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Monday, March 23th 2020

In this activity the students and the teacher will be in a video call on Skype, teacher will
show the students some exercises about the shapes and explaining the name of each one of
them, after that the students must develop the first worksheet. The teacher will explain how
to do it and give them some time to make it.

Wednesday, March 25th 2020

Quiz and activity
In this activity teacher ask one by one of the students the name of some shapes and they
must say the names, after that students develop a crossword related with the shapes when
the students finally do the worksheet they’ll found a secret message with some letters.

Tuesday, March 24th 2020
*Knowing the story of my family
*Teacher ask their students if they know what is family tree.
*Then teacher talk to them about the needs of human beings.
*Draw or create your family tree.
* Answer this question. What is the importance of knowing the history of the family we
belong to?

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