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Chapter 7

External Forced Convection

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 1 School of Mechanical Engineering


Chapter 7

7-1 Drag and Heat Transfer in External Flow 3 page

7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates 5 page

7-3 Flow Across Cylinders and Spheres 18 page

7-4 Flow Across Tube Banks 27 page

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 2 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-1 Drag and Heat Transfer in External Flow
The force a flowing fluid exerts on a body in the flow direction
FD (where A  frontal area)
Drag coefficient: CD 
V 2 A
Drag force depends on the density of the fluid, the upstream velocity, and the size,
shape, and orientation of the body.
High pressure Low pressure
① Total drag coefficient:
+ -
CD  CD,friction  CD,pressure +
+ -
+ -
② Flat plate normal to flow direction: + -

CD  CD,pressure  C p , CD,friction  0 Wall shear

③ Flat plate parallel to flow direction : Drag force acting on a flat plate normal
to flow depends on the pressure only and
CD  CD,friction  C f , CD,pressure  0 is independent of the wall shear, which
acts normal to flow.

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 3 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-1 Drag and Heat Transfer in External Flow

Heat transfer
1. The average Nusselt number in experimental approach can be expressed in terms
of the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers:

Nu  C RemL Pr n
2. The fluid properties are evaluated at the film temperature, as
Ts  T
Tf 
3. The average friction and convection coefficients for the entire surface

1 L 1 L
CD   CD , x dx, and h   hx dx
L 0 L 0
4. The rate of heat transfer is

Q  hAs Ts  T  (where As  surface area)

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 4 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

Parallel flow over flat pates

The transition from laminar to
turbulent flow is best characterized hx Laminar Transition Turbulent
by the Reynolds number. Cf

hx , C f ,x
The Reynolds number at a distance
x from the leading edge of a flat x

Vx Vx
Re x   x
 

The critical Reynolds number is

Recr   5  105

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 5 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates
Friction coefficient:
The local friction coefficient and the boundary layer thickness at location x
0.664 5x
Laminar: C f ,x  1/2
and  , x  1/2 , Re x  5 105
Re x Re x
0.0592 0.382 x
Turbulent: C f ,x  1/5
and  , x  , 5 105  Re x  107
Re x Re1/5

The average friction coefficient over the entire plate

1 L 1.328
L 0
Laminar: Cf  C f,x dx  , Re L  5 105
Re1/L 2
1 L 0.074
Turbulent: C f   C f , x dx  , 5 105  Re L  107
L 0 Re1/5 L

Combined laminar and turbulent flow

( when the length of laminar region cannot be neglected. )
5  105  Re L  107
Cf 
L 
xcr L

xcr 
C f , x laminar dx   C f , x turbulent dx 
0.074 1742
Re L

Re L xcr 
Recr 

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 6 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates
Heat transfer coefficient:
The local Nusselt number at location x
hx x
Laminar: Nu x   0.332Re0.5
x Pr
1/ 3
, Re x  5 105 , Pr  0.60
Turbulent: Nu x  x  0.0296Re0.8 x Pr
1/ 3
, 5 105  Re x  107 , 0.6  Pr  60
The average Nusselt number over the entire plate
Laminar: Nu   0.664Re0.5 Re L  5 105 , Pr  0.60
1/ 3
L Pr ,
Turbulent: Nu   0.037 Re0.8
L Pr
1/ 3
, 5 105  Re L  107 , 0.6  Pr  60
Combined laminar and turbulent flow
( when the length of laminar region cannot be neglected. )

L 0
xcr L
hx , laminar   hx , turbulent dx
xcr  5  105  Re L  107

=  0.037Re0.8
L  871 Pr
hL 0.6  Pr  60
Nu  1/3

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 7 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

Flat Plate with Unheated Starting Length

The local Nusselt number at location x T  Ts for x   
Nu x for  =0 0.332 Re0.5 1/ 3
x Pr
Laminar: Nu x  
3 / 4 1/ 3 1/ 3
1   / x   1   / x 3 / 4 
   
Nu x for  =0 0.0296 Re0.8 1/ 3
x Pr
Turbulent: Nu x  1/ 9
 1/ 9
1   / x 9 /10  1   / x 9 /10 
   
The average convection coefficients
2 1   / x  
3/ 4 T
Laminar: h    h
Thermal boundary layer
1  / L
Velocity boundary layer

5 1   / x  
9 /10
  h Ts
Turbulent: h 
4 1   / L 
x L

for ξ= 0, Laminar: have  2hxL
Turbulent: have  hx  L

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 8 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

Uniform Heat Flux

Laminar: Nu x  0.453Re0.5
x Pr
1/ 3

Turbulent: Nu x  0.0308Re0.8
x Pr
1/ 3

When heat flux is prescribed, the rate of heat transfer to or from the plate and the
surface temperature at a distance x are determined from

Q  qs As
qs  hx Ts  x   T   Ts  x   T 

where As is the heat transfer surface area.

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 9 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

Ex 7.1
Engine oil at 60℃ flows over a 5-m-long flat plate whose temperature is 20℃ with a
velocity of 2 m/s. Determine the total drag force and the rate of heat transfer per unit
width of the entire plate.
u  2 m/s
T  60 o C
Oil A Ts  20 o C



1. Given • Engine oil flow over an isothermal flat plate.

• L = 5 m, T∞ = 60℃, Ts = 20℃, u∞ = 2 m/s

2. Find • The total drag force

• The rate of heat transfer per unit width of the entire plate.
Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 10 School of Mechanical Engineering
7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

3. Schematic
u  2 m/s
T  60 o C
Oil A Ts  20 o C


4. Assumption 1. Steady state condition

2. Recr=5×105
3. Negligible radiation heat transfer

5. Properties - The film temperature of the engine oil: T f  (Ts  T ) / 2  40 o C

- The density of the oil:   876kg/m

- The Prandtl number: Pr  2870

- The thermal conductivity of the oil: k  0.144 W/m  o C
- The kinematic viscosity:   242 106 m2 /s
Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 11 School of Mechanical Engineering
7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

6. Solve
(a) The total drag force
To determine the friction coefficient, the Reynolds number must first be determined.
The Reynolds number at the end of the plate is

u L (2 m/s)(5 m)
Re L5 m   6
 4.13 104 < Re cr ( 5 105 )
v 242 10 m /s2

Thus we have laminar flow over the entire plate, and the average friction
coefficient is determined from

C f  1.328Re L0.5 4 0.5

5 m  1.328  (4.13  10 )  0.00653

Then the drag force acting on the plate becomes

 u2 (876 kg/m3 )(2 m/s) 2

FD  C f A  0.00653  (5  1 m ) 2
 57.2 N
2 2
Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 12 School of Mechanical Engineering
7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

(b) The rate of heat transfer per unit width of the entire plate

From Newton’s law of cooling that the rate of convection heat transfer to the plate is

Qconv  hA T  Ts 

To determine the average Nusselt number by using the laminar flow relations for a
flat plate
Nu   0.664 Re0.5  0.664  (4.13 10 4 ) 0.5   2,870   1,918
1/3 1/3
L Pr
k 0.144 W/m  o C
h  Nu= (1,918)  55.2 W/m 2  o C
L 5m
and the rate of heat transfer per unit width of the entire plate is

Qconv  hA(T  Ts )  (55.2 W/m 2  o C)(5 1 m 2 )(60  20) o C

=11,040 W=11.04 kW

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 13 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

Ex 6.2

The local atmospheric pressure in Denver, Colorado (elevation 1610 m), is 83.4 kPa.
Air at this pressure and 20℃ flows with a velocity of 8 m/s over a 1.5 m × 6 m flat
plate whose temperature is 134℃. Determine the rate of heat transfer from the plate if
the air flows parallel to the 6m long side.


1. Given • Airflow over an isothermal flat plate

• L = 6 m, T∞ = 20℃, Ts = 134℃, u∞ = 8 m/s, P = 83.4 kPa

2. Find • The rate of heat transfer from the plate.

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 14 School of Mechanical Engineering
7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

3. Schematic
Patm  83.4 kPa
T  20 o C, V  8 m/s
air Ts  134 o C

1.5 m

4. Assumption 1. Steady state condition

2. Recr=5×105
3. Radiation effects are negligible.
4. Air is an ideal gas.

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 15 School of Mechanical Engineering
7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

5. Properties • The properties of air at the film temperature of Tf = (Ts+T∞)/2 = 77℃

• The Prandtl number: Pr = 0.706
• The thermal conductivity of the air: k = 0.0297 W/m·K
• The kinematic viscosity at atmospheric pressure: ν = 2.06×10-5 m2/s
 2 p1 p1
• From the ideal gas law,  p    2  
1 p
1 2 2

• The kinematic viscosity in Denver: ν = 2.50×10-5 m2/s

6. Solve
When air flow is parallel to the long side, we have Lc = m, and the
Reynolds number at the end of the plate becomes
V Lc (8 m/s)(6 m)
Re L   5
 1.92 106  Re cr (5 105 )
v 2.50 10 m /s2

Thus, we have combined laminar and turbulent flow, and the average Nusselt number
for the entire plate is determined from
Nu   Pr1/3 (0.037 Re0.8
L  871)  0.706 [0.037(1.92  10 )
1/3 6 0.8
 871]  2, 727
Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 16 School of Mechanical Engineering
7-2 Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

Convection heat transfer coefficient

k 0.0297 W/m  o C
h  Nu  (2, 727)  13.5 W/m 2  o C
L 6m
Convection heat transfer area

A  wL  (1.5 m)(6 m) = 9 m 2

Heat transfer rate

Q  hA(Ts  T )  (13.5 W/m 2  o C)(9 m 2 )(134  20) o C  13,850 W

7. Comment
If we disregarded the laminar region and assumed turbulent flow over entire plate,
we would get Nu = 3,520 from
Nu   0.037 Re4L 5 Pr1 3 (0.6  Pr  60, 5 105  Re L  107 )
which is 28% higher than value we calculated above. Note that, in this example,
the length of laminar region is xcr = Recrν/V∞ = 1.563 m, which is not negligible.

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 17 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-3 Flow Across Cylinders and Spheres
• Friction drag : This is due to the boundary layer surface shear stress.
• Form (or pressure) drag : This is due to a pressure gradient in the flow direction
resulting from formation of the wake.

 u2 where A = frontal area

Cylinder: A = LD
FD  CD A Sphere: A = πD2
Favorable pressure gradient Adverse pressure gradient

u ( x)
p p
0 0
x x
 u  x 
midplane D wake

Separation point Wake

Separation Flow reversal

Stagnation point point
Note :
With increasing Reynolds Number, the effect of separation, and therefore form drag, becomes more important.
u D
The critical Reynolds number : Re  , Recr  2 105

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 18 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-3 Flow Across Cylinders and Spheres
Average drag coefficient for cross flow over a smooth circular cylinder
and sphere

Re  1 : There is no flow separation in this regime.

Re  10 : Separation starts occurring on the rear of the body.
10  Re  103 : The region of separation increases with increasing Re.
103  Re  105 : The drag coefficient remains relatively constant,
105  Re  106 : There is a sudden drop in the drag coefficient due to
the transition to turbulent regime.

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 19 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-3 Flow Across Cylinders and Spheres

Heat transfer coefficient at cylinder & sphere

Churchill & Bernstein
5/8 4/5
0.62Re Pr0.5   Re
 
Nu d  0.3  d
  d
 100  Re d  107
1  
  0.4 2/3    282,000   Re d Pr  0.2
1    
  Pr  
Where all properties are evaluated at the film temperature.


hD  
3.5  Re d  80,000
Nu spd   2  0.4Re1/2  0.06Re 2/3  Pr 0.4   
0.7  Pr  380
k  s 

Where all properties are evaluated at the free-stream temperature T∞ except for μs

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 20 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-3 Flow Across Cylinders and Spheres

Compact form of the average Nusselt number for flow across cylinders

Cross section Ref C n

0.4~4 0.989 0.33

D Circle 4~40 0.911 0.385

40~4,000 0.683 0.466

Nu f  C Re nf Pr1/3 4,000~40,000 0.193 0.618

40,000~400,000 0.0266 0.805

(where Re f  V D /  ) D Square 5000~100,000 0.102 0.675

D Square 5000~100,000 0.246 0.588

(titled 45º)

Table 7-1 Constants for C and n

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 21 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-3 Flow Across Cylinders and Spheres

Cross section Ref C n

D Hexagon 5000~100,000 0.153 0.683

Hexagon 5000~19,500 0.160 0.638

D (titled 45º)
Nu f  C Re nf Pr1/3 19,500~100,000 0.0385 0.782

(where Re f  V D /  )
D Vertical
4000~15,000 0.228 0.731

D Ellipse 2500~15,000 0.248 0.612

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 22 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-3 Flow Across Cylinders and Spheres

Ex 7.3

Assume that a person can be approximated as a cylinder of 0.3-m

diameter and 1.8-m height with a surface temperature of 24℃.
Calculate the body heat loss while this person is subjected to a 15
m/s wind whose temperature is -5℃.


1. Given • Person can be approximated as a cylinder

• L = 0.3 m, l = 1.8 m, T∞ = -5℃, Ts = 24℃, u∞ = 15 m/s

2. Find • The body heat loss

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 23 School of Mechanical Engineering
7-3 Flow Across Cylinders and Spheres

3. Schematic D  0.3 m

V  15 m/s
T  5 o C
L  1.8 m

Ts  24 o C

4. Assumption 1. Steady state condition

2. Recr=5×105
3. Negligible radiation heat transfer

5. Properties • The properties of air at the film temperature of Tf = (Ts+T∞)/2 = 9.5℃

• The Prandtl number: Pr = 0.7337
• The thermal conductivity of the air: k = 0.024352 W/m·K
• The kinematic viscosity at atmospheric pressure: ν = 1.4216×10-5 m2/s

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 24 School of Mechanical Engineering
7-3 Flow Across Cylinders and Spheres

6. Solve
The heat transfer rate from the cylinder, approximating the person, is given as
q  hAs (Ts  T ) where As = πDl

Reynolds number
VD (15 m/s)(0.3 m)
Re d   6
 313,548
v 14.216 10 m /s 2

h must be estimated from a correlation appropriate.

0.62 Re Pr 1/2 1/3   Re 

Churchill and Bernstein: Nu d  0.3  d
1/4 1   d
 
1  (0.4 / Pr) 2/3    282,000  

this relation appropriates under the below condition

100  Re d  107
Re d Pr  0.2

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 25 School of Mechanical Engineering
7-3 Flow Across Cylinders and Spheres

0.62  313,548   0.7337    313,548 5/8 
1/2 1/3

Nu d  0.3  1/4 1      493.176

1   0.4 / 0.7337 2/3    282,000  
 
Convection heat transfer coefficient is
k 24.352 103 W/m  K
h  Nu d   493.176  40.03 W/m 2  K
D 0.3 m

The heat transfer rate is

Q   40.03 W/m 2  K    0.3 m 1.8 m   24   5  K   1969.4 W

7. Comment
Properties are obtained from Table A-15 by using the interpolation method.

The wind-chill factor will make you feel colder. In an engineering sense, the
increased Reynolds number results in the enhanced Nu number & h.

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 26 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-4 Flow Across Tube Banks
Flow across Tube Banks

V , T1
V , T1 SD
ST umax < ST
D noise A1
< AD

In-line tube Staggered tube

The Reynolds number

Vmax D Vmax D
Re D  
  S D  S L2   ST / 2 

The maximum velocity for in-line arrangement. A1  ST L

AT   ST  D  L
VA1  Vmax AT or VST  Vmax  ST  D 
AD   S D  D  L
Vmax  V
 ST  D 

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 27 School of Mechanical Engineering

7-4 Flow Across Tube Banks
The maximum velocity for staggered arrangement.
If 2AD > AT : Vmax  V
 ST  D 
S   ST  D  / 2 
If 2AD < AT : Vmax  ST
2  SD  D 

Zukauskas correlations (Table 7-2) : Nrow  16 and 0.7  Pr  500

Nu D  C RemD Pr n  Pr/ Prs 


Arrangement Range of ReD C m n

0~100 0.9 0.4 0.36
100~1000 0.52 0.5 0.36
1000~2×105 0.27 0.63 0.36
2×105~2×106 0.033 0.8 0.4
0~500 1.04 0.4 0.36
500~1000 0.71 0.5 0.36
1000~2×105 0.35(ST/SL)0.2 0.6 0.36
2×105~2×106 0.031(ST/SL)0.2 0.8 0.36

All properties except Prs are evaluated at Tm  Tinlet  Toutlet  / 2. Prs is evaluated at Ts .

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 28 School of Mechanical Engineering

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