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Information System For Manager

Answer to Question No 1:

Cloud computing enables computing infrastructure and services to be

available over the internet and the deployment of Cloud model is where the
infrastructure of the computer system like Hardware ( Os,Cpu,System) and
software resides and who has control over that infrastructure.

There is four cloud deployment models: 1) Public 2) Private 3) Hybrid 4)


Each cloud deployment model satisfies different organization model, so it is

important to choose a model that will satisfy the needs of the organization

In case of Pais Industries Limited, having five business vertical, the following
report justify the best cloud deployment model based on the following

1)A private cloud is a cloud Infrastructure that is created for a single client.
The client is usually typical one organization that uses the cloud infrastructure
for its own use and draws the facility of the cloud computing. The
infrastructure in case of Private Cloud may be managed by the organization
itself to support various user group or it could be managed by a service
provider that take care if either on-site of off-site. This deployment model is
best suited for organization that deal with sensitive data and/or are required
to uphold security standard of various organization.
Advantage of Private Cloud computing:
a) Better Security and reliability
b) Organization Specific
c)Ability to Choose resources (i.e. specific hardware)
Disadvantage of Private Cloud Computing:
a) Price is bit of higher
b) Lack of scalability and elasticity to meet higher demand
c)Require significant amount of engineering to maintain infrastructure
d)Cannot share the pooling of resources

2) Public Cloud: Public cloud refers to cloud infrastructure that is located and
access over the public network. This type of cloud deployment supports all
user who want to make use of the computer resources such as hardware (Os,
CPU, Memory, Storage) or software (application, Server, Database) on a
subscription basis. Different clients are given space, computing power and
bandwidth according to their needs, although there is no specific hardware
specifically assigned to any particular client.
Advantage of Public cloud: a) Scalability and Flexibility
b) Cost effective
c) Can share pool of resources

Disadvantage of Public Cloud: a) Less secured

b) Operate by third party

3)Hybrid Cloud: A hybrid cloud is a combination of private cloud and Public

Cloud options. This type of cloud infrastructure assume that you are hosting
your system both on private and Public cloud. One use case might be the
system inside a private cloud and having a clone of the system on the public
cloud to allow for rapid scaling and accommodating bursts of new usage that
would otherwise not be possible on private cloud.

Advantage of Hybrid Cloud: a) Cost effective

b) Scalability & Flexibility
c) Balance of Convenience and security
Disadvantage of Hybrid Cloud:
a) Data and application integration can be
b) Operating expenses is high for maintaining
c) Involve capital cost for infrastructure set up.

4)Community Cloud: A community cloud is a shared computing infrastructure

that may be set up as a private, public or Hybrid cloud, with the sole purpose
that it is used by a specified community of users, such as hospitals or banks,
that have common needs in terms of specifications. For instance, a community
cloud for banks may have special security and authentication software that is
required by them.

Based on the above-mentioned discussion regarding the advantage and

disadvantage of different cloud deployment models, I recommended the
Hybrid Cloud deployment will be the most suitable deployment model for Pais
Industries ltd having five business vertical because this model allow company
to mix and match the good feature of private cloud and private cloud like :
a) Data Security: It will help to protect it sensitive data so that no company
can access it.
b) As the company has five verticals, it can split its data and maintain it
separately to retrieve the relevant information instantly.
c)Company can avail the benefit of rapid scaling and accommodating burst of
new user in case of higher demand.
Answer to question no 2:

A cybercrime can be defined as crime or an unlawful act where the computer

is used as tool, a target or both, in other terms, cybercrimes can be defined
as an unauthorized access to some computer system without the permission
or rightful owner or place of criminal activity and include everything from
online cracking to denial of service attacks.

There are four ways through which cybercriminals can cause harm to the

1. Malware –Short of malicious software, malware can refer to any kind of

software that is designed to cause damage to computer, server or
computer network. Worms, Viruses and Trojans are varieties of
2. Cracking and Espionage: The word cracking and Espionage are used
interchangeably. Cracking is the art of breaking into computers or
computer networks illegally. hacking also refers to the same act.
3. Phishing and identity theft
Phishing is another cybercrime that is perpetrated through social
engineering like e-mail.

4. Denial of Service Attack: (Dos) A denial of Service Attack is a method

by which crackers pull down the service of a websites.
Following are the two examples of any organization being pray to the
1)The There was a cyber-attack on the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant
(KKNPP) under The Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Limited (NPCIL) in the
month of September,2019.The plant is situated is situated in Tamilnadu in
India. The nuclear Power plant’s administrative network was breached in the

According to the NPCTL statement, the malware attack on KKNPP was noticed
on 4th, September2019 by the CERT-IN (Indian Computer Emergency
Response Team) which is the national agency for responding to cybersecurity
An investigation by Indian Department of Atomic Energy revealed that a user
had connected a malware-infected personal computer to the plant’s
administrative network. Though the plant’s operational network and system
were separated.So, no damage was done in that network.

2)Hack attack in Indian healthcare website

India based healthcare website became a victim of cyber-attack in 2019.As

stated by Us-based cyber-security firms, hackers broke in and invaded a
leading India-based health-care website. The hacker stole 68 lakhs records of
patient as well as doctors.

Answer to Question NO 3a:

ERP refers to an information system that controls and integration the different
business function of an organization.
ERP enables an enterprise to allocate resources efficiently which further helps
in enhancing the profitability of the organization.
The following are the benefits that a company can achieve while implementing
the ERP system
1)Reduced lead Time: Lead Time is the amount of time taken between the
placing of an order and receipt of products by a customer.
The ERP system helps an organization to reduce the Lead Time of Products by
managing inventory effectively and providing updated information about the
lead time of it different products. This further helps in reducing inventory
costs, increasing the profitability of timely delivery of products and enhance
the customer satisfaction.
2)Timely Delivery of product: An ERP system helps an organization to ensure
on-time delivery of products to customers by integrating various business
functions and automating different tasks. This helps enhancing customer
satisfaction and building healthy relationships with customer.
3)Minimized cycle Time: The amount of time taken to process a customer’s
order and delivery the product to the customer is called Cycle Time. A long
cycle time may result in undue delays in the delivery of products to customers.
An ERP system helps an organization to reduce cycle time by informing a
customer about the availability of a product within a few seconds.
4)Improved supplier performance: An ERP system contains features that help
an organization to manage supplier relation and track vendor activity more
efficiently. Nowadays, most organization make an agreement with their
suppliers for procuring good-quality raw materials at lower prices. An ERP
system helps an organization in controlling and managing agreement-related
5)Increase Flexibility: An organization needs to modify its products, services
or overall business strategy according to the ever-changing wants, tastes and
preferences of its customer. It also needs to be flexible enough to use different
production method. An ERP system enables an organization to remain flexible
and respond to frequent changes in market conditions by maintaining a flow
of internal and external information across all the departments and
automating different process.
6)Reduced quality Costs : The cost of quality is not related amount spent on
production quality products or services , rather it is associated with preventing
defeats in product and services.If,there are defeats in products, an
organization needs to rework on them, which increase the overall cost of the
organization. An ERP system helps an organization to identify these defeats in
designing stage of a product and rectify them before a product reaches a
customer. The cost incurred for rectifying defeats at designing stage of a
product is lower than cost incurred at the final stage.

7) Improved Resource Utility: An organization needs to determine its

production capacity accurately for using its resources effectively. An ERP
system facilitates effective utilization of resources by enabling an organization
to plan and schedule properly. It uses master production schedules and
material requirements plans for allocating resources as per production
8)Improved Information Accuracy and Decision-making Capability: An ERP
system helps an organization to collect and integrate required information. In
addition, it facilitates a free flow of information among the different
departments of an organization.
This information helps department to take several crucial decisions such as
selecting a product to be produced, determining the different sources of funds,
and selecting the right technology for production purpose.

Answer to question No 3(b) :

The following challenges Sadpat may face while implementing an ERP


1)Lack of Top management support: The top management of an organization

play a vital role in the implementation of ERP Project by providing the required
resources. If the Top management does not provide the adequate support,
then it is difficult to implement ERP successfully.
2)Improper planning and Budgeting: The implementation of an ERP system
requires detailed planning of the budget to be allocated, procedures to be used
for implementation. If the plan of ERP system is not formulated properly, it
can lead to a disastrous situation and turn the ERP system a failure.
3)Resistance from employee and lack of training: Employee may resist ERP
implementation in case proper training is not provided to them.

4)Re-engineering of business process: If the re-engineering of business

process is not done properly, then the full benefit of ERP system like cost
cutting and Automation of process will not be achieved.

5)Proper testing of the ERP system: If the newly developed ERP system is not
properly tested and passed by the parameter like overload of data , invalid
data entry etc., then it will create problem at the time of Going live. Proper
testing is needed for successful implementation of ERP System.


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