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Who Will Tell The People?

By Sheila Samples - Democratic Underground Page 1 of 4

Who Will Tell The People?

January 28, 2006
By Sheila Samples

And who will tell the people

that free speech is a ruse;
The corporations run the country
and then they make the news.
Is it media or mind control
heroic victories or crime?
Who will tell the people...
that we are living in these times.
~Song by David Rovics

In his essay on "Character" Ralph

Waldo Emerson wrote, "A chief event in life is the day in which we have
encountered a mind that startled us." I've had such days, many of them through
encounters with Emerson himself, but never have I been startled or even remotely
surprised by anything belched out by the Barbie and Ken assembly line of today's
corporate mind-control media.

George Orwell wrote that people who neither read nor ask questions will ultimately
lose all desire to question "Big Brother." What is so frightening as we descend into
the new world order fascism is not that we no longer read -- it's that we no longer
can read.

Researchers estimate as many as 30 million Americans -- many of them college

graduates -- cannot read. They're unable to comprehend news stories or even
instructions. They said they were "stunned," but could offer no explanation for the
steep drop in literacy. I don't know what's more depressing -- that Americans can't
read or, after studying the phenomenon, researchers lack the critical skills to
discern why.

Today, as in Orwell's 1984, the sound and fury of Big Brother's repetitive visual
stimuli has apparently crippled our ability to think critically. If it's not on television,
it isn't happening. Even then, we can't be sure of what is true until the paid TV
"analyst" or pundit with the biggest stash of "Newspeak" talking points wins the
debate. When there's no one left to tell the people the truth, Orwell said, "the
people will believe what the media tells them they believe."

I had almost come to the sad conclusion that Orwell was right when, late one
September night in 2004 as I was surfing for something "soothing" on the radio,
the door of my mind was unceremoniously bashed in and I was startled by...

"I'm pissed off -- and I'm Mike Malloy."

Malloy, clean-up guy for Air America Radio (10pm-1am), rode in on the strident
vibrations of Pink Floyd's Run Like Hell and, for the next three hours, relentlessly
hit both spineless Democrats and Republican "sonszabitches" with the truth about
the Bush crime family, pummelled them with the truth about spineless and
quivering democrats, bitch-slapped them with the truth about where we're headed 22.05.2009
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if we don't wake up, stand up and speak up...

Then, with a friendly and quiet "watch your back," he was gone. I just sat there,
grinning. Maybe we aren't doomed to slip-slide into fascist hell after all. By sheer
luck, I had stumbled across a guy with the ability to see the truth and the courage
to tell the people...

Who IS this guy?

Mike Malloy is the canary in the political coal mine -- the bane of the Bush
administration and of hypocrites of all stripes. He is a liberal gadfly whose light
shines so brightly on the truth that even Air America struggles to keep him hidden
under its late-night barrel. Far from being a "loose liberal cannon," Malloy has a
solid background of writing, reporting, editing and broadcasting. He is a former
news writer and editor for both CNN and CNN-international, and a former publisher
of Atlanta's Creative Loafing newspaper.

But it was in radio broadcasting in the 90's that Malloy literally came into his own.
Malloy has been named "One of the Heavy Hundred" three times by Talkers
Magazine, an honor given to only the top 100 radio talk show hosts out of more
than 4,000, of which all but a handful are right-wing blustering liars like Rush
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, et al.

Malloy has worked for WSB in Atlanta, WLS in Chicago and the now defunct I.E.
America Radio Network. So, some may ask -- if Malloy's so damn good, why did
WSB, WLS -- let him go? Why is Air America Radio afraid to stick him in prime time
so more people can hear the truth?

Because he is so damn good, that's why. Because the truth Malloy tells is raw,
straightforward, stripped of all spin -- every word shoved right in the faces of those
who have seized power to destroy the democratic safeguards of the U.S.
Constitution, to steal elections, to abandon society's most vulnerable, and to
slaughter their own citizens as a pretext for war. But even Air America knows that
not everybody can handle the truth, especially in prime time. Malloy can be heard
each night on Air America affiliate stations, the Internet, and on XM Satellite Radio,
Channel 167. Missed programs are available at the White Rose Society website.

Each night, Malloy exposes the Bush administration for what it is -- a murderous,
evil, lying, fascist regime. Each night, I am amazed that he has somehow managed
to slip through enemy lines yet again to shout truth to power. He asks no quarter,
and gives none, regardless of the consequences.

"I'm like a cork," Malloy says with a laugh, "You can't submerge me. You push me
down and I pop up somewhere else. That's a given." He's uncomfortable with
praise, and stresses often that he is there neither to educate nor entertain, but to
"get together" with sane people in the evening and talk about the insanity. "I'm not
arrogant enough to think I can educate you," he said. "I'm not that condescending,
not that patronizing. Take what you want from this program and run with it."

"Truthseekers" get a fast-moving mixture of music selected by Malloy's producer-

wife Kathy Bay, occasional interviews, self-incriminating audio clips straight from
the mouths of right-wing rat bastards, raisin brain politicians, simple Scotty
McClellan, and President Chuckle Nuts himself. Malloy encourages listeners to call
the show, although he warns Republicans they will get bounced if they start
slinging Rovian "flying monkey" talking points at him. Most Republican callers, 22.05.2009
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incapable of applying logic to the message, get their butts kicked off the air by the
messenger in about five seconds -- seven tops.

Like most progressives, Malloy is disillusioned with the state of the Democratic
Party, but maintains he will always be a "traditional" Democrat. Republicans accuse
him of being nothing but a "Bush basher" or a "left-wing nutcase," but Malloy's
late-night "Paul Revere" cry emanating from Air America comes straight from a
man who is angrily committed to ousting the criminals who are hell-bent on
destroying all that is good and decent not only in this country, but throughout the

Considering the wounds inflicted on this country in the last five years, Malloy has
concluded that the Republican Party is now the American Nazi Party, and most of
its members are vile deceivers.

"Republicans are liars, cheats, and sneaks; they are deceivers," he said. "They are
immoral, and they have no ethical structure whatsoever...If they are Republicans,
they are thugs. They have abondoned whatever moral sense they ever had, if any.
They support mass murder. They support the destruction of this country."

Malloy is not known for pulling punches when addressing the administration or the
Bush Crime Family either. "I hate you to the depths of my soul," he said. "I will
hate you when I'm dead. I will hate you a million years after I'm dead...My hate
will be a star in the firmament that will shine down on your Republican asses
forever. That's how deep my hatred is, because of what you're doing to this

A good way to end the day

Malloy is not alone. His counterparts at Air America are all conversant with history
and capable of critical thinking. Like Malloy, they struggle each day to tell the
people the truth about what the Bush administration is doing to this country.

Scores of books have been written pointing out that Bush has arrogantly placed
himself above the law and outside the constraints of the U.S. Constitution. He has
bestowed upon himself a god-like superiority to decide who deserves to live or die.
And Bush kills with malevolent, inhuman brutishness. Authors sound the alarm that
what happened in 1933 in Hitler's Germany and in Orwell's 1984 is descending
upon us today because we are losing the will to combat it. The Internet is
throbbing with articles on the same subject.

The vigilance required to preserve our freedoms is impossible when we're whipped
into submission by terror and convinced to give up a few freedoms we never use
anyway, such as questioning those who are waging war to protect us.

We are no longer vigilant. That's why Malloy and those like him are so important.
Over and over, Malloy tells the people that their continued silence will soon crush
all of us into a 1984 world so aptly described by Aristotle as being fit for "only the
gods and the beasts."

Malloy is a modern-day Tom Paine, who told the people in 1776 that the time had
come to break free from oppression. "Even brutes do not devour their young, nor
savages make war upon their own families," Paine wrote in Common Sense, his
little 47-page pamphlet that ultimately sparked a revolution and gave us our world.
But then, people could read back then... 22.05.2009
Who Will Tell The People? By Sheila Samples - Democratic Underground Page 4 of 4

It's time to take that world back. Last week, Malloy began reading to the people,
devoting a short six-minute segment of the show's second hour to Orwell's 1984.
He will read the book in its entirety, and has completed Chapter 1 and a portion of
Chapter 2. For those few chilling minutes each night Malloy transports us to London
and into the dreary world of "Big Brother," a world much like Bush is striving for
today -- constant surveillance and total obedience.

Malloy quietly records the slow, but steady eradication of individuality -- of

humanity itself -- through fear. The parallels are obvious. Now, as in 1984, in the
words of former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleisher, we must "watch what we
say; watch what we do" lest we be found guilty of the heinous offense of

Now, as in 1984, Malloy says there are three things we can take to the bank as
Bush's "truth." He encourages people to not only watch Bush's speeches for
amusement as he mangles the language while stammering and stumbling through
one photo Op after another -- but to listen to the words and phrases he repeats
endlessly. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. After we
accept that, the rest is easy...

Encountering Malloy may startle you; rock your world. You may even go to bed
screaming. But hey -- it's a good way to end the day.

Sheila Samples is an Oklahoma writer and a former civilian US Army Public

Information Officer. She is a regular contributor for a variety of Internet sites.
Contact her at:

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