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Unit: 01 Lesson 02


Title: My name is Brad
Class: 3rd Time: one week Date: April 20th – 24th

1. Look at the pictures and expressions:

Hello! Bye! Good

- bye!


Now think:

- What are they doing? (¿que están haciendo?)

a. Talking and chatting
b. Greeting and saying goodbye
c. Eating and drinking.
2. Watch the following video,
listen and mark with an X the ones you can hear.
Good Bye! Hello

Good Have a
Will talk
afternoon HI! nice day!
to you
- Now, write the previous phrases where they correspond.
(Ahora, escribe las frases previas donde corresponda)

Greetings Farewells


3. Now it is your turn, watch and listen to the following video
and write on the lines different ways to say hello and bye:
(Ahora es tu turno, mira y escucha el siguiente video y escribe en
las lineas distintas formas de decir hola y adios)

 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________

4. It is time to practice, look at the following examples and
practice them with your name: (Es tiempo de practicar, mira
los siguientes ejemplos y practicalos utilizando tu nombre)

Hi, my name is

Good I’m Lisa.
my name
is Tim.
- Now, choose one of the greetings above and write them with your
name on the cloud below. (Ahora, elige uno de los saludos de arriba y
escribelo con tu nombre en la nube de abajo)


5. Let’s continue learning English, it is time to learn how to say your

age, look at the following example and practice: (Continuemos
aprendiendo inglés, es tiempo de aprender como decir tu edad, mira los
siguientes ejemplos y practica)

Good morning ,
My name is Brad
and I am fifteen
years old

Good morning,
Hello, I’m Lisa
my name is
and I am
Tim and I am
eighteen years
twenty years
old. old.

- But teacher, I don’t know the numbers in English. (Pero profesor, yo

no se como decir los números en inglés)
- Ok don’t worry, here watch the following video about numbers 1-100
then practice saying them aloud. (Ok no te preocupes, aqui mira el
siguiente video acerca de los numerous, luego praticalos diciendolos en
voz alta)

- Now you are ready to write a greeting, your name and your age:


6. It is time to talk about your country and nationality, look at the

following example and practice:

Hello, My name is
Brad, I am fifteen
years old and I
am from The
United States of
America. I am
a. Now think, match the countries, flags and

Flag Count National

ry ity

o United Kingdom Peruvian

o Peru American

o Canada British

o The United
States of America Canadian

b. Watch the following video about countries and nationalities.

Then, practice the pronunciation:

c. Complete the sentences using countries or nationalities:


 Tamara is from Peru. She is Peruvian.

- Marc is from the united States. He is _____________ .

- Jake is from ___________. He is Canadian.
- Edward is from England. He is _________________ .
7. Very good so far, now it is time to learn your family members, look at
Miriam’s family and complete the boxes with the right words on
them: (Muy bien hasta el momento, ahora es tiempo de aprender acerca
de los miembros de tu familia, mira la familia de Miriam y complete los
cuadros con las palabras que corresponda)

Brother - Father – Sister - Mother


B S Miriam
a. Listen to a Natural conversation about members of the family and
identify them (father, mother, brother, sister).

b. Now it is your turn, elaborate your own family tree, you can draw or
stick a photo of your family members, try to be creative, surprise us.
(Ahora es tu turno, elabora tu propio arbol familiar, tu puedes dibujar o
pegar una foto de los miembros de tu familia, trata de ser creative,

8. Now read, Miriam makes a description of her family, underline with
different colors all the information we have studied during the week:
Green – name age – red nationality - blue

Hello, my name is Miriam and this is a

photo of me and my family. I am eight
years old, I am from The United States
so, I am American. My father is Luis, he
is thirty three years old but he is Canadian. My mother is
Rebeca, she is thirty years old, and she is American. My
brother is James, he is five years old. He is American too. My
sister is Ana, she is three years old and she is American.

9. Finally we are here, this is your final product so pay attention, write a
40 - 60 words paragraph about you and your family. Remember to
use all the things we learnt in this lesson and if you want follow the
example above. (Finalmente estamos aca, este es tu product final asi que
presta atención, escribe un párrafo de 40 a 60 palabras acerca de ti y tu
familia. Recuerda en usar todas las cosas que aprendimos en esta lección
y si tu deseas utiliza el ejemplo de arriba)
Hello, my name is_______________________________________



 Congratulations, you did a great job in this lesson, now please
answer this questions, it doesn’t matter if you do it in Spanish.
(Felicitaciones, tu hiciste un gran trabajo en esta lección, ahora
por favor contest alas siguientes preguntas, no importa si lo haces
en español)
- What did we learn? (¿Que aprendimos?
- Why is it important? (¿Por qué es importante?
- What was your favorite part? (¿Cuál fue tu parte


Autoría: Jose Gomez y Carlos Choquehuanca, Docentes COAR, Arequipa-Perú

1. Hello hola
2. Good bye adiós
3. Good friends buenos amigos
4. Yes, it is si
5. No, it is not no
6. Use usar
7. Dictionary diccionario
8. Find out averiguar
9. My name mi nombre
10. My age mi edad
11. Years old años de edad
12. I am yo soy
13. My country mi pais
14. I am from… yo soy de…
15. My family my familia
16. Me yo
17. My father mi padre
18. My mother mi madre
19. My brother mi hermano
20. My sister mi hermana
21. Draw dibujar
22. describe describir
23. study estudia
24. practice practica
Anexo 1
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Anexo 2
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