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B.A. LL.B. X Semester: Professional Ethics and Accountancy for Lawyers,
Teacher: Apeksha S. Agrawal

For students with roll numbers 1511001 to 1511015

Some advocates use to position themselves at the entrance at the magistrate’s court watchful of
arrival of potential litigants. At sight they rushed towards the clients in an ugly scrimmage to
snatch the briefs, to lay claims to the engagements even by physical fight, to undercut fee.
Discuss the instance in the light of prescribed Bar Council of India rules.
Your answer should reflect a deep thought and relevant insights. Assignment could be submitted
after you come back to campus (in soft copy) by 07 April, 2020. Please also include a 1 page
‘duly signed self-declaration’ towards the beginning of the assignment mentioning the key
sources of preparing this assignment, whether you have done it absolutely yourself/taking help of
others and the key learning. No marks would be deducted based on the contents of ‘duly signed
For students with roll numbers 1511016 to 1511035
Advocate Jani during lunch-intervals assaulted his opponent, Shayam rao in the court room of
Munsif/ Magistrate with a knife. A pistol shot was also said to have been fired by him at the time
of incidence. After investigation he was prosecuted for offences under Sec. 307 of the IPC and
Sec 25 of the Arms Act. Discuss the incidence taking into account defined standards of advocacy
by BCI. Your answer should reflect a deep thought and relevant insights. Assignment could be
submitted after you come back to campus (in soft copy) by 07 April, 2020. Please also include a
1 page ‘duly signed self-declaration’ towards the beginning of the assignment mentioning the
key sources of preparing this assignment, whether you have done it absolutely yourself/taking
help of others and the key learning. No marks would be deducted based on the contents of ‘duly
signed self-declaration’.
For students with roll numbers 1511036 to 1511055
An advocate while appearing as a counsel in a suit pending before civil court wrote a letter to his
client stating that ‘his another client has told him that the concerned judge accepts the bribe and
he has obtained several favourable orders from him in his favour; and send certain amount of
money so that the suit is got decided in his favour.’ Taking in to consideration above facts write
a note on relationship between client and an advocate as to money matters...
Your answer should reflect a deep thought and relevant insights. Assignment could be submitted
after you come back to campus (in soft copy) by 07 April, 2020. Please also include a 1 page
‘duly signed self-declaration’ towards the beginning of the assignment mentioning the key
sources of preparing this assignment, whether you have done it absolutely yourself/taking help of
others and the key learning. No marks would be deducted based on the contents of ‘duly signed
For students with roll numbers 1511056 to 1511075
An advocate took advantage of the situation of the complainant facing death sentence, by
obtaining power of attorney on misrepresentation in his favour sold the property of the
complainant. Besides, he fraudulently appropriated the sale proceeds for his gain. Discuss the
instance in the light of prescribed Bar Council of India rules.
Your answer should reflect a deep thought and relevant insights. Assignment could be submitted
after you come back to campus (in soft copy) by 07 April, 2020. Please also include a 1 page
‘duly signed self-declaration’ towards the beginning of the assignment mentioning the key
sources of preparing this assignment, whether you have done it absolutely yourself/taking help of
others and the key learning. No marks would be deducted based on the contents of ‘duly signed
For students with roll numbers 1511076 onward/any other not listed in above.
Every High Court on its administrative side, took a decision of fixing minimum number of
working days for subordinate courts which varies from state to state. This decision was taken in
the light of facts noted in the past few years as to Advocates strike in different states. In addition
to the issue of strikes, the Supreme Court has also dealt with the large number of cases of
browbeating of courts by advocates for getting a favourable order.
Write a critical comment on ethical issues relating to legal profession reflecting from the plain
reading of above paragraph. Your answer should reflect a deep thought and relevant insights.
Assignment could be submitted after you come back to campus (in soft copy) by 07 April, 2020.
Please also include a 1 page ‘duly signed self-declaration’ towards the beginning of the
assignment mentioning the key sources of preparing this assignment, whether you have done it
absolutely yourself/taking help of others and the key learning. No marks would be deducted
based on the contents of ‘duly signed self-declaration’

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