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Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral tumor, WR  FP 7KH\ DUH DW ÀUVW ÀUP VROLG DQG ÁHVK
caused by a DNA-containing poxvirus. Mollus- colored. However, as they mature, they tend to
cum contagiosum virus (MCV) is a brick-shaped become softened and pearly white in color (Figs
particle, 300 × 200 × 100 nm in size. It replicates 21.1 A and B). Some lesions may suppurate.
in aggregates within the cytoplasm of the infec- They are distributed over the face, hands, lower
ted cells. Basal cell proliferation and epidermal abdomen, and genitalia. The mucous memb-
transit time are increased in infected epidermis. ranes of the lip, tongue, and buccal mucosa may
also be affected. The lesions are usually a few,
CLINICAL FEATURES at times they may be multiple. They are asymp-
Molluscum contagiosum is characterized by tomatic. Gigantic lesions of size 1 cm or more,
dome-shaped, waxy pink papules or nodules PD\RFFDVLRQDOO\GHYHORSLQÁDPPDWLRQ5DUHO\
2 to 5 mm in size. Central umbilication is its the lesions may become horny (molluscum
hallmark. Some lesions may attain a size up contagiosum carnuatum).

Figures 21.1A and B: Pearly-white, umbilicated papules
Molluscum Contagiosum 99
The disease is contracted by direct con- Microscopic examination of hematoxylin—
tact with infected skin, and by autoinocula- eosin stained section reveals, an acanthoma with
tion. It may also be transmitted sexually. It downward proliferation of rete-ridges, and en-
affects children, and young adults. Incubation velopment by connective tissue to form a deep
period ranges from 2 to 3 weeks. Immuno- crater. The cytoplasm of the prickle cell contains
suppression secondary to drugs like corti- numerous small eosinophilic and later basophil-
costeroids, methotrexate, and infection with ic inclusion bodies called molluscum-bodies, or
KXPDQ LPPXQRGHÀFLHQF\ YLUXV +,9  PD\ Henderson-Patterson bodies. Their bulk com-
predispose to widespread and recalcitrant presses the nucleus to the side of the cell. A fully
molluscum contagiosum. It usually runs a developed lesion depicts a crater near the sur-
self-limiting course of 6 to 9 months, but oc- face, which extends into the lobules. The crater
casionally the lesions may persist for months contains the hyalinized molluscum bodies.
or years.
DIAGNOSIS The following modalities are useful:
Pearly-white, dome shaped papule or nodule ‡ 5HPRYDORIWKHOHVLRQZLWKDVKDUSFXUHWWH
with central umbilication is distinctive. Dia- ‡ &U\RWKHUDS\ZLWKOLTXLGQLWURJHQRUGU\LFH
the papules, squashing the contents between
two glass slides and staining it with Wright’s RECOMMENDED READING
or Giemsa’s stain. Examination under a 1. Brown ST, Nalley JF, Kraus JF. Molluscum con-
tagiosum: a review, Sex Transm Dis 1981;8:227-234.
low power of the microscope reveals ovoid, 2. Porter CD, Muhleman MF, Cream JJ et al.
smooth-walled, homogenous cytoplasmic Molluscum contagiosum: Characterization of
masses consisting of mature, immature, and viral DNA and clinical features. Epidemiol Infect
1987; 99:563-566.
incomplete virions along with cellular debris.   5HHG-3DUNLQVRQ537KHKLVWRJHQHVLVRIPROOXV-
They measure 25 nm in diameter. cum contagiosum. Am J Surg Pathol 1983;1:161-166.

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