Bond Strength Between Concrete and AR Glass Roving With Variables of Development Length

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Vol:10, No:5, 2016

Bond Strength between Concrete and AR-Glass

Roving with Variables of Development Length
Jongho Park, Taekyun Kim, Jinwoong Choi, Sungnam Hong, Sun-Kyu Park

 various researchers have been studying retrofitting methods [1].

Abstract—Recently, the climate change is the one of the main Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) has been conducted to
problems. This abnormal phenomenon is consisted of the scorching rehabilitate and restore the capacity of the structure with its
heat, heavy rain and snowfall, and cold wave that will be enlarged high strength and corrosion resistant and applied. FRP sheet,
abnormal climate change repeatedly. Accordingly, the width of
plate, and a grid shape was developed, and recently, form of a
temperature change is increased more and more by abnormal climate,
and it is the main factor of cracking in the reinforced concrete. The FRP bar reinforcing in concrete was performed. Also, a
crack of the reinforced concrete will affect corrosion of steel re-bar research of a concrete which is healed itself and suppressed of
which can decrease durability of the structure easily. Hence, the crack to increase the durability have been conducted. Blended
elimination of the durability weakening factor (steel re-bar) is needed. cements such as ternary cements were performed and recently
Open Science Index, Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol:10, No:5, 2016

Textile which weaves the carbon, AR-glass and aramid fiber has been the self-healing concrete that is repaired crack itself, and
studied actively for exchanging the steel re-bar in the Europe for about
furthermore a smart concrete which is diagnosed and repair
15 years because of its good durability. To apply textile as the concrete
reinforcement, the bond strength between concrete and textile will be have been studied actively [2]. On the other side, according to
investigated closely. Therefore, in this paper, pull-out test was the aging of the structure, the necessary for maintenance, repair
performed with change of development length of textile. Significant and reconstruction, the modular structure was applied to
load and stress was increasing at D80. But, bond stress decreased by practice construction [1]. It is expected improvement safety,
increasing development length. quality durability, economy and environmental issues
efficiently. These research has resulted in strengthening of the
Keywords—Bond strength, climate change, pull-out test, structure, increased durability, reduced maintenance cost etc.
replacement of reinforcement material, textile.
However, as the majority of this previous research have been
conducted on reinforced concrete, the results fail to compensate
for certain concerns, such as the corrosion of steel, difficulty of

R EINFORCED concrete has been used as the main

construction composite material that can be
complementary to compression and tension. However, its
maintenance and limit of weight reduction from the thickness
of cover concrete. As such, there remains need to leave the
frame of steel reinforced concrete. Therefore, a textile
durability is decreased continuously and is threatened because reinforced concrete (TRC) has been actively conducted to
of aging, increasing weight with being bigger and taller of replace steel re-bar with textile for about 15 years in Germany,
structure, cracks due to external forces, and exposure to a Israel, Spain, USA, and China due to its advantage such as
variety of environmental conditions caused by abnormal durability, light weight and free formability [2]. In particular,
climate. In particular, the climate is the one of the main Germany has generated a report defining TRC and
problems nowadays. Main problems included scorching heat, standardizing testing methods with RILEM [3]-[5]. Current
heavy rain, snowfall and cold wave that cause temperature studies of TRC include bond and tensile test, characteristics of
change, and it is the main factor of durability weakening cracking and application. As a composite material, the strength
because the crack width is increasing easily by temperature. of TRC depends not only on that of its components, but also on
Then water, oxygen or any material that can be caused the bond between reinforcement and matrix. Analysis of this
corrosion penetrate through crack and will be meet a steel bond is thus one of the main topics in TRC studies. The bond
re-bar. After that, its corrosion mechanism is starting and can be affected by many factors, such as curing conditions and
durability was decreased. Alongside this, maintenance costs are pressure applied after laminate casting [6], fabrication
also increasing. technique, fibre type and treatment of fibre surface. To study
To solve and adjust to the problem of durability decreasing, this phenomenon, pull-out and tensile tests have been
performed and numerous models developed [7]-[9]. These
Jongho Park (M.E, Ph.D Student), Taekyun Kim (B.S, M.E Student) and many researches were performed for thin-plate TRC which is
Sun-Kyu Park (Ph.D, Professor) are with the Dept. of Civil, Architectural and best shape in maximization its advantages. Therefore, each
Environmental System Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, The
Republic of Korea (e-mail:,,
bond and tensile test has performed in limit variable such as number of laminate of textile, type of fibre, meso-mechanical
Jinwoong Choi (Ph.D., Senior Research Engineer), is with Expressway & of textile fabrics. However, precious TRC researches did not
Transportation Research Institute, Korea Expressway Corporation, Dongtan, consider the effect of the development of length and the
The Republic of Korea (e-mail:
Sungnam Hong (Ph.D, research professor) is with the College of different variables of the textile reinforcement on pull-out tests.
Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, The Republic of Korea A composite member, like reinforce concrete, presupposes a

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(5) 2016 634 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Vol:10, No:5, 2016

coomplete adhession between the two mateerials so that it can III. EXPER
resist an externnal force throuugh complete integral actioon. As
A. Test Set-up
suuch, it is essenttial to investiggate the bond behavior
b of TRRC. In
this paper, the ppull-out test w was conducted to induce chaange of Inn order to pull-out test with ddevelopment oof length of texxtile,
sliip, pull-out loaad, and stress with developm ment of lengthh. threee specimens were made each developpment length. The
exteernal textile is placed an epooxy resin with diameter 0.8 ccm to
III. TRC avoid failure cauuse by clampinng and slip beetween textilee and
clammping so that epoxy resin iss used for loadd introductionn and
A. Textile enfoorces the samee introduced ddisplacement. A 2000 kN UTM U
Textile is griid shaped weeaving fabric w which is form
med as (Unniversal Test Machine)
M wass used at a raate of 0.5mm m/min
fisshnet with w warp (longituddinal fiber) annd weft (horiizontal (Dissplacement coontrolled) to ffailure or pulll out. Two LV VDT
fibber). Textile w
was made byy carbon, glass and aramidd fiber. wass set center aat concrete ffixing frame and ground. The
Eaach fiber has different propperties and glaass fiber, espeecially speccification and production prrocess was shoowed in Figs. 1 and
AR R-glass fiber, is typically used due to ggood adhesionn with 2. T
Table I showedd the variabless in this experiiment.
cooncrete and goood cost-effecttiveness [10].
B. Concrete E
Epoxy resin
According too using textiile substitute for reinforceement,

Open Science Index, Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol:10, No:5, 2016

orrdinary mixingg method whiich is consistss of aggregate about

255mm cannot bbe used due too small gap oof textile grid about
6~~10mm. Thereefore, fine aggrregate that diaameter is underr 6mm
is used for TRC C concrete (ffine concrete). It is concrette, but
10mm Developmennt of length
cloose to mortarr. According tto using fine concrete, suffficient
ammount of waater is needded. Silica ffume, fly-ashh and
suuperplasticizerr is added for strengthh, durabilityy and

TRC is a cooncrete compoosite reinforciing textile maade of
caarbon, glass annd aramid fibeer with no steeel reinforcing and is
exxpected to bee used as a nnew compositte due to its many Fig. 1 Specificcation of specim
addvantages, succh as lightweigght, excellent durability, annd free
foormability. Cuurrent TRC aapplications arre concrete ffaçade,
saandwich panelss, noise barrieers and water pprotection wallls.

Fig.. 2 Production pprocess

Speccimen name D
Development of leength(mm) Tenssile Moduluus of Speciific Softenning
D20 20 strenggth elasticcity Gravvity Poinnt

(MPPa) (MP Pa) (g/ ) (°C
D40 40
227 17000 700 2.68 8600
D80 80
D100 100 C
C. Concrete
B. Textile A fine grained concrete was used with quaartz sand 0.1~ ~0.35
mmm and 0.35~0.7 mm. To ennhance durabiility and strenngth,
Textile used in
i this test is A
AR-glass fiber with Zircon oover 16%
fly-ash and silicaa fume were added.
a Table IIII showed miixing
to resist alkali of concrete.. 2,400 tex ttextile producced by
ratioo of fine concrrete which is 440MPa high sttrength.
Taaishan Fibergllass Inc. was uused and speciification was shown
in Table II.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(5) 2016 635 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Vol:10, No:5, 2016

TAABLE III subttracting the displacementt of elastic behavior to the

dispplacement at m
maximum loadd. Table V shoows the calculaation
Unit weight (kg)
W/B slip of specimenss.
raatio Silica N
No.6 No.7
Water Cement Fly-ash SP
fume ssand sand
0.40 2.24 3.92 1.400 0.28 4
Specimmen D20 D40 D80 D1100
LT Displacemennt (mm) 0.30 0.63 1.82 0.776
Hooke’s law w (mm) 0.06 0.08 0.15 0.14
A. Load-Dispplacement
Slip (m
mm) 0.24 0.55 1.67 0.662
Fig. 3 shows tthe load-displaacement of reppresentative puull-out R
Ratio (Slip/Develoopment length) 0.012 0.0144 0.02 0.0006
tesst. Similar behhavior was shoown except speecimen of D800. D80
shhowed a ratherr gradual slopee compared to others,
o it show
wed the S
Slip is increased by increassing developm ment of lengthh, but
grreatest changee in the displaacement. The maximum looad for D800 is only greatter than 1 mm m. Compared tto ratio of slipp and
D220 is 370N, D40 is 490N, D D80 is 990N annd D100 is 8700N. As development of leength, ratio is increasing froom D20 to D800. At
the developmennt of length inccreases, pull-oout load is incrreasing D1000, ratio deccreased dramaatically. It iss determined that
exxcept D100. Compared to puull-out load off D20, loads of D40, speccimen of D1000 has a sufficiient adhesive sstrength.
D880 and D1000 were greateer than 32.4% %, 254%, andd 135, Inn order to calcculate the bonnd stress, textiile with width of 5
Open Science Index, Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol:10, No:5, 2016

respectively. Thhe increase in adhesion was evident with D80. D mmm, each develoopment of lenggth and both side of the teextile
werre considered ffor area of texxtile. Table VII showed the bbond
1,2 stress.

Specimmen D20 D40 D80 D100
Area of bonnd ( ) 200 400 800 1000
kN 0,6 Bond stresss (MPa) 1.85 1.23 1.24 0.87
Bond stress witth slip (MPa) 1.87 1.24 1.26 0.88
D80 T
The bond stresss at maximumm load is bigggest D20 with 1.85
0,2 D100 MPa and is smallest D100 witth 0.87 MPa. D40 and D800 had
milar value witth 1.23 and 1.24. The bondd stress considdered
0 slip was increased compare to ordinary stresss, but growthh rate
0 0,5 1 1,5 2
could be negligibble.
C. Failure
Fig. 3 Load and dispplacement of puull-out test F
Figs. 4 and 5 sshow the failuure of D20 andd D100. In casse of
D200, external texttile is damaged when it was pulled out firsst. In
The maximum m displacemeent at peak loaad point of D220 was casee of D100, itt is clearly shhown that texxtile is pulledd out
0.30 mm. For DD40, D80 and D100
D was 0.633, 1.82 and 0.776 mm, com
mpare to D20.. All specimeens have a litttle slip, and m most
respectively. E
Except the D D80, all speecimens show wed a texttiles failed at ssurface in the concrete.
displacement off less than 1 m
B. Stress and Slip
Tensile stresss was shown iin Table IV. Tensile
T strengthh used
in this test is 1,7700 MPa. Eacch specimen haad 23.76%, 311.47%,
633.58% and 555.87% of tensile strength. It was quitee good
peerformance coompared to preevious researcch which show wed up
to 500N, 562MP Pa [11].
Specimen D20 D40 D80 D
Area 0.916
Teensile stress (MPaa) 403.93 534.93 1080.79 949.78 Fig. 4 Faillure of D20

Displacementt of textile each specimenn was calculaated to

deerive slip betw
ween concretee and textile. TTextile assum med the
elaastic behaviorr until maximuum load. The sslip is determinned by

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(5) 2016 636 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Vol:10, No:5, 2016

[8] Butler M. Mecchtcherine V., annd Hempel S., “Durability of ttextile

reinforced conccrete made with AR glass fibre:: effect of the m matrix
composition,” M Materials and Struuctures, vol. 43, pp.
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[9] Banholzer B., “Bond behaviorr of multifilamennt yarn embeddded in
cementitious maatrix,” Institut fur Bauforschung der RWTH Aachen,, 2004
[10] Nevile AM., “Prroperties of concrrete”, 5th ed. New w York: Wiley, 20012
[11] Bazant ZP., “Sizze effect in blunt fracture concrete,, rock, metal,”, Joournal
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M vol. 110, no. 4, pp. 5188-535, 1984
[12] T.K Kim, J.H Park, J.W. Choi, and a S.K Park, “Sttrength of fine conncrete
for textile reinfoorced with water-bbinder ratio”, in C
Conf. 18th Internaational
Conference on C Civil, Environmenntal and Structuraal Engineering, B Berlin,
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7 2006
Fig. 5 Faailure of D100

In this study, pull-out test w
was performedd between textiile and
cooncrete with chhange of development of lenngth.
Open Science Index, Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol:10, No:5, 2016

1)) As the devvelopment of llength increasses, pull-out lload is

increased but
b decreased at D100. Thee maximum looads of
D20, D40, D80 and D1000 were 370 N, N 490 N, 990 N and
870 N. Pulll-out load dram matically increeased on D80..
2)) Tensile strress of each specimen wass 23.76%, 311.47%,
63.58% andd 55.87% of teensile strengthh on specificattion. It
was quite good perfoormance com mpared to previous
research. SSlip was calcculated using Hooke’s law w and
increased bby increasing ddevelopment oof length. Thee bond
stress was ddecreased by iincreasing devvelopment of llength.
3)) In this paaper, bond sstrength betw ween concretee and
AR-glass rroving by vaarious developpment lengthhs was
introduced simply. Resullt of pull-out test,
t in this paaper, is
not fully coorrect due to dependent vaariable which is not
considered such as textilee hardening w with epoxy, andd other
variables suuch as huge load cell, ecccentricity, curring of
concrete. Further
F studyy will be neeeded througgh the
controlling detail variablles and derive the interface model
between texxtile and concrete with deveelopment of leength.

This work was supportted by the National Research
Fooundation of Korea (NRF F) grant fundded by the Korea
goovernment (MSIP) (No. 20111-0030040).

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International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(5) 2016 637 ISNI:0000000091950263

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