Planning Guidance: How Do You Plan A Scheme of Work?

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QuickStart Computing

Planning Planning a

guidance scheme of work

How do you plan a Adapting your existing content

In the transition from ICT to computing, the emphasis

scheme of work? has shifted from skills in finding and presenting

information to understanding the processes and
applications of computation. Even so, don’t think you
have to throw away your old scheme of work. The
It’s sensible to establish a clear overall structure best units are very likely to be relevant to the new
to your computing planning. This will help teachers computing curriculum, although you’ll probably find
and pupils find their way around the new curriculum you need to make room for new activities that:
and give some sense of continuity and progression •• develop pupils’ programming skills
to your planning. The national curriculum themes of •• focus on computational thinking
computer science, information technology and digital
•• develop pupils’ understanding of networks
literacy (foundations, applications and implications)
including the internet.
are a good way to do this. Within each of these three
themes you should aim to develop units of work
that provide: Adopting published schemes of work
•• a broad and balanced coverage of computing for Don’t feel that you have to write your own scheme
each year group of work for computing. There are plenty of published
•• clear progression of understanding, knowledge schemes already available. Examples include:
and skills from one year to the next. •• commercial schemes: e.g. Switched on
Computing (Rising Stars), 100 Computing Lessons
(Scholastic) and Fantastict Computing Framework
Many of your units might take the form of creative (Fantastict).
projects, in which pupils master the ideas of the •• local authority schemes: e.g. Bury, ‘Bury
curriculum through meaningful, practical activities. Primary Computing Solution’; Somerset,
Once you have a set of units, map these back to the ‘A Computing Curriculum for Primary Learners’
content of the programmes of study. Check that, and Cambridgeshire, ‘The Cambridgeshire
taken as a whole, your units adequately cover all the Progression in Computing Capability Materials’
content. If they don’t, make some changes. (see Further resources).
•• schemes by individual teachers: some of
Don’t see the curriculum as a limit to what you can which have been shared freely through the
teach. Some schools include units on computer CAS Community site: e.g. those by Phil Bagge,
hardware, touch-typing, cryptography or developing Matthew Wimpenny-Smith and Jon Chippindall
and designing content for the Web in HTML. (see Further resources).

A good scheme of work should be continually You can choose to adopt or adapt these, taking into
developed as you assess pupils’ learning and both account the resources available, the interests and
you and they evaluate your teaching. This can be enthusiasms of you, your colleagues and pupils,
thought of as part of a continuous cycle of iterative and your school’s approach to cross-curricular or
development – ‘debugging’ units of work and looking integrated topics.
at how new features can be implemented.

Planning guidance

Guidance from Ofsted Differentiation

In the past, Ofsted has provided detailed guidance Prior learning can vary quite widely across a class.
on inspecting a school’s ICT curriculum. The lead HMI Collaborative group work or paired programming (or
for computing and e-safety, David Brown, gave some other) exercises provide opportunities for pupils to
indications of his views on a good or outstanding teach new things to one another.
computing curriculum in a presentation in July 2014
(see Further resources). It’s well worth considering Allow enthusiastic pupils the autonomy (and critical
his expectations when planning or adapting a scheme support) to set their own challenges. For example,
of work. He suggested the following: if some of your pupils are already adept at coding in
- the curriculum is broad and balanced with all Scratch, set them the challenge of coding the same
three computing strands covered well for all algorithm in another language.
pupils, in computing lessons and/or across the
school curriculum Think about inclusion.
- the contexts in which computing is taught are •• Is the task chosen so that all pupils’ enthusiasm
relevant to pupils’ lives and reflect the increasing can be engaged and you’ve avoided issues about
use of computing in the world of industry which some pupils might be particularly sensitive?
- pupils are expected to use their computing •• How can you make appropriate adaptations for
knowledge, skills and understanding in realistic SEN/D or EAL pupils? Assistive technology can
and challenging situations help with SEN/D, as can using an icon-based rather
- pupils have comprehensive knowledge and than text block-based programming environment:
understanding of how to stay safe when using new some dyslexic pupils are likely to find Kodu more
technologies accessible than Scratch for this reason.
- rigorous curriculum planning ensures the subject •• How can you help pupils who do not have access
makes an outstanding contribution to pupils’ to digital technology at home become more
spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.1 confident and independent in computing?

How should we plan a Further resources

computing lesson? •• Barefoot Computing, teaching resources,
available at: (free, but
Don’t assume that the conventional ‘three-part’ registration required).
lesson must be followed. Often in computing pupils •• Computing At School, community site
will be learning through making things and it’s helpful resources, available at: http://community.
to give longer periods of time for such projects. Not
all lessons need to be about using a particular bit •• Computing At School (CAS) Include: Computing
of software to do something. Even where pupils Science for All, available at:
are learning to use new software, it can be worth •• CS Unplugged, free activities and resources,
starting with a discovery phase. They can then share available at:
their discoveries with one another, but make sure •• ICTdotcom, ICT and Computer Planning by
you correct any misconceptions. Matthew Wimpenny-Smith, available at:
Unplugged activities uncategorized/ict-and-computing-planning/.
Elements of the curriculum, particularly logical •• Junior Computer Science, resources by Phil
reasoning, algorithms, decomposition or how Bagge:
networks work, can be addressed without a •• Sheffield ILS eLearning Team ‘SEN Computing
computer, using pencil and paper or role-play Professional Learning Community’, available at:
activities. Both Barefoot Computing and CS
Unplugged (see Further resources) have excellent •• Somerset County Council ‘A Computing
activities for developing understanding rather than Curriculum for Primary Learners’, available at:
just practising coding skills.
•• The ICT Service ‘Cambridgeshire Progression in
Computational thinking should be embedded through Computing Capability Materials’, available at:
the computing curriculum (see pages 6–17).
Brown, D., Ofsted National Lead for Computing, ‘Inspecting 51
computing’ slides (Barefoot Computing Conference).

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