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Notes for Half Yearly Exam 2020

Class: II
Islamic Studies

Surah Al-Fatihah

* Bismillaahir-Ra‘hmaanir-Ra‘heem.
1. Al-‘hamdu lillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen.
2. Ar-Ra‘hmaanir-Ra‘heem.
3. Maaliki yawmiddeen.
4. Iyyaaka na‘budu, wa iyyaaka nasta‘een.
5. Ih-dinas-siraatal mustaqeem.
6. Siraatallazeena an-‘amta ‘alaihim.
7. Ghayril maghdoobi ‘alaihim, walad-daalleen.

Write the meaning of “Bismillaahir-Ra‘hmaanir-Ra‘heem”.

Meaning : “In the name of Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful”.

Fill in the blanks:

Bismillah is an Ayat of the Holy Qur‘an.It includes ‘Rahman’ and ‘Rahim’ (kind and
merciful) the two names of Allah.It gives us the Mercy of Allah. As a result, a work is
easily and nicely done if it is started with ‘Bismillah’.
Our Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (S A W) began every work saying ‘Bismillah’.
So to say ‘Bismillah’ at the beginning of every work is ‘Sunnat’ for us.

Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawa (A S)

Q1. Who is the first man of the world?

Ans: Hazrat Adam (A S) is the first man of the world.

Q2. Who is the first woman of the world?

Ans: Hazrat Hawa (A S) is the first woman of the world.

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