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Dalton,unbeatenBengals PAGE C1

Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | and | Vol. 115, No. 28 | $1.50 xx Partly cloudy: High 78, Low 66

CITY | STATE ‘White coat hypertension’ targeted Turmoil

Sex felons’
Treatment recommended when stress have believed that patients cular event compared to
with white coat hyper- people with normal blood
residency of seeing doctor spikes blood pressure tension didn’t need to be
treated. But a study pub-
“Previous studies on
out 2 at
By Markian Hawryluk nomenon known as “white lished online Monday by white coat hypertension
coat hypertension,” after researchers at UT South- have shown conflicting
under fire Doctors long have the doctor’s traditional western Medical Center results,” said Dr. Wanpen

known that for certain pa- garb. When those patients in Dallas found that those Vongpatanasin, professor
Forty-six small cities tients, the stress of a doc- are tested at home, their patients may have twice of internal medicine at UT
in Texas are facing tor’s visit can cause a spike blood pressure is just fine. the risk of a heart attack, Southwestern and senior
a legal challenge in blood pressure — a phe- Traditionally, doctors stroke or other cardiovas- White coat continues on A12
to laws regulating
where registered ›› News from the Medical Center and beyond:
sex offenders can
live, the latest

Spots of color in the city

development in a
national trend to
relax limitations.
Page B1
President Tim Wolfe,
left, and Chancellor
NATION R. Bowen Loftin are
stepping aside.

Leaders resign
amid protests,
racial tension
By John Eligon and
Richard Pérez-Peña

Associated Press Months of student and
Starbucks says its faculty protests over ra-
cups are not really cial tensions and other is-
Christmas cups. sues that all but paralyzed
the University of Missouri
campus culminated Mon-
holiday cups day in an extraordinary
catching heat coup for the demonstra-
Coffee maker
tors, as the president
Starbucks has come
of the state’s university
under fire from some
system resigned and the
Christians who say
chancellor of the flagship
the company is
campus said he would
underselling Jesus
step down to a less promi-
on this year’s holiday
nent role at the end of the
cups. Page A2
The threat of a boycott
POLITICS by the Missouri football
team dealt the highest-
Peers dispute profile blow to President
Cuban stories Tim Wolfe and Chancel-
by Cruz’s father lor R. Bowen Loftin, but
The family narrative anger at the administra-
that has provided fire tion had been growing
to Ted Cruz’s cam- since August, when the
paign is, his father’s university said it would
former comrades stop paying for health
and friends say, an insurance for graduate
embroidered one. teaching assistants.
Page A2 It reversed course, but
not before the graduate
BUSINESS assistants held demon-
strations, threatened a
Homebuyers walkout, took the first
appear to be in steps toward forming a
waiting game union and joined forces
Sales of newly built with students demon-
homes in the area strating against racism.
were off sharply in Then the university
September, with the Elizabeth Conley / Houston Chronicle came under fire from
number of closings Studio owner Noah Quiles and artist Anat Ronen check out the second mural Ronen created on a Republicans for ties its
falling 27 percent. utility box in the Westchase District after the first was painted over by a graffiti abatement worker. medical schools and med-
Page D1 ical center had to Planned
By Mike Morris District-sanctioned produce nearly three dozen mini- Parenthood. The univer-
murals around the city. Even more sity severed those ties,
Anat Ronen painted the street art project first are planned for next year as part drawing criticism from
Westchase District’s first “mini- mistaken for graffiti of an effort aimed at fostering civic Democrats that it had
mural” last Thursday, turning pride through street art. caved in to political pres-
a gray electrical box at the corner of exuberant renderings of a frog, a “I just think that it’s complete- sure.
Richmond and Rogerdale into art. crocodile and a pelican on the traf- ly ironic that a piece of art, or a But it was charges of

e tra
Houston Chronicle
Westchase officials immediately fic box’s sides were redacted with mini-mural, was vandalized by persistent racism that,
took photos. Neighborhood beau- gray paint, leaving bits of marshy the people who stop vandalism,” Missouri continues on A6
tification in action. green and watery blue visible said Noah Quiles, owner of UP Art
Hours later, the municipally around the edges. Studio on Elysian Street north of More in Sports
sanctioned tableau was spotted It’s the only hiccup so far in a downtown, who first proposed ›› Brian T. Smith applauds
by the district’s graffiti abatement growing program that has paid the mini-mural idea. “I find it re- Missouri football players for
guy who, well, abated it. Ronen’s Ronen and other street artists to Mini-murals continues on A13 taking action. Page C1

Texas panel to probe SeaWorld

pulls plug
mental health needs on Shamu
SeaWorld is
The Best of By Brian M. Rosenthal the state’s biggest provider ending orca
Online: Why is a of treatment is the Harris shows at its
solar plant using AUSTIN — Texas County Jail. San Diego
natural gas — and spends less per capita on Now, state lawmakers park after
is that a bad thing? mental health care than are making their most de- visitors there
HoustonChronicle all but a couple of states in liberate effort in two de- complained,
.com/E-Edition the nation. Seventy per- cades to address the prob- but the killer-
Texans chat: John cent of Texas counties do lems. whale acts
McClain takes not have a single practicing House Speaker Joe will remain in
readers’ questions psychiatrist. Forty percent Straus on Monday formed San Antonio.
in a noon chat of children experiencing a special committee to “take Story on
at emotional, developmental a wide-ranging look at the page B2.
TexansChat or behavioral problems state’s behavioral health McClatchy-Tribune
do not get any help. And Mental continues on A6 News Service

Index @HoustonChron Houston Chronicle
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Comics. . . . . . E4 Editorials... B7 Markets..... D4 Sports....... C1 Houston’s Source for Breaking News Go to throughout the day for the latest
Crossword . E3 Horoscope. E4 Movies ...... E6 TV ............ E3 stories, photos and video from Houston’s No. 1 news site.
A2 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


Elder Cruz’s
Castro tales
questioned by
Cuban peers
Senator, father a 1959 article in The Daily
Texan, the student news-
defend accounts paper at the University of
of battle, actions Texas at Austin, which he
attended after fleeing to the
against regime United States, reported he
By Jason Horowitz had lost “half of his upper
NEW YORK TIMES denture” in the beatings.

MATANZAS, Cuba — Stories take turn

Since he was a boy, Sen. The reason Cruz was
Ted Cruz has said, all he arrested, however, is less
wanted to do was “fight for clear, and he has offered
liberty” — a yearning that different explanations. In
he says was first kindled an interview alongside his
Michael Stewart / The Meridian Star via Associated Press when he heard his father’s son in March, Cruz said he
Parking lot swallows 14 cars tales of fighting as a rebel had sought to recruit to the
Engineers are trying to determine what caused a drainage structure to collapse beneath the parking lot of a leader in Cuba in the 1950s, revolutionary cause some-
new restaurant, opening a gap that swallowed at least 14 vehicles in Meridian, Miss. Meridian Mayor Percy throwing firebombs, run- one who turned out to be
Bland said the city will hire engineers to assess the collapse. No one was hurt when the parking lot collapsed ning guns and surviving an informant working for
Saturday night at an IHOP restaurant that had opened four days earlier along Interstate 20. The collapse torture. Batista’s regime. The 1959
opened a hole 30 feet wide and 360 feet long that follows a culvert channeling water to a creek. Those stories, retold account, though, did not
by Cruz and by his father, mention any informant;
Rafael, have hooked Re- Rafael Cruz said then that

Starbucks holiday cups brew anger publican audiences and

given emotional power to
the message that the Texas
the authorities were alert-
ed to his involvement in the
resistance by another man,

by some for lacking Christian theme senator is pushing as a

contender for the party’s
presidential nomination.
who gave up only Cruz’s
name after Batista’s forces
beat it out of him.
WASHINGTON POST its red holiday-themed In their telling, the fa- Mario Martínez, who
cups last week — cups ther’s experience in Cuba Cruz confirmed was part
Some say Jesus Christ that, as the company made — when the country was of his small revolutionary
healed the sick and died to clear in a news release, are swept up by the charis- cell, said he did not recall
redeem humankind. Little not really Christmas cups. matic, young Fidel Castro, Cruz’s being apprehended
is said about his views on In many ways, the cups only to see him become for trying to recruit some-
the Pumpkin Spice Latte. seemed designed to be un- a Communist dictator — one and said he believed
Still, secular coffee mak- remarkable — unlike, say, becomes a parable for the that the cause of his old
er Starbucks has come un- the “Race Together” cups son’s nightmarish vision comrade’s detainment was
der fire from some Chris- the company tried to push of government overreach possession of a revolver —
tians who say the company in the wake of unrest in under President Barack one that Cruz had never
is underselling Jesus on its Ferguson, Mo., earlier this Obama. used.
this year’s holiday cups. year. But the family narrative Martínez declined to be
The problem? Political cor- Holiday cups have been that has provided such in- directly interviewed and
rectness, according to one a tradition at Starbucks spirational fire to Cruz’s relayed answers to ques-
evangelical. since 1997. The design “has speeches, debate perfor- tions posed by The New
“I think in the age of po- told a story of the holidays mances and a recently York Times about Cruz
litical correctness we be- by featuring symbols of the published memoir is, his through Arestuche. Ac-
come so open-minded our season from vintage orna- father’s Cuban contempo- cording to Martínez’s ac-
brains have literally fallen ments and hand-drawn raries say, an embroidered count, he and Cruz had
out of our head,” Joshua reindeer to modern vector- one. belonged to the youth
Feuerstein said in a widely illustrated characters,” ac- The elder Cruz, 76, re- brigade of Castro’s 26th
viewed anti-Starbucks cording to the company. calls a vivid moment at a of July Movement in their
rant on Facebook titled “We have anchored the watershed 1956 battle in hometown, Matanzas, but
“Starbucks REMOVED design with the classic Santiago de Cuba, when had done little besides join
CHRISTMAS from their Starbucks holiday red that he was with a hero of the in protest marches. They
cups because they hate Je- is bright and exciting,” Jef- revolution, Frank País, just never turned to violence,
sus.” “Do you realize that frey Fields, Starbucks vice hours before he was killed he said.
Starbucks wanted to take Karen Bleier / AFP president of design and in combat. The fog of almost 60
Christ and Christmas off These cups, debuted for the holidays by Starbucks content, said in a state- In fact, País was killed years can cloud even the
of their brand new cups? earlier this month, have come under fire by some ment. seven months later and in clearest of memories, and
That’s why they’re just who say they don’t emphasize Christmas enough. “This year’s design is a different place and man- it is possible that witnesses
plain red.” another way Starbucks is ner. who can back up Cruz’s ac-
Feuerstein, an Arizona- demanded that the silent WAYS KEEP CHRIST IN inviting customers to cre- count might exist and come
based evangelist and “so- majority bend its knee to a CHRISTMAS.” ate their own stories with A savage beating forward. But none of the
cial media personality,” vocal minority.” However, some com- a red cup that mimics a In interviews, Rafael Cuban historians, former
according to his website, Feuerstein’s message menters — a few claiming blank canvas,” the com- Cruz’s former comrades comrades of Cruz in his
had a plan. He didn’t want was quickly embraced by to be current or former pany said. Fields added: and friends disputed his hometown or veterans of
a boycott. He wanted a many. Posted on Thursday, Starbucks employees — “This year we wanted to description of his role in the Santiago battle reached
movement. his video had been viewed said that the company has usher in the holidays with the Cuban resistance. He by The Times could cor-
“It’s not just about a more than 11 million times never endorsed explicitly a purity of design that wel- was a teenager who wrote roborate his story.
cup,” he explained in an by early Monday. Christian messages.“I nor- comes all of our stories.” on walls and marched in
email. “The cup is symbol- Some supported the mally like your post but not A writer for the conser- the streets, they said — ‘No such confusion’
ic of a larger war against message. this one,” one commenter vative website Breitbart not a rebel leader running Approached in Mari-
Christianity in this coun- “Love it Joshua,” wrote. “Starbucks is try- wasn’t buying it. guns or blowing up build- etta, Ohio, on Oct. 13, be-
try. The policemen of po- one commenter wrote. ing to remain neutral and “You can see what’s ings. tween wooing campaign
litical correctness have “AMEN AMEN. I will AL- be culturally sensitive to going on here,” Raheem Leonor Arestuche, 79, a donors and headlining a
everyone by leaving them Kassam wrote, offering student leader in the ’50s Republican dinner, Cruz
blank. You are offended a detailed rundown of whom the Castro govern- was unable to provide the
that they don’t say Merry the history of Starbucks ment later hired to verify name of any participant
Christmas, but Jewish Christmas cups. “More the supposed exploits of from the Santiago assault.
people would be offended open? You mean, you’re revolutionary veterans, “I mean, we were scat-
if it only said that, not Hap- trying not to ‘offend’ any- said a term existed for peo- tered,” he said.

HkgjaYla[ 9jl`jalak py Hanukkah. So they are

leaving them blank so they
one. Frankly, the only
thing that can redeem
ple like Cruz — “ojalate-
ros,” or wishful thinkers.
Unlike some other
American presidential
5HVHDUFK 6WXG\ can’t offend anyone.”
Starbucks certainly
them from this whitewash-
ing of Christmas is to print
“People wishing and pray-
ing that Batista would fall,”
candidates, Ted Cruz re-
mains largely unknown
didn’t seem to anticipate Bible verses on their cups she said, “but not doing in Cuba, and most of the
this furor when it released next year.” much to act on it.” people interviewed for this
There is no question article had never heard of
3DLQIXO RU VZROOHQ MRLQWV" that Rafael Cruz, who is him. But the Cruz cam-
,WFK\ VFDO\ VNLQ" now a pastor and his son’s paign rejected those who
most effective and popular disputed Rafael Cruz’s ver-
<RX PD\ EH HOLJLEOH IRU D campaign surrogate, was sion of events as politically
UHVHDUFK VWXG\ EHLQJ A Hearst newspaper beaten in 1957 at the hands motivated.
FRQGXFWHG LQ RXU DUHD WR of agents for Fulgencio Ba- “To repeat statements
HYDOXDWH WKH VDIHW\ DQG Subscriber Services adjustment to the length of your billing tista, the Cuban dictator. from Communist officials
For subscription changes, billing period. Premium Issues scheduled in
inquiries, and delivery issues 2015/2016: June 25, 2015, September An old neighbor remem- in Castro’s Cuba regard-
PHGLFDWLRQ IRU WKH WUHDWPHQW Phone: 713-362-7211 or 888-220-7211 24, 2015, November 26, 2015, December bers soldiers bloodying the ing events from nearly 60
RI SVRULDWLF DUWKULWLV 3V$  M-F 5:30am-5:00pm 25, 2015, February 25, 2016, May 26, 18-year-old Cruz’s face and years ago as truth is irre-
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Website: 24, 2016 and December 25, 2016. driving off with him that sponsible reporting and
subscribe summer. Cruz gives a har- simply has no basis in
Postmaster rowing account of soldiers truth,” Catherine Frazier,
Subscription offers: Send address changes to The Houston
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beating him over three or a campaign spokeswoman,
,Q RUGHU WR TXDOLI\ \RX PXVW • Wednesday-Sunday: $7.00 a week TX 77002. Periodicals postage paid at four days, stomping on the said in a statement. “For
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IRU DW OHDVW  PRQWKV a week Chronicle Publishing Co. his son’s book shows him Pastor Rafael Cruz, there
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Lawyer: No threats as officers killed boy

Police body camera officers’ bail during a hearing he
held inside the jail after refusing
shows child’s dad media requests to open the pro-
with his hands up ceedings. No transcripts were
made available, and the judge
By Michael Kunzelman later issued a sweeping gag order
and Rebecca Santana prohibiting anyone involved in
ASSOCIATED PRESS the case, including potential wit-
nesses and victims, from provid-
MARKSVILLE, La. — A po- ing information to the media.
lice body camera recorded the Investigators have not suggest-
father of a 6-year-old autistic boy ed that race is a factor in the shoot-
with his hands up and posing no ing. Booking records describe the
threat as police fired into his car, officers as African-American;
severely wounding the motorist no available records describe the
and killing his son, the man’s law- race of the father and son.
yer said Monday. Stafford is a Marksville police
“This was not a threatening sit- lieutenant; Greenhouse is a city
uation for the police,” said Mark marshal. Both were on marshal
Jeansonne, an attorney for Chris duty Tuesday night. Initial re-
Few, who remained hospitalized ports suggested they were trying
and could not attend Monday’s to serve Few with a warrant when
funeral of his son, Jeremy Mardis. he fled onto a dead-end road and
Derrick Stafford, 32, of Man- then reversed his car in their di-
sura, and Norris Greenhouse Jr., Eli Baylis / Hattiesburg American via Associated Press rection at about 9:30 p.m.
23, of Marksville, were ordered Pallbearers carry the casket of 6-year-old Jeremy Mardis to the grave site Monday at Beaumont But Edmonson said there was
held on $1 million bail Monday Cemetery. Jeremy’s father, Chris Few, remained hospitalized and could not attend the funeral. no evidence of a warrant, nor any
on second-degree murder and at- gun at the scene.
tempted second-degree murder Col. Mike Edmonson, said Fri- as of midday that his son is dead, assistant prosecutor for District The officers were moved from
charges, Jeansonne said. day that “it’s the most disturbing Jeansonne said. His stepfather, Attorney Charles A. Riddle, who the jail in Marksville to a lockup
The lawyer said he hasn’t seen thing I’ve seen — and I will leave Morris German, said last week recused himself from the case on in the central Louisiana city of
the video himself, but its contents it at that.” that Few had bullet fragments in Monday, calling it “not good for Alexandria after Monday’s bond
were described during the hear- Few’s condition was improving his brain and lung. any of us.” hearing, for reasons no one would
ing. Louisiana’s state police chief, Monday, but he had not been told Greenhouse is the son of a top Judge William Bennett set the explain, citing the gag order.

4 things to watch for in 4th Republican presidential debate

By David Lightman heard about them the more campaign officials to seek former Florida governor, Tuesday on his history risk for Rubio and Carson,
they appeared to like. changes in the format. kept tumbling after his with Mannatech, a nutri- too. They need to show
MILWAUKEE — Ben This debate will have a They couldn’t agree, and wan challenge to Rubio, a tional supplements firm, they have what it takes to
Carson and Marco Rubio, different look. The main the format’s not changing. U.S. senator from Florida. as well as dealings with stand up to world lead-
trying mightily to survive stage’s eight contenders The two-hour debate Since then, Rubio’s faced the U.S. Military Academy, ers, but first they have to
and thrive in the unrelent- in the year’s fourth GOP at the Milwaukee Theatre questions about using a and just how violent he show they can stand up to
ing spotlight surging pres- debate is the smallest yet, will start at 8 p.m. CST. Republican Party credit may have been as a teen- Trump.
idential candidates must as Chris Christie, the gov- Moderators will include card for personal expens- ager. Can anyone new break
endure, face a huge new ernor of New Jersey, and Fox Business Network’s es while in the Florida Will Trump be bom- out of the pack?
test at Tuesday’s Republi- Mike Huckabee, the for- Neil Cavuto and Maria legislature. Saturday, his bastic or reasonable? Cruz is the best bet.
can debate. mer governor of Arkansas, Bartiromo and Wall Street campaign released an ac- The real estate mogul The poll found the more
Donald Trump and Ted failed to qualify. They’ll Journal editor-in-chief Ge- counting of the expenses, toned down his rhetoric a majority of Republicans
Cruz also are in for a cru- join Rick Santorum, a rard Baker. The undercard and chances are Rubio will at the last debate. But in see of the senator from
cial night, while the rest of former U.S. senator from will run for an hour start- be armed with pointed re- recent media and cam- Texas, the more they like
the field is fading fast. Pennsylvania, and Bobby ing at 6 p.m. CST. sponses to any critic. Can paign appearances he’s him. Earlier bids to be dis-
The latest McClatchy- Jindal, governor of Louisi- Here are four questions he stay cool when defend- berated his rivals. Rubio, tinctive haven’t worked.
Marist Poll finds Carson ana, in an earlier debate. for the main debate: ing himself? Trump said, is “a disas- Former executive Carly
slightly ahead nationally, The debate’s focus is Can Rubio take more Can Carson keep ter with his credit cards.” Fiorina was the star of the
Trump close, Rubio climb- supposed to be the econ- hits? cool? After a new national poll September debate, but her
ing and Cruz not too far be- omy. That also was billed His surge to prominence The retired neurosur- last week showed Carson momentum fizzled. John
hind. The stakes are high as the topic of the last one, last month began with his geon has been tackling ahead, Trump told Fox Kasich, the governor of
for national newcomers which at times became a passionate, pointed debate questions about his per- News, “Ben can’t do the Ohio, went on the attack at
Carson, Rubio and Cruz, free-for-all. The furor over defense of his Senate vot- sonal background and job.” Trump has to be more last month’s debate, but it
because the more people the debate’s tone prompted ing record. Jeb Bush, the views. He could be grilled statesmanlike, but there’s a didn’t help.


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A6 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x


Missouri football team dealt major blow

Missouri from page A1 was immediate and substantial saying he would not eat again un- ficials said that just forfeiting the February 2010 to July 2013, where
for us to heal,” Wolfe said. til Wolfe was gone. team’s game Saturday against he was especially popular.
time and again, sparked the Protesters formed an encamp- Brigham Young University would He worked the crowd at the
strongest reactions, along with New initiatives announced ment on a campus plaza and cost the university $1 million. The 80,000-fan stadium at Aggies
complaints that the administra- As the resignations of Wolfe stayed there around the clock. A team is 4-5 and in danger of not games and took photos with stu-
tion did not take the problem seri- and Loftin were announced, the coalition of Jewish groups told being invited to a bowl game. dents calling out to “Dr. Loftin”
ously enough. Board of Curators unveiled a slate Loftin that they were “dismayed” “That got the attention of the as he roamed the campus.
Wolfe, 57, was hired in 2012 of new initiatives to address ra- by his lack of action after a swas- alumni and the board, along with He enjoyed a particular wave
from the corporate world, not aca- cial tensions on campus, includ- tika was drawn on a dormitory a substantial penalty they would of popularity after moving the
demia, an outsider brought in to ing hiring a diversity, inclusion wall. Deans of nine of the schools have been facing,” said U.S. Rep. Aggies football program to the
cut costs in the four-campus sys- and equity officer for the entire on the Columbia campus called William Lacy Clay, a Democrat Southeastern Conference.
tem. That was no recipe for popu- University of Missouri system. for Loftin’s removal. who represents part of the St. Before leading A&M, Loftin
larity, but the last three months The university also will provide On Monday, the student gov- Louis area. “That would have worked as a research associate at
left him particularly isolated. additional support to students, ernment demanded Wolfe’s oust- been a disaster for their recruit- NASA, chaired the department
He announced his resigna- faculty and staff members who er, and much of the faculty sent ing of black athletes and of black of computer science and led a re-
tion just before a meeting of the experience discrimination; create word to students that classes were students to the university.” search institute in NASA virtual
university’s governing body, the a task force to create plans for im- canceled for two days, in favor of a Not everyone was pleased with environments at the University of
Board of Curators, amid specula- proving diversity and inclusion; teach-in focused on race relations. the resignations. Dudley Mc- Houston.
tion that it might try to oust him. and require diversity and inclu- But it was the football team Carter, a former president of the He left his top role at A&M
Wolfe said he took responsibil- sion training for all faculty, staff that may have dealt the fatal blow university’s alumni group, said to direct an academic institute
ity for the anger and frustration members and incoming students. to the university’s leaders, when that alumni, in calls and emails focused on homeland defense
on campus, asserting that conver- Officials said Loftin, who came players announced on Saturday on Monday, had expressed disap- in the university’s engineer-
sations with community leaders, to Missouri from Texas A&M in that they would refuse to play as pointment in Wolfe’s decision. ing college, he said at the time,
students, faculty, donors and oth- 2013, would remain at the univer- long as the president remained in “They feel like he was backed but chose to head to Columbia
ers led him to his decision, more sity in a research role. office, and their head coach, Gary into a corner and was made a after the opportunity to lead
than just the football players’ Opposition to the administra- Pinkel, said he supported them. scapegoat for things he didn’t do,” another prominent public uni-
threatened boycott. tion reached a crescendo in the The prospect of a strike by a McCarter said. versity was too good to pass up.
“What was starting to become last week. A graduate student, team belonging to the country’s
clear was the frustration and an- Jonathan Butler, who was a veter- most dominant football league, Loftin was popular at A&M Houston Chronicle staff writer
ger was evident, and it was some- an of the Ferguson protests, held the Southeastern Conference, Loftin, a native Texan, was the Emma Hinchliffe contributed
thing that needed to be done that a highly publicized hunger strike, drew national attention, and of- president of Texas A&M from to this report.

Mental health care in Texas called ‘terrible’

providing wraparound treatment
and reducing incarceration rates
for those with mental illness.
ah Davis, all of Houston, will be ly improve the state’s ranking. About 200 of the 254 counties in The Assertive Community
Mental from page A1 among the 13 members. The consequences include few- the state are federally designated Treatment team in Travis County
The announcement came as er community programs to iden- as Mental Health Professional is well-regarded, as is a special
system for children and adults.” welcome news to mental health tify and treat those suffering from Shortage Areas, which means court for residents with mental
The House Select Commit- advocates and providers, many of mental illness, less money avail- there are more than 30,000 people illness in Bexar County and one
tee on Mental Health will study whom expressed optimism while able for training of psychiatric per psychiatric professional, a ra- for veterans in Harris County.
mental health care, as well as also noting the long way the state professionals and others such as tio experts say is problematic. Lawmakers also have in-
substance abuse treatment, rec- has to go. public school officials, lower rates According to the advocacy creased spending on mental
ommend ways to improve early for potential Medicaid providers group Mental Health America, health by about $200 million an-
identification and treatment, and 49th in spending — which lowers the number of just 36 percent of Texas adults nually over the past few years,
increase collaboration and mea- Sue Adams, a spokeswoman providers willing to accept Med- with mental illness receive help drastically reducing waiting lists
surement of outcomes. Straus or- for the Tarrant County branch of icaid — and fewer state hospital — 44th in the nation. For kids, for services, among other moves.
dered the committee to pay partic- the National Alliance on Mental beds for those in crisis. the estimate of 40 percent is from This year, the extra funding
ular attention to services in rural Illness, summed up the state of The Chronicle has reported Kaiser. targeted access by increasing
parts of the state and for veterans Texas mental health care in one that by some estimates, Harris As a result, the state’s criminal medical student residency slots
and the homeless. word: “Terrible.” County should have one-third justice system has become the big- in Texas and paying off student
“We owe it to taxpayers to make First, there is the issue of state more psychiatric beds, and one gest provider of psychiatric treat- loans for psychiatric profession-
sure the system is as effective and spending. Texas spends about of the county’s biggest psychiatric ment. Around 76,000 people with als who choose to practice in un-
efficient as possible,” Straus, R- $900 million on mental health hospitals closed suddenly in July. mental illness were arrested in der-served areas.
San Antonio, said in a statement care. The state placed 49th in per Texas also has the highest rate Texas for minor crimes last year, John Hawkins, a lobbyist for
announcing the committee. capita mental health spending in of residents without health insur- according to the Texas Depart- the Texas Hospital Association,
Republican Four Price of Am- a recent ranking by the national ance in the nation, reducing the ment of State Health Services. said officials have recognized that
arillo will chair the committee, nonprofit Kaiser Family Foun- number of those who can seek “behavioral health care is not a
with Democrat Joe Moody of El dation. That was based on 2010 help before reaching a crisis. Innovation can be found political issue.”
Paso as the vice chair. Democrats funding, but a Houston Chronicle There also are not enough pro- There are some bright spots:
Garnet Coleman and Senfronia analysis last year found that the viders to help those who can seek Texas has launched several in-
Thompson and Republican Sar- latest numbers would only slight- out help, especially in rural areas. novative pilot programs aimed at

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xx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | A7


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A8 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


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xx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | A9

Cautious victory for Myanmar democracy
Suu Kyi party ahead from winning the presidency.
The constitution bans parties
in early returns, but from selecting a presidential can-
challenges remain didate who has foreign kin, such
as Suu Kyi’s two sons, who hold
By Stuart Leavenworth British passports.
TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Despite that provision, Suu
Kyi vowed during her campaign
YANGON, Myanmar — Po- that, if the NLD triumphed, she
litical pundits urged the masses would be the de facto leader of
not to rush to conclusions about the country, serving “above the
Sunday’s election in Myanmar. president,” as she stated in a
But at Aung San Suu Kyi’s head- news conference last week. Ana-
quarters on Monday, people were lysts say that pledge was at least
ready to get the party started. partly designed to persuade vot-
Leaders of Suu Kyi’s National ers that their vote would put her
League for Democracy said Mon- in power, as opposed to a lesser-
day they were winning precincts known presidential candidate
in convincing fashion in early the National League for Democ-
counts. Most of those were in racy would name later.
central Myanmar and especially The strategy may have
in Yangon, the former Burmese worked. An estimated 80 per-
capital known widely as Ran- cent of Myanmar’s 30 million
goon. registered voters turned out at
As those results were an- the polls, and many made clear
nounced, Suu Kyi’s supporters they were only voting because of
started dancing on the sidewalks Mark Baker / Associated Press “Mother Suu” — Aung San Suu
and into the street, creating a Supporters of Myanmar’s National League for Democracy party cheer as election results are Kyi.
scene more reminiscent of Rio de posted Monday outside the NLD headquarters in Yangon. On Monday evening, Suu
Janeiro than Yangon, where qui- Kyi’s party announced it had
et, humble Buddhist monks walk civil society group called Paung contested general election in 25 ceed. won 44 of Yangon’s 45 seats in
the streets in their maroon robes. Ku who was amid the throng at years in Myanmar, which the Military leaders have long the lower house of Parliament. It
The celebration continued until a NLD headquarters on Monday military ruled for decades and feared Suu Kyi taking the reins also claimed that it had won all 12
heavy rainstorm drove partiers afternoon. “Everyone is aware where it still remains very much of power and diminishing their seats of Yangon’s seats in the up-
to cover. there are many challenges ahead a force. Suu Kyi’s supporters see influence, including control of per house.
“It is time to celebrate, but (for Suu Kyi) with the handover this election as their chance to key businesses in Myanmar. As There also were signs Suu
with a cautious celebration,” of power.” abandon that history, but it re- a result, they designed a 2008 Kyi’s party was doing unexpect-
said Kwah Thu Aung, leader of a Sunday’s election was the first mains to be seen if they can suc- constitution that would keep her edly well in remote ethnic areas.

Judge OKs $21 million for abuse victims in Milwaukee archdiocese

By Greg Moore The plan confirmed by turned the corner in the gust, includes some of the mittee, said he didn’t like said all claims have been
ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. Bankruptcy Judge history of the archdiocese.” smallest per-victim pay- the classification plan for investigated, and reforms
Susan Kelley splits most of At several points as he ments — a heavily criti- abuse victims, and that “in have been put in place to
MILWAUKEE — A re- the money among 355 peo- spoke, however, a packed cized aspect of the deal. a lot of ways, I think I failed prevent future abuses.
organization plan for Mil- ple. Another category of gallery of victims and ad- Several victims have you.” The agreement follows
waukee’s Roman Catholic 104 victims will get about vocates coughed, groaned said they wished settle- Still, he didn’t object to a yearslong process that
archdiocese that will dis- $2,000 each. There also are and even quietly booed. ment amounts had been the deal negotiated among revealed the scope of the
tribute $21 million to hun- provisions for victims to A dozen Catholic dio- larger and that they want- the archdiocese, the credi- Milwaukee archdiocese’s
dreds of clergy sex-abuse receive counseling. ceses nationwide have filed ed to see a deeper investi- tors’ committee and attor- involvement in the clergy
victims won approval Shortly before the deal for bankruptcy in the past gation of abuse claims to neys for abuse survivors. sex abuse scandal. The
Monday from a federal was approved, Archbishop decade over abuse claims make sure no one remains After the hearing he de- church made sweeping
bankruptcy judge, bring- Jerome Listecki addressed in a widespread scandal at risk. clined to elaborate on what reforms meant to stop mo-
ing a measure of closure to the court and repeated his that rocked the church. In court Monday, he wished had gone differ- lesters and help victims,
a long-running and emo- apology to victims as well Milwaukee’s settlement, Charles Linneman, chair- ently. including a pledge to oust
tional case. as his hope that “we have announced in early Au- man of the creditors’ com- Church lawyers have abusers.



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A10 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x

Courage in a time of crisis NATION | WORLD

2015 Óscar Romero Award
Ceremony and Celebration of
Human Rights Obama, Netanyahu seek to move
Honoring Miriam Miranda and
Berta Cáceres, Indigenous
Honduran Activists
past ‘disagreement’ on Iran deal
Thursday, November 12, 7pm Leaders eyeing
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‘common ground’
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DOYOU OR YOUR Minister Benjamin Ne-
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year. “But we don’t have a ar deal, did not mention the Netanyahu said. rael. The agreement ex-
disagreement on the need accord during a short ap- “I want to make it clear pires in 2017, but Obama
to making sure Iran does pearance, in which the two that we have not given up said he wanted to get a
not get a nuclear weapon, leaders did not take any our hope for peace — we’ll “head start” on renegoti-
and we don’t have a dis- questions from reporters. never give up our hope for ating it.
agreement about us blunt- But he had warm words peace,” Netanyahu added. “Israel has shouldered
ing destabilizing activities for the president and said “And I remain committed a tremendous defense
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/wolfminimaze risks exposing ISIS allies to backlash
By David D. Kirkpatrick some analysts said, risked
NEW YORK TIMES a broad backlash against
the Islamic State itself.
CAIRO — Within If the militants in the
months of the military Sinai found an inside man
takeover here two years who could help bring down
WATCHES ago, a little-known group
calling itself Ansar Beit al-
a Russia-bound jet, “did
the ISIS guys in Syria say,
Maqdis managed to pen- ‘Sure, why not? The more
etrate rings of checkpoints enemies the merrier?’”
and heavy security to carry asked William McCants,
out a string of startling at- a researcher at the Brook-
tacks. ings Institution and the
They were inside jobs. author of “The ISIS Apoca-
Now the same group, op- lypse,” a study of the group.
erating as the Sinai Prov- Ahmed Abd El-Latif / Associated Press “Or are they just celebrat-
ince of the Islamic State, Russian passengers enter the Sharm el-Sheikh ing it after the fact, so they
is the prime suspect in yet Airport on Monday in south Sinai, Egypt, where don’t look out of the loop on
another inside job: British Airbus executives said they were confident of their such a major attack?”
and U.S. officials say they safety after a jet crashed on Oct. 31, killing all aboard. No group acting in the
believe it increasingly like- Islamic State’s name has
We also want to be ly that the group planted a Sheikh, Egypt, killing all But the group has eagerly ever bombed a civilian air-

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2 Americans among 5 dead Losing your HEARING

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ASSOCIATED PRESS a turbulent region.
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Jordanian police captain Police Training Center in ity, said eight people died
opened fire Monday on Amman, where Jordanian in the attack, but Momani

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White coat hypertension

raises heart disease risk
HOUSES! White coat from page A1

author of the study. “Many

in the medical community
have viewed it as a benign
sion, and 1 in 50 for people
with sustained high blood
After accounting for
other risk factors, having
blood pressure monitoring
is definitely a worthwhile
People can lower blood
pressure through lifestyle


condition. But our research either white coat or masked changes such as diet or ex-
suggests that white coat hypertension doubled a ercise, reducing alcohol
hypertension is associated patient’s risk of an adverse and tobacco use, or taking
with an increase in heart cardiac event. blood pressure medica-


and vascular disease.” “Actually more surpris- tions. But after lifestyle
Results of the study take ing was that the prevalence changes, Zoghbi’s number
on added significance with of masked hypertension is one recommendation for
the release of another blood 18 percent,” Vongpatanasin patients with suspected or
pressure study Monday said. “That’s almost one out diagnosed high blood pres-
suggesting patients would of five adults in the com- sure is to get a blood pres-
benefit if doctors used a munity, and they would not sure monitor at home.
• No Need To Make Repairs lower target for ideal blood
pressure. About 30 percent
know it unless they tested
their blood pressure at
“If we don’t measure
blood pressure in differ-
of Americans have high home.” ent situations, at home

• We Can Close Quickly blood pressure, although

many have never been di-
agnosed. It is the primary
Someone might have
higher blood pressure at
home than in a clinical set-
and otherwise, we’re really
completely in the dark as
to whether blood pressure
cause or a contributing fac- ting, Vongpatanasin said, control is good ... and what
• All Cash Buyers tor in some 362,000 deaths
in the U.S. each year.
due to changes in behaviors
in the days leading up to a
you need to do about it.”

doctor’s appointment. ‘Really tricky’

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The UT researchers
“Before you go to the
dentist, you brush your
Doctors at Kelsey-Sey-
bold Clinic in Houston
tracked some 3,000 people teeth a little more,” Vong- started using 24-hour blood
Obligation Consultation who had their blood pres-
sure taken both at home
patanasin said. “With high
blood pressure, it might
pressure monitoring devic-
es in 2012 to get a better idea
and in a doctor’s office from not be well-controlled be- of which patients needed
2000 to 2002 as part of the cause they don’t always eat treatment.
Dallas Heart Study, follow- healthfully or exercise, or “High blood pressure

ing up with them between take the medicine consis- is a really tricky disease to
2007 and 2009. The study tently. But right before the treat,” said Dr. Jonathan
also considered the reverse doctor’s appointment, they Aliota, a cardiologist with
effect, known as masked do (all the right things) and the clinic. “It’s up and down
hypertension, when pa- take the medicine regularly moment to moment during
tients had normal blood so that the doctor thinks ev- the day. It’s up with salt. It’s
pressure at the doctor’s of- erything is fine.” up with stress. It’s down
fice but high at home. While white coat hyper- with caffeine. It’s down
The researchers found tension is well-known, it’s with sleep. … What does
about 12 percent of the pa- unclear why such patients that one point in time really
tients had high blood pres- might be at higher risk even mean to you?”
sure in both settings, 3.3 when their blood pressures “I think it’s a very strong
percent had white coat hy- at home seem normal. study, and it does suggest
pertension and 18 percent “It may tell us something that when you see white
had masked hypertension. about the reaction of their coat hypertension, you do
Seven years later, about body to stress, and conceiv- need to look one step fur-
one in 300 patients with ably, people who have more ther,” Aliota said. “You’re
normal blood pressure had stress in their lives could getting a signal; the signal
experienced a cardiovascu- sustain higher blood pres- is saying the blood pres-
lar event such as a heart at- sures than others,” said Dr. sure is abnormally high.
tack or stroke. Those events William Zoghbi, director Sure, it may be anxiety, or
were more frequent among of cardiovascular imaging it could be anxiety on top
Each franchise office is those with any high blood at the Houston Method- of an underlying condition
© pressure readings — about ist DeBakey Heart & Vas- that needs to be evaluated.”
individually owned and operated.
1 in 100 for those with white cular Center. “I think the
DN-SPAD0720153135 coat or masked hyperten- message is clear that home

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Mini-murals inspiring R E A L E S TAT E

neighborhood pride Retirement in Reverse:

Mini-murals from page A1 The marsh scene was and it was focused inside
Better read this if you are
ally funny.”
More than a dozen art-
the seventh mini-mural
for Ronen, an Israeli who
came to Houston to work
the Loop, and there was
really no civic art outside
of the Loop,” Green said,
62 or older and still making
ists have painted 34 utility
boxes to date, most of them
in real estate and became
a painter six years ago.
noting the vast majority of
his district is outside Loop mortgage payments.
in City Councilman Larry She also has painted a 250- 610. “I saw it as an inexpen-
Green’s District K in the foot mural at Blackshear sive way to bring art into an
southwest. Another 52 are
planned next year in Dis-
Elementary School, an
armadillo in the East End
area but also a way to instill
civic pride.” More than 1 million
trict K, in the area around
Hobby Airport, and in
at Polk and St. Emanuel,
and contributed to the mu- ‘Civic pride’
seniors have taken
Westchase, Midtown and
the East End.
ral series promoting the
Houston Zoo’s new gorilla
Quiles, whose studio
handles the program’s lo-
advantage of this
Houston has 2,400 traf-
fic control boxes, plenty of
“When this started, I
gistics so artists have only
to paint, initially was con-
“retirement secret.”
8-foot-by-4-foot canvases was kind of skeptical be- cerned that Ronen’s work
to go around. Each mu- cause I was like, it’s so tiny, had been tampered with
ral costs $2,500, $1,000 of how much of a difference by another street artist,
Americans are living longer. “I now have paid off my credit
which goes to the artist. would it make? But it does one disgruntled enough Home values are up. And for cards and have money in the
a lot,” she said. “It’s just a to break all conventions of many senior citizens, their home bank and still have my home.”
An honest mistake sparkle of color in the cor- underground art and tag is their single biggest asset,
Louis Jullien, who co- ner of your eye, and it really another’s work. His first - Margaret Tennant, Summerfield, NC
ordinated the mural for makes a difference.” emotion upon learning it
often accounting for more than
Westchase, offered a sim- Linda Scurlock, who had been mistaken for graf- 50% of their net worth. older to get the cash they need
ple explanation for the lives in Green’s District K fiti was not anger, he said, With the cost of basic necessities to enjoy their retirement,” notes
snafu: The district’s graf- and leads the South Hous- but relief.
fiti abatement employee ton Concerned Citizens “The streets generally such as food on the rise, it’s no Thompson.
hadn’t heard about the Coalition, said the program tend to police themselves. wonder why more and more Although today’s HECM reverse
project because he works dovetails with residents’ ef- If a piece of art is created, seniors are using HECM reverse mortgages have been greatly
part time and doesn’t at- forts to plant trees and keep you’re not to ruin it unless mortgages to turn their home improved to provide greater
tend staff meetings. abandoned lots mowed. you mean to deface it, and
“It was an honest mis- She also likes that the when one defaces it, one equity into extra cash for protection for homeowners,
take. Our public safety murals near Madison and can be ostracized from the retirement. there are still a lot of
director called him and Westbury high schools street art or the art commu-
he said, ‘Wow, these graf- display a marlin and a hus- nity,” Quiles said. However, there are still millions misconceptions. For example,
fiti artists are getting really ky, the schools’ respective “It’s a true affront to an of homeowners who could many people mistakenly believe
good,’ ” Jullien said, recall- mascots. individual and organiza- benefit from this FHA-insured the home must be paid off in full
ing the graffiti staffer’s re- “It brings some value to tion. That’s why I was tre- loan but may simply not be in order to qualify for a reverse
action to the mural. “But the neighborhood, some mendously relieved, be-
it also speaks to how good beautification. Everybody cause our mission is civic aware of this “retirement secret,” mortgage, which is not the case.
he is at his job because it has noticed them,” Scur- pride through civic art.” notes Former U.S. Senator Fred One key benefit of a reverse
wasn’t up for more than lock said. “Out here in Hi- As a painter and not a Thompson. mortgage is that it automatically
24 hours. Even going back, ram Clarke, we’re cleaning graffiti artist, as well as old-
if we had a little sit-down it up and greening it up, so er than many of the young “You know, some people have pays off your existing mortgage,
and were like, ‘OK, who anything that can help us men drawn to the field, told me that reverse mortgages which frees up cash flow, a huge
needs to be aware of this?’ look better, we appreciate Ronen said she couldn’t sound too good to be true. You blessing for those on a fixed
I still don’t think we would
have thought of him to say,
Green said he pursued
imagine who would have a
“beef” with her.
get cash out of your home, no income.
‘Hey, don’t paint over the the program in his district “It was a great relief that monthly payments, and you still Unfortunately, many homeowners
artwork.’ ” in part for beautification it wasn’t anything politi- own your home,” says Senator who could benefit from a reverse
Jullien said he hopes to and in part for economic cal,” she said. Thompson. mortgagedon’tevenbothertoget
commission another 10 development, to spur re- Still, she liked her origi-
mini-murals next year at newed interest in the area. nal version more than the NO MONTHLY MORTGAGE more information due to rumors
similarly busy intersec- “Prior to the mini-mural second attempt, which she PAYMENTS? EXTRA CASH?
* they’ve heard. That’s a shame
tions; Richmond and Rog- project, District K only had finished Sunday. because reverse mortgages are
erdale, right outside Belt- two pieces of civic art. And It’s true, no monthly mortgage helping many seniors live a better
way 8, sees an estimated so I would see all this arts payments are required with life.
40,000 cars per day. funding around the city, a reverse mortgage; the
homeowners only have to pay A recent survey by American
for maintenance, property taxes, Advisors Group (AAG), the
homeowner’s insurance and, nation’s number one reverse
if required, their mortgage lender, found that
HOA fees. 96% of their clients were satisfied
with their reverse mortgages.
In fact, reverse
mortgages took If you’re a homeowner age 62
hold when presi- or older, you owe it to yourself
dent Ronald Rea- to learn more. You may be
,Q  3UHVLGHQW gan signed the pleasantly surprised by what
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The Supreme Court Polling places

has made it harder open to all take the
to sue police for confusion out of
using deadly force. voting.
Page B2 Page B7

Houston Chronicle @HoustonChron Houston Chronicle | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | and Section B xxx

Pasadena ISD teen gets $60K settlement

Student — who was severely bruised by school officer and attempted to hand- Cesar “It hurt. It hurt to the
cuff him. Suquet claimed Suquet Jr. point that I couldn’t feel
using metal nightstick — had requested up to $1 million he never heard commands was struck it anymore,” the teen said
from the officer but turned at least 18 at a news conference with
By Cindy George Cesar Suquet Jr. was As he was escorted out to see Y’Barbo swinging a times by his parents in February
16 in May 2014 when he of the building by Pasa- metal nightstick. the officer’s to discuss the civil rights
A teen who was severely went to the principal’s of- dena Independent School The teen was struck at nightstick. lawsuit, which claimed
bruised in a “brutal and fice at South Houston High District officer Michael least 18 times, including the beating was unconsti-
excessive” nightstick at- School to retrieve his cell- Y’Barbo and an assistant nine blows while he was Suquet’s parents that night tutional and requested up
tack by a Pasadena ISD phone, which had been principal, the teen uttered on the ground. The beating document bruises and to $1 million in damages.
school resource officer has confiscated earlier that day. profanity. was recorded on school cuts as well as swelling on “I mean, he wasn’t gonna
settled his federal lawsuit His request was declined Y’Barbo told the student surveillance cameras. the back of the boy’s arms, stop, and I was getting
for $60,000. and he was told to leave. that he was under arrest Photographs taken by legs, elbow and neck. District continues on B3

›› Read more about the case leading up to this decision at

Obama Sex felon

plan hits housing
more rules
hurdles disputed
Appeals court Group fighting
backs block on small cities’
immigration order restrictions
By Kevin McGill By Mike Ward
AUSTIN — Forty-six
President Barack small cities across Texas
Obama’s plan to protect are facing a new legal
from deportation an es- challenge to their ordi-
timated 5 million people nances regulating where
living in the United States registered sex offenders
illegally suffered another can live, the latest devel-
setback Monday in a rul- opment in a national trend
ing from a New Orleans- to relax residency limita-
based federal appeals tions that opponents say
court. create more problems
In a 2-1 decision, the with ex-convicts than
5th U.S. Circuit Court of they solve.
Appeals upheld a Texas- On Monday, Texas
based federal judge’s Voices for Reason and
injunction blocking the Justice, a statewide crim-
administration’s immi- inal-justice advocacy
gration initiative. group, announced it has
Republicans had criti- ”initiated action to com-
cized the plan as an illegal pel, through litigation
executive overreach when if necessary,” the repeal
Obama announced it last of the ordinances in so-
November. Twenty-six called “general law” cities
states challenged the plan — those with populations
in court. of 5,000 or less. Houston-
The administration area cities include Brazo-
argued that the execu- ria in Brazoria County,
tive branch was within its Clear Lake Shores in
rights in deciding to defer Harris County, El Lago
deportation of selected and Jamaica Beach, both
groups of immigrants, in Galveston County, and
including children who Meadows Place in Fort
were brought to the U.S. Bend County.
illegally. Similar ordinances ex-
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott James Nielsen / Houston Chronicle ist in hundreds of larger
praised the ruling. A different kind of pitch at Minute Maid “home rule” Texas cities,
“President Obama Workers use a large crane Monday to install the cricket pitch at Minute Maid Park for Wednesday’s which officials say have
should abandon his law- Cricket All-Stars Series 2015 match. Two teams, comprising 28 retired superstar players from eight the legal authority to
Ruling continues on B5 countries, will compete in the second-most popular sport in the world. enforce them. Nonethe-
less, several larger cities
already face litigation on
the issue, on that grounds

Carnegie Vanguard may lose its sports teams that residency restrictions
violate the U.S. Constitu-
By Ericka Mellon pendent School District UIL teams. At the other ›› In another part of Houston, parents play charter Mary Sue Molnar, the
is considering stripping campuses, such as De- school lottery: group’s executive director,
Although Carnegie Carnegie of its teams that Bakey High School for said the small cities “are
Vanguard High School is play in the University In- Health Professions and attempting to justify vio-
known for its elite academ- terscholastic League. The the Mickey Leland College statement that said no de- take place as early as Fri- lating the Texas Constitu-
ics, parents and students league governs competi- Preparatory Academy for cisions had been made re- day and should be open to tion by relying on a uni-
are urging Houston ISD tive high school sports in Young Men, interested garding athletic changes. the public, Huffman said. versally discredited myth
officials to keep UIL sports Texas. students have to play for It said a committee of high “HISD is working to that residency restrictions
at the campus, saying the Carnegie, a magnet the neighborhood school school principals, includ- address inconsistencies will actually improve pub-
athletic opportunities bol- school for gifted students, to which they are zoned. ing the leader of Carnegie, related to non-compre- lic safety.
ster a top-notch education. is HISD’s only specialty HISD spokeswoman was expected to discuss hensive high school partic- “We know from expe-
The Houston Inde- high school with its own Holly Huffman released a the issue. A meeting could Carnegie continues on B5 Restrictions continues on B3

Bushes appear
at A&M for Local arrest tied
to judge shooting
book launch
Former first lady
Barbara Bush
acknowledges the crowd By Mike Glenn terest” in the shooting of
Monday during an event Judge Julie Kocurek.
at the Bush Presidential Police have made an ar- She was last listed in
Library at Texas A&M rest in Houston of a per- stable condition at an Aus-
University to launch Jon son in connection with the tin hospital.
Meacham’s latest book, shooting Friday of a state The judge was shot
“Destiny and Power: The district judge in Austin, Friday night in the drive-
American Odyssey of authorities confirmed late way of her home in west
George Herbert Walker Monday. Austin. Although other
Bush.” The biography of “The arrest was for un- people were with her, Ko-
the 41st president, who related charges,” Austin curek was the only person
also made the trip out police said in a statement. who was struck by gun-
to College Station, will Because of their ongo- fire, Austin police said
be released nationwide ing investigation, Austin during a news conference
Tuesday. police declined to make after the shooting.
any other comments Citing local law en-
about the person in cus- forcement officials, the
tody whom they have Austin American-States-
David J. Phillip / Associated Press deemed a “person of in- Judge continues on B2
B2 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x

CITY | STATE Editor, • @TonyFreemantle Houston Chronicle

High court gives police more immunity

Justices rule officers of the doubt in such cases always sue in federal court and allege a His family sued, and a federal said of the wisdom of Mullenix’s
goes to the police officer who sees violation of the Fourth Amend- judge ruled the case could go to a choice, this court’s precedents do
may use deadly force a potentially dangerous situation. ment’s ban on unreasonable jury to decide whether Mullenix’s not place the conclusion that he
during car chases The court has “never found the searches and seizures. actions were “reckless,” or rea- acted unreasonably in these cir-
use of deadly force in connection The case decided Monday be- sonable under the circumstances. cumstances beyond debate.”
By David G. Savage with a dangerous car chase to gan when a man in Tulia fled from The 5th Circuit Court in a 2-1 de- Sotomayor said the court “ren-
TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE violate the Fourth Amendment,” a drive-in restaurant when police cision agreed and said the officer ders the protections of the 4th
the justices said in an unsigned 12- tried to arrest him. He was be- was not entitled to immunity. Amendment hollow” by sanc-
WASHINGTON — The Su- page opinion. lieved to be drunk and carrying a That decision was upheld by a tioning the officer’s “rogue con-
preme Court made it harder Mon- In dissent, Justice Sonia So- gun. He led officers on a chase that 9-6 vote of the full appeals court. duct.” She noted he had not been
day to sue police for using deadly tomayor faulted the majority for reached 110 mph. trained in shooting at a fleeing
force against fleeing suspects, rul- “sanctioning a ‘shoot first, think Texas state Trooper Chadrin ‘Rogue conduct’ car and was told not to shoot be-
ing that officers are immune from later’ approach to policing.” Mullenix heard about the chase Texas state attorneys appealed, fore the vehicle encountered the
lawsuits unless it is “beyond de- over his radio and drove to a spot and after considering the cases for spikes across the highway.
bate” that a shooting was unjusti- 110-mph chase where officers were putting a at least six weeks, the high court “When Mullenix confronted
fied and clearly unreasonable. The court’s decision comes at strip of spikes across the highway ruled in Mullenix v. Luna that the his superior officer after the
By an 8-1 vote, the justices a time of growing concern over to puncture the tires of the fleeing officer was immune from being shooting, his first words were,
tossed out an excessive force suit police shootings, including the car. He had been criticized for not sued. ‘How’s that for proactive?’ ” she
against a Texas police officer who shooting last week of a 6-year- reacting decisively in the past, and “By the time Mullenix fired, wrote. “The glib comment seems
ignored his supervisor’s warning old Louisiana boy who was in the he decided on his own to shoot at Leija has led police on a 25-mile to me revealing of the culture this
and took a high-powered rifle to back seat of his father’s car. the fleeing car. chase at extremely high speeds, court’s decision supports when
a highway overpass to shoot at The two officers in that case His commander advised him was reportedly intoxicated, had it calls it reasonable — or even
an approaching car. The officer have been arrested on suspicion to “stand by” and “see if the spikes twice threatened to shoot offi- reasonably reasonable — to use
said he hoped to stop the car but of murder. work first.” But Mullenix fired six cers and was racing towards an deadly force for no discernible
instead shot and killed the driver. In cases where officers are not shots and killed the driver, Israel officer’s location,” the court said. gain and over a supervisor’s ex-
The high court said the benefit prosecuted, families sometimes Leija Jr. “Ultimately, whatever can be press order to ‘stand by.’ ”

Broken water main floods street

Watchdogs ask
House to suspend
privately paid trips
By Kevin Diaz “Recent embarassing
revelations about trips
Citing revelations about by Members and staff of
an all-expenses-paid trip
the U.S. House ... from
to Azerbaijan by Texas
lawmakers and others, both parties highlight
a group of congressional the failure of current
watchdog organizations is travel rules to protect
asking new House Speak- the integrity of the
er Paul Ryan to suspend House.”
privately-financed foreign Letter sent by watchdog groups
trips until new rules are
put in place.
“Recent embarrassing Jackson Lee and Ruben
revelations about trips by Hinojosa, as well as two
Members and staff of the Republicans from Texas,
U.S. House of Represen- Ted Poe and Steve Stock-
tatives from both parties man.
highlight the failure of cur- The Ethics Committee
rent travel rules to protect ruled in July that while the
the integrity of the House,” funding for the trip might
Cody Duty / Houston Chronicle the groups said in a two- have been improper, the
Water stands in the eastbound lanes of Beechnut Street just before Fondren Road after a water main broke page letter to Ryan. “Until lawmakers involved ap-
early Monday near Houston Baptist University. the American public can pear to have been misled
have confidence that the about the true source of the
House rules and prac- funding.

11 teens held in alleged crime ring tices adequately disclose

who is paying for their
elected Representatives’
Congressional investi-
gators said they would re-
fer the matter to the Justice
By Emma Hinchliffe juvenile, six 18-year-olds, bane and Michael Hughes. Investigators with pre- foreign travel and protect Department to determine
four 19-year-olds and the One suspect, 18-year- cincts 4 and 5 of the Har- against special interests whether Houston busi-
Eleven teenagers and 21-year-old. The charges old Daniel Lopez, remains ris County Constable read gaining inappropriate ac- nessman Kemal Oksuz
one 21-year-old had the included engaging in orga- at large, and investigators thousands of pages of text cess to Members and staff and other “third parties”
idea this summer to steal nized crime, theft of fire- expect to find more indi- messages and sent out sev- through these trips related involved in arranging the
from cars and houses in arms, burglary of a habita- viduals associated with eral search warrants over a to Members’ official du- travel engaged in a “crimi-
the Fairfield area and resell tion, burglary of a motor the group. The crimes took four-month investigation ties, all privately-financed nal conspiracy to lie to
the stolen goods, including vehicle, failure to stop and place near where some, but that led to the arrests. One foreign trips should be Congress.”
TVs and guns, for cash. give information, aggra- not all, of the suspects live. suspect who was arrested halted.” The groups called on
Their crimes became in- vated assault, possession of The group resold the after fleeing the scene of an The letter was sent on Ryan to create a biparti-
creasingly violent and in- a controlled substance and items they stole, online accident told officers about Thursday by the Cam- san task force to study the
cluded aggravated assault tampering with evidence. and in parking lots. They the ring, prompting the in- paign Legal Center, Com- problem.
and a drive-by shooting didn’t look for anything in vestigation. mon Cause, Democracy 21 “The amount of pri-
until they were arrested Not gang-related particular in the burglar- and the League of Women vately-sponsored travel,
this weekend as an orga- The 11 adult suspects ies, many of which were of ‘Crime will diminish’ voters, among others. once slashed by the Hon-
nized crime ring, Harris whose names and charges unlocked cars or homes. Herman said his office The moratorium request est Leadership and Open
County Precinct 4 Consta- have been released are held Investigators are not will run a data analysis follows the decision by the Government Act (HLO-
ble Mark Herman said at a on bail up to $20,000 on the certain how those involved of these and other area House Ethics Committee GA) to one-third its previ-
news conference Monday charge of engaging in or- knew each other, but many crimes and expects that to clear lawmakers who ous levels, is again rising
afternoon. ganized crime. Some sus- are friends and some are burglaries will decrease participated in a 2013 trip to near the level of the Jack
The 12 members of the pects are held without bail. related. Some of the young now that this group has to an energy conference in Abramoff travel junket
alleged teen organized The eight male and three suspects are enrolled in been broken up. Azerbaijan that appears to era,” the groups asserted.
crime ring were tied to at female suspects are: Raul school, although Herman “When you take this have been funded by that Ryan’s office said that
least 74 burglaries to cars, Behena, Victor Behena, would not specify where. many people off the street, nation’s state oil company as of Monday he had not
11 burglaries to homes, two Jasmine Dubec, Anthony Herman said investigators your crime will diminish in through a pair of Houston responded to the groups’
aggravated robberies, one Burrus, Brian Hernandez, did not think the ring was that area,” Herman said. nonprofit groups. demand.
aggravated assault and one Darian Weinberg, Eliza- gang-related and that the Among those who took
auto theft. beth Mendez, Isaiah Johns, group did not seem to have part in the conference were
The arrests included one Miguel Mujica, Sami Cha- a hierarchy. Texas Democrats Sheila

SeaWorld tries to overhaul State District

Judge Julie

image by revamping parks

shown in
March 2014,
By Richard Webner tomer feedback, it is ending sharks, Manby said. It will hospitalized
SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS its theatrical orca show in turn its parks “inside out” Monday night
San Diego next year. In- to give visitors a look at in stable
SAN ANTONIO — Sea- stead, it will showcase the employees taking care of condition at
World Entertainment plans orcas in “natural settings” animals. an Austin
to shake off its troubles and displaying “natural be- Park employees soon hospital.
by overhauling its public haviors” with a strong con- will be known as “animal
image and building up its servation message, execu- ambassadors” and will
parks, including the one tives said. No changes are in wear nametags with state-
on San Antonio’s west side, store for orca shows in San ments such as “I protect Laura Skelding /
where attendance has de- Antonio and Orlando. penguins,” executives said. Austin American-
clined in recent months. In a webcast to investors, They will sometimes lead Statesman via AP
Company executives CEO and President Joel season pass holders on vol-
Monday unveiled a road-
map to “stabilize and grow”
the company by, among
Manby said he wants Sea-
World to be thought of as
a “brand with a purpose,”
unteer excursions such as
rescue operations.
The Humane Society re-
Judge likely was targeted
other things, developing such as Whole Foods Mar- sponded to SeaWorld’s an- Judge from page B1 in the well-to-do neigh- could be considered a
resorts in San Antonio and ket and Tom’s Shoes, which nouncement by criticizing borhood reported hearing threat. Perry called his
the other two cities where it donates a pair of shoes to a the company for not ending man said Kocurek prob- gunfire about 10 p.m. but prosecution “a farce” that
has water parks. needy child for every pur- the orca shows in San Anto- ably was targeted by the couldn’t see anything be- “will be revealed for what
The roadmap also tar- chase a customer makes. nio and Orlando. gunman in retaliation for cause it was so dark. it is, and those responsible
gets SeaWorld’s public im- “I don’t see any reason “We urge SeaWorld to a case with which she had Police responded and will be held accountable.”
age, which was tarnished in why SeaWorld can’t be one make its pledge more explic- been involved. swarmed the area near According to the Aus-
2013 when the “Blackfish” of those brands,” he said. “I it and to phase out orca acts Kocurek is a former Lake Austin, searching tin American-Statesman,
documentary criticized its knowwearen’ttheretoday.I at all of its facilities, to end prosecutor who was ap- both in the air and on the Kocurek said at the time:
treatment of killer whales. know we have a ways to go.” its breeding program, and pointed to the bench in ground for any signs of the “I have a duty to make sure
The company suffered The company will be to work with us on a plan to 1999 by then-Gov. George assailant. that our members of the
from negative publicity more aggressive in touting put the orcas in suitable en- W. Bush. She was later In 2014, Kocurek made grand jury are protected. I
during a recent legal battle its animal rescue programs vironments,” the nonprofit elected in her own right to headlines suggesting that am defending the integrity
in California over its ability and will make more of an said in a news release. the Austin-based court as comments made by then- of our grand jury system.”
to breed whales. effort to educate visitors a Republican but switched Gov. Rick Perry following
On Monday, SeaWorld about the plight of ani- parties in 2006. his indictment on accusa-
said that in response to cus- mals such as cheetahs and Some people who live tions of abuse of power
xx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | B3


Muslim groups
raise eyebrow
at jail sentence
By Dane Schiller attack, but also questioned the
Two national Muslim groups “Terrorism is terrorism — re-
are questioning the sentence giv- gardless of where it happens and
en to a Katy man who planned to who commits it — it should be
launch an “American Insurgent responded to by equal measure
Movement” by spraying a mosque across the board,” said Ahmed,
with gunfire, as well as rob an ar- whose group has staff in Wash-
mored car and kill a state trooper ington, D.C. and Los Angeles.
before heading to Washington to When Talbot was arrested in
unleash more bloodshed. 2014 by a Houston-based Joint
Robert James Talbot recently Terrorism Task Force, he alleg-
was sentenced in Houston to just edly wanted to attack a mosque
under seven years by U.S. District during a prayer session when it
Judge Ewing Werlein Jr. Prosecu- would be most crowded.
tors asked he get 20. As the FBI monitored Talbot,
“It sends the message that the it quietly inserted undercover
Melissa Phillip / Houston Chronicle file penalty will depend on who you agents and civilian informants
Guadalupe Suquet and her son, Cesar Jr., confer with attorney Mark Montgomery, right, on Jan. 15 target and who you are,” Ibra- into his life.
about the photos showing Cesar’s injuries from being beaten by a Pasadena ISD school resource him Hooper, a spokesman for the One posed as an oil platform
officer. The officer used a metal nightstick to strike Cesar at least 18 times. Council on American-Islamic Re- worker who could get explosives
lations, said Monday. and another pretended to have

District makes ‘quick settlement’ “In this case, Muslims were

targeted and the perpetrator
was not Muslim,” said Hooper,
contacts in another militia move-
Talbot allegedly spelled out
District from page B1 as part of discovery, the footage Montgomery said, adding that he whose group is a Washington, his plans, which included send-
was under a federal nondisclo- is still waiting for prosecutors to D.C.-based civil rights and ad- ing “that White House worth-
ready for the worst. I didn’t know sure agreement, Montgomery present the case to a grand jury. vocacy organization. “If it would less piece of dirt and his Muslim
what was going to happen.’’ said, but could have been pre- Jeff McShan, a spokesman have been reversed, the outcome brotherhood a message they will
Guadalupe and Cesar Suquet sented in open court to a jury. for the Harris County District would have been much different.” never forget,” according to an af-
Sr. sued the district and the offi- After the incident, Suquet Jr. Attorney’s Office, confirmed Talbot’s lawyer, Winifred fidavit used to file charges against
cer on behalf of their son because left Pasadena ISD for another that grand jurors have not had Akins Pastorini, said Talbot had him.
he was a minor. The teen turned school district but still felt un- an opportunity to consider the mental health issues, apologized Talbot is accused of telling the
18 this summer. safe. He decided to pursue his incident for potential criminal for his actions and was trying to undercover agents he needed to
Suquet Jr. will split a $60,000 GED and go to community col- charges because there are “other get better. rob banks and armored cars for
payout, which was covered by lege. cases ahead of it.” Talbot, 39, didn’t conspire with funds to buy bigger weapons.
a Pasadena ISD insurance pol- “Even though he had switched Unlike some other excessive an army of supporters but with There was also a personal score
icy, with his legal counselors school districts, he still felt like force settlements, the terms did undercover government agents to settle for Talbot, who said he
— Houston criminal and family he was looking over his shoulder not include changes to Pasadena who got close to him to make a wanted to kill a Texas state troop-
lawyer Mark Montgomery and a lot,” Montgomery said. ISD police training or policies. case, she said. er who arrested him in January
Pearland attorney J. Scott Siscoe, Another filmed case of school “As far as I know, they haven’t “I was so impressed with Judge for driving under the influence,
both retired Houston Police De- police excessive force sparked by changed anything in regards to Werlein’s compassion for some- and set a trap for more officers.
partment lieutenants. a cellphone controversy made our lawsuit,” Montgomery said. one who is showing he was not Hooper, of the Council on
“It was a quick settlement,” headlines last month. A South A Pasadena ISD spokeswom- himself when this happened; and American-Islamic Relations, said
Montgomery said before offer- Carolina officer was fired for an did not respond to several re- nobody was injured; and he is do- the sentence wasn’t suitable given
ing his opinion of why the claim yanking a teen girl out of her quests for comment on the settle- ing everything in his power to get the allegations.
was resolved swiftly before trial: chair and tossing her across a ment. A call to the school district help,” she said. “It seems the prosecutors were
“I think they were worried that classroom after she refused to police department about the em- “Here is a man who said, ‘I doing their job and the FBI was
the videotape might get out. ... I stop using her mobile device. A ployment status of Y’Barbo has was not in my right mind. There doing its job,” he said. “You’d have
would imagine we would have 10-second tussle before she was not been returned. were issues I didn’t even know I to ask the judge why he felt six
gotten more money if the tape cuffed was captured on video by U.S. District Judge David had that caused me to think crazy and a half years was an appropri-
would have been released be- several other students. Hittner signed a final order dis- thoughts.’” ate sentence for someone plotting
cause the media pressure would “Basically, (Y’Barbo) struck missing the case on Nov. 2. Rabiah Ahmed, spokeswom- a massacre.”
have been so damaging to the po- Mr. Suquet about 20 times in 20 an for the Muslim Public Af-
lice department.” seconds with a metal baton. I fairs Council, commended law
Entered into the court record think our case was a little uglier,” enforcement for preventing an

Restrictions called ineffective

Restrictions from page B1 ›› Read our series on sex offenders at
rience in other states that
residency restrictions do is considering a repeal of a tor for the national Right on
absolutely nothing to make related ordinance after a Crime Initiative and direc-
children safer, that they separate challenge. tor of the Austin-based
have forced thousands of Pasadena, the largest city Center for Effective Justice
registrants into homeless- in Harris County outside of at the conservative Texas
ness, that they have forced Houston, recently was sued Public Policy Foundation,
entire families to relocate, for its ordinance, which op- said extensive academic re-
and that they have wasted ponents say limits almost search has shown that resi-
an enormous amount of any registered sex offender dency requirements do not
public resources that could from living there, court fil- reduce recidivism among
have been appropriately ings show. Another case is registered sex offenders,
expended elsewhere,” she pending against Lewisville, but “no one wants sex of-
said. just northwest of Dallas. fenders living near them so
For the smaller commu- Under current law, Texas these ordinances are popu-
nities, the new issue centers has no statewide residency lar.”
on a 2007 ruling by then- restriction for registered
Attorney General Greg Ab- sex offenders, even though Laws struck down
bott that determined that, county probation and state William Habern, a
under state statute, general parole rules require that Houston attorney who has
law cities cannot enact lo- they do not live within represented ex-offenders
cal ordinances that regu- specified distances from who have challenged local
late where registered sex schools, parks, day care residency ordinances, said
offenders can live. Most of centers and other sites Texas has “a patchwork of
those smaller cities enacted considered “child safety laws that varies from place
those ordinances since the zones.” Instead, cities and to place.”
ruling, said Richard Glad- local police jurisdictions He said the issue is sig-
den, a Denton attorney who have enacted their own nificant but seldom chal-
sent the notice on behalf of rules, with distance zones lenged in court “because
the advocacy group. ranging from 500 to 3,000 the white-shoe law firms
feet. don’t want to represent sex
Support for ordinances “It renders registered sex offenders, and the offend-
Bennett Sandlin, execu- offenders like illegal aliens ers have no money to pro-
tive director of the Texas in many places because tect their rights.”
Municipal League that they can’t live anywhere, Conroe lawyer Scott
represents cities’ interests even with their families,” Pawgan said he challenged
in Austin, disputed the Gladden said. “There’s nev- the Pasadena ordinance
groups’ legal claim. er been any study that we because it “effectively pro-
“Many of the city attor- can find that shows these hibits any registered sex
neys for our member cities ordinances make children offenders from living in
believe that there are nu- safer, and more than 60 the city,” because it is inter-
merous provisions in the studies from prominent preted to cover all neigh-
Local Government Code criminologists that show borhood. Pawgan’s client,
that permit general law cit- the opposite, that there are who formerly was held in
ies to enact basic health and significant adverse effects.” the state’s civil commitment
safety rules, which would Other states have faced program for sex offend-
include sex offender dis- the same issue. In August, ers, had been approved by
tance requirements,” he the Massachusetts Su- state officials to move to his
said. “We would certainly preme Court struck down mother’s home last sum-
argue in support of those that state’s residency laws mer, but could not because
cities should the issue ever concerning registered sex she lived in Pasadena, he
go up on appeal to a court.” offenders, comparing them said.
He said his organization to internment camps for Instead, he said, the man
supports passage of a law to Japanese-Americans dur- was forced to buy a home in
clarify the right of cities to ing World War II. Houston, where no such
regulate where registered Last February, New residency restrictions ex-
sex offenders can live. Two York’s high court ruled that ist. Because of that, he said
similar bills failed to pass communities could not en- his lawsuit soon will be
the Legislature earlier this act laws restricting where dropped, but the issue re-
year. registered sex offenders mains.
Krum, a city near Den- can live. Such residency re- Pasadena officials could
ton, already has been sued strictions have been struck not be reached for com-
and has asked Texas’ 2nd down in Pennsylvania, and ment.
Court of Appeals to allow it recently were loosened in
to keep its ordinance intact. California.
Alvarado, near Fort Worth, Marc Levin, policy direc-
B4 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x

Amonett, Kristy Daro, Johnnie

life tributes
Hurlbut, OB Logan, Robert McGeorge, Roy Webre, Arnold
Bonner, John Espinosa, Rudolph Jetton, Suzanne Madden, Clovis Pagoni, Beatrice
Boucher, Jack Harvey, Chicilla Lara Gonzalez, Carlos Mamou, Jacqueline Walsh, Sister Audrey

Kristy Nace amoNett RobeRt Ralph logan

1971-2015 1930-2015
Kristy Nace Amonett, 44,
of Ottawa Hills, Ohio passed Robert Ralph Logan was period.
away peacefully on Sunday born March 16,1930 on On February 22, 2008, he
evening, surrounded by a small cotton farm near was recognized as a Distin-
family, following a courageous Farmersville, Texas and guished Army ROTC Alum-
two-year battle with cancer. joined our Lord November 7, nus of New Mexico State
The beloved daughter of 2015. He was the sixteenth University, and inducted into
Lyn (Brody) Nace and John child to Newt Logan and the the Army ROTC Alumni
Nace of Beaver, Pennsylvania, eighth child to Louie Roberts Honor Company, the highest
Kristy was born on June 27, Logan. award given to a graduate.
1971 in Rochester, Pennsylva- He attended the traditional Following service he spent
nia. She graduated from Bea- Pius X Parish in Toledo.. one room (two rooms by one year with General Mills
ver Area High School, where Friends and family closing a folding partition) as a Junior Executive Trainee,
she was valedictorian, and remember her fondly for her school before it consolidated followed by a year in sales.
went on to Princeton Univer- competitive spirit, devotion with the Farmersville Public He then spent 12 years as a
sity where she graduated with to her Catholic faith and love School System where he was field man and district sales
President of his 1947 gradu- manager with CIT Corpora- is listed in Marquis Who’s Son Steven & wife Mary of
an AB in Psychology. There of family.
ating high school class. He tion, Industrial Finance. He Who in Finance and Industry Houston, and their children
she was on the novice crew She is survived by husband
was the place kicker and right then joined Chemical Bank in in 1977/1978. He was a Garrett and Clare.
team that won 1991 Eastern John, daughters Morgan, Abi-
end on the football team. Houston as a Vice President member of the Memorial He is also survived by his
Sprints and was a member of gail and Lucie, son Zachary,
He was self-supported, in charge of lending. Dan church of Christ since 1966. brother Ed Logan of Caddo
Pi Beta Phi. It was there that parents, Lyn and John Nace,
sometimes working two jobs, Mahoney was President and Bob was an entrepreneur, Mills, Texas; sisters-in-law
she met her future husband, brothers Jon Nace of Roches-
through most of his college W. E. Dyche, Jr. was Chair- part time rancher, author, Edwina Logan of Terrell,
John Amonett. ter, PA, Michael Nace (Sandy)
years despite dealing with man of the Board. One year patriot, caring Christian Texas and Darlene Blagowshy
After graduation she of Tega Cay, SC, Patrick Nace
a life threating illness that later Bob was promoted to husband, father, grandfather of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and nu-
worked at the National Insti- (Frauke Frahm) of Sewickley,
ravaged his body, until the Executive Vice President and and great-grandfather. He merous nieces and nephews.
tutes of Health in Bethesda, PA and nieces Franziska and
end of his junior year when Advisory Director, and fifteen was trustworthy, decent, and Remembrances may be
Maryland for two years and Gwendolyn Nace of Sewickley,
modern science developed a months thereafter was made compassionate by nature but made to Memorial Church of
then enrolled at the Univer- PA. She is the daughter-in-
cure. Notwithstanding, he President of the first of three tough minded when neces- Christ Building Fund, Echo
sity of California, Davis for a law of Tom Amonett (Clair)
completed one years’ study Houston Banks he helped sary. Early hardships and a Lane, Houston Texas; or “In
Ph.D. in Neuroscience. It was and Judy Amonett, both of
in the school of engineer- organized under the aus- common background, built a Search of the Lords Way”,
during this that she and John Houston, TX.
ing, two years in business pices of W. E. Dyche, Jr. and strong desire to excel, helped Box 371 Edmond, Oklahoma;
began dating and married in Visitation will be at the
administration and he earned Governor Allan Shivers. He shape an uncommon man or a charity of your choice.
1999. Walker Funeral Home at
a Bachelor of Science degree served as founding President of high honor and integrity Visitation will be
In 2000 Kristy began the 5155 W. Sylvania Ave. (west
in Agriculture from New & CEO of Peoples National whose accomplishments were Wednesday, November 11th
vocation that would be her of Corey Rd.), Toledo, on
Mexico A & M, now New Bank of Spring Branch, extraordinary. Nonetheless, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at
life’s work as the couple wel- Thursday, November 12,
Mexico State University. He Interim Chairman of the he would tell you that his Memorial Oaks Funeral
comed the first of their four 2015 from 2:00 PM - 8:00
was a Distinguished Military Board of Heritage National greatest credits were his won- Home, 13001 Katy Freeway,
children, daughter Morgan, PM concluded with a prayer
Graduate, Cadet Lt. Colonel Bank of Spring Branch, and derful marriage to Shirley Houston, Texas 77079. A
followed by Abigail, Zach- service and remembrances at
and commander of the Corps Chairman, President & CEO and having the respect and private family entombment
ary and Lucie. Kristy and 8:00 PM. A Requiem funeral
Army Battalion his senior of Park National Bank of love of the families of their will occur Thursday, Novem-
her family lived in a number Mass will be held at 10:00
year. Following graduation, Houston. He also served as three sons, each of whose ac- ber 12th at 10:00 a.m. with
of cities, most memorably AM on Friday, November 13,
he completed advanced of- a consultant to Allied Bank of complishments exceeded his. an 11:30 memorial service
Melbourne, Australia, before 2015 at St. Adalbert Church
ficer training at Ft Benning, Texas and Vice Chairman of He is survived by Shir- for friends and loved ones to
settling in Ottawa Hills in at 3233 LaGrange St., Toledo.
Georgia, and then served Allied Memorial Bank. He ley, his loving wife of 64 follow at Memorial Church
2008. There, Kristy was ac- Graveside services will take
on the Regimental staff as a retired at ages 48 and 55 and years; son Michael & wife of Christ, 900 Echo Lane,
tive in a number of commu- place at 3:00 p.m., Saturday,
trainee instructor at Ft. Riley, devoted his remaining years Susan, their son Jason and Houston, Texas 77024.
nity organizations, including November 14, 2015 at Beaver
Kansas before assignment to to his dear family and man- wife Laura, son Josh and
the Ottawa Hills Moms Club, Cemetery in Beaver, PA.
the 40th Infantry Division aging the family interest. wife Anne Marie, and their
Green Bear Ball and as a In lieu of flowers, contribu-
in Korea as a Rifle Platoon He was active in church, children Anna Leigh and
volunteer at Ottawa Hills tions may be made in Kristy’s
Leader. His loving wife, civic and community affairs Alex, all of Houston; Son, Dr.
Elementary School. She and honor to The Victory Center
Shirley and newborn baby and served as President of Scott Logan, wife Janet, of
her family are members of St. of Toledo or Heartbeat of
son Michael stayed with her the Spring Branch-Memorial Huntsville, Texas, and their
parents during this trying Chamber of Commerce. He children Kinsey and husband
Jon Dulaney, and son Kirby;
Jack cofer Boucher
1926-2015 Johnnie Pete Daro Carlos lara Gonzalez
Jack Boucher was born 1922-2015
on February 12, 1926 in 1934-2015
Johnnie Pete Daro
Waco, Texas. He grew up
of League City passed away
in Longview, Texas and
on Thursday, November 5,
served his country in the
2015 in Webster, Texas at the
United States Army from
age of 93. He was born on
1944 to 1946. He pursued
March 14, 1922 in League
his education and graduated
City, Texas to Pete and
from the University of Texas,
Carolina Daro. Johnnie was
Austin in 1950. A few years
a vegetable farmer in League
later, he started is career
Brenda Boucher and grand City his entire life and was the
with General American Life
nieces and nephews Allison last of the originally settled
Insurance Company of St. Bilotta Finke (Mike), Linda
Boucher, Matthew Boucher, vegetable farmers in Galves-
Louis. He became a mortgage Bilotta Liechty (Tom); and
Max Boucher, Julia Boucher, ton County. He was known as
lender and later became the many loving great-nieces and
Rebecca Graham Mason and the “Cantaloupe Man”. During
District Manager in Texas. great-nephews, family and
long time friend, Terry Moore. World War II from 1942 to Carlos Lara Gonzalez was Castro (Ralph) and German
Mr. Boucher loved his work friends.
Graveside services will be 1945, Johnnie served in the born on September 6, 1934, Lara, grandchildren Juan
and made numerous friends The family will receive rela-
at Memorial Oaks Cemetery, 5th Army 349th Infantry in Linares, Nuevo Leon, and Carlos Castro (Summer),
and later retired from the tives and friends on Wednes-
13001 Katy Freeway, Hous- 88th Division under General made his journey to heaven Erica Castro, Mitchell Barton,
company in 1993. day, November 11, 2015 at
ton, Texas 77079, Saturday Mark Clark. Being very fluent on Saturday, November 7, Jared Barton, Summer Lara,
He is preceded in death 5:00 PM with a Vigil Service
November 14, 2015 at 12:30 in the Italian Language, he 2015 in the comfort of our Rio Lara and Tristan Lara,
by his parents, Bernard and at 7:00 PM at St. Mary
PM. interpreted for General Clark family home. As a child and great-granddaughter
Sudie Boucher, his brother, Catholic Church, 1612 East
and the Lieutenant Colonel. living on his family’s ranch in Aubree Castro. Visitation will
Bernard “Buddy” Boucher Walker, League City, Texas.
His tour included Casa Linares, our father dreamed be held on Tuesday November
and his sister, Joyce Elise Mass will follow on Thurs-
Blanca, Africa, Algeria of a brighter future and of 10, at Crespo Funeral Home
Boucher. He is survived day, November 12, 10 AM
and Italy. He received five one day traveling the world Navigation Chapel from 5pm
by family and friends... at St. Mary Catholic Church
battle stars for combat on the he only read and heard about. – 9 pm, with a Rosary to be
Dorothy Boucher, Renee with Father Howard Drabek
Gothic Line, Gustav Line, His dream began after he recited at 7pm that evening,
and Greg Graham, Bernard officiating. Interment will
Rome-Arno Line, PO Valley married our mother, Tayde and also on Wednesday,
Boucher III, Mark and be at Mount Olivet Catholic
Line and North of Apennine Moral and left Monterrey November 11, from 9 – 11:15
Line. Two of his three years Cemetery in Dickinson, Texas. to bring his young family am. Funeral procession will
Rudolph Espinosa son Rudy Arthur Espinosa of service were spent in com- Serving as pallbearers are to live in Houston, Texas. depart at 11:15 am, for a
and his wife, Annie Chavez; bat. He marched in combat Franklin Palermo, Steven Our father was an amazing
1923-2015 Noon mass at Immaculate
daughters, Maria Rebecca from Naples, Italy to Brenner Palermo, Steve Sanchez, husband, father, grandfather,
Rudolph “Rudy” Espinosa Heart of Mary. Internment to
Patterson, and Anna Maria Pass into Austria where the Mike Finke, Tom Leichty great-great grandfather,
passed away at his home on follow the mass at Forest Park
Espinosa; and daughter-in- war ended. and Chad Sanchez. Honorary and dear friend with a kind
Nov. 7, 2015, at age 92. He Lawndale Cemetery.
law, Debbie Espinosa, fifteen Johnnie was a member of pallbearers are Scott Palermo, heart. Survived by wife Tayde
was the 16th child born to grandchildren, twenty-four VFW, American Legion and Anthony Mock and Cody
Mariano and Tomasa Dimas Lara, children Juan Tomas,
great-grandchildren, two Saint Mary Catholic Church. Sanchez. Hortencia Lara Barton
Espinoza, in a lumber camp great-great-grandchildren He was preceded in death In lieu of flowers, memori-
in Gladstell, Texas, on Octo- (Douglas), Carlos A. Lara,
and several nieces and by his wife of 36 years, Rufine als may be sent to St. Mary Julio F. Lara, Cristina Lara
ber 23, 1923. Surviving him nephews. Ubanoski Daro, parents Catholic Church, 1612 East
from his immediate family Visitation will be 5-9pm, Pete and Carolina Daro, and Walker, League City, TX
is his remaining sister, Mary with a Rosary at 7pm, on brother-in-law Don Palermo. 77573.
Lou Boatman of Vernon, Wednesday, November 11, He is survived by his sisters Jacqueline “Jackie”
Texas. 2015 at Forest Park Lawndale Catherine Daro Palermo Denise MaMou
Preceding him in death are Funeral Home. and Margaret Daro Bilotta 1970-2015
his sons, Michael Angel, Rob- Funeral Mass will begin at (George); nieces and nephews Jacqueline “Jackie” Denise
ert Xavier, Ralph Edward, 10am, on Thursday, Novem- Franklin Palermo (Lois), Mamou passed away on
great-grandson, Christopher ber 12, 2015 at Immaculate Diane Palermo Mock, Steven November 6, 2015. Visitation
Joseph, and son-in-law, Ron- Heart of Mary Catholic Palermo (Lisa), Laura Bilotta Wednesday, 9:00 AM - 11:00
nie Patterson. Church. Burial to follow Sanchez (Steve), Karen AM at the South Union
Surviving Mr. Espinosa is at Forest Park Lawndale Missionary Baptist Church,
Mary Soledad Espinosa, his Cemetery. 3550 Lydia Street. Funeral
wife of sixty-nine years; his Suzanne Menefee- Services begin at 11:00 AM.
Jetton Rev. Michael V. Smith, Pastor,
OB HurlBut by twin brother DC and wife 1927-2015 officiating. Interment-Hous-
Virginia; sister Virginia; Suzanne Menefee-Jetton, ton Memorial Gardens.
sister-in-law Betty; nephews 88, of Conroe went to be with
OB Hurlbut, 84, passed Michael Hurlbut, Corey her Lord Thursday, Novem-
away November 7, 2015. Smith, Jerimiah Allen; nieces ber 5, 2015. She was born
Born December 31, 1930 in Janet Hopkins, Donna Bailey May 29, 1927 in Dallas, TX
Houston, Tx. Gunsmith by and Julie Childress; many to Melvin and Marie Smith.
trade, enjoyed hunting and other family members and Suzanne is survived by her
fishing. Preceded in death friends. Celebration of Life to loving children: David P. Me-
by parents DB and Naomi be held at a later date. nefee, Luke Menefee and wife Beatrice Pagoni
and brother, Leslie. Survived Melinda, Susan “Marthie” courtney
Yeager and husband Ronald; Funeral Home Chapel. Visita- 1925-2015
Grandchildren; Lauren, tion will be 1 hour prior to the
Clovis Jean Madden service. Interment will be at
Beatrice Pagoni Courtney
Ashley, Rebecca, Tim, Robin, passed away on Friday,
1929-2015 Laura, John and wife Sarah, Memorial Oaks Cemetery.
November 06, 2015 in Dallas,
Clovis Jean Madden, Williams And her brother Jennifer, Kimberley, Mike, TX. She was born on March
86,of Hearne, Texas Passed Jimmie C. Williams. Clovis Kelly, Mindy, and Heather; 16, 1925 in Cairo, Egypt to
away peacefully in her sleep Jean is survived by her daugh- Great-grandchild; Meelea: Armando and Zoe Pagoni.
November 5, 2015. She was ter Karen R. Serna, her son Many nieces, nephews, Survivors include her daugh-
proceeded in death by her Joe R. Madden Jr. and two other relatives, and friends. A ter, Lynda K. Herauf and
husband of 52 years Joe R. Grandchildren, Justin Hop- celebration of Suzanne’s life husband, Fred of Allen, TX; a
Madden Sr., her parents per and Rebecca Serna. will be 10:00 AM Wednesday, sister, Maria Montgomery of
Clovis O. and Lottie M. November 11, 2015 at Klein Houston, TX; grandchildren, Funeral Home, 13001 Katy
great grandchildren, nieces, Fwy, Houston, TX, 77079. A
and nephews. A visitation funeral mass service will be
View today’s and past obituaries at SUNSHINE FADES AND SHADOWS FALL, will be held on Thursday, held at the Memorial Oaks
Chapel on Friday, November but sweet remembrance outlasts all. November 12, 2015 from
5-8 p.m. at Memorial Oaks 13 at 12:30 p.m.
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | B5


Daughters learn father died in floodwaters

By Jaimy Jones body was discovered on a demeanor may have con- the three girls, said Tiffan- Relatives police said. He tried to get
downtown highway un- tributed to his way of life. nie, the middle child. said Kelvin help and she stayed on the
Tiffannie and Ta’Quana derpass, one of two people “He just kind of lost The sisters remember Watson roof of the vehicle, police
Watson hadn’t spoken to swept away in floodwaters himself,” Tiffannie Wat- their father as a good man, was badly said.
their father in 15 years. that ravaged Houston. Au- son said Monday, the same and Tiffannie said he was affected by About 30 minutes after
They were both teenag- thorities said the 55-year- day of her father’s funeral. good-looking, too, adding his mom’s the crash, the man flagged
ers then, but they already old man was homeless. Kelvin Watson was born with a chuckle that he was death. down a passing motorist,
knew he had been through The sisters said Monday in the West Texas com- a bit of a ladies man. who telephoned for help.
some difficult times. they were not surprised to munity of Crane, south of Watson’s body was Nine hours earlier, she He returned to the
As adults, they had tried discover that their father Odessa, and worked in the found about 5 a.m. Oct. 31 was westbound in the 6300 bridge, but his wife and the
to find him, pursuing leads may have been living on oil field for most of his life, at 2300 St. Joseph’s Park- Beverly Hill Street when vehicle were gone.
that would send them on a the streets. They said he the daughter said. way. Witnesses told police she lost control of her vehi- The vehicle was found
path of heartache. Tiffan- was never the same after He and the girls’ mother he appeared to have been cle and struck a fence, po- a short distance away, po-
nie sometimes would hear the death of his mother. had divorced. They had swept away by high wa- lice said. The vehicle went lice said, pushed up by the
that he was working some- “He took it real hard,” three daughters — the el- ter in a location prone to through the fence and into water.
where in Houston, but by said Tiffannie Watson, 32. dest now lives in Califor- flooding. Bering Ditch. The vehicle The body of the 30-year-
the time she reached some- “He was her favorite.” nia. Charlene Tipton is 33. About 11 a.m. that same floated in the water, even- old woman was recovered
one at that location, he had She said her father was Ta’Quana Watson is 31. day, police found the body tually coming to a stop at in the ditch, after water
moved on. a strong-willed man who For much of the 15 years of Maria Diego-Martinez a bridge near Richmond had receded, police said.
On a stormy weekend in didn’t want to take hand- of her father’s absence, his in a ditch in the 1900 block Avenue. She and her hus-
October, Kelvin Watson’s outs from anyone and that own father helped raised of Bering Drive. band got out of the vehicle,

Carnegie parents defend school sports teams district officials have not
responded to their ques-
tions, though at least one
Carnegie from page B1 sports are more likely to ter the school broke from must participate in the 6A “Additionally,” he wrote school board member has
make our teams. We have the Jones High campus. conference for the largest in an email, “no Carnegie been sympathetic to their
ipation in University Inter- worked hard to build a Baseball followed, and the high schools, even though student wants to compete concerns.
scholastic League sports,” competitive athletics pro- other sports started more they typically are smaller. for another high school. “I hope this is a mis-
the statement said. gram, and in doing so two recently. Ari Purcell, whose They want to compete for understanding,” trustee
As of Monday morn- of our UIL teams made it to The district, however, daughter runs cross-coun- their school, the school Anna Eastman wrote to
ing, more than 730 Carn- playoffs!” has not allowed its newer try at Carnegie, said he they have pride in. If HISD another Carnegie parent.
egie supporters had signed specialty schools, includ- never would have chosen strips UIL athletics from “I cannot imagine why
an online petition urging Being well-rounded ing the all-boys and all- the school if it did not have Carnegie, the result will be anyone would want to
HISD’s athletic direc- Carnegie’s girls’ vol- girls campuses that opened UIL athletics. He said he that no Carnegie students eliminate the vibrant UIL
tor, Marmion Dambrino, leyball team advanced in 2011, to offer UIL sports. liked that it offered a well- participate in competitive sports programs at Carn-
to keep UIL sports at the to playoffs this year, and One problem, according rounded high school expe- sports programs, and we egie for all the reasons you
school. cross-country athletes to district officials, is that rience. believe this creates an un- mention and simply be-
“Our athletes are not reached the regional meet. if a school has some UIL He also questioned fair/unequal access situa- cause it makes no sense to
willing or likely to play The school also has boys’ teams, the league does not whether it would be prac- tion.” stop something that works
for any other schools,” baseball and co-ed tennis. allow students to play at tical for students to leave and is good for children.”
the petition says. “We are Carnegie has had a vol- other campuses for those the campus, near down- ‘Makes no sense’
a smaller atmosphere, leyball team for roughly sports not offered. In addi- town, and make it to other Purcell added that par-
so students interested in a decade, since shortly af- tion, the specialty schools schools for practice. ents are frustrated that

Ruling further dims prospects of plan’s implemenation

Ruling from page B1 gration Law Center, and advo- ties to the United States and who Jennifer Walker Elrod, rejected Carolyn Dineen King said the
cacy group, urged an immediate are raising American children,” administration arguments that administration was within the
less executive amnesty program Supreme Court appeal. he said. the district judge abused his dis- law, casting the decision to de-
and start enforcing the law to- Justice Department spokes- Part of the initiative included cretion with a nationwide order fer action on some deportations
day,” Abbott said in a news re- man Patrick Rodenbush said in expansion of a program called and that the states lacked stand- as “quintessential exercises of
lease. a statement they were reviewing Deferred Action for Childhood ing to challenge Obama’s execu- prosecutorial discretion,” and
The ruling further dims pros- the opinion to determine how Arrivals, protecting young im- tive orders. noting that the Department of
pects of implementation of the best to proceed. migrants from deportation if They acknowledged an ar- Homeland Security has limited
executive action before Obama “The department is commit- they were brought to the U.S. gument that an adverse ruling resources.
leaves office in 2017. Appeals ted to taking steps that will re- illegally as children. The other would discourage potential ben- “Although there are approxi-
over the injunction could take solve the immigration litigation major part, Deferred Action for eficiaries of the plan from coop- mately 11.3 million removable
months and, depending on how as quickly as possible in order Parents of Americans, would erating with law enforcement aliens in this country today, for
the case unfolds, it could go back to allow DHS (Department of extend deportation protections authorities or paying taxes. “But the last several years Congress
to the Texas federal court for Homeland Security) to bring to parents of U.S. citizens and those are burdens that Congress has provided the Department
more proceedings. greater accountability to our im- permanent residents who have knowingly created, and it is not of Homeland Security with only
The administration could ask migration system by prioritizing been in the country for years. our place to second-guess those enough resources to remove ap-
for a re-hearing by the full 5th the removal of the worst offend- The 70-page majority opinion decisions,” Smith wrote. proximately 400,000 of those
Circuit but the National Immi- ers, not people who have long by Judge Jerry Smith, joined by In a 53-page dissent, Judge aliens per year,” King wrote.


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ea., sell $6,000 ea. Will sell 2, 4, or 6.

condolences at
[7?_[WY: ?37_Ya2T `_ _Y]WF_a $_ a73_"._a .W ,[D9_7Z_342 Call (281) 497-8791
3Wa_W "WW\WN.2c 2&[ZWY &Ya ,22W"7&.7WY `WN2.WY &Ya
a__U82_& =297Y:c $73a 9NY.8 CWN.9_&2. A_H&2 '9&U._3c
7Y:c 2_&?WWa :NZ$Wc :WWa PP;P )T `W["WZ$_ *[Lac Forest Park West Cemetery, 2 Plots,
Lot 75. Sec. 407, spaces 11 & 12.
$&3$_"N_ &Ya 9WZ_Z&a_ `WN2.WYc A(c 00BRBT Very very nice location. No monu- MEMORIAL OAKS 4 Plots Prestigious
ment. $4,500 each. (218) 583-4235 area List $8950 Sell for $5950 each
2.3&J$_33F 7"_ "3_&ZT Will sell separately 713-299-9161
`_ J&2 U3_a_"_&2_a $F 972
E. BLTWY 8 /I-10, St. Hyacinth,
)_$3_1 J7?_c *3_Ya& *[&[W"\ can bring comfort. lot 38, spaces 1-4. 713-666-2223

)_$3_1 a&N:9._3c *WYY7_

)_$3_1 272._32c #.9_[ E_YYc
M&.97[a_ '97.JWWac M&3F View today’s and past obituaries at
B6 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x

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xx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | B7

Nancy C. Barnes Jeff Cohen

Paul Barbetta, Executive VP and COO Executive VP / Editor Executive VP / Executive Editor Editorial pages
Jack Sweeney, Chairman Vernon F. Loeb Veronica Flores-Paniagua
F o u n d e d 1 9 0 1 • A H e a r s t N e w s pa p e r Managing Editor Outlook Editor


No Real issues
Regarding “Some
on the freeway is on the
phone drifting around,
slowing down and

local restrooms otherwise impeding the
outpace politics” flow of traffic.
(Page A1, Friday), it Phoning on the
is heartbreaking that freeways is a clear and
someone has to plan and present danger. Our
Polling places agonize over where she legislators and voters
open to all take or he is going to use the need to quit trying to
restroom when going force their narrow views
the confusion crosstown. of morality on others and
out of voting. Talk about cruelty do something about truly
and a denial of basic civil dangerous behavior.
Acknowledging that rights, which is somehow Margaret Sweeney,
voting is a right to be en- not quite in keeping Houston
couraged and not a privi- with the self-proclaimed
lege to be discouraged, high moral values of the Don’t forget Rice
Fort Bend County officials opponents of the defeated
last week adopted a new Houston equal right Regarding “UT’s move
system that turned out ordinance. could hurt UH” (Page A1,
even better than expected. I do not care where Friday), the article about
It turned out so well, in someone uses the the proposed University
fact, that it should serve as bathroom or what gender of Texas campus in
a model for Harris County she or he claims. I do care Houston states “the move
and the rest of the state. that every third person will increase competition
Instead of casting for the city’s own
their ballots in particu- research institution, the
lar precincts, Fort Bend
voters were able to cast
ballots at any polling place
Political games over Ex-Im bank must end University of Houston.”
Out on South
Main there is another
in the county on Election By Tony Bennett $119 billion in exported merchan- Reps. Ted Poe, Randy Weber and “research institution,” a
Day. When results were dise in 2014. Ex-Im Bank is essen- Kevin Brady, representing Hous- little school called Rice
finally tallied last Tuesday Until about a year and a half tial for Houston-area exporters like ton-area congressional districts, University. True, Rice
night, voter turnout was ago, most Americans had probably Gaumer Process and Bishop Lifting along with 15 other members of the is small in size, but over
13.4 percent. That’s still never heard of the U.S. Export- Products, whose representatives Texas delegation, were among those the 100-plus years it has
low, of course, but it beats Import Bank (Ex-Im), which is our recently traveled to Washington, who supported renewing Ex-Im enriched our city and the
the 8.7 percent turnout in nation’s export credit agency that D.C., in attempt to break through Bank. As representatives of the na- world, it has always kept
the county’s November finances exports of American-made the political din and discuss real- tion’s largest exporting state, these the quality up and the
2013 election, which also products. The Bank is a must-have world consequences of allowing leaders understand that Ex-Im numbers down, holding
included a bond proposal. economic tool for exporters in the the Bank’s authorization to expire. Bank matters to Texas exporters of true to its founding
“We think it played out United States to compete globally, Likewise, according to news re- all sizes. president’s challenge to
well,” Elections Adminis- as all major exporting countries ports, Houston’s CECA Supply and But the fight over Ex-Im Bank “assign no upper limit to
trator John Oldham told have a similar credit agency. Sadly, Services said it will likely lose 30 to isn’t over. Even as missed economic its educational endeavor.”
the Chronicle. Ex-Im Bank has become a pawn in 40 percent of its sales if Ex-Im Bank opportunities mount, opponents Fredric J. Attermeier,
As Oldham explained, hyperpartisan politics of the worst is not renewed. of Ex-Im are attempting to thwart Houston
the aim of opening up kind and the fallout for small busi- Olney-based Air Tractor, which the will of the majority in the U.S.
polling places is not neces- nesses in Houston and beyond has manufactures agriculture and fire House and Senate by offering Keystone
sarily to increase voter been real and lasting. suppression air- “poison pill” amendments to a bill
turnout, but to remove A determined It’s time to move planes, recently testi- that includes Ex-Im provisions. Regarding “Keystone
the hassle and confusion band of congress- fied before a congres- Their goal — tone deaf as it is — is denial piles on oil’s woes”
of voting so that residents men has been doing beyond political sional hearing that to prevent the bank from doing its (Page A1, Saturday), the
don’t give up in frustra- its dead-level best games and let Texas the company already job in support of U.S. exporters Keystone pipeline pitch
tion. Higher turnout is a to kill the agency businesses get back to has lost sales due small and large. was that it would create
welcome side effect, he and the thousands work. to the lack of Ex-Im Opposition to Ex-Im Bank was jobs and reduce gas
said. of Texas companies financing. Rock- never about jobs or growing U.S. prices; the economy has
Fort Bend County Judge and employees that depend on wall-based Special Products and businesses. Obviously, the agency created jobs and reduced
Robert Hebert recalled exporting to stay in business. Amid Manufacturing said that the lapse makes economic sense. Rather, gas prices without the
his own days as a polling political jockeying — which has of Ex-Im is one reason the company opponents orchestrated this Keystone XL pipeline.
official and having to turn nothing to do with good govern- put a planned expansion on hold. political ruse. They are using the It is in Texas’ best
away people who arrived ment — the authorization that These are examples of small and demise of Ex-Im to score partisan interest to reduce
at the wrong polling place allows the Ex-Im Bank to extend medium-sized companies that can points and win favor among special reliance on dirty energy
just before it closed and credit to private companies expired only compete on a global scale and interests. projects and set our
wouldn’t have time to in June and the agency has been un- win deals that benefit U.S. workers Enough is enough. It’s time to vision on the clean
get to the right one. “It’s able to finance exports ever since. if Ex-Im Bank is renewed. Renew- move beyond political games and let energies of the future.
something you didn’t The congressmen’s opposition? ing the bank will also allow larger Texas businesses get back to work. For real job creation,
want to do,” he said. They claim the bank benefits only companies to once again compete Hopefully, Congress will prioritize Congress is late
Under the countywide large corporations. They couldn’t for foreign contracts that require smart policy over politics in the end in passing a solid
plan, there’s no wrong be more wrong. More than 1,000 export credit-agency financing, and reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank infrastructure bill that
place to vote. Fort Texas companies — of all sizes — supporting thousands of smaller for many years to come. Putting will not only create
Bend Republican Party benefit from Ex-Im Bank and small businesses in the supply chain. this ugly chapter of politicking dozens times more jobs
Chairman Mike Gibson business exports represent the top Thankfully, a bipartisan su- behind us will be welcome news to than a single pipeline
noted that residents living category of Ex-Im Bank-supported permajority in the U.S. House of exporters in Houston and beyond. would, but it also would
in and around Cinco exports. Representatives last month voted make our communities
Ranch and Katy often The lapse in Ex-Im Bank fi- overwhelmingly to renew the Ex- Bennett is president of the Texas As- more climate-change
commute to downtown nancing is especially troubling Im Bank, continuing an 80-year his- sociation of Manufacturers, which resilient.
Houston for work, and in Houston, the top metropolitan tory of broad congressional support represents over 500 companies from Jose Carlos Gonzalez,
if they get caught in exporter in the nation with some for this critical economic tool U.S. every manufacturing sector. Houston
Interstate 10 gridlock on
the way home, they might Veterans’ service
not make it back to their
precinct by 7 p.m. to vote.
Last week they were able
Gun facts no match for worst nightmares Regarding “Veterans
need more access to legal
to stop at the first polling
place they got to after
Leonard Pitts says we live to wound or kill in self-defense,
four are used in accidental shoot-
aid” (Page B9, Monday),
over the years, a small
crossing the county line. in a media culture that has ings. percentage of Americans
Fort Bend County Like the fact that toddlers are have served in our armed
was among six Texas the effect of maintaining fear now shooting themselves and oth- forces defending our
counties with populations
of more than 100,000 in perpetuity. ers at the rate of one a week.
But it’s not just that fact is no
country, our freedom and
our way of life. Nov. 11 is a
to use the so-called match for fear; it’s that we live in day of remembrance and
“Countywide Polling It was the kind of a statistic that he is walking, talking, laughing a media culture that has the effect a day to say “thanks.”
Precinct Program.” would have left a sane country and playing and has recently begun of maintaining fear in perpetuity, The only reason the
Four other counties stunned and shamed. feeding himself. Darnal still lacks keeping it a low-grade fever sim- rest of us are able to
with populations of less This country barely noticed it. full use of his right arm and leg, but mering within the body politic, a be “career civilians” is
than 100,000 also tried It came last month, courtesy seems, in most other respects, to heat that abides, but never abates. because of the service
the system. Legislation of the Washington Post, which be perfectly fine, not counting the A 2014 study by the Annenberg of these brave men
passed in 2009 allows reported that, as of mid-October, depressed area on the left side of Public Policy Center at the Univer- and women and the
counties to participate in toddlers in America have been his head where doctors removed a sity of Pennsylvania, for instance, sacrifices both they and
the new method, although shooting people this year at a rate piece of his skull. found that exposure to violent their families made and
counties must meet of one a week. You know how He and his family, it seems crime on TV dramas intensifies the continue to make. In
certain criteria. After the story goes. Little one finds an superfluous to say, were very lucky. fear that one may become a victim. return, we have a duty
conducting an election inadequately-secured gun and Indeed, they were blessed. “CSI,” anyone? And a 2003 study to support our military
under the countywide starts playing with it, too young to The gun that so nearly proved from the same source found that personnel and to find a
rules, a county can apply know that death lurks inside. The fatal is now kept disassembled in a the more people watch local TV way to contribute to the
for “successful” status, thing goes off with a bang, leaving a safe. We do not know why Dar- news — where if it bleeds, it leads — USO, Wounded Warriors
which means they don’t hole — sometimes a fatal one — in nal’s father, who works as a fitness the greater their fear of crime. Project, VFW, DAV,
have to reapply to use the human flesh. attendant, feels the need to own it And here, it bears repeating: We the DeBakey Veterans
program each election. Sometimes it’s Da-da. in the first place. But who would have less to fear from crime now Hospital Social Work
Fort Bend expects to Sometimes, it’s Nana. Sometimes, be shocked if it turned out that he than we’ve had in many years. Emergency Fund or other
add more voting centers it’s the toddler himself. keeps it for home security? Put- But, though lacking cause to fear, worthy organizations.
before the presidential That’s how it was for Darnal ting aside the crackpots who think we fear just the same, fear all the My utmost and sincere
primaries in March. Mundy II. As detailed by Charles they’re going to have to defend more, making life and death deci- thanks go to our veterans
Oldham told the Rabin in Tuesday’s Miami Herald, Texas against the U.S. Army, that sions about personal security based and their families,
Chronicle he expects the Darnal, age 3, was looking for seems the most common rationale on perceptions that have little to do whether they served in
county will apply for per- an iPad one morning in early for gun ownership. People fear be- with reality. We fixate on stopping the past or are serving
manent status; 27 coun- August when he climbed a chair ing caught empty-handed when the the stranger kicking in the front today.
ties already have achieved and opened the top drawer of his bad guys come. door. Meantime, there goes the Chuck Hoffheiser, The
that status. Harris County father’s dresser. Instead of a tablet It is, of course, a fear completely toddler, balancing atop the chair, Woodlands
isn’t one of them but computer, he found a Smith & at odds with statistical fact. chubby little hands closing on the
should be. Although voter Wesson. With the gun pointing Like the fact that, according to gun in the top drawer.
turnout in Houston’s mu- directly at his face, he pulled the the FBI, crime has fallen to historic The irony is as sharp as the bang BIBLE VERSE
nicipal elections last week trigger. A .40-caliber bullet struck lows and your life, property and of a gunshot down the hall. We fear
was unusually high, 26.9 him between the eyes, exiting the person are safer now than they so many things. But some things, The Lord is good, a
percent, we can do better. left side of his skull. have been in decades. we don’t fear nearly enough. strong hold in the day of
We would urge county Improbably, Darnal survived. Like the fact that, according to trouble; and he knoweth
officials to give the new More improbably after brain sur- the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Email Pitts at lpitts@miamiherald. them that trust in him.
system a try. gery and rehab in a Miami hospital, Violence, for every gun that is used com. Nahum 1: 7

Send letters to the editor: Viewpoints c/o Houston Chronicle, P.O. Box 4260, Houston, Texas 77210 or, Fax: 713-362-3575
We welcome and encourage letters and emails from readers. Letters must include name, address and telephone numbers for verification purposes only. All letters are subject to editing.
B8 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x

Houston Chronicle 78 83 72 68 67 61 76
Quiet weather is
expected across the area 66 55 51 49 50 44 56
Partly cloudy. 50 percent Mostly sunny. Mostly cloudy. Mostly cloudy. Partly cloudy. Partly cloudy. Nov 11 Nov 19 Nov 25 Dec 3
sun and cloud. The chance of storms. Sunset today 5:28 p.m.
pattern will change H Sunrise tomorrow 6:42 a.m.
Moonrise today 5:37 a.m.
rather rapidly heading
into Wednesday, NORTH AMERICA TODAY Forecast highs and location of weather systems at 3 p.m.
Moonset today 5:07 p.m.

<-0s Vancouver Calgary Saskatoon INTERNATIONAL

however. Developing 0s Today Tomorrow COASTAL FORECAST
low pressure east of the 10s
H Regina Winnipeg
Thunder Bay Africa GALVESTON BAY: East
Rockies will set off 20s Portland
Helena L Ottawa Montreal H Cairo
Cape Town
76/60/s 77/61/pc
71/58/pc 69/56/pc
winds 5 to 10 knots becoming
southeast in the afternoon.
Bismarck Boston
scattered showers and 30s
H Boise Toronto
Casablanca 75/58/s 72/57/pc Bay waters smooth. Tonight:
storms from the
L St. Paul
New York
South winds 10 to 15 knots.
Sioux Falls Madison Detroit Lagos 83/74/ts 91/75/pc
Midwest to the southern 60s Philadelphia
Plains. The severe 70s
San Francisco Cheyenne Des Moines Chicago L Beijing 46/41/cd 51/41/cd CHANNEL TO HIGH ISLAND
threat should stay north 80s Salt Lake City
Indianapolis L
Wash., D.C. Ho Chi Minh 91/76/ts 91/76/ts OUT 20 TO 50 MILES :

of Houston, however.
90s Las Vegas L Denver
L St. Louis
Hong Kong
82/74/pc 81/75/pc
70/50/cd 73/53/cd
Southeast winds 5 to 10 knots.
Tonight:Southeast winds 10
Los Angeles
L Topeka
Jakarta 88/76/ts 89/76/ts to 15 knots to south.
Karachi 92/71/s 94/72/s
Phoenix Albuquerque
Oklahoma City Little Rock
Kuala Lumpur
89/75/ts 89/76/ts
89/75/s 91/75/s
Low Atlanta Atlantic New Delhi 84/63/pc 84/63/s HIGHS: 2:00 a.m., 4:29 p.m.
El Paso
Dallas Jackson
H Ocean Seoul
58/40/pc 63/45/pc
61/55/cd 61/53/r
LOWS: 9:04 a.m., 9:31 p.m.
Juarez Austin Singapore 89/79/ts 89/79/ts
pressure Hermosillo San Antonio
New Orleans Sydney 78/62/s 73/61/pc RIVERS, CREEKS
Taipei 72/68/r 76/69/pc
online Jet stream
Chihuahua Houston Miami Tokyo
65/57/r 62/54/pc
Flood Latest 24-hr.
›› Get regular updates on the Thunder- Monterrey Calgary 36/23/s 35/17/pc Location stage stage chg.
weather at Eric Berger’s SciGuy Warm front storms Gulf of Havana Edmonton
41/28/s 38/24/cd
54/38/s 50/39/cd Brays Bayou South Main 54 16.9 -0.4
blog. Toronto 48/45/r 52/45/pc Brazos River Bryan 43 31.4+0.4
Cold front
Snow Vancouver 48/43/r 49/40/pc Hempstead 50 35.1+2.8
Cancun Winnipeg 42/32/cd 36/28/cd
METRO AREA Pacific Guadalajara
Richmond 48 31.4 -2.3
Stationary Ocean Merida Piney Point 50 38.2 +2.1
OUTLOOK front Ice Amsterdam 60/55/r 57/53/cd
Shepherd Dr. 23 7.2+4.9
TODAY: Partly cloudy in the Athens 76/58/s 75/59/s
morning then becoming
Mexico City Veracruz Caribbean Sea
Berlin 60/55/cd 57/49/r Clear Creek Friendswood 12 1.6 +0.1
mostly cloudy.
Belize City Copenhagen 58/54/r 57/51/r Colorado R. Austin 29 12.2+0.3
Anchorage Honolulu
Acapulco Dublin 60/51/pc 53/45/r Bastrop 25 4.4+0.2
TONIGHT: Mostly cloudy early Frankfurt 57/49/pc 53/46/pc La Grange 32 6.9 -1.9
then partly cloudy then mostly Guatemala
Tegucigalpa Geneva 58/38/s 59/41/s Columbus 34 14.8+0.5
cloudy after midnight. Istanbul 60/55/pc 62/54/s Wharton 39 14.8+0.2
London 60/53/cd 59/49/cd
Bay City 44 10.2 -0.4
72/44/s 72/44/s
38/33/sn 38/33/sn Greens Bayou Eastex Fwy. 61 39 -0.5
Today’s forecast for FOR THE RECORD TEXAS NATIONAL cont. Paris 59/48/pc 59/50/pc Guadalupe R. Hunt 12 8.1 0.0
the entire metro area: Measurements taken at George Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Prague 59/52/pc 56/42/pc Comfort 26 3.8 0.0
Bush Intercontinental Airport Abilene 78/61/pc 75/42/s Cleveland 52/38/sh 59/51/pc Rome 70/50/s 70/50/s Spring Branch 36 2.9 -0.1
Temperature Degrees F Amarillo 74/43/s 58/29/pc Columbus, OH 55/38/sh 60/49/pc Stockholm 46/36/s 45/35/pc New Braunfels 7 3.3 0.0
Austin 74/67/pc 81/50/ts Denver 58/28/pc 41/25/fl Vienna 63/54/pc 61/42/pc Gonzales 31 16.4 -1.7
Ozone watch High yesterday 73° Warsaw 56/53/r 58/50/cd
Beaumont 74/66/pc 81/57/ts Des Moines 59/50/pc 60/40/ts Cuero 20 14.3 -1.9
Low yesterday 51° Brownsville 84/72/pc 87/68/pc Detroit 50/38/r 56/49/pc Zurich 60/39/s 57/39/pc
Good Unhealthy Normal high 75° Bryan/Col. St. 77/59/pc 80/52/ts Duluth 52/39/pc 46/40/r Latin American/Caribbean Victoria 21 17.5 -2.1
54° Dupont 2024.4 -0.4
Moderate Very unhealthy Normal low Corpus Christi 79/70/pc 83/65/pc Fairbanks 16/3/pc 18/0/sn Bogota
Buenos Aires
75/64/s Little River Little River 30 12.1 -1.2
Record high 88° in 1969 Dallas/FW 74/56/pc 73/48/ts Great Falls 34/25/fl 41/26/pc
Unhealthy/ Hazardous Record low 29° in 1991 El Paso 76/38/s 63/27/s Hartford 56/42/r 55/38/r Caracas 81/68/ts 83/68/ts Cameron 30 16.4 -2.2
sensitive Precipitation Inches Galveston 76/70/pc 81/63/ts Honolulu 85/77/sh 85/77/sh Havana 88/71/ts 87/72/s Navasota R. Easterly 19 20.2+2.9
groups Kingsville 81/70/pc 92/62/pc Indianapolis 57/42/pc 66/45/pc Kingston 89/81/ts 90/80/ts Neches River Evadale 19 10.7 +1.2
Yesterday through 4 p.m. 0.00" Lima 71/63/pc 71/63/s
0.60" Laredo 81/70/pc 86/58/s Jackson, MS 73/55/f 77/56/pc Pine Island B. Sour Lake 25 0-28.6
Month to date Longview 74/64/pc 77/47/ts Juneau 38/33/r 40/35/sh Rio 84/74/s 87/75/pc
Normal month to date 1.36" San Juan 89/79/ts 90/79/sh Sabine River Bon Wier 30 25.6+0.6
POLLEN AND MOLD Year to date 61.62"
78/44/pc 61/29/s
86/72/pc 90/67/pc
Kansas City
Las Vegas
61/42/s San Salvador 88/68/ts 88/70/ts Deweyville 24 24.4 -0.1
Yesterday’s readings by the Normal year to date 43.05" Midland/Od. 79/50/f 67/37/s Little Rock 70/56/pc 74/47/ts Santiago 77/50/s 68/50/ts Orange 4 2.4+0.2
City of Houston: Other readings San Angelo 79/61/pc 75/40/s Los Angeles 67/53/pc 70/54/s Sao Paulo 85/66/ts 90/69/ts Burkeville 43 22 -1.4
Countpercubicmeterofair Top wind speed 8 mph San Antonio 76/68/f 82/50/pc Memphis 70/56/pc 74/50/ts St. Thomas 88/79/r 88/77/r San Bernard R. E. Bernard 17 8.4 -0.6
Tree pollen ABSENT None High barometer 30.19 in. Texarkana 71/56/pc 75/47/ts Miami 89/74/pc 86/74/pc Mexico Sweeny 16 0 0.0
Victoria 79/68/pc 88/55/ts Milwaukee 54/32/s 57/40/sh Acapulco 89/77/s 89/77/pc E. San Jac. R. Cleveland 19 7.3 +1.8
Weed pollen LOW 6 Low barometer 30.06 in. Waco 73/65/pc 74/45/ts Minneapolis 58/45/pc 52/39/sh Cancun 85/75/ts 84/74/pc
Grass pollen ABSENT14,1762404064 High dewpoint 59° Nashville 64/43/pc 73/52/pc Guadalajara 85/58/pc 86/59/s W. San Jac. R. Conroe 11694.9 -0.5
Low dewpoint 48° New Orleans 74/63/pc 80/68/pc Guanajuato 83/55/s 84/56/s San Jacinto R. Sheldon 10 1.6+0.2
Mold pollen Sims Bayou Telephone Rd. 30 6.3 +0.1
Avg. dewpoint 52° NATIONAL New York City 59/49/r 60/46/sh Mazatlan 87/64/s 87/64/s
High humidity 83% Today Tomorrow
Oklahoma City 71/49/pc 64/40/pc Merida 91/73/ts 92/73/pc Trinity River Goodrich 36 33.9 -0.1
Low Medium Heavy Ext. Heavy Low humidity 45% Orlando 87/63/pc 85/58/s Mexico City 77/54/pc 79/53/pc Liberty 26 29 0.0
Albany, NY 54/43/r 53/42/sh Philadelphia 62/50/r 62/48/pc Puerto Vallarta 90/70/s 88/69/s Village Creek Kountze 20 11.7 +1.6
Note: No measurements on week- Albuquerque 60/32/pc 49/27/pc Phoenix 67/47/pc 69/46/s Tampico 85/74/pc 86/74/s White Oak B. Heights Blvd. 48 8 -0.9
ends; charts in Sunday and Monday
papers reflect reading from previous KEY TO CONDITIONS Anchorage 32/24/fl 31/26/pc Pittsburgh 52/40/r 55/46/pc Veracruz 85/72/s 88/73/s
Atlanta 66/49/f 70/48/pc Portland, OR 52/45/pc 53/40/r Middle East
c-cloudy r-rain Baltimore 62/50/r 63/48/pc Sacramento 61/39/pc 61/41/f Baghdad 70/52/pc 69/48/s TEXAS LAKES
d-drizzle rs-rain/snow Birmingham 69/48/f 75/59/pc Salt Lake City 43/30/sn 44/30/pc Beirut 70/59/pc 71/61/s Full Actual Release
UV FORECAST f-fair s-sunny Boise 46/29/fl 46/26/sh San Diego 68/52/ts 72/50/s Dubai 94/81/s 97/77/pc level level cfs
fg-fog fl-flurries Boston 56/43/r 51/42/r San Francisco 58/50/s 60/52/s Jerusalem 66/51/pc 64/50/s 909 910.6 1074
Buffalo 52/43/r 55/42/sh Santa Fe 58/28/pc 46/19/pc Canyon Dam
h-hazy sh-showers Kabul 52/41/r 51/43/r 201 187.2 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Charleston, SC 73/51/sh 73/53/s Seattle 50/45/pc 51/39/r Mecca 89/64/s 89/63/s Conroe
i-ice sn-snow Charlotte 68/43/r 68/52/pc St. Louis 64/54/s 69/46/ts Houston 41.73 42.6 0.0
Riyadh 90/62/s 79/58/pc
Very mm-missing ts-thunderstorms Chicago 55/40/s 59/46/sh Tucson 68/38/pc 65/37/s Tehran 54/44/r 52/40/pc Lake Travis 681 671.1 0.0
Low Moderate High high Extreme pc-partly cloudy w-windy Cincinnati 59/37/pc 63/51/pc Wash., D.C. 62/52/r 64/53/pc Tel Aviv 72/59/s 71/57/s Livingston 131 132.754200


• Lifts to a Standing Position
• Reclines to a Lie-Flat Position
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Houston Chronicle

November 10, 2015

Solar power plant also using natural gas, but is that a bad thing? Page 2

Investigators want to know Technical issues on Election Day Grass-roots activists can take
what Exxon knew about carbon’s left longtime voters in Houston’s some credit for the rejection of
influence on climate change. Precinct 344 frustrated. the Keystone XL pipeline.
Page 4 Page 5 Page 6
Z2 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Z3

Grayy M

Why is a solar plant using natural

al gas?
g And is that a bad thing?

By Daniel Cohan | Rice University noting that its CO2 emissions top has increased sharply. It’s likely that
a federal threshold that requires the added flexibility to use more
reporting as a greenhouse gas natural gas, together with an extra
he giant Ivanpah solar power plant in the emitting facility. Not mentioned year of experience, has contributed
is that Ivanpah’s emissions are to the big boost in output.
California Mojave Desert recently detailed just half the threshold of a “major As a cutting-edge energy
stationary source,” denoting large project, Ivanpah received $1.6
how much natural gas it burned to generate facilities such as fossil fueled power billion in loan guarantees from
plants or factories. the Department of Energy, plus a
power when the sun wasn’t sufficient — the $660 million tax refund under the
Transitional technology? 30 Percent Investment Tax Credit.
equivalent to 46,000 tons of co2 emissions in Critics rightly note that Ivanpah’s Ivanpah also benefits from the
natural gas use and associated tradeable renewable energy credits
its first year, according to reports. emissions are far higher than it generates under California’s
originally anticipated, with gas-fired Renewable Portfolio Standard.
Along with its impacts towers, where steam but unexpectedly cloudy auxiliary power now at times needed Critics of government incentives
on wildlife and its receipt turns turbines to generate conditions dampened 4.5 hours per day rather than one for renewable energy may oppose
of federal incentives, news electricity. electricity generation to as originally expected. Some critics the policies that enabled those
of the CO2 emissions has This “concentrating” below intended levels. specifically attack the use of natural incentives and credits. Also, as costs
renewed criticism of the solar thermal approach Thus, soon after opening, gas with solar as “dirty power.” have fallen faster for utility scale
377-megawatt facility, is even more sensitive Ivanpah petitioned Indeed, natural gas is a solar photovoltaics than for solar
which supplies 140,000 to clouds and particles the California Energy nonrenewable fossil fuel whose use thermal, Ivanpah is no longer seen
California homes during than PV panels, since the Commission to increase causes CO2 and methane emissions. as representing the most affordable
peak hours of the day. mirrors can concentrate its use of natural gas. However, unless we expect to switch possible future for solar.
Why is a solar power only the sunlight that The commission’s staff to completely renewable fuels In terms of environmental
plant using natural gas, arrives in a direct beam analysis noted that the overnight, which is unrealistic, fossil impacts beyond CO2, Ivanpah has
and does the associated from the sun. Clouds and request would increase fuels will remain a major part of our been linked to 3,500 bird deaths.
CO2 disqualify it as particulate matter scatter the plant’s carbon dioxide energy mix in the decades ahead. Environmentalists have also
“green”? the light into directions equivalent emissions I believe using those fossil fuels criticized Ivanpah for its proximity
The use of natural that can still be utilized by limit from 62 pounds synergistically with renewables to some endangered species such
gas to complement photovoltaic panels but per megawatt hour (lb/ offers great potential. The joint as the desert tortoise.
solar in fact highlights not the precisely angled MWh) to 75 lb/MWh. Of deployment of natural gas with Indeed, Ivanpah does not
a trend toward what I mirrors. course, actual emissions solar thermal energy, sometimes deserve to be considered the pure
call “speckled green” Ivanpah was designed are lower if sunnier referred to as a “hybrid solar” plant, electric green energy source that
electricity generation and built to burn conditions negate the is one such approach. At Ivanpah, we might seek in an ideal world.
— approaches that are some natural gas to need for extra natural gas natural gas provided less than 5 But all energy sources have
not completely green, maintain peak power use and increase solar percent of the energy, yet may have environmental impacts, whether
but in which natural generation during times output. substantially boosted solar power from emissions of combustion or
gas enables more of intermittent clouds. On a percentage basis, output by keeping the turbines obtaining the fuels or building the
widespread, reliable, and Without the natural this looks like a big online. power plants and solar panels.
affordable deployments of gas, Ivanpah’s steam increase. But context is More broadly,the adjustable The bird deaths from solar are
renewables. turbines could trip off- needed. U.S. power plants nature of natural gas and its ability tiny compared to those from fossil
line, interrupting power in 2012 emitted an average to generate power on demand means fuels.
Power tower generation. The extra 1,137 lb/MWh of CO2 — 15 that it makes variable wind and At least from a climate
Unlike the solar energy from natural gas times Ivanpah’s dirtier solar generators more viable on perspective, I believe this
photovoltaic (PV) panels can enable peak power new limit. In fact, this the electric grid, where reliability particular case of “speckled
that are proliferating production to continue number understates the matters. green” energy is doing pretty well,
on rooftops such as my until sunny conditions gap, since the Ivanpah reducing CO2 emissions per MWh
own, Ivanpah generates resume or the turbines limit includes associated Desert tortoises by over 90 percent compared to
its power by angling pause for the night. maintenance vehicle There are, however, other our national average for electricity.
mirrors to gather the Ivanpah, which emissions not counted in arguments that critics could lodge For costs and more flexible siting,
intense sunlight of the is the largest solar the national average. against Ivanpah. though, other approaches are likely
Mojave Desert to produce concentrating plant Fox News and others Its electricity output to displace Ivanpah as exemplars
heat. The mirrors reflect in the world, began have branded Ivanpah Jacob Kepler / Bloomberg underperformed expectations in its of the path toward greener, more
sunlight onto three power operation in early 2014, a “carbon polluter” by Solar panels at the Ivanpah plant. The 392-megawatt plant was developed by Google, NRG
G and Bright
Brig Source. initial year, though output in 2015 affordable electricity.
Z4 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x

Outside the Boardroom

Exxon pressured to come clean on climate change

U.S. energy
forced to
carbon causing
By Chris Tomlinson

Investigators are forc-

ing energy companies,
including Exxon Mobil,
to finally come clean
on what their research
proves: man-made
climate change is happen-
Exxon Mobil received
subpoenas from the New
York attorney general’s
office on Thursday asking
for all of the company’s
documents pertaining to
climate change. The im-
portant documents will
cover public statements
and investor disclosures.
The question is what did
Exxon know, and when
did it know that carbon
dioxide is contributing to
climate change.
Ken Cohen, vice presi-
dent of public and govern-
ment affairs for Exxon,
told a hurried media call
Thursday afternoon that
the company has ac- Associated Press
knowledged the reality of In this March 29, 2006, photo, a skier poses for a photograph on Portage Lake in front of Portage Glacier, about 50 miles south of Anchorage,
climate change in public Alaska. The Portage Glacier, a major Alaskan tourist destination, has retreated so far that it no longer can be seen from a multimillion-dollar
disclosures since 2007. visitors center built in 1986. The shrinking of the glacier has been attributed to climate change.
The question for
investigators is whether New York Attorney Gen- climate change is caused nies like Exxon have been Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson they can continue to
the company held back eral Eric Schneiderman is by human activity. charging themselves a has been one of the most deliver shareholder value
information that some- likely to send subpoenas What Exxon does next carbon tax strident in this regard. by selling an important
one would want to know to other companies too is what’s important. I’ve internally, That needs to end product without
before buying stock in that funded organizations pointed out several times but in pub- now. Unlike tobacco destroying the planet.
the company. Or did they that created public doubt that foreign oil and gas lic state- companies, whose These businesses can
spread information that about climate change. companies are actively ments have mission was to turn their help create a smooth
they knew to be false to I don’t think the in- acknowledging climate remained customers into addicts glide path to new and
improve the company’s vestigation will lead to a change, adapting busi- silent on for a product they don’t cleaner forms of energy,
stock price. If they did, criminal prosecution of ness plans to address it climate need, oil and natural or they can continue to
then they broke the law. Exxon, but the company’s and engaging policymak- Tomlinson change or gas companies supply deny the problem and
Peabody, a coal com- internal research dating ers on a carbon tax that is denied that something the world create a crisis. The better
pany, is also under a back to the 1970s will fur- acceptable to all. the government should will always require: corporate citizens will
similar investigation, and ther quiet those who deny American oil compa- do anything about it. energy. If they evolve, choose the first option.
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Z5

Gray Matters

At Precinct 344, lousy wiring and the hard-won right to vote

Dispatches from Harris County

By Gabrielle Banks | McCan said, juggling two

Houston Chronicle phone calls on her own
and a borrowed cell phone.
First one machine She leaned over an elbow
blinked out. Then two to examine a machine’s
were down. By 7:03 a.m., display screen with a co-
three minutes into regular worker.
voting on Election Day, “We need a better poll-
six out of six devices were ing location,” she said.
malfunctioning. It wasn’t “They need to X this one
long before the group off. I’ve been telling them
of voters waiting to cast that for years.”
ballots at the Greater For more than two
Love Missionary Baptist decades, McCan, 44, has
Church — most of them been overseeing voting at
elderly, most of them this site just north of the
African-American — be- 610 Loop. She first helped
gan to despair. as a clerk in 1991, when she
“They feel like it’s a supported Gov. Bill Clin-
conspiracy,” said Amy ton and her cousin kept
McCan, the election judge arguing that H. Ross Perot
at the polling station. “I’ve should be in the White
never seen my elderly House. When she was 21,
frustrated like they were Rev. Samuel H. Smith, of
frustrated today.” She Mount Horeb Missionary
estimated that 15 or 20 Baptist, and a woman she
voters, some with walkers, knew as Miss McLemore,
canes and accompanied by the previous judge, both
caregivers, opted to leave encouraged McCan to take
during that busy morning over the Greater Love poll-
stretch. ing location. Elizabeth Conley photos / Houston Chronicle
Each set of three ma- “They taught me to care Election judge Amy McCan talks with the county clerk’s office about electrical problems at the Greater Love
chines was linked like a for my voters and make Missionary Baptist Church polling station on Election Day.
daisy chain to an operating it as easy as possible for
machine, and the electric- them to vote,” she said. “I one voter told McCan that
ity kept flickering in and let them know what the his father was blasted
out, taxing the breaker. An provision of votes stands with the firehose during
electrician said the wiring for. I have a lot of elderly civil rights protests in
in the ramshackle out- here. That’s their right. All Alabama.
building named Precinct I can do is help them.” Standing on the porch
344’s polling place needed McCan is the mother of the precinct’s outbuild-
an overhaul. The wires of three grown daughters ing, she drew a deep
might have been chewed and the youngest of 10 breath, watching a county Election
by rodents. Two different children. On work days, technician pour gas into volunteer
Harris County election she serves drinks at NRG, a generator to provide Kenneth
technicians came out at Toyota Center, Minute backup electricity. McCan,
different times to unplug Maid and BBVA Compass. “My ancestors, their Amy’s
and reboot the system. Her grandmother, who ancestors, fought for this brother,
The set-up was working was born in 1919, made right,” she said. “To see wipes
at 10:30 a.m. But by 2 p.m., McCan and her older sib- my elderly go through this off his
four of the six machines lings and cousins promise was a problem for me. To forehead
were out again. “I can’t cut they would never take go through what they went in the
the A/C on because sparks their votes for granted. through and then have polling
are going to fly,” said On Tuesday morning, this... it is not fair.” station.
Z6 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Z7

Grayy M

Environmentalists won the battle.

How activists tank
anked Keystone XL intensive source of oil the arrests through digital
But what about the war? than conventional wells. platforms to demonstrate
Activists referred to Key- the extent of opposition

stone as a “carbon bomb” to the pipeline and raise
Luis Hestres | University of Texas at San Antonio and incessantly repeated morale within the move-
Dr. Hansen’s “game over” ment.
ontrary to predictions from energy industry assertion, even as they
downplayed Keystone’s Hollow victory?
insiders, President Obama has rejected Trans- job-creating potential. This victory will em-
Activists also framed bolden the climate move-
Canada’s application to build the Keystone Keystone XL as a question ment as we approach the
of public accountabil- Paris climate talks which
XL pipeline across the United States-Canada ity for the president. As start later this month.
they saw it, Obama had Unlike 2009, when
border. promised to fight climate activists went to
change and support Copenhagen dejected
The president down- the State Department to and Congress, which are clean energy – and they from the United
played the pipeline’s the White House; effec- heavily politicized arenas expected him to keep his States’ failure to enact
contribution to carbon tively counter-framing of public contention that word. This call to hold the comprehensive climate
emissions, but he did say pro-pipeline arguments; receive plenty of attention president accountable for legislation, this time
that approving it would and successfully combin- and media coverage, few his campaign promises they will head to the UN
have undercut America’s ing digital organizing people follow the ins and was even echoed in the climate talks with a win
role as the “global leader” with offline actions. outs of federal regulatory signs that some activists under their belts.
on tackling climate In some ways, however, decisions and even fewer brought to the Keystone The most vocal ele-
change. This makes these successful tactics in journalists cover them demonstrations. Protest- ments of the movement
Keystone XL the first influencing the public dis- beyond the specialized ers were often seen with will point to Keystone as a
major transnational fossil cussion on Keystone may press. signs that said “NOXL,” demonstration that their
fuel extraction project to have hurt activists’ cause The solution: Place in which the letter “O” demand to keep as much
be rejected expressly on by further polarizing the the decision squarely on consisted of the well- fossil fuel as possible “in
climate-related grounds. climate movement. the president’s shoul- known Obama campaign the ground” can work,
Although no one factor ders. Activists targeted logo. and will push for this ap-
is likely responsible for Politicized the issue the president as the final Although is proach in Paris.
the president’s deci- After prominent cli- decision-maker, which well versed in the lat- Activists will also use
sion, the climate change mate scientist Dr. James politicized the issues and est social media-based this victory to bolster
activists who mobilized Hansen declared that brought public attention forms of activism, it did their calls for various
grass-roots opposition to allowing the Keystone XL to it. For example, activ- not rely solely on these institutions to divest from
the pipeline can rightfully project to proceed would ists staged a massive civil tools to campaign against all their fossil fuel hold-
take some credit for it. mean “game over” for the disobedience campaign in Keystone. Instead, the ings.
According to my planet in terms of carbon 2011, during which more group used technology The legacy of the Key-
research into climate emissions, and than 900 people were to support and augment stone campaign in U.S.
change activism, 350. its allies decided to try to arrested in front of the the power of the offline politics, however, is more
org – an advocacy orga- stop the pipeline. White House. actions that were the cen- uncertain and, perhaps,
nization cofounded by But although the presi- terpieces of its campaign: less positive.
environmental author Bill dent took center stage in Digital activism civil disobedience and By overtly politicizing
McKibben – and its allies announcing the pipeline’s Before and rallies. the issue, the activists
employed a number of demise, the decision tech- its allies began its cam- relied heavily may have further
communication tactics to nically resided with the paign, supporters framed on digital technology to polarized attitudes
achieve what is one of the State Department, as it Keystone as a job-creation recruit volunteers to get about climate change
biggest symbolic victories does with similar trans- engine and a tool for U.S. arrested in front of the and moved the country
for the US climate move- national infrastructure energy independence. White House and others closer to a scenario in
ment to date. projects. Presidents then The climate movement who could support it in which climate change is
Specifically, climate usually just affirm their instead emphasized the various ways: spreading considered a Democratic
activists embraced the agencies’ decisions. potentially catastrophic word about the arrests issue, while opposition to
following strategies to This presented a chal- consequences of extract- online, helping with bail, climate-friendly policies
scuttle the pipeline: shift- lenge for climate activists: ing oil from Canada’s tar J. Scott Applewhite / STF etc. The group also circu- becomes a litmus test for
ing the final decision from unlike the presidency sands, a more carbon- Environmental activists gathered outside the White House last year to protest the Keystone
one XL pipeline
pipe project. lated videos and photos of Republicans.
Z8 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x

Gray Matters

ICYMI: Seven voters decide billions in bonds, and more

The Chronicle’s
top in-depth
By Lauren Caruba

In area MUD elections,

a handful of voters de-
cide $1 billion in bonds
On the west side of
Conroe in Montgomery
County, just seven voters
were eligible to decide
$1.07 billion in bonds for
roads, water, sewer and
recreational facilities this
week. That’s because they
were the only residents
in newly created munici-
pal utility districts, also
known as MUDs, that
have been carved out as
the county north of Hous-
ton continues its rapid
population growth. How
have MUDs have surged
in the counties surround-
ing Houston?
By Cindy Horswell, @

Only four miles sepa-

rate those who vote
from those who don’t
Houston’s voting Michael Ciaglo / Houston Chronicle
Precinct 403 near Meyer- Marisa Bishop, 9, left, dismounts a balance beam during gymnastics class at Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center of Houston.
land sits just four miles The center is at the middle of the precinct with Houston’s highest voter turnout.
away from Precinct 359
in Westwood. Yet the two (@KatDriessen) and Mike The Montgomery have operated at capacity the renowned University How Houstonians
areas couldn’t be more Morris (@mmorris011) County Women’s Center is and fielded more calls, of Texas M.D. Anderson voted on HERO
different when it comes to the only domestic violence struggling to keep up with Cancer Center. But in late On Election Day, voters
demographics and voting Doctor accused in rape resource in a county of a growing problem. September, Gardenier soundly rejected Hous-
behavior. While Precinct unlikely to be held li- half a million. It is among By Lauren Caruba, and as many as 2,000 ton’s embattled equal
403, a neat residential able in civil court just 13 organizations in @LaurenCaruba other M.D. Anderson rights ordinance, one of
neighborhood, saw a 39 Columnist Lisa Houston and outlying patients received a letter the most controversial
percent voter turnout in Falkenberg follows up on cities that specifically Loss of insurance saying they were being ballot items in recent
the last municipal elec- her reports on a Houston provide emergency plans could devastate dropped from their memory. Yet support
tion, just 18 percent of doctor accused of raping shelter to victims, cancer patients Preferred Provider and opposition to HERO
voters in Precinct 359 — a patient - and how tort totaling just 741 beds. The Martha Gardenier has Organization plans. The varied widely across the
home to many immigrants reform limits the patient’s greater Houston area’s struggled to fight back move made financial city, data shows. Most
who are ineligible to vote right to sue. @Chron- burgeoning population from a rare bone marrow sense for Blue Cross of the support for the
— appeared at the polls. Falkenberg growth has translated into disease and leukemia. Blue Shield, but for some measure was centralized
The contrasting precincts a spike in local domestic She was able to do so patients, it could be a in the inner Loop, near the
shed light on civic engage- Houston area struggles violence cases, stressing because her insurance matter of life or death. Heights and Montrose.
ment in Houston. with domestic violence very limited resources. carrier, Blue Cross Blue By Jenny Deam, By John D. Harden,
By Katherine Driessen spike This year, area shelters Shield of Texas, included @jenny_deam @Jdharden
College team shows power sports figures hold but rarely wield
If you think this doesn’t af- BRIAN T. SMITH generation has its own voice. That’s not an easy position to be Campus leaders out
fect you, you’re wrong. Commentary If it chooses to use it. Which in, so I commend them for it,” ›› The president and chancellor
If you don’t like politics in boycotting Tigers did Saturday, Texans left tackle Duane Brown announce plans to step aside after
your sports page, too bad. when a single social-media said. “I don’t know the back- protests at Missouri. Page A1
If you’re already tired of tweet shook up everything — a story on it. But I commend the
hearing about it, just keep read- school, a city, a region, a sports coach, professors and everyone dence hall bathroom wall. All
ing. country, all of college football who backed the football team.” in the shadow of Ferguson, Mo.,
Because Missouri is worth — then took down tone-deaf The stories leading up to the which lies about 120 miles to
your time. Missouri president Tim Wolfe strike are as ugly as they are the east and became a national
The college kids who called and chancellor R. Bowen Loftin disgusting: Missouri’s student racial divide barely a year ago.
out a university and changed on Monday in the same rapid- association president racially There was a week-long
a culture simply by sitting other program will pull off the fire news cycle. abused; the N-word directed hunger strike by a Missouri
out. A 4-5 football team that entire year. Monday’s stunning “It’s impressive they decided at Legion of Black Collegians student and threats of walk-
accomplished more during reminder that sports are never, to bond together and the coach members; feces smeared in the outs by faculty. But nothing
the last two days than every ever just about sports and every (Gary Pinkel) backed them. shape of a swastika on a resi- Smith continues on C3


Ken Griffey Jr. The top story lines

is the biggest and matchups in this
newcomer to the week’s first round of
Hall of Fame ballot. the football playoffs.
Page C5 Page C6

Houston Chronicle @HoustonChron Houston Chronicle | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | and Section C xxx


Showing the way

can see
he’s been “I’m familiar with their personnel and their scheme. I didn’t have
to look at the scouting report because I know them by name and
missing number. … With my familiarity with their personnel, I can try to
use that to help our team this week.”
Texans quarterback Brian Hoyer
By Jose de Jesus Ortiz

Terrence Jones was in a

jovial mood Monday after
participating in his first
practice with his Rockets
teammates this month.
The power forward even
poked fun at the eye injury
that had kept him out of ac-
tion since Oct. 30.
Jones missed the last
five games while recover-
ing from a lacerated right
eyelid suffered in the sec- Hoyer draws on wins vs. Bengals to plot another upset
ond game of the season
when the Warriors’ Ste- If familiarity really them by ceptions.
phen Curry accidentally does breed contempt, name and In 2013, Hoyer led the
poked him. the Cincinnati Bengals number. Browns to a 17-6 victory
Jones didn’t hesitate should despise Brian “They at Cleveland. He com-
when asked if there were Hoyer. don’t pleted 25 of 38 passes
some things he saw from In his first season with change for 269 yards and two
watching his teammates the Texans, Hoyer needs JOHN much. touchdowns.
play that might help him to be as efficient and McCLAIN They do a In 2014, Hoyer helped
upon his return. Before consistent as he was the good job the Browns earn a 24-3
answering the question, last two seasons when he of keeping their players. Thursday night victory
he shut his right eyelid and helped Cleveland defeat They’re a tough team, at Cincinnati. He went
smiled. Cincinnati two times. and they’re winning big 15-of-23 for 198 yards and
“Barely. I’m like this The Texans, 3-5 and games and close games. no touchdowns.
watching the game,” he coming off their open With my familiarity with “It was a Thursday
said with a wink of the date, play the undefeated their personnel, I can try night game, and no one
right eye. “I tried to see as Bengals on Monday night to use that to help our gave us a chance, kind of
much as I could. I talked to at Paul Brown Stadium. team this week.” similar to what we’re go-
the coaches, went over a lot After getting five days Hoyer wasn’t spectac- ing into,” Hoyer said. “I
of film just to try to get bet- off, the players returned ular in his two victories remember as a team, we
ter, even though I wasn’t to practice Monday to over the Bengals. He felt confident going in.
on the floor.” start preparing for the turned in a pair of work- “I think that kind
It’s good Jones could Bengals, a team Hoyer manlike performances of (confidence) begets
find some humor in his lat- studied four times over that included no inter- success. We were able to
est in a series of ailments the last two seasons get up on them early and
and injuries over the last but played against only finish the game.
year. After playing a ca- twice. Texans “The first one (2013)
reer-high 76 games with “I’m familiar with at Bengals went down to the fourth
71 starts in the 2013-14 sea- their personnel and their When: 7:30 p.m. quarter.”
son, Jones was limited to 33 scheme,” Hoyer said after Monday. That’s when Hoyer
games last season. practice. “I didn’t have TV/radio: ESPN, threw a touchdown pass
to look at the scouting KIAH; 610 AM, 100.3 FM that secured the victory.
Karen Warren / Houston Chronicle

Jones’ continues on C4
report because I know and 1180 AM (Spanish). O’Brien continues on C2
Saturday: Rockets Live chat
109, Clippers 105. ›› John McClain answers your Texans questions at noon today at
Record: 4-3.
Wednesday: Brooklyn at
Toyota Center, 7 p.m.
TV/radio: Root; 790 AM,
850 AM (Spanish).


Luhnow isn’t wed Cougars don’t mind driving in fast lane

to the K.C. model Hoops preview By Adam Coleman

Few teams in the coun-

›› Kelvin Sampson eyes turn-
around in 2nd season as UH
By Evan Drellich fifth-highest strikeout rate try score at a rate faster basketball coach. Page C3
in the majors, so they did than UH.
WEST PALM BEACH, get swings and misses. Yet And that goes hand in
Fla. — If one were to boil their primary relievers hand with the Cougars’ be one of those teams that
down the types of players lack velocity. quick ascent this season. tries to run as many plays
the Astros need most this “We’re going try to No. 16 UH welcomes as you can on offense,”
winter, hard-throwing re- make some improvements No. 25 Memphis on Satur- UH coach Tom Herman
lievers and contact hitters with the team,” Astros day at TDECU Stadium said. “We believe offense,
seem the most obvious. owner Jim Crane said in a matchup of high- defense and special teams
Not because that’s a catch- of the offseason plan. “I powered offenses and two are not mutually exclusive,
all Kansas City Royals for- think we’ve got a good mi- of the American Athletic and there is a manage-
mula but because of a de- nor league system now in Conference’s best signal ment-of-the-game compo-
sire for balance. place — what we set out to callers. nent of using the clock and
Yes, those 2015 World do. We’ve got a nucleus of What’s UH’s edge? Pace making first downs. But I
Series champion Royals great players developing. and ability to apply imme- think when we get rolling,
had contact hitters and You get in the playoffs un- diate pressure on oppos- you normally see if we get
overpowering relievers der a little pressure, and I ing defenses. a first or second first down
who got a franchise to think we played well. Our The Cougars have 20 in the series, we’ll start to
two straight Fall Classics. guys got some experience. touchdown drives of two pick up the tempo.”
But in a copycat industry, “I think we’re just going minutes or less this sea- As far as one-minute
recent events can leave a to try to fill in a few holes Joe Buvid son. They have 10 touch- drives are concerned,
skewed perception of the — I think those are fairly UH quarterback Greg Ward Jr. scores against Texas down drives of one minute Oklahoma leads the nation
right formula. obvious — and go from State to complete what passes for a lengthy drive for or less, which ranks 15th in with 17. Baylor, Oklahoma
Astros relievers fin- there.” the Cougars. It required eight plays but took only the nation. State and Tulsa have 16
ished the year with the Astros continues on C4 2:39 off the clock. “We’re never going to UH’s continues on C3
C2 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x


While Romo sits,

playoff hopes sag
for Cowboys
IRVING — The Dallas
Cowboys are on the verge
of making the return of
quarterback Tony Romo
a moot point — if they
haven’t already.
The team’s longest los-
ing streak since 1989 — all Welker Bridgewater
six games that Romo has
missed with a broken left Rams sign
collarbone — has the de- receiver Welker
fending NFC East cham-
pions facing this sobering The Rams signed wide
stat: Only one team has receiver Wes Welker,
made the playoffs in NFL hoping he can help them
history after starting 2-6. dig out of a third-down
“I think you always problem.
want to address that, the The Rams are 4-for-37
perspective of where we on third down conversions
are, where we’ve been, the past three games.
and where we’re going Welker, 34, had 49
and what’s out there,” catches for a career-low
Brett Coomer / Houston Chronicle coach Jason Garrett 9.5-yard average last year
Wide receiver Cecil Shorts will return for the Texans against the Bengals on Monday night after suffering a said Monday, a day after with Denver. He became
hamstring injury against the Jaguars. Philadelphia beat Dallas a free agent and has not
33-27 on Jordan Matthews’ played this season.

Brown, McKinney cleared

41-yard touchdown catch
in overtime. “But I don’t Gabbert remains
think you want to spend
too much time on that.”
49ers’ starter

after having concussions The Cowboys have one

more game before Romo
is eligible to return — the
first of consecutive games
As expected, 49ers coach
Jim Tomsula will stick
with Blaine Gabbert as
his starting quarterback
Texans Pro Bowl left three games and has 17 of it early,” said Shorts, Griffin’s return in Florida at Tampa Bay after the off week.
tackle Duane Brown tackles, one for a loss. who has 25 catches for on Sunday. Dallas visits The 49ers’ website re-
and rookie starting inside “I never had a concus- 299 yards and one score.
appears likely Miami the next week, ported that Tomsula met
linebacker Benardrick sion before,” McKinney “I felt really good. The Texans tight end Ryan when Romo can come with the quarterbacks
McKinney returned to said. “It was a new experi- best feeling is being out Griffin is shedding rust, back. Monday and said Gabbert
practice after recovering ence. I just wasn’t feeling there with the guys. It’s returning to practice Two of the losses have would start over Colin
from concussions. well. I feel good now. I’m tough not being out there, Monday for the first time been on opposing touch- Kaepernick at Seattle
Brown and McKinney out there trying to get watching everybody else since he sprained the downs to start overtime on Nov. 22, and a team
passed baseline neuro- better and make some playing, knowing you can medial collateral ligament (New Orleans and the spokesman confirmed the
logical exams required plays, man. The bye week contribute and play your in his knee in the season Eagles), another thanks report Monday evening.
under the mandatory helped me a lot, getting role and help.” opener. to a go-ahead kickoff
NFL concussion-testing my mind right.” Although Griffin return for a touchdown QB Bridgewater
protocol. Jackson to miss remains on the injured in the fourth quarter
better after hit
Brown left the Texans’ Shorts completes 3rd game in row reserve-designated to (Giants), and a fourth on
win over Tennessee prior return list, the plan is for a late drive to a field goal Vikings quarterback
to the open week but is
WR triumvirate The Texans ruled out him to be activated and (Seattle). Teddy Bridgewater has
set to play Monday night The Texans have wait- veteran cornerback Ka- play against the Bengals. The only blowout was passed his first post-con-
against Cincinnati. ed weeks to have their top reem Jackson for Mon- “I’m jacked for it,” something of a given — a cussion test.
Just one of those things. three wide receivers in the day, the third consecutive Griffin said. “It’s going to 30-6 loss to undefeated Coach Mike Zimmer
Never experienced that lineup together. game he’ll miss. take a little bit, but it was New England. said Monday he believes
before, so good to be back With the return of Jackson has been a good first step.” Matt Cassel had his Bridgewater “will be good
out there, good to be veteran Cecil Shorts on sidelined since spraining The Texans have 21 best game in three starts to go” when the Vikings
amongst my teammates Monday night against Cin- his right ankle against days to activate Griffin against Philadelphia, but play at Oakland this
getting ready for Monday cinnati from a hamstring Jacksonville. or place him on injured he and Brandon Weeden weekend.
night,” Brown said. “It injury sustained against With Jackson sidelined, reserve for the remain- are both 0-3 trying to fill Bridgewater’s injury
was tough. I’m feeling a Jacksonville, the Texans rookie cornerback Kevin der of the season. Based in for Romo. occurred in the fourth
lot better. I felt a lot better will be able to have him Johnson again will start on how he practiced “We have to address quarter Sunday when St.
the next day. It’s some- operate in tandem with opposite Johnathan Monday, they’ll likely why it hasn’t been good Louis cornerback Lamar-
thing that takes a little bit starters DeAndre Hop- Joseph. activate him later in the enough,” said Garrett, cus Joyner hit him with
of time. The trainers did kins and Nate Washing- Outside linebacker week. whose previous longest his shoulder, causing his
a great job of helping me ton in three-receiver sets. Jadeveon Clowney “He’s moving around losing streak in five years head to bounce off the turf.
out, and I’m feeling great Shorts missed the remains out with a lower pretty good. I thought he as coach was two games. From wire reports
now.” last two games after back injury. His status for looked pretty good,” Tex-
McKinney has been being sidelined earlier Monday’s game is unde- ans coach Bill O’Brien
sidelined since the this season against the termined, but Clowney is said. “I would see him
Texans’ win over Jack- Indianapolis Colts with a just starting to regain his being ready for Monday
sonville, missing the last dislocated shoulder. mobility. night.”
two games. He has started “You have to take care Aaron Wilson

O’Brien downplays Hoyer’s past NFL AT A GLANCE

South W L T PF PA
East W L T PF PA
O’Brien from page C1 Texans came to Cleve- years should be of benefit the Bengals has no bear- Indianapolis 4 5 0 200 227 N.Y. Giants 5 4 0 247226
land the next week and in Monday’s game. ing on his confidence en- Houston 3 5 0 174 205 Philadelphia 4 4 0 193 164
In both games, Hoyer stunned the Browns, who “I don’t think any of tering the game or during Jacksonville 2 6 0 170235 Washington 3 5 0 158 195
relied heavily on an collapsed in alarming that matters,” O’Brien the game. Tennessee 2 6 0 159 187 Dallas 2 6 0 160204
outstanding Cleveland fashion over the last seven said. “I think it’s more “I don’t think so,” he East W L T PF PA South W L T PF PA
defense that didn’t allow games of the season. about how’s he practicing said. “This league is con- New England 8 0 0 276 143 Carolina 8 0 0 228165
a touchdown. The Texans In recent years, the this week, which looked stantly changing. I was on N.Y. Jets 5 3 0 200162 Atlanta 6 3 0 229190
will have to produce a Texans have been awful good today, (and) where a different team. I’m on a Buffalo 4 4 0 209 190 New Orleans 4 5 0 241268
similar defensive perfor- in prime time. They need he is with his game plan. different team now. Miami 3 5 0 171 206 Tampa Bay 3 5 0 181 231
mance if they hope to win. Hoyer to play his best “He has confidence. He “This is a year-to-year, North W L T PF PA North W L T PF PA
No one knows more game to have even the came out today (and) was game-to-game business. Cincinnati 8 0 0 229142 Minnesota 6 2 0 168140
than Hoyer how fragile slightest chance of pulling ripping it around pretty You have to be ready to Pittsburgh 5 4 0 206 182 Green Bay 6 2 0 203167
success can be. That a monumental upset in good. He’s playing confi- play every Sunday.” Baltimore 2 6 0 190214 Chicago 3 5 0 162 221
prime-time victory at the nationally televised dently right now, regard- And Monday. Cleveland 2 7 0 177 247 Detroit 1 7 0 149 245
Cincinnati last year gave game. less of what his record is If not, Hoyer won’t West W L T PF PA West W L T PF PA
the Browns a 6-3 record Hoyer and coach Bill against the Bengals.” be perfect against the Denver 7 1 0 192 139 Arizona 6 2 0 263153
and left them alone in O’Brien disagreed when Hoyer, who’s on pace Bengals. Oakland 4 4 0 213 211 St. Louis 4 4 0 153 146
first place in the AFC they were asked Monday for 26 touchdown passes Kansas City 3 5 0 195 182 Seattle 4 4 0 167 140
North. if Hoyer’s success against and six interceptions, San Diego 2 7 0 210 249 San Francisco 3 6 0 126 223
Then the underdog the Browns the last two agreed his record against Week 9 results/schedule
Thursday’s result N.Y. Jets 28 Jacksonville 23
Cincinnati 31 Cleveland 10 Pittsburgh 38 Oakland 35
BEARS 22, CHARGERS 19 Bears 22, Chargers 19
Sunday’s results San Francisco 17 Atlanta 16

Cutler guides rally

Chicago 0 7 0 15 — 22 Kickoff returns............................ 2-46 1-24
San Diego 7 9 0 3 — 19 Interceptions ret.......................... 0-0 1-68 Tennessee 34New Orleans 28 (OT) N.Y. Giants 32 Tampa Bay 18
First quarter Comp-att-int......................... 27-40-1 26-42-0 Minnesota 21 St. Louis 18 (OT) Indianapolis 27 Denver 24

to atone for miscues

SD—Woodhead 14 pass from Rivers (Lambo Sacked-yards lost..........................1-8 2-18
Carolina 37 Green Bay 29 Philadelphia 33 Dallas 27 (OT)
kick), 6:50. Punts......................................... 2-42.5 4-39.8
Second quarter Fumbles-lost...................................1-1 1-1 New England 27 Washington 10 Monday’s result
SD—Verrett 68 interception return (kick Penalties-yards.......................... 6-55 8-54 Buffalo 33 Miami 17 Chicago 22 San Diego 19
failed), 9:58. Time of possession .................. 33:35 26:25
ASSOCIATED PRESS the 2-point conversion. Chi—Bennett 1 pass from Cutler (Gould Individual statistics Off: Arizona, Baltimore, Detroit, Houston, Kansas City, Seattle
It was the first lead for kick), 6:53. Rushing—Chicago, Langford 18-72, Carey Week 10 schedule
SD—FG Lambo 31, :03. 7-28, Smith 1-11, Cutler 3-(minus 2).
SAN DIEGO — Zach Chicago, which scored 15 Fourth quarter San Diego, Woodhead 6-33, Gordon 11-31,
Thursday’s game
Miller made a one-handed points in the fourth quar- Chi—Langford 1 run (Gould kick), 14:02. Brown 2-13. Time Open. line Cur. line O/U TV
grab of a 25-yard touch- ter. SD—FG Lambo 22, 7:53. Passing—Chicago, Cutler 27-40-1-345. Buffalo at N.Y. Jets 7:25 N.Y. 3 N.Y. 3 43½ NFL
Chi—Miller 25 pass from Cutler (Langford San Diego, Rivers 26-42-0-280. Sunday’s games
down pass from Jay Cut- Cutler’s two TD passes run), 3:19. Receiving—Chicago, Jeffery 10-151, Bennett
Time Open. line Cur. line O/U TV
ler with 3:19 to go, and the gave him a franchise-re- A—68,033. 8-57, Langford 3-70, Mariani 2-23, Miller 2-23,
Chi SD Wilson 1-15, Bellamy 1-6. Detroit at Green Bay noon G.B. 12 G.B. 11½ 48½
Chicago Bears beat the San cord 139 with the Bears. First downs ......................................25 19 San Diego, S.Johnson 7-68, Woodhead Carolina at Tennessee noon Car. 4½ Car. 4½ 42½
Diego Chargers 22-19 on The Bears (3-5) snapped Total net yards.............................446 339 6-78, Gates 6-69, Inman 3-28, Gordon 3-25,
Chicago at St. Louis noon StL 8 StL 8 NL
Rushes-yards.......................... 29-109 19-77 Herndon 1-12.
Monday night. a two-game losing streak. Passing ...........................................337 262 Missed field goals—Chicago, Gould 47 (WL), Dallas at Tampa Bay noon T.B. 1½ T.B. 1½ 43½ Fox
Cutler, who overcame San Diego (2-7) lost its fifth Punt returns ................................ 2-22 0-0 34 (WL). New Orleans at Washington noon N.O. 1½ N.O. 1½ 50½
an interception return for straight. Miami at Philadelphia noon Phil. 6½ Phil. 6½ 46½
a touchdown and a fumble Cutler never wavered yards. It was the first time cago. Cutler began his ca- Cleveland at Pittsburgh noon Pitt. 4½ Pitt. 4½ 41
to throw for 345 yards, in another tight game for in six games that he didn’t reer with the Broncos and Jacksonville at Baltimore noon Bal. 6 Bal. 6 48½
calmly led the Bears on Chicago. He continually at- throw for more than 300. is in his seventh season Minnesota at Oakland 3:05 NL NL NL
the winning 10-play, 80- tacked San Diego’s deplet- Cutler broke the fran- with the Bears. Luckman, Kansas City at Denver 3:25 Den. 7 Den. 6½ 42½
New England at N.Y. Giants 3:25 N.E. 7 N.E. 7 54½
yard drive after the Char- ed secondary, completing chise record for touch- who spent his entire 12-
Arizona at Seattle 7:30 Sea. 3 Sea. 3 44½ NBC
gers opened a 19-14 lead 27 of 40 passes. down passes when he year career with the Bears Monday’s game
on rookie Josh Lambo’s Two plays before the TD found Martellus Bennett from 1939-50, threw his Time Open. line Cur. line O/U TV
22-yard field goal. throw to Miller, Cutler was for a 1-yard score midway final touchdown pass on Houston at Cincinnati 7:30 Cin.11 Cin.11 47½ESPN
Miller made a leaping hit and still completed a 12- through the second quar- Sept. 17, 1950. KIAH
grab with his right hand yard pass to Alshon Jeffery ter. Langford scored on Off: Atlanta, Indianapolis, San Diego, San Francisco
and scored. Rookie Jeremy on third-and-6. Cutler had been tied a 1-yard run early in the
Langford, subbing for the San Diego’s Philip Riv- with Hall of Famer Sid fourth quarter to start Chi- STANDINGS SPONSORED BY
injured Matt Forte, ran in ers was 26-of-42 for 280 Luckman with 137 for Chi- cago’s comeback.
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | C3


Sampson sees turnaround in offing Cougars preview

2014-15: 13-19, 4-14
American Athletic
Talent infusion Cougars begin the season nights when you don’t re- 2014-15 postseason: Lost
Nov. 18 against Prairie View ally see much of a difference in the second round of the
gives Cougars A&M. between them and who AAC tournament to Tulsa
variety of options “Forget last year,” Samp- starts the game.” 59-51.
son said. “We’re going to be Sampson said the Cou- Coach: Kelvin Sampson
By Joseph Duarte good this year.” gars benefited from a 10-day (second season).
For starters, the Cougars summer exhibition tour in
On more than a few oc- have more depth at guard. China. While UH won three PLAYERS TO WATCH:
casions last season, Kelvin Ronnie Johnson, a two-year of the four games against F Devonta Pollard:
Sampson would turn to his starter at Purdue who is teams from the Chinese Second on the team in
left and see a mostly empty eligible after sitting out last Basketball Association, scoring (11.4) and rebounds
bench. season, and true freshman Sampson said more came (6.4) last season.
Even finding enough Galen Robinson Jr., whose from the trip. G Rob Gray Jr.: Brings
available bodies to run father played for the Cou- “We built chemistry,” he much-needed ability to
5-on-5 in practice became a gars in the mid-1990s, offer said. “When we left, we had score after averaging 14.5
problem. two options at point guard. 12 guys wearing a uniform points in four games on
In Sampson’s first sea- Rob Gray Jr., who origi- with ‘Houston’ across the China trip.
son, injuries and attrition nally committed to Tennes- middle. When we got back, G Damyean Dotson:
forced the University of see, is a bona fide scoring we had a really good team.” Another newcomer who
Houston to plug holes with threat at shooting guard, should make immediate
the wrong parts. They had while another transfer, Major facility upgrade impact, the former Yates
a 195-pound center and a guard Damyean Dotson, Another step in the right star averaged nearly 11
point guard who had never averaged double figures in direction: UH is set to open points in two seasons as a
played the position. two seasons at Oregon. the $25 million Guy V. Lewis starter at Oregon.
The Cougars lost 19 Forward Devonta Pol- Basketball Center later this
games, the most for the lard is the team’s top return- month. SCHEDULE HIGHLIGHTS
once-proud program in ing starter. He averaged 11.4 Eric Christian Smith “It’s a game-changer,” Dec. 2. vs. Murray State:
more than a decade. Samp- points and 6.4 rebounds. After averaging 11.4 points, UH forward Devonta Sampson said. Racers won 27 games last
son, however, saw a glim- Pollard, left, will have a lot more help this season. An early schedule that season but were snubbed
mer of hope with wins in More help inside includes eight of the first for NCAA Tournament.
four of the last five games. Aside from point guard, Xavier Dupree and Danrad past three years. He’s not nine games at Hofheinz Pa- Dec. 13 vs. LSU: The Tigers
“Sometimes you have to the area that will benefit “Chicken” Knowles and expected to return before vilion allows the Cougars are No. 21 in preseason poll
trick ’em,” Sampson said. most from help is center, guards LeRon Barnes, a the start of American Ath- the opportunity to get off to and feature 6-10 freshman
“We were tricking them at with 6-10 Kyle Meyer, who graduate student who tied letic Conference play in late a fast start. Ben Simmons, who could
the end.” began at Iowa, and 6-8 Ber- for the team lead with 6.4 re- December. “We’ve been through the be the No. 1 pick in the NBA
Help is on the way in Year trand Nkali, the projected bounds per game, Eric Wea- “That’s the strength of hard times,” Knowles said. draft.
2. starter before a groin injury ry Jr. and Wes VanBeck. this team. We’ve got a lot “We’re looking forward to Jan. 17 vs. UConn: UH has
The Cougars welcome sidelined him all last sea- A wild card is the return of ways we can go,” Samp- getting off to a good start.” upset the Huskies, ranked
six newcomers, an influx son. of point guard L.J. Rose, son said. “Bottom line is we No. 20 in the preseason, in
of depth and talent that will That leaves a deep bench who has undergone mul- have a really good bench. their last two meetings at
give Sampson options as the that includes forwards tiple foot surgeries over the There are going to be some Hofheinz Pavilion.

UH’s 10 TD drives
UT seeks solution to road struggles of a minute or less
AUSTIN — Before Johnathan son. The redshirt fresh- Thomas said in a pre-
Shaka Smart took his
Texas men’s basketball
team on a weeklong trip
rank 15th in FBS
about UT’s
man sat out for several
weeks this season due to a
pared statement.
Thomas is the latest
high-profile leader to be
to China for its season last road On Monday, he was swept aside in the turmoil
opener, he placed a phone game went getting an MRI for an at the university’s flagship UH’s from page C1 of grind it out, and then
call to Longhorns football unheeded. upper-body injury. The campus this year, fol- boom — you ratchet it back
coach Charlie Strong. results will be known lowing the resignation apiece for a tie at second. up,” Herman said. “I think
If Smart expected to get one of those victories later this week. of one of his top backers, The Cougars’ 10 scor- a lot of our successes do
receive any advice from his out of the way against Meanwhile, Rice senior chancellor Phyllis Wise, ing drives of one minute or come when we are ratchet-
longtime friend, he wound West Virginia (4-4, 1-4). defensive tackle Stu- and the August firing of less are tied with Oregon ing up the tempo.”
up disappointed. But merely keeping the art Mouchantaf played football coach Tim Beck- and Ohio State. Ward echoed Apple-
“I don’t know about game competitive would against UTEP. Mouch- man. In its most time-con- white’s sentiments. There
playing games overseas,” be a step forward for a antaf dislocated his left The school also re- suming drive this season, is room to grow on offense,
Strong said. “I like playing team that never gave itself elbow against Western leased final reports on UH went 71 yards in 16 and the team hasn’t been
right here.” a chance to win at Notre Kentucky and returned independent investiga- plays, taking 8:38 off the as crisp as it wants.
Strong’s distaste for Dame, TCU or Iowa State. to play against Louisiana tions into the players’ clock. Nothing else comes “It’s been very success-
traveling is understand- So why has UT been Tech. Against the Miners, allegations. close. ful,” Ward said. “It’s just
able, considering the so terrible in opponents’ his elbow was still caus- The football report The fastest was the Cou- we have to finish drives.
disasters he’s found even stadiums? ing Mouchantaf signifi- found that Beckman pres- gars’ first offensive play We have to go out there
in domestic destinations. “A lack of focus, a lack cant pain. sured players to play hurt in a 42-7 win over Tulane. and get two first downs.
In three true road games of detail, and a lack of Redshirt freshman and interfered in medi- Greg Ward Jr.’s pass found We can’t have three-and-
this season, his Longhorns execution,” senior UT Preston Gordon and true cal decisions, echoing Chance Allen for a 49-yard outs. We can’t put our de-
have found a new form tailback Johnathan Gray freshman Carl Thompson details that were disclosed touchdown that took nine fense in bad field position.
of humiliation each time said. shared playing time at when he was fired. But seconds off the clock. We just have to keep fin-
while being outscored by a He tried to warn his defensive tackle. the women’s basketball That kind of pace was ishing.”
combined 112-10. teammates about those investigation found no absent last year. They have no choice but
Now they’re bracing for things prior to the Long- Illinois fires evidence of racially moti- UH offensive coordi- to do so Saturday.
their fourth trip, which horns’ humiliating shutout vated player mistreatment nator Major Applewhite As Herman noted Mon-
will take them to West at Iowa State. According
athletic director as alleged by seven former said quick drives are no day, not many teams are
Virginia for a Saturday to Strong, Gray was the Illinois fired athletic players. accident. But UH (9-0, 5-0 going through a two-week
game that could determine one player who said UT director Mike Thomas AAC) can do more to make gauntlet of quarterbacks
whether they qualify for a couldn’t take the Cyclones on Monday, saying he Ohio State goes sure they occur at a higher like UH is. The Cougars
bowl. lightly, that games in Ames had done nothing wrong rate. held off Gunner Kiel and
“Oh, it’s important,” had been tight before, and but that a change was
back to Barrett “It’s twofold,” Apple- Cincinnati over the week-
Strong said. “There’s no that players should expect needed after football J.T. Barrett is again the white said. “We can do end, but in comes sizable
denying it. Our players to be tested. and women’s basketball starting quarterback for some things to help create Paxton Lynch and Mem-
understand that.” The message wasn’t players alleged they had No. 2 Ohio State after re- those drives as coaches, phis (8-1, 4-1).
With three regular- received. been mistreated by their turning from a one-game certain calls to continue Lynch (6-7, 245 pounds)
season games remaining, “With young guys, coaches. suspension. to stay aggressive. But is eighth in the Football
UT (4-5, 3-3 Big 12) needs they kind of sit there, and Thomas, who will be Coach Urban Meyer we also have to execute. Bowl Subdivision in pass-
to win two to qualify for they go, ‘Well, we’ll see,’ ” paid $2.5 million to buy announced Barrett as It’s very easy to stay fast ing yards with 3,014.
the postseason. The Long- Strong said. “And they out the remainder of his the starter Monday, two tempo and aggressive with “That dude, he’s a crea-
horns can get one of them don’t really get it until they contract, said he believes days after backup Cardale play calls when you’re both ture, man,” Herman said
at home against Texas get there.” he acted appropriately Jones led the Buckeyes to playing behind the chains. of Lynch. “There’s really
Tech on Thanksgiving, but but accepts the decision. a 28-14 win against Min- At the same time, we have no knock on him. He’s a
the other will need to be Rice may lose “I believe it is a good nesota. to create some as coaches. fantastic quarterback. Go-
earned on the road, either time to turn the page Barrett was suspended It goes hand in hand.” ing to play on Sundays,
against the Mountaineers
RB Stewart and put the focus of this by Meyer after being The Cougars regularly certainly.”
or No. 4 Baylor on Dec. 5. Rice running back Sam organization back on the cited for driving while practice at a quick pace,
For obvious reasons, the Stewart might be out for success and welfare of impaired. Herman said. Adam Coleman is a
Longhorns would prefer to the second time this sea- our student-athletes,” Staff and wire reports “You slow down, kind freelance writer.

Smith: Image-conscious athletes wary of speaking out on issues

Smith from page C1 Monday. His immediate issue, especially one that’s cock High School star fueled by public relations to say in the hard world of
resignation was followed not related to compensa- — who became the first personnel — and only real life.
moved the 24/7 meter by the announcement tion or unionization,” openly gay player drafted a special few are ever
until more than 30 united that Loftin, Texas A&M’s said Daron Roberts, a in the NFL in 2014 by St. willing to speak atop the
African-American players former president, will former NFL and college Louis — was back on his unprecedented platform
at a mostly white school step down at Missouri at football coach who serves college campus when Mis- they’ve been given.
vowed to boycott the the end of the year. Then as founding director of souri again spoke out loud
Tigers’ game Saturday there were the prom- the Center for Sports for the nation to hear. Pros too hesitant
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collective name. “Regardless of where Mo., was proof of the in the image-saturated their public voice?
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C4 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x



Peers honor Keuchel, Correa

Southwest Division
W L Pct. GB L10 Str. Home Away Conf.
San Antonio 5 2 .714 — 5-2 W-2 2-0 3-2 1-1
Houston 4 3 .571 1 4-3 W-4 2-2 2-1 3-2 WEST PALM BEACH, and Nats are to share the Baseball Prospectus’
Dallas 3 3 .500 1½ 3-3 W-1 1-2 2-1 3-1 Fla. — Three Astros won main yard and will have database. In 2014, the
Memphis 3 4 .429 2 3-4 L-2 1-1 2-3 1-3
MLB Players Choice separate training and opening-day payroll was
New Orleans 0 6 .000 4½ 0-6 L-6 0-3 0-3 0-4
Northwest Division
awards on Monday. Dal- front-office facilities on about $50 million.
Minnesota 4 2 .667 — 4-2 W-2 0-2 4-0 2-1 las Keuchel was named roughly 160 acres.
Utah 4 2 .667 — 4-2 W-2 1-1 3-1 2-1 the American League’s In his search for a better Tal’s Hill removal
outstanding pitcher, facility from the current
Oklahoma City 4 3 .571 ½ 4-3 W-1 3-1 1-2 3-1
shortstop Carlos Correa one in Kissimmee, Crane
still in the works
Portland 4 4 .500 1 4-3 L-2 2-2 2-2 4-3
Denver 3 4 .429 1½ 3-4 W-1 1-2 2-2 3-4 was voted the AL’s out- wanted to keep the Astros The Astros were wor-
Pacific Division standing rookie, and Jose in Florida, where he owns ried they’d run out of time
Golden State 8 0 1.000 — 8-0 W-8 5-0 3-0 7-0 Altuve became the first a golf course. But there are in removing Tal’s Hill this
L.A. Clippers 4 2 .667 3 4-2 L-2 3-1 1-1 4-2 AL recipient of the Al- also benefits of proximity offseason, as was origi-
Phoenix 3 4 .429 4½ 3-4 L-2 2-2 1-2 3-3 ways Game award, given for the team. The Astros nally planned, owner Jim
L.A. Lakers 1 5 .167 6 1-5 L-1 0-3 1-2 0-4 to players demonstrating will have an easy time Crane said. Eventually,
Sacramento 1 7 .125 7 1-7 L-6 1-5 0-2 1-7 grit and perseverance. playing not only the Na- though, the wrecking ball
EASTERN CONFERENCE Players vote on the tionals but the Mets, who is coming.
Atlantic Division
awards, which are train in nearby Port St. The target remains to
W L Pct. GB L10 Str. Home Away Conf.
Toronto 5 2 .714 — 5-2 L-2 2-0 3-2 3-2
handled by the union. Lucie, and the Cardinals eliminate the hill by the
New York 3 4 .429 2 3-4 W-1 1-3 2-1 2-3 All three Astros receive Karen Warren / Chronicle and Marlins, who share a start of the 2017 season.
Boston 2 3 .400 2 2-3 W-1 2-2 0-1 2-2 $20,000 grants to give to a Astros owner Jim Crane complex in Jupiter.
Brooklyn 0 7 .000 5 0-7 L-7 0-3 0-4 0-4 charity of their choice. said the team has “quite Luhnow wants
Philadelphia 0 7 .000 5 0-7 L-7 0-4 0-3 0-6 On Tuesday, the a bit of room” in the Crane willing to keep Rasmus
finalists for the Baseball payroll.
Southeast Division
Atlanta 7 2 .778 — 7-2 L-1 3-2 4-0 6-1 Writers’ Association of
to raise payroll General manager Jeff
Miami 4 3 .571 2 4-3 W-1 3-1 1-2 2-3 America awards — Cy said after he, Nationals Astros owner Jim Luhnow didn’t comment
Washington 3 3 .500 2½ 3-3 L-2 1-1 2-2 2-3 Young, MVP, Rookie of owner Mark Lerner and Crane said Monday he Friday when the Astros
Orlando 3 5 .375 3½ 3-5 L-1 1-2 2-3 2-3 the Year and Manager of area politicians spoke and had no idea what the extended Colby Rasmus
Charlotte 2 4 .333 3½ 2-4 L-1 1-1 1-3 1-3 the Year — will be named dug shovels into dirt under team’s payroll will be in a $15.8 million qualifying
Central Division at 5 p.m. on MLB Net- a tent on a hot and humid 2016 but indicated the offer. On Monday, Luh-
Cleveland 6 1 .857 — 6-1 W-6 4-0 2-1 5-1
work. The winners will be day in West Palm Beach, amount that could be now didn’t mince words.
Detroit 5 2 .714 1 4-2 L-1 2-1 3-1 2-1
Chicago 5 3 .625 1½ 5-3 W-1 3-1 2-2 4-2
announced Nov. 16-19. commemorating the start added isn’t small. “We obviously want to
Milwaukee 4 3 .571 2 4-3 W-4 2-2 2-1 4-3 of a project that took three “We’ve got quite a bit keep Colby,” he said.
Indiana 4 4 .500 2½ 4-3 W-1 3-2 1-2 4-2 Ground broken years to get off the ground of room if we need it,” Qualifying offers have
and may cost upward of Crane said. “We’ll focus on to be accepted or declined
Results/schedule on spring facility $145 million. spending money wisely by Friday, a week from
Sunday’s results San Antonio 106 Sacramento 88 The Astros’ new spring The new stadium is and adding a dimension or the day they were extend-
Cleveland 101 Indiana 97 Golden State 109 Detroit 95 home, Ballpark of the to hold more than 6,400 two that we might need.” ed. A player who declines
New York 99 L.A. Lakers 95 Memphis at L.A. Clippers late Palm Beaches, is expected fans, with another 1,250 The Astros’ opening- an offer can still stay with
Miami 96 Toronto 76 Today’s games to open on time in 2017, potentially able watch day payroll in 2015 was his team.
Oklahoma City 124 Phoenix 103 Utah at Cleveland 6 Astros owner Jim Crane from a berm. The Astros about $72 million, per Evan Drellich
Detroit 120 Portland 103 Oklahoma City at Washington 6
Monday’s results New York at Toronto 6:30
Indiana 97
Chicago 111
Minnesota 117
Orlando 84
Philadelphia 88
Atlanta 107
L.A. Lakers at Miami
Charlotte at Minnesota
Dallas at New Orleans
Astros could stand more contact
Denver 108 Portland 104 Boston at Milwaukee 7 Astros from page C1 like we need a guy throw- with the Royals. bring value to the club-
ing 97 or else we’re not go- “Playoffs, everything is house.”
Crane did not say what ing to be successful. We’ve intensely scrutinized be- Moore said he values
NBA BOX SCORES those holes are. And been successful with the cause every play matters his analytics guys and
Bulls 111, 76ers 88 3-point goals—Minnesota 7-15 (Bjelica 3-5, early this offseason, gen- guys that we’ve had. If we so much more,” Luhnow called them special. He
Chicago — McDermott 7-15 1-1 18, Mirotic Martin 2-5, LaVine 1-1, Wiggins 1-2, Rubio
6-11 5-7 20, Gasol 7-17 2-2 16, Rose 6-14 0-1 0-1, Towns 0-1), Atlanta 13-31 (Millsap 3-5, eral manager Jeff Luhnow find a guy that throws hard said. “But if you’re good said they’re smart and
12, Butler 2-6 2-2 7, Snell 3-7 2-2 10, Gibson Sefolosha 2-3, Horford 2-5, Schroder 2-5, hasn’t emphasized partic- and gets outs, obviously, enough to get to the play- work “their butts off” and
2-5 3-4 7, Brooks 3-8 4-4 10, Portis 1-3 0-0 2, Korver 1-1, Scott 1-1, Teague 1-4, Bazemore 1-5,
Moore 4-8 0-0 9, Bairstow 0-2 0-0 0, Felicio Holiday 0-1, Splitter 0-1). Fouled out—Baze-
ular needs outside of lefty we’re interested. offs, you’re probably good have made him better.
0-0 0-0 0. Totals 41-96 19-23 111. more. Rebounds—Minnesota 47 (Towns 12), relief, an area easy to point “Same thing on the of- enough to win in the play- “Everybody’s success is
Philadelphia — Grant 4-12 3-4 11, Holmes
4-9 3-5 11, Okafor 9-25 3-8 21, McConnell
Atlanta 34 (Bazemore, Horford 6). Assists— to simply because the As- fensive side of the equa- offs. We certainly think tied together,” Moore said.
Minnesota 27 (Rubio 8), Atlanta 30 (Teague
3-8 0-0 6, Stauskas 2-13 0-0 5, Sampson 9). A—12,016
12,016 (18,729).
tros don’t have any bullpen tion. We produced a lot of about how our team would “Look, when we build
2-4 2-2 6, Wood 4-10 1-2 9, Canaan 1-5 0-0
3, Thompson 2-8 0-0 5, Pressey 4-6 1-2 11. Nuggets 108 southpaws on the 40-man runs last year. We had a stack in a short series, even our team … with our field,
Totals 35-100 13-23 88. Trail Blazers 104 roster, aside from minor unique profile because we as we’re constructing a Kauffman Stadium, we’ve
Chicago 31 21 24 35 — 111 Portland — Aminu 5-16 0-0 12, Leonard 5-10 leaguers. had a lot of guys who hit team from right now.” got to build it with athleti-
Philadelphia 22 21 19 26 — 88 0-0 11, Plumlee 5-7 5-7 15, Lillard 9-22 9-9
3-Point Goals—Chicago 10-25 (McDermott 30, McCollum 6-15 2-2 16, Crabbe 4-12 2-3 11,
On Monday, the first for power and had some Kansas City was cer- cism; we’ve got to build it
3-6, Mirotic 3-7, Snell 2-3, Moore 1-1, Butler 1-3, Davis 0-1 3-4 3, Harkless 2-5 1-2 6, Vonleh 0-3 day of the GM meetings, swing-and-miss in ’em. tainly built to win, but with defense.
Bairstow 0-1, Brooks 0-1, Rose 0-3), Philadel-
phia 5-25 (Pressey 2-2, Canaan 1-3, Thomp-
0-0 0. Totals 36-91 22-27 104. Luhnow downplayed the That’s not going to nec- there was no chest-thump- “If you get a group of
Denver — Gallinari 2-10 2-2 6, Faried 8-13
son 1-4, Stauskas 1-7, Wood 0-1, Sampson
1-4 17, Hickson 7-11 5-11 19, Mudiay 6-12 5-7 18,
idea that a high-velocity essarily continue. It de- ing at Citi Field, no dec- people around that believe
0-1, McConnell 0-2, Grant 0-2, Holmes 0-3).
Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Chicago Harris 3-8 0-0 7, Foye 4-6 2-2 13, Arthur 1-5 reliever and some better pends on who’s available laration from Royals GM in one certain philosophy
63 (Mirotic 10), Philadelphia 71 (Okafor 15). 0-0 2, Jokic 3-3 4-4 10, Barton 4-7 2-2 11, Pa- bat-on-ball ability are his and how they fit into our Dayton Moore — who and they all sell out for
panikolaou 2-2 0-0 5. Totals 40-77 21-32 108.
Assists—Chicago 28 (Rose 7), Philadelphia
19 (McConnell 8). Total Fouls—Chicago 19, Portland 33 25 22 24 — 104 targets. Nonetheless, he lineup.” comes from a more tra- one another, it’s going to
Philadelphia 13. A—13,879
13,879 (20,318). Denver 29 28 22 29 — 108 appeared to acknowledge Put the regular season ditional scouting back- work. You’re going to win.
Pacers 97, Magic 84 3-point goals—Portland 10-29 (Lillard
3-7, McCollum 2-5, Aminu 2-7, Harkless 1-1,
contact is an area where aside. What about play- ground — that he and his It’s just about getting ev-
Orlando — Fournier 7-13 3-4 21, Harris 3-13 1-2
8, Dedmon 2-3 1-2 5, Payton 3-7 5-6 11, Ola- Leonard 1-4, Crabbe 1-5), Denver 7-19 (Foye the Astros could better off roster construction? Is team had proved anyone erybody on the same page.
dipo 7-18 0-0 15, Gordon 1-5 2-3 4, Frye 5-10 3-4, Papanikolaou 1-1, Barton 1-2, Mudiay themselves. that where the Royals left a else wrong. There’s no right way or
1-3, Harris 1-3, Arthur 0-1, Gallinari 0-5).
0-0 14, Hezonja 1-4 0-0 2, Watson 2-4 0-0 4,
Napier 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 31-78 12-17 84. Fouled out—Leonard. Rebounds—Portland
Manager A.J. Hinch has lesson to be learned — in a “I remember as an wrong way to do this.”
Indiana — Miles 3-8 1-2 9, George 7-17 10-11 49 (Leonard 9), Denver 59 (Hickson 13). previously said as much. short series? A lineup with area scout, one of the first As Luhnow keeps his
27, Mahinmi 4-6 0-0 8, G.Hill 8-13 3-4 23, Ellis Assists—Portland 20 (Lillard 7), Denver 20 The Astros had the sec- some contact hitters at the things I was told: Pick cards close to the vest, the
1-9 0-0 2, J.Hill 2-7 2-3 6, Stuckey 3-8 0-0 6, (Mudiay 5). Total fouls—Portland 22, Denver
Turner 4-6 2-2 10, Budinger 2-3 0-0 6, Robin- 9,153 (19,155).
20. A—9,153
ond-lowest contact rate in very least sounds like it players just like you’re in bottom line would seem
son III 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 34-77 18-22 97.
Spurs 106, Kings 88 the majors, 75.9 percent of should be more reliable in gym class,” Moore said to be this: If the holes are
Orlando 25 23 23 13 — 84
Indiana 25 24 23 25 — 97 San Antonio — Leonard 10-13 1-2 24, Duncan swings, behind the Cubs’ a handful of games, that it in the dugout as his play- “fairly obvious,” as Crane
3-point goals—Orlando 10-33 (Frye 4-9, 4-8 3-4 11, Aldridge 7-12 2-2 16, Parker 6-10
0-0 13, Green 2-6 0-0 5, Diaw 3-4 0-0 6, Mills
74.8. would eliminate some of ers celebrated on the field. said, they involve creating
Fournier 4-9, Harris 1-3, Oladipo 1-5, Napier
0-1, Watson 0-2, Gordon 0-2, Hezonja 0-2), 4-11 0-0 9, Ginobili 2-7 2-3 6, West 4-5 0-0 8, “The outcomes we’re the all-or-nothing sense “Pick the guys you want a different, balanced look
Indiana 11-25 (G.Hill 4-6, George 3-6, Budinger K.Anderson 0-3 0-0 0, R.Butler 3-5 0-0 6, Mc- looking for are to create the ’15 Astros gave. on your team, and that’s in the bullpen and lineup.
2-3, Miles 2-6, Stuckey 0-2, Ellis 0-2). Fouled Callum 0-1 0-0 0, Marjanovic 1-2 0-0 2. Totals
out—None. Rebounds—Orlando 52 (Harris 46-87 8-11 106.
outs with our pitching staff But baseball’s playoffs what we’ve always tried Otherwise, they’re not
10), Indiana 47 (Mahinmi 9). Assists—Or- Sacramento — Gay 5-15 0-0 10, Cousins and create runs with our are unpredictable, and the to do. We pick players all that obvious.
lando 16 (Payton 7), Indiana 25 (George 7).
Total fouls—Orlando 20, Indiana 16.
5-20 11-15 21, Cauley-Stein 2-3 0-0 4, Rondo offense, and there’s many Astros did use the long that we like watching play
4-10 0-0 8, J.Anderson 0-0 0-0 0, Belinelli
Technicals—Frye, Payton, Orlando Coach 7-13 0-0 17, Koufos 1-2 0-2 2, Casspi 7-14 0-0
different formulas,” Luh- ball to great effect in their that bring energy, bring
Skiles, Orlando defensive three second, 16, McLemore 2-6 2-2 7, Acy 1-1 0-0 3. Totals now said. “We don’t feel five Division Series games value to the community,
Stuckey. A—13,104
13,104 (18,165). 34-84 13-19 88.
T-Wolves 117, Hawks 107 San Antonio 23 26 23 34 — 106

Jones’ ailments
Minnesota — Prince 2-4 0-0 4, Garnett 2-5 Sacramento 24 19 26 19 — 88
0-0 4, Towns 5-7 7-8 17, Rubio 4-10 2-2 10, 3-point goals—San Antonio 6-23 (Leonard ROCKETS REPORT

Harden is West’s aren’t run-of-mill

Wiggins 15-22 2-4 33, Bjelica 3-5 2-2 11, Martin 3-4, Parker 1-1, Green 1-4, Mills 1-5, Diaw 0-1,
4-11 3-4 13, LaVine 5-7 2-2 13, Dieng 3-5 0-0 6, R.Butler 0-2, Aldridge 0-2, Ginobili 0-4), Sac-
Muhammad 3-3 0-0 6, Miller 0-1 0-0 0. Totals
ramento 7-19 (Belinelli 3-4, Casspi 2-4, Acy
46-80 18-22 117.
1-1, McLemore 1-3, Rondo 0-1, Gay 0-2, Cousins

Player of Week
Atlanta — Bazemore 4-11 0-0 9, Millsap
9-15 1-2 22, Horford 5-15 2-2 14, Teague 10-17 0-4). Fouled out—None. Rebounds—San
3-3 24, Korver 2-5 0-0 5, Splitter 2-3 0-0 4, Antonio 51 (Duncan 14), Sacramento 49
Sefolosha 4-5 0-0 10, Schroder 5-10 0-0 12, (Cousins 12). Assists—San Antonio 34 (Mills
Holiday 0-1 0-0 0, Scott 3-4 0-0 7. Totals 8), Sacramento 25 (Rondo 12). Total fouls— Jones’ from page C1 with two again, so it’s good.”
44-86 6-7 107. San Antonio 19, Sacramento 14. Technicals—
Minnesota 30 42 21 24 — 117 San Antonio defensive three second, Cousins. James Harden’s slow Jones has no explana-
Atlanta 19 23 42 23 — 107 A—17,317 (17,317). start is officially over. Most notably, the 6-9 tion for the ailments that
The NBA named powerforwardwasplagued have plagued him over the
Harden the Western Con- by a nerve issue that robbed last year.
NBA ference Player of Week him of any feeling in his “It just comes with play-

T-Wolves rebound after her averaged 38.5

points, 5.5 rebounds and
5.5 assists as the Rockets
left foot, costing him nearly
three months of the sea-
son. A year ago at this time,
ing the game,” he said. “I
can’t control nothing like
that. I just try to continue
late to beat Hawks went 4-0 for the week of
Nov. 2-8.
Harden scored 43
Jones was at Memorial Her-
mann undergoing tests to
determine what had caused
to get back, get right, and
get back there and help my
team get a win.”
ATLANTA — Andrew in his return to the lineup, points at Sacramento on the nerve issue, which kept It remains to be seen
Wiggins tied a career but the Kings dropped Friday, followed by 46 him out from Nov. 3 until how long Jones can play
high with 33 points, Karl- their sixth straight game. against the Clippers the Jan. 28. He also missed time Wednesday when the Rock-
Anthony Towns added 17, next night. He became with a collapsed lung later ets put their four-game
and the Minnesota Tim- BULLS 111, 76ERS 88 the first Rocket to score in the season. winning streak on the line
berwolves blew a 34-point Nikola Mirotic had 20 at least 43 in consecu- He still averaged 15.6 against the Brooklyn Nets at
lead before snapping the points and 10 rebounds, tive games since Moses points per game, a slight Toyota Center. Coach Kevin
Atlanta Hawks’ seven- and Pau Gasol scored 16 Malone had two streaks Brett Coomer / Chronicle decrease from the career- McHale wasn’t ready to say
game winning streak points to lead Chicago of three such games dur- James Harden became high 16 points per game of how he plans to integrate
with a 117-107 victory on past winless host Phila- ing the 1981-82 season. the Rockets’ first player the previous season. Jones back into the team.
Monday night. delphia. His first three games since Moses Malone to Jones was hurt again “Terrence has missed
Atlanta never led until Philadelphia (0-7) has of the season weren’t score at least 43 points in before this season even a lot with a lot of different
Paul Millsap’s runner lost 17 straight games dat- vintage Harden. He shot consecutive games. started. He bruised his stuff,” McHale said. “He’s
with 3:26 remaining made ing to March 27, 2015. 22 percent from the field ribs in training camp and just got to get himself in
it 107-106, but Wiggins
(12-of-54 overall and 3-of- Beverley held sustained a concussion great shape so he can go
scored the next seven 32 from 3-point range) against the Heat in the pre- out there and help us.”
points to prevent one of J.J. Hickson scored 19 and averaged 18 points
out of practice season. Then he suffered Although he has missed
the biggest collapses in points, and rookie Em- per game as Houston lost Guard Pat Beverley, the fluke eye injury. the last five games, Jones
NBA history. manuel Mudiay hit two its first three. who suffered a concus- Jones tried to open his is optimistic it won’t take
Jeff Teague finished game-sealing free throws That all changed last sion against Orlando last right eyelid to remain in him long to get back in the
with 24 points, and Mill- with 18.3 seconds remain- week. Wednesday, was held out that game against Golden flow with his teammates.
sap had 22 for the Hawks. ing, helping Denver defeat “I never was worried of practice again Monday. State, but he couldn’t ad- “It’s very early,” he said.
visiting Portland. about James,” coach He has missed the team’s just his vision. He ulti- “Everybody is pretty much
SPURS 106, KINGS 88 Kevin McHale said. “I last two games while mately needed stitches on now just getting a little
Kawhi Leonard scored PACERS 97, MAGIC 84 knew he would find his going through the NBA’s his right eyelid. flow. It shouldn’t be too
24 points, Tim Duncan Paul George made a rhythm.” concussion protocol. “I didn’t really have too much — just getting out
had 11 points and 14 re- pivotal go-ahead basket Since the start of the The Rockets did not give much time to lose any type there as much as I can and
bounds, and San Antonio late and finished with 27 2014-15 season, Harden an update on his status for of rhythm that I was build- making plays.”
won at Sacramento. points to lead Indiana to a has the most 40-point their next game against ing off,” he said. “I came in
DeMarcus Cousins had win over visiting Orlando. games of any player in the Brooklyn on Wednesday. here working out with one
21 points and 12 rebounds From wire reports league with 12. From staff reports eye, and now I’m out here
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | C5

BASEBALL | ETC. Sports Editor, • 713-362-3491 • Fax: 713-362-7866 @randyharvey Houston Chronicle Sports


Griffey, Hoffman
Peter Malnati

headline Hall ballot

the trophy
he earned
Monday for
his one-stroke
NEW YORK — Ken last year and returns period to sign Park to a victory in the
Griffey Jr. and Trevor along with Jeff Bagwell contract. In the interim, he Sanderson
Hoffman are among 15 (55.7 percent), Tim Raines will remain under control Farms
newcomers on this year’s (55.0), Curt Schilling of the Heroes. If for some Championship
Hall of Fame ballot and (39.2), Clemens (37.5) and reason a deal isn’t reached, at Jackson,
will face a newly trimmed Bonds (36.8). the Twins would get their Miss.
electorate along with bid money back.
steroid-tainted holdovers Twins win rights
Barry Bonds, Roger Cle-
to Korean star Pujols, Brantley Rogelio V. Solis /
mens, Mark McGwire and
Sammy Sosa. The Minnesota Twins
to miss time Associated Press

Billy Wagner, Troy

Glaus, Mike Hampton
and Mike Lowell are
won the bidding for ne-
gotiating rights to Byung
Ho Park, a 29-year-old
Angels first baseman
Albert Pujols and Indians
outfielder Michael Brant-
Malnati finishes strong,
among the players eligible
for the first time on the
32-man ballot announced
first baseman who totaled
105 home runs over the
past two seasons with
ley are recovering from
surgeries that could keep
them from starting the
claims first PGA Tour win
Monday. A vote of at least the Nexen Heroes in the 2016 season on time. JACKSON, Miss. — in Los Angeles starting HOCKEY
75 percent from the Base- hitter-friendly Korea Pujols had surgery to Peter Malnati won next year. GMs to review
ball Writers’ Association Baseball Organization. repair the planter plate for the first time on the The tour said the
of America is needed for The posting fee was in his right foot and is PGA Tour, closing with a PowerShares QQQ Cham-
rule changes
election. Results will be not disclosed by either expected to resume full 5-under 67 to capture the pionship will be played NHL general managers
announced Jan. 6. MLB or the Twins, who baseball activities in 4½ Sanderson Farms Cham- Oct. 24-30 at a site to be are expected to review
The Hall’s board of said they wouldn’t com- months, which would be pionship. announced. Newly reno- rule changes and discuss
directors announced a ment on the process “out late in spring training. Malnati finished at 18 vated Sherwood Country the controversial coach
change in July, cutting of respect” for Park and Brantley likely will under in a rain-soaked Club in Thousand Oaks, and executive compensa-
voters from about 600 to the Heroes. But multiple miss the start of next tournament that was Calif., will host in 2017 tion policy at their annual
450 by eliminating writers reports put the amount at season following right forced to complete play and 2018. November meeting on
inactive in the game for $12.85 million. shoulder surgery. He will Monday. He was one shot The tournament will be Tuesday.
more than 10 years. Per KBO rules, the need five to six months to behind going into the final the first of three events in For the first time, the
Mike Piazza (69.9 Twins have a 30-day be game-ready. round but closed with the new Charles Schwab league has three-on-three
percent) fell 28 votes short exclusive negotiating From wire reports five birdies over his final Cup Playoffs, with the play in overtime and
12 holes to beat William Dominion Charity Classic coach’s challenges for
McGirt and David Toms and the Charles Schwab goaltender interference
SCOREBOARD by one stroke. Cup Championship and offside plays. Deputy
America’s Line Television The event at the rounding out the inau- commissioner Bill Daly
(Home team in CAPS) Col. football Toledo at Central Michigan ESPN2 7 p.m. Country Club of Jackson gural playoffs that will doesn’t expect any poten-
Basketball Col. football Kent St. at Ohio ESPNU 7 p.m. was delayed five times, determine the season- tial changes to those rules
Favorite Points Underdog Pro basketball Oklahoma City at Washington NBA 6 p.m. either by rain, lightning long champion. to take place right away.
WIZARDS NL Thunder Pro hockey Buffalo at Tampa Bay NBCSN 6:30 p.m. or darkness. The final day The top 72 players in A year ago, GMs got rid
CAVALIERS 7½ Jazz Pro hockey Toronto at Dallas FSSW 7:30 p.m. was a long one for several the standings will com- of the dry scrape of the ice
golfers, with some playing pete in the Los Angeles surface before overtime,
PELICANS 2 Mavericks as many as 30 holes. tournament for a $2 mil- which was designed to
Hornets 2½ T’WOLVES
Ricky Barnes, $21,662.......... 68-67-74-70—279
Graham DeLaet, $21,662 .... 66-72-69-72—279
Soccer In other golf news: lion purse, with the field create more offense in
BUCKS 1 Celtics MLS
College football
Dawie van der Walt, $21,66267-73-68-71—279 • The Champions Tour trimmed for the following overtime and cut down on
Favorite Open.-Curr. Underdog
Tim Wilkinson, $21,662........ 68-71-70-70—279 Playoffs will stage the first leg of week’s Dominion Charity shootouts.
Luke Guthrie, $21,662.............71-70-71-67—279 Conference Semifinals
Toledo 5-4 C. MICHIGAN
Kelly Kraft, $21,662.................71-70-71-67—279 Eastern Conference its playoffs at a new event Classic. From wire reports
Jonathan Byrd, $14,402 .....69-70-73-68—280 N.Y. Red Bulls 2, D.C. United 0
Henrik Norlander, $14,402. 69-69-70-72—280 Leg 1 — N.Y. Red Bulls 1 ................ D.C. United 0
Bowl. Green 3½-3 W. MICHIGAN
Blayne Barber, $14,402 ....... 69-72-71-68—280
No. Illinois 6-6 BUFFALO
Jason Bohn, $14,402............ 67-70-70-73—280
Leg 2 — N.Y. Red Bulls 1................ D.C. United 0
Columbus 4, Montreal 3
GA. TECH 3½-3½ Va. Tech
Lucas Glover, $14,402........ 69-68-74-69—280 Leg 1 — Montreal 2........................... Columbus 1 Boys Craig Chambers said:
John Huh, $14,402............... 70-70-68-72—280 Leg 2 — Columbus 3 ..............Montreal 1 (AET)
S. ALABAMA 1 -2½ La.-Lafayette
Sung Kang, $14,402............. 68-72-69-71—280 Western Conference
Terio Brown “She scored a goal in each
Usc 15½-16 COLORADO
Carl Pettersson, $14,402......67-69-73-71—280 FC Dallas 4, Seattle 3 Humble of the games. But more
Brian Stuard, $14,402......... 70-70-75-65—280 Leg 1 — Seattle 2................................FC Dallas 1 Notable: The junior dramatically, she scored
Harold Varner III, $14,402 .... 71-70-68-71—280 Leg 2 — FC Dallas 2...............................Seattle 1
DUKE 3½-3½ Pittsburgh
Boo Weekley, $14,402 ..........68-67-74-71—280 Dallas wins 4-2 on penalty kicks. had five carries for 308 the winning goal, the only
CINCINNATI 16-17½ Tulsa
Michael Bradley, $9,984 ..... 69-70-69-73—281 Portland 2, Vancouver 0 yards and touchdown goal in the semi game and
K.J. Choi, $9,984 ......................69-71-70-71—281
Derek Fathauer, $9,984........70-71-70-70—281
Leg 1 — Vancouver 0............... Portland 0 (tie)
runs of 85, 68, 53 and 96 final game after time had
Leg 2 — Portland 2 .......................Vancouver 0
Mid. Tenn. St. 5-5½ FLA. ATLANTIC
Ollie Schniederjans, $9,984 70-70-69-72—281 Conference Championship yards as Humble defeated Brown Copeland expired in each.”
Michigan 12-12½ INDIANA
MARSHALL 11½-12 Florida Int.
Mark Hubbard, $9,307 ........ 69-70-73-70—282 Eastern Conference Galena Park 55-13.
Smylie Kaufman, $9,307 .......71-67-73-71—282 N.Y. Red Bulls (1) vs. Columbus (2)
Akron 7-7 MIAMI, OHIO
Will MacKenzie, $9,307........71-68-73-70—282 Leg 1 — New York at Columbus....TBD Nov. 22
What Wildcats foot- over Aldine. Other nominees
MICHIGAN ST. 17½-16 Maryland
HOUSTON 5-6½ Memphis
Rob Oppenheim, $9,307..... 71-69-68-74—282 Leg 2 — Columbus at New York .. TBD Nov. 29 ball coach Charles West Jirmail Proctor, Corin Evans, Cinco
Ohio St. 16½-16½ ILLINOIS
Jeff Overton, $9,307 .............74-64-72-72—282 Western Conference said: “He just dug down North Forest: Had 15 car- Ranch: Had 11 kills and
Tyrone V. Aswegen, $9,307 .67-71-76-68—282 FC Dallas (1) vs. Portland (3)
ARMY 2½-2½ Tulane
Andres Gonzales, $9,020 .. 68-70-69-76—283 Leg 1 — FC Dallas at Portland ......TBD Nov. 22
deep. I don’t know where ries for 150 yards and four eight digs in a bi-district
Clemson 26½-27½ SYRACUSE
Temple 4½-3 S. FLORIDA Scott Langley, $8,897 ......... 68-70-73-73—284 Leg 2 — Portland at FC Dallas..... TBD Nov. 29 it came from, but it was TDs in a 31-14 win over sweep of Carnegie Van-
Nebraska 9½-9 RUTGERS Ted Purdy, $8,897.................68-69-73-74—284 something I’ve never seen Sharpstown that wrapped guard and 12 kills with 19
OLD DOMINION 3½-4 Utep Billy Hurley III, $8,569 .......... 70-70-74-71—285 Transactions before.” up the 20-5A title. digs in a win over Cy-Fair.
TCU 44-45 Kansas Michael Kim, $8,569.............66-74-72-73—285
TEXAS TECH 5½-5½ Kansas St. Frank Lickliter II, $8,569 ......70-70-72-73—285 Baseball Julia Heymach,
VANDERBILT 4-3½ Kentucky Jarrod Lyle, $8,569................ 71-68-72-74—285
Billy Mayfair, $8,569.............70-70-72-73—285
MLB Other nominees Girls Lamar: Won individual
FLORIDA ST. 9½-9½ N.c. State Darron Stiles, $8,569............ 69-70-71-75—285 BASEBALL — Suspended St. Louis minor
Shane Gosson, Ridge Kate Copeland Class 6A gold at the UIL
AIR FORCE PK-PK Utah St. Steve Flesch, $8,282 ............ 68-71-75-72—286 league RHP Alex Reyes (Springfield-Texas) Point: Completed 18 of St. John’s State Cross Country
Robert Garrigus, $8,118.........67-69-78-73—287
TEXAS ST. 4½-3½ Georgia St.
Tim Herron, $8,118................. 70-70-74-73—287
50 games after a second positive test for a 29 passes for 266 yards Notable: The junior Championships with a
Arkansas St. 14½-14½ LA.-MONROE drug of abuse in violation of the Minor League
UCLA 8½-9½ Wash St. Tom Hoge, $8,118....................71-68-72-76—287 Drug Prevention and Treatment Program. and three touchdowns in forward scored three time of 18 minutes, 19.6
W. VIRGINIA 7½-8½ Texas Trey Mullinax, $7,954........... 68-70-74-77—289 National League leading the Panthers to a goals in the SPC Field seconds.
Tommy Gainey, $7,872.......... 70-71-74-75—290 PITTSBURGH PIRATES — Claimed RHP Guido
NOTRE DAME 27½-27½ Wake Forest
Knudson off waivers from Detroit. Promoted
second district title. Hockey championships Caroline Shecterle,
Alabama 7-8 MISS ST.
N. CAROLINA 12-12½ Miami Hockey pro scout Ron Hopkins and national supervi- Braylon Jefferson, last weekend. Two goals Pearland: Had 28 assists
So. Miss 8-7½ RICE NHL sor Matt Ruebel to special assistants to the Eisenhower: The senior were off penalty corners against Channelview
general manager and Southeast Region
Oklahoma St.
Eastern Conference supervisor Rodney Henderson and Midwest
defensive end had five as the school won its in the bi-district round
LSU 8½-8 Arkansas
Atlantic Division Region supervisor Everett Russell to profes- tackles, five quarterback fourth title. and 32 assists in the area
AUBURN PK-1 Georgia
Montreal 16 13 2 1 27 59 29
sional scouts. hurries/knockdowns and What Mavericks round against Clear Falls.
ARIZONA ST. 3½-3 Washington
Ottawa 14 7 4 3 17 42 42
Football two sacks in the 49-0 win field hockey coach Adam Coleman
BAYLOR 4-3 Oklahoma NFL
Tampa Bay 16 7 7 2 16 38 38
Byu-k 4½-4 MISSOURI Suspended St. Louis WR Stedman Bailey four
Ga. Southern 7-6 TROY Boston 14 7 6 1 15 47 45
Detroit 14 7 6 1 15 33 36 games for violating the league’s substance
NEVADA 2-1 San Jose St.
Florida 14 5 6 3 13 37 35 abuse policy. Suspended Denver CB Aqib AREA FOOTBALL RANKINGS
CALIFORNIA 20-20 Oregon St. Talib one game for forcefully poking an
App’chian St. 16½-17½ IDAHO Buffalo 14 6 8 0 12 32 41 Class 6A 15. Cinco Ranch ...................................9-1 12 8. Texas City .......................................7-3 7
Indianapolis opponent in the eye after a play, 16. Lamar..............................................9-1 16 9. New Caney .....................................7-3 10
COLORADO ST. 7½-7½ Unlv Torontox 14 2 8 4 8 29 45 W-L Prev.
a violation of safety-related playing rules. 17. Alief Taylor......................................8-2 18 10. Dayton ............................................7-3 NR
LOUISVILLE 10-13 Virginia Metropolitan Division 1. Katy..................................................10-0 1
BUFFALO BILLS — Released WR Titus Davis 18. La Porte ..........................................8-2 19
Utah 5-6 ARIZONA GP W L OT Pts GF GA 2. Pearland.........................................10-0 3
from the practice squad. Signed CB Sammy 19. Reagan............................................9-1 20
TENNESSEE 41-41 N. Texas N.Y. Rangers 14 10 2 2 22 42 25
Seamster to the practice squad.
3. Westfield ........................................8-2 4 Class 4A/others
Florida 8-7½ S. CAROLINA Washington 13 10 3 0 20 43 31 4. Clear Creek.....................................10-0 6 20. Cypress Falls .................................8-2 NR W-L Prev.
STANFORD 8½-9½ Oregon Pittsburgh 14 9 5 0 18 31 28 5. Manvel ............................................8-2 2 1. Navasota.........................................10-0 1
DiManche and DB De’Ante Saunders. Signed
BOISE ST. 30-30 New Mexico New Jersey 14 8 5 1 17 37 36
OL Garth Gerhart to the practice squad.
6. The Woodlands.............................9-1 5 Class 5A 2. Stafford ..........................................10-0 2
IOWA 11½-11½ Minnesota N.Y. Islanders 15 7 5 3 17 40 37 7. Klein Collins....................................9-1 8 W-L Prev. 3. St. Thomas.....................................9-1 5
DETROIT LIONS — Placed DT Andre Fluellen
SAN DIEGO ST. 23-23½ Wyoming Philadelphia 14 5 6 3 13 28 39 8. Spring..............................................9-1 7 1. Crosby ..............................................10-0 1 4. La Marque ......................................8-2 6
on injured reserve.
HAWAII 4-4½ Fresno St. Carolina 14 6 8 0 12 30 40 9. Hightower ......................................10-0 9 2. George Ranch ................................10-0 2 5. Episcopal........................................9-2 3
k- Kansas City Columbus 15 4 11 0 8 35 54 Carter. Placed DT Henry Anderson on injured 10. North Shore ...................................7-2 10 3. Stratford.........................................9-1 3 6. El Campo........................................7-3 7
Western Conference reserve. 11. Atascocita .......................................9-1 11 4. Foster..............................................8-2 5 7. East Bernard...................................8-2 8
College football Central Division NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS — Placed RB 12. Cypress Ranch ...............................9-1 15 5. Magnolia ........................................9-1 4 8. St. Pius X ........................................8-2 4
GP W L OT Pts GF GA 13. Dickinson ........................................9-1 13 6. Ridge Point ....................................7-3 8 9. Kinkaid............................................7-3 NR
Schedule Dallas 15 12 3 0 24 54 39
Dion Lewis on injured reserve.
NEW YORK JETS — Signed OL Jarvis Har- 14. Dawson...........................................7-3 14 7. C.E. King ..........................................8-2 6 10. Lutheran South.............................9-1 10
Today’s games
St. Louis 14 10 3 1 21 40 31 rison to the practice squad.
Kent St. at Ohio ....................................................7
Minnesota 13 8 3 2 18 38 35 PHILADELPHIA EAGLES — Placed LB
Toledo at Central Michigan ................................7
Nashville 13 8 3 2 18 35 31 Jordan Hicks on injured reserve.
Wednesday’s game
Bowling Green at Western Michigan ................7
15 8
15 8
5 2 18 42 41
6 1 17 39 38
SAN DIEGO CHARGERS — Placed C-G Chris )5(( 0(',&$7,21 '26( PAID ADVERTISEMENT
Northern Illinois at Buffalo.................................7 Watt on injured reserve. Signed G Craig Watts


Colorado 14 4 9 1 9 36 42 from the practice squad.
Thursday’s games
Pacific Division ST. LOUIS RAMS — Signed WR Wes Welker.
Louisiana-Lafayette at South Alabama ..6:30
Virginia Tech at Georgia Tech......................6:30
Los Angeles 14 9 5 0 18 35 29 Demar Dotson from the injured reserve-return
Friday’s game

Vancouver 15 6 4 5 17 43 36 list. Waived CB Tim Jennings.
Southern Cal at Colorado .................................. 8
San Jose 14 7 7 0 14 38 36 WASHINGTON REDSKINS — Signed WR
Arizona 13 6 6 1 13 35 38 LaRon Byrd, LB Carlos Fields and DL Anthony
Golf Anaheim 14 5 7 2 12 22 33 Johnson to the practice squad. Released WR
PGA - Sanderson Farms Calgary 15 5 9 1 11 37 59 Corey Washington from the practice squad.
Championship Edmonton 15 5 10 0 10 39 47
Hockey no surgery is involved. “We adjust the
Monday’s final-round scores Note: Two points for a win, one point for
overtime loss. prescription for a man’s performance to
at Jackson, Miss.
Saturday’s results
DETROIT RED WINGS — Reassigned RW Men’s Health Consultant
Peter Malnati, $738,000 ...69-66-68-67—270 Zach Nastasiuk and D Richard Nedomlel from 45-minutes, an hour, 90-minutes or
William McGirt, $360,800 ..71-66-66-68—271 Buffalo 3 .......................................... Vancouver 2
David Toms, $360,800 .......67-69-66-69—271 Los Angeles 4 .........................................Florida 1
Toledo (ECHL) to Grand Rapids (AHL). HOUSTON • Local physicians at a medical longer,” according to Dr. William Living-
Aaron Baddeley, $154,570.. 64-73-67-68—272 Montreal 4 ............................................. Boston 2
Marek Mazanec from Milwaukee (AHL). clinic in Houston are so sure their medica- ston, “and patients see results right in our
Washington 3 ............................. Toronto 2 (SO)
Roberto Castro, $154,570 ... 62-67-75-68—272
Carolina 3 .................................... Ottawa 2 (OT)
Placed F Eric Nystrom on injured reserve. tion will help men with erectile dysfunction, office. After climax the patient stays erect
Patton Kizzire, $154,570 .....67-69-66-70—272 NEW YORK ISLANDERS — Recalled D Adam
Bryce Molder, $154,570 ...... 64-69-70-69—272 Philadelphia 3 ..................................Winnipeg 0
Pelech from Bridgeport (AHL).
they are offering the first 25 callers a free the entire period of time. This allows them
St. Louis 4 ......................................... Nashville 0
Jhonattan Vegas, $154,57066-67-70-69—272 NEW YORK RANGERS — Reassigned G in-office medication dose. to achieve a second climax and adequately
Brice Garnett, $118,900..... 68-68-68-69—273 Minnesota 1 ....................................Tampa Bay 0
Andrew Loupe, $106,600.... 66-71-70-67—274 N.Y. Rangers 4........................................ Arizona 1
Mackenzie Skapski to Hartford (AHL) from
Erectile dysfunction and premature satisfy their partner. No other medication
Greenville (ECHL).
D.J. Trahan, $106,600............67-67-69-71—274 Calgary 5 .......................................... Pittsburgh 2
Soccer ejaculation have long been a problem for can do this. We offer a simple guarantee:
Tyler Aldridge, $86,100........71-67-68-69—275 Anaheim 1 ........................................... San Jose 0
Sunday’s results MLS millions of men, in spite of the popularity of If you don’t respond to the medication on
Martin Flores, $86,100 .........67-72-67-69—275
Jason Kokrak, $86,100 ..........69-71-71-64—275 Dallas 4 ....................................................Detroit 1 NEW YORK CITY FC — Named Patrick Vieira Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Many men aren’t the first visit the office visit is free.” With
New Jersey 4.......................... Vancouver 3 (OT) coach, effective Jan. 1, and signed him to a
Gonzalo F. Castano, $65,600 69-72-67-68—276
three-year contract.
helped by these pills or cannot take them that guarantee, local patients have
Cameron Percy, $65,600... 68-70-68-70—276 Boston 2 ...................................... N.Y. Islanders 1
Michael Putnam, $65,600. 69-70-70-67—276 Chicago 4......................................... Edmonton 2 College due to adverse side effects. nothing to lose.
Brett Stegmaier, $65,600.68-69-70-69—276 Monday’s result AUSTIN PEAY — Named Josh Jorgensen as- Boston Medical Group custom blends Openings are filling quickly for the free
Johnson Wagner, $65,60069-69-69-69—276 Arizona at Anaheim ......................................late sistant athletics director for external affairs.
Bronson Burgoon, $41,359 ..68-70-68-71—277 Today’s games IDAHO — Dismissed senior WR Dezmon Epps
over 180 combinations of medications for in-office medication dose, after that the
Derek Ernst, $41,359........... 69-69-69-70—277 St. Louis at New Jersey..................................... 6 from the football team for violating condi- each patient. “That’s why our success rate normal fees will be charged. Patients are
Carolina at N.Y. Rangers ................................... 6
Seung-Yul Noh, $41,359..... 70-69-69-69—277 tions set forth in disciplinary actions that is so high,” says Dr. William Livingston, assured of utmost privacy and profession-
Patrick Rodgers, $41,359 .....70-64-70-73—277 Colorado at Philadelphia ................................. 6 were taken earlier in the season.
Andres Romero, $41,359.......66-72-72-67—277 Vancouver at Columbus................................... 6 ILLINOIS — Fired athletic director Mike Board Certified Urologist. “We help men as alism with private waiting rooms and an a
Nick Taylor, $41,359 ............... 69-66-71-71—277 Washington at Detroit ............................... 6:30 Thomas. Named senior associate athletic old as ninety-four, with diabetes, prostate professional staff. Further information is
Vaughn Taylor, $41,359........68-71-68-70—277 Buffalo at Tampa Bay................................. 6:30 director Paul Kowalczyk interim athletic
Michael Thompson, $41,359.67-67-71-72—277 Calgary at Florida........................................ 6:30 director.
surgery and heart conditions. Regardless available by calling (877) 657-5844.
Brian Davis, $27,880............. 65-69-71-73—278 Ottawa at Nashville........................................... 7 POST (CONN.) — Named Derek Marks men’s of their age or medical history our results Boston Medical Group, 1776 Yorktown St,
Winnipeg at Minnesota .....................................7
Adam Hadwin, $27,880....... 65-71-73-69—278 lacrosse coach.
everyday are amazing.” Houston TX 77056.
Luke List, $27,880................70-68-72-68—278 Toronto at Dallas.......................................... 7:30 THIEL — Announced the resignation of
Scott Stallings, $27,880 ....... 67-73-67-71—278 Arizona at Los Angeles ............................... 9:30 football coach Kurt Reiser, effective at the All medications are FDA approved, and
Marc Turnesa, $27,880........ 68-73-67-70—278 N.Y. Islanders at San Jose .......................... 9:30 end of the season.
C6 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


Road to state paved

with good attractions
By Angel Verdejo Jr. ough became the first 0-10 bracket without a team
football to make the UIL ranked in the state polls at
It’s playoff time in playoffs. The Spartans are some point.
Texas, as hundreds of back in the postseason, but
teams begin a six-week this time at 1-9 after end- Games
march to NRG Stadium ing their 59-game losing Cedar Hill (9-1) vs.
for the UIL state champi- streak. Southlake Carroll (8-2),
onships. Each week, the A bigger playoff field 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dragon
Chronicle will look at five means more chances Stadium, Southlake
story lines, games and teams with losing records The two-time defend-
players to watch. get in. Thirteen 6A teams ing champions have
have losing records, as do their hands full. Playing Longview
Story lines six 5A teams. Southlake Carroll, an (8-2) vs.
Home sweet home Salado (Div. II-4A) and eight-time state champion, Lufkin (7-3), 7:30
The UIL adopted a Plains (Div. I-2A) are also is hard enough, but Cedar p.m. Friday, Rose
pilot program for the 1-9. Hill has to do it on the Stadium, Tyler
opening round of the 6A road. In these rivals’ last two
playoffs this year, giving Mojo magic meetings, Longview beat las
the higher-seeded team This year marked Atascocita (9-1) vs. Lukfin 43-42 to open the Cart-
the option to host its bi- the 25th anniversary of Klein Collins (9-1), 7 2014 playoffs and blocked er, 7:30
district game or agree to a “Friday Night Lights,” p.m. Friday, Klein Me- an extra point to win the p.m. Friday,
neutral site. The majority the famed best-seller morial 2015 opener 21-20. Cedar Hill)
chose to play at home. from Buzz Bissinger, who One of the state’s better Simply put, Wadley’s terbacks, so
Teams like La Porte followed the 1988 Odessa first-round matchups West (9-1) vs. Troy numbers are outstanding. Smith’s verbally commit-
and Pearland will open on Permian Panthers as they could lean toward Klein (8-2), 7 p.m. Saturday, He has 190 carries for 2,220 ting says plenty.
campus. And teams like eventually reached the Collins and its dominant Waco ISD Stadium yards, which comes out to
Arlington Bowie, Midland state semifinals. ground game or Atascocita West is still recover- 11.7 yards per rush. And Dee Anderson, WR,
and Copperas Cove will “Mojo” can make its with its high-octane of- ing from a fertilizer plant he’s recorded 43 touch- DeSoto (vs. Coppell,
travel up to five hours. first deep playoff run in fense. explosion that killed 15 downs. 7:30 p.m., DeSoto)
seven years. The Panthers, and damaged or destroyed The West Mesquite
Repeat? at 9-1, likely won’t face a three of its four schools. Tren’Davion Dick- transfer was ruled
Allen has won the last powerhouse until the third The new high school is son, WR, Navasota (vs. ineligible but received a
three Division I champi- round. expected to open in 2016. Columbia, 7 p.m. Friday, temporary restraining
onships in the state’s larg- Waller) order and played last
est classification. And the Canutillo, Part 2 Mercedes (7-3) vs. Last year’s MaxPreps week. Is it worth playing
state’s top-ranked team in A year ago, Canutillo Mission Sharyland National Junior of the Year the LSU pledge in the
6A could make it four. became the first El Paso (6-4), 7:30 p.m. Friday, hasn’t slipped, catching 66 postseason?
It isn’t alone. Cases to football team to reach the Thomson Stadium, Mis- passes for 1,191 yards (18
repeat can be made for state semifinals. sion yards per receptions) and Trevor Speights,
nearly all of the 11-man This year’s version It’s a family affair in the 20 touchdowns. RB, McAllen Memorial
2014 champions. could be El Paso Eastlake. first round. Roger Adame (vs. Laredo United
Navasota (Div. I-4A) The Falcons went 9-4 a Jr. is in his second year at Zach Smith, QB, South, 7:30 p.m. Friday,
and Canadian (Div. I-2A) year ago (like Canutillo) Mercedes and will face Grandview (vs. Little McAllen ISD Stadium)
are No. 1 in their classes, and were competitive in cousin Ron Adame, who River Academy, 1 p.m. Speights, who set the
while Gilmer (Div. II-4A) the third-round loss (like is 39-8 in four seasons at Saturday, Waco ISD Rio Grande Valley’s all-
and Bremond (Div. II-2A) Canutillo). Sharyland. Stadium) time rushing mark early
are second. The team also finished Houston Chronicle file Dating to his Stephen- this season, is hoping to
9-1 (like Canutillo) and has Navasota wide receiver Players ville days, Baylor’s Art become the exception to
Starting fresh a winnable region — Div. Tren’Davion Dickson Quardraiz Wadley, Briles has the Midas touch the rule for South Texas
A year ago, Scarbor- II-5A’s Region III is the one has 20 TDs this season. RB, Kennedale (vs. Dal- when it comes to quar- football.


Class 6A Division I 7 p.m. Friday; Alvin Lucas Lovejoy (7-3) vs. Frisco (8-2) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Belton HS 7;30 p.m. Friday; Marble Falls Crawford (10-0) vs. De Leon (3-7)
Clear Creek (10-0) vs. Fort Bend Travis (6-4) 5;30 p.m. Saturday; AT&T Stadium, Arlington La Feria (8-2) vs. Beeville Jones (4-6) Kirbyville (9-1) vs. Kemp (4-6) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Granbury
Bi-district 7 p.m. Friday; Clear Creek Terrell (9-1) vs. Dallas Wilson (7-3) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Shirley Field, Laredo 7;30 p.m. Thursday; Carthage Blue Ridge (9-1) vs. Bogata Rivercrest (4-6)
Region II Region IV 7 p.m. Thursday; Johnson Stadium, Garland China Spring (9-1) vs. Boerne (7-3) West (9-1) vs. Troy (8-2) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Cooper
Skyline (8-2) vs. Lake Highlands (4-6) Cibolo Steele (10-0) vs. SA MacArthur (6-4) Lancaster (7-3) vs. Seagoville (7-3) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Pflugerville Connally 7 p.m. Saturday; Waco ISD Stadium Region III
7;30 p.m. Friday; Forester Field, Dallas 7;30 p.m. Friday; Lehnhoff Stadium, Schertz 7 p.m. Thursday; Wilmer-Hutchins Region IV Harleton (5-5) vs. Pineland W. Sabine (5-5)
Garland Rowlett (8-2) vs. Belton (5-5) Ennis (6-4) vs. Hallsville (6-4)
Class 4A Division II Luling (4-6) vs. Vanderbilt Industrial (2-8)
SANorthsideBrennan(8-2)vs.CCKing(8-2) 7:30 p.m. Thursday; Henderson
7;30 p.m. Friday; Johnson Stadium, Garland 7 p.m. Thursday; Farris Stadium, San Antonio 7;30 p.m. Friday; Van Bi-district 7;30 p.m. Friday; Bastrop Centerville (4-6) vs. Grapeland (4-6)
RR Cedar Ridge (9-1) vs. Austin Bowie (8-2) Del Rio (7-3) vs. La Joya Palmview (4-6) Region III Region II Lyford (6-3) vs. Goliad (6-4) 7 p.m. Thursday; Buffalo
7;30 p.m. Friday; Reeves Complex, Round Rock 2 p.m. Saturday; Del Rio Waco (6-4) vs. A&M Consolidated (7-3) Gilmer (10-0) vs. Tex. Pleasant Grove (6-4) 7 p.m. Thursday; Alice Shelbyville (9-0) vs. Big Sandy (7-3)
Klein Collins (9-1) vs. Atascocita (9-1) Brow. Memorial (7-3) vs. Weslaco East (7-2) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Waco ISD Stadium 7:30 p.m. Friday; Mount Pleasant Edna (7-3) vs.Universal City Randolph (4-6) 7:30 p.m. Friday; Carthage
7 p.m. Friday; Memorial Stadium, Klein 7 p.m. Thursday; Weslaco Sharpstown (7-3) at Magnolia (9-1) Shepherd (8-2) vs. Mexia (6-4) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Beeville Price Carlisle (9-1) vs. Anderson-Shiro (4-6)
N. Mesquite (8-2) vs. Irv. MacArthur (6-4) PSJA North (5-5) at San Benito (8-2) 7 p.m. Friday 7 p.m. Thursday; Bryan HS Mathis (8-2) vs. San Diego (6-4)
7;30 p.m. Friday; Memorial Stadium, Mesquite 7 p.m. Friday; Palestine Westwood
7;30 p.m. Friday Crosby (10-0) vs. Lumberton (7-3) Center (8-2) vs. Emory Rains (6-4) 7;30 p.m. Friday; San Diego
Kill. Shoemaker (8-2) vs. Garl. Sachse (7-3) 7 p.m. Friday; Porter Alto (10-0) vs. Groveton (3-7)
SA Johnson (7-3) vs. Schertz Clemens (8-2) 7:30 p.m. Friday; Pirate Stadium, Longview Hallettsville (8-2) vs. Falfurrias (4-6)
7;30 p.m. Friday; Killeen Fort Bend Ridge Point (7-3) vs. 7;30 p.m. Friday; Madisonville
7;30 p.m. Friday; Heroes Stadium, San Antonio Fairfield (7-3) vs. Diboll (7-3) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Somerset
Austin Westlake (9-1) vs. Round Rock (8-2) Port Lavaca Calhoun (7-3) Beckville (9-1) vs. Glade. Union Grove (4-6)
CCCarroll(8-2)vs.SANorthsideBrandeis(6-4) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Bullard Hitchcock (8-2) vs. Marion (7-3)
7 p.m. Friday; Chaparral Stadium, Austin 7 p.m. Thursday; Freeport 7 p.m. Thursday; Rose Stadium, Tyler
7;30 p.m. Fri., Buccaneer Stadium, Corpus Christi Lorena (7-3) vs. Tarkington (4-6) 7;30 p.m., Thursday; Waller
The Woodlands (9-1) vs. Klein Oak (6-4) College Station (8-2) vs. Hutto (6-4) 7 p.m. Thursday; College Station HS Lovelady (10-0) vs. Cayuga (2-8)
McAllen (5-5) vs. Laredo Alexander (4-6) Aransas Pass (7-3) vs. George West (4-6) 7 p.m. Thursday; Crockett
7 p.m. Friday; Woodforest Stadium 7;30 p.m. Friday; College Station HS Gladewater (5-5) vs. Canton (5-5)
4 p.m. Saturday; McAllen ISD Stadium 7;30 p.m. Friday; Taft Ore City (9-1) vs. San Augustine (5-5)
Region III North Forest (9-1) at Brenham (4-6) 7 p.m. Thursday; Hallsville
San Benito (8-2) vs. PSJA North (5-5) 7;30 p.m. Friday Comfort (5-5) vs. Rice Consolidated (4-6) 7:30 p.m. Friday; Henderson
Cypress Falls (9-1) vs. Aldine Nimitz (2-8) Coldspring-Oakhurst(6-4)vs.Groesbeck(5-5)
7;30 p.m. Friday; San Benito Port Neches-Groves (8-2) vs. Dayton (7-3) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Seguin Region IV
1 p.m. Saturday; Berry Center 7;30 p.m. Thursday; Madisonville
Bellaire (5-5) vs. Katy Cinco Ranch (9-1) Class 5A Division I 7 p.m. Friday; Stallworth Stadium Bullard (7-3) vs. Atlanta (6-4) Class 3A Division II Holland (8-2) vs. Harper (3-7)
1 p.m. Saturday; Rhodes Stadium Angleton (5-5) vs. Texas City (7-3) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Buda
Bi-district 2 p.m. Saturday; Hallsville Bi-district
GP North Shore (7-3) vs. Pasa. Dobie (5-5) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Freeport Three Rivers (6-4) vs. Weimar (7-3)
Region II Region III Region II
7 p.m. Friday; Galena Park ISD Stadium Region IV 7;30 p.m. Saturday; Victoria
Frisco Wakeland (8-2) vs. Wylie (6-4) West Orange-Stark (9-1) vs. Howe (9-1) vs. Edgewood (4-6
Alief Taylor (8-2) vs. Clear Springs (5-5) Cedar Park (10-0) vs. Bastrop (7-3) Mason (10-0) vs. Rosebud-Lott (4-6)
2 p.m. Saturday; AT&T Stadium, Arlington Scarborough (1-9) 7:30 p.m. Thursday; Royse City
7 p.m. Friday; Crump Stadium 7;30 p.m. Thur.; Gupton Stadium, Cedar Park 7;30 p.m. Friday; Burger Stadium, Austin
Carrollton Creekview (8-2) vs. Kerrville Tivy (10-0) vs. SA McCollum (5-5) 7 p.m. Thursday; Stallworth Stadium New London West Rusk (9-1) vs.
Al. Eisenhower (7-3) vs. Cy. Fairbanks (6-4) Wharton (7-3) vs. La Grange (7-3) Refugio (8-2) vs. La Villa (4-6)
Rockwall-Heath (7-3) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Alamodome, San Antonio Hughes Springs (6-4)
6 p.m. Saturday; Thorne Stadium 7;30 p.m. Friday; Victoria 7;30 p.m. Thursday, Javelina Stadium, Kingsville
7;30 p.m. Friday; Clark Stadium, Plano Somerset (9-1) vs. Gregory-Portland (6-4) 7 p.m. Thursday; Lobo Stadium, Longview
Lamar (9-1) vs. Katy Morton Ranch (5-5) La Marque (8-2) vs. Liberty (4-6) Shiner (10-0) vs. Riviera (7-3)
Kimball (6-4) vs. Mansfield Summit (9-1) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Gregory-Portland Alba-Golden (8-2) vs. Leonard (6-4)
7 p.m. Friday; Delmar Stadium 7;30 p.m. Thursday; Three Rivers
7 p.m. Thursday; Midlothian Roma (8-2) vs. Edcouch-Elsa (6-4) 7 p.m. Thursday; Channelview 7:30 p.m. Friday; Royse City
Pearland (10-0) vs. Beau. West Brook (6-4) Johnson City (8-2) vs. Moody (5-5)
Longview (8-2) vs. Lufkin (7-3) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Landry Stadium, Mission Caldwell (6-4) vs. Columbus (5-5) Omaha Pewitt (6-4) vs. Winona (7-3)
7 p.m. Friday; Pearland ISD Stadium 7;30 p.m. Friday; Liberty Hill
7;30 p.m. Friday; Rose Stadium, Tyler Austin Reagan (7-3) vs. Georgetown (7-3) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Giddings 7;30 Friday; Lobo Stadium, Longview
Dickinson (9-1) vs. Alief Elsik (7-3) CC London (8-1) vs. Flatonia (5-5)
WylieEast(9-1)vs.LewisvilleTheColony(5-5) 7 p.m. Thursday; Georgetown ISD Complex Giddings (10-0) vs. Sweeny (2-8) Hooks (9-1) vs. Arp (5-5)
7 p.m. Friday; Dickinson 7 p.m. Friday; Refugio
5;30 p.m. Friday; AT&T Stadium, Arlington SA Sam Houston (10-0) vs. 7;30 p.m. Friday; El Campo 7;30 Thursday; Gilmer
Region IV Thrall (7-3) vs. Junction (7-3)
MesquitePoteet(7-3)vs.CarrolltonSmith(4-6) Boerne Champion (7-3) Worthing (7-3) vs. Orangefield (5-5) Lone Oak (4-6) vs. Sadler S&S Cons. (4-6)
Converse Judson (9-1) vs. SA Churchill (6-4) 7 p.m. Thursday; Marble Falls
7;30 p.m. Fri.; Standridge Stadium, Carrollton 7;30 p.m. Friday; Boerne ISD Stadium 7;30 p.m. Thursday; Barbers Hill 7:30 p.m. Friday; Princeton
7;30 p.m. Friday; Converse Lake Ridge (10-0) vs. Samuell (4-6) CC Calallen (8-2) vs. Bellville (8-2) vs. Salado (1-9) Waskom (10-0) vs. DeKalb (5-5) Class 2A Division II
SA Northside O’Connor (7-3) vs. 7 p.m. Thur.; Gopher-Warrior Bowl, Grand Prairie Castroville Medina Valley 7;30 p.m. Friday; A&M Consolidated 7 p.m. Friday; Gilmer
SA Southwest (4-6) Bi-district
Tyler (7-3) vs. Texarkana Texas (8-2) 7;30 p.m. Friday; CC Calallen Hamshire-Fannett vs. Kashmere (3-7) Gunter (7-3) vs. Grand Saline (5-5) Region II
7 p.m. Thur.; Gustafson Stadium, San Antonio 2 p.m. Saturday; Lobo Stadium, Longview Mercedes (7-3) vs. Mission Sharyland (6-4) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Channelview 7:30 p.m. Thursday; Princeton Iraan (10-0) vs. Miles (4-6)
Laredo United (8-2) vs. Region III 7;30 p.m. Friday; Thompson Stadium, Mission Region IV Region III 4 p.m. Friday; Grande Stadium, Midland
La Joya Juarez-Lincoln (4-6) Temple (9-1) vs. Willis (6-4) Geronimo Navarro (9-0) vs. Poteet (4-6) Dublin (4-6) vs. Blooming Grove
7;30 p.m. Friday; SAC, Laredo 7;30 p.m. Friday; Bowers Stadium, Huntsville
Class 4A Division I 7;30 p.m. Thur.; South San Stadium, San Antonio 7;30 p.m. Friday; Burleson
Baird (8-2) vs. Electra (7-3)
7;30 p.m. Friday; Jacksboro
Los Fresnos (9-1) vs. Weslaco (8-2) Stratford (9-1) vs. Houston Waltrip (6-4) Bi-district Rio Hondo (7-2) vs. Yoakum (5-5) Trinity (7-3) vs. Corrigan-Camden (6-4)
7;30 p.m. Friday; Weslaco Roscoe (6-4) vs. Wink (5-5)
7 p.m. Thursday; Delmar Stadium, Houston Region II 7 p.m. Thur.; Buccaneer Stadium, Corpus Christi 7;30 p.m. Friday; Woodville
SA Reagan (10-0) vs. Smithson Valley (7-3) 7 p.m. Thursday; Big Spring
King (8-2) vs. Beaumont Central (5-5) Kennedale (10-0) vs. Dallas Carter (3-7) Devine (9-1) vs. Lytle (3-7) Jarrell (10-0) vs. Maypearl (4-6)
7;30 p.m. Fri.; Comalander Stadium, San Antonio Hamlin (6-4) vs. Santo (7-3)
7 p.m. Thursday; Pearland ISD Stadium 7;30 p.m. Friday; Cedar Hill 7;30 p.m., Friday; Devine 7;30 p.m. Friday; McGregor
SA East Central (4-6) vs. 7:30 p.m. Friday; Moore Stadium, Abilene
FB Elkins (8-2) vs. Richmond Foster (8-2) Athens (7-3) vs. Princeton (7-3) Cuero (5-5) vs. Port Isabel (6-3), Crockett (7-3) vs. Lexington (5-5)
SA Northside Stevens (8-2) Seymour (8-2) vs. Cross Plains (5-5)
7 p.m. Friday; Traylor Stadium, Rosenberg 7;30 p.m. Friday; Hanby Stadium, Mesquite 7;30 p.m. Fri.; Cabaniss Stadium, Corpus Christi 7;30 p.m. Friday; Groesbeck
7;30 p.m. Friday; SA East Central 7;30 p.m. Friday; Sweetwater
Bryan (7-3) vs. Manor (7-3) Argyle (9-1) vs. Lake Worth (4-6) Sinton (9-0) vs. Raymondville (4-5) Newton (6-4) vs. Buffalo (4-6)
McAllen Memorial (10-0) vs. Menard (8-2) vs. Eldorado (5-5)
7;30 p.m. Friday; Bryan HS 7 p.m. Thursday; Birdville Complex, NRH 7;30 p.m. Friday; Javelina Stadium, Kingsville 7;30 p.m. Friday; Huffman Hargrave
Laredo United South (6-4) Pittsburg (9-1) vs. Crandall (6-4) 7:30 p.m. Thursday; San Angelo Stadium
Madison (7-3) vs. Magnolia West (7-3) Crystal City (8-2) vs. Llano (3-7) Marlin (5-5) vs. Rio Vista (4-6) Albany (9-1) vs. Haskell (7-3)
7;30 p.m. Friday; McAllen ISD Stadium 7;30 p.m. Friday; Lindale 7;30 p.m. Friday; Bandera 6 p.m. Saturday; Alvarado
7 p.m. Friday; Mustang Stadium, Magnolia 7 p.m. Friday; Tuscola
Edin. Economedes (5-5) vs. Harlingen (8-2) Texa. Liberty-Eylau (9-1) vs. Van (6-4) Franklin (10-0) vs. Garrison (5-5)
Nederland (7-3) vs. New Caney (7-3) Orange Grove (9-0) vs. Ingleside (2-8) Van Horn (7-3) vs. Bronte (4-6)
7;30 p.m. Friday; Boggus Stadium, Harlingen 7 p.m. Thursday; Pirate Stadium, Longview 7;30 p.m. Friday; Palestine
6 p.m. Saturday, Thomas Center, Beaumont 7;30 p.m. Saturday; CC Calallen 7:30 p.m. Friday; Crane
Sanger (9-1) vs. Springtown (5-5)
Class 6A Division II George Ranch (10-0) vs. FB Bush (5-5)
7 p.m. Thursday; Sanger
Wimberley (3-7) vs. Pearsall (8-2) Palmer (3-7) vs. Clifton (5-5) Region III
Bi-district 7 p.m. Friday; Mercer Stadium, Sugar Land 7;30 p.m. Friday; Edgewood 7;30 p.m. Friday; Alvarado Muenster (9-1) vs. Meridian (6-4)
Kaufman (9-1) vs. Paris (6-4)
Region II Region IV Region IV 7:30 p.m. Friday; Springtown
Austin Vandegrift (8-2) vs.
7;30 p.m. Friday; Greenville Class 3A Division I East Bernard (8-2) vs. Karnes City (4-6)
Dallas Jesuit (9-1) vs. Mesquite Horn (6-4) Alvarado (8-2) vs. Wilmer-Hutchins (4-6) Iola (8-2) vs. Timpson (2-7)
7;30 p.m. Friday; Postell Stadium, Dallas Bastrop Cedar Creek (4-6) Bi-district 7;30 p.m. Friday; Edna 7 p.m. Thursday; Palestine
7;30 p.m. Friday; Midlothian
7;30 p.m. Friday; Monroe Stadium, Austin Region II Dilley (6-4) vs. S.Gertrudis Academy (7-2)
Rockwall (7-3) vs. Copperas Cove (3-7) Region III Hubbard (8-2) vs. Celeste (3-7)
Lockhart (7-3) vs. SA Highlands (7-3) Pottsboro (10-0) vs. Commerce (5-5) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Dilley
7;30 p.m. Fri., Wilker.-Sanders Stadium, Rockwall Kilgore (7-3) vs. Huffman Hargrave (6-4) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Forney
7;30 p.m., Friday; Lockhart 7;30 p.m. Friday; McKinney Blanco (10-0) vs. Van Vleck (3-7)
Pflugerville Hendrickson (8-2) vs. 7;30 p.m. TBD; Lufkin HS Maud (7-3) vs. Evadale (6-4)
Uvalde (6-4) vs. Victoria East (6-4) White Oak (8-2) vs. Winnsboro (7-3) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Yoakum
Austin High (7-3) El Campo (7-3) vs. Wheatley (5-5) 7;30 p.m. 7 p.m. Thursday; Shelbyville’
7 p.m. Friday; Pflugerville Hendrickson 4 p.m. Saturday; Alamodome, San Antonio Thursday; Butler Stadium 7:30 p.m. Thursday; Lindale Freer (3-7) at Taft (9-1) Tenaha (5-5) vs. Colmesneil (3-7)
Spring(9-1)vs.TheWoodlandsCollegePark(3-7) Edinburg Vela (10-0) vs. Silsbee (8-2) vs. Tyler Chapel Hill (3-7) Sunnyvale (9-1) vs. Van Alstyne (6-4) 7 p.m. Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday; San Augustine
7 p.m. Friday; George Stadium Brownsville Porter (6-4) 7:30 p.m. Friday; Lufkin 7;30 p.m. Friday; Williams Stadium, Garland Odem (10-0) vs. Cotulla (4-6)
Italy (6-4) vs. Era (4-6)
Highland Park (9-1) vs. Irving Nimitz (6-4) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Sams Stadium, Brownsville Sealy (5-5) vs. Needville (5-5) Daingerfield (4-6) vs. Sabine (4-6) 7;30 p.m.Fri.,SouthsideISD Stadium,SanAntonio
7 p.m. Thursday; Marshall 7;30 p.m. Friday; Joshua
7;30 p.m. Friday; Dallas Highland Park Austin LBJ (8-2) vs. 7 p.m. Thursday; Traylor Stadium, Rosenberg Stockdale(5-5)vs.Tidehaven(6-4)
Redwater (5-5) vs.Big Sandy Harmony (6-4) Normangee (8-2) vs. Overton (3-7)
Waco Midway (7-3) vs. Garland (6-4) Cedar Park Vista Ridge (8-2) Navasota (10-0) vs. Columbia (7-3) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Schulenburg
7;30 p.m. Friday; Tatum 7:30 p.m. Friday; Whitehouse
6 p.m. Friday; Hewitt 7;30 p.m. Friday; Nelson Field, Austin 7 p.m. Friday; Waller Hebbronville (4-6) vs. Banquete (4-6)
Scurry-Rosser (7-3) vs. Callisburg (8-2) Lindsay (7-2) vs. Chilton (4-6)
Lake Travis (10-0) vs. Pflugerville (3-7) SA Harlandale (6-4) vs. San Marcos (7-3) Jasper (6-4) vs. Brownsboro (5-5) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Mathis
7:30 Friday; Kimbrough Stadium, Murphy 7;30 p.m. Friday; Roughrider Stadium, Saginaw
7 p.m. Thursday; Lake Travis 7;30 p.m. Fri.; Memorial Stadium, San Antonio 1 p.m. Saturday; Lufkin Boling (9-1) vs. Poth (4-6)
Stafford (10-0) vs. Sterling (5-5) Mineola (10-0) vs. Prairiland (6-4) Region IV
Kingwood (6-4) vs. Spring Westfield (8-2) Victoria West (9-1) vs. Laredo Nixon (5-5) 7;30 p.m. Thursday; Edna
7;30 p.m. Friday 7;30 p.m. Friday; Emory Rains Bremond (10-0) vs. Kenedy (2-7)
Noon Saturday, Alamodome, San Antonio
7 p.m. Friday; Turner Stadium
Mission Veterans (7-3) vs. Donna High (8-2) Carthage (7-3) vs. Bridge City (7-3) Whitesboro (4-6) vs. Caddo Mills (8-2) Class 2A Division I 7;30 p.m. Thursday; Bastrop
Region III Bi-district Woodsboro (4-6) vs. Rocksprings (3-7)
7;30 p.m. Friday; Donna 7:30 p.m. Saturday; Lufkin 7:30 p.m. Friday; Little Elm
Cypress Ranch (9-1) vs. Memorial (5-5) Region II 7;30 p.m. Friday; Jourdanton
Region IV Region III
7 p.m. Friday; Berry Center Class 5A Division II Waco La Vega (10-0) vs. Grandview (9-0) vs. LR Academy (5-4) Valley View (6-4) vs. Wolfe City (5-5) Falls City (10-0) vs. Burton (5-5)
Katy (10-0) vs. Houston Westside (4-6) Bi-district Fischer Canyon Lake (4-6) 1 p.m. Saturday; Waco ISD Stadium 7;30 p.m. Thursday; Little Elm 7 p.m. Thursday; Bulldog Stadium, Seguin
7 p.m. Friday; Rhodes Stadium Region II 7;30 p.m. Friday; Georgetown East Chambers (9-1) vs. Mart (8-2) vs. Tolar (6-4) D’Hanis (6-4) vs. Agua Dulce (4-5)
La Porte (8-2) vs. Pearland Dawson (7-3) Frisco Lone Star (9-1) vs. Prosper (6-4) Kingsville (6-4) vs. Rockport-Fulton (6-3) Palestine Westwood (8-2) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Waxahachie 7:30 p.m. Friday; Poteet
7 p.m. Friday; La Porte 9 p.m. Friday; AT&T Stadium, Arlington 7;30 p.m. Friday; Sinton 7 p.m. Thursday; New Caney Clarksville (4-6) vs. Bells (5-5) La Pryor (10-0) vs. Benavides (3-7)
FB Hightower (10-0) vs. Friendswood (6-4) Dallas Adams (7-3) vs. Forney (7-3) Liberty Hill (8-2) vs. Burnet (6-4), Cameron Yoe (9-1) vs. McGregor (5-5) 7 p.m. Thursday; Cooper 7:30 p.m. Friday; Hondo
7 p.m. Thursday; Hall Stadium 7;30 p.m. Thursday; Allen 7;30 p.m. Friday; Gupton Stadium, Cedar Park 7 p.m. Thursday; Waco ISD Stadium Hico (4-6) vs. Bosqueville (6-4) Yorktown (8-2) vs. Milano (5-5)
Aldine Davis (6-4) vs. Cypress Creek (6-4) Dallas South Oak Cliff (7-3) vs. Gonzales(4-6)vs.RioGrandeCityGrulla(4-6), Malakoff (9-1) vs. Buna (5-5) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Robinson 7;30 p.m. Thursday; Giddings
7 p.m. Friday; Thorne Stadium Mansfield Timberview (5-5) 7 p.m. Friday; CC Flour Bluff 7;30 p.m. Friday; Dragon Stadium, Nacogdoche Goldthwaite (8-2) vs. Axtell (5-5) Bruni (9-1) vs. Leakey (3-7)
Strake Jesuit (6-4) vs. Reagan (8-1) 7;30 p.m. Thursday; DeSoto La Vernia (6-4) vs. Zapata (6-4) Teague (8-1) vs. Woodville (5-5) 7 p.m. Thursday; Copperas Cove 7:30 p.m. Friday; Dilley
7 p.m. Saturday; Delmar Stadium Marshall (9-1) vs. Lindale (5-5) 7;30 p.m. Friday; Alice 7 p.m. Thursday; Bowers Stadium, Huntsville Quinlan Boles (4-6) vs. Alvord (3-7) Granger (5-5) vs. Louise (7-2)
Manvel (8-2) vs. Channelview (7-3) 1 p.m. Saturday; Lobo Stadium, Longview Taylor (4-6) vs. Gatesville (4-6) Rockdale (8-2) vs. Comanche (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Thursday; Denton ISD Stadium 7 p.m. Thursday; Brenham


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Report about Apache
Corp. sends its stock DOW 17,730.48, down 179.85 (-1.0 %)
S&P 500 2,078.58, down 20.62 (-1.0 %)
up 13 percent. CRUDE OIL $43.87, down 42¢ (-0.9 %)
NATURAL GAS $2.300, down 7.1¢ (-3.0 %)
Page D5

Houston Chronicle @HoustonChron Houston Chronicle | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | and Section D xxx

Many buyers in a waiting game to happen in Houston and a survey of 23 homebuild-

Sales of newly built homes were off oil prices. They’re think- ers, which account for
sharply in September, according ing, are they better off wait- about 65 percent of the
to report on Houston-area market ing or pulling the trigger?” new single-family hous-
Compared with this ing activity in the Hous-
By Nancy Sarnoff before signing a contract. time last year, many seem ton market according to
“The buying process to be waiting. third-quarter starts activ-
Builder Gary Tesch has elongated for the buy- Sales of newly built ity. Based on that percent-
senses a growing economic ers out there today,” said homes were off sharply age, Metrostudy estimates
skittishness in some of the Tesch, president of Mc- in September, with the that builders in the greater
Houston neighborhoods Guyer Homebuilders. number of closings fall- Houston area sold 1,498
where his company builds “There’s competition. ing 27 percent from 2014, homes in September.
houses. There are choices. There’s a monthly report from “This is kind of the sign
Prospective buyers, he opportunity out there for housing research firm the market has peaked and
Bob Levey said, are visiting model buyers. They’re seeing the Metrostudy shows. we’re on the downward
Lennar is building this home in the Richmond area. homes three or four times headlines of what’s going The data are based on Builders continues on D2


Cheap oil
a concern
for global
By Collin Eaton

If crude prices don’t bounce back

by the end of the decade, an era of
cheap oil could consolidate more
oil-market power into the hands of a
few low-cost producers in the Middle
East — raising concerns about en-
ergy security for oil-
importing nations, ›› Follow the
the International latest energy
Energy Agency says. news at
The IEA’s closely
watched World En-
ergy Outlook, an an-
nual report released Tuesday, said
the world’s reliance on Middle East-
ern oil exports could “eventually es-
calate to a level last seen in the 1970s,”
most profoundly in developing Asian
Melissa Phillip / Houston Chronicle countries like India and China, if oil
This Conn’s HomePlus is on the North Freeway. Conn’s is aggressively moving into the furniture market, its CEO says. prices stay low well beyond 2020
and force higher-cost producers out

‘Our model is unique’

of the market over the next 25 years.
The Paris-based group, which con-
sults 29 oil-importing nations, is a
Cheap continues on D2

Conn’s CEO says retailer will keep serving
those without access to credit and
financing through regular channels
Natural gas
By Mike D. Smith excerpts follow: surplus not
The Woodlands-based
Conn’s expanded into seven
additional states over the past
Q: What is an “under-
banked” customer?
A: There’s about 25 mil-
going away
year while also tightening lion people that fall into that By Robert Grattan
credit standards, discontinu- category that we consider some
ing items that contributed to a of our prime customers. ... It’s been a tough summer, and an
stubbornly high delinquency They exist in every city across even tougher year for anyone selling
rate and selling off a $1.4 billion the United States and that natural gas.
consumer loan portfolio that customer demographic is con- Benchmark natural gas prices
company officials said was tinuing to grow, which makes have fallen from last November’s $4
dragging down profits. it very attractive for Conn’s, per million British thermal unit to
In 2016, the company ex- obviously. And that customer: today’s prices closer to $2 per million
pects to keep growing, fueled They’re not at poverty level by British thermal unit and three-year
by the cash freed up by the any stretch but they typically lows at the end of October. Even with
consumer debt sale. have a household, two people winter — and the extra demand for
Norman Miller, who was working in that household, natural gas that cold temperatures
named Conn’s CEO in Septem- and they live basically pay- bring — right around the corner, few
ber, says he will continue the check to paycheck, but people expect natural gas to mount a true
company’s tradition of serving don’t participate in the banking recovery until the end of this decade.
populations that wouldn’t have system because they don’t have Instead, the same enthusiasm for
access to credit and financing disposable income at the end drawing natural gas from shale rock
through regular channels. of the day. Even if you have a James Nielsen / Houston Chronicle that launched a boom has trans-
Miller formerly was presi- banking account ... there’s not Conn’s CEO Norman Miller says, “We put a great deal of formed it into another bust. And so
dent of Sears Automotive and nearly the level of value in the resources and energy and effort into customer service.” far, there’s little sign drillers are will-
worked with the “unbanked banking system. ing to pull back enough to cut off the
and underbanked” — a group Conn’s at a glance surplus holding down prices.
that makes up 80 percent of Q: Seems like a risky Headquarters: The Woodlands The bust has had a powerful and
Conn’s customer base — while group. Stores: 100 in 12 states mixed effect on Houston’s economy.
with DFC Global Corp. A: The risk is absolutely Planned stores: 20-25 over the next year Producers and the drillers who chase
Miller spoke with the higher, but it’s part of the Stores in Texas: 55 the gas have laid off workers and
Chronicle at corporate head- reason our model is unique Stock price, 12-month high (low): $43.95 ($14.02) shrunk budgets amid falling rev-
quarters last week. Edited Q&A: continues on D2 Stock price, Monday’s close: $24.59, up 3 percent from Friday Natural continues on D2

Decision on Keystone XL is no cure for climate change

CHRIS TOMLINSON reject the pipeline, but that’s all Oil remains the world’s main
Commentary he did. Companies will continue transportation fuel, and no other
to extract oil from Canadian tar source of transportable energy
sands, they will continue to ship can compete with it at current
it to Texas refineries, and global prices. Even high-priced Cana-
consumers — including environ- dian crude is far cheaper than en-
mentalists —will burn that fuel. ergy from a battery, natural gas
My colleague Robert Grattan or a fuel cell, when all costs are
writes that oil from tar sands is included.
not profitable at current prices, Until an alternative form of
and that has led many companies affordable and accessible trans-
Rejecting the Keystone XL including Shell and Statoil to sus- portation fuel is on the market,
pipeline will do nothing to help pend projects in Alberta. But that the world will continue to con-
fight climate change. is a temporary lull that will end sume more than 90 million bar-
President Barack Obama said as soon as prices rise again. And rels a day of crude. And demand
last week he was sending a signal they will rise again when supply is growing. Susan Walsh / Associated Press
about his commitment to fighting tightens, prompting reconsidera- The only thing that Obama got President Barack Obama, with Joe Biden and John Kerry,
climate change when he chose to tion of those projects. Pipeline continues on D3 announces he’s rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline.
D2 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


Builders likely to offer housing specials

Builders from page D1 Typically, the cancellation rate is what they’ve read and heard for $350,000 and up. and 15 percent from 2014. Some of
below 20 percent. about the economy and oil prices, Through the end of the year, that, though, could be from fewer
slope of that peak, but we’ll still Davis said the market is about but traffic is still strong in the lo- McGuyer Homebuilder brands lots available to build on.
be able to sell lots of houses,” said nine months into a slowdown, cal master-planned communities Coventry Homes and Plantation “It’s taking longer due to the
Scott Davis, Metrostudy’s Hous- which would have happened where her company builds. Homes are offering buyers up weather, financing, permitting,
ton regional director, adding that even without falling oil prices be- Though employment growth to $50,000 toward closing costs all that is compounded,” Tesch
closings for the year are flat. cause it has largely been driven across the area has fallen to a or upgrades when buying a re- said. “It just takes longer today to
Across the Houston area, by prices and supply. fraction of what it was during cently completed or under-con- get lots on the ground.”
builders constructed 15 percent Steep price increases for new the recent energy boom, and struction home in communities Another concern going into
fewer spec homes in Septem- homes pushed buyers to the ex- thousands of energy workers throughout this area. next year is the presidential cam-
ber compared with the same isting home market. The median have lost their jobs, economists Tesch said it’s not uncommon paign.
month a year earlier, according price of a new home, Davis said, predict the region still will gain for builders to have year-end “I feel really good of how we’re
to Metrostudy. Spec homes are is about $70,000 higher than an 20,000 or 30,000 jobs by year’s sales. positioned for 2016,” Tesch said,
those that break ground without existing home. end. “We’re not doing any bigger “but obviously there’s a lot of
buyers in tow. The inventory of “We’re seeing declines in our “If anything, buyers are just promotions we typically do,” he static out there about oil prices
homes sitting finished and va- starts and we’ve seen pricing taking a little more time to move said. “We don’t have a ton of in- and what that means for Hous-
cant was up “a shocking” 38 per- that’s really gone through the forward,” Rino said. ventory sitting on the ground.” ton. And it’ll also be an election
cent over last year, the firm said. roof. If we can bring our pricing Builders are adjusting their Tesch said traffic among the year, and usually in election
In another indication of the in line, I don’t think it’ll be a real production and offering specials company’s local model home years ... there’s static as well,
slowing market, the average significant downturn at all,” Da- to unload inventory. parks is up compared with last which usually hurts consumer
cancellation rate jumped to vis said. David Weekley Homes re- year in new communities like Po- confidence.”
26 percent in September. A can- Amy Rino, Houston division cently promoted a $30,000 “dec- mona south of town.
cellation is when a buyer backs president of Darling Homes, said orator allowance” on some of its Overall, the company’s sales
out of a contract before closing. buyers are a little spooked about homes in Cinco Ranch that sold in Houston are down between 10

Q&A: CEO says Conn’s tries ‘to work with the customer’
Q&A: from page D1 them. There’s really no one go in wearing cameras we
nationally or regionally score and rate it, and we’re
and effective. Unlike other who does what we do. very, very focused on it. ...
companies, we’re not just We get the highest ratings
a retail company ... our Q: In your last from the Better Business
credit and our financing quarterly report, your Bureau, which not only
business are in house. We 60-day delinquency rate measures the number of
don’t outsource. We do all was 9.2 percent. Is that a complaints you have but
the underwriting, we do healthy figure? how do you handle them
all the collections and we A: Well, we’d always when you do have com-
do that pretty effectively. like to get it lower, but long plaints. I think we put a
... It’s a different mentality term, we’re looking for our great deal of resources and
from a collections stand- static loss rate to be in the energy and effort into cus-
point. It’s not a demand- high single digits. When Melissa Phillip / Houston Chronicle tomer service. Unfortu-
ing, “We need our $500,” it’s in the high single digits, Conn’s is “significantly enhancing our furniture mix as well,” its CEO says. nately, when you have the
but we’re trying to work it’s very effective for us, it hundreds of thousands of
with the customer to say, tells us we’re underwriting ics typically do well percent of each store.) the products. customers that we have,
“What do we need to do to at the right levels and very during the holidays. Within Texas, many know Q: I’m sure you’re sometimes we do fall short
help you get current so you profitable for us at the end Was that too soon? us as an electronics and aware from the custom- or we disappoint someone.
can pay your loan off and of the day, as well. A: The losses we were appliance business. er service stand- And when we have had
do business with us in the (The company reported experiencing with those But if you go into our point over the years, those instances in the past,
future?” a 10.2 percent delinquency products were such newer markets in the there’s been criticism. I’m not sure we’ve been as
rate as of the end of Octo- that it just didn’t make Carolinas and Colorado Are there changes reactive and proactive in
Q: Is it a competitive ber.) sense at the end of the and Las Vegas, they see coming to how that’s some of those as possibly
field for unbanked or day for us to carry them. us as a furniture retailer done? we could have or should
underbanked custom- Q: This summer, Simultaneously, we were first. We’ve been A: We do mystery have.
ers? Conn’s stopped selling significantly enhancing aggressively moving into shops in all of our stores
A: You’d think so gaming software, cam- our furniture mix as well. that market because the every month. We do video
because there’s so many of eras, tablets. Electron- (It’s now about 50 to 55 margins are very good on mystery shops where they

Cheap oil could hinder energy efficiency, agency says

Cheap from page D1 expects to see. In other revenues falling by 25 per- dicts oil prices will rise to But the oil industry will for each unit of future eco-
words, technological ad- cent in the pursuit of much $80 a barrel by 2020, with have to spend $630 billion nomic growth.
well-respected oil-market vancements and policy higher market share. In further increases as global a year just to keep pro- Meanwhile, the 240 mil-
forecaster. prescriptions for renew- this lower-price scenario, energy use grows by a duction levels even with lion people living in India
“It would be a grave able resources might not the IEA predicted crude third over the next quarter output this year. The U.S. without access to electric-
mistake to index our atten- make as big an impact in prices would hover around of a century, as demand in shale plays at the center ity will drive the largest
tion to energy security to the market if fossil fuels are $50 a barrel for the next India and China continues of the nation’s energy pro- surge in global energy de-
changes in the oil price,” cheaper to buy. five years and gradually to surge. duction surge could reach mand, overtaking China
IEA Executive Director But the IEA’s gloomy increase to $85 a barrel by All told, the IEA said, their peak output levels as the world’s largest user
Fatih Birol said in a writ- scenario, describing a 2040. the world’s daily oil de- by the early 2020s before of coal and boosting oil de-
ten statement. “Now is not world with cheap — and U.S. crude fell 42 cents to mand could grow by they start to decline. “The mand to 10 million barrels
the time to relax. Quite the more tempting — oil until $43.87 a barrel on the New 900,000 barrels each year, current overhand in sup- a day – roughly equivalent
opposite: A period of low 2040, was just one possible York Mercantile Exchange though the projected climb ply should give no cause to China’s daily demand
oil prices is the moment to oil-market future consid- on Monday. It has plunged of global demand to 103.5 for complacency about oil now. The IEA believes In-
reinforce our capacity to ered by group. 8.4 percent since Nov. 3 as million barrels a day in market security,” the IEA dia will import 90 percent
deal with future energy se- For its “Low Oil Price fresh worries about glob- 2040 could be offset if pric- said. of its oil by 2014, as its pro-
curity threats.” Scenario” to come true, al demand weigh on the es rise and governments The IEA said India duction “falls well behind
Plus, the world’s in- the IEA said, global eco- market. Brent, the inter- adopt more policies push- could eventually overtake the growth in demand.”
creased dependence on nomic growth would have national standard, which ing the use of alternative China as the country with India’s policymakers
cheap oil could crowd out to remain sluggish for is affected by roughly the fuels. the highest demand for and private sector will have
$800 billion in possible years, violent uprisings same market forces as U.S. In the United States, energy, as the direction to draw $2.8 trillion to meet
energy efficiency improve- in the Middle East would crude, declined 43 cents to Japan and the European of the Chinese economy the nation’s energy needs
ments in automobiles and have to subside and the $47.19 a barrel on the ICE Union, demand for crude shifts from heavy steel and over the next 25 years.
aircraft by 2040, eliminat- Organization of the Petro- Futures Europe. could fall by a combined 10 cement to growth in the
ing 15 percent of the effi- leum Exporting Countries The IEA’s more moder- million barrels a day over services sectors, requir-
ciencies the IEA otherwise would have to live with ate oil-price forecast pre- that same time. ing 85 percent less energy

Natural gas market has had ‘just too much production’

Natural from page D1 pattern typically means prices to pop back up to the country. Other proj- bic feet per day of extra gas mand is being helped
warmer winter tempera- a number like $3, maybe ects, such as gas-consum- will be needed by the end of out some by some power
enues from selling the fuel. tures across parts of the somewhere above $3.” ing power and chemical 2020. plants forsaking coal to
Across town, chemical fac- northern U.S., which could Still, $3 per million Brit- plants, are also underway. Most of the gain will run generators on natural
tories fueled by cheap gas mean much less demand in ish thermal unit would be And a portion of the U.S.’s come from liquefaction gas instead. That’s not a big
are expanding and bring- a region generally hungry 25 percent cheaper than gas is already making its facilities enabling gas to boost either, and the effect
ing on thousands of work- for the fuel each winter. last year’s high. For a sig- way south to consumers travel abroad. is limited because genera-
ers to build and operate To make things worse nificant and sustained ral- in Mexico on newly built The first of those are tors would likely turn back
systems. for natural gas bulls, the ly, Evans said, either pro- pipelines, with more ex- slated to start shipping in to coal if gas prices did rise.
The low prices are likely country is headed into the duction would need to fall pected to follow. 2016, when Houston-based Overall, it’s a tough
to be the norm until the end winter months with a re- off or demand would have According to financial Cheniere Energy com- market for natural gas,
of the decade. cord amount of gas in stor- to close the gap. services firm Morningstar, pletes the first phases of its said Jordan Grimes, a com-
“There’s just too much age. Demand is gearing up, those projects could con- Sabine Pass project along modities analyst at Morn-
production,” said Pearce Storage is built up in the but the needed growth isn’t tribute to an additional 22 the Texas and Louisiana ingstar.
Hammond, managing di- warmer summer months quite here yet. billion cubic feet per day of border. “The producers do ex-
rector at Houston energy and drawn down in the Several billion-dollar additional gas demand, an Still, the full effect of pect lower for longer,”
investment bank Simmons winter, and how much is projects that will liquefy about 20 percent increase that sink for U.S. gas isn’t Grimes said.
& Co. International. “It’s available has a major effect natural gas and ship it from current levels. Sim- likely to kick in for several
certainly a very negative on prices. This summer, abroad are currently un- mons & Co. International years.
outlook for natural gas at gas in storage rose to a re- der construction across forecasts that 21 billion cu- In the meantime, de-
this moment.” cord-setting 3.9 trillion cu-
The U.S. Energy Infor- bic feet — enough to serve
mation Administration’s as a powerful cushion,
most recent data shows even if weather turns out to
U.S. production climbing
by 1.2 percent from 89.8
be cold.
About the only posi-
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billion cubic feet in July tive sign for prices as win- PROTECTIN
to 90.9 billion cubic feet ter approaches is that gas G HUMAN CAPITAL MOVING YOUR BUSINESS?
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xx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | D3


Half-million-plus Michael
Hill of the
Harris Health

sign up for ACA System,

talks with
of Health
By Jenny Deam to drop. Statistics showed. That and Human
Nationally, more than 16 is 7.5 million fewer than Services
More than a half-million million people have gained in 2014 and 16.3 million in Sylvia
applications to buy health health insurance coverage 2013. Burwell last
insurance under the Af- since the Affordable Care Texas continues to lead month.
fordable Care Act were Act went into effect, ei- the nation in the number
submitted nationwide to ther through buying plans and rate of uninsured, but Steve Gonzales / during the through the federal mar- those numbers have also Houston Chronicle
first four days of enroll- ketplace or state exchang- dropped significantly since
ment for next year, the U.S. es, expanded Medicaid the ACA took effect. By many without coverage “We hope to reach one in Marketplace enrollees
Department of Health and coverage in some states or some estimates, 20 percent have now signed up. four,” she said at an event could find a plan for $75 or
Human Services said Mon- because young adults can of Texans, or nearly 5 mil- Health and Human in advance of the start of less a month in premiums
day. stay on their parents’ plans lion people, remain with- Services Secretary Syl- the enrollment period. after tax credits.”
Department spokesman until age 26, according to out health insurance. via Burwell said in a brief Texas was one of four plac- Enrollment will con-
Benjamin Wakana added federal statistics. It is not yet known how stop in Houston last month es the administration had tinue through Jan. 31,
in an email that a quarter In the first six months many Texans signed up that President Barrack targeted to boost signups. although officials have
of million applications ar- of 2015, 28.5 million people in the first week of enroll- Obama’s administration Wakana on Monday urged that people should
rived in the first 48 hours. of all ages remained unin- ment. would be focusing on the had a message to those in consider enrolling by mid-
U.S. enrollment for 2016 sured, dropping the rate Many involved in the ef- 10.5 million people nation- the state undecided about December to ensure unin-
opened Nov. 1 with many to 9 percent, a report last fort to enroll the uninsured wide who were eligible for enrollment: “We want to terrupted coverage.
eyes watching to see if the week by the U.S. Centers admit that as time goes coverage through public remind Texans that finan-
number of uninsured in for Disease Control’s Na- on, it may become harder insurance exchanges, or cial assistance is available.
the country will continue tional Center for Health to reach the uninsured as marketplaces. More than 7 in 10 current

VW Pipeline
offers choice a
gift political
cards decision
Pipeline from page D1
By Tom Krisher
ASSOCIATED PRESS right on Friday was that
the Keystone XL pipeline
Owners of 482,000 die- had taken on far greater
sel Volkswagens and Au- significance that it de-
dis in the U.S. are eligible served. It was never a large
for $1,000 in gift cards and source of employment, and
vouchers as the automaker it was never a major threat
strives to placate custom- to the climate. Politicians
ers dismayed by an emis- were using a steel pipe,
sions-rigging scandal. intended to deliver crude
VW announced the of- safely to a refinery, to blud-
fer Monday. The car own- geon each other.
ers have been in limbo Placed in this political
since mid-September, situation, Obama took a
when VW admitted the political decision. He made
cars are equipped with his supporters happy and
software that turns on pol- eliminated an issue that
lution controls during gov- Republican candidates had
ernment tests and turns Anupam Nath / Associated Press file hoped to use against the
them off while on the road. Popular noodles return to India 2016 Democratic nominee.
VW has yet to unveil Maggi noodles are back on shelves in India five months after the popular snack was found to contain lead But that’s all he did.
a fix for the cars. The U.S. above permissible limits. The Indian unit of Swiss food company Nestlé said Monday that samples of newly He did not approve a safe
Environmental Protection made Maggi instant noodles had been cleared for consumption by three food-testing laboratories in India. method for transporting
Agency says the cars, with Canadian crude. He did
2-liter four-cylinder diesel not stop the mining of tar
engines, emit 10 to 40 times PUNITIVE DAMAGES sands. He did not stop tar
the allowable amount of
harmful nitrogen oxide
while being driven.
Ruling could expose General Motors sands from arriving in the
U.S. by rail or barge. He did
not stop the refining of tar
The $500 Visa gift card
can be used anywhere,
while the $500 voucher can
to large verdicts in ignition lawsuits sands oil. All he did was
require companies to use
more dangerous and costly
be used at a VW dealership By Tom Krisher “Old GM” to the new com- company. Although the lawsuits pending against forms of transportation.
for things such as an oil ASSOCIATED PRESS pany. Plaintiffs, he ruled, court ruled that New GM GM, said the ruling was a If you want to do
change or new set of tires, can seek punitive damages could be liable for puni- complete win for plaintiffs. something about climate
or even a down payment on DETROIT — A fed- if they can show that “New tive damages for claims Gerber’s ruling also change, then use public
a new car. The offer also in- eral bankruptcy judge has GM” knew of the faulty based solely on its conduct, applies to cases in which transportation and spend
cludes free roadside assis- ruled that people suing switches but covered it up. “plaintiffs to date have not plaintiffs allege that the a little more money to buy a
tance for the diesel vehicles General Motors over faulty The ruling has the po- established any such in- value of their cars declined less-polluting vehicle. But
for three years. ignition switches can seek tential to open GM to large dependent claims against because of GM’s conduct. don’t think for a moment
To get the gift cards and punitive damages that jury verdicts, because the New GM,” the statement Carl Tobias, a law pro- that defeating a pipeline
vouchers in the U.S., own- could cost the company company has admitted said. fessor at the University made the planet a better
ers will not be required to millions of dollars or more. knowing about the faulty The ignition switches of Richmond, says both place to live. It most defi-
sign anything giving up When General Mo- switches for a decade or can slip out of the run sides are posturing about nitely did not.
their right to sue Volks- tors emerged from a 2009 more but failed to recall the position and shut off the the ruling. The plaintiffs,
wagen or force them into bankruptcy, it became cars until February of 2014. engine, knocking out the he said, must show “egre- Tomlinson is the Chronicle’s
arbitration, spokeswoman known as “New GM.” The Many of the engineers, at- power steering, power gious misconduct” to get business columnist. His
Jeannine Ginivan said. new company essentially torneys and safety investi- brakes and air bags. They punitive damages, which commentary appears on
Volkswagen already was shielded from liabili- gators who had knowledge are responsible for crashes is a heavy burden. But he Sundays and Wednesdays.
is offering $2,000 to cur- ties of the old company that of the switches went from that killed at least 169 peo- said they can rely on the
rent VW owners to trade was left behind. the old company to the new ple and injured hundreds Justice Department docu-
in their cars for new vehi- But Judge Robert Gerber one. of others. ments to do that. “I think He also posts analysis
cles, and the gift cards and in New York ruled Monday But in a statement, GM Attorney Robert Hill- that makes it pretty strong of the day’s news at
vouchers would add $1,000 that employees and knowl- said the ruling was not a iard, who has several on the plaintiffs’ side,” he
to that. edge transferred from the victory for those suing the wrongful death and injury said. Boardroom


WALL STREET ECONOMY p.m. on Thanksgiving its IPO of about 33.3 mil-
Global group
Day, the same time as last lion shares between $12
year. and $14 per share.
says figures point But shoppers don’t About 31 million Amer-
uneasy to recession
PARIS — A slow-
have to trek to a store
after eating turkey and
icans have used a dating
site or app, according to a
about job down in international
trade could be a harbin-
stuffing; the same deals
will be available online at
2013 Pew Research Center
report ger of a new recession
for the world’s leading on Thanksgiv-
ing morning, the retailer IN OTHER NEWS
economies, a leading said. • Arch Coal said
NEW YORK — The Alan Diaz / Associated Press file global policy organization Its plan is the latest it may file for bankruptcy
stock market stumbled Monday’s approval by union leadership paves the warned Monday. sign of retailers spreading in the “near term” as the
Monday as investors way for voting on a four-year agreement by 53,000 The Organization for their deals beyond Black St. Louis-based com-
worried that the global workers at Ford Motor Co. Economic Cooperation Friday, the busiest shop- pany’s cash flow can’t
economy could be slowing and Development says ping day of the year. sustain its $5.1 billion in
just as last week’s block- LABOR now vote to ratify it. trade figures are worri- debt.
buster U.S. jobs report ap- Union leaders Ford’s deal would some because the stagnat- DATING • The Treasury De-
peared to open the way to
back proposed eliminate the two-tier ing or declining rates of Match Group partment auctioned
the first rate hike from the wage system the union trade seen this year have, $29 billion in three-month
Federal Reserve in nearly pact with Ford agreed to in 2007 when in the past, been associat-
plans to raise up bills at a discount rate of
a decade. DETROIT — The Unit- the companies were near ed with global recession. to $466 million 0.135 percent, up from
It was the first notable ed Auto Workers’ pro- bankruptcy. The agree- In its outlook issued NEW YORK — The 0.11 percent last week.
decline for the market in posed contract with Ford ment would also add bo- Monday, the group pro- owner of Tinder, Match. Another $27 billion in six-
six weeks. Motor Co. — approved nuses for many workers, jected global trade growth com and OkCupid hopes month bills was auctioned
October’s unexpectedly Monday by local union investment in plants and at only 2 percent this year. to raise as much as $466.2 at 0.340 percent, up from
strong jobs report greatly leaders — is the richest of more. million in an initial public 0.280 percent.
increased expectations the Detroit Three, with The four-year deal cov- RETAIL offering, which would put • The Federal Reserve
that Fed policymakers a promise of $10,250 in ers 53,000 workers at 22 Target expects the value of the dating site said the average yield for
are likely to raise short- bonuses for most workers U.S. plants. company in the neighbor- one-year Treasury bills,
term interest rates, which this year alone. Ford’s agreement also
to open at 6 p.m. hood of $3 billion. jumped to 0.41 percent
have been close to zero The union released promises $9 billion in U.S. on Thanksgiving Match Group disclosed last week from 0.31 per-
since the 2008 financial details of the agreement plant investments over NEW YORK — Target in a regulatory filing cent in the previous week.
crisis Monday. Workers must four years will open its doors at 6 Monday that it will price From wire services
D4 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x

MARKET SUMMARY Data provided by Bloomberg

Prices in U.S. dollars per unit for energy commodities for the Cash price in U.S. dollars paid at delivery for various Performance of various index-based
contract closest to delivery: commodities: investment products:
The median price of analysts ENERGY
C Date Open High Low Settle Chg Unit Last Pvs $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Lt Sw Crude DEC 15 44.52 45.12 43.64 43.87 -0.42 barrel surveyed by Bloomberg: Name Price Day Unit return return return
Natural gas DEC 15 2.373 2.387 2.274 2.300 -0.071 MMBtu 2015 2016 2017 Unleaded Gasoline - NY 1.44 1.43 gallon Ticker Name 1 mo 6 mo 1 yr
Gas blend DEC 15 1.38 1.40 1.37 1.37 0.00 gal Forecast Forecast Forecast North Sea Brent 46.29 46.60 barrel XLE Energy Select Se 1,002 857 809
Heating oil DEC 15 1.50 1.52 1.47 1.48 -0.01 gal Crude oil 50.40 55.00 65.00 W. Texas-Int. - Cushing 43.87 44.29 barrel XES SPDR Oil & Gas E 953 712 600
Ethanol DEC 15 1.52 1.52 1.50 1.51 -0.01 gal Natural gas 2.82 3.25 3.50 Nat Gas - Henry Hub 2.13 2.17 MMBtu USO US Oil Fund 881 690 473

return return return
Top and bottom performers among Houston-based and other major energy companies: Performance of a basket of Houston-based and other Ticker Name 1 mo 6 mo 1 yr
major energy companies over the past 12 months: IAU iShares Gold T 942 916 926
DAILY GAINERS DAILY LOSERS SLV iShares Silver T 919 881 920
Last % Last % Aug. 2007=100
Tick Name Price Chg Volume Tick Name Price Chg Volume
APA Apache Corp 53.94 13.2 15,120,377 EVEP EV Energy 4.18 –23.4 3,497,069 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
BTU Peabody Energy 15.09 3.4 782,443 FTK Flotek Indst 14.60 –19.3 15,391,910 return return return
RDC Rowan Cos Plc 20.89 3.0 5,049,791 MCF Contango Oil&G 8.16 –7.2 135,751 100
Ticker Name 1 mo 6 mo 1 yr
WTI W&T Offshr 3.80 2.4 850,315 EPM Evolution Ptr 6.20 –4.6 70,589 80.05 JO DJ-UBS Coffee 890 826 555
UPL Ultra Petro 5.41 1.9 2,688,887 PKD Parker Drlng 2.78 –4.5 439,779 CORN Teucrium Corn 960 954 866
HDYN Hyperdynamics 1.78 1.7 15,403 AROC Archrock Inc 11.34 –4.5 1,290,584 80 CANE Teucrium Sugar 986 897 729
WG Willbros 2.38 1.3 221,250 EGY VAALCO 2.09 –3.2 411,777 CATL* ETFS Live Cattle 962 843 812
ESV Ensco PLC 18.29 1.3 6,590,837 XOM Exxon Mobil 81.95 –3.0 13,438,958 COW iPath DJ-UBS Liv 891 813 720
NKA Niska Gas Stor 3.22 1.3 70,393 HLX Helix Enrgy 6.29 –2.9 1,077,349 60
COG Cabot O&G 22.57 1.2 4,243,042 OIS Oil States 30.67 –2.8 1,491,528 N D J F M A M J J A S O *Trades on London Stock Exchange


Daily close and change in value for selected Value of the U.S. dollar Yields for the most recently issued securities: Current rig count:
stock indexes: in selected currencies:
1-Mo 6-Mo 1-Yr
U.S. INDEXES Currency Last Ago Ago Ago Yld Yld 771 340
Index Last Price Chg. % Chg YTD Australian Dollar 1.42 1.36 1.27 1.16 Pvs 1 Day Yld Yld Yld Yld One-year trend
Dow Jones Ind. 17,730.48 –179.85 –1.0 –0.5 Brazilian Real 3.80 3.76 3.06 2.55 Last Day Net Wk Mo 3-Mo Yr 25%
Nasdaq Composite 5,095.30 –51.82 –1.0 7.6 British Pound 0.66 0.65 0.64 0.63 Bill/Note Yld Clo Chg Ago Ago Ago Ago
S&P 500 2,078.58 –20.62 –1.0 1.0 Canadian Dollar 1.33 1.29 1.21 1.14 3-month t-bill 0.08 0.08 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.21 0.02
BBG Houston 150 460.88 –5.29 –1.1 –12.6 Chilean Peso 702.57 678.00 609.83 586.91 6 month t-bill 0.30 0.31 –0.01 0.27 0.07 0.21 0.05
DJ US Total Stk p 21,536.77 –215.54 –1.0 0.5 Chinese Ren (yuan) 6.36 6.35 6.21 6.12 2-year t note 0.89 0.89 0.00 0.78 0.68 0.83 0.97
Russell 2000 1,184.43 –15.31 –1.3 –1.7 Colombian Peso 2,926.00 2,869.11 2,386.94 2,108.53 5-year t note 1.75 1.73 0.01 1.55 1.40 1.57 1.58
Euro 0.93 0.88 0.90 0.81 10-year t note 2.35 2.33 0.03 2.17 2.09 2.16 2.30
Indian Rupee 66.45 64.74 63.86 61.51 30-year t bond 3.12 3.09 0.03 2.94 2.92 2.82 3.03
INTERNATIONAL INDEXES Japanese Yen 123.19 120.27 120.08 114.86
Index Last Price Chg. % Chg YTD Mexican Peso 16.77 16.43 15.36 13.61
FTSE 100 6,295.16 –58.67 –0.9 –4.1 Norwegian Krone 8.66 8.08 7.57 6.81 PRIME, FED FUNDS
Hang Seng 22,726.77 –140.56 –0.6 –3.7 Singapore Dollar 1.42 1.39 1.34 1.29 6-month 1-year –75%
Mexico IPC 44,479.23 –764.62 –1.7 3.1 S. African Rand 14.30 13.35 12.08 11.27 Rate change change N D J F M A M J J A S O
Nikkei 225 19,642.74 377.14 2.0 12.6 S. Korean Won 1,157.44 1,144.26 1,091.42 1,084.95 Bloomberg Prime Rate 3.25 0 0
Source: Baker Hughes
S&P/Toronto S E 13,482.62 –70.68 –0.5 –7.9 Taiwan Dollar 32.75 32.32 30.74 30.57 Fed Funds Target 0.25 0 0

S&P 1500

Top and bottom performers based on one-day percentage change in stock price: Top and bottom S&P 500 Industry Groups, based on 1-day change:
Last 1-day 1-month Last 1-day 1-month
Tick Name Price % Chg % Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg % Chg Volume Industry 1 day chg –90% 1 yr chg +90%
PCL PlumCreekTimber 47.26 17.3 14.7 13,592,452 FTK Flotek Indst 14.60 –19.3 –27.4 15,391,910 Road & Rail 2.42%
MPAA Motorcar Parts 38.70 13.8 17.5 1,123,840 LXU LSB Industries 7.34 –19.2 –59.4 3,348,133 Electric Utilities 0.52%
APA Apache Corp 53.94 13.2 16.1 15,120,377 MNK Mallinckrodt 58.01 –17.0 –13.1 12,284,136 Construction & Engineerng 0.30%
EXTN Exterran Corp 16.56 12.6 1,069,370 TWI Titan Intl 4.65 –12.8 –39.7 2,636,106 Leisure Equipment & Prod 0.25%
NSC Norfolk Sthrn 88.62 11.0 6.9 8,624,094 CENX Cen Aluminum 4.04 –10.0 –41.7 3,604,770 Multi-Utilities 0.12%
EBIX Ebix Inc 34.21 8.9 30.3 843,861 PCLN 1,311.15 –9.6 –0.2 2,645,382 Metals & Mining –1.83%
LFUS Littelfuse Inc 114.09 8.8 22.8 493,910 GSM GlobeSpecMetals 10.56 –9.0 –26.3 1,221,172 Containers & Packaging –2.16%
PVA Penn VA 0.80 8.1 –23.8 1,361,056 GIII G-III Apparel 47.34 –8.2 –27.1 1,118,573 Multiline Retail –2.34%
RGLD Royal Gold Inc 38.28 7.8 –24.1 2,717,347 WYNN Wynn Resorts 68.15 –7.9 –9.6 7,476,681 Power Prodct & Enrgy Trdr –2.41%
DF Dean Foods 19.25 7.3 7.5 6,426,721 JNPR Juniper Ntwrk 29.24 –7.8 –0.5 16,282,067 Internet & Catalog Retail –2.70%

The Bloomberg Houston 150 includes major companies based in Houston and significant employers in the area. The table shows the
Closing values for the most active contract of various commodities:
current value of $1,000 invested in different stocks six months ago and a year ago, assuming dividends are reinvested. The divi-
dend reflects the most recently announced annualized yield. The day’s top gainers/losers are highlighted. METALS
Contract Last Pvs Day YTD
Last Chg % Chg 6-Mo 1-Yr Div Last Chg % Chg 6-Mo 1-Yr Div Name Date Price Close % Chg % Chg Unit
Name Ticker Price Day YTD ago ago Yld Name Ticker Price Day YTD ago ago Yld Palladium DEC 15 596.95 612.95 –2.6 –25.3 usd/oz
ABM Industries ABM 28.42 –0.22 –0.8 894 1,066 2.25 Kirby Corp KEX 66.27 –1.01 –17.9 794 628 … Copper DEC 15 2.23 2.24 –0.5 –21.2 usd/pd
Amer Natl Ins ANAT 105.28 –0.63 –7.9 1,075 942 3.04 Kroger KR 37.20 –0.37 15.9 1,042 1,302 1.13 Gold DEC 15 1,088.10 1,087.70 0.3 –8.1 usd/oz
Anadarko Petro APC 67.90 –0.70 –17.7 772 730 1.59 Linn Energy LINE 2.65 0.10 –73.8 218 126 … Platinum JAN 16 914.40 940.00 –2.7 –24.8 usd/oz
Apache Corp APA 53.94 6.27 –13.9 832 718 1.85 Luby's Inc LUB 4.87 –0.10 7.0 928 966 … Silver DEC 15 14.41 14.69 –1.2 –7.8 usd/oz
Archrock Inc AROC 11.34 –0.53 –42.5 576 558 5.29 LyondellBasell LYB 94.49 –1.69 19.0 926 1,117 3.30
AT&T Inc T 32.84 –0.32 –2.2 1,002 995 5.72 Macy's Inc M 46.24 –2.66 –29.7 709 789 3.11 AGRICULTURE
Atwood Oceanics ATW 16.96 –0.43 –40.2 507 464 5.90 Marathon Oil MRO 18.36 0.07 –35.1 639 552 1.09 Contract Last Pvs Day YTD
Baker Hughes BHI 51.66 –0.42 –7.9 767 996 1.32 Mattress Firm MFRM 45.91 –2.68 –21.0 798 702 … Name Date Price Close % Chg % Chg Unit
Banco Bilbao BBVA 8.51 –0.05 –9.4 846 836 4.14 McDermott MDR 5.25 –0.14 80.4 996 1,306 … Live Cattle DEC 15 1.32 1.35 –2.2 –14.7 usd/pd
Bank of America BAC 17.68 –0.27 –1.2 1,081 1,031 1.13 Midcoast Energy MEP 11.92 –0.75 –12.9 964 937 12.00 Coffee DEC 15 1.18 1.18 0.0 –33.6 usd/pd
Benchmark Elec BHE 20.33 –0.33 –20.1 847 847 … MRC Global Inc MRC 14.57 –0.03 –3.8 904 691 … Corn DEC 15 3.67 3.73 –1.7 –12.9 usd/bu
BHP Billiton BHP 29.94 –0.81 –32.5 651 568 8.28 Nabors Indst NBR 10.15 –0.21 –21.8 629 585 2.36 Cotton MAR 16 0.62 0.62 0.6 –5.1 usd/pd
BoardwalkPipeln BWP 12.98 –0.33 –27.0 793 788 3.08 NatOilwellVarco NOV 38.93 –0.86 –40.6 747 551 4.73 Lumber JAN 16 245.30 246.70 0.4 –27.2 usd/
Boeing BA 145.98 –1.96 12.3 1,016 1,203 2.49 Natural Res NRP 1.70 –0.06 –81.6 374 149 10.59 1k bd ft
BP PLC BP 34.88 –0.25 –8.5 844 882 6.88 NCIBuilding Sys NCS 11.18 –0.35 –39.6 736 574 … Orange Juice JAN 16 1.39 1.37 1.5 –4.3 usd/pd
Bristow Group BRS 30.67 –0.06 –53.4 513 427 4.43 Newfield Expl NFX 39.45 0.08 45.5 1,083 1,175 … Soybean JAN 16 8.66 8.67 –0.1 –14.2 usd/bu
Buckeye BPL 66.32 0.32 –12.3 863 904 7.09 Newpark Res NR 6.12 –0.10 –35.8 613 520 … Wheat DEC 15 5.02 5.23 –4.1 –18.4 usd/bu
Cabot Oil&Gas COG 22.57 0.27 –23.8 645 673 0.35 NiskaGasStorage NKA 3.22 0.04 8.8 1,610 595 …
Calpine Corp CPN 14.70 0.09 –33.6 699 606 … Noble Corp plc NE 13.63 0.09 –17.7 831 678 4.40
Camden Property CPT 73.56 –0.43 –0.4 990 1,011 3.81 Noble Energy NBL 37.22 0.43 –21.5 765 670 1.93 MARKET
Cameron Intl CAM 67.92 –0.70 36.0 1,272 1,147 … NOW Inc DNOW 18.01 –0.03 –30.0 722 643 … INDEXES
CARBO Ceramics CRR 19.49 –0.23 –51.3 449 389 2.05 NRG Energy Inc NRG 13.30 –0.21 –50.6 513 406 4.36
Cardtronics Inc CATM 34.78 –0.34 –9.8 907 907 … Oasis Petroleum OAS 12.47 –0.52 –24.6 725 449 …
Carrizo Oil&Gas CRZO 39.50 0.31 –5.0 762 740 … Occidental OXY 75.21 0.11 –6.7 985 926 3.99
Daily close of the Nasdaq Composite index and the S&P 500 over the past six months:
CB&I CBI 44.39 0.19 5.7 927 804 0.63 Oceaneering Int OII 43.77 –0.51 –25.6 820 626 2.47 NASDAQ S&P 500
CenterPt Energy CNP 17.50 0.04 –25.3 866 726 5.66 Oil States OIS 30.67 –0.87 –37.3 708 531 … 5,095.30
5,400 2,190
Cheniere Energy CQP 26.96 –0.56 –15.8 870 893 6.31 Par Pacific PARR 24.73 0.92 52.2 1,053 1,560 …
-1.0% 2,078.58
Chevron Corp CVX 92.32 –1.71 –17.7 869 810 4.64 Parker Drilling PKD 2.78 –0.13 –9.4 745 647 … -1.0%
Cobalt Intl CIE 8.94 0.05 0.6 840 814 … Patterson-UTIEn PTEN 16.17 0.00 –2.5 740 740 2.47
Columbia Pipeln CPPL 14.27 0.09 … 549 … 4.83 Phillips 66 PSX 92.01 –0.74 28.3 1,143 1,265 2.43 5,100 2,080
Comcast Corp CMCSA 61.35 –0.26 5.8 1,059 1,131 1.63 Plains All Am PAA 28.15 –0.29 –45.1 604 554 9.95
Comfort Sys USA FIX 30.52 –0.79 78.3 1,409 2,061 0.85 Plains GP PAGP 12.94 0.12 –49.6 448 513 7.14
ConocoPhillips COP 54.64 –1.13 –20.9 845 795 5.42 Powell Indst POWL 33.32 –0.25 –32.1 933 752 3.12
Contango Oil&G MCF 8.16 –0.63 –72.1 391 213 … PROS Holdings PRO 21.63 –0.62 –21.3 1,185 763 … 4,800 1,970
Crestwood Eqy CEQP 2.62 –0.05 –67.7 550 340 20.99 Prosperity Bncs PB 55.53 –0.65 0.3 1,059 942 2.16
Crown Castle CCI 83.94 –0.78 6.7 1,024 1,095 4.22 QuanexBuldngPrd NX 18.49 –0.86 –1.5 992 931 0.87
CVR Energy Inc CVI 44.97 –0.12 16.2 1,157 964 4.45 Quanta Services PWR 21.24 0.39 –25.2 738 626 … 1,860
CVS Health Corp CVS 97.99 –0.71 1.7 980 1,124 1.43 Rowan Cos Plc RDC 20.89 0.60 –10.4 925 859 1.91 M J J A S O M J J A S O
Devon Energy DVN 46.98 0.11 –23.2 699 736 2.04 RoyalDutchShell RDS/A 51.92 –0.21 –22.4 833 775 7.24
Diamond Offsh DO 23.16 –0.02 –36.9 691 605 2.16 Schlumberger SLB 77.91 –1.15 –8.8 853 807 2.57
Dow Chemical DOW 51.70 –0.14 13.4 1,016 1,083 3.56 Service Corp SCI 26.59 –0.48 17.1 958 1,256 1.81
Dril-Quip Inc DRQ 62.47 –0.22 –18.6 803 705 … Southwestern En SWN 11.80 –0.11 –56.8 408 323 … LARGEST
DXP Enterprises DXPE 29.92 –2.34 –40.8 678 456 … Spectra Energy SE 27.75 –0.21 –23.6 766 730 5.33 MUTUAL FUNDS
Dynegy Inc DYN 17.52 –0.58 –42.3 530 504 … Stage Stores SSI 10.19 –0.49 –50.8 521 612 5.88
Enbridge Energy EEP 26.19 –0.32 –34.4 734 783 8.90 Stewart Info STC 41.04 –0.59 10.8 1,128 1,186 2.44 Net asset value of selected major U.S. mutual funds two trading days
Energy XXI EXXI 1.91 –0.05 –41.4 505 268 … Sunoco LP SUN 35.25 –0.75 –29.2 741 816 8.46 ago. Returns annualized. Dividends reinvested.
Enterprise Prod EPD 26.64 –0.15 –26.2 820 744 5.78 SuperiorEn Svcs SPN 15.66 –0.04 –22.3 640 637 2.04
EOG Resources EOG 85.37 0.10 –7.3 917 864 0.78 SWest Airlines LUV 46.37 –0.48 9.6 1,077 1,221 0.65 Mgmt YTD 1-Yr 3-Yr 5 Yr
EP Energy Corp EPE 6.42 0.10 –38.5 458 422 … Swift Energy SFY 0.57 0.00 –86.0 227 76 … Last Annual % Tot % Tot % Tot % Tot
EV En Partner EVEP 4.18 –1.28 –78.3 289 172 47.85 Sysco Corp SYY 40.47 –0.46 2.0 1,123 1,095 2.97 Name Ticker Price Fee% Ret Ret Ret Ret
Exxon Mobil XOM 81.95 –2.52 –11.4 946 878 3.56 Targa Resources NGLS 28.34 –0.76 –40.8 652 523 11.64 Amcap Fund-A AMCPX 28.11 0.31 3.7 4.1 17.4 13.8
Flotek Indst FTK 14.60 –3.50 –22.1 1,182 650 … Target Corp TGT 76.23 –0.99 0.4 957 1,222 2.94 Amer Bal Fund-A ABALX 25.07 0.23 2.9 4.3 11.2 10.3
Fluor Corp FLR 49.12 –0.02 –19.0 830 752 1.71 Team Inc TISI 38.14 –0.56 –5.7 973 893 … Amer Cap Incm Bl CAIBX 57.43 0.23 –1.1 –1.8 6.8 6.5
FMC Tech FTI 34.62 –0.49 –26.1 809 607 … Tesco Corp TESO 8.24 –0.05 –35.7 689 522 2.43 Amer Cap Wrld G& CWGIX 45.82 0.37 1.0 –0.1 10.5 7.4
Forum En Tech FET 14.30 –0.46 –31.0 665 516 … Tetra Tech TTI 7.84 –0.11 17.4 1,148 875 … Amer Europac Gr- AEPGX 48.35 0.42 2.6 1.2 7.9 4.2
FreeportMcMoRan FCX 10.49 –0.26 –54.8 456 382 1.91 TOTAL SA TOT 49.53 –0.48 –3.3 948 902 5.59 Amer Fundm Inv ANCFX 53.86 0.25 5.6 6.9 15.4 12.3
Gen Electric GE 29.75 –0.17 17.7 1,106 1,167 3.09 Transocean Ltd RIG 15.05 –0.02 –17.9 797 553 … Amer New Persp-A ANWPX 39.02 0.38 7.6 8.5 13.5 9.8
Genesis Energy GEL 41.06 0.06 –3.2 913 875 6.24 Ultra Petroleum UPL 5.41 0.10 –58.9 323 227 … Amer Smallcap Wr SMCWX 47.28 0.63 4.3 6.3 12.3 8.0
Geospace Tech GEOS 17.51 –0.86 –33.9 939 531 … United Contl UAL 60.15 –1.34 –10.1 963 1,110 … Amer Wash Mut In AWSHX 41.09 0.24 1.7 2.9 14.3 13.0
Goodrich Petro GDP 0.64 –0.03 –85.6 177 71 … UPS Inc UPS 104.01 –0.98 –6.4 1,051 987 2.81 Davis NY Vent Fd NYVTX 35.24 0.50 6.7 8.3 15.5 11.2
Group 1 Auto GPI 85.06 –1.61 –5.1 1,064 984 0.99 Valero Energy VLO 70.49 –1.46 42.4 1,208 1,426 2.84 Dodge & Cox Bal DODBX 100.70 0.50 0.5 2.0 12.5 10.8
GulfMark Offsh GLF 6.00 –0.32 –75.4 393 194 16.67 VanguardNat Res VNR 7.31 –0.34 –51.5 471 330 19.29 Dodge & Cox Intl DODFX 39.76 0.60 –5.6 –7.3 8.2 3.9
Halcon Res HK 0.73 –0.04 –59.1 535 225 … Verizon VZ 45.30 –0.48 –3.2 926 934 4.99 Dodge & Cox Stk DODGX 177.95 0.50 0.2 2.2 16.5 13.4
Halliburton HAL 39.10 –0.25 –0.6 820 738 1.84 W&T Offshore WTI 3.80 0.09 –48.2 632 412 … Fdlty Bl Chip Gr FBGRX 70.13 0.71 7.8 10.2 20.6 15.4
Helix Enrgy Sol HLX 6.29 –0.19 –71.0 372 233 … Walgreen WBA 83.48 –1.19 9.6 990 1,269 1.73 Fdlty Contrafund FCNTX 105.66 0.49 8.9 10.3 17.4 13.5
Hess Corp HES 61.98 –0.78 –16.0 841 742 1.61 Wal-Mart WMT 58.49 –0.29 –31.9 750 761 3.35 Fdlty Diver Intl FDIVX 36.01 0.71 4.5 3.9 9.7 5.5
Huntsman Corp HUN 13.20 –0.21 –42.1 589 548 3.79 Waste Connect WCN 55.35 –0.38 25.8 1,172 1,125 1.05 Fdlty Equity-Inc FEQIX 55.52 0.45 –1.2 –0.2 11.4 9.8
Insperity Inc NSP 44.16 –0.21 30.3 835 1,409 1.99 Waste Mgmt WM 53.69 –0.74 4.6 1,105 1,119 2.87 Fdlty Free 2020 FFFDX 15.31 0.00 1.8 2.1 7.0 6.3
ION Geophysical IO 0.35 –0.02 –87.4 177 139 … Weatherford Int WFT 10.92 –0.23 –4.6 746 697 … Fdlty Grth & Inc FGRIX 30.15 0.45 1.2 2.1 14.6 13.3
Jacobs Eng JEC 41.10 –0.11 –8.0 939 852 … WeinRlty WRI 33.47 –0.77 –4.2 1,007 959 4.12 Fdlty Grth Co FDGRX 144.19 0.65 9.5 12.5 20.3 16.5
JC Penney JCP 8.53 –0.21 31.6 1,004 1,091 … Wells Fargo WFC 55.47 –0.38 1.2 1,003 1,058 2.70 Fdlty Low Pr Stk FLPSX 49.75 0.63 2.8 5.0 15.1 12.8
JPMorgan Chase JPM 67.39 –1.07 7.7 1,043 1,126 2.61 Western Gas WES 49.44 –1.13 –32.3 725 747 6.27 Fdlty Magell Fd FMAGX 95.35 0.52 6.4 8.3 18.2 12.1
KBR Inc KBR 18.98 0.02 12.0 1,053 1,003 1.69 Westlake Chem WLK 60.61 –0.62 –0.8 866 894 1.20 Fdlty Puritan Fd FPURX 20.70 0.15 3.2 4.4 11.4 10.0
Key Energy Svcs KEG 0.55 –0.01 –67.1 204 218 … WholeFoodsMarkt WFM 30.48 –0.63 –39.5 721 659 1.77 Fdlty Spar 500 FUSEX 74.12 0.03 3.7 5.4 16.0 13.6
Kinder Morgan KMI 25.56 –0.50 –39.6 614 697 7.98 Willbros Group WG 2.38 0.03 –62.0 960 423 … Fdlty Value FDVLX 111.27 0.55 –1.8 0.0 15.5 12.2
Fidelity Bal Fd FBALX 21.75 0.15 2.3 3.2 10.9 9.7
Franklin Gr Fund FKGRX 78.04 0.45 4.5 6.5 16.4 12.6
BLOOMBERG HOUSTON CHRONICLE Franklin Income FRIAX 2.19 0.37 –3.3 –4.9 5.4 6.4
150 MOVERS Harbor Intl HAINX 65.34 0.75 0.9 –0.6 5.2 3.3
Income Fd of Am AMECX 21.03 0.22 –0.2 –0.5 8.7 8.6
Top and bottom performers based on one-day percentage change in stock price: Pimco Tot Ret II PMBIX 9.91 0.50 –0.7 –0.1 0.6 2.3
Pimco Tot Ret-In PTTRX 10.46 0.46 0.5 1.2 1.4 3.0
T Rowe Pr Equity PRFDX 31.19 0.52 –3.5 –2.2 10.7 10.2
Last 1-day 1-month Last 1-day 1-month T Rowe Pr Gr St PRGFX 58.55 0.52 12.7 13.6 20.2 15.4
Tick Name Price % Chg % Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg % Chg Volume
The Bond Fd of A ABNDX 12.65 0.20 0.3 1.1 1.4 2.8
APA Apache Corp 53.94 13.2 16.1 15,120,377 EVEP EV En Partner 4.18 –23.4 –43.7 3,497,069 The Inv Co Amer- AIVSX 36.97 0.24 1.6 1.4 14.9 11.8
LINE Linn Energy 2.65 3.9 –21.1 1,704,981 FTK Flotek Indst 14.60 –19.3 –27.4 15,391,910 Vgrd 500 Idx Fd- VFINX 194.01 0.11 3.6 5.4 16.0 13.6
PARR Par Pacific 24.73 3.9 15.1 175,136 DXPE DXP Enterprises 29.92 –7.3 –10.3 181,179 Vgrd Eur Stk STK VEURX 27.73 0.23 0.8 –0.6 7.4 4.0
RDC Rowan Cos Plc 20.89 3.0 4.2 5,049,791 MCF Contango Oil&G 8.16 –7.2 –19.2 135,751 Vgrd Ins Tot Stk VITNX 47.47 0.04 3.2 5.0 16.1 13.6
WTI W&T Offshore 3.80 2.4 5.8 850,315 MEP Midcoast Energy 11.92 –5.9 2.1 43,485 Vgrd Tot Int St VGTSX 15.08 0.17 –1.2 –3.2 4.6 1.8
UPL Ultra Petroleum 5.41 1.9 –26.2 2,688,887 MFRM Mattress Firm 45.91 –5.5 6.0 251,763 Vgrd Tot St Mk I VTSMX 52.45 0.15 3.0 4.9 15.9 13.4
PWR Quanta Services 21.24 1.9 –19.9 7,729,628 M Macy's Inc 46.24 –5.4 –9.3 14,202,220 Vgrd Totl Bd VBTIX 10.67 0.04 0.2 1.2 1.4 2.7
EPE EP Energy Corp 6.42 1.6 –14.6 2,976,756 IO ION Geophysical 0.35 –5.1 –52.5 1,039,092 Vgrd Wellingtn-I VWELX 39.10 0.25 1.7 2.9 10.3 9.6
WG Willbros Group 2.38 1.3 –14.4 221,250 GLF GulfMark Offsh 6.00 –5.1 –31.7 822,976 Vgrd WIndsor II VWNFX 37.12 0.34 0.6 1.9 13.5 12.4
NKA NiskaGasStorage 3.22 1.3 –4.2 70,393 HK Halcon Res 0.73 –4.9 –25.0 2,398,864 Vgrd Windsor Inv VWNDX 21.39 0.37 0.5 2.6 16.0 13.0
xx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | D5

To place legal notices
Legal Notices email
or call 713.224.6868.

Lone Star College System

Notice To
Bid Requests: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Notice of Application and Opportunity to Request a
K RFP # 410 Laminar Flow Public Meeting for a Municipal Solid Waste Facility
Workstations for Phar- Registration Application No. 40286
Application. Eco 1 Development LLC, 832 Yale

macy Tech Lone Star Col-
lege Tomball. RFP Due: Street, Houston, Texas 77007 has applied to the
12/2/15 @ 10:00a.m. On- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
line WebEx pre-proposal (TCEQ) for proposed Registration No. 40286, to
meeting will be held on operate a municipal solid waste Type IX Landfill
Wednesday, November Mining Facility. The proposed facility, Olshan
Landfill Mining Facility will be located at the closed

18, 2015 11:00 a.m. 12:00
p.m.; callin number Olshan Landfill on the west side of Kirkwood Road,
832-813-6703. Contact 2700 feet north of the intersection of Bissonnet Street
Display Ad Name: michelle.allen@Lonestar. and Kirkwood Road, in Houston, Harris County. The
C26323597 edu 832-813-6299 Applicant is requesting authorization to excavate

buried waste and process the excavated waste and
$ 2 cols x 3I
Position request:
For information to regis-
ter and bid, please visit:
soil for recovery of material for beneficial use. The
registration application is available for viewing and
copying at the Robinson-Westchase Neighborhood
Start date: fr 10 16
Library at 3223 Wilcrest Drive, Houston and
may be viewed online at www.skaconsulting.
Pick up number:
+$5.00 Affidavit 26323595Fee com/notices/landfill/olshan_lf_mining_reg_app.
LEGAL NOTICES pdf. The following link to an electronic map of the
site or facility's general location is provided as a
Call Cynthia CAUSE NUMBER:
public courtesy and is not part of the application
or notice:

2015-15082 public/hb610/index.html?lat=29.6827&lng=-
IN THE 164TH JUDICIAL 95.587656&zoom=13&type=r. For exact location,
DISTRICT COURT OF refer to application.
HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS Public Comment/Public Meeting. Written public
*$69.00 includes first 36 lines Plaintiff: AMEENAH LEWIS
comments or written requests for a public meeting
must be submitted to the Office of Chief Clerk at the
*$1.92 per line over 36 lines vs.
address included in the information section below. If
a public meeting is held, comments may be made
AHMIDU orally at the meeting or submitted in writing by
CITATION BY the close of the public meeting. A public meeting
will be held by the executive director if requested
& PROPOSALS by a member of the legislature who represents
County of Harris the general area where the development is to be
ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL NOTICE To: ABDULKERIM AHMIDU located, or if there is a substantial public interest
FOR BIDS FOR PUBLIC HEARING YOU ARE HEREBY COM- in the proposed development. The purpose of the
Richard Drew / Associated Press file EVERGREEN VILLAS, LTD
pear before the 164th Ju- public meeting Display Adpublic
is for the Name:to provide input
Houston-based Apache Corp. reportedly hired Wall Street investment bank GREENWOOD The Houston Planning dicial District Court of for consideration byC26374927
the commission, and for the
applicant and the commission staff to provide
Goldman Sachs to help fight off a possible hostile takeover. Goldman Sachs and UTILITY DISTRICT
Commission has received
an application to allow
Harris County, Texas in
the Courthouse in the city 2 cols xA7.75I
information to the public. public meeting is not a
contested case hearing. The executive director will
Apache declined to comment Monday on the report. SECTION 1 WS&D the partial replatting of of Houston, Texas at or Position
review and consider request:
public comments and written
Sealed Bids for the con- 103 W Grenfell ln., Hous- before 10:00 o’clock A.M.,
struction of the EVER- ton, Texas. 77076 being Monday the 16th day of requests for Start date: Nov 10 submitted
a public meeting 2015 during
INVESTING GREEN VILLAS SECTION 1 part of lot 8 block 2 as re- NOVEMBER, 2015, being the comment period. The comment period shall
Pick up number: 0
begin on the date this notice is published and end

Apache stock jumps

WS&D will be received, by corded in Volume 57 Page the Monday next after the
EVERGREEN VILLAS, LTD 46 of the Harris County expiration date of forty- 60 calendar days after this notice is published. The
ON BEHALF OF GREEN- Map/Deed Records for two days after this cita- comment period shall be extended to the close of
WOOD UTILITY DISTRICT, the purpose of "To create tion is issued, and you are any public meeting. The executive director is not
at the office of the Engi- an unrestricted reserve hereby commanded and required to file a response to comments.
neer, A&S Engineers, Inc., and to reduce a building required then and there Executive Director Action. The executive director
10377 Stella Link Road, line". The new subdivi- to appear and file written shall, after review of an application for registration,

on buyout report
Houston, TX 77025, until sion name is "Lusco Ter- answer tot he Plaintiff’s determine if the application will be approved or
10:00 am, local time on race partial replat num- Original Petition, filed in denied in whole or in part. If the executive director
November 24, 2015, at ber 1". said Court on the 16th day acts on an application, the chief clerk shall mail
which time the Bids re- of March 2015, in a suit or otherwise transmit notice of the action and an
ceived will be "publicly" The City will send out numbered 2015-15082 explanation of the opportunity to file a motion to
opened and read. The written notice of a public docket of said court, overturn the executive director's decision. The chief
Project is the construc- hearing with variance(s), wherein AMEENAH LEWIS clerk shall mail this notice to the owner and operator,
tion of water, sanitary, or special exception(s) to and FREDERICK RANDLE,t the public interest counsel, to adjacent landowners
By Collin Eaton Corp. and Chevron Corp. Apache, writing Monday and drainage to serve a
single-family subdivision
all owners of property
within 250’ of the bound-
he Plaintiff’s, and AB-
as shown on the required land ownership map and
landowners list, and to other persons who timely
The report on Apache that after the Deepwater called Evergreen Villas
Section 1 in Harris County
ary of the plat and all par-
cels along or across from
Defendant,t he nature of
plaintiff’s demand and
filed public comment in response to public notice.
Not all persons on the mailing list for this notice
Apache Corp. shares also comes amid specula- Horizon oil spill Apache (Key Map No. 416-Z). a blockface that abuts the said petition alleging: will receive the notice letter from the Office of the
Bids shall be on a lump any street or private MOTOR VEHICLE ACCI- Chief Clerk.
surged 13 percent on Mon- tion that crude prices have bought BP assets in West sum and unit price basis roadway extending 500 DENT Information. Written public comments or requests
day after a report the previ- been flat and low for long Texas, Canada and Egypt – as indicated in the Bid
feet from the plat as mea-
sured along the center- Plaintiff’s, Ameenah
to be placed on the permanent mailing list for this
application should be submitted to the Office of the
ous day claimed the Hous- enough to prompt oil com- which would do well back The Issuing Office for the
Bidding Documents is:
line of any street or pri-
vate roadway that abuts
Lewis and Frederick
Randle, filed suit against
Chief Clerk mail code MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box
13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 or electronically
ton-based oil company has panies to put themselves in BP’s portfolio. A&S Engineers, Inc., 10377 the boundary of the plat. Defendant, Abdulkerim submitted to
Stella Link Road, Houston, State law allows for pro- Ahmidu, to recover dam-
rejected a buyer’s offer and on the auction block for And Exxon Mobil has TX 77025, telephone 713- test when the proposed ages for personal injuries eComment/. If you choose to communicate with
the TCEQ electronically, please be aware that
942-2700, George O. Puig, replat requires a variance sustained by plaintiffs in
has hired Goldman Sachs prices that reluctant buy- long been analysts’ favorite or special exception. The a collision in Harris your e-mail address, like your physical mailing
address, will become part of the agency's public
to help fend off a possible ers would pay. to make a corporate pur- Bidding Documents may
be examined online at
protest must be filed in
writing prior to the close
County, Texas which was
collission was proxi- record. For information about this application or
the registration process, individual members of the
hostile takeover. There have been a few chase this year. of the public hearing. If mately caused by the
general public may call the TCEQ Public Education
A mandatory pre-bid con- owners of 20% of the land negligence of the Defen-
Bloomberg’s report, cit- corporate oil mergers this The Irving-based oil gi- ference will be held at area within the original dant Abdulkerim Ahmidu. Program at 1-800-687-4040. General information
regarding the TCEQ can be found at our web site at
10:00 am on November 17, plat boundary that is The case is styled, Cause
ing anonymous sources, year, including Shell’s ant hasn’t made a big play 2015, in the office of the within 200 feet of the re- no. 2015-15082: Ameenah Further information
may also be obtained from Eco 1 Development
said it’s not clear if nego- proposed purchase of BG since it bought Houston Engineer at the above ad-
dress. Attendance is a
plat protest the replat,
approval of the replat
Lewis and Frederick
Randle v. Abdulkerim Ah- LLC at the address stated above or by calling Frank
tiations will continue after Group and Noble Energy’s shale gas driller XTO En- prerequisite for qualifica- must receive an affirma- midu, In the 164th Judicial
Court of Harris County,
Stanley, Executive Director at (832) 334-2208.
Issued: October 08, 2015
tion of Bidders. Failure of tive vote of at least three-
the rejected offer. Goldman acquisition of Rosetta Re- ergy in 2010 and it has the a bidder to attend the fourth (3/4) of the Hous- Texas.
pre-bid conference will ton Planning Commission Notice hereof shall be NOTICE OF PUBLIC
Sachs and Apache, which sources, but deal activ- biggest and best-equipped be cause for rejection of Members present. In given by publishing this MEETING HEARING ON THE
was worth $25 billion in en- ity has been nowhere near balance sheet for an acqui- the bid.
Bid security shall be fur-
computing the percent-
age of land area for the
Citation once a week for
four consecutive weeks The Texas Department of TO THE PROJECT PLAN
terprise value on Monday, the wave that analysts had sition. nished in accordance
with the Instructions to
purpose of protest,
streets and alleys are in-
previous to the day of No-
vember 13th, 2015, in
Transportation (TxDOT)
will hold a Public Meeting
declined to comment. predicted at the start of the “Apache offers an ac- Bidders. cluded. some newspaper pub- regarding the proposed FOR REINVESTMENT ZONE
lished in the County of elevated express lanes on
Apache’s stock-price year. That’s because inves- quirer a solid asset base Aldine ISD will rebid/re-
accept sealed proposals You may speak on this re- Harris, if there be a news- IH 610 West Loop from IH CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS
paper published therein, 10 West to IH 69 (US 59) (FIFTH WARD ZONE)
surge came on a bad day tors and sellers believed in North American with for Roof Renovations until
12/1/15 at 1:30 pm and
plat at the public hearing
on Thursday, December 3, but if not, then the near- South in Houston, Texas. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER
for the broader oil market crude prices might recover some quality international will also rebid/re-accept 2015 at 2:30 p.m. in City
Hall Annex Building, 900
est county where a news-
paper is published, and
The meeting will be held
on Thursday, December
sealed proposals for
and energy stocks, as fresh quickly, and selling them- exposure in Egypt and the Building Automation Sys- Bagby Street, City Council this Citations hall be re- 10, 2015, at The Junior
League of Houston, 1811
Notice is hereby given
that the City Council of
Chamber, Public Level, turned on the 13th day of
concerns about global oil selves when crude prices North Sea,” the Simmons tems at Calvert Elemen-
tary and Wilson Interme- Houston, Texas. Contact November, 2015, which is Briar Oaks Lane, Houston, the City of Houston will
the applicant at 713-384- forty-two days after the Texas, 77027. The meeting hold a public hearing on
demand helped push U.S. were low for only a short analysts wrote. diate until 12/1/15 at 1:45
pm at the Aldine ISD Ad- 8031 or the City of Hous- date it is issued and the will be held in an open Wednesday, November
18, 2015, beginning at 9:00
crude down to $43.76 a bar- time could prove foolish. Shares in Apache closed min. board room, 14910 ton Planning Department
at (832)393-6600 for any
first publication shall be
at least twenty-eight
house format from 5:30
p.m. to 7:30 p.m. No for- a.m. in the City Council
Aldine Westfield Rd.,
rel. In mid-day trading, in- Analysts at Simmons at $53.92, up $6.25 or just Houston, TX 77032. additional information. days before said return mal presentation will be
Chambers, Second Floor,
City Hall, 901 Bagby,
vestors erased $9.14 billion & Company International over 13 percent. A pre-proposal meeting
will be held on 11/17/15 in HEARING ON THE HEREIN FAIL NOT, but Houston, Texas 77002, on
have before said court on The purpose of the Public the Second Amendment
from the stock-market val- believe Exxon Mobil and the Maintenance building
at 14910 Aldine Westfield,
REINVESTMENT ZONE said return day this Writ Meeting is to present the to the Project Plan and
Reinvestment Zone Fi-
ue of the two largest U.S. oil BP are the most likely Houston, TX 77032 at the NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN, with your return thereon,
showing how you have
proposed project to the
public and receive com- nancing Plan (Plan) for
following times: CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS
companies, Exxon Mobil prospective buyers for (MONTROSE ZONE) executed same.
ments. The proposed
project would construct
Reinvestment Zone Num-
ber Eighteen, City of
Roof Renovations- FOR TAX INCREMENT Houston, Texas (Fifth
9:00 am FINANCING PURPOSES District Clerk, Harris elevated express lanes
county, Texas that would primarily be Ward Zone), pursuant to
Building Automation PURSUANT TO CHAPTER the provisions of Chapter
311, TEXAS TAX CODE GIVEN UNDER MY HAND located in the center of IH
AND SEAL OF SAID COURT 610 West Loop mainlanes 311 of the Texas Tax Code.
from IH 10 West to IH 69

Marathon Oil DuPont

View specifications at Notice is hereby given at Houston, Texas this
2nd day of October, 2015. (US 59) South. The ex- On October 6, 2015, the that the City Council of Board of Directors of the
the City of Houston will (SEAL) press lanes may be tolled.
FORMAL BID CHRIS DANIEL, Total length of the project Fifth Ward Redevelop-
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD hold a public hearing on ment Authority and the
Wednesday, November District Clerk is approximately 3.8

to sell some stakes names

will receive proposals for: Harris County, Texas miles. The express lanes Board of Directors of the
Printing Services #15-11- 18, 2015, beginning at 9:00 Fifth Ward Zone approved
a.m. in the City Council 201 Caroline would be constructed
4596, 11/24/15 3:00 PM. Houston, Texas 77002 within the existing right- the proposed Second
Bids 281-897-4578. 12510 Chambers, Second Floor, Amended Project Plan
City Hall, 901 Bagby, P.O. Box 4651 of-way (ROW).
Windfern Rd., Houston Houston, texas 77210 and Reinvestment Zone

in Gulf of Mexico CEO

77064. Houston, Texas 77002, on Financing Plan for the
for the designation of Re- By: /s/ B. Evans The purpose of the pro-
INVITATION TO BIDDERS Deputy District Clerk posed project is to de- Fifth ward Zone (the
investment Zone Number "Amended Plan") and
Sealed bids in duplicate Twenty-Seven, City of Newspaper: crease traffic congestion,
addressed to Northpointe Houston Chronicle increase mobility, and im- transmitted the Amended
Houston, Texas (Mon- Plan to the City for con-
Development Partners, trose Zone), as autho- Issued at the request of: prove operational effi-
Ltd., on behalf of North- Leena T. Joseph ciency and safety along sideration by City Coun-
rized by Chapter 311 of cil.
pointe Water Control and the Texas Tax Code. Address: 525 N. Sam IH 610 West Loop within
By Collin Eaton can use to squeeze oil from BLOOMBERG NEWS Improvement District, Houston Parkway, #255 the Uptown/Galleria area
of the City of Houston. The Amended Plan in-
Owner, will be received in Houston, TX 77060
lucrative onshore shale the office of Benchmark
The tentative plans for
the development of the (281) 260-6825 cludes the annexation of
Engineering Corporation, Bar Number: 24084374 Maps showing the pro- approximately 468 acres
Marathon Oil Corp. plays, primarily in Texas, DuPont Co. named Ed 2401 Fountainview, Suite
proposed Montrose Zone
include the expenditure posed project’s location into the Fifth Ward Zone,
NOTICE OF PUBLIC and design drawings will provides for public infra-
is selling its stakes in ag- North Dakota and Okla- Breen as chairman and 500, Houston, Texas
77057, until 3:00 p.m., on
of public funds for eligible HEARING ON THE be available for viewing structure, facilities and
project costs including
ing oil-producing fields homa. chief executive officer, Tuesday, November 17, the planning, engineering
at the Public Meeting. streetscape improve-
This information will also ments, and facilitates de-
2015 at which time all bids and construction of new
in the Gulf of Mexico for Marathon also informed raising the prospect of a will be opened and pub- streets, water distribu-
be available for public in- velopment and redevel-
licly read for the furnish- spection upon request opment of affordable
$205 million, part of an ef- employees that it will shed breakup of the 213-year-old ing of all material, equip-
tion facilities, wastewa-
ter collection facilities,
REINVESTMENT ZONE Monday through Friday housing along certain
NUMBER ELEVEN, between the hours of 8:00 commercial corridors to
fort to concentrate more of 200 jobs this month as it Delaware-based chemical ment, labor, and supervi-
sion necessary or
storm drainage improve- CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS a.m. and 5:00 p.m., ex- enhance pedestrian ac-
ments, roadway and (GREATER GREENSPOINT
its financial muscle in U.S. restructures its upstream company amid continued incidental for the “Con-
struction of Earth Move-
street reconstruction ZONE) FOR TAX INCRE-
cluding state holidays, at cess, mobility and con-
the TxDOT Houston Dis- nectivity. The Amended
projects, sidewalk infra-
shale plays. business into distinct pressure from an activist ment Phase 2 serving En- structure improvement,
trict Office located at Plan also contemplates a
clave at Northpointe 7600 Washington Avenue, life extension of the Fifth
The Houston oil pro- units, one operating its shareholder, Trian Fund Phase Two within North-
cultural and public facil-
ity improvements, afford-
PURSUANT TO CHAPTER Houston, Texas 77007. To Ward Zone for an addi-
311, schedule an appointment tional 15 years from De-
ducer said Monday it is shale assets and the other Management. pointe Water Control &
Improvement District
able housing, parks and TEXAS TAX CODE at the Houston District cember 31, 2029, to De-
other related improve-
holding onto minority covering its conventional Breen, 59, previously with related appurte-
ments, as well as the cost Notice is hereby given
please contact Ms. Kelly cember 31, 2040. The
Lark, at (713) 802-5989. boundaries of the pro-
of organizing and estab-
stakes in two Gulf projects, fields. That round of lay- held the positions on an A prebid conference will lishing the Montrose
that the City Council of
the City of Houston will
posed expansion area are
be held in the office of All interested citizens are as follows:
including the Gunflint pro- offs will bring its job cuts interim basis, after the res- Benchmark Engineering
Zone. The general impact
of the proposed Montrose
hold a public hearing on invited to attend this Pub-
Corporation, 2401 Founta- Wednesday, November lic Meeting. Written com- Section 1 - Generally
ject that’s expected to start this year – 640 – to about ignation of Ellen Kullman inview, Suite 500, Hous-
Zone will be to increase
the value of taxable prop-
18, 2015, beginning at 9:00 ments from the public re- Described as:
a.m. in the City Council garding this project are K A western boundary of
pulling up its first barrels 19 percent of its workforce. last month. ton, Texas 77057, on Tues-
day, November 10, 2015,
erties through the con- Chambers, Second Floor, requested and may be Bayou St.
struction of new public
of oil next year, and its Analysts at Simmons Breen has already had at 3:00 p.m. (attendance and private improve-
City Hall, 901 Bagby,
Houston, Texas 77002, on
submitted to TxDOT by K A northern boundary of
December 28, 2015. Writ- Clinton Dr.
is not mandatory).
stake in Anadarko Petro- & Company International discussions about po- Plans, specifications and
ments. the Third Amendment to
the Project Plan and Rein-
ten comments may be K An eastern boundary of
bid documents shall be submitted either in per- Lockwood Dr.
leum Corp.’s deep-water said Marathon’s sale price tential deals involving purchased at Benchmark
Located within a contigu-
ous geographical area of
vesment Zone Financing son at the Public Meeting K A southern boundary of
Plan (Plan) for Reinvest- or by mail to the Director Buffalo Bayou
Shenandoah discovery. for its Gulf assets — about DuPont’s seed and crop- Engineering Corporation
to be able to bid this proj-
the City of Houston gen- ment Zone Number Elev- of Project Development,
erally known as the Mon-
But Marathon said it has $14,000 per barrel of oil chemicals unit. He told ect for a $100.00 non- trose area, the proposed
en, City of Houston, Texas
(Greater Greespoint
TxDOT Houston District Section 2 - Generally
Office, P.O. Box 1386, Described as:
refundable fee. Montrose Zone consists
agreed to sell off the Gulf equivalent — came in well analysts last month that A cashier’s check, certi- of approximately 347
Zone), as authorized by
Chapter 311 of the Texas
Houston, Texas 77251- K A western boundary of
fied check and/or bid 1386. Written comments Semmes St.
fields it operates, which are below the average value of “consolidation should hap- bond meeting the re-
acres generally bounded
by the following streets: :
Tax Code. must be postmarked or K A northern boundary of
Brooks St.
in the Ewing Bank blocks, 35 similar deals over the pen” in the agricultural in- quirements of the con-
tract documents, in the On October 13, 2015, the
emailed to HOU-PIO by K An eastern boundary of
K Montrose Boulevard Board of Directors of both
64 miles off the coast of last five years, which was dustry. Dow Chemical Co. amount of 5% of the total
amount bid must accom-
between W. Dallas Street the Greater Greenspoint
December 28, 2015, to be US 59/69
included in the Public K A southern boundary of
and US 59;
Louisiana. Oil companies about $55,000 per barrel is evaluating options for its pany each bid. The suc- K W Gray Street between
Redevelopment Authority
and Reinvestment Zone
Meeting Summary. I-10 W/US-90
cessful bidder will be re-
began drilling there more produced. “Obviously (the own seeds and pesticides quired to provide a per-
S Shepherd Drive and Taft
Number Eleven ("Greater The Public Meeting will be A complete property de-
Greenspoint Zone") ap- conducted in English. Per- scription of the proposed
than two decades ago. deal is) in a far different oil unit. formance bond and a
payment bond, as provid-
K Westheimer Road be- proved amendments to sons interested in attend- expanded boundary is on
tween S Shepherd Drive the Project Plan and Rein-
The company is also price environment,” the The appointment of ed for in the bid docu-
ments, for full amount of
and Bagby Street; vestment Zone Financing
ing the meeting who have
special communication
file with the Mayor’s Of-
fice of Economic Develop-
K W Alabama Street be-
selling two non-operated Simmons analysts wrote. Breen increases the prob- the contract. The Owner tween S Shepherd Drive
Plan for the Greater
Greenspoint Zone and
or accommodation ment.
reserves the right to re- needs, or need an inter-
interests in Gulf fields — Shares in Marathon Oil ability that the DuPont ject any or all bids. All
and Spur 527, and;
K Richmond Avenue be-
transmitted a proposed preter, are encouraged to All persons are invited to
Third Amended Project contact TxDOT’s Public In- attend the hearing and
Marathon said all the fi- closed at $18.36 Monday, up and Dow businesses will bids received after the
closing time designated
tween S Shepherd Drive
and Spur 527.
Plan and Reinvestment formation Office at 713- speak for or against the
Zone Financing Plan (the Amended Plan, the ben-
nancial obligations tied to 7 cents. merge, Jonas Oxgaard, an will be returned un-
opened. "Amended Plan") to the
802-5076. Requests
should be made at least efits of the Amended Plan
A complete property de-
abandoning the wells in analyst at Sanford C. Bern- scription of the proposed
City for consideration by
City Council. The
two days prior to the Pub- to the City and to the
property within the Fifth
lic Meeting. Every reason-
those fields will be trans- stein & Co., said Monday in Lone Star College System boundaries of the Mon-
Bid Requests: trose Zone is on file with
Amended Plan will ad-
dress the costs associ-
able effort will be made to Ward Zone, and the con-
accommodate these cept of tax increment fi-
ferred to the buyer, which a note to investors. K RFP # 407 Health Sci-
the Mayor’s Office of Eco-
nomic Development.
ated with the newly cre- needs. If you have gen- nancing.
ated skate park, BMX
the company did not dis- ences Supplies/Equip- park and remediating
eral questions or con-
cerns regarding the pro- Persons wishing to speak

ment Workforce Solu- All persons are invited to
close. Marathon produced blighted and deteriorat-

posed project, you may at this public hearing
tions Lone Star College. attend the hearing and ing multifamily units to should call the City Secre-
RFP Due: 12/01/15 @ speak for or against the contact Mr. Pat Henry at
17,000 barrels a day from 10:00a.m. Online WebEx creation of the Montrose
economic 713-802-5241. tary of the City of Hous-
ton at (832) 393-1100 1111
its Gulf fields last year. pre-proposal meeting will Zone, its
be held on Wednesday, boundaries, or the con-
The environmental re- before 8:30 a.m. on
All persons are invited to view, consultation, and Wednesday, November
The transaction, expect- November 18, 2015 10:00 cept of tax increment fi- attend the hearing and other actions required by 18, 2015.
Annual 1100 a.m.; call-in number nancing. Owners of prop-
ed to close before the end of Percentage 832-813-6701. Contact erty in the proposed Mon-
speak for or against the
third amendment to the
applicable Federal envi-
ronmental laws for this Anna Russell
Michelle.Allen@Lonestar. trose Zone may protest
the year, is its latest move to Yield edu 832-813-6299 orally or in writing on the
Greater Greenspoint
Zone or the concept of
project are being, or have City Secretary
been, carried-out by Tx- City of Houston
reshuffle its corporate pri- 12 MONTH CD inclusion of their prop-
For information to regis- erty in the proposed Mon-
tax increment financing. DOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. Chronicle Classifieds
327 and a Memorandum 713-224-6868
ter and bid, please visit: trose Zone. . Persons wishing to speak of Understanding dated

(281) 578-9989
Marathon last week Persons wishing to speak
at this public hearing December 16, 2014, and WHERE DO YOU FIND
I-10 and Kirkwood supplier.htm at this public hearing
should call the City Secre- executed by FHWA and THE BEST BUYS
told investors it would sell Houston’s Energy Corridor PROFESSIONAL ASSIS- should call the City Secre-
tary of the City of Hous-
ton at (832) 393-1100 be-
In the city’s largest clas-
off $500 million in non- TANCE, expert advice for tary of the City of Hous- fore 8:30 a.m. on Wednes- WHENEVER YOU ARE sified market place
We broker CD’s for FDIC insured banks. Promotional incentive may be included at all your Classified needs. ton at (832) 393-1100 be- day, November 18, 2015. READY to place your clas- Chronicle Classifieds. Big
core assets and has cut its Call Chronicle Classifieds fore 8:30 a.m. on Wednes- sified ad, get the best pro- buys, small buys, items
time of opening to obtain yield. Certain restrictions apply. $1,000 Minimum deposit. at 713-224-6868 and re- day, November 18, 2015. Anna Russell fessional assistance. Call used or new, our classi-
shareholder dividend in a Early withdrawal penalty. Offer is good until 11/24/2015. Call Branch for Details. quest help to write an ad For the best buys, turn to City Secretary Chronicle Classifieds 713- fied pages have a deal for
bid to shore up more cash it that gets great results! Chronicle Classifieds City of Houston 224-6868. you. Check today!
D6 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


Time for luxury?

ASSOCIATED PRESS years but knew little about puters on the wrist rather
building an Internet-con- than a traditional watch.
NEW YORK — A lead- nected device that younger Luxury comes with
ing Swiss watchmaker buyers would want. a price: Tag Heuer Con-
and two technology titans So it partnered with nected starts selling in the
have combined forces to Intel and Google in what U.S. on Monday for $1,500.
produce a computerized he calls the “marriage of By contrast, the cheapest
wristwatch billed as the Watch Valley and Silicon Android Wear watch costs
“world’s smartest luxury Valley.” $129.
watch.” Various manufacturers Apple Watch has a lux-
Tag Heuer CEO Jean- have made watches using ury edition, with a case
Claude Biver said his com- Google’s Android Wear made of gold, for $10,000 to
Google via Associated Press pany has been building system but they typically $17,000. The regular Apple
Tag Heuer has partnered with Intel and Google to produce a wristwatch. mechanical watches for 155 look more like mini com- Watch starts at $349.


You can’t go wrong with any of these 3 iPhone cases

I like iPhone cases and I But White, Stealth Black, Baby slimmer, and its water- and macro lenses, which against cracked screens
rarely leave home without before I tell Pink, Methyl Blue, and the proof Touch ID seems to require removing the case. from corner impacts.
one. you about color Lisa fell for, Sunlit work more reliably. Even though the Obex Like the Obex, it claims to
The case manufactur- those, I Tangerine. I expect to use the Obex is easier to open and close protect against drops up to
ers have apparently taken asked my As for me, after exten- most of the time when I’m than the LifeProof, it’s still 6 feet, but it’s not water- or
note; in the weeks fol- wife, Lisa, sive testing I couldn’t settle not testing other cases. It too much trouble when dust-proof.
lowing the release of the BOB to assist in on a single case for all oc- has built-in screen and I’m using clip-on lenses. So… Lisa’s loves the
iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, I LEVITUS testing, but casions, so I settled on two. lens protectors and is So the case I use when Numbers case; I’m torn
received at least a dozen she fell in The first is Obex (www. shock-and-water proof I’m planning to shoot with between the Obex and
cases to check out. love with; $79.95), so when I drop it onto an Olloclip lens is called the Jewel; and you can’t
So for the past couple of the first case she tried and which is waterproof, concrete or into a pool or the Jewel (www.gobal- go wrong with any of the
months I’ve been testing that was that. Her pick shockproof, and dustproof toilet, as I invariably do,; $19.99) and three.
a different case every few was Numbers by Switch- while adding very little the phone should come out it’s made of transparent
days. Most cases worked Easy (www.switcheasy. bulk. In the past I’ve used unscathed. rubbery plastic, so it goes Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus
as expected, and none of com; $14.99), a smooth, LifeProof cases, which are Last, but not least, there on and comes off in mere is an authority on Apple
them was horrible, but simple plastic case with also water-, shock- and are times when I can’t use seconds. products, author of over 75
there were only two that I a nice “soft-touch” feel. It dust-proof, but I like the an ultra-protective case I like the raised lip all books, and creator/host of
liked enough to use every- offers reasonable protec- Obex case even better like the Obex. For ex- around the screen and The BobLeVitus.TV Show.
day — at least when I’m tion against damage and because it’s easier to put ample, I like to use Olloclip the reinforced ballistic | www.
not testing other cases. comes in five colors: Frost on and remove, feels a bit telephoto, wide-angle, corners to better protect


3 types of backups ready, depending on what you need

Q. I purchased an of backups. backup strategy. backup was performed. video and so forth. Keep- soft utility, so I typically
external hard drive Full, incre- Incremental backups So the more you use your ing these backed up are the use a program like Acronis
to back up the files on mental and only update the files on PC, the more changes to most important to me. True Image (
my PC. After using it, differential. your hard drive that have your files and the more the Others may be more for my Windows backups.
I learned that it does A full changed since the last full backup has to run to ac- comfortable perform- Backups can be intimi-
not overwrite my saved backup is or incremental backup. count for all the changes. ing a full system backup. dating, but not completely
files. While it did copy JAY a one-time Incremental backups are Determining which This backs up the operat- mystifying once you
all my selected files LEE copy of all faster, as only data that has backup option to use de- ing system and all files educate yourself. Check
on the first run, each the data changed gets backed up. pends on how you need to and applications. With out the Dummies “What
subsequent one only you have This type of backup also access files in the backup. a full backup, you can be You Need to Know about
copies the changes that indicated that you wish creates a timeline so that Personally, I tend to back up and running in a Windows Computer
are made to a particu- to back up. The problem you have copies of data back up only the files in shorter time in the event of Backups” article at tinyurl.
lar file. This makes it with a full backup is that, files for each change that is my user profile. In the a system failure. com/helplinebackup.
virtually impossible to as you use your computer, made. This can be help- event of a system failure, I Backup software comes
use, because I have to the data on your computer ful if you need to recover am happy to reinstall the in many forms. Windows Jay Lee co-hosts
look through numer- changes. That is why you previous versions of files operating system and all contains a built-in backup “Technology Bytes” 8-10
ous copies to find the need to consider incre- you are working with. the applications. The only utility as does Apple’s OSX p.m. Wednesdays on KPFT-
changes I have made. mental and differential Differential back- files I can’t reinstall are my in Time Machine. I love 90.1 FM and
Can you help? backups as an added ups save files that have personal data files — docu- Time Machine, but am not
A. There are three types component of your changed since the last full ments, images, music, a fan of the built-in Micro-

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Strollers, wagons, rolling bags, rolling carts and pets
With ‘SNL’ performance, the last laugh may be on Trump
KEN HOFFMAN although he should have memo- disrupt the show from the audi-
Commentary rized his lines and relied less ence, and David did the honors.
on the Teleprompter. You know David said he did it for the
how he always brags about not money, poor baby.
needing a Teleprompter on the Trump said, as a business-
campaign trail? Things were man, he understood.
different on “SNL.” He looked The thing that has me won-
like he was reading to the class. dering, though, why would
The opening monologue, David, one of Hollywood’s most
with dueling Trump imitators, outspoken liberals, do anything
and Trump presidency dream that might help Republican
Here’s how I would write sequence, were wickedly funny. candidate Trump win votes?
up Donald Trump’s job per- Larry David yelling “Trump As the show wore on, and
formance as host of “Saturday is a racist” was a wonderful spun out of laughs, another NBC
Night Live” last weekend: surprise. Protesters had offered thought occurred. This time “SNL” cast member Cecily Strong welcomed presidential
He turned in a solid effort, $5,000 to anybody who would Hoffman continues on E2 candidate Donald Trump as host of the show over the weekend.


Main Street Read about what

Theater’s ‘Silent concerns us in
Sky’ proves to be Gray Matters at
a shining star. houstonchronicle.
Page E6

Houston Chronicle @HoustonChron Houston Chronicle | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | and Section E 777

give décor
a fresh
new feel
By Alyson Ward

No matter what kind

of house she’s decorating,
Jane Osborne likes to mix
in some antiques.
The Houston designer,
who has a background
as an antiques dealer, is
a firm believer that an
antique console table or
an old clock can enhance
anyone’s décor. Whether
a room is traditional or
contemporary, she said, “I
really try, in all of those, to
mix in some antiques.”
Osborne will be part
of the Designers Walk, a
new addition to the Theta
Charity Antiques Show,

“I contemplate how I
can contrast the pieces
with more modern ones
to breathe new life into
the old and new.”
Ben Johnston, interior designer

which opens Friday. Six

Houston-area interior
designers will take small
groups through the annual
show’s vast marketplace,
pointing out the pieces
they love and discuss-
ing how to decorate with
antique furniture and Melissa Aguilar photos / Houston Chronicle
accessories. Fall is a great time to evaluate front door and front porch decorations.
“We just want to make

Adore your door

it a fun time and give a
little bit of education along
the way,” said Osborne,
who will lead a tour Sat-
urday morning. If space
is still available, Designer
Walk tickets are $25 for a

Five tips for unlocking

small group session with
Osborne, Lindsey Herod,
Ben Johnston, Robert N.
Wakefield, Courtnay Tartt
Elias or Bill Stubbs. a welcoming fall entryway
Designers continues on E2
By Holly Crawford “It’s amazing how just a good

cleaning can transform a front
welcome mat isn’t porch,” said Ashley Rose, founder
the only thing that and editor of SugarAndCloth.
greets guests at com. “Front doors are definitely
your front door. something that goes unnoticed on
Your entire porch weekend chores, but remembering
area, including to wipe down outdoor elements is
the door itself, can rise up to meet super important when making a
everyone who enters. ‘wow’ factor for visitors.”
“Your front porch can be an Even if your house is a mess and
extension of the interior of your you haven’t hit everything on your
home, so think of it as added square to-do list, a clean entry can have a
footage or an outdoor room,” calming effect — and no one has
said Tamara Menges, owner to know about whatever dis-
and lead designer of bou- array is behind closed doors.
tique floral and design firm HOME “A tidy porch sets the tone
Tamara Menges Designs DESIGN when you come home from a
( “Put long day,” said Maggie Bailey,
as much care and thought into lead designer and owner of
your front porch as you do the Bramble & Bee floral design
inside of your home, and you will studio ( “At
not only create a cozy space to wel- least this one thing is organized
come guests but also have a place to and helps keep up appearances,”
enjoy the fall temperatures.” she said.
Houston interior designers What to do: Sweep, including
agreed on these five keys to creating dusting off and washing away cob-
Ben Johnston an inviting pre-entrance space: webs, dust or pollen that’s accumu-
Designer Ben Johnston lated on exterior surfaces like the
used a curvy Cherner
chair and Sputnik
chandelier to give this
1. Keep it clean: When in doubt,
give your porch a dusting.
door, siding or stair railings. Keep
Front continues on E2

room a midcentury vibe.

Dear Abby: Special-needs daughter gets little notice from dad’s family. PAGE E5
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E2 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x

STAR Senior Editor, @MelissAguilar Houston Chronicle Life & Entertainment

Front porch design sets welcoming tone

Front from page E1 great place to show some
personality, too,” she said.
glass clean and free of And a new color is every
fingerprints. For stubborn designer’s answer for a
stains like mildew, power simple update: “Paint is
washing will make a vast so easy to change out,
improvement. “A little and you only need a small
bucket of soap and water pint,” she added. Vibrant
will make a huge differ- colors, such as teal and
ence on your porch, your yellow, feel fresh and
mood and your holiday,” unexpected, while red is
said Houston interior de- said to bring good luck.
signer Seneca Cantrelle of “When you work to make
Seneca Cantrelle Designs. improvements, you take
pride in it and get excited

2. Hang a wreath:
They’re not just for
Melissa Aguilar / Houston Chronicle
When hanging a wreath on the front door, try
about what you made hap-
pen, and from others’ per-
spective, it says ‘welcome.’
“It’s a very organic and centering over the doorknocker or house numbers. and ‘we love our home!’ ”
natural way to warm up
the porch, and it doesn’t
need to be watered,
tended, adjusted — or
or apartment number or
centered to the average eye
height,” Rose said.
objects. And perfection
is overrated. How much
is enough? “If it’s hard to
5. Let there be light:
Last, but not least,
make sure your porch light
even season-specific,” navigate, see the house works, emitting a warm,
said Bailey, who is host-
ing a free wreath-making
workshop at the Highland
3. Accessorize in
threes: If you’re
grouping anything —
numbers or requires a lot
of agility for people to get to
your door, it’s too much.”
inviting glow. Lanterns
look good paired with
other objects and make a
Village Anthropologie next pumpkins, gourds, plants charming addition to any
month. “You can forage for
currently blooming green-
ery in your own backyard
Julie Soefer
Designer Regina Gust used pine and magnolia for the
front door of this spare, crisply decorated home.
or other seasonal items —
have fun mixing it up with
varying sizes and textures,
4. Mind the details:
The little things, like
a splash of fresh paint,
porch, Menges said. Solar
lighting is another, energy-
efficient option. “The front
to make a fresh wreath but when in doubt, a trio is hardware and a welcome door definitely sets the
that will live forever,” she a public park. ribbons are a nice accent the way to go. mat can make a big impact. tone of a welcoming atmo-
said. Many natural materi- What to do: To make and make for easy display- “I always defer to the “Beautiful door hardware sphere for dinner parties,
als (like grapevine, thistle your own, buy a wire ing. For hanging, consider rule of three,” Cantrelle is the perfect jewelry for holidays and weekend
berries, leaves, pinecones, wreath form in any size removable wall hooks like said. “Working with any door, in any season,” guests right from the get-
twigs, moss, magnolias, and 20-gauge crafting wire Command Brand, which sets of three keeps your Cantrelle said, and “you go,” Rose added. “It’s a lot
ivy, eucalyptus, fern, feath- at a hobby store, then use come in clear, bronze and eyes moving and looking never know whose feet like judging a hotel by the
ers and cotton) will dry your outdoor finds to cre- gold finishes and won’t around.” may be stepping on your lobby.”
well and stay fresh-look- ate small bunches that you hurt your door. “A good She recommends plac- mat as they ring your
ing. And you can often find can then stagger around rule of thumb is mak- ing larger, darker objects at doorbell.” Holly Crawford is a
them while wandering the wreath form and ing the wreath centered the bottom or in the back “House numbers or a freelance writer living in
your own neighborhood or secure with wire. Graphic around the doorknocker of the lighter, more colorful new doorknocker are a Houston.

Hoffman: Billy Joel plays hits from Texas artists at concert

Hoffman from page E1 and biggest record sellers dancing. But Sly Stone is That a Shame,” “I Almost Year’s Eve. Adding upscale for three or four
in music history (99.5 mil- from Texas? Didn’t know Lost My Mind,” “Don’t spice to the bowl, UH times the price?
a conspiracy theory: Is lion albums and singles), that. I thought he was a Forbid Me,” “Love Letters head coach Tom Her- This bread made
it possible that “SNL” he hasn’t released a pop San Francisco disc jockey in the Sand” (seven man would be facing his incredible French toast.
producer Lorne Mi- album in more than two who put together a band weeks), “April Love” former team. He was Ohio Better than IHOP, Buf-
chaels, who will not be decades. in the ’60s and created the (six weeks) and “Moody State’s offensive coordina- falo Grille, the Egg and
the keynote speaker at His last album of new “psychedelic soul” sound. River.” Tickets for the tor before taking the UH I, Peeps and all the other
next year’s Republican material was “River of Came home and looked March 19 show, which job last year. breakfast joints. The
convention, threw the Dreams” in 1993. it up. Sly Stone was born includes a three-course Nothing beats beating brioche was so soft and
show to sabotage the Coolest thing about a in Denton. Learn some- dinner, are $98 to $158, your old boss. buttery, it really soaked
Trump campaign? It was Billy Joel concert: Wher- thing new … available at doseydoe. Home cooking tip: up the egg mixture. The
that excruciating ... rock- ever he plays, he does Coming up: The com. I recommend the The other night, I got the finished French toast was
bottom stuff. songs made famous by greatest one-hit wonder chicken-fried steak and urge to make French toast soggy and mushy in the
Nothing but the hits: artists from that state. For of them all, Debby Boone, smashed potatoes. at home. I ran to the clos- middle … perfect!
The best thing about Billy his Toyota Center show, will perform March 11 and Looking good: For est supermarket, which I shook on some cin-
Joel’s concert at Toyota he performed “Boys of 12 at the Tobin Center in the second consecutive happens to be Whole namon sugar and drizzled
Center: He didn’t say the Summer” (Don Henley), San Antonio. Her only week, the University Foods, to pick up a loaf it with syrup. Log Cabin?
most frightening words “Piece of My Heart” (Janis hit song was “You Light of Houston played in a of any old white bread. Aunt Jemima? Mrs. But-
in the world of clas- Joplin), “Peggy Sue” (Bud- Up My Life” in 1977. But downpour at TDECU Sta- There I saw Authentic terworth’s? Please, you
sic rock ’n’ roll … “Let’s dy Holly), “Rock Around it was No. 1 for a then- dium. But when it rains, French Brioche, $5.99, amuse me. I sprung for
slow it down and play a the Clock” (Bill Haley) record 10 consecutive UH pours it on. from a company called the hard stuff, real maple
few songs from my new and “Oh Pretty Woman” weeks. She never cracked The undefeated Euro Classic Imports syrup from Vermont.
album.” (Roy Orbison). the charts again. Cougars beat Cincinnati, Specialty Foods. One of the best break-
Aarrghh! New mate- Then he said, “This One week later, her fa- 33-30, and moved up to French toast made with fast for dinners I’ve ever
rial from oldies acts? The guy’s from Texas,” and ther Pat Boone, who had No. 16 in both the AP and real French bread from had.
worst! went into “Dance to the slightly more hit singles USA Today coaches polls. France! Why use simple
While Joel remains Music” by Sly and the (38 of them between 1955 If UH wins out, and white bread when I can go
one of the most popular Family Stone. It got the and 1962), will perform at Ohio State stumbles, the
concert draws (17,000 crowd, including those Dosey Doe on I-45 in The Coogs could meet the
fans in sold-out Toyota lucky ticket holders Woodlands. Buckeyes in the Peach SPECIAL SECTION
Center Saturday night) behind the stage, up and His No. 1 hits: “Ain’t Bowl in Atlanta on New
Do you know
Designers create balance with antiques a Houston hero?
Designers from page E1 Theta Charity Antiques Show into your home that help We live in one of the
Where: Bayou City Event Center, 9401 Knight tell your story.” nation’s most charitable
In the meantime, we When: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. When in doubt, look cities. Between communi-
asked a few of these Sunday. Preview party is 7-10 p.m. Thursday for art. “Art is always so ty volunteers, foundation
designers to tell us why Tickets: General admission is $15; preview party important” in any room, organizers and corporate
— and how — to decorate admission is $200. Lectures, Designers Walk and Osborne said, but you leaders, we help others
with antiques. other special events require additional tickets; go to don’t have to limit yourself and get things done in
A single antique can and click “Buy Tickets” to to old paintings. Maybe Houston and surrounding
warm up a room. Even see prices and purchase. you want to cover a wall communities.
if your style is modern Information: with antique barometers, Do you know someone
or contemporary, adding she said. That’s fine. “I just who embodies the spirit
something old will prob- have fun with it.” of giving in the greater
ably enrich it. Antiques bring in antiques, long- house is contemporary, Old prints are an Houston area?
can give a space “more lasting investment pieces you can make an antique excellent — and usually af- The Houston Chronicle
character and life,” says that introduce a sense of fit your style. Just update it fordable — way to add art, is looking for generous
designer Ben Johnston of history and timelessness. with paint, lacquer or new Elias said. She recently individuals who donate
Avondale Design Studio, “What I hope to do is say, hardware. For one client’s bought a collection of 19th- their time, their money
who likes to mix antiques ‘OK, let’s find things that bedroom, Johnston found century drawings from a — or both — to benefit
into any space he deco- will be long-term, that an old Witco cabinet from metal fabricator outside our city and its residents.
rates. you’ll want to keep.’ ” the 1960s. He made the London for her own home We’ll feature Houston’s
Just adding a small When he shops for an- piece look fresh by having — sepia-toned images of Heroes in our fourth an-
piece can make a big tiques for clients, Johnston the body ebonized and old gates and fireplace nual Houston Gives sec- nominations to houston-
difference, said Courtney said, “I contemplate how the doors gold-leafed. grates. “We framed them tion, coming March 27.; or
Tartt Elias of Creative I can contrast the pieces He accessorized with a in real contemporary Tell us why you think send via postal mail to:
Tonic Design. “Even with more modern ones to mix of old (World War frames, a lot of them,” she your nominee is a com- Houston Heroes, Fea-
something as simple as an breathe new life into the II-era prints) and new (a said. “They look so good munity hero and let us tures/Houston Chronicle,
old textile will add a whole old and new.” contemporary vase and together.” know how to get in touch 801 Texas Ave., Houston,
layer to your house.” For instance, he’ll find lamp). “Looking at the Trust your own taste. with him or her. Fill out TX 77002.
If you find a beautiful an old Queen Anne chair, space now, it feels fresh You don’t have to follow the form at Deadline for entries is
vintage shawl in Venice, reupholster the seat with and contemporary, but the rules. Want to mix heronominations; email Dec. 2.
bring it home and drape a fresh, bold fabric and it’s largely made up of pieces from several time
it over your furniture. It’ll then pair it with a sleek antiques,” Johnston said. periods? Hang a bunch of
add texture, color and a bit
of your personality.
midcentury dining table.
“The result is timeless
Collect something.
Displaying a collection of
old clocks on the wall? Go
for it, designers say. But
The best rooms are design that will never go antiques “can really make use pieces you genuinely
a mix of old and new. out of style,” he said. your house have just a like, not just the ones
It might seem easier to Make old pieces little more interest to it,” you think you should
just buy new furniture, look new. Maybe you’ve Osborne said. appreciate.
and that’s what plenty of furnished your whole It doesn’t matter what When you’re shopping
Osborne’s clients want house with antiques (and you like — a certain type a flea market, a resale CUSTOM SHUTTERS
to do. Young clients, near-antiques) passed of porcelain, maybe, or shop or an antiques show, • Most energy efficient on
especially, “go through the down from your parents old tea caddies, match “go through with an open the market
Pottery Barn, Restoration or grandparents. Your strikers, or alabaster mind and see what catches • Environmentally friendly
Hardware stage,” she said, space doesn’t have to look boxes. Having a collection your eye,” Osborne said. • Lifetime warranty
fashioning rooms in which musty and old. “I say, keep gives you something to If you like something, you • Made in U.S.A.
everything coordinates the old things,” Elias said. look for when you shop can make it work in your
and everything is new. But “Let’s paint them, let’s and travel, Elias said: “It’s home, and it’ll give your GIVE YOUR WINDOWS THE TREATMENT THEY DESERVE
then their tastes evolve, change them up a bit. You fun to have your eye on space a bit of personality.
and they want something can take something old something.” Collecting Free In Home Estimates
more personal. That’s
when Osborne tries to
and paint it to look new.”
And if the rest of your
something over the years,
she said, “brings things
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | E3

word sleuth Jumble daily crossword
Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions — forward,
backward, up, down and diagonally. ©2015 King Features Syndicate Inc.
ACROSS 42 Fed. assistance 9 Resemble
1 __ Khan: Rita program 10 TV’s “Kate & __”
Monday’s unlisted HEATED — Hayworth’s 44 Key related to D 11 Name on a blimp
clue: COVEY. husband major 12 Detective’s
Tuesday’s unlisted 4 Composure 48 *Opening night promising clues
clue hint: BAKING 10 Turkish title of “Best of luck!” 13 Swears to
APPLIANCE. honor 52 Pear center 18 Reaches
14 Life story, briefly 53 __ powder 22 Trawling gear
Argument 15 Cigar-smoking 54 Unevenly 25 Red flag
George’s spouse balanced 27 300, to Caesar
16 Swag 57 Confident “Are 28 “__ Haw”
Car seat
17 *One of three in a you the one 32 March follower
daily diet for this job?” 33 Moo goo __ pan
Debate 19 Former
response 34 Woman’s name
Mississippi 58 *Guffaw from the from the Latin for
Driveway senator Trent gut “happy”
Exchange 20 Where sailors go 60 Copenhagen 35 Scenes in
Floor 21 Like a disengaged native shoeboxes
Gloves engine 61 Abode that’s 36 Actress Jolie
Sidewalk 23 Plant anchor
abuzz 37 Place for a bath
Socks 24 *A roll of two, in
62 Hawaii’s 38 ’60s war zone,
Towel rack craps
26 Bring up, as a Mauna __ briefly
topic 63 Those, to José 39 Drop in the sea
29 Grant permission 64 Shorthand pros 42 Product identifier
30 “Dig in” 65 Sinusitis-treating similar to UPC
31 Glacial historic MD 43 Ballroom dances
sudoKu cryptoquip period 45 Little lump
34 The Macarena, DOWN 46 West Coast state
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains
the numbers 1 to 9. ©2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter
pet rocks, etc. 1 Soak up 47 Cardinal’s
stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal
O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and 35 Fred Astaire and 2 Bar bottle headgear
words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels. Ginger Rogers, contents 49 Entr’__: play
Solution is by trial and error.
e.g., and, literally, 3 “I’m not the only intervals
©2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc. what the first one?” 50 “Dallas” Miss
words of the 4 Farming prefix 51 __ Heights:
answers to 5 Air Force One VIP disputed Mideast
starred clues can 6 Metal-threaded region
be fabrics 55 Fire: Pref.
39 One, to Beethoven 7 Atlantic or Pacific 56 Stone and
40 Regular practice 8 Soccer star Stallone
41 Quagmire Hamm 59 Able, facetiously

you should consider consulting the guard catalog.

©2015 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. ANSWER: To help you locate the appropriate sentry,

yesterday’s answers BIRD COLLECTIVES

By Janice Luttrell ©2015 Tribune Content Agency 11/10/15

TV TONIGHT M movie (S) sports (N) newprogramming (P) premiere (SP) season premiere (F) finale (SF) season finale (CC) - closed caption aces on bridge
By Bobby Wolff
11/10/15 COM 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 Are you a good partner?
KPRC Channel Ent. Tonight The Voice The Live Playoffs The remaining artists perform Chicago Fire Regarding Local 2 News :35 The When your partner goes
NBC (2) 12 2 News (CC) in front of the coaches. (N) (CC) This Wedding (N) (CC) at 10pm Tonight Show down in a viable game
PBS NewsHour (CC) Iwo Jima:From Combat (N) Debt of Honor (N) (CC) Frontline Gunned Down: The Brain (CC) contract, how do you tend to
PBS (8) 8 (CC) The Power of the NRA (CC) react? Say nothing, mutter
KHOU 11 Wheel of NCIS Saviors (N) (CC) NCIS: New Orleans Limitless When Pirates KHOU 11 :35 Stephen under something inaudible
CBS (11) 11 News at 6 Fortune (CC) Confluence (N) (CC) Pirate Pirates (N) (CC) News at 10 Colbert (N) or unprintable, sympathize or
13 News at 6 p.m. (CC) The Muppets Fresh Off Agents of SHIELD Chaos Wicked City (N) (CC) 13 News at :35 Jimmy apologize for your aggressive
ABC (13) 13 (N) (CC) the Boat (N) Theory (N) (CC) 10 p.m. (CC) Kimmel (N) bidding?
TBN (14) 14 Supernatural Potter Trinity Enjoying Life J. Prince S. Furtick Praise the Lord (CC) In today’s deal, North was
Family Feud Family Feud The Walking Dead (CC) The Walking Dead Them Big Bang TheSimp- 2 Broke 2 Broke not sure if he was in a forc-
MyTV (20) 4 (CC) (CC) (CC) Theory (CC) sons (CC) Girls (CC) Girls (CC) ing auction but felt he had
KLTJ (22) 20 Irvin Baxter John Hagee Rod Parsley Table Talk Marcus and Joni Lamb Joel Osteen (CC) John Hagee K. Copeland enough to take a shot at
Modern Modern Grandfathe- The Grinder Scream Queens Mommie FOX 26 News at 9 (CC) Big Bang TMZ (CC) game. He was right in a
FOX (26) 9 Family (CC) Family (CC) red (N) (CC) (N) (CC) Dearest (N) (CC) Theory (CC) sense ...
Mike & Mike & The Flash Enter Zoom (N) iZombie Max Wager (N) NewsFix at 9 NewsFix at Two and Half When West led the spade six
CW (39) 5 Molly (CC) Molly (CC) (CC) (CC) 10 (CC) Men (CC) against five clubs, declarer
Uni. (45) 10 Muchacha italiana Antes muerta Pasion y poder No creo en hombres Noticias 45 NoticieroUni won with dummy’s ace and
decided that a simple trump
Tel. (47) 6 Caso cerrado (CC) Celia Bajo el mismo cielo (CC) Señora acero Noticiero Titulares
finesse was his best bet. It
ION (49) 7 Criminal Mind (CC) Criminal Mind (CC) Criminal Mind (CC) Criminal Mind (CC) Saving Hope (CC) was not.
KUBE (57) 53 Family Guy Family Guy M The Shepherd: Border Patrol ++ (‘08) (CC) King-Queens King-Queens Loves Ray Loves Ray It is often right to set up a a diamond. Then he enters
ABCFAM 32 5:00 M Steel Magnolias +++ (‘89) (CC) M Pretty Woman +++ (‘90, Rom) Julia Roberts, Richard Gere. (CC) The 700 Club (CC) second suit before tackling dummy with a spade ruff
A&E 23 Storage W. Storage W. Storage W. Storage W. S. Wars (N) S. Wars (N) Storage (N) Storage (N) Storage W. Storage W. trumps. Instead of taking the to discard the losing heart
AMC 57 4:00 M The Matrix +++ M The Matrix Reloaded ++ An army of machines is sent to kill humankind. (CC) M The Matrix Revolutions club finesse, declarer should on a winning diamond. This
have concentrated on es- line fails when West holds
ANPL 42 Riv Monsters: Unhook (CC) Riv Monsters: Unhook (CC) Riv Monsters: Unhook American Killers (CC) :05 Riv Monsters: Unhook
tablishing the diamonds for the guarded club king and
BBC 226 Man vs Wild (CC) Man vs Wild Moab Desert Man vs Wild (CC) Man vs Wild (CC) Man vs Wild (CC) a doubleton diamond, and
a heart discard. It is best to
BET 46 :10 Martin :35 Martin :05 Martin :35 Martin :05 Martin Martin (CC) Being Mary Jane (N) (CC) Being Mary Jane (CC) so can overruff the third dia-
come to hand by leading the
BRAVO 65 Below Deck Vanderpump R. New Blood Below Deck (N) The People's Couch (N) Watch (N) Below Deck club queen to the ace. (The mond and cash a heart. But
CNBC 45 The Profit (CC) Shark Tank (CC) Shark Tank (CC) The Profit (N) (CC) Shark Tank (CC) queen might get covered, or in that case, you would never
CNN 25 OutFront (CC) Anderson Cooper 360 (CC) CNN Special Report (CC) CNN Tonight (CC) Anderson Cooper 360 the king might drop!) When have made your game
COM 59 :55 Drunk Tosh.0 (CC) Tosh.0 (CC) Tosh.0 (CC) Tosh.0 (CC) Tosh.0 (CC) Tosh.0 (N) Drunk (N) Daily S. (N) Nightly (N) it does not, run the diamond More to the point, this play
DISC 29 Yukon Men (CC) Yukon Men All In (CC) Yukon Men (N) (CC) :05 Gold Rush (CC) :05 Yukon Men (CC) seven. East wins with his 10 succeeds whenever East
and switches to hearts, but holds the club king or West
DISN 41 K.C. Underc. Liv Maddie Austin/ Ally K.C. Underc. Liv Maddie Girl World Austin/ Ally Best Friends Girl World Jessie (CC)
now declarer can win, play a holds three diamonds and
E! 44 E! News (N) (CC) Botched (CC) Botched (N) (CC) Christina Milian (N) E! News (N) (CC) the club king.
ESPN 33 (S) Football Playoff (Live) (S) 30 for 30 Chasing Tyson (N) (S) Poker World Series (CC) (Live) (S) SportsCent. (CC) diamond to the ace and ruff
ESPN2 34 (S) Gold Glove Awards (S) NCAA Football Toledo at Central Michigan - Mount Pleasant, Mich. (CC) (Live) (S) NFLLive (CC)
lead with the aces answer: Everyone has his
FNC 38 On the Record The O'Reilly Factor (CC) The Kelly File (CC) Hannity The O'Reilly Factor (CC) or her own algorithm as to
FOOD 52 Chopped No Kidding! (CC) Chopped Junior (N) (P) Chopped (CC) Chopped (N) (CC) Chopped Hero Chefs (CC) how to deal with 6-4 hands,
FSN 37 (S) Stars (N) (S) Replay (S) Pre-game (S) NHL Hockey Toronto Maple Leafs at Dallas Stars (CC) (Live) (S) Stars (S)NCAABig12 and my simple rule is: Always
FX 31 Movie M 2 Guns ++ (2013, Action) Mark Wahlberg, Denzel Washington. (CC) Bastard Executioner (N) :15 Bastard Executioner bid the second suit if you can
HALL 24 5:00 M Snow Bride (CC) M Fir Crazy (‘13) Sarah Lancaster, Craig Pryce. (CC) M One Starry Christmas (‘14) (CC) do so economically, unless
HGTV 47 Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) H.Hunt (N) House (N) Fixer Upper (CC) you hold a dead minimum,
HIST 58 Curse of Oak Island (CC) Drilling Down (N) (CC) Curse of Oak Island (N) Hunting Hitler (CC) :05 Hunting Hitler (CC) the six-carder is strong and
the four-carder is a weak mi-
LIFE 40 Celebrity Wife Swap (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap (CC)
nor. This is the case here, so
MSNBC 80 Hardball (CC) All in With C. Hayes (CC) Rachel Maddow (CC) The Last Word (CC) Hardball (CC) I would bid two diamonds —
MTV 30 Ridiculous M 8 Mile +++ (2002, Drama) Kim Basinger, Eminem. (CC) Finding Carter (N) M Beastly ++ (CC) but not with any great degree
NGEO 335 Dirty Rotten Surv. (CC) Live Free or Die (CC) Live Free or Die Dirty Rotten Surv. Live Free or Die of confidence.
NICK 43 Thunder Thunder iCarly iPsycho (CC) Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends (CC) Friends (CC)
OWN 66 If Loving You/ Wrong If Loving You/ Wrong (CC) If Loving You/ Wrong (N) If Loving You/ Wrong If Loving You/ Wrong (CC)
OXY 327 5:30 M Madea's Witness Protection (‘12) (CC) Fix My Mom (N) (CC) Pretty. Strong. (N) (CC) M Madea's Witness Prot... United Features Syndicate
ROOT 39 (S) DHoward (S) Planet X (S) Fight Sports MMA (S) Fight: Kickboxing (S) The Dan Patrick Show (CC)
SPIKE 48 4:30 M Dredd +++ (CC) M G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra ++ An elite military unit battles an evil organization. Sweat Inc. (N) (CC)
SYFY 60 M Aeon Flux ++ (‘05) Charlize Theron. (CC) M Orphan ++ (2009, Horror) Peter Sarsgaard, Vera Farmiga. (CC) M The Omen LOOKING BACK BIRTHDAYS
TBS 51 Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan Chiwetel Ejiofor (N)
TCM 169 Movie MGM Par. M Private Lives +++ (‘31) M A Free Soul +++ (‘31) (CC) :15 M Let Us Be Gay ++ 1775: The U.S. Marines Lyricist Tim Rice is 71.
TLC 63 7 Johnstons 7 Johnstons 7 Little Johnstons (CC) CakeB. (N) CakeB. (N) 7 Little Johnstons (N) :05 CakeB. :35 CakeB. were organized under au- Comedian Tracy Morgan
TNT 36 Castle Target (CC) Castle Hunt (CC) Castle (CC) Castle The Wild Rover (CC) Castle (CC) thority of the Continental is 47. Actress Ellen Pom-
TOON 22 Bare Bears Gumball Adventure T. Regular (N) King of Hill Cleveland American D. American D. Family Guy Family Guy Congress. peo (“Grey’s Anatomy”)
TRAV 62 Bizarre Foods (CC) Bizarre Foods (N) Booze Traveler (N) Hotel Impossible Mystery Museum 1871: Journalist-ex- is 46. Country singer Mi-
TVLAND 346 Facts of Life Facts of Life Facts of Life Facts of Life Loves Ray Loves Ray Jim Gaffigan Jim Gaffigan King-Queens King-Queens plorer Henry M. Stanley randa Lambert is 32.
USA 21 Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley (SP) Donny! (N) (P) Modern Fam Modern Fam found Scottish mission-
WE 117 Law & Order Barter (CC) Law & Order (CC) Law & Order (CC) Law & Order D-Girl (CC) Law & Order Turnaround ary David Livingstone,
WGN 54 M Jurassic Park III ++ (‘01) Sam Neill. (CC) Manhattan (N) (CC) Manhattan (CC) Manhattan (CC) who had not been heard JOKES ON US
ENC 400 4:50 M Gridiron Gang M AVP: Alien vs. Predator ++ (‘04) (CC) :50 M Deliver Us From Evil (‘14) Eric Bana. (CC) Movie from for years, near Lake
HBO 444 5:20 M Blades of Glory The Leftovers (CC) M Unfinished Business (‘15) (CC) (S) 24/ 7 M Bad Words +++ (CC) Tanganyika in central I had been dating a
MAX 425 5:10 M Snatch +++ (CC) :55 M The Mexican ++ (‘01) Julia Roberts. (CC) The Knick Girl's Guide Girl's Guide Africa. lemon, but I broke it off.
SHO 474 5:00 M Rampart (CC) Homeland Parabiosis (CC) (S) Inside the NFL (N) (S) NotreD. (S) NotreD. (S) Inside the NFL (CC) 1938: Kate Smith first At first, our relationship
STARZ 410 5:25 M Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Da Vinci's Demons (CC) Da Vinci's Demons (CC) Da Vinci's Demons (CC) sang Irving Berlin’s “God was juicy, but then things
SUND 398 5:00 M History of the World, Part I ++ (‘81) Dom DeLuise, Mel Brooks. Comedic look at historical eras. (CC) M Apocalypse Now ++++ Bless America” on her turned sour.
TMC 488 M Schindler's List ++++ (‘93) A man risks his life to save Jews during the war. (CC) :15 One Day in Auschwitz :05 M Babel +++ (CC) CBS radio program. Gene Sandefur, Sugar Land
E4 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x


famiLy CiRCus Ziggy Zits



PeaRLs BefoRe sWine

BaBy BLues



get fuZZy


RHymes WitH oRange

HeaRt of tHe City


Hi & Lois



funky WinkeRBean
Red & RoveR

f minus
saLLy foRtH
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | E5


JaCQueline Bigar
Your Horoscope for Tuesday, November 10 sCorPio (oct. 23-nov. 21) HHHHH
Your natural style encourages agreement
aries (march 21-april 19) HHHH where there otherwise would be uproar.
You’ll get an earful early on. What you are Stay on top of a situation that is a high
hearing could be good information, but it priority. Only you can create what you re-
also might be somewhat overwhelming. ally want here. Someone else can try, but
Consider allowing the person with the he or she won’t be as successful.
ideas to carry the banner on this issue. sagittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21)
taurus (april 20-may 20) HHHH HHH You might want to slow down be-
You might be stubborn and want to have fore you take a leap of faith. Consider the
your way. However, someone else is pros and cons of your decisions. Adrena-
determined to run the show. Go off and line runs high as you consider a new path.
enjoy those in your life. You are likely to head in that direction
gemini (may 21-June 20) HHH All sooner rather than later.
mother goose and grimm work and no play isn’t healthy, but today CaPriCorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHHH
you might not have a choice. Stick to your Once others get that you aren’t going to
vision when making a decision about a change your direction, they will want to
key project. Is this idea worth pursuing? join you. You can’t blame them for want-
Only you can decide. ing to have their ideas acknowledged,
CanCer (June 21-July 22) HHHHH though. Your determination is clear.
Your energy seems to soar. You’ll need it aQuarius (Jan. 20-feb. 18) HHHH
to dive into your work, an artistic project Be willing to take a stand and let others
or something that allows you to create decide whether to join you. You know that
and manifest. what you are doing has financial impli-
leo (July 23-aug. 22) HHH Someone cations. You might wonder what others
might be pressuring you. Most likely, this think.
person wants you to do something that PisCes (feb. 19-march 20) HHHH
you have no interest in doing. You have Investigate other ways of viewing a
been saying “no” in your own way, but this problem or situation. You recognize how
person is refusing to listen. unique each person’s vision is. Much of
hagar the horriBle Virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22) HHHH You what we see and say emerges from our
can’t complain about people not appre- backgrounds. Do your best to detach and
ciating your ideas if you are not sharing take in the whole picture. You might be
them. Start being more open about what surprised!
you desire. haPPy Birthday (nov. 10) This
liBra (sept. 23-oct. 22) HHHH You year your imagination feeds your creativ-
could be exhausted by everything that is ity to such an extent that others often are
occurring. However, you can deflect any dumbfounded by your ideas and solu-
negativity or energy that feels off. Use tions. Sometimes you could be a bit self-
caution with your finances. absorbed. Be aware of this tendency.
King Features Syndicate


Brewster rockit: space Guy!

Beetle Bailey



sherman’s lagoon


Dear Abby: like the odd polite young man who
A year ago, I ended man out earned the citizenship
a turbulent five-year when she’s award three years in a row
relationship with my boy- old enough in elementary school. His
friend, “Alex,” that resulted to realize sister and I were discuss-
in a special-needs child. how she ing that maybe he is being
Alex is not living in real- ABBY is treated too polite and it could turn
ity when it comes to our compared people off. No one likes the
rex MorGan, M.D.
daughter’s disabilities, and to the other grandchildren. “nice guy.” Do you have
his family is not present in End of My Rope any advice I can give him?
her life. Raised a Good Boy
Our daughter, Dear End of My Rope:
“Meghan,” spent months in I hate to see you sever Dear Raised a Good Boy:
the hospital before she was your already tenuous ties I disagree with your
healthy enough to come with Meghan’s paternal statement that no one likes
home, and Alex’s family family. Their behavior a nice guy. Nice people like
visited only a few times. toward her may have nice people. From this dis-
I have tried to resolve the something to do with the tance, I am unable to guess
issues with Alex’s family fact that she has disabili- what your son’s problem
so our daughter can have ties, or the “turbulence” of might be.
a relationship with them, your five-year relationship However, it is telling phantoM
but it is still one-sided. with their son. that you are seeking advice
Meghan’s paternal family If they would consent about his social problems,
will send a present for her to it, I would recommend not him. The best advice
birthday or Christmas, family counseling for all you could convey to your
but they spend no time of you. However, if they son would be to talk about
with her. They have other won’t, and because you feel this with a counselor at
grandchildren in other that their lack of involve- school. Together, they may
states that his mother ment in Meghan’s life will be able to figure out why
drives hours to see, but she eventually become hurtful he has trouble fitting in.
won’t drive five minutes to to her, you are within your You should also encour-
see my daughter. rights to reject their gifts age him to get involved in
I’d like to start rejecting and find more support for activities, which should
the gifts they send Meghan her within your family. widen his circle of ac-
with a note explaining why. quaintances. argyle sweater hoCus foCus
I find it disturbing that Dear Abby:
they’ll spend money on my My son tells me no one
child, but are unwilling wants to hang out with Dear Abby
to spend time with her. I him at the small commu- P.O. Box 69440
feel the gifts are a payoff. I nity college he attends. Los Angeles, CA 90069
don’t want Meghan to feel He is a handsome, loving, Universal Press Syndicate


Dear Heloise: by steam can get pretty messy. I
Since I don’t have a and mois- use an old toothbrush as
clock in the bathroom, ture in the an excellent a cleaning
I put one of my wrist- bathroom. tool to get out loose
watches near my makeup. Heloise shavings.
This way, with a simple Sheila F., via email
glance, I am on time when HELOISE Dear
going out. Heloise:
Alice R., Ventura, Calif. I love to color (with Heloise
crayons) as relaxation. P.O. Box 795000
Just be mindful that a I use pencil sharpeners San Antonio, TX 78279
wristwatch can be affected to sharpen them. They King Features Syndicate
E6 | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x


‘Silent Sky’ a starry winner for Main Street

By Everett Evans nized, it’s not Henrietta ‘Silent Sky’
but her male colleagues When: 7:30 p.m.
Main Street Theater who get the chance to Thursdays-Saturdays, 3
has always aimed high, apply her findings. Then p.m. Sundays, through Nov.
artistically speaking. ominous stomach pains 29
So it’s no surprise to signal more pressing con- Where: Main Street
find the company looking cerns for the heroine. Theater, 2540 Times
to the stars as it reopens Gunderson’s writing Tickets: $36-$39; 713-524-
its theater following an strikes a balance between 6706, mainstreettheater.
extensive, $2 million reno- the cerebral and poetic com
vation. that’s ideal for this subject
With its admirable matter. She has a flair
Houston premiere of Lau- for a nicely turned line, humanity — and in
ren Gunderson’s “Silent as when Peter says: “For times of trial, especially,
Sky,” both the company weeks, you’ve been the sisterliness.
and founding artistic brightest object in my James Monaghan
director Rebecca Greene life — and we work with amuses with his initial
Udden are working con- stars.” Henrietta’s open- fussiness as Peter. He
fidently in characteristic ing and closing mono- grows more sympathetic
mode. logues, the latter project- as he recognizes
Start with the intel- ing into the future, are Henrietta’s qualities;
ligent script, with its his- examples of exceptionally then later, is believably
toric setting and feminist effective stage writing. conflicted when
perspective. It’s the fact- Udden’s direction cap- circumstances separate
based saga of trailblaz- tures the spirit of the play them.
ing early-20th-century James Nielsen / Houston Chronicle and its heroine. The atmo- As budding suffrag-
astronomer Henrietta James Monaghan and Shannon Emerick star in Main Street Theater’s production sphere, blending wonder- ette Annie, Elizabeth
Leavitt — a figure virtu- of “Silent Sky.” ment and matter-of-fact Marshall Black is sober
ally unknown despite her modesty, proves subtly and severe yet a sweet-
important contributions tory and establishes the telescope. Nor does Hen- luminosity relationship.” affecting. Udden brings heart underneath. Claire
to the field. Add Udden’s loving yet conflict-ridden rietta have access to the It would prove the semi- charm and the right light Hart-Palumbo makes a
graceful, quietly effective relationship between the observatory director who nal principle necessary touch to the hesitant jovial, down-to-earth Wil-
direction and an engag- heroine and her sister, hired her; she must deal for accurately measuring romance; and later, quiet liamina.
ing cast led by Shannon Margaret. Henrietta is a with his assistant, Peter. the distance of stars, the depth and dignity to the Liz Freese’s handsome,
Emerick, spot-on in a modern woman, career- Henrietta and Peter make size of the known uni- profound scene between airy setting features a sky-
role she was born to play, oriented, inspired and bad first impressions, he verse and everything else Margaret and the ailing light high upstage, made
and you have what fans upheld by scientific ex- by stressing the impor- in modern astronomy. Henrietta. up of six panels showing
have come to recognize ploration. Margaret is the tance of “knowing her Meanwhile, the ani- Emerick invests an ever-changing array
as a typical Main Street more traditional family- place” and staying there, mosity between Henrietta Henrietta with a quality of evocative projections.
Theater production. oriented sort, inspired she by challenging him and Peter gives way to perhaps best described Margaret Crowley’s
The added dimension and upheld by religious every step of the way. attraction. Yet when it’s as intellectual vivacity. neat period costumes,
is that, with the new faith. It sounds schematic, But as she gets to know about to blossom into an She’s bright, determined, Eric L. Marsh’s lighting
technical and scenic capa- yet it’s surprising how her colleagues, Annie and actual romance, Henri- driven to know, know, and Shawn W. St. John’s
bilities and more gener- well the play works this Williamina, Henrietta etta’s father has a stroke know about everything — sound design all enhance
ously proportioned stage, dynamic, without getting realizes the importance and she’s called home to or at least, to know why the proceedings.
Main Street can apply obvious — especially of the work and applies help care for him. When she can’t know. The play’s title is
production values several when the story takes a herself. She works twice she returns a few years Jennifer Dean, playing “Silent Sky” — but I could
degrees above what was darker turn in Act 2. as hard in extra hours on later, Peter is cool and the opposite type as swear I heard the stars
previously possible. At Harvard, Henrietta her own research, which distant. And though the Margaret, strikes the right faintly singing.
Spanning 1900-20, the discovers she’s been hired eventually leads to her importance of Henrietta’s contrast. She finds the
play begins with the hero- as one of the “women discovery of the “period- breakthrough is recog- exceptional in ordinary
ine’s brief speech, setting computers” whose job
the mood and theme. The is to catalog the stars on
first scene shows Henri- the basis of glass photo
etta leaving her home in plates made by their male
Wisconsin to take a job colleagues. Women aren’t
at the Harvard Observa- even allowed to use the

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We Specialize in Large Bonds
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1140 940
330 645 1000 235 815 1155 320 650 1010 1215 110 250 350 430 630 PEANUTS MOVIE - REALD 3D
BURNT [R] 1140 220 455 800 910 [G] 1200 250 345 540 815 855
BURNT [R] 1200 240 510 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1100 1240
745 1020 SPECTRE [PG13] 1000 135 420 715 1005
745 1020 130 310 400 540 630 900 BRIDGE OF SPIES [PG13] 1215
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1105 1100 130 230 500 605 PAN [PG] 1035 135 745
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1135 SPECTRE [PG13] 1250 200 415 440 730 830 930 335 655 1015
455 1015 525 740 850 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1000 1045
TINSELTOWN 290 BURNT [R] 1120 210 445 725 1005
CINEMARK MEMORIAL CITY Hwy 290 Between Pinemont & Hollister CRIMSON PEAK [R] 440 1045
1255 135 425 615 655 1005

Memorial City Mall
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1030 410 700 SICARIO [R] 1040 145 450 750
705 1045 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 [PG] SPECTRE [PG13] 1035 1205
1110 1030 1100 125 350 615 840
GOOSEBUMPS - REALD 3D HENERAL LUNA [NR] 1010 1100 405 645 1250 220 350 435 605 735 820
MARTIAN - REALD 3D [PG13] LAST WITCH HUNTER [PG13] [PG] 1055 955 120 420 720 1020

INTERN [PG13] 1035 135 435 950 1100
1125 955 1105 155 445 735 1025
[PG13] 245 945 [PG] 1045 115 345 640 935 735 1030 WOODLAWN [PG] 105 410
3D [G] 1100 1130 135 [PG13] 115 355 655 940
[G] 1150 220 310 450 720 950 MISS YOU ALREADY [PG13] 110 205 410 440 645 715 920 Six Pines Road @ Lake Robbins
MARTIAN [PG13] 1115 630
BRIDGE OF SPIES [PG13] 1145 410 710 1010 OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [R]
145 430 710 [G] 1140 440 [PG13] 1045 145 435 730
1120 300 700 1035
BURNT [R] 1050 1000
1030 1235 105 310 340
BRIDGE OF SPIES [PG13] 1010 SPECTRE [PG13] 1200 400 800
@ R I V E R OA K S D I S T R I C T BURNT [R] 1215 250 525 800 1035 220 505 750 1040
315 725 1045 545 615 810 850 1115

CRIMSON PEAK [R] 110 415 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1100 1240 EVERYDAY I LOVE YOU [NR] SICARIO [R] 1140 305 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 210 715 [PG13] 1030 115 410 700
1110 205 500 755 1050 715 1015
720 1025 130 400 540 630 810 900 1040 GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 130 SPECTRE [PG13] 1015 150 CINEMARK KATY
425 720
I - 10 @ Grand Parkway
515 845
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 200 450 740 SPECTRE [PG13] 1200 100 200

INTERN [PG13] 1150 300 610 920 330 430 530 700 805 900 1030
CINEMARK PEARLAND SPECTRE - XD [PG13] 1220 350 720 1050
3311 Silverlake Village Dr.
45 - S. @ Nasa Pkwy SPECTRE - XD [PG13] 1200 325
700 1025
1200 1035 1105 205 500
SPECTRE - XD [PG13] 1215 340 705 1030 GOOSEBUMPS - REALD 3D GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1120
[PG] 200 955 435 720
[PG] 1110 140 415 710 935 LAST WITCH HUNTER [PG13]
130 940 1120 205 450 735 1020 [PG13] 345 1020
MARTIAN - REALD 3D [PG13] MARTIAN [PG13] 1150 700 1115 155 445 725 1005 [G] 1235 310 820 1055
3D [G] 105 150 335 610
320 1020 MARTIAN [PG13] 1145 705 750 1045
CINEARTS [PG13] 1110 200 450 1105 450 1015
[G] 1240 220 310 540 810 1030 1140 315 645 1000 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1125 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1115 150
740 1030 BURNT [R] 1155 235 505
BRIDGE OF SPIES [PG13] 1200 1215 245 425 515 745 730 1010
OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [R] 1055 750 1030 925 1010
320 640 1000 CARTER HIGH [PG13] SPECTRE [PG13] 1100 100
140 430 720 1005 425 545 700 935
BURNT [R] 1100 135 410 145 730 230 440 605 810 930 GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1125 210
PAN [PG] 1050 445 735
PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1100 1140 59 S. W. Freeway @ Reading Road 455 740 1025 SPECTRE [PG13] 1030 1125 200
CRIMSON PEAK [R] 1245 340
130 405 450 630 720 900 950 PEANUTS MOVIE - REALD BURNT [R] 725PM
650 945
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1045 420 700 SICARIO [R] 140 1025 MARTIAN [PG13] 330 710 255 530 625 900 955
SPECTRE [PG13] 1045 1115 3D [G] 1240 300 520 1000
1120 145 410 640 905 110 210 240 435 535 610 800 E. Bltwy @ Pasadena Blvd.
INTERN [PG13] 1220 325 625 925 900 935
150 410 630 740 850 1215 705 LAST WITCH HUNTER [PG13]
TINSELTOWN JACINTO CITY 210 445 715 945 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 - 1145 230 515 800 1040
1 - 10 @ Holland Road
SPECTRE [PG13] 1135 100
1155 515 755 1245 325 640 915

[PG13] 1145 450 955 250 415 605 730 920 1045 PAN - REALD 3D [PG] 420 1010 TRIALS [PG13] 1150 255
[G] 1205 115 225 335 445 555 650 1005

705 815 1040

Mall of Mainland [G] 1220 140 415 650 805 1040 OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [R]
TRIALS [PG13] 1150 255 635 940
OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [R] 1200 [PG] 240 815 [PG] 1205 245 515 740 1000 BIG STONE GAP [PG13] 1155 1230 710
205 435 710 955
505 1030 MARTIAN - REALD 3D LAST WITCH HUNTER [PG13] 240 525 810 1050 PAN [PG] 125 715
BURNT [R] 240 745
PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1130 1240 [PG13] 1230 705 1110 205 445 735 1015 BRIDGE OF SPIES [PG13] 1225 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1140 100
150 300 410 520 630 740 850 345 705 1025 215 255 335 450 530 610 725
500 750 1035 3D [G] 1200 225 450 715 940 1135 215 455 735 1025
925 1010 BURNT [R] 1250 335 710 945 845 925 1000
BRIDGE OF SPIES [PG13] PAN [PG] 1100 145 440
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 120 405 PERFECT GUY [PG13] 1120 200 CRIMSON PEAK [R] 255 1020 SICARIO [R] 1205 310 700 1010
1220 335 720 1035 725 1010
655 930 430 735 1015 BURNT [R] 1125 200 430 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1100 GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1140 230 SPECTRE [PG13] 1200 140 330
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 [PG] SICARIO [R] 1225 315 620 920 700 930 125 350 615 840 1105 520 805 1045 510 700 840 1030
1210 245 510 730 950 SPECTRE [PG13] 1140 1215 330 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 [PG] VISIT [PG13] 1215 245 510
520 1050 1215 330 415 700 745
LADRONES [PG13] 230 1025 400 645 725 1000 1045 1150 220 450 725 955 735 1000
MARTIAN [PG13] 345 1030 1020 1105


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