San Diego had been ham- the Chargers’ concerns are a doing everything humanly In the waning moments When: Monday, 4 p.m. PST.
pered because of legal prob- fast-tracked environmental possible, including doing of Sunday’s game — a rare On the air: TV: FS West; Radio: 830.
lems involving the city coun- impact report that they be- back flips, to try to get them victory for the Chargers, 30- Update: Ducks Coach Bruce Boudreau typically stays with a
cil. lieve is vulnerable to litiga- to stay,” Plummer said. “It 14 over Miami — chants of winning goalie and might go back to Frederik Andersen after
“It’s hard to negotiate tion. seems as if the Chargers “Spanos sucks” and “San Di- he won Saturday in his first game since Nov. 21. Andersen
when you’ve got to go to jail The city wants to put the have flipped them the mid- ego” drifted around the half- ceded the net to John Gibson because of illness but didn’t
to negotiate,” McNair said. stadium funding measure dle finger on both hands. . . . empty stadium. The chants have much rust in a 2-1 victory against New Jersey. He joined
That wasn’t true — one on the ballot in June if the The Chargers’ arrogance turned into a roar as Chris Osgood and Antti Niemi as the only goalies who have
San Diego councilman Chargers agree to a term throughout the process this quarterback Philip Rivers debuted in the last 30 years to win at least 60 of their first 100
served time after being con- sheet by early next year; the year has been disgusting, jogged off the field and games. Boudreau reunited Patrick Maroon on the top line
victed in a 2003 scandal, but team says two polls it con- really. It’s just sad. There’s thrust his left arm in the air. with Ryan Getzlaf and Corey Perry in order to channel some
none has been jailed since. ducted in August show that such a lack of foresight.” The early 1960s hit “Stay” of their spark from last season’s playoffs, and Rickard Rakell
“The last six weeks have about 65% of voters won’t When NFL owners met in floated through the stadium went back to his third-line center role. The Ducks recalled
gotten really weird,” said Jim support the plan. August, Carmen Policy, rep- speakers, asking everyone to left wing Max Friberg. Center Nate Thompson has one game
Steeg, the Chargers’ chief “We have reiterated resenting the Chargers and stay just a little bit longer. left on his three-game suspension and Anaheim did not have
operating officer from 2004 throughout the past year Raiders in their push for the Thousands of fans lined a spare forward. The Islanders have lost three games in a row
to 2010 and a member of that we believe Mission Val- Carson stadium, outlined a the railings. They didn’t and scored two goals in that span after an 8-0-2 run. Scoring
Faulconer’s stadium advi- ley is the best location for the so-called “mega-market” want to leave. leader Kyle Okposo is expected to sit out because of a lower-
sory committee. “It stripped new stadium given the time- the teams would control body injury. The Ducks play again Tuesday at the New York
away all the goodwill and it lines set by the NFL and for a from Santa Barbara to the Rangers before the NHL’s Christmas break.
really got to the core of peo- variety of other reasons — border. Policy later noted Twitter: @nathanfenno — Curtis Zupke

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Bucks’ Kidd
Cal St. Northridge 79, Bethesda 49 UC Santa Barbara 89, LaVerne 41 World Cup
Pacific, Ore. 70, Occidental 56 La Sierra 56, Caltech 51 Women’s Giant Slalom
UC Riverside 95, LIFE Pacific 48 Whitworth 64, Chapman 59 At Courchevel, France

to sit out for

WEST WEST 1. Eva-Maria Brem, Austria, 2:01.72 (1:01.29-
Evansville 85, Fresno St. 77 Hawaii 74, Sacramento St. 72 1:00.43). 2. Nina Loeseth, Norway, 2:01.89
Seattle 67, San Jose St. 64 EAST (1:01.59-1:00.30). 2. Lara Gut, Switzerland,
Saturday’s Late Result American U. 52, Manhattan 48 2:01.89 (1:01.38-1:00.51). 4. Viktoria Rebens-
Texas 75, Stanford 73 Auburn 74, Towson 52 burg, Germany, 2:02.10 (1:01.72-1:00.38). 5.
Boston College 66, Mass.-Lowell 55 Maria Pietilae-Holmner, Sweden, 2:02.40

hip surgery
Bryant 55, New Hampshire 42 (1:02.09-1:00.31). 6. Sofia Goggia, Italy,
Assumption 83, Philadelphia 73
Bucknell 80, Delaware 51 2:02.42 (1:02.88-59.54). 7. Ana Drev, Slovenia,
Chestnut Hill 75, St. Michael’s 63
Fairfield 74, IPFW 62 2:02.52 (1:02.86-59.66). 8. Tina Weirather,
Goldey Beacom 80, Wilmington (Del.) 74
Fairleigh Dickinson 81, Monmouth (NJ) 75 Liechtenstein, 2:02.65 (1:02.56-1:00.09). 9.
Marist 89, Army 83
Fordham 63, CCSU 48 Frida Hansdotter, Sweden, 2:02.76 (1:02.02-
Md. Eastern Shore 79, American U. 64
George Washington 70, Iona 65 1:00.74). 10. Michaela Kirchgasser, Austria,
Monmouth (NJ) 73, Rutgers 67
Hofstra 71, Marist 67 2:03.00 (1:01.82-1:01.18).
NJIT 83, St. John’s 74
Penn St. 83, Sacred Heart 46 Others included: 13. Lindsey Vonn, U.S.,
Pittsburgh 94, Davidson 69
Pittsburgh 75, Rider 44 2:03.35 (1:02.18-1:01.17).
Post (Conn.) 73, New Haven 67
Providence 64, Rhode Island 55, OT OVERALL WC STANDINGS (after 12 events)—1.
St. Francis Brooklyn 64, Liberty 55
Stockton 73, Hood 64, OT Seton Hall 81, St. Peter’s 65 Gut, 558. 2. Vonn, 500. 3. Hansdotter, 344. 4. wire reports
Stony Brook 71, Hofstra 68 UMBC 52, Loyola (Md.) 46 Brem, 317. 5. Mikaela Shiffrin, U.S., 296. 6. Nina
Vermont 54, NJIT 46 Loeseth, Norway, 284. 7. Cornelia Huetter, Aus-
Towson 88, Rio Grande 47
Villanova 67, La Salle 56 tria, 274. 8. Viktoria Rebensburg, Germany, 264.
Connecticut 88, Mass.-Lowell 79 Milwaukee Bucks Coach Jason Kidd is taking
SOUTH 9. Tina Weirather, Liechtenstein, 234. 10. Feder-
SOUTH ica Brignone, Italy, 220.
Austin Peay 92, Lipscomb 84 Alabama 72, Grambling St. 57
Others included: 28. Stacey Cook, U.S., 101.
an indefinite leave to have hip surgery.
Coastal Carolina 68, Alabama St. 65 Appalachian St. 92, Furman 78 Assistant coach Joe Prunty will direct the team
Campbell 66, North Florida 55 37. Laurenne Ross, U.S., 86. 48. Resi Stiegler,
E. Connecticut 66, Berry 60, OT U.S., 55.
Hampden-Sydney 69, Albright 53 Cent. Arkansas 51, S.C. State 38 in Kidd’s absence, General Manager John Ham-
Charlotte 99, Davidson 88 Men’s Giant Slalom
James Madison 67, East Carolina 61 mond said Sunday night after the Bucks’ 101-95 vic-
Florida Gulf Coast 57, Arizona 55 At Alta Badia, Italy
Manhattan 78, Morgan St. 66
Georgia St. 68, Bethune-Cookman 61 Marcel Hirscher, Austria, 2:33.34 (1:16.95- tory over the Phoenix Suns.
Morehead St. 60, W. Carolina 52
Kentucky 71, Duke 61 1:16.39). 2. Henrik Kristoffersen, Norway,
Shaw 80, Fort Valley St. 79 Kidd said in a team statement that he “tried to
Lehigh 63, Hampton 56 2:33.53 (1:17.13-1:16.40). 3. Victor Muffat-
MIDWEST Jeandet, France, 2:34.20 (1:16.90-1:17.30). 4.
Samford 69, Nebraska 58 Louisville 71, Coll. of Charleston 67 put off surgery for as long as I could,” but his doctor
Marshall 81, Norfolk St. 67 Ted Ligety, U.S., 2:34.69 (1:18.34-1:16.35). 5.
Wright St. 83, Bowling Green 47
Maryland 106, Md.-Eastern Shore 30 Mathieu Faivre, France, 2:34.77 (1:18.03- told him he’d be better served having the operation
SOUTHWEST 1:16.74). 6. Alexis Pinturault, France, 2:34.78
TCU 80, Abilene Christian 69
Miami 89, Indiana 75 now. The Bucks are11-18 this season and 52-59 in two
Middle Tennessee 69, Tennessee Tech 53 (1:18.03-1:16.75). 7. Tim Jitloff, U.S., 2:35.20
Texas A&M-CC 80, Cal Poly 74 Mississippi St. 90, W. Michigan 68 (1:18.66-1:16.54). 8. Felix Neureuther, Germany, seasons under Kidd.
UALR 84, N. Arizona 57 2:35.23 (1:17.55-1:17.68). 9. Philipp Schoergh- SOCCER TRANSACTIONS
North Carolina 69, Southern Miss. 62 Prunty has 20 years of NBA coaching experi-
ROCKIES SMU 69, Gardner-Webb 61 ofer, Austria, 2:35.30 (1:17.77-1:17.53). 10.
Boise St. 90, Bradley 70 South Carolina 88, East Carolina 57 Stefan Luitz, Germany, 2:35.41 (1:18.12- INTERNATIONAL BASEBALL ence, including three under Kidd. He served as an
E. Washington 74, Denver 58 1:17.29). (Home team listed first) Cincinnati—Promoted Nick Krall, senior di-
South Florida 68, Oklahoma St. 46
Others included: 12. Tommy Ford, U.S., ENGLAND rector of baseball operations, and Sam Gross- assistant during Kidd’s one season coaching the
BOX SCORES Stetson 79, Georgia Southern 57
Nonconference Wake Forest 43, Richmond 33 2:35.52 (1:19.97-1:15.55). 15. Manfred Premier League man, senior director of baseball analytics, to as- Brooklyn Nets and has been with Kidd in Milwau-
Moelgg, Italy, 2:35.86 (1:18.81-1:17.05). Watford 3, Liverpool 0 sistant general managers.
Cal St. Northridge 79, Bethesda 49 West Virginia 69, James Madison 62
OVERALL WC STANDINGS (after 11 events)—1. Swansea 0, West Ham 0 BASKETBALL
kee the past two seasons. Prunty also is the head
BETHESDA—Wilson 1-2 1-1 3, Jemison 0-7 MIDWEST
2-2 2, Walker 1-4 1-2 4, Leath 0-3 0-0 0, Castro Cincinnati 70, E. Illinois 57 Hirscher, 540. 2. Aksel Lund Svindal, Norway, ITALY Detroit—Called up guard Brandon Jennings coach of Britain’s national team.
5-13 0-2 10, Aguilar 1-4 3-3 5, Rigby 1-1 0-0 3, Dayton 85, Princeton 81 520. 3. Kjetil Jansrud, Norway, 307. 4. Kristof- Serie A and fowards Reggie Bullock and Darrun Hilliard
Holieway 1-5 2-2 4, Jones 2-7 0-0 5, Galvez 1-3 Georgia 63, Wright St. 57 fersen, 280. 5. Neureuther, 257. 6. Muffat-Jean- Carpi 2, Juventus 3 from Grand Rapids (Development League).
0-0 2, Carr 0-4 0-0 0, Jelks 5-12 0-0 11. Totals Georgia Tech 60, IUPUI 50 det, 250. 7. Ligety, 241. 8. Peter Fill, Italy, 235. Atalanta 1, Napoli 3 PRO FOOTBALL
18-65 9-12 49. Iowa St. 91, Alcorn St. 41 9. Guillermo Fayed, France, 206. 10. Travis Ga- Fiorentina 2, Chievo 0 San Diego—Released guard Craig Watts from ETC.
CAL ST. NORTHRIDGE—Hale-Edmerson 2-4 nong, U.S., 204. Roma 2, Genoa 0 the practice squad; signed quarterback Brad

Nkemdiche to leave Ole Miss

Missouri 91, Lamar 57
3-4 7, Ajayi 3-4 0-0 6, Smith 7-16 6-9 22, War- N. Iowa 75, Tulsa 59 Verona 1, Sassuolo 1 Sorensen to the practice squad.
ren 3-6 4-5 10, Richardson 1-4 4-8 6, Dawson Toledo 60, Ill.-Chicago 51 Frosinone 2, AC Milan 4 HOCKEY
4-7 13-14 21, Douglas 1-1 0-0 2, Conway 0-3 Washington St. 66, Kansas 53 THIS DATE Sampdoria 2, Palermo 0 Edmonton—Called up defenseman Mark
1-2 1, Nazarian 2-6 0-2 4. Totals 23-51 31-44 Torino 0, Udinese 1 Mississippi defensive lineman Robert Nkem-
SOUTHWEST IN SPORTS Inter Milan 1, Lazio 2
Fayne from Bakersfield (AHL).
Tampa Bay—Called up center Tanner Richard
Halftime—Cal St. Northridge 40-22. A—613
Missouri St. 64, UALR 58 Dec. 21 FRANCE from Syracuse (AHL). diche has played his last college football game. The
TCU 76, S. Utah 47 1941 — The Chicago Bears win the NFL cham-
UC Riverside 95, LIFE Pacific 48 Texas 61, Arkansas 50 pionship with a 37-9 rout of the New York Giants.
Ligue 1 COLLEGE FOOTBALL Rebels star, who was recently charged with mari-
LIFE PACIFIC—Butler 2-11 0-0 4, Roethler 1-4 Texas A&M 74, Oklahoma 68 Saint-Etienne 1, Angers 0 Georgia Southern—Hired Tyson Summers as
3-4 5, Noble 2-9 4-6 8, Terry 2-6 2-2 7, Broker 1975 — The Buffalo Sabres score eight goals Gazelec Ajaccio 2, Lyon 1 coach.
juana possession after a 15-foot fall at an Atlanta
Texas Rio Grande Valley 55, Houston 45 in the third period of a 14-2 victory over the
2-7 3-4 8, Bowden 0-0 0-0 0, Todd 0-0 0-0 0, Texas Tech 84, Ark.-Pine Bluff 40 Washington Capitals.
Bordeaux 1, Marseille 1 Maryland—Hired Walt Bell as offensive coor- hotel, will not play in the Sugar Bowl on Jan. 1. The
Cantu 2-3 0-0 4, Guzman 1-2 0-0 2, Murphy 1-8 SPAIN dinator.
2-2 5, Morales 2-5 1-2 5, Brummet 0-0 0-1 0.
ROCKIES 1981 — Doug Schloerner’s 15-foot jump shot La Liga Mississippi—Announced that defensive line-
school said he will make himself eligible for the NFL
Abilene Christian 71, Idaho 59, OT with a second remaining in the seventh overtime
Totals 15-55 15-21 48.
Colorado St. 74, Denver 46 gives Cincinnati a 75-73 victory over Bradley. The
Real Madrid 10, Rayo Vallecano 2 man Robert Nkemdiche will enter the NFL draft. draft as a junior. Ole Miss Coach Hugh Freeze said
UC RIVERSIDE—Johns 3-7 2-3 8, Larsson 2-3 Athletic Bilbao 2, Levante 0
3-4 7, Bland 6-9 1-2 17, Johnson 1-3 2-2 5,
New Mexico St. 52, New Mexico 47 seven overtimes set an NCAA record. Granada 0, Celta Vigo 2 THE ODDS in a statement that Nkemdiche was told last week
Thames 2-3 0-0 4, Thomas 0-4 2-2 2, Jones 2-3
0-1 4, Sylvester 6-9 6-9 20, Boezeman 3-9 0-0 Women of Troy Classic BOWLING Real Sociedad 0, Villarreal 2
Malaga 1, Atletico Madrid 0
College Football that he “will not be joining us” for the bowl game.
9, Rwahwire 3-7 0-0 6, Flippin 2-3 0-0 4, Gomez At Galen Center PBA TOUR Today’s Bowl Game
1-3 0-0 3, Dijkstra 3-7 0-0 6. Totals 34-70 16-23 Florida A&M 61, UC Davis 58 (championship) CHEETAH CHAMPIONSHIP
Bundesliga Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog Maryland Coach D.J. Durkin hired Walt Bell to
USC 68, Albany (N.Y.) 67 (third place) At Reno
Lady Griz Classic Final Hertha BSC Berlin 2, Mainz 0 Miami Beach be his offensive coordinator. Bell had served as of-
Halftime—UC Riverside 50-26. A—244 Borussia Moenchengladbach 3, Darmstadt 2
WOMEN At Missoula, Mont. Parker Bohn III, Jackson, N.J. ($20,000) d.
W Kentucky 21⁄2 (67) South Florida fensive coordinator, assistant head coach and
Paul Moor, England ($10,000), 210-206.
AP TOP 25 Montana 86, Utah St. 70 (championship)
FAU 69, Tennessee St. 64 (third) Semifinals (losers earn $5,000) Greek League Pro Football quarterbacks coach at Arkansas State.
No. 2 South Carolina 86, East Carolina 48 PAOK Thessaloniki 1, Platanias 0
No. 5 Texas 61, Arkansas 50 Gator Holiday Classic Bohn d. Andrew Cain, Phoenix, 204-203. Monday
Moor d. Norm Duke, Clermont, Fla., 265-224. PAS Giannina 1, Xanthi 1
No. 6 Maryland 106, Md. Eastern Shore 39 At Gainesville, Fla. Panetolikos 2, Iraklis 0 Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog Two goals from Luis Suarez and a controversial
No. 8 Kentucky 71, No. 13 Duke 61 First Round Panthrakikos 1, Panathinaikos 0 NEW ORLEANS 3 (51) Detroit
No. 9 Mississippi State 90, W. Michigan 68 Florida 122, St. Francis (Pa.) 65 COLLEGE opening score from Lionel Messi spurred FC Bar-
No. 18 Texas A&M 74, No. 17 Oklahoma 68 N.C. State 73, E. Kentucky 62
HOCKEY PREP FOOTBALL Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog
celona to its third Club World Cup title as the Euro-
No. 20 South Florida 68, Oklahoma State 46 Tulane Classic
No. 23 Miami 89, Indiana 75 At New Orleans
OAKLAND 6 (No O/U) San Diego pean champion beat South American champion
Merrimack 4, Canisius 1 At Sacramento State
SOUTHLAND First Round Union (NY) 3, Vermont 2, OT Saturday’s Late Result Home team in CAPS; updates at River Plate, 3-0, in the final at Yokohama, Japan.
Long Beach St. 67, UNLV 63 St. Louis 76, Cleveland St. 65
Portland St. 83, Cal St. Northridge 77 Tulane 74, UNC Greensboro 53 MIDWEST Open Division: Messi scored from close range in the 36th minute
Neb.-Omaha 6, Arizona St. 0 Concord De La Salle 28, Corona Centennial 21 —Associated Press
but replays strongly suggested the ball hit his right
arm before he shot.

Pittsburgh Penguins Coach Mike Sullivan said

captain Sidney Crosby is “day to day” because of a
LOS ALAMITOS RESULTS lower-body injury and might miss Monday night’s
Copyright 2015 by Equibase Co. Final day of 12-day meet. Trainer: John F. Martin. Owner: Bone, Robert, Martin, John F., Platts, 1 Just Kidding Gutierrz 2.60 game against Columbus.
3099 SIXTH RACE. 6 furlongs. Maiden Special Weight.
3094 FIRST RACE. 1 mile. Maiden Claiming. Fillies and Joey and Strauss, William. 2-year olds. Purse $45,000. 8 Also Ran: Verraco, Texas Two Step, Alfa Bird, Fly Lexis Fly, Prime
Mares. 3- year olds and up. Claiming Price $20,000. 8 Scratched: none. Issue.
8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (6-4) paid $76.60, $1 Exacta (4-3) paid P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show 8 Time: 23.73, 47.34, 1.12.36, 1.25.56, 1.38.90. Cloudy & Good.
Cyrus Alexander rallied late to win the $50,750
Purse $17,000. 9 Good for It Lezcano 18.40 8.80 6.60
P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show
$86.40, $1 Superfecta (4-3-1-5) paid $676.90, $1 Trifecta (4-3-1) paid
7 Legitimate Gonzalz 8.80 5.80
Trainer: Jerry Hollendorfer. Owner: Spendthrift Farm LLC and Stone- feature by three-quarters of a length on closing day
$220.80, $1 Pick Three (4-6-4) paid $239.00. street Stables LLC.
4 Hayyouwaitforme Perez 10.60 4.00 2.60 3 Basinca Gutierrz 3.80
8 Scratched: none.
of the winter meet at Los Alamitos. Santiago Gon-
1 Bolt Up Gonzalz 3.00 2.20 3097 FOURTH RACE. 51⁄2 furlongs. Claiming. Fillies and 8 Also Ran: Cupid, Enotional, Blue Navy Blue, Redream, Ubettereco-
2 Omorfi Kopella Lopez 2.20 Mares. 3-year olds and up. Claiming Prices nizeson, My Son John, Triple Clown, It’s Just Bob.
8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (6-6) paid $63.60, $1 Exacta (6-3) paid zalez won the jockeys’ title during the 12-day meet.
$68.60, $1 Superfecta (6-3-1-4) paid $1,842.70, $1 Trifecta (6-3-1)
8 Also Ran: Indy Devil’s Arms, Stitch and Rip, My Electra City. $8,000-$7,000. Purse $14,000. 8 Time: 21.67, 45.39, 58.03, 1.11.07. Cloudy & Good. Trainer: Clifford paid $319.10, $1 Pick Three (9-6-6) paid $309.20.
He finished with 14 victories, two more than Mario
8 Time: 24.43, 49.73, 1.15.32, 1.28.39, 1.41.75. Cloudy & Good. W. Sise, Jr.. Owner: Marla Shontere.
Trainer: Philip D’Amato. Owner: D’Amato, Philip, Harris, Donald and
P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show
8 Scratched: One More Orman. 3102 NINTH RACE. 51⁄2 furlongs. Maiden Claiming.
Gutierrez and Edwin Maldonado. Doug O’Neill
5 Tenille Aragon 8.60 3.60 2.40
McCrocklin, Tom F.. 6 Warren’s Dixi Bell Lopez 3.00 2.40 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (7-9) paid $55.40, $1 Exacta (9-7) paid Fillies and Mares. 3-year olds and up. Claiming Price won the trainers’ title with eight victories.
8 Scratched: Midnight Lien. 2 Runningwiththelute Maldndo 2.20 $89.50, $1 Superfecta (9-7-3-4) paid $1,077.10, $1 Trifecta (9-7-3) $20,000. Purse $17,000.
8 Exotics: $1 Exacta (4-1) paid $15.40, $1 Superfecta (4-1-2-7) paid 8 Also Ran: Amounted, Hero’s Marine, Lady Now. paid $389.80, $1 Pick Three (5-7-9) paid $197.30, $1 Consolation Pick P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show
$157.80, $1 Trifecta (4-1-2) paid $25.80. 8 Time: 22.21, 46.20, 58.70, 1.05.42. Cloudy & Good. Trainer: Hum- Three (5-6-9) paid $45.20. 10 Zeekid Malondo 8.60 3.40 2.80 Austrian skier Eva-Maria Brem protected her
3095 SECOND RACE. 6 furlongs. Claiming. 3- year olds berto P. Loma. Owner: Lizardi, Jose M. and Loma, Humberto. 3100 SEVENTH RACE. 6 furlongs. Starter Allowance. 9 Mad Mango Gutierrz 2.40 2.40 lead from the first leg to win a World Cup giant sla-
and up. Claiming Prices $10,000-$9,000. Purse 8 Scratched: none. 3-year olds and up. Claiming Price $25,000. Purse 4 No City Limits Perez 4.20
$17,000. 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (4-5) paid $67.00, $1 Exacta (5-6) paid $27,000. 8 Also Ran: Sheswildnfree, Punk Fever, Wired for Fun, Sarah Bell, lom race at Courchevel, France, denying Swiss rac-
P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show $14.50, $1 Superfecta (5-6-2-4) paid $155.50, $1 Trifecta (5-6-2) paid P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show Girldom. er Lara Gut a third straight race victory. Gut fin-
6 Secret Command Perez 12.40 6.00 4.40 $28.40, $1 Pick Three (6-4-5) paid $216.80. 6 My Secret Affair Kennedy 7.20 4.20 3.00 8 Time: 22.09, 45.98, 58.79, 1.05.87. Cloudy & Good. Trainer: Jorge
1 I Buy Gold Clerisse 5.20 3.20 9 Pray Hard Baze 4.40 3.00 Periban. Owner: Santilli, Frank and Zephyr Racing LLC. ished tied for second place and overtook American
3098 FIFTH RACE. 5 furlongs. Claiming. Fillies and
4 Gnarly Dude Gonzalz 4.20
Mares. 3-year olds and up. Claiming Prices
7 Limited Response Puglisi 6.60 8 Scratched: Amitie Pour La Vie, Daphne’s Day, Sailor’s Cry, Un- Lindsey Vonn for the overall lead with 558 points.
8 Also Ran: Justonemorething, Condiment, Hadfunlastnight. 8 Also Ran: Jonny’s Choice, Apollo Ten, Out of Patience, No Contin- known Summer.
8 Time: 22.28, 45.62, 57.62, 1.10.32. Cloudy & Good. Trainer: Jorge $8,000-$7,000. Purse $15,000.
gency. 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (6-10) paid $62.40, $1 Exacta (10-9) paid Vonn, who has 500 points, finished 13th.
Periban. Owner: Beckner, Twyla and Durand, Howard L.. P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show 8 Time: 21.93, 45.00, 57.14, 1.10.14. Cloudy & Good. Trainer: Eddie $8.50, $1 Superfecta (10-9-4-5) paid $156.80, $1 Super High Five
8 Scratched: none. 7 Aloha Ke Akua Baze 6.00 3.20 2.60 Truman. Owner: Featherston, Roger and Miller, Lynne and Tom. (10-9-4-5-12) paid $1,003.00, $1 Trifecta (10-9-4) paid $42.80, $2
8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (4-6) paid $58.00, $1 Exacta (6-1) paid 5 Warrensdollarsigns Maldndo 3.60 2.80 8 Scratched: Bandido Too, Athens. Consolation Double (6-6) paid $9.40, $2 Consolation Double (6-8) Marcel Hirscher of Austria became the first ski-
$24.00, $1 Superfecta (6-1-4-2) paid $254.10, $1 Trifecta (6-1-4) paid 2 Irish and Lucky Guce 4.00 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (9-6) paid $85.80, $1 Exacta (6-9) paid paid $13.20, $1 Pick Three (6-6-10) paid $151.50, $1 Consolation Pick er to win the Alta Badia giant slalom in three con-
$94.20. 8 Also Ran: Tough Annie, Haaay Sexy Lady, Funny Gal. $12.40, $1 Superfecta (6-9-7-4) paid $344.00, $1 Trifecta (6-9-7) paid Three (6-6-6/8) paid $29.20, 50-Cent Pick Four (9-1/6/8-6-10) 4 cor-
3096 THIRD RACE. 1 mile. Maiden Claiming. 2-year 8 Time: 21.90, 46.03, 59.14. Cloudy & Good. Trainer: William Spawr. $84.70, $1 Pick Three (7-9-6) paid $123.10. rect paid $839.85, $2 Pick Six (5-6/7-9-1/6/8-6-10) 91 tickets with 5 secutive years, reclaiming the overall World Cup
olds. Claiming Price $30,000. Purse $19,000. Owner: Ponce, Abraham, Sanford, Thomas C. and Spawr, William. out of 6 paid $301.60, $2 Pick Six (5-6/7-9-1/6/8-6-10) 3 tickets with lead from Aksel Lund Svindal at La Villa, Italy.
8 Scratched: Sugar Spice. 6 correct paid $21,282.80.
P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (5-7) paid $40.20, $1 Exacta (7-5) paid 3101 -EIGHTH RACE. 1 mile. Allowance Optional Erasing a slim first-run deficit, Hirscher finished
4 I Came to Party Gonzalz 11.20 5.00 2.80 Claiming. 3- year olds and up. Claiming Price $62,500. ATTENDANCE/MUTUEL HANDLE
3 Dinner At Trani’s Maldndo 13.80 4.80
$8.60, $1 Superfecta (7-5-2-4) paid $76.30, $1 Trifecta (7-5-2) paid
Purse $50,000. 0.19 seconds ahead of Henrik Kristoffersen of Nor-
$23.80, $2 Consolation Double (5-6) paid $9.20, $1 Pick Three (4-5-7) On-Track Attendance-2,00. Mutuel handle-$461,472
1 Wise Tale Baze 2.10
paid $101.60, $1 Consolation Pick Three (4-5-6) paid $29.70, 50-Cent P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show Inter-Track Attendance-5,059. Mutuel handle-$1,550,497 way. In the overall standings, Hirscher moved 20
8 Also Ran: Palamon, Tribe of Gamblers, Metadago. Pick Four (6-4-5-6/7) 4 correct paid $116.65, 50-Cent Pick Five (4-6-4- 6 Cyrus Alexander Garcia 11.40 6.60 3.80 Out of State Attendance-N/A. Mutuel handle-$3,711,450
8 Time: 24.48, 50.07, 1.14.87, 1.27.25, 1.39.92. Cloudy & Good. 3 Highway Boss Perez 11.20 4.00 points ahead of Norway’s Svindal.
5-6/7) 5 correct paid $960.55. Total Attendance-7,060. Mutuel handle-$5,723,419

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Olympic rings could be his spring thing

to go work at that.” all for me and for the team.” comes where I can go score a said that more than two dec- first-round pick.
By Gary Klein Last year as a freshman, USC will have a new de- touchdown . . . then so be it,” ades of experience working “I had a good feeling of
Jackson participated in fensive coordinator this he said. “But just play my under other head coaches where I’m going to go,” he
Adoree’ Jackson came to track part time and won the spring, but Helton and Jack- game.” prepared him for dealing said.
USC with goals of winning Pac-12 Conference long- son both said that learning a with off-the-field situations After the Holiday Bowl,
the Heisman Trophy and jump title with a mark of 25 new scheme would not be a Wheeler still absent involving players. Cravens will focus on run-
the Thorpe Award as college feet 3 inches. He leaped 25-11 problem for a player who has Left tackle Chad Wheel- “After 21 years of college ning a fast time in the 40-
football’s top defensive at the NCAA champion- started at cornerback the er remained absent after an football, you’ve kind of seen yard dash. Players are tested
back, and to participate in ships and finished fifth. last two seasons. incident Saturday that ap- every situation and how dif- at the NFL scouting com-
the Olympics as a long jump- The qualifying standard Jackson had a national parently involved an alterca- ferent men handle things,” bine in Indianapolis, pro
er. for the 2016 U.S. Olympic coming-out of sorts in last tion with police at a resi- he said. “My primary con- days on campus and individ-
Jackson will have the op- trials is 26-5. year’s Holiday Bowl. He dence near USC. No arrest cern has always been our ual workouts.
portunity to pursue his At last summer’s U.S. scored on a kickoff return was made. kids and their well-being.” A time of 4.4 seconds
Olympic dream this spring. track and field champion- and a long catch-and-run “It’s really a personal and Zach Banner is on track would put him in the discus-
Coach Clay Helton said ships, the top three finishers pass play in the Trojans’ 45- private issue that I can’t talk to start at left tackle, Chuma sion to be a top-15 pick, Cra-
Sunday that Jackson would jumped at least 27 feet 7½ 42 victory over Nebraska. about, but to wish Chad the Edoga at right tackle. vens said.
be excused from spring inches. The winner leaped Jackson has scored five best,” Helton said. “To me, the 40 doesn’t
practice to focus on track 28-5¾. touchdowns this season — Helton said he had not
Cravens to make matter, doesn’t define you as
and field, as he was prom- This would be the first two on kick returns, two on spoken with the fourth-year run at draft a football player,” Cravens
ised during his recruitment. time since he arrived at USC passes and one on an inter- junior. Asked if Wheeler Linebacker Su’a Cra- said, adding, “there are a lot
“I’ve always believed if that Jackson completely fo- ception return. could participate in the Hol- vens, who announced last of fast guys in the league
you’re going to be a master cused on track. He said he would not at- iday Bowl, Helton said, “I week that he would make that don’t play. But teams
at something, you’ve got to “If it was up to me — tempt to duplicate last sea- don’t have a crystal ball right himself available for the are investing a lot of money
work at it — and don’t be a where my heart is — I would son’s bowl performance now, to be honest with you. NFL draft, did not request into you, so they want to see
jack of all trades,” Helton want to go out there,” Jack- when USC plays Wisconsin We’re working our way an evaluation from the how fast you run.”
said, adding, “when you get son said of forgoing spring in the Holiday Bowl on Dec. through it.” league but said information
the opportunity to go work football practice for track. 30. Helton, who was named he gleaned from scouts pro-
for the Olympics, you need “I’ll just see what’s best over- “If the opportunity USC’s head coach on Nov. 30, jected him as a mid- to late- Twitter: @latimesklein

Pay equity remains a big issue

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za the first female analyst to Hawaii: Cincinnati vs. San Diego State Thu., 5 p.m.; ESPN Cincinnati by 1
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turned the phrase “throw
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landscape. Every single year Citrus: Michigan vs. Florida Jan. 1, 10 a.m.; Channel 7 Michigan by 41⁄2
women are doing incredible Fiesta: Ohio State vs. Notre Dame Jan. 1, 10 a.m.; ESPN Ohio State by 61⁄2
things,” says Laura Gentile, Rose: Iowa vs. Stanford Jan. 1, 2 p.m.; ESPN Stanford by 61⁄2
founder of espnW, a multi- Sugar: Mississippi vs. Oklahoma State Jan. 1, 5:30 p.m.; ESPN Mississippi by 7
media platform dedicated to TaxSlayer: Penn State vs. Georgia Jan. 2, 9 a.m.; ESPN Georgia by 61⁄2
women’s sports. “It’s not an-
Liberty: Kansas State vs. Arkansas Jan. 2, 12:15 p.m.; ESPN Arkansas by 11
other watershed year and
then we all go back to nor- Alamo: Texas Christian vs. Oregon Jan. 2, 3:45 p.m.; ESPN Pick
mal.” Cactus: West Virginia vs. Arizona State Jan. 2, 7:15 p.m.; ESPN West Virginia by 1
Susan E. Cayleff, a wom- College Football Championship Jan. 11, 5:30 p.m.; ESPN
en’s studies professor at San Results
Diego State, agrees. Elaine Thompson Associated Press
New Mexico: Arizona 45, New Mexico 37 Las Vegas: Utah 35, Brigham Young 28
“It’s been a landmark THE U.S. WOMEN’S SOCCER TEAM is radiant after winning the 2015 World
Camellia: Appalachian State 31, Ohio 29 Cure: San Jose State 27, Georgia State 16
year. Part of that has to do Cup final, but the squad got only $2 million of FIFA’s $15-million total purse.
with the appeal of certain New Orleans: La. Tech 47, Arkansas St. 28
personalities,” she says. Tour. And in the WNBA the spotlight is staying where it watch equally. And they’re
“People have found there’s a average salary was about is. And you have to go to the totally inspiring,” says Gen-
fan base for it. People are fi- $72,000 in 2014; in the NBA, spotlight and kind of jump tile, the espnW founder, who
nally realizing that women’s the average was $4.5 million. into it to actually get some of hosted a three-day summit TODAY’S BOWL GAME
sports is a serious level of There are several reasons the attention that women’s on women’s sports in Dana
competition and a very fun for that disparity — men’s sports need.” Point last October. Miami Beach Bowl
thing to watch.” golf draws nearly 10 times as Fagan says the media is Whether that represents WESTERN KENTUCKY (11-2) vs. SOUTH FLORIDA (8-4)
That growth, in both the many TV viewers as the responsible for much of that. an exemption to the rule or
success of and participation LPGA while the men’s World A recent study by the Insti- the rewriting of the rule book When: 11:30 a.m. PST (ESPN). Where: Miami.
of female athletes, has been Cup earned FIFA more than tute for Diversity and Ethics is uncertain. Line: Western Kentucky by 21⁄2.
building for years. The num- $4 billion. in Sport found that 90% of “On some level, the elite Series: South Florida leads, 4-2.
ber of women competing in TV ratings for the NFL, U.S. sports editors are male. female athlete is still a bit of Story line: Western Kentucky’s Brandon Doughty goes into
college sports, for example, NBA and Major League The issue of why the spot- an anomaly because in many his college finale with 12,394 yards passing, 991 completions
has increased more than Baseball continue to swamp light has so often been fo- ways she contradicts stereo- and 108 touchdown passes. For South Florida, a rebound sea-
300% since 1981. And more women’s leagues, such as cused away from female ath- typical ideals of femininity,” son would have to already be considered a success and a bowl
than half the teams at NCAA the WNBA and the National letes is not just confined to says Cayleff, the San Diego victory would make it that much sweeter.
schools are now women’s Women’s Soccer League in this country. A 2013 survey State professor. “But I would — associated press
teams, says Mark Lewis, an viewership. In the NWSL, by the Women’s Sport and argue we’re at a time where
executive vice president for most games are not avail- Fitness Foundation found these athletes are setting
the NCAA. able except on YouTube. women’s sports in the U.K. their own standard.”
Title IX, the landmark As a result, advertising received just 7% of the media The NCAA’s Lewis says COLLEGE BASKETBALL
1972 federal law prohibiting rates for women’s sports on coverage and less than 1% of companies that once ig-
discrimination on the basis TV often sell for a fraction of the total value of commer- nored women’s athletics are MEN’S TOP 25
of sex in any federally funded the ads shown during men’s cial sponsorships compared now becoming corporate No. 25 Connecticut 88, Massachusetts Lowell 79: Rodney
education program, led to games. When Fox bid for the to men. Nearly identical fig- sponsors, giving the move- Purvis scored 28 points for the Huskies (7-3), who led by as
equal opportunities for broadcast rights for the next ures were found in studies in ment even more momen- many as 14 points in the second half. Jahad Thomas led the
women in college athletics. two men’s World Cups, FIFA both South Africa and Aus- tum. River Hawks (4-7) with 19 points.
Female athletes and coach- insisted it take the 2014 wom- tralia. “They’re finding the deci-
es took that opportunity and en’s tournament for free be- “The way we cover wom- sion-makers are often the SOUTHLAND MEN
ran with it. cause soccer’s global body en — our tone when we talk women in the household and at Cal State Northridge 79, Bethesda 49: Kendall Smith
“At the end of the day it didn’t see the benefit in try- on air about women’s sports they’re watching women’s scored 22 points, and Tavrion Dawson had 21points and13 re-
doesn’t matter. Men, wom- ing to sell that event. To its versus men’s sports — is dif- sports,” says Lewis, who bounds for the Matadors (4-7). The Flames (1-11) shot 27.7%
en, mixed. People like to credit, Fox took the event se- ferent,” says Fagan, a former cites Northwestern Mutual, from the field.
watch quality competition,” riously and was rewarded NBA beat writer for the Phil- a Milwaukee-based financial
says Lewis, who credits the with record ratings. adelphia Inquirer. “So all of services giant, as an exam- at UC Riverside 95, Life Pacific 48: DJ Sylvester had 20
change to expanded oppor- Some, however, place the that stuff contributes to this ple of an enlightened adver- points and seven rebounds for the Highlanders (7-5), who
tunities for girls at the high blame on an old-school ap- societal thinking that wom- tiser. “So they are doing it as made 11 of 26 three-point shots. The Warriors (1-14) have lost
school and youth levels. “Be- proach that continues to dis- en’s sports isn’t cool and is a business decision. They 12 games in a row.
cause of the growth of these miss women’s sports as less boring. want to sell more of their
programs, there’s more ath- important. “The thing that makes products and they’re finding SOUTHLAND WOMEN
letes to recruit. There’s “Sports is the last sand- sports interesting are story they can deliver that mes- at USC 68, Albany 67: Brianna Barrett and Courtney Jaco
deeper benches and as a re- box,” says Donna de Varona, lines and stakes. And that’s sage at a women’s sporting each scored 18 points for the Trojans (11-0) in the final of the
sult the competition’s gotten a former Olympic swimming not inherent to gender. Why event.” Women of Troy Classic. Jaco’s three-point basket with five
a lot better.” champion and a pioneering are we interested in our kid’s But while women’s seconds to play was the winner and helped USC to its best
That’s not to suggest the TV commentator. “It’s very CYO basketball game? Be- sports and the athletes who start since 1982-83. Shereesha Richards had 33 points for the
playing field is level. Parity Freudian. ‘It’s challenging cause we have the story line play them have made much Great Danes (8-3).
remains a long way off in sev- our masculinity. Get out of — there’s my daughter out progress in terms of respect
eral areas, including pay. our sandbox.’ ” there playing — at the stakes and attention in recent SOUTHLAND MEN TODAY
In the working world, For ESPN’s Kate Fagan, a — this is really important to years, Gentile says it may be UC Santa Barbara vs. Akron
women earn, on average, former college basketball her. So we don’t care another two decades before (South Point Classic, at Las Vegas) ...................................... noon
22% less than men for com- player, that mentality forces whether she can jump 22 the transformation is com- UC Irvine vs. Sam Houston State
parable work in the U.S., ac- female athletes to be judged inches or three inches. It plete. (Don Haskins Sun Bowl Invitational, at El Paso) .......... 4 p.m.
cording to Bureau of Labor not just on their own abil- doesn’t matter.” “I’m confident it’s chang- Loyola Marymount at Portland............................................ 6 p.m.
Statistics in 2013. ities but also in comparison But it doesn’t hurt if the ing,” says Gentile. “We are Pepperdine at Gonzaga........................................................... 6 p.m.
In sports, the gap is much to men, who are inherently athletes are as physical as growing our audience. You WOMEN
wider. bigger, stronger and faster. Rousey or as clutch as U.S. think about women, it’s not
UCLA at California.................................................................... 7 p.m.
For winning the Women’s “Why do we need to vali- soccer star Carli Lloyd, this nice little niche. It’s 11.4
World Cup last summer, date a Ronda Rousey as an whose hat trick last summer million women, just in the
FIFA gave the U.S. team $2 athlete by having her play was the first in a World Cup United States alone, who
million from a total purse of against the men? Or why do final in 49 years. Winning call themselves sports fans.
$15 million. A year earlier we have the conversation of also helps, which is why the But we need more women in USC TONIGHT
Germany got $35 million Brittney Griner, could she U.S. women’s soccer team, decision-making roles. You
from a $358-million purse for play in the NBA?” Fagan with three World Cup titles still need more women at the VS. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS EDWARDSVILLE
winning the men’s World asks. “The reason women and four Olympic gold med- top of media empires . . . on When: 8.
Cup. compare themselves to men als, and Serena Williams, the league front and as suc- Where: Galen Center.
In golf, nine women, led . . . is because the spotlight is who has more Grand Slam cessful commissioners. On the air: TV: Pac-12 Networks; Radio: 710.
by New Zealand’s Lydia Ko, on the men. titles than any active tennis “We are going to get Update: USC (9-2) is taking on SIUE (3-7) in men’s basket-
earned more than $1 million “No matter how much player on the planet, have there. It’s all trending in the ball for the first time. The Trojans have outscored their last
on the LPGA Tour this year. you stand to the side and transcended gender. right direction.” four opponents by an average of 15.5 points per game. Since
On the men’s side 106 golfers wave your arms and you’re “If women succeed on joining the Ohio Valley Conference in 2010, the Cougars have
made that much on the PGA like ‘I’m important too’ the that level, men and women yet to finish a season with a winning record.

CALENDAR M O N D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L E N D A R


to a
Provocative ‘Hard
Edged’ exhibit widens
the perception of the
work of black artists.

The initial efflorescence

of important African Ameri-
can art in postwar Califor-
nia, especially Los Angeles,
is typically seen as emerging
through assemblage tech-
niques. Found objects were
cobbled together into reso-
nant talismans with social
and spiritual heft.
That was a central focus
of “Now Dig This! Art and
Black Los Angeles, 1960-
1980,” the marvelous 2011
survey at the UCLA Ham-
mer Museum. Now comes a
sprawling show at the Cali-
fornia African American
Museum that seeks to
slightly shift the frame of ref-
“Hard Edged: Geometri-
cal Abstraction and Be-
yond” is more a sketch than
a finished show, absent a
catalog and a fully devel-
oped thesis. But it is provoc- David James Disney / LucasFilm Ltd.
ative. And the abundance of “STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS” features a diverse cast, including John Boyega as Finn and Daisy Ridley as Rey.

Galactic diversity
compelling work, including a
surprise or two, makes it well
worth seeing.
Near the entry, Daniel
LaRue Johnson’s 1964 paint-
ing “Big Red” starts things
off with a sly challenge.
When included in the Ham-
mer show, it represented the
assemblage strategy. It does
here too, although now the
emphasis is on its use of as-
semblage specifically as a
foil for geometric abstract
‘Force’ now Finding the
In the center of a large
crimson square, one half sol-
id and the other half almost
reflects our villain behind
imperceptibly striped, a
black square is edged in
screaming yellow and crisp
own world that mask
white. Embedded in the vis-
cous, tar-like pitch of the
black square is a tangled By Rebecca Keegan By Meredith Woerner
cluster of chicken wire and
egg cartons. The first sign that “Star Wars: His identity shielded by a
The roughly 5-foot com- The Force Awakens” is different scuffed-up mask, “Star Wars: The
position recalls contempo- from the six “Star Wars” films that Force Awakens’” villain Kylo Ren
raneous abstract paintings came before it arrives when Rey, the could be mistaken for a DIY cos-
by artists such as Billy Al protagonist played by 23-year-old player if his rage and malevolent
Bengston, in which a sign- English actress Daisy Ridley, ap- powers weren’t so intimidating.
like field of slick color was pears on-screen in a weather-beat- But behind each scar is something
marked with a centralized en tunic, slouchy pants and a pair of more.
emblem. Johnson began to rugged boots perfectly suited to a We spoke with Adam Driver, the
affix ruined objects to his ab- hardscrabble life of scavenging on face behind the eyeless mask of
stract paintings in the after- her desert planet. She wears no Ren, and probed his thoughts on
math of the notorious 16th high-heeled shoes, no copper- digging into the dark side and root-
Street Baptist Church plated bikini, no princess robes. Rey ing out his place in the First Order,
bombing in Birmingham, is costumed as a woman might the new iteration of the Empire.
Ala., a crime so awful that it dress herself, for herself.
galvanized the nation. Find- Rey’s sensible wardrobe is the Did you have any input in what
ing ways to adapt abstrac- first indicator of a change in the gal- the mask would look like? Or do
tion to an aesthetic of dis- axy, and the movie keeps them com- you just show up on set, and they
sent, he made a picture ing like X-wings on the horizon. The said, “This is it”?
whose brash color alone second sign arrives when a Storm- They had a very strong … I hate
shouts an alarm. trooper removes his helmet to re- to say first draft. I think they had a
The CAAM show, organ- veal the face of a black man, English lot already figured out. Then I had
ized by curator Mar Hol- actor John Boyega, whose charac- some input on [the mask] once I
Lucasfilm / TNS
lingsworth, includes paint- ter, Finn, emerges as a conflicted got there. But it was mostly sug-
ings, sculptures, prints, combatant central to the action. ADAM DRIVER portrays Kylo Ren in the J.J. Abrams-directed gestions such as, “Oh, I can’t
[See ‘Hard Edged,’ E6] [See Diversity, E4] blockbuster, the latest entry in the “Star Wars” franchise. [See Driver, E5]


Miley Cyrus’
mojo is back
piano, Cyrus described the
The singer, post-‘Dead show as her response to a
Los Angeles Times feeling that developed while
Petz,’ is in memorable she was on the road last year
Next generation form in a free-spirited behind her album “Bang-
Cristian Macelaru erz.” The singer’s job at that
conducts a stirring Wiltern performance. time was erasing her history
performance at as a Disney Channel star;
Disney Hall. E2 By Mikael Wood “Bangerz” was self-con-
sciously outrageous, full of
High concept Miley Cyrus waited until in-your-face raunch and
Muse, whose concerns the end of her concert at the bumptious hip-hop beats.
are geopolitical and Wiltern on Saturday to tell But partway through
human-scale, plays the audience why she was that tour, Cyrus’ dog Floyd
Staples Center. E3 there, and maybe that was died, and she suddenly
because she hadn’t wanted didn’t feel like shaking her
TV grid ...................... E7 to give anyone the wrong rump anymore, she recalled
idea by explaining it earlier. Saturday in more vivid lan- Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times
Comics ................... E8-9
Seated behind a grand [See Cyrus, E3] MILEY CYRUS doesn’t disappoint in a wild show at the Wiltern on Saturday.
E2 M O N DAY , D E C EM B E R 21, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM / CA L EN DA R


The huge sound from Disney Hall

Conductor Cristian
Macelaru goes for the
bold as the L.A. Phil
plays Rachmaninoff.

Walt Disney Concert Hall

is, as always at this time of
year, decked out for Christ-
mas and Hanukkah and in
glittery expectation of New
Year’s Eve. Meanwhile, on
Friday morning, the ob-
durate Los Angeles Philhar-
monic offered, as it typically
does this time of year, no
overt acknowledgment of
holiday glad tidings or piety.
The first of three perform-
ances of the orchestra’s final
program of the year was a
morning of melancholic
Melancholy does, of
course, suit the season. We
think back about what we’ve
lost, what went wrong. We
are reminded we’re a year
older. We look forward and
fret, something orchestras
do quite well. World-class
worriers, they agonize over
where the next audiences
will come from and whether
Photographs by Ricardo DeAratanha Los Angeles Times
technology will kill tradi-
tional concerts. For dec- CRISTIAN MACELARU, the impressive conductor in residence of the Philadelphia Orchestra, works with the L.A. Philharmonic.
ades, doom has seemed a
downbeat away. phony debut next month Rachmaninoff ’s orchestra-
The L.A. Phil’s gift this presumably puts him in the tion of his Vocalise, one of
season, however, is other- running for the orchestra’s the world’s more popular
wise. Its stellar music direc- music director search, in melodies and, in fact, the
tor, Gustavo Dudamel, is competition with the L.A. kind of bonbon that would
still only 34. Most of the Phil’s young assistant con- not be out of place on a New
other conductors this fall ductor, Mirga Grazinyte-Ty- Year’s Eve pops concert. Ma-
have been up-and-coming la (the City of Birmingham celaru would have none of
twentysomethings and Symphony, in immediate that. He sought boldness,
thirtysomethings so accom- need of a music director, is as though wrapping the
plished that we might as well also eyeing both). hall in a thick, heavy velvet
just relax. These, along with What makes Macelaru Rachmaninoff bow that im-
several others, offer assur- impressive is the huge sound plied a gift of some extrava-
ance like never before that he gets from the orchestra. It gance and possibly deca-
the next generation of lead- is so big that one might have dence.
ers is in the wings. questioned whether the row The Second Piano Con-
Friday, it was Cristian of small loudspeakers on the certo is more popular (and
Macelaru’s turn. The im- lip of the stage, left over from pop) Rachmaninoff. If
pressive Romanian conduc- a pre-concert talk, had been you’ve been thinking about
tor in residence of the Phila- accidentally left on. They Frank Sinatra lately (what
delphia Orchestra is a year weren’t; were loudspeaker with the attention to his cen-
Dudamel’s senior. Last technology to reproduce tennial), you may have come PIANIST Kirill Gerstein provides power and idiosyncratic phrasing.
month he made his New that kind of sonic magnifi- across his early hit “Full
York Philharmonic debut cence, orchestras really Moon and Empty Arms,” torch song newly fashion- was granitic and gargantu- have had no better instruc-
beginning that orchestra’s would have something to based on a melody from the able, singing it on his recent an. The audience got ex- tor than clarinetist Michele
three-week Rachmaninoff worry about. concerto’s slow movement. album “Shadows in the cited. Zukovsky, who retired Sun-
festival. His San Diego Sym- The concert opened with Bob Dylan has made the Night.” For the Symphonic day after 54 years in the or-
The soloist was Kirill Dances, Rachmaninoff ’s chestra.
Gerstein, a Russian pianist last major work and his A noted musician in the
with a wide perspective who greatest orchestral score, audience Friday told me
has used some of his Gil- Macelaru further increased that he learns something
more Artist Award prize
money to commission new
the dosage of orchestra ster-
oids. Even so, details came
about creative rubato every
time he hears Zukovsky play.

THE MOST NOMINATED works from jazz pianists

Chick Corea and Brad Mehl-
through well. The rich string
playing and wind playing
The orchestra’s presi-
dent and chief executive,


dau. In Rach 2, pianist and may have been inspired by Deborah Borda, just finish-
conductor went for full Macelaru’s work with the ing up a sabbatical teaching
moon and full arms. Philadelphia Orchestra; the at Harvard, emailed a haiku
This was Rachmaninoff brass blowout had the Chi- she had written to be read at
playing on the grand scale. cago Symphony written all Sunday’s matinee: “Bur-

INCLUDING The opening solo piano cre- over it. The L.A. Phil re- nished, glowing sound/notes
scendo had the quality of a sponded spectacularly. laughing, lightly floating/
cymbal crash; once started, But as in a blockbuster in Play on dearest friend.”
the sound seemed to grow 3-D Imax virtual-reality There weren’t many clar-
with a life of its own. Ger- whatever, the big-deal spe- inet solos in these Rachma-
CRITICS’ CHOICE AWARD NOMINATIONS stein brought power and fas- cial effects become predict- ninoff pieces, but Zukov-
INCLUDING cinatingly idiosyncratic able after a while. Macelaru sky’s familiar burnished

phrasing to the fistful of fig- knows how to get atten- tone, creative playing and
urative piano writing. Mace- tion like few of his peers. He’s laughing spirit were unmis-
laru would have drowned now in an enviable position takable. She leaves on a
out a lesser pianist, but Ger- of being ready to figure out glowing high note.
stein held his own. Lyric mel- what to do with that great
W I NNER SCREEN ACTORS GUILD AWARD® NOMINATIONS odies were plenty slow but skill. mark.swed
NEW YORK FILM CRITICS CIRCLE AWARDS BEST BEST SUPPORTING didn’t linger. Everything else And for that he might




8290 La Palma Avenue
714-826-SHOW (7469)
340 N. Eureka St.
410 S. Myrtle Avenue
626-305-SHOW (7469)

CHIP B (10:15, 12:00, 12:40, 2:25, 3:05, 4:50, CHIP B (9:55, 11:10, 12:20, 1:45, 2:45, 4:25, 5:10), LFX LARGE FORMAT EXPERIENCE
ACTED, 5:30), 7:15, 7:55, 9:40 7:40, 10:10
SENSITIVELY WRITTEN AND SISTERS E (10:15, 11:15, 1:05, 2:05, 3:55, 4:55), SISTERS E (11:05, 2:10, 5:00), 6:50, 7:50, 9:40, 10:40
DIRECTED, AND DEEPLY, 6:45, 7:45, 9:40, 10:10, 10:40 AWAKENS C (12:30, 3:45), 7:00, 10:15
10:15, 11:15, 11:45, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:00, 3:45,
(11:15, 11:45, 12:30, 2:30, 3:00, 3:45, 5:45), 6:15, CHIP B (10:30, 11:15, 12:45, 1:45, 3:10, 4:00,
4:45, 5:45), 6:15, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 9:30, 10:15
6:40, 7:00, 9:00, 9:30, 9:50, 10:15 5:30), 7:45, 10:05

* STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C F SISTERS E (10:00, 11:00, 1:40, 4:30), 6:45, 7:40,
(9:45, 10:45, 1:00, 2:00, 4:15, 5:15), 7:30, 8:30, 10:45 9:45, 10:25
(10:15, 1:30, 4:45), 8:00
“ IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (11:00, 1:55,

ONE OF THE (10:45, 2:00, 5:15), 8:30 4:45), 7:35, 10:25 (10:15, 10:45, 1:30, 2:00, 4:45, 5:15), 8:00, 8:30,
KRAMPUS C F (11:20, 2:05, 4:55), 7:45, 10:20 9:00, 11:15

YEAR’S VERY 3D C DOLBY ATMOS (9:45, 1:00, 4:15), CREED C (10:10, 1:15, 4:20), 7:25, 10:30
(11:45, 3:00), 6:15, 9:30

7:30, 10:45
THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (9:30, 12:00, 2:35,
5:05), 7:35, 10:05
(9:45, 1:00, 4:15), 7:30, 10:45
I WANTED TO CHEER! ” 4:00), 7:00, 10:00
KRAMPUS C (11:50, 2:20, 4:50), 7:15, 9:50 2 C (9:40, 12:55, 4:00), 7:20, 10:25 4:40), 7:30, 10:25
CREED C (10:35, 1:40, 4:45), 7:50, 10:45
, KENNETH TURAN KRAMPUS C (12:15, 2:30, 5:15), 7:50, 10:10
THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (10:55, 1:30, 4:05)

“ THE GOOD DINOSAUR B F (11:25, 2:00,
CREED C (10:40, 1:35, 4:35), 7:35, 10:30
THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (11:15, 1:40, 4:05), 6:30

4:35), 7:10, 9:45
OF THE YEAR! 2 C (12:25, 3:40), 7:00, 10:10
THE NIGHT BEFORE E (11:45, 2:20, 4:55), 7:25, 10:00
AN EXPERIENCE SPECTRE C (12:25, 3:45), 7:05, 10:25
8200 3rd St., Corner of 3rd St. and New Ave.
SAN CLEMENTE CHIP B (10:00, 12:20, 2:40, 5:05), 7:25, 9:45
641-B Camino De Los Mares CHIP B F (9:25, 11:45, 2:10, 4:30)
949-661-SHOW (7469)
SISTERS E (11:20, 2:05, 4:55), 7:45, 10:35
CHIP B F (11:50, 2:20, 4:50), 7:20, 9:50
SISTERS E (11:00, 1:50, 4:40), 7:40, 10:30 12:30, 1:30, 3:45, 4:45), 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:15
(12:30, 3:45), 7:00, 10:15 (11:45, 3:00), 6:15, 9:30
The Landmark at W. Pico & Westwood (310) 470-0492 at Sunset & Vine (323) 464-4226 Arclight Cinemas at The Sherman Oaks Galleria Playhouse 7
11:15 AM, 1:30, 2:00, 4:15, 4:45, 7:00, 7:35, 9:40 11:20 AM, 1:55, 4:25, 7:00 (818) 501-0753 (9:45, 1:00, 4:15), 7:30, 10:45 (9:45, 1:00, 4:15), 7:30, 10:45
(626) 844-6500
& 10:25 PM Free 3-Hour Validated Parking & 9:35 PM 2:25, 5:10, 7:40 & 10:25 PM 4-Hour Validated Parking $3 Free 4-Hour Validated Parking NO PASSES IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (10:40, 1:30, IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (11:05, 1:50,
4:20), 7:10, 10:00 4:40), 7:35, 10:30
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R M O N DAY, D E C E M B E R 21, 2 015 E3

Photographs by Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times

MILEY CYRUS is the center of this universe during a two-hour production at the Wiltern theater on Saturday night that also included a fierce plea for animal rights.

She’s a rebel with a clear cause

[Cyrus, from E1] new shape and heft that
guage. Instead, she wanted kept it from dissipating the
to be surrounded by people way it does on “Dead Petz.”
who understood the pain of At times, the band pushed
losing a beloved animal, who the sound toward pop, as in
shared her conviction that “Lighter,” a shimmering
“nature is always right,” as 1980s-style love song, and
she put it, and that the envi- “Fweaky,” which could’ve
ronment must be defended passed for some kind of al-
from man’s unfeeling en- ternate-universe Cher jam.
croachments. And so, “Miley Not everything worked so
Cyrus & Her Dead Petz,” an well. A sub-Pink Floyd dirge,
album and accompanying “Tiger Dreams” was irre-
road show, were born. deemably dreary, while “Evil
You can imagine what Is but a Shadow” felt like bad
this little speech might’ve Lana Del Rey. But even in
portended if Cyrus had de- performing those songs, Cy-
livered it at the beginning of rus seemed more driven
Saturday’s concert: an In- than she does in their re-
digo Girls gig, perhaps. And corded versions, as though
that’s definitely not what it she had a destination in
was like at the Wiltern, mind.
where the eye-popping two- The concert ended with
hour production featured “We Can’t Stop,” one of just a
wild costumes, ample drug couple of old tunes she per-
talk and one sequence in formed. On “Bangerz,” the
which the singer pole- song is a cheerful provoca-
danced while dressed as an tion from a young artist no
oversized baby, diaper and longer bound by the restric-
all. tions of the kiddie-TV com-
But if Cyrus’ earnest plex. Yet here it became a
proclamation seemed out of fierce plea for animal rights
sync with her free-spirited as Cyrus was joined by Pam-
performance, the conviction ela Anderson, of all people,
behind it provided an energy who held a sign reading
and a sense of purpose al- “Save the Whales” and had
most entirely lacking from “No Captivity” scrawled on
the “Dead Petz” album, DO IT!, Cyrus urges the audience — and the crowd responds with a show of hands and smartphone action. her exposed leg.
which she wrote and record- Often thought of as a
ed with veteran psych-rock slackly paced mishmash of Forgive Yiew” sounded “The Floyd Song (Sunrise),” quality Cyrus put to even shallow shock artist, Cyrus
band the Flaming Lips, dopey chants and drifting jumpy and forceful, with both of which displayed her more effective use in “BB on Saturday was a misfit on
among other collaborators. electronic textures; it sug- some of the brazen intensity strong singing. “Pablow the Talk,” about being grossed a mission, a rebel with a
Released online after Cyrus’ gests a punk’s tragic evolu- of the “Bangerz” material. Blowfish,” inspired by an- out by a lover’s public dis- clearly defined cause.
appearance as the host of tion into a hippie. And Cyrus brought real other of her dearly departed play of affection.
this year’s MTV Video Music At the Wiltern, though, emotion to ballads such as pets, was uncomfortably in- As her backing band, the
Awards, the record is a songs like “Dooo It!” and “I “Karen Don’t Be Sad” and timate (in a good way), a Flaming Lips gave the music Twitter: @mikaelwood


England’s Muse mingles message, melody

Roger Waters. Its concerns World Tour” are longtime peared on the album “The with an operatic wail and an on more career hits late in
The group’s concerns are geopolitical and human- interests of the band: war 2nd Law.” Aerosmith-style riff played the set (“Time Is Running
scale and were enough to and peace, oppression from Things have grown only by Bellamy. “The 2nd Law: Out,” “Uprising”) but never
fuel a high-concept fuel a massive high-concept government and technolo- bigger for Muse since then. Isolated System” began broke character from the
stage production at stage production Friday at gy, the coming apocalypse Its performance at Staples with a heartbeat rhythm on larger themes of the night.
Staples Center, in the first of and what comes after. In was marked by multilayered drums, and fans clapping Even President John F. Ken-
Staples Center. two sold-out nights. 2011, that sociopolitical computer animations and along, as computer-ani- nedy made an appearance,
The band’s two-hour set angst was enough for Muse flying objects, as Bellamy mated hands controlled through footage from a 1961
began in the dark, with the to be invited by Rage and bassist Chris Wolsten- strings that reached down speech that warned of “a
By Steve Appleford rising, ethereal voices of the Against the Machine to per- holme sprinted across three to Bellamy and Wolsten- monolithic and ruthless
title song, “Drones,” as sev- form at its L.A. Rising festi- circular stages connected by holme. conspiracy that relies pri-
The journeymen of Muse eral large transparent val at the Coliseum. Where a catwalk. Fans surrounded Bellamy shifted into marily on covert means for
are masters in the art of sub- globes floated above the some hear only prog overkill on all sides, absorbing a col- some Hendrix-style feed- expanding its sphere of in-
version. It can be heard in crowd like Spielberg UFOs, and pop hysteria in Muse, lision of modern rock, metal, back and falsetto vocals to fluence ... on intimidation
their mingling of message both peaceful and vaguely fans find meaning and an electro-pop and ’70s prog. open “Supermassive Black instead of free choice.”
and melody as singer Matt threatening. The song had ongoing legacy of engaging The concert’s peaceful Hole,” as globes returned to Near the end, the show
Bellamy urges, “You can re- the sound of ancient, sacred hooks. hymnal opening song was float around the stage. He lingered too long on a return
volt!” on the trio’s new al- music but on a circular Before the new album, shattered by the guitar sat at a grand piano for of the floating globes and a
bum, “Drones,” within the screen were the lyrics: “Our we last heard the trio during crunch of “Psycho,” with a “United States of Eurasia,” piece of recorded music with
most disarmingly sunny vo- lives between your fingers repeated airings of “Sur- thumping beat from drum- which began almost too qui- no live musicians onstage.
cal imaginable. and your thumb / Can you vival,” its theme song for the mer Dominic Howard, as etly for the room, then ex- But the Muse message was
Most of the new album is feel anything? Are you dead 2012 Summer Olympics, Bellamy pushed the mes- ploded with crescendo after delivered as planned, less a
a lot noisier and just as an- inside? Now you can kill which soared with eccentric sage further, singing: “Are crescendo, far more Queen warning than a statement
gry. The band from Devon, from the safety of your home melodies and images of tri- you a human drone? Are you than Floyd, before Bellamy on the damage already
England, is often at its best with drones.” umph like a collaboration a killing machine?” and piano descended into done. Welcome to the ma-
while operating in a state of Muse is clearly uncom- between Sparks and Leni The pleading vocal on the stage floor. chine.
grand ambition and genera- fortable with the concept of Riefenstahl (“I’ll never lose / “Dead Inside” was con- The trio was augmented
tional panic, not unlike Pink drone warfare, but the larg- And I choose to survive / trasted by “Hysteria,” the throughout by keyboardist steve.appleford
Floyd’s later albums with er themes of its “Drones Whatever it takes ...”) It ap- 2007 single that erupted Morgan Nicholls. Muse piled
E4 M O NDAY , D E C E M B E R 21, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM / CA L EN DA R

LucasFilm Ltd.

JOHN BOYEGA’S reluctant hero Finn is a force to be reckoned with in “The Force Awakens” and a character the movie’s diverse, modern audience can get behind.

Gigantic leaps for this universe

[Diversity, from E1] with Yoda-like wisdom, pecially current. scene with Maz is open to in-
Part of the power of “Star played by Kenyan Oscar The film’s original femi- terpretation — it includes a
Wars” movies has been how winner Lupita Nyong’o; and nist icon has evolved too. mention of Luke Skywalker
they have invited audiences fearsome Stormtrooper Carrie Fisher’s Princess Leia but is not about Luke Sky-
to imagine themselves as he- commander Capt. Phasma, is now General Leia, who walker. Strict Bechdelists Estimated sales in the U.S. and Canada:
roic characters in the world played by 6-foot-3-inch brings a warmth and stead- may disagree, but for me it
3-day Percentage
George Lucas conceived “Game of Thrones” actress fastness to her command, passes, because the female Movie gross change from Total Days in
nearly 40 years ago. In 2015 — Gwendoline Christie. and she shares a brief but characters are talking about (Studio) (millions) last weekend (millions) release
spoiler alert — it is not only Women and people of col- meaningful scene with Rey. the Force.) 1 Star Wars: The Force
white males who get to har- or are well represented in For a generation of wom- Boyega’s portrayal of Awakens $238 NA $238 3
ness the power of the Force. background roles too — as en and girls, Leia was Finn, meanwhile, is a gigan- (Disney)
While director J.J. pilots, medics and politi- groundbreaking in her pow- tic leap for a nonwhite char- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abrams’ “Star Wars: The cians who paint a portrait of er. That she is often best re- acter in this universe. Billie 2 Alvin and the
Force Awakens” has satis- a world where those kinds of membered for the slave bi- Dee Williams’ Lando Calris- Chipmunks:
$14.4 NA $14.4 3
fied many fans by returning jobs are accessible to diverse kini scene in “Return of the sian, who appeared in “The The Road Chip
to the exuberant spirit of Lu- groups of people. Jedi” is unfortunate, as it re- Empire Strikes Back” and (20th Century Fox)
cas’ early films, the latest Typical gender roles are duces a character who was “Return of the Jedi,” was a
movie also creates clever, inverted — in the one mo- ahead of her time to a poster smooth-talking smuggler 3 Sisters $13.4 NA $13.4 3
funny, courageous new char- ment in the film when a char- on a 14-year-old’s wall. who referred to himself as a (Universal)
acters who reflect our di- acter shakes silky tresses Nevertheless, Leia, for all “galactic entrepreneur.”
verse, modern world. out of a helmet, it is long- her pioneering action Though Williams’ undeni- 4 The Hunger Games:
Mockingjay — Part 2 $5.7 -50% $254.4 31
“The Force Awakens” fol- haired “Girls” star Adam scenes, never got to wield a able screen charisma has
lows on the heels of some of Driver as the mysteriously lightsaber, nor did she have made Lando a fan favorite, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
this year’s biggest hits, from angry villain Kylo Ren. As access to the power of the the supporting character
the final movie in the female- someone who has long won- Force the way her brother, veers into jive stereotype ter- 5 Creed $5.1 -50% $87.9 24
(Warner Bros.)
led “Hunger Games” fran- dered where women in space Luke Skywalker, did. ritory, and no one would ever -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
chise to the seventh film in go to get great blowdries, I’m It also might have helped confuse Lando with having
the ethnically diverse “Fast relieved to see a science fic- if Leia had had some girl- the strength of a Jedi.
6 The Good Dinosaur $4.2 -59% $96.5 24
and Furious” series, which tion world where men finally friends. Unlike the first three Finn, on the other hand, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
affirmed that audiences enjoy such a service too. movies, “The Force Awak- is a reluctant hero who 7 Krampus
show up when they see char- Some of the most satisfy- ens” passes the Bechdel test, undergoes a classic journey $3.8 -55% $34.8 17
acters on-screen who look ing scenes center on the a useful if imperfect indica- in the manner explained by -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
something like them. friendship between Harri- tor (named after cartoonist Joseph Campbell in his in- 8 In the Heart of the Sea $3.5
With a $200-million pro- son Ford’s Han Solo and Alison Bechdel) of the active fluential 1949 work “The -69% $18.6 10
(Warner Bros.)
duction budget and satura- Ridley’s Rey, who share a presence of women in a work Hero With a Thousand -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tion marketing by distribu- knack for the mechanical. of fiction. A movie passes if Faces.” Campbell’s book in- 9 Dilwale $1.9 NA $1.9 3
tor Disney, “The Force When Han offers Rey a job, at least two women talk to spired Lucas as he wrote (UTV Communications)
Awakens” is, financially and the frisson between older each other about something Luke and Leia’s story in the -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
culturally, the largest movie man and younger woman other than a man. Two of the original “Star Wars” as it has 10 Bajirao Mastani $1.7 NA $1.7 3
ever to reflect such an inclu- comes from mutual respect, “Star Wars” prequels pass countless directors of epic (Eros Entertainment)
sive approach to casting. not sexual tension — a the test, for exchanges Nata- films. When Finn grasps a -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The breadth in casting theme that also pops up in lie Portman’s politician Pad- lightsaber, it’s a cue to any-
extends to supporting roles, Nancy Meyers’ “The Intern” mé Amidala has with some one in the audience who feels Industry totals
including gifted rebel pilot between characters played of her handmaidens. The like an outsider in the cul- 3-day gross Change from Year-to-date Change Change in
Poe Dameron, played by by Robert De Niro and Anne new film passes for the brief ture — the power of adven- (in millions) 2014 gross from attendance
Guatemala-born actor Os- Hathaway. In a world where scene with Rey and Leia as ture lives within you too. (in billions) 2014 from 2014
car Isaac; Maz Kanata, a fathers watch with pride as well as a long, mostly exposi- $305 125.9% $10.4 5.8% NA
computer-generated, thou- their daughters take on new tory scene between Rey and rebecca.keegan Sources: Rentrak
sand-year-old female pirate roles, the exchange feels es- Maz Kanata. (Though that Los Angeles Times


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Rooting out a place in First Order

[Driver, from E1] more of a satellite group ago, in a galaxy far away,
move,” or “I can’t see.” than I would say ... This is and has this franchise title,
The eyes were a thing really tricky. it’s really just like working
that J.J. [Abrams, the film’s on anything else. You have
director] and I talked about Is that why everything you to ground it into something
early. I thought what was so have is a bit broken down? real, and make it make
great about the [Darth] No, there’s definitely a sense. And then hopefully
Vader mask was how you history that you see in the tell the story that everyone’s
projected your emotions costume of things in the kind of agreed on, the best
onto him, and you could see past right away. They’re you can.
his eyes. I was kind of nerv- kind of like visible scars, on
ous that in being fully his outfit. In part to intimi- What “Star Wars” charac-
cloaked, you have to really date but also because he’s ter would you say Kylo Ren
rely on the power of carrying along this history is most obsessed with?
thought, and that it’s pow- of people. Darth Vader. He’s a fan
erful enough that it will get of his work. [Kylo Ren] feels
through being concealed. Signing up to be in the new that he was actually onto
Then J.J. actually took out “Star Wars” is such a mas- something, even though in
the eyes out of the mask, to sive undertaking. What was Vader’s final moments
make it a void, which I it like working with the where he kind of relents.
thought was really inter- legacy players? Was it ever That even could be inter-
esting. intimidating? preted as just a moment.
I didn’t find them to be Not to taint an entire life, or
Do you think that void people who would say, “Let career, of doing good work.
relates to your character? David James Disney / Lucasfilm me sit you down and tell you For [Kylo Ren] it’s just a
The costume really says ADAM DRIVER sees Kylo Ren, front, as “a fan” of Darth Vader’s work. what your experience is moment.
a lot about him before he going to be on this.” They
says anything. [Kylo Ren’s] there was something about “Star Wars” be fanatical commit this mass murder. gave you space and let you What does he see in himself
helmet is unpolished and someone who decides to about the Empire or the You have the Death Star find this on your own, very that he sees in Darth Va-
unfinished. It’s not refined. completely hide themselves New Order? [that was destroyed] and all humble and very generous. der?
It’s shiny in parts and re- that I felt was kind of inter- I feel like that’s true to the people that were on I remember being very The commitment. Also,
flects back what it sees. esting, and maybe that’s life. People have such short there, they all had families overwhelmed by the idea of the ambition, and the loy-
These are all metaphors hopefully worked its way memories. How quickly we and things like that. The line doing something on this alty. The self-sacrifice in
that you can’t really play, into the movie. forget what happened just between the light and the scale alone, but then it also him. They’re all huge, epic
but it’s good information. 30 years ago. Even the very dark is very fine, I’d say. being a “Star Wars” movie, things to live up to. Even as
His lightsaber, you got the What does that say about beginning. It’s still called and calling J.J. and talking. an audience member, we
sense that it was home- your character, that he’s “Star Wars,” even though it’s Where does Kylo Ren stand It’s kind of overwhelming, discovered Darth Vader
made, and it could sponta- making his own lightsaber? 30 years later. in the hierarchy of the and I remember him saying, first as someone who’s very
neously combust at any That he’s unfinished? It’s two sides of people Empire? “Well, you know, with any- in control and controlled
minute. It didn’t really seem That he’s ambitious. that think they’re right. That’s difficult to say. I thing, we’ll break it into and didn’t seem to waver
like it was really reliable. That he’s aware of the world That’s just something that think it fluctuates. moments, and we’ll solve whatsoever in his mission.
that has gone before him, as J.J. and I talked about from one moment, and that’ll That kind of dedication is
It cackles. they’re picking up 30 years the very beginning. Just So who are the Knights of lead to this moment, and something my character
Yeah, it works, but may- after the originals, so that’s being evil for the sake of it Ren? that’ll lead to this moment, admires and wants to emu-
be it’s not fully realized. The a reality that happened. didn’t seem interesting to It was a group that ex- and then hopefully at the late.
costume — even putting it play. The idea of two sides isted before him, that he end of it, we’ll have a movie.”
on at first — was very un- Why would someone who’s thinking that they’re both was a part of. Their place And I said, “Oh, of course.” meredith.woerner
comfortable and tight. But aware of the history of right, both sides kind of within everything is maybe Even though it is a long time


RESERVE REALD 3D 12:20, 3:40, 7:00, 10:20
RESERVE REALD 3D 9:50, 1:10, 4:30, 7:50, 11:10
RESERVE REALD 3D 9:00, 12:20, 3:40, 7:00, 10:20

IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 10:25, 1:25, 10:25

IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) RESERVE 10:35, 1:25, 7:05
4:15, 9:55
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 4:25, 7:25
4:35, 7:55, 11:15
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) RESERVE 9:00, 3:30, 10:25
SPECTRE (PG-13) RESERVE 12:15, 3:40, 7:05, 10:30
6:20, 8:20, 9:40
RESERVE 10:20, 11:40, 1:40, 3:00, 5:00,
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:20, 12:55, 3:55, 6:45, 9:50 9:40, 12:55, 4:10, 7:25, 10:40
SPOTLIGHT (R) RESERVE 10:45, 1:40, 4:35, 7:30, 10:25 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 10:50, 1:45, 4:50, 7:45, 10:40
THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 (PG-13) 10:00, 1:05, CREED (PG-13) 10:00, 11:40, 1:20, 3:00, 4:40, 6:20, 8:00, 9:40, 11:20 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) RESERVE 11:45, 2:20, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 12:20, 3:20, 6:15,
KRAMPUS (PG-13) 10:50, 1:50, 4:50, 7:40, 10:40 CREED (PG-13) RESERVE 10:05, 1:25, 4:40, 7:50, 11:00
4:10, 7:15, 10:20 9:10
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 10:40, 2:00, 5:20, 7:00, KRAMPUS (PG-13) RESERVE 9:15, 12:10, 2:45, 5:20, 7:55, 10:35
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) RESERVE 9:30, 11:55, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) RESERVE 9:45, 1:15, SPECTRE (PG-13) 9:15, 12:40, 4:05
9:35 8:40, 10:20 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 (PG-13) 10:25, 1:30,
4:45, 6:05, 7:40, 9:35, 11:10
CREED (PG-13) RESERVE 10:15, 1:00, 4:00, 7:10, 9:55 12:20, 2:50, 3:40, 6:10, 9:30 12:05, 3:35, 7:15, 10:45 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 11:10, 1:50, 4:30, 7:10, 9:40
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) RESERVE 9:50, 1:10, SISTERS (R) 10:45, 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:45 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE 9:10, THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 8:05, 10:40
4:30, 7:50, 9:15 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 10:15, 1:00, 10:55, 12:40, 2:25, 4:00, 8:25, 11:55 CREED (PG-13) 10:20, 11:55, 1:30, 3:05, 4:35, 6:10, 7:40, 9:15, 10:45
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE SISTERS (R) RESERVE 10:45, 1:40, 4:35, 7:30, 10:25
3:50, 6:40, 9:45 KRAMPUS (PG-13) 9:10, 11:45, 2:20, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05
REALD 3D 10:40, 11:30, 2:00, 2:50, 5:20, 6:10, 8:40 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) RESERVE
A SECOND CHANCE (Not Rated) 10:05, 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 10:05 9:20, 11:50, 2:30, 5:00, 7:45, 10:20 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) RESERVE 9:40, 11:00,
SISTERS (R) RESERVE 11:30, 2:15, 5:00, 7:45, 10:30
1:00, 2:20, 4:20, 5:40, 7:40, 9:00, 11:00
9:40, 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:30, 10:00
BAJIRAO MASTANI (Not Rated) RESERVE 2:30, 6:00 REALD 3D 10:20, 11:40, 1:40, 3:00, 5:00, 6:20, 8:20, 9:40
DILWALE (Not Rated) RESERVE 11:00, 9:30 SISTERS (R) 11:10, 2:05, 4:55, 8:00, 10:55


REALD 3D 9:05 A.M.
RESERVE REALD 3D 12:25, 3:45, 7:05, 10:25
V 2:15, 4:50, 7:15, 9:45
BAJIRAO MASTANI (Not Rated) 11:50, 3:25, 7:00, 10:40
DILWALE (Not Rated) 11:55, 3:25, 7:05, 10:35
SPECTRE (PG-13) RESERVE 11:45, 3:10, 7:15, 10:40


RESERVE REALD 3D 9:30, 1:10, 4:40, 8:10, 11:40
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 9:25, 12:40, 3:50, 6:55, 10:15
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 11:00, 2:15, 5:25,
SPECTRE (PG-13) RESERVE 11:45, 3:10, 7:15, 10:40
9:55, 1:05, 4:15, 7:25, 10:35
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:01 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 (PG-13) 9:50, 1:00,

9:55, 1:05, 4:15, 7:25, 10:35 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 10:30, 1:30, 4:30, 4:10, 7:30, 10:50 CREED (PG-13) RESERVE 10:10, 1:30, 4:35, 7:50, 10:55 (PG-13) XTREME 9:40, 11:00, 1:00, 2:20, 4:20, 5:40,
7:30, 10:35 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 9:30, 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:50, 10:30 CREED (PG-13) RESERVE 10:10, 1:30, 4:35, 7:50, 10:55 7:40, 9:00, 10:55
SPECTRE (PG-13) 11:50, 3:15, 6:55, 10:20 THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 9:40, 12:15, 3:00, 5:35, 8:10, 11:00 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) RESERVE 10:20, 1:40,
SPOTLIGHT (R) 10:55, 2:00, 5:05, 8:10, 11:15 CREED (PG-13) 9:10, 10:40, 12:20, 1:55, 3:40, 5:20, 7:00, 8:50, 10:40 5:00, 8:20 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 10:00, 4:40, 11:00
KRAMPUS (PG-13) 10:10, 12:55, 3:30, 6:05, 8:35, 11:05
6:55, 10:10 12:20, 1:40, 3:40, 5:00, 7:00, 8:20, 10:20 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 (PG-13) 12:40, 3:55,
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:50, 12:10, 1:25, 2:45, 4:00, 5:20, 6:50, 7:20, 10:40
8:10, 9:30, 10:50, 12:01 1:05, 3:05, 4:25, 6:25, 6:45, 7:45, 9:45, 11:05 1:00, 4:20, 7:40, 11:00 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 9:50, 11:15, 12:50, 2:10, 3:45, 4:50, 6:40,
7:30, 9:30, 10:15
CREED (PG-13) 12:10, 3:20, 6:30, 9:40 REALD 3D 10:25, 1:45, 2:25, 5:05, 5:45, 8:25, 9:05 11:00, 1:20, 2:20, 4:40, 5:40, 8:00, 9:00
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE CREED (PG-13) 9:45, 12:30, 1:15, 3:30, 4:35, 6:45, 7:45, 10:00, 10:45
KRAMPUS (PG-13) 12:20, 2:55, 5:30, 8:05, 10:45 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 11:05, KRAMPUS (PG-13) 11:50, 2:40, 5:20, 8:00, 10:50
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:00, 10:15, 12:35, 1:45, REALD 3D 10:00, 11:00, 11:40, 1:20, 2:20, 3:00, 4:40, 5:40, 6:20, 8:00, 9:00,
12:05, 3:25, 10:05 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 10:20, 11:40, 1:40, 3:00,
4:00, 5:15, 7:35, 8:45, 9:15, 11:00, 12:01 SISTERS (R) 10:20, 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 10:20 5:00, 6:20, 8:20, 9:40
10:50, 11:25, 12:00, 2:05, 2:20, 2:55, 3:30, 5:35, 5:50, 6:25, 7:00, 9:20, 9:55,
2:00, 4:40, 7:10, 9:50 3:40, 7:00, 10:20
BROOKLYN (PG-13) 11:15, 2:05, 4:55, 7:45, 10:35 SISTERS (R) 10:10, 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10

SISTERS (R) 9:00, 10:20, 11:55, 1:15, 2:50, 4:10, 5:45, 7:05, 8:40, 10:05, 11:35 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 10:30, 11:30,
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 10:00, 11:10, REALD 3D 10:00, 1:10, 7:50, 11:05 1:20, 1:55, 3:50, 4:30, 6:30, 7:50, 9:15, 10:30
12:30, 1:40, 3:00, 4:15, 5:30, 6:45, 8:00, 9:15, 10:30, 11:45 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) XD
BAJIRAO MASTANI (Not Rated) 12:25, 4:10, 7:45, 11:20 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 1:45, 7:35 RESERVE REALD 3D 4:30 P.M.
THANGA MAGAN (Not Rated) 10:05, 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 10:05 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 10:50, 4:40, 10:25
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 11:15, 2:10, 5:15, 8:15, 11:10
SPOTLIGHT (R) 10:45, 1:40, 4:35, 7:30, 10:30 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 9:50, 12:55, 3:45,
CREED (PG-13) 11:55, 3:45, 6:55, 10:05 6:35, 9:45 THE POLAR EXPRESS (G) 10:40, 1:25, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 10:40, 1:00, 3:20, 7:00, EIGHT BELOW (PG) 4:00 P.M. INSIDE OUT (PG) 10:55, 1:30, 4:20, 6:55
9:20 IRON WILL (PG) 7:00 P.M. MINIONS (PG) 11:40, 7:25

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 9:30, SPECTRE (PG-13) 9:55, 4:20, 10:35 ANT-MAN (PG-13) 11:00, 1:55, 4:45, 7:35, 10:25
REALD 3D 9:00, 12:20, 3:40, 7:00, 10:20 11:50, 2:10, 4:30, 5:50, 8:10, 10:30 SPOTLIGHT (R) 10:50, 1:55, 5:00, 8:05, 11:10 PAN (PG) 10:50, 1:50, 4:35, 7:20, 10:05
THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 (PG-13) 10:05, 1:20, GOOSEBUMPS (PG) 11:20, 4:40, 9:50
BROOKLYN (PG-13) 11:00, 1:45, 4:30, 7:20, 10:05 4:35, 7:40, 10:50
SISTERS (R) 10:00, 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:10 GOOSEBUMPS 3D (PG) REALD 3D 2:05, 7:15
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 4:20, 10:25 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:30, 11:45, 1:00, 2:15, 3:30, 4:45, 6:00,
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 1:20, 7:20 7:15, 8:30, 10:00
4:00, 6:45, 9:30 THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 1:40, 7:55 EVEREST (PG-13) 10:45, 4:35, 10:25
CREED (PG-13) 10:15, 1:30, 4:40, 7:45, 10:55 EVEREST 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 1:40, 7:30
7:15, 10:15 TRUMBO (R) 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:40, 10:30
KRAMPUS (PG-13) 12:50, 3:20, 5:50, 8:20, 11:00 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 (PG) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:40, 10:00
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 9:30, 10:35, 12:10, 1:25, 2:55, 4:10, 5:30,
6:50, 8:10, 9:40
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:45, 12:35, 1:45, 5:05, HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 3D (PG) REALD 3D 11:15, 1:35, 4:10, 6:45,
6:15, 8:25, 9:15, 9:35, 10:45, 11:15 9:20
THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 11:35, 2:25, 5:05, 7:45, 10:40
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) RESERVE 4:00, 7:20 SICARIO (R) 11:50, 2:40, 6:15, 9:30
CREED (PG-13) 10:45, 11:45, 1:50, 3:00, 4:55, 6:30, 8:00, 9:35 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 10:25,
KRAMPUS (PG-13) 9:20, 10:30, 12:05, 1:15, 2:35, 3:50, 5:10, 6:25, 7:55, CRIMSON PEAK (R) 10:20 P.M.
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 10:05, 7:20 11:00, 11:35, 12:10, 2:20, 2:50, 3:25, 5:40, 6:45, 9:00, 10:10
9:05, 10:35 SISTERS (R) 10:10, 11:40, 1:00, 2:30, 3:50, 5:20, 6:50, 8:10, 9:40, 11:05 THE LAST WITCH HUNTER (PG-13) 11:05, 1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 10:10
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 1:10, 4:20, 10:20 THE PEANUTS MOVIE (G) 11:30, 4:30, 9:35
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:50, 1:10, 4:05, 4:30, ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 10:20, 11:25,
6:10, 7:50, 9:30
12:45, 1:50, 3:10, 4:15, 5:35, 6:40, 8:00, 9:35, 10:30
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 9:25, 6:45, 8:45, 10:05
10:40, 11:30, 12:45, 2:00, 2:50, 5:20, 7:25, 8:40 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 11:20, 12:30, 2:00, 3:35, 4:40, 6:05, 7:15, 9:55 COOL RUNNINGS (PG) 1:15 P.M.
SISTERS (R) 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:35, 10:30 CREED (PG-13) 9:45, 12:55, 4:10, 7:35, 10:40
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 9:10, 11:40, KRAMPUS (PG-13) 11:40, 2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:35
2:10, 4:35, 7:10, 9:45 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:30, 11:50, 12:20, 3:20,
3:50, 7:00, 7:30, 10:30 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 8:30, 11:00, 1:40, 4:40, 7:20, 9:50, 12:20

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 10:40, CREED (PG-13) RESERVE 10:00, 1:10, 4:10, 7:40, 10:45
1:00, 2:10, 4:30, 5:50, 8:10, 9:20 REALD 3D 9:00, 12:20, 3:40, 7:00, 10:20 KRAMPUS (PG-13) RESERVE 9:00, 11:40, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10
SISTERS (R) 10:30, 1:30, 4:25, 7:25, 10:25 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) RESERVE 9:30, 11:50,
THE POLAR EXPRESS (G) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 11:05, 1:40, 3:20, 5:50, 10:30, 12:30
THE MARTIAN (PG-13) 9:30, 12:55, 4:25, 7:45, 11:10
4:15, 6:50, 9:25 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE 8:20,
SPECTRE (PG-13) 9:15, 12:40, 4:15, 7:50, 11:15
10:40, 1:00, 2:10, 4:30, 7:00, 8:10, 9:20, 11:40
SPOTLIGHT (R) 9:30, 11:10, 12:45, 2:25, 4:00, 5:35, 7:10, 8:45, 10:25
THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 (PG-13) 9:10, 12:35, SISTERS (R) RESERVE 8:15, 11:10, 2:00, 5:00, 7:50, 10:40
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 11:15, 2:00, 4:40, 7:25, 10:00 8:40, 11:20, 1:50, 4:20, 7:10, 9:40, 12:10
CREED (PG-13) 9:35, 12:50, 4:05, 7:20, 10:50


IMAX 3D EXPERIENCE (PG-13) 9:00, 12:15, 3:30,
6:45, 10:00
THE DANISH GIRL (R) 10:30, 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:40, 11:00, 1:00, 2:20,
4:20, 5:40, 7:40, 9:00, 11:00
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 10:00, 4:20, 10:10 11:40, 1:40, 3:00, 5:00, 6:20, 8:20, 9:40, 11:40 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 10:05, 4:05, 10:05
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 1:25, 7:15 SISTERS (R) 10:35, 1:45, 4:35, 7:35, 10:35 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 1:05, 7:05
SPECTRE (PG-13) RESERVE 12:00, 3:30, 7:45, 11:15
2:10, 3:45, 5:20, 6:55, 9:10, 10:05 4:10, 6:45, 9:30 1:00, 2:35, 4:10, 5:40, 7:20, 9:05, 10:25
12:50, 4:05, 7:20, 10:35
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) RESERVE 10:25, 1:00, 4:00, 6:50, 9:30 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:30, 11:35, 12:15, 1:00, 2:05, 2:45, 3:30, THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:20, 11:40, 12:55, 2:20, 3:35, 4:55, 6:20,
THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) RESERVE 12:10, 2:50, 5:30, 8:10, 10:50 4:40, 5:15, 6:15, 7:10, 7:45, 9:00, 9:40, 10:15 7:40, 9:10, 10:15
CREED (PG-13) RESERVE 10:45, 11:45, 1:55, 3:30, 5:05, 7:10, 8:15, 10:20, THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 10:45, 1:20, 3:55, 6:30, 9:15 CREED (PG-13) 9:40, 11:15, 12:50, 2:25, 3:55, 5:35, 7:10, 8:50, 10:15
11:25 CREED (PG-13) 11:30, 12:55, 2:35, 4:05, 5:40, 7:10, 9:25, 10:15 KRAMPUS (PG-13) 11:20, 12:45, 2:05, 3:25, 4:45, 6:05, 7:25, 8:45, 9:55
KRAMPUS (PG-13) RESERVE 10:10, 12:45, 3:20, 5:55, 8:30, 11:10 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 11:20, 5:30 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 10:40, 12:20, 2:30, 3:40,
KRAMPUS (PG-13) 10:15, 12:00, 1:10, 2:30, 3:50, 5:00, 6:20, 7:30, 9:00, 10:00 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 2:20, 8:30
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) RESERVE 10:30, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:50, 11:20, 1:05, 2:35, 6:10, 7:00, 8:40, 10:20
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 11:00, 11:40, 1:40, 2:30, 4:20, 5:20, 7:10,
12:30, 3:45, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00, 10:15
4:20, 4:50, 5:50, 7:35, 8:05, 9:05, 10:50
8:00, 9:40, 10:40
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE 1:10, KRAMPUS (PG-13) 11:30, 2:10, 4:30, 7:00, 9:25 11:00, 11:30, 1:10, 2:00, 2:50, 4:30, 5:20, 5:45, 7:50, 9:00, 9:30
4:25, 7:40, 11:00 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 11:20, 2:40, 6:00, 9:20 SISTERS (R) 10:35, 1:25, 4:20, 7:15, 10:10
10:20, 10:50, 12:40, 1:35, 2:05, 3:55, 5:20, 7:10, 8:35, 10:25
1:45, 2:30, 5:45, 8:20, 11:40 SISTERS (R) 9:40, 11:15, 1:35, 2:15, 4:25, 5:10, 7:15, 8:00, 10:05, 10:50
1:00, 4:20, 7:40 2:55, 5:25, 7:55, 10:30
SISTERS (R) RESERVE 10:20, 1:25, 4:20, 7:15, 10:10 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 9:05, 10:30, SISTERS (R) 10:00, 12:45, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) RESERVE 11:25, 12:55, 1:55, 3:20, 4:30, 5:45, 6:55, 8:10, 9:30, 10:35 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 10:40, 1:20,
11:00, 1:40, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 BAJIRAO MASTANI (Not Rated) 11:00, 2:30, 6:10, 9:45 3:50, 6:30, 9:10
ShowtimeS Valid 12/21/15 ONLY
E6 M O NDAY , D E C E M BE R 21, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM / CA L EN DA R

Abstract geometrics
[‘Hard Edged,’ from E1] sion of traditional African,
photographs, video and in- German Expressionist and
stallations by 46 artists. Cubist faceting of forms. ‘Hard Edged:
They range from well-estab- One askew eye stares
lished — Jacob Lawrence, straight out. The other is a
Noah Purifoy, Melvin Ed- blackened lozenge, either Abstraction
wards, David Hammons, blinded or looking inward.
etc. — to midcareer and The little print’s jagged
and Beyond’
younger artists, including black-and-white sharpness
Where: California African
Holly Tempo, June Ed- is the apparent “Hard
American Museum,
monds, Rashid Johnson, Edged” feature heralded in
Exposition Park, 600 State
Brenna Youngblood and Bre the show’s title, which refers Drive, Los Angeles
Gipson. Most works are to the geometric abstraction
When: Through April 24;
from the last dozen years or of the 1950s and 1960s known
closed Mondays,
so, although a good number as “hard edge” painting. The
Christmas Day and New
span the prior half-century. subtle addition of the letter Year’s Day
The earliest is a small, in- “d” to the end of the stand-
Info: (213) 744-7432,
tense 1948 woodcut on rice ard term denotes a certain
paper by Elizabeth Catlett. brittle toughness. Hard
California African American Museum It shows a head in three- edged underscores a social
SUSPENDED planes of shimmery metallic color made from crocheted squares of quarter view, its sharply jag- and political dimension to
wire conjure quilts in Lisa Soto’s “NGC1003 & NGC1913” in “Hard Edged” show. ged features a seamless fu- the exhibition, rather than disk. The meditative pattern
purely an aesthetic one. is part textile, part nod in
Geometry is considered the direction of a notable
quite loosely. Sometimes it is predecessor, painter Alma
even a bit of a stretch — for Thomas.
instance, merely the rectilin- Textiles of a different sort
ear box inside of which an as- — namely, quilts — are con-
semblage might be con- jured by Lisa Soto in a pair of
structed. The show has nu- suspended planes of shim-
EL CAPITAN GLENDALE merous examples. mery metallic color made
all reserved seating | café bar | exhibits | gift shop
eL Capitan gLendaLe 18 The finest is Hammons’ from crocheted squares of
6838 Hollywood Blvd. at Highland The Americana at Brand devastating 1988 “Skillets in wire. The squares, inelastic
818/845-3110 Express Code - 91361 Colorado Street at Brand Blvd. Select, Purchase and Print Your Tickets Online with No Added Fee
1-866-PAC-9790 Express Code - 905 the Closet,” an enigmatic, and visually fragile, are
4 Hours Free Validated Parking. worn and weathered cup- transparent, the wires in
KN 9:45 AM, 12:55, 4:05, 7:15, 10:25 PM Dolby Vision and
Enter at Central Blvd. 3D
BEACH CITIES board whose open door re-
veals 13 rusting cast-iron
their open weave catching
the light.
Dolby Atmos DIGITAL 3D Nash & Rosecrans
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 310/607-9955 skillets hanging from twist- One large textile plane is
3D (PG13) KN (9:30 AM, 10:30, 10:45, 11:45, 12:30, Free Parking 3D ed coat-hangers on a rack. suspended in front of the
CHATSWORTH 1:30, 1:45, 2:30, 2:45, 3:30, 4:30, 4:45, 5:30, 5:45), 6:30, 7:30,
7:45, 8:30, 8:45, 9:30, 10:30, 10:45, 11:30 PM DIGITAL 3D THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:00 AM, 12:25 PM
The floor below is covered in other, while both hang from
winnetka Stadium 21 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS a tattered piece of floral lino- invisible monofilament at-
Winnetka and Prairie 3D (PG13) KN 9:45 AM, 10:30, 11:15, 12:45, 1:30, 2:15, leum, its pattern evoking a tached to a small motor hid-
818/501-5121 Express Code - 095 3D STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 3:45, 4:30, 5:15, 6:45, 7:30, 8:15, 9:45, 10:30, 11:15 PM
KN (9:00 AM, 10:00, 10:15, 11:00, 11:15, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, field indoors. den near the ceiling. The mo-
THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 2 The online Racial Slur tor makes the layered, float-
2:15, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 5:15), 6:00, 7:00, 7:15, 8:00, 8:15, 9:00, (PG13) 10:35 AM, 1:35, 4:25, 7:20, 10:25 PM
An Immersive Experience is Here! STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13)
10:00, 10:15, 11:00 PM KN 9:15 AM, 9:30, 10:15, 10:45, 11:00, 11:30, 11:45, 12:00, Database says that skillet is ing quilts slightly jostle and
- 79 ft wall-to-wall screen! 12:30, 1:00, 1:15, 1:45, 2:00, 2:30, 2:45, 3:00, 3:30, 4:15, 4:45, derogatory slang that some- shimmy, their animation
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 5:00, 5:30, 5:45, 6:00, 6:30 PM; 7:15, 7:45, 8:00, 8:30, 8:45,
- 20% wider, luxurious seats! 9:00, 9:30, 10:15, 10:45, 11:00, 11:30, 11:45 PM
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) 10:20 AM, 2:20,
times refers to blacks, some- evoking a living spirit — the
KN (9:00 AM, 9:40, 10:50, 12:00, 1:10, 2:10, 3:20, 4:35,
- Premium Sight and Sound!
4:55), 7:05, 9:20 PM
4:55, 8:20, 10:55 PM times to mixed races. In this spirit of historical family leg-
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) context, the dangling skel- acies that quilts so often em-
SISTERS (R) KN (9:30 AM, 12:10, 2:50, 5:30), 7:05, 8:10, KN 9:55 AM, 12:10, 1:40, 4:05, 6:15, 7:25, 10:20 PM etons in Hammons’ sar- body.
9:45, 10:35, 11:30 PM SPECTRE (PG13) 4:20 PM cophagus-like closet are a That’s what the exhibi-
(PG13) KN (8:30 AM, 11:25, 2:25, 5:35), 8:45, 11:50 PM SISTERS (R) KN 11:05 AM, 2:40, 5:20, 8:05, 10:40 PM disturbing allusion to lynch- tion, which features many
BROOKLYN (PG13) (3:25 PM) ing, tucked away out of sight more intriguing works, also
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center
A Premium will be charged per XME ticket purchased CREED (PG13) 10:10 AM, 1:05, 4:10, 7:05, 10:00 PM SPOTLIGHT (R) 7:35, 9:40 PM if never fully out of mind. means to do to. It could ben-
CREED (PG13) (11:10 AM, 2:05, 5:35), 8:25, 11:20 PM
This bleak, hard-edged efit from a tighter, more ex-
KN (9:00 AM, 9:30, 10:30, 11:00, 11:40, 12:40, 1:40, 2:05,
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) (9:20 AM, 11:45, 1:00, 4:35),
7:00, 9:25 PM
CULVER CITY sculpture embodies our
American family cupboard.
plicit illumination of its ab-
stract geometries (not to
2:50, 3:50, 4:50, 5:10), 6:00, 7:00, 7:15, 7:45, 8:00, 8:20, 9:05, 9500 Culver Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 559-2416 June Edmonds’ “This in mention a catalog), but
10:10, 10:50, 11:10, 11:30, 11:45 PM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 2 4 Hrs. Validated Parking - Free 3D Common” is a mandala frag- “Hard Edged,” nonetheless,
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center (PG13) (10:10 AM, 1:30, 4:25), 7:25, 10:50 PM
ment, an abstract wheel of widens the social field in
DIGITAL 3D SISTERS (R) KN (10:05 AM), 12:25, 3:00, 5:35, 7:15, 8:15,
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 9:50, 10:50 PM vivid, radiating color com- which postwar African
3D (PG13) KN (11:00 AM, 11:30), 12:00, 2:00, 2:30,
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 2:20, 5:05), 7:50, 10:25 PM 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 8:00, 8:30, 11:00 PM posed from thick, short, sin- American art should be con-
3D (PG13) KN (10:00 AM, 10:45, 12:05, 1:10, 1:55, 3:10, gle strokes of oil paint, each sidered.
4:15, 5:05), 6:20, 7:20, 8:15, 9:30, 10:30, 11:25 PM KRAMPUS (PG13) (11:15 AM, 2:20, 5:55), 8:15, 11:15 PM one as direct and confi-
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center dently applied as the next — christopher.knight
CREED (PG13) (11:20 AM), 1:40, 4:40, 7:35, 10:35 PM
THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 10:30 PM round and round, disk after
KN (8:35 AM, 9:15, 9:50, 11:35, 12:20, 1:55, 2:40, 3:10, 4:15, SPECTRE (PG13) (4:05 PM) KN (10:00 AM, 10:15, 10:30), 12:30, 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 3:00,
3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:45, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00,
5:00), 6:35, 7:15, 9:30, 11:50 PM 10:30, 11:20 PM
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center SPOTLIGHT (R) (9:00 AM, 1:15 PM) IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) (11:25 AM), 2:05,
4:45, 7:25, 10:05 PM

SISTERS (R) KN (8:50 AM, 10:55, 12:05, 1:40, 4:25), 7:45,

8:30, 9:00, 10:30, 11:15, 12:00 AM L.A./BEVERLY HILLS
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center the grOVe Stadium 14 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG)
3rd & The Grove Drive KN (10:25 AM), 12:35, 2:10, 3:55, 5:25, 7:40, 9:55 PM SPOTLIGHT (R) (10:55 AM), 2:40, 4:20, 5:55 PM
Just East of the Historic Farmers Market

BRIDGE OF SPIES (PG13) (3:00, 5:05 PM) 323-692-0829 Express Code - 209
4 Hours On-Site Validated Parking Only $2.50 3D
BROOKLYN (PG13) (8:40 AM, 9:40, 12:15, 4:30 PM)
Colorado & Los Robles
CREED (PG13) (9:25 AM, 11:25, 2:50, 5:40), 7:50, 10:40, 11:15 PM
4 Hrs. Validated Parking - $2 3D
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center DIGITAL 3D
3D (PG13) KN (12:15, 1:30, 3:15, 4:30), 6:15, 7:30, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) (9:20 AM, 11:45, 12:30, 2:10, 3D (PG13) KN 8:10 AM, 8:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:30,
5:25), 7:00, 9:25 PM 9:15, 9:30, 10:30 PM 12:15, 1:00, 2:30, 3:45, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 10:10,
11:00, 11:30, 12:15 AM
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) CREED (PG13) 8:05 AM, 1:40, 5:15, 8:10 PM
KN (10:00 AM, 11:00, 11:20, 12:00, 1:00, 2:30, 3:00, 4:00,
4:30), 6:00, 7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:25 PM
(PG13) (11:30 AM, 2:20, 5:10), 8:05, 11:00 PM KN 8:00 AM, 8:15, 10:40, 11:00, 11:05, 11:15, 1:35, 2:00,
2:20, 4:25, 4:45, 5:00, 5:20, 7:40, 8:00, 8:15, 10:40, 10:50, THE DANISH GIRL (R) 8:25 AM, 11:05, 2:10, 5:25, 7:25, 9:45 PM
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) (9:10 AM, 11:50, KN (9:40 AM, 11:30, 12:10, 2:00, 2:45, 5:05), 7:25, 9:45 PM
2:30, 5:05), 8:00, 10:35 PM
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center SISTERS (R) KN (9:35 AM, 11:25, 2:10, 5:00), 6:45, 7:45, ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) 8:45 AM, 10:50,
9:30, 10:30 PM KN 8:00 AM, 8:25, 10:00, 11:45, 1:25, 3:10, 4:45, 6:40, 11:50, 2:35, 4:25, 7:10, 9:55 PM
8:45, 10:00 PM
KRAMPUS (PG13) (10:15 AM, 12:45, 2:25, 5:55), 8:30, 10:45 PM
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center CREED (PG13) (10:30 AM, 2:25, 5:30), 8:25, 11:15 PM

THE MARTIAN (PG13) (11:10 AM, 2:45), 8:15 PM THE DANISH GIRL (R) (9:30 AM, 11:30, 1:45, 4:40), 7:30, 10:20 PM SISTERS (R) KN 9:15 AM, 11:10, 1:45, 4:35, 7:15, 8:05, 9:50 PM SPOTLIGHT (R) 9:00 AM, 11:20, 1:50, 7:00, 10:45 PM

THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 7:50, 10:30 PM THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) (11:20 AM, 2:15, 4:30), 7:00 PM SHERMAN OAKS
Ventura & Sepulveda
SPECTRE (PG13) (11:15 AM, 4:40), 10:10 PM (818) 501-0753
(PG13) (11:10 AM, 2:10, 5:15), 8:20, 11:20 PM
4 Hrs. Validated Parking - Free 3D
SPOTLIGHT (R) (8:40 AM, 2:15, 5:40 PM)
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) (10:50 AM, 1:45, DIGITAL 3D SISTERS (R) 11:50 AM, 2:35, 5:05, 7:25, 9:10, 10:15, 12:05 AM
TRUMBO (R) (10:00 AM, 2:15, 5:00 PM) 3D (PG13) 7:35 AM, 9:00, 10:25, 12:00, 1:25, 3:00, 4:20,
6:00, 7:35, 9:00, 10:25, 12:00 AM, 1:25 AM BROOKLYN (PG13) 9:35 AM, 12:40 PM
THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) (11:05 AM, 1:30, 4:35), 7:30, 10:00 PM
CAROL (R) 11:10 AM, 2:25, 5:10, 7:40, 10:25 PM
8:00, 8:10, 8:15, 9:30, 10:05, 10:15, 10:30, 11:00, 11:15, 12:30,
LakewOOd Center 16 NORTHRIDGE 1:05, 1:20, 1:30, 2:00, 2:15, 3:30, 4:05, 4:15, 4:30, 5:00, 5:15,
6:30, 7:05 PM; 7:15, 7:30, 8:00, 8:15, 8:40, 9:30, 10:05, 10:30, CREED (PG13) 11:05 AM, 1:50, 4:35, 7:35, 10:10 PM
5200 Faculty Ave.
(562) 531-9580 Express Code - 046 3D nOrthridge FaShiOn Center 10:45, 11:00, 11:20, 11:45, 12:30 AM, 12:45, 12:50, 12:55, 1:05,
1:15, 1:30 AM
Stadium 10 THE DANISH GIRL (R) 11:55 AM, 1:50, 4:55, 7:20, 10:20 PM
Tampa and Plummber
DIGITAL 3D 818/501-5121 Express Code - 092 3D DIGITAL 3D THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 9:25 AM, 10:10, 12:25, 3:15 PM Christopher Knight L.A. Times
3D (PG13) 8:30 AM, 11:30, 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30 PM
3D (PG13) KN (8:45 AM, 10:05, 10:45, 12:05, 1:25, DIGITAL 3D DOLBY ATMOS DAVID HAMMONS’ “Skillets in the Closet” embod-
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) 10:00 AM, 2:20,
2:05, 3:25, 4:45, 5:25), 6:45, 8:05, 8:45, 10:05 PM STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 4:25, 7:45, 11:25 PM ies American family cupboard, the reviewer writes.
3D (PG13) KN (10:30 AM, 1:30, 2:00, 4:30, 5:05), 7:30,
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 10:40 AM, 12:20, 2:40, 4:50, 7:10, 9:55 PM SPOTLIGHT (R) 5:50 PM
KN (8:00 AM, 9:25, 10:25, 11:00, 11:20, 12:45, 1:45, 2:25, Also Showing At Winnetka
2:45, 4:05, 4:25, 5:05, 5:45), 6:05, 7:25, 7:45, 8:25, 9:05, 9:25,
10:45, 11:25, 11:45 PM
KN (9:15 AM, 11:00, 11:30, 12:15, 2:30, 3:15, 5:30), 6:15,
Dome Entertainment Center
8:00, 8:30, 9:15, 11:00, 11:45, 12:00 AM, 12:15 AM
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) Also Showing At Winnetka Sunset & Vine - (323) 464-4226
KN (8:00 AM, 8:30, 9:15, 9:45, 10:15, 11:30, 12:30, 1:45, 4 Hrs. Validated Parking - $3 3D Times for 12/21/15 only

2:45, 4:00, 5:00), 6:15, 7:15, 8:30, 9:30 PM ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) Cinerama Dome SISTERS (R) 8:05 AM, 9:10, 12:10, 2:35, 5:10, 7:55, 10:35, 12:10 AM
KN (9:25 AM, 11:05, 12:30, 3:40, 5:50), 7:10, 9:20 PM STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D
SISTERS (R) KN (9:25 AM, 12:05, 2:45, 5:25), 7:10, 8:05, Also Showing At Winnetka (PG13) 8:30 AM, 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:30 PM
9:50, 10:45 PM
SISTERS (R) KN (11:10 AM, 1:45, 3:10, 5:00), 7:35, 10:10 PM CAROL (R) 11:20 AM, 1:55, 4:25, 7:00, 9:35 PM
CHI-RAQ (R) (10:40 AM, 1:30 PM) Also Showing At Winnetka DIGITAL 3D
(PG13) 8:15 AM, 9:00, 11:15, 11:30, 1:30, 2:15, 2:30, 3:00, 4:30, INGRID BERGMAN: IN HER OWN WORDS (NR) 4:00 P.M. (PG-13) 9:00, 12:15, 3:40, 7:15, 10:45
CREED (PG13) (8:15 AM, 11:10, 2:05, 5:00), 8:00, 10:50 PM CREED (PG13) (9:20 AM, 12:20, 1:50, 5:45), 8:35, 10:45 PM 5:30, 6:00, 8:15, 8:30, 9:00, 11:15, 11:30, 12:00 AM, 1:00 AM CREED (PG13) 11:35 AM, 2:25, 5:20, 7:40, 10:55 PM
Also Showing At Winnetka (+21 SHOWS: 4:00)

THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) (9:25 AM, 11:50, 2:15, 4:40), YOUTH (R) 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 11:30, 3:00, 6:30, 10:00
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) (10:00 AM, 1:20, 2:40, 5:15), STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 12:00 AM,
7:05, 8:50 PM 12:30, 12:45 AM; 8:00 AM, 8:05, 8:15, 8:45, 9:15, 9:45, 10:30, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) 12:00, 3:25, 7:00,
7:00, 9:25 PM 10:45, 11:00, 12:00, 12:15, 12:45, 2:00, 3:15, 3:45, 5:00, 5:15, THE DANISH GIRL (R) 9:05 AM, 1:35, 4:10, 7:10, 9:40 PM (+21 SHOWS: 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00)
Also Showing At Winnetka 6:30, 7:30, 8:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00 PM 10:30
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) (8:00 AM, 9:50, CHI-RAQ (R) 2:15, 9:50 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 10:15, 12:30,
12:35, 3:20), 6:05, 9:10, 10:30, 11:15 PM IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) (9:45 AM, 12:10, 2:45, 5:00, 7:10, 9:30
(+21 SHOWS: 2:15, 9:50)
4:25), 8:05, 11:35 PM THE BIG SHORT (R) 8:10 AM, 9:20, 11:40, 2:20, 5:05, 7:05, IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) 11:05 AM, 1:40, IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) 11:00, 4:30, 10:15
KRAMPUS (PG13) (8:05 AM, 12:00, 2:20, 4:40), 7:00, 10:50 PM Also Showing At Winnetka 8:05, 10:20 PM 4:20, 7:20, 10:05 PM MACBETH (R) 5:00 P.M.
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 1:45, 7:00

THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 11:45 PM KRAMPUS (PG13) (11:35 AM, 2:50, 4:45), 7:45, 10:00 PM
Also Showing At Winnetka


THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:10, 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:10
SPOTLIGHT (R) 10:20, 1:20, 4:20, 7:20
SPOTLIGHT (R) (8:10 AM, 1:40, 4:25), 9:30 PM
395 Santa Monica Place, Suite 330
310/566-2810 (+21 SHOWS: 7:50)
LEGEND (R) 7:20, 10:10
. 3D
SAN GABRIEL VALLEY BROOKLYN (PG-13) 1:30, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00
BROOKLYN (PG13) 12:25, 3:35, 6:00 PM
(+21 SHOWS: 1:30, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00)
Vineland at Valley
Sherman OakS 5 626/961-9262 Express Code - 125
(PG13) KN 9:30 AM, 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30, 12:30 AM
Milbank at Van Nuys TRUMBO (R) 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:30
Show Starts at Dusk CREED (PG13) 9:05 AM, 11:50, 2:40, 5:25, 8:20, 10:20, 12:20 AM
818/501-5121 Express Code - 392 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) (+21 SHOWS: 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:30)
KN 9:00 AM, 11:45, 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30 PM DOLBY
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 7:00 PM ATMOS THE DANISH GIRL (R) 9:10 AM, 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:15, ROOM (R) 1:15, 7:25, 10:05
ANT-MAN (PG13) (1:50, 4:15), 6:40 PM
9:50, 11:15 PM
SISTERS (R) 7:00 PM STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) (+21 SHOWS: 1:15, 7:25, 10:05) STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 11:30, 2:30,
CRIMSON PEAK (R) (1:55, 4:25), 6:45 PM KN 10:00 AM, 10:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:30, 4:00, 4:30, 7:00, 5:30, 8:30, 9:20
7:30, 8:15, 9:15, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 AM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 2
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 7:00 PM (PG13) 11:35 AM, 2:55, 5:55, 8:00, 10:50 PM ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 10:00,
DIGITAL 3D 12:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:05, 8:05
3D (PG13) KN 11:00 AM, 2:00, 4:45, 7:45, 10:45 PM IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) 9:25 AM, 12:00,
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 11:00, 1:35, 4:10,
DOLBY ATMOS;WS 2:35, 5:20, 7:50, 10:25 PM 6:45, 9:55
THE INTERN (PG13) (2:00, 4:30), 6:55 PM KRAMPUS (PG13) 9:16 PM

KN 9:20 AM, 10:20, 11:20, 1:25, 3:05, 5:05, 7:10, 8:50, 10:55 PM
K SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT - NO PASSES N G.A.T. GOOD FOR BARGAIN SHOWS ONLY BARGAIN SHOWS IN ( ) A Premium will be charged per 3D presentation ticket purchased
TRUMBO (R) 9:45 AM, 12:20, 5:15 PM
Times for Monday, December 21, 2015 ONLY
HEART OF A DOG (NR) 1:30, 3:30

BROOKLYN (PG-13) 5:30, 8:00

CALL (213) 237-2184
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R M O N DAY, D E C E MB E R 21, 2 015 E7

T V HIGH LI GHTS Monday Prime-Time TV Movies

News (N) New Å Closed Captioning
8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm
SERIES Today The cast of “The Dan-
ish Girl”; Lidia Bastian-
CBS Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Supergirl (TV14) Å Scorpion (TV14) Å News (N) Å
The Great Christmas Light NBC Superstore Telenovela Saturday Night Live (TV14) A compilation of the funniest News (N)
Fight This holiday- ich; Nick Cannon; Giada
(TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å holiday sketches. Å
themed reality competi- de Laurentiis; Uniondale
Show Choir performs; Lil-
KTLA Penn & Teller: Fool Us (TVPG) Penn & Teller: Fool Us (TVPG) News (N) News (N)
tion hosted by Carter ABC The Great Christmas Light Fight (TVPG) (Season finale) The Great Holiday Baking Show News (N)
Oosterhouse and Taniya liana Vazquez. (N) 7 a.m.
Families showcase festive displays, including “star flakes,” (TVPG) (Season finale) The
Nayak wraps its third sea- KNBC handmade plasma icicles, a 16-foot snow slide, a laser three remaining bakers com-
son. 8 p.m. ABC KTLA Morning News (N) 7 show, and dancing trees that are 45-feet tall. (N) Å pete. (N) Å
a.m. KTLA KCAL News (N) News (N) News (N) Sports Central Mike & Molly
James May’s Toy Stories In
this series, the “Top Gear” Good Morning America (N) FOX Gotham (TV14) Å Bones (TV14) Å News (N) Å TMZ (TVPG)
star tinkers with and finds 7 a.m. KABC MyNt TMZ Live (TVPG) (N) Å Hollywood Today Live (TVPG) Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å Law & Order
new applications for clas- Good Day L.A. (N) 7 a.m. KVCR Masterpiece Classic (TV14) Å Masterpiece Classic (TVPG) Å Southern Celtic Christmas Å Charlie Rose Å
sic toys. 9 and 10 p.m. BBC KTTV KCET New Tricks (TVPG) Å Scott & Bailey Å Borgen (TVMA) New Tricks Å
America Dmitry Beliakov Live With Kelly and Mi- UNI Antes Muerta que Lichita (N) Pasión y Poder (N) Yo no creo en los hombres Noticias (N)
The Great Holiday Baking BALLERINA Anastasia chael Bruce Willis KOCE Antiques Roadshow (TVG) Christmas With the Mormon Getting to the Nutcracker Tavis Smiley
Show The three finalists Meskova is featured in (Broadway’s “Misery”); El Paso, Texas, Atlanta and Tabernacle Choir Santino Fon- (2014) A Los Angeles com- Dick Van
Minneapolis. Å tana; the Muppets. (N) Å pany stages a ballet. Dyke. (N) Å
face off in the season finale the new HBO documen- the cast of “Disney on Ice:
KDOC Law & Order: CI (TV14) Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Family Guy Å Family Guy Å Seinfeld Å
of this reality competition tary “Bolshoi Babylon.” 100 Years of Magic” per-
hosted by Nia Vardalos forms. (N) 9 a.m. KABC KLCS Rock N Roll Stories (TVG) Live From the Artists Den
Music City Roots: Live From the Business
Janiva Magness. (TVG) Alabama Shakes. Å Factory (TVPG) Jeff Black. Å (TVG) Å
and Ian Gomez. 10 p.m. peek at USA’s upcoming The View 10 a.m. KABC A&E The First 48 (TV14) Å The First 48 (TVPG) Å The First 48 (TV14) The First 48
ABC alien-occupation drama The Meredith Vieira Show AMC Miracle on 34th Street ›››› (1947) Maureen O’Hara. Å Miracle on 34th Street ›››› (1947) (10:15)
Après Ski This unscripted starring Josh Hollowly Ana Gasteyer (“Dawn of
(“Lost”) and Sarah Wayne ANP River Monsters (TVPG) Å River Monsters (TVPG) Å River Monsters
series set at a tony ski re- the Croods”). (N) 11 a.m.
Callies (“The Walking BBC Man vs. Wild (TVPG) Å James May’s Toy Stories (N) James May’s Toy Stories (N) Top Gear
sort in Whistler, British KNBC
Columbia, ends its fresh- Dead.”) 11:05 p.m. USA BET Martin Å Martin Å Martin Å Martin Å House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne
The Doctors Family mem-
man season. 10 p.m. Bravo Bravo Vanderpump Rules (TV14) Vanderpump Rules (TV14) (N) Après Ski (TV14) (N) What Happens
MOVIES bers of a man who was run
Top 5 Restaurants Brunch over in a road-rage inci- CNN Anderson Cooper (TVPG) Anthony Bourdain Parts CNN Newsroom Live (N) Newsroom
is served in this new epi- Bolshoi Babylon This new dent; an “American Idol” Com South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å Archer Å Archer Å South Park Å
sode of the countdown documentary investigates contestant. 11 a.m. KCAL Disc Street Outlaws (TV14) Å Street Outlaws (TV14) Big Chief hosts a “Cash Days.” Å Street Outlaws
show. 10:30 p.m. Food Net- the shocking 2013 scan- Disn Year Without a Santa Claus Rudolph’s Shiny New Year Family Holiday Best Friends Girl Meets
The Talk Morris Chestnut;
work dals and skulduggery that Kardashian (TV14) Å Kardashian (TV14) Å Kardashian (TV14) Å E! News (N)
Top Talker Lindsay E!
Super Into The L.A. Lakers’ tarnished the reputation
Miller. 1 p.m. KCBS ESPN Football (5:15) SportsCenter (8:20) (N) Å NFL PrimeTime Å SportsCenter
Nick Young shares his love of the famed Russian bal-
Rachael Ray Co-host Curtis Fam Elf (6:30) The Santa Clause ››› (1994) Tim Allen, Judge Reinhold. (8:45) (PG) The 700 Club
for sneakers on a new epi- let company. 9 p.m. HBO
Stone; Nigella Lawson’s Food Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In Guilty Pleasure 5 Restaurants Diner, Drive-In
sode of the reality series. Getting to the Nutcracker
British Christmas cake; FNC The O’Reilly Factor Å The Kelly File Hannity Record Å
10:30 p.m. Tru TV L.A.-based Marat Dau-
Sweet Mince Pies; Arroz FX The Santa Clause 2 ›› (2002) Tim Allen. (G) The Santa Clause 2 ›› (2002) Tim Allen. (G)
kayev School of Ballet
con Pollo. (N) 1 p.m. Hall 12 Gifts of Christmas (2015) Katrina Law. Å A Very Merry Mix-Up (2013) Alicia Witt. Å
SPECIALS pulls together its annual
KABC Love It or List It (TVG) Å Love It or List It (TVG) Å House Hunters Hunters Int. House Hunters
production of the holiday HGTV
Relic Quest The stories be- The Dr. Oz Show Sugar in
favorite in this 2014 docu- Hist Atlantis Found (TVPG) Å Secret Earth: Yellowstone The Real Story
hind such legendary arti- healthy foods; big food
mentary. 10 p.m. KOCE IFC ’70s Show Å ’70s Show Å ’70s Show Å ’70s Show Å From Dusk Till Dawn ›› (1996) Harvey Keitel.
facts as the Dead Sea companies overhaul reci-
Scrolls and Ark of the Cov- Office Space (1999) 10 a.m. Life Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit ›› (1993) Whoopi Goldberg. (PG) Å Dear Secret Santa (PG)
pes. 2 p.m. KTTV
enant are explored in this Starz MSN All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word Hardball Å
The Ellen DeGeneres Show
special. 9 p.m. National An Inconvenient Truth MTV Teen Mom (TVPG) (7:45) Å Teen Mom (TVPG) (8:55) Å Teen Mom (TVPG) Å Teen Mom
Steve Carell; Mark Wahl-
Geographic Channel (2006) 10 a.m. TMC NGC Search for Noah’s Ark (TVG) Relic Quest (TVPG) (N) Floods, Fire, and Fury (TVPG) Relic Quest
berg; Justin Bieber per-
Christmas With the Mor- The Great Gatsby (2013) forms. (N) 4 p.m. KNBC Nick Santa Hunters (2014) (7:30) Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Friends (TV14)
mon Tabernacle Choir 10:45 a.m. SundanceTV OWN Dateline on OWN (TV14) Å Dateline on OWN (TV14) Å Dateline on OWN (TV14) Å NY ER (TV14)
Tavis Smiley (Season pre-
The super-sized vocal en- Tall Story (1960) 11 a.m. Spike Cops (TV14) Cops (TV14) Cops (TVPG) Cops (TV14) Cops (TVPG) Cops (TV14) Cops (TV14)
miere) Dick Van Dyke. (N)
semble is joined by actor- TCM Sund Sniper ›› (1993) (6:45) (R) The Italian Job ››› (2003) Mark Wahlberg. (PG-13) Sniper (10:50)
11 p.m. KOCE
singer Santino Fontana Syfy Hellboy ››› (2004) (6:30) Men in Black II ›› (2002) Tommy Lee Jones. (PG-13) Å Attack Block
A Christmas Carol (1984) Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m.
(“Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”)
12:30 p.m. AMC KVCR; 1:30 p.m. KOCE; 1 TBS Family Guy Å Family Guy Å American Dad American Dad Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Conan Å
and the Muppets from
“Sesame Street” for a pro- Mad Dog and Glory (1993) a.m. KLCS TCM Where… (6:45) Girlfriends ›› (1978) Melanie Mayron, Anita Skinner. (PG) Sheila Levine-New York
gram of seasonal favor- 12:45 p.m. Encore Conan Joseph Godron-Lev- TLC Women in Prison: Extra Time Women in Prison: Extra Time Women in Prison: Extra Time Women/Prison
ites. 9 p.m. KOCE Memphis Belle (1990) 1:45 itt; Ike Barinholtz; An- TNT Major Crimes (TV14) Å Major Crimes (TV14) (N) Å Legends (TVMA) (N) Å Major Crimes
Secret Earth: Yellowstone p.m. SundanceTV drew McMahon. 11 p.m. Toon King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Cleveland Show American Dad American Dad Family Guy Å
Supervolcano High Live and Let Die (1973) 2:10 TBS Travel Rev Runs Å Rev Runs Å Bizarre Foods (TVPG) Å Bizarre Foods: Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods
school science teacher p.m. Epix The Tonight Show Starring Tru Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Super Into (N) Jokers (TV14)
Craig Beals is your guide Jimmy Fallon Kelly Ripa; TV L Younger (TV14) Sk8. (8:12) Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å King of Queens
Girl, Interrupted (1999) 2:25
to the geological danger Adele performs. 11:34 p.m. USA WWE Monday Night RAW (TVPG) (N) Å Colony: Wall
p.m. Starz
that lurks just below the KNBC VH1 Love & Hip Hop (TV14) (N) Black Ink Crew: Chicago (TV14) Love & Hip Hop (TV14) Ink: Chicago
Independence Day (1996)
surface of Yellowstone Na- The Late Show With Ste- WGN How I Met Å How I Met Å How I Met Å How I Met Å Parks & Rec Å Parks & Rec Å Engagement Å
3:50 p.m. Cinemax
tional Park. 10 p.m. His- phen Colbert Spike Lee.
Apollo 13 (1995) 4 p.m. WGN
Cine The Knick (TVMA) Thackery The Boy Next Door › (2015) Jennifer Lopez, The Knick (TVMA) Thackery
tory Channel 11:35 p.m. KCBS eschews Zinberg’s advice. Å Ryan Guzman. (R) Å eschews Zinberg’s advice.
Floods, Fire, and Fury This Jimmy Kimmel Live 11:35 Encr Tin Cup ››› (1996) Kevin Costner, Rene Russo. (R) Å Quigley Down Under (1990) (10:15) (PG-13)
new special takes a scien- Gentlemen Prefer Blondes p.m. KABC EPIX Tomorrow Never Dies ››› (1997) Pierce Brosnan. (PG-13) Beyond the Reach › (2014) Michael Douglas.
tific look at the plagues (1953) 5 p.m. TCM
The Late Late Show: James HBO A Little Chaos ›› (2014) Kate Bolshoi Babylon (2015) The Bolshoi Theatre Get Hard ›› (2015) Will Fer-
and other calamities re- Corden Bryan Cranston. Winslet. (7) (R) Å is rocked by an acid attack scandal. rell, Kevin Hart. (10:25) Å
corded in the Old Testa- TALK SHOWS
12:37 a.m. KCBS Show Homeland (TVMA) Time is The Affair (TVMA) Cole and Homeland (TVMA) Time is The Affair
ment. 10 p.m. National CBS This Morning Nirav running out. Å Scotty have a dispute. running out. (10:10) Å (11:10)
Geographic Channel Tolia, Nextdoor; Damian SPORTS Starz Ghost Rider ›› (2007) Nicolas Cage. A stuntman is a su- Flesh and Bone (TVMA) Kiira Honeymoon in
Colony: Behind the Wall Lewis and Paul Giamatti. For today’s sports on TV, see pernatural agent of vengeance. (8:05) (PG-13) Å makes a big decision. Å Vegas ›››
This special offers a sneak (N) 7 a.m. KCBS the Sports section. TMC Nacho Libre ›› (2006) Jack Black. (PG) Jackass: Number Two (2006) (9:35) (R) Å Premature ›

13917 Pioneer Blvd. 562-804-5615 6355 Bellingham Ave. 818-760-8400 854 E. Alosta Ave. at Citrus 626-334-6007
$1.50 Sun. & Tue! (All 2D Movies, All Day!) All Seats $6.50 before 5pm
Rancho Niguel Road 949-831-0446 SECRET IN THEIR EYES C 5:10, 10:20 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (11:20, 2:00,
THE PEANUTS MOVIE A (11:30, 12:30, 2:00, 3:20, 4:30), 7:10, 9:40
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (1:00, 4:00), 6:45, 9:40 THE PEANUTS MOVIE A 11:40, 2:00, 4:20, 7:00, 9:20 4:30), 6:50, 9:10
THE LAST WITCH HUNTER C (11:50, 2:30, 5:10), 7:50, 10:30
961 Broxton Avenue 310-208-5576 YOUTH (10:55, 1:45, 4:30), 7:15, 10:00 THE LAST WITCH HUNTER C 12:10, 2:40, 7:50 SISTERS E (11:00, 1:50, 4:50), 7:40, 10:30
THE DANISH GIRL E (11:15, 2:00, 4:40), 6:30, 7:25, 10:05 GOOSEBUMPS B (11:40, 2:10, 4:40), 7:20, 9:50 GOOSEBUMPS B 11:50, 2:15, 4:45, 7:10, 9:40
(12:50), 7:40 SPOTLIGHT E (11:05, 1:55, 4:45), 7:35, 10:20 PAN B (12:45, 3:50) PAN B 3:50 PM 2:10, 3:00, 4:00), 5:40, 6:15, 7:10, 8:50, 9:50, 10:20
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D - DOLBY ATMOS C TRUMBO E (11:00, 1:45, 4:30), 7:20, 10:10 THE MARTIAN C (12:10, 3:30), 6:50, 10:10 THE MARTIAN C 12:50, 4:00, 7:20, 10:30 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (1:30), 5:00, 8:10
4:10, 11:10 BROOKLYN C (11:10, 1:50, 4:25), 7:00, 9:35 SICARIO E (12:20), 6:40, 9:45 SICARIO E 12:40, 7:40, 10:30
BRIDGE OF SPIES C (12:00, 3:00), 9:15 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (11:10, 1:55, 4:40), 7:30, 10:15
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 B (3:10 PM) HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 3D B 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:30, 9:50
KRAMPUS C (12:45, 3:10), 5:30, 7:45, 10:00
CHARTER CENTRE 5 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 3D B (11:20, 1:50, 4:20), 7:00, 9:30 CONEJO VALLEY CREED C (1:15, 4:20), 7:20, 10:25
THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (11:15, 1:40, 4:10), 7:00, 9:40
7822 Warner Ave. at Beach 714-596-3456 THE INTERN C 7:00, 10:00
$1.50 Sundays, All 2D Films, All Day AGOURA HILLS STADIUM 8 IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) B Tue: 7:30 PM
948 Broxton Avenue 310-208-5576 (3D Surcharge Applies) SAN FERNANDO VALLEY 29045 Agoura Road 818-707-9966
$6 Wednesday all day for all 2D films
MOVIES AND SHOWTIMES BRIDGE OF SPIES C 12:20, 3:30, 6:45, 9:00, 9:50 GRANADA HILLS 9 (upcharge for DBOX & 3D)
(310)208-8998 GOOSEBUMPS B 11:50 AM 16830 Devonshire Street 818-363-3679 Now Offering Reserved Seating
GOOSEBUMPS 3D B 2:15, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40
1440 Eastman Ave. at Telephone Rd. 805-658-6544
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (11:20, ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (11:40, 2:10, All Seats $3.50 • $1.50 Surcharge for 3D Movies
ORANGE COUNTY SICARIO E 4:00, 7:30, 10:15 1:50), 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 4:30), 6:40, 9:00
$1.00 All Day Tuesday - 3D Surcharge Applies
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 B 12:15, 2:30, 4:40, 6:50 SISTERS E (11:20, 2:00, 4:50), 7:40, 10:30
SISTERS E (11:10, 2:00), 4:50, 7:40, 10:40
WESTMINSTER 10 THE INTERN C 1:00, 4:15, 7:00, 9:45
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (11:30, 12:30, 2:45),
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (11:15, 1:30, 2:45), 5:00,
6:00, 8:10, 9:15
6721 Westminster Ave. 714-893-4222 4:00, 6:00, 7:10, 9:10, 10:20 THE PEANUTS MOVIE 3D A 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:10
Featuring New High-Back Love Seats
AWAKENS - DBOX SEATING - DOLBY ATMOS C (4:00), 10:20 BRIDGE OF SPIES C 12:10, 3:30, 6:50
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (1:30), 5:00, 8:10
4:10), 6:45, 9:20
COMMERCE 14 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (12:15, 3:45), 7:30, 10:15 (4:00), 10:20 THE MARTIAN C 11:50, 3:20, 6:40
SISTERS E (12:15, 1:40, 4:30), 7:30, 8:30, 10:15 Goodrich & Whittier 323-726-8022 KRAMPUS C (12:00, 2:30), 5:10, 7:45, 10:05 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS SICARIO E 1:10, 4:10, 7:30
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (11:30, 12:30, 2:40, $5.50 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D) CREED C (11:45, 3:30), 7:20, 10:30 3D - DBOX SEATING - DOLBY ATMOS C (12:30), 7:10
3:30, 4:00), 5:50, 6:50, 7:10, 9:10, 10:00, 10:20 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (11:10, THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (11:00, 1:40), 4:15, 6:45, 9:20 3D - DOLBY ATMOS C (12:30), 7:10 THE INTERN C 4:00 PM
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (1:30, 5:00), 8:10
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (1:50, 4:40), 7:40, 10:25 11:40, 2:00, 4:00, 4:20), 6:40, 8:40, 9:00 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (12:45, 4:15), 7:30, 10:25
KRAMPUS C (12:25, 2:40, 4:50), 7:45, 10:00 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD
CHIP (SPANISH SUBTITLES) B (1:00, 3:20, 5:40), 8:00 PLANT 16 CREED C (1:00, 4:20), 7:20, 10:15 JANSS MARKETPLACE 9
THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (1:25, 4:00), 6:30, 9:00 7876 Van Nuys Blvd. 818-779-0323 SPOTLIGHT E (12:00, 3:15), 6:50, 9:40 255 North Moorpark Rd. 805-374-9656
THE NIGHT BEFORE E (3:00), 5:50 SISTERS E (1:40), 7:20
SISTERS (SPANISH SUBTITLES) E (10:45, 4:30), 10:10 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (11:15, $5.50 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D)
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 5:30), 7:10, 10:20
12:15, 1:45, 2:45), 4:15, 5:15, 6:50, 7:50, 9:10, 10:10
SISTERS E (11:35, 1:15, 2:25), 4:10, 5:10, 7:00, 8:00, 9:45, 10:45 4711 Lakeview Canyon at Agoura Rd. 818-889-8061 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (11:20,
26762 Verdugo Street 949-661-3456 STAR WARS: THE FORCE YOUTH (10:35, 1:25, 4:20), 7:15
12:20, 1:40, 2:40, 4:10), 5:10, 6:30, 7:30, 9:00, 10:00
AWAKENS (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (11:30, 2:15, 2:45), 6:15, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (11:00, 11:30, 12:30, SISTERS E (11:30, 2:10, 4:50), 7:50, 10:30
ENJOY BEER & WINE IN ALL AUDITORIUMS 8:45, 9:35 2:20, 3:00), 4:00, 5:30, 6:30, 7:10, 7:40, 8:40, 9:40, 10:20 THE DANISH GIRL E (10:50, 1:40, 4:35), 7:30
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (11:40, 3:30), 6:50, 9:50
$5.50 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D & VIP) STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (1:30), 8:00 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS - DBOX SEATING C
7:10, 10:20
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (12:00, 2:10, 3D (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (4:40 PM) THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (11:15, 1:45, 4:05), 6:40, 9:15
4:30), 6:45, 9:00 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (12:00, 1:30, 3:30),
SISTERS - VIP SEATING E (1:15, 4:15), 7:15, 9:55
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (4:10), 10:00
5:00, 8:10 ACADEMY CINEMAS 6 TRUMBO E (12:30, 4:40), 7:40, 10:25
BROOKLYN C (11:25, 2:00, 4:35), 7:15, 9:55
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (1:30, 3:50, 4:50), 7:00, (12:45), 7:00 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D - DBOX SEATING C 1003 E. Colorado Blvd 626-229-9400
8:00, 10:10 (12:00, 3:30) BRIDGE OF SPIES C (12:00, 3:40), 6:50, 9:55
KRAMPUS C (11:50, 4:40), 10:05 All Seats $2.00 before 6pm • $1.00 All Beef Hot Dogs
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (12:30 PM) IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (11:10, 1:55), 4:45, 7:30, 10:15 IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) B Wed: 7:30 PM
KRAMPUS (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (2:15), 7:20 CHI-RAQ E (4:20), 10:10
CREED C (3:50), 10:10 KRAMPUS C (1:00, 3:20), 5:35, 7:50, 10:05
SOUTH COAST VILLAGE 3 CREED (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (12:45), 7:00 CREED C (1:10), 4:10, 7:05, 10:00
SECRET IN THEIR EYES C (11:20, 2:15, 4:50), 7:30, 10:15 PASEO CAMARILLO 3
At South Coast Plaza/Sunflower & Plaza Dr. 714-557-5701 LOVE THE COOPERS C (11:40, 2:10, 4:40), 7:10, 9:40 390 N. Lantana at Daily 805-383-2267
THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (11:30, 2:10, 4:45), 7:15, 9:45
MACBETH (2015) E (1:00, 4:00), 7:00, 9:45 THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (11:50, 12:50, 2:15, 3:50), 4:50, 6:20, 7:20, THE LAST WITCH HUNTER C 7:40, 10:20
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (SPANISH SUBTITLES) B (11:05, 1:40, 9:00, 9:50 SPOTLIGHT E (12:00, 3:45), 7:00
TRUMBO E (11:30), 9:40 4:15), 6:45, 9:15 GOOSEBUMPS B (11:30, 2:00, 4:30), 7:00, 9:30
BROOKLYN C (11:30, 2:00, 4:30), 9:55 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 2 C (4:05), 10:05 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 2 C (12:20, SICARIO E (11:50, 2:30, 5:10), 7:50, 10:30 ROOM E (12:15), 7:15
IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) B (2:30), 7:00 3:40), 7:15, 10:25 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 B (12:10, 2:40, 5:00) TRUMBO E (4:00 PM)
A CHRISTMAS STORY B Wed: 7:30 PM 2 (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (1:00), 7:05 THE NIGHT BEFORE E (12:40, 3:05), 5:40, 8:05, 10:30 THE INTERN C (1:30), 7:20 BROOKLYN C (11:30, 2:05, 4:40), 7:30
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East and ruffed the club re- be reasonable. If you prefer
By Frank Stewart turn. Down one. to go slowly, cue-bid four
To draw trumps may be clubs, intending to cue-bid
Cy the Cynic and I went instinctive, but here declar- five diamonds later.
to a department store for er must delay. The danger of South dealer
Christmas shopping. Cy, an impending club ruff is N-S vulnerable
whose food intake over the clear. At Trick Two, Cy leads
holidays is even higher than the jack of hearts. East wins ♠Q976
usual, had been at a dinner and returns a club, and Cy ♥KQ5
party the night before. wins in dummy and discards ♦ Q 10
“They served peppered his last club on the king of ♣ K Q 10 8
salmon,” Cy told me. “I think hearts. He can then start the WEST EAST
♠A52 ♠K
I ate too many portions. I trumps. ♥8432 ♥ A 10 9 7 6
have this urge to run up the Question: You hold: ♠ J ♦8532 ♦J96
down escalator.” 10 8 4 3 ♥ J ♦ A K 7 4 ♣ A J ♣93 ♣6542
Cy continues to play by 7.Your partner opens one SOUTH
instinct instead of with care. heart, you bid one spade and ♠ J 10 8 4 3
He was today’s declarer. he raises to three spades. ♥J
(North’s 2NT was an artifi- What do you say? ♦AK74
cial forcing spade raise; Cy’s Answer: Your partner ♣AJ7
three hearts showed a sin- has a hand worth about 17 SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST
gleton.) West led a high club, points in support of spades, 1♠ Pass 2 NT Pass
and Cy won and led a trump. and unbalanced or semiba- 3♥ Pass 4♠ All Pass
East won and returned a lanced pattern. Slam is Opening lead — ♣ 9
club, and the Cynic won and likely. He may hold A K 7 6, A
led another trump. When K 6 5 4, 3 2, Q 3. To leap 2015, Tribune Content
KENKEN West won, he led a heart to straight to six spades would Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASK AMY
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.

Different ways of giving

Dear Readers: Here is my Doyne went on an overseas cially adapted homes to vet-
annual gift guide for readers trip after high school that erans since its founding in
who are looking to give dif- changed scores of lives. In re- 2004.
ferently this year. mote Surkhet, Nepal, with The Warriors and Quiet
International: This is a help from her neighbors Waters Foundation was
tender and treacherous time back home, Doyne founded formed by a Vietnam War
for refugees and other vul- a home and school that now veteran who returned to his
nerable populations around serves hundreds of children hometown of Bozeman,
the world; the following and their parents. You can Montana, in 1969. Their vi-
charities primarily serve buy sandals, medicine or a sion is to help wounded serv-
populations outside the year’s supply of diapers for ice members with traumatic
United States. the babies they take in. injuries heal from their
12/21/15 Save the Children: wounds through the experi-
Founded in 1919 to aid chil- Doctors Without Bor- ence of fishing and floating
dren in war-ravaged Europe, ders: This international, in- on the pristine rivers of Mon-
HOROSCOPE Save the Children continues dependent and politically tana. The foundation is now
to advocate for the rights of impartial humanitarian or- hoping to build a lodge,
children worldwide — often ganization sends medical which can accommodate the
in you. When you find that en your commitment.
By Holiday Mathis in times of great crisis. They teams and relief supplies to physical challenges of the
you know immediately and Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
offer a ”gift catalogue” where treat and help people made disabled veterans during
without a process of reason, 18): Two realities can be cor-
you can buy goats, pigs, vulnerable by war or na- their time on the river. War-
Aries (March 21-April 19): it’s an impulse to act on. rect at the same time. Agree-
sheep and honeybees for at- tional disaster. Ninety per-
Each person lives in the real- Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): ing to disagree is a middle
risk families; you can also cent of their budget comes Education: Donors
ity of his or her feelings. Be- Just because a tradition or ground. The best course is to
sponsor a child, in this coun- from private donations. Choose: Children benefit
cause you are sensitive to belief has been handed down seek understanding.
try or overseas. Savethechil- when teachers can design
this basic human condition on good authority doesn’t Pisces (Feb. 19-March Veterans: According to and deliver special supplies
you’ll be included in some- make it automatically right 20): The basics of an upcom-
International Rescue Census Bureau statistics, and projects to their class-
one’s inner circle. or beneficial to all involved. ing event will be the same as
Committee — Founded in there are currently 21.8 mil- rooms. On the Donors
Taurus (April 20-May Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): they were last time and the
1933 at the suggestion of Al- lion military veterans in the Choose website, teachers
20): Your creative efforts will Don’t be afraid to ask for a fa- time before. This is the ideal
bert Einstein to aid Ger- United States. Government ask for materials and donors
be well received, but only if vor. It won’t put the other day to plan the details that
mans suffering under Hitler, statistics estimate that ap- deliver. You can help fund
you have the courage to work person off; in fact your bene- will make memories.
the IRC responds quickly to proximately 47,725 veterans books, art supplies and
them out. The beginning factor will like you even more Today’s birthday (Dec.
global crises, aiding the are homeless on any given projects in your own com-
stages will be rough, but than before. 21): The next three weeks
most vulnerable citizens. night. munity.
keep going. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): time seems elastic, alter-
Through their gift program Homes for Our Troops: I Artists for Humanity:
Gemini (May 21-June 21): You might open your home nately blurring fast-paced
you can donate warm blan- appreciate the simplicity be- This Boston-based organi-
Unless you’re getting the to a new creature. If you’re events and turning the slow-
kets, a year of school or (for hind the mission of Homes zation connects young peo-
story straight from the already a pet owner, the care motion camera on other
$25), portable solar lights for Our Troops -- building ple with creative jobs. Afh-
source, it will be severely dis- and maintenance of your days. When you look back
and chargers for refugee specially adapted homes
torted. If you’re getting it animal will play into the day. from 2016 you’ll notice much
families on the move. Res- and giving them, mortgage-
from the source it will be only Sagittarius (Nov. 22- has changed. Your lucky free, to severely injured vet- Send questions to Amy
somewhat distorted. Dec. 21): While following numbers: 3, 30, 42, 32 and 47.
Blinknow: Small-town erans. This highly rated Dickinson by email to
Cancer (June 22-July 22): your heart, let your mind
New Jersey girl Maggie charity has granted 190 spe-
You’ll be careful to steer ride shotgun. It will have lots Holiday Mathis writes her
clear of anything with the of insights and probably pro- column for Creators
potential to be sacred, tests about the journey. Syndicate Inc. The FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
loaded with extra meaning Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. horoscope should be read
or offensive in any way. 19): When you’re not sure you for entertainment. More
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): In- can “fake it till you make it,” horoscopes at
tuition will spark and flame try believing instead. Deep-

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
By Joel Mackerry © 2015 Tribune Content Agency
1 With 71-Across, seasonal
visitor who’d appreciate
being warned about
the ends of 20-, 37- and
6 Shed one’s feathers
10 Pacific island nation
14 In the slightest
15 Arabian ruler
16 Confident words
17 Andean pack animal
18 __ Day vitamins
19 Four-sided fig. ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
20 Boasting,
23 Gas, to a Brit
26 __City: computer game
27 By way of
28 One who shuns
31 Primary pursuit in the
working world
33 Ottawa’s prov.
34 Reformer Jacob
36 They end round
37 Former lovers
40 __-load: prep for a
43 Beige shade 7 Marriott competitor 48 Circle around
44 “Goldfinger” novelist 8 Claims on property a quarterback
Fleming 9 Like “Hamlet” 50 Appetizing dinnertime
47 “Anchors __”: Navy 10 Accounting partnership, aroma
fight song e.g. 51 Playwright Eugene
49 Not let go of 11 Become frozen 54 Sheepish admission
52 Eng. majors’ degrees 12 Onassis’ last wife, 57 “Monday Night
53 “Of course, Pierre!” familiarly Football” channel
55 Did the tango 13 Crying 58 Yin and __
56 Accidental attack on BLISS By Harry Bliss BALLARD STREET By Jerry Van Amerongen
21 Prayer-opening words 59 Arctic sheet
allied forces 63 Mauna __
22 Pollution portmanteau
60 Computes the total 64 Sch. in Tempe
23 West Bank gp.
61 Retro phone feature 65 Pennies: Abbr.
24 Many millennia
62 Purple flower ANSWER TO
25 Demolition initials
66 Enlist again
29 The “vie” in “c’est la vie” PREVIOUS PUZZLE
67 Longtime “Tonight
Show” host Jay 30 Swipe
68 Words of defeat 32 Hi-__ monitor
69 Blissful place 35 “Nobody doesn’t like __
70 Lawn border Lee”
71 See 1-Across 37 Geisha’s sash
38 Access Facebook, say
DOWN 39 World, in a Latin saying
1 Actor Mineo 40 Cost of a taxi
2 Leatherwork tool 41 Gave, as a medal
3 FDR home loan org. 42 Trace evidence at a
4 Musical tone color crime scene, e.g.
5 With nowhere to go but 44 Business abbr.
up, as one’s spirits 45 Dined
6 Cat call 46 Wordless agreement 12/21/15
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R M O N DAY, D E C EM B E R 21, 2 015 E9


DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau Doonesbury is on vacation. This is a reprint. DILBERT By Scott Adams

LA CUCARACHA By Lalo Alcaraz BABY BLUES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

CANDORVILLE By Darrin Bell CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers

HALF FULL By Maria Scrivan

JUMP START By Robb Armstrong


9 CHICKWEED LANE By Brooke McEldowney

NON SEQUITUR By Wiley BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall

GET FUZZY By Darby Conley

LIO By Mark Tatulli

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman BIZARRO By Dan Piraro

TUNDRA By Chad Carpenter DRABBLE By Kevin Fagan

PRICKLY CITY By Scott Stantis MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell

FRAZZ By Jef Mallett PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz


“T H E
E V E R”





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