Food Research International: Axelle Septembre-Malaterre, Fabienne Remize, Patrick Poucheret

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Food Research International 104 (2018) 86–99

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Fruits and vegetables, as a source of nutritional compounds and T

phytochemicals: Changes in bioactive compounds during lactic fermentation
Axelle Septembre-Malaterreb,⁎, Fabienne Remizeb, Patrick Pouchereta
Laboratoire de Pharmacologie et Physiopathologie Expérimentale, UMR 95 Qualisud, Université de Montpellier, France
UMR QualiSud, Université de La Réunion, CIRAD, Université Montpellier, Montpellier SupAgro, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, Sainte Clotilde, France


Keywords: Nutritional recommendations emphasize fruit and vegetable consumption. This is related to health-benefits
Fruits associated with bioactive nutritive molecules (nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fibers, …) as well as non-nutritive
Vegetables phytochemicals (phenolic compounds, flavonoids, bioactive peptides, …) content of these types of foods.
Phytonutrients Fermented fruit or vegetable products are part of various diets worldwide. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) fermen-
tation is common among the various fermentation processes used. It produces changes in both profile and types
Lactic fermentation
of bioactive compounds. Molecules such as bioactive peptides, short chain fatty acids or polysaccharides are
Health benefits
generated while sugar content or anti-nutritional compounds are decreased and phenolic compounds are con-
verted to molecules with added biological value. These transformations, associated with prebiotic and/or pro-
biotic potential supply as well as improvement of food components bioaccessibility and bioavailability, result in
modifications of health-related properties. Lastly, interactions between ingested fermented food, intestinal mi-
crobiota and their correlations to metabolomics profiles and health represent an important perspective deserving
to be further explored.

1. Introduction “contributing to” for each nutrient. These data may be found elsewhere
(Pennington & Fisher, 2010). Apart from nutrients, phytochemicals are
Bioactive compounds in foods are numerous and chemically diverse defined as the bioactive non-nutrient plant compounds in fruits, vege-
(Kris-Etherton et al., 2002; Rickman, Barrett, & Bruhn, 2007; Rickman, tables, grains and other plant food. They gather > 5000 chemicals.
Bruhn, & Barrett, 2007). In fruits and vegetables, molecules of nutri- In Western countries, fermented foods were the object of a renewed
tional interest are fibers, vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds in- interest (Ebner, Smug, Kneifel, Salminen, & Sanders, 2014). They are
cluding flavonoids, phytoestrogens, sulfur compounds, monoterpenes associated with: (1) consumers concern for nutrition-health approach of
and bioactive peptides. Their level in fruits and vegetables is a function individual diet (vitamins, pre-biotic, pro-biotic, digestibility), (2) food
of varieties, maturity and agronomical practices such as nitrogen ad- safety, as the process is natural and limit biohazardous contaminants,
dition and irrigation. Nutrients are defined as molecules required for (3) organoleptic modification of food with new aroma, texture or taste,
organism survival and growth. Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are (4) shelf life extension in particular for perishable foods, (5) simplicity
defined for nutrients. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of fibers, of preparation since process is self-conducted with a limited number of
minerals especially potassium, and vitamins, mainly vitamins C and K unitary operation, (6) valorization of unused raw vegetal material left
(Pennington & Fisher, 2010). More precisely, dark green leafy vege- over by agricultural and food industries and (7) the process is cheap and
tables like spinach and cabbages provide at least 50% DRI for vitamins energetically compatible with sustainable development (Marco et al.,
C and K. Legumes and Allium family bulbs provide 50% DRI for vitamin 2017; Montet, Loiseau, & Zakhia-Rozis, 2006; Motarjemi, 2002).
K while tomatoes and other red fruits provide 50% DRI for vitamin C. This is the consequence of the food transition that occurred in these
More than 25% DRI for folate is found in dark green leafy vegetables countries and currently arises in low and middle income countries.
and legumes and for manganese and vitamin B6 in Allium family bulbs. Food transition toward a “Western” type of diet is characterized by an
All fruits contribute significantly to vitamin C intake, but citrus fruits increased intake of calories, sugar, saturated fat and animal proteins,
may provide 40% of DRI. Composition tables particularly focus on and a decreased consumption of fruits, vegetables and fibers. This
nutrients and every food may be described as “good source of” or change of the dietary pattern is associated with a growing physical

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Septembre-Malaterre).
Received 29 April 2017; Received in revised form 27 August 2017; Accepted 9 September 2017
Available online 14 September 2017
0963-9969/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Septembre-Malaterre et al. Food Research International 104 (2018) 86–99

inactivity. Together these factors promote higher prevalence and in- their antioxidant, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and anti-inflammatory
cidence of non-communicable degenerative diseases such as obesity, properties (Andriantsitohaina et al., 2012; Coban et al., 2012;
diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies, … (Popkin, 2015). These chronic Scalbert & Williamson, 2000; Tresserra-Rimbau et al., 2014).
illnesses seem to be partially correlated with induction of unbalanced
digestive system microbiota that favor diseases (Ramchandran, 2015). 2.2. Bioactive nutritive molecules
Fermented foods would represent a mean to decrease the risk or se-
verity of Western lifestyle associated diseases through improved nu- Fruits and vegetables are consumed as sources of water, carbohy-
tritional and functional values (Hasler, 2000, 2002; Stanton, Ross, drates and essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fibers
Fitzgerald, & Sinderen, 2005). (Costa, Garcia-Diaz, Jimenez, & Silva, 2013).
This review will particularly focus on the fruits and vegetables Dietary fibers whether soluble of insoluble are a group of polymers
phytochemical, as bioactive non-nutrient compounds, their production with heterogeneous structures (polysaccharides, lignin). Fruits and ve-
through the fermentation process and their potential interest for human getables content in fibers usually ranges from 1 to 5.4 g per 100 g of
health. fresh weight. In consequence, fruits and vegetables are effective on
physiological parameters such as satiety, gastrointestinal tract phy-
2. Nutritional compounds and phytochemicals in fruits and siology, metabolic parameters (post-prandial lipemic response, long
vegetables term basal lipemia) and microorganism local population through pre-
biotic effects (Eswaran, Muir, & Chey, 2013). In addition, consumption
2.1. Fruit and vegetable composition and diet of fruits and vegetables helps covering fiber requirements with con-
tained energy intake when compared to refined foods (Chang,
Fruits and vegetables rich diet is well established for its efficiency to Alasalvar, & Shahidi, 2016).
promote human health, in particular to regulate the body weight Carbohydrate intake from vegetables varies from 1 to 9% (from
(Estruch et al., 2013; Mozaffarian, 2016). Consumption of fruits and aerial parts such as salads, to roots such as carrots, respectively)
vegetables is considered by many organizations (World Health Orga- whereas for fruits it varies from 5 to 22% of fresh weight (citrus or
nization—WHO, Food and Agriculture Organization— FAO, United strawberry to grapes or banana respectively). Major nutritional com-
States Department of Agriculture—USDA and European Food Safety positions of commonly consumed fruits and vegetables are listed in
Authority—EFSA) as a major public health issue and is the subject of Table 1 (US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,
nutritional recommendations worldwide (Ragaert, Verbeke, 2016).
Devlieghere, & Debevere, 2004; Su & Arab, 2006). In fact, the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans published in 2016 advises that half our meal Table 1
should be composed of fruits and vegetables. Many health policies insist Major nutritional components of commonly used fruits and vegetables.
on increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables due to the resulting
Fruits and vegetables Fiber Carbohydrate Energy
health benefits (Djuric, 2011; Tiwari & Cummins, 2013).
Foods of vegetable origin are characterized by low caloric intake g/100 g fresh weight kcal
(due to their high water and low fat content). It is mostly composed of
high content of carbohydrates, fibers, minerals and micronutrients of Artichoke 5.40 10.51 47.00
Asparagus 2.10 3.88 20.00
interest, including carotenoids, vitamins, minerals and polyphenols
Broccoli 2.60 6.64 34.00
(Yahia, 2009). These bioactive compounds are considered as molecules Cabbage 2.50 5.80 25.00
with therapeutic potential that can exert actions on energy intake, Carrot 2.80 9.58 41.00
while decreasing excessive oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory state and Cauliflower 2.00 4.97 25.00
metabolic disorders (Siriwardhana et al., 2013). Indeed, a diet enriched Celery 1.60 2.97 16.00
Eggplant 3.00 5.88 25.00
in fruits and vegetables has a positive impact on several chronic con- Garlic 2.10 33.06 149
ditions, such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular and neurode- Leek 1,8 14,15 61
generative diseases (Leite et al., 2011). Lettuce 1,3 2,87 15
A growing interest is brought to the antioxidant micronutrients Onion 1,7 9,34 40
Potato 2,5 12,44 58
owing to the diverse biological properties that they would be able to
Pumpkin 0,5 6,5 26
exert. For decades, these compounds have been correlated to a risk Radish 1,6 3,4 16
reduction of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, Spinach 2.20 3.63 23.00
diabetes, Alzheimer disease, cataracts and age-related functional de- Tomato 1,2 3,89 18
cline. Human cells are constantly exposed to oxidizing agents and a key- Zucchini 1,1 3,11 21
Apple 1,3 12,76 48
point is to balance this oxidative effect by antioxidant mechanisms. Apricot 2 11,12 48
Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables are mainly phytochemicals, and Banana 2,6 22,84 89
more specifically phenolic compounds and carotenoids. At 1 g/day, Cherry 2,1 16,01 63
polyphenols are the most abundant antioxidants in the human diet Clementine 1,7 12,02 47
Fig 2,9 19,18 74
compared to vitamin C (90 mg daily), vitamin E (12 mg daily), and
Grapes 0,9 18,1 69
vitamin A and its precursors carotenoids (5 mg per day) Litchis 1,3 16,53 66
(Scalbert & Williamson, 2000). These compounds constitute a hetero- Mango 1,6 14,98 60
geneous group of compounds. More than 8000 molecules were identi- Melon 0,9 8,16 34
fied and classified into five main classes according to their chemical Orange 2,4 11,75 47
Papaya 1,7 10,82 43
structure: flavonoids, phenolic acids, stilbenes, lignans, and curcumi- Peach 1,5 9,54 39
noids (Manach, Scalbert, Morand, Rémésy, & Jiménez, 2004). The Pear 3,1 15,23 57
considerable diversity of their structures put polyphenols apart from Pineapple 1,4 13,12 50
other antioxidants. Their bioavailability and biologic properties vary to Plum 1,4 11,42 46
Strawberry 2 7,68 32
a great extent and are affected by their chemical structure (Manach,
Watermelon 0,4 7,55 30
Williamson, Morand, Scalbert, & Rémésy, 2005). For several years
much interest has been attributed to plant products with high poly- Ref: USDA. (2017). National nutrient database for standard reference.
phenols content due to their extensive biological potential, including Values correspond to those of fruits and vegetables raw.

A. Septembre-Malaterre et al. Food Research International 104 (2018) 86–99

Table 2
Macro and micronutrients composition of commonly used fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables Macronutrients (mg/100 g of fresh weight) Micronutrients (μg/100 g of fresh weight)

Vitamin C Phosphorous Potassium Magnesium Sodium Calcium Vitamin A Iron Selenium Copper Manganese Zinc

Artichoke 11,7 90 370 60 94 44 1 1280 0,2 230 260 490

Asparagus 5,6 52 202 14 2 24 38 2140 2,3 190 160 540
Broccoli 89,2 66 316 21 33 47 31 730 2,5 50 210 410
Cabbage 36,6 26 170 12 18 40 5 470 0,3 20 160 180
Carrot 5,9 35 320 12 69 33 835 300 0,1 40 140 240
Cauliflower 48,2 44 299 15 30 22 0 420 0,6 40 150 270
Celery 3,1 24 260 11 80 40 22 200 0,4 40 100 130
Eggplant 2,2 24 229 14 2 9 1 230 0,3 80 230 160
Garlic 31,2 153 401 25 17 181 0 1700 14,2 300 1670 1160
Leek 12 35 180 28 20 59 83 2100 1 – 480 120
Lettuce 3,7 28 187 3 28 36 370 860 0,6 30 250 180
Onion 7,4 29 146 10 4 23 0 210 0,5 40 130 170
Potato 11,4 38 413 21 16 9 0 730 0,5 120 140 290
Pumpkin 9 44 340 12 1 21 426 800 0,3 130 120 320
Radish 14,8 20 233 10 39 25 0 340 0,6 50 70 280
Spinach 28,1 49 558 79 – 99 469 2710 1 130 900 530
Tomato 16 29 212 8 42 5 75 470 0,4 60 90 140
Zucchini 34,1 93 459 33 3 21 25 790 0,3 100 200 830
Apple 4,6 11 107 5 1 6 3 120 0 30 40 40
Apricot 10 23 259 10 1 13 96 390 0,1 80 80 200
Banana 8,7 22 358 27 1 5 3 260 1 80 270 150
Cherry 10 15 173 11 0 13 3 360 0 60 – 70
Clementine 48,8 21 177 10 1 30 – 140 10 40 20 60
Fig 2 14 232 17 1 35 7 370 0,2 70 130 150
Grapes 3,2 20 191 7 2 10 3 360 0,1 130 70 70
Litchis 71,5 31 171 10 1 5 0 310 0,6 150 60 70
Mango 36,4 14 168 10 1 11 54 160 0,6 110 60 90
Melon 36,7 15 267 12 16 9 169 210 0,4 40 – 180
Orange 53,2 14 181 10 0 40 11 100 0,5 40 30 70
Papaya 60,9 10 182 21 8 20 47 250 0,6 40 40 80
Peach 6,6 20 190 9 0 6 16 250 0,1 70 60 170
Pear 4,3 12 116 7 1 9 1 180 0,1 80 50 100
Pineapple 47,8 8 109 12 1 13 3 290 0,1 110 930 120
Plum 9,5 16 157 7 0 6 17 170 0 60 50 100
Strawberry 58,8 24 153 13 1 16 1 410 0,4 50 390 140
Watermelon 8,1 11 112 10 1 7 28 240 0,4 40 40 100

Ref: USDA. (2017). National nutrient database for standard reference.

Values correspond to fruits and vegetables raw.

Fruits and vegetables are a significant source of vitamins, minerals (Stan, Kar, Stoner, & Singh, 2008). Besides beneficial properties for
and antioxidants. They may contain substantial amounts of potassium, human health, phytochemicals are responsible for color, flavor and
calcium (citrus, cabbages), magnesium, iron (leafy vegetables), copper odor (Miglio, Chiavaro, Visconti, Fogliano, & Pellegrini, 2008). Their
(leafy vegetables) and sulfur (cabbage, onions, garlic, leeks, turnips, content is influenced by crop type, variety, environmental conditions,
radishes). Fruits are usually low in sodium and contain trace minerals. location, germination, maturity, processing and storage (Björkman
Fruits and vegetables are also rich in water-soluble vitamins such as et al., 2011; Carbone, Giannini, Picchi, Lo Scalzo, & Cecchini, 2011).
vitamin C (cabbages, leafy vegetables, tomatoes, citrus fruits, currants, Phenolic compounds are one of the main class of plant secondary
blackcurrants, strawberries …), vitamins of the B group and car- metabolites and among the most abundant natural antioxidants in the
otenoids, precursors of vitamin A. Micro and macronutrients composi- diet. Polyphenols would be involved in the prevention of various
tion of commonly consumed fruits and vegetables is listed in Table 2 pathologies associated with oxidative stress, such as cancer, neurode-
(US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, 2016). generative or cardiovascular diseases (Robards et al., 1997; Yao et al.,
2004). These health benefits are based on their structure characterized
2.3. Phytochemicals: non-nutritive by one or more phenolic groups bearing at least one hydroxyl group
(OH) (Hennebelle, Sahpaz, & Bailleul, 2004). Phenolic potential of
2.3.1. Diversity of compounds fruits depends on many external factors (climatic conditions, technical
Phytochemicals are secondary metabolites synthetized by plants, itineraries, origins) and internal factors (physiological state of the fruit,
also known as bioactive compounds, (Yao et al., 2004). They can be position of the fruit on the tree, genotype) (Dragovic-Uzelac, Levaj,
described as chemicals compounds that may affect health, but are not Mrkic, Bursac, & Boras, 2007; Renard, Dupont, & Guillermin, 2007)
essential nutrients (Temple, 2000). Phytochemicals from vegetables (Renard et al., 2007). According to their structure, polyphenols can be
and fruits are used against free radicals and oxidative damage asso- classified into 5 major families: phenolic acids, flavonoids, lignans,
ciated with chronic diseases (Tiwari & Cummins, 2013). They include stilbenes and curcuminoids (Panickar & Anderson, 2011). The main
several families of molecules, such as glucosinolates, flavonols, iso- food sources are fruits, vegetables, derived beverages (wine, tea, coffee,
flavones, phenolic acids, flavones, phytoestrogens and carotenoids. and fruit juices), cereals, oilseeds and pulses. Fruits and vegetables
In general, these compounds demonstrate properties such as anti- contribute to about one half of the total nutritional intake of poly-
oxidant (D.-O. Kim, Padilla-Zakour, & Griffiths, 2006), anti-in- phenols, the other half being provided by derived beverages (Brat et al.,
flammatory (Vincent, Bourguignon, & Taylor, 2010), lipid profile al- 2006). In most cases, foods contain complex mixtures of polyphenols.
teration (Wang, Melnyk, Tsao, & Marcone, 2011) and antitumor effects

A. Septembre-Malaterre et al. Food Research International 104 (2018) 86–99

2.3.2. Phenolic acids bean, hazelnut) (Gu et al., 2004). Proanthocyanidins contribute to the
Phenolic acids are classified in two classes of compounds: benzoic flavor of food. They form molecular complexes with salivary proteins,
acid derivatives (or hydroxybenzoic acids) and cinnamic acid deriva- are responsible for the bitterness of chocolate and astringency of certain
tives (or hydroxycinnamic acids). fruits (grapes, peaches, persimmons, apples, …) as well as some drinks
Derivatives of benzoic acid are present in fruits and vegetables such as wine, cider, tea or beer (Rasmussen, Frederiksen, Struntze
mostly in the conjugated form (esters or glycosides) but can also be Krogholm, & Poulsen, 2005; Santos-Buelga & Scalbert, 2000; Tanaka
found in the free form. Their content in edible plants is generally very et al., 1994).
low, with the exception of some red fruits, black radishes and aromatic Anthocyanins are found in red wine, varieties of cereals, vegetables
plants (e.g., protocatechic acid in raspberries) (Cabrini et al., 2001). and tubers (eggplant, cabbage, beans, onions, radish), but they are
Hydroxybenzoic acids can be esterified with glucose molecule to give more abundant in fruits. Their content in food is generally proportional
more complex structures called hydrolyzable tannins to the intensity of the color of the product (high value in blackberries).
(Clifford & Scalbert, 2000), such as gallotannins found in mangoes and These values increase as the fruit ripens. Anthocyanidins are mainly
ellagitannins in berries (Clifford & Scalbert, 2000). found in the skin of the fruit (Clifford, 2000a; Manach et al., 2004).
Hydroxycinnamic acids are extensively found in caffeic acid form Chalcones are poorly present in the diet due to their transformation
(D'Archivio et al., 2007) and are abundant in some vegetables such as into acidic flavanones, mainly during the extraction stages. The most
eggplant (D'Archivio et al., 2007; Nicholson, Tucker, & Brameld, 2008). studied are phloretin and its glycoside, phloridine (phloretin 2′-O-glu-
Para-coumaric acid is found in spinach (Clifford, 2000b). Hydro- coside) that are abundant in apples (Scalbert & Williamson, 2000;
xycinnamic acids are rarely present in free form and are found mainly Tomas-Barberan & Clifford, 2000).
in conjugated forms (glycosylated or esters) (Manach et al., 2004). The
most common conjugate is chlorogenic acid, which is found in many 2.3.4. Lignans
fruits and in potatoes (Clifford, 2000b). Lignans are present mainly in flax seed, which contains secoisolar-
iciresinol, as well as small amounts of matinesinol
2.3.3. Flavonoids (Adlercreutz & Mazur, 1997). Other cereals (triticale and wheat), fruits
Flavonoids are the most abundant polyphenols in the diet and > (pears and plums), some vegetables (garlic, asparagus and carrots) and
4000 compounds have been identified (D'Archivio et al., 2007). Fla- legumes such as lentils also contain lignans but at 1000 times lower
vonoids are found throughout the plant kingdom, especially in medic- than in linseed (Adlercreutz & Mazur, 1997). The intestinal microflora
inal and aromatic plants, fruits and vegetables (Verhoeyen et al., 2002). metabolizes the lignans into enterodiol and enterolactone, thus they are
They may be subdivided into eight subclasses (Crozier, considered phytoestrogens (Heinonen et al., 2001), notably present in
Jaganath, & Clifford, 2009): flavones, Isoflavones, flavonols, flava- apples (Scalbert & Williamson, 2000). Phytoestrogens present in fruits
nones, flavanols, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, chalcones/dihy- and vegetables have attracted much interest due to their potential
drochalcones. protective effects against various disease conditions such as cancer,
Flavones are mainly found in parsley and celery or moderately in cardiovascular disease (CVD), osteoporosis, and menopausal symptoms
red pepper (Erdman et al., 2007). The glycosides of flavones, in parti- (Bradford & Awad, 2007; John, Sorokin, & Thompson, 2007).
cular luteolin and apigenin, are present in cereals such as millet and
wheat (Manach et al., 2004). 2.3.5. Stilbenes
Isoflavones are contained almost exclusively in legumes and more Stilbenes are poorly present in human food and the main re-
particularly in the Fabaceae. Soy and its by-products are the main presentative is resveratrol, which exists in cis and trans forms.
sources in human diet (Aedin Cassidy, Hanley, & Lamuela-Raventos, Trans‑resveratrol is mainly present in the skin of grape (Frémont,
2000). Three main molecules have been identified in soybean: genis- 2000). Concentration of trans‑resveratrol in wine is partly determined
tein, daidzein and glycitein (Coward, Smith, Kirk, & Barnes, 1998). by the steps of maceration with the skin and grape seeds (Fernández-
Isoflavone content is highly variable in foods derived from soybeans but Mar, Mateos, García-Parrilla, Puertas, & Cantos-Villar, 2012; Romero-
is found in large quantities in soy-based fermented products (Aedin Pérez, Ibern-Gómez, Lamuela-Raventós, & de La Torre-Boronat, 1999).
Cassidy et al., 2000). It is also present in red and white grape juice (Romero-Pérez et al.,
Flavonols are the most common flavonoids in the plant kingdom, 1999). In addition, trans‑resveratrol is also found in 72 other plant
with the exception of algae and mushrooms. Their main representatives species, such as blackberries and peanuts as well as medicinal plants
are quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin and isorhamnetin. They are gen- (Crozier et al., 2009; Hurst et al., 2008).
erally present at relatively low concentrations (onion is the richest food
in quercetin). Fruits may contain between 5 and 10 different flavonol 2.3.6. Curcuminoids
glycosides. The four most frequent flavanones are naringenin, hesper- Curcuminoids are the majority compounds of the curcuma rhizome
etin, eriodictyol and isosakuranetin. They are characteristic of citrus with a content of 20 to 80 g/kg, responsible for the yellow color of this
fruits (lemons, mandarins, grapefruits and oranges). Aglycones such as spice and numerous biological activities such as antitumor and neuro-
naringenin confer a bitter taste in grapefruits, while rutinoids (narir- protective effects (Aggarwal, Sundaram, Malani, & Ichikawa, 2007).
utin, hesperidin, etc.) give a less pronounced flavor in oranges and
lemons (Leuzzi, Caristi, Panzera, & Licandro, 2000; Tomas- 2.4. Other molecules with beneficial health effects
Barberan & Clifford, 2000).
Flavanols and proanthocyanidins are the major flavonoids in the Glucosinolates is a large family of molecules composed of a β-D-
human diet. They exist both in the form of monomers (catechins) and in thioglucose group, a sulfonated oxime moiety and a variable side-chain
the form of polymers (proanthocyanidins). The main catechins present derived from amino acids (methionine, tryptophan or phenylalanine
in the fruits are catechin and epicatechin, while epigallocatechin, epi- and some branched chain amino acids). These compounds are present
catechin gallate and epigallocatechin gallate are found in some legume in Brassica vegetables like cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, mustard,
seeds, grapes and especially tea (Arts, van de Putte, & Hollman, 2000a, garden cress and Brussels sprouts. Glucosinolate biosynthesis is a very
2000b). Catechins are present in many fruits such as apricots and complex process involving three distinct stages: side chain elongation,
cherries and also in red wine but green tea is the main source nucleus structure formation and side chain changes, thus generating a
(D'Archivio et al., 2007; Hara, 2011). large variety of glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are not biologically ac-
Proanthocyanidins are particularly abundant in fruits (apple, plum, tive, only their enzymatic derivatives are. They are inactive as long as
strawberry, …), wine, chocolate and some dried vegetables (common they are located into their sub-cellular compartments. However, the

A. Septembre-Malaterre et al. Food Research International 104 (2018) 86–99

endogenous enzyme myrosinase catalyses the hydrolysis of glycosidic anti-nutritional effects, phytates are the only source of phosphorus in
bond releasing glucose (sugar part) and bioactive breakdown com- legumes and their concentrations can reach 10% of dry matter (Bora,
pounds (non-sugar part or aglycone). Myrosinase (EC is acti- 2014).
vated upon plant tissue disruption, caused by harvest, pests, processing Lectins are proteins that bind specifically and reversibly to some
or consumption (Johnson, 2002; Petropoulos, Gioia, & Ntatsi, 2017). carbohydrates. They are found in leguminous seeds (lentils, beans,
The biological properties of glucosinolate breakdown products, espe- peas). Lectin ingestion reduces the absorption efficiency of digested
cially isothiocyanates, are related to their ability to block the cell cycle products. Being partially resistant to proteolytic enzymes in vivo, Lectin
and induce apoptosis in several types of cancer cells, exerting thus action on the intestine is manifested by severe lesions of the brush
anticarcinogenic effects. Indoles and isothiocyanates are responsible for border membrane, a reduction of the size of the villi, an abnormal
chemoprotective effects. Other health-promoting effects of iso- development of microvilli and an increase in cell turnover, followed by
thiocyanates are related to their antioxidant properties. a significant reduction of the digestion and absorption capacities of the
intestine. Weight loss, nutrient malabsorption, and long-term growth
2.5. Anti-nutrients retardation are the results of ingesting lectin-rich foods.
Oligosaccharides are present at high levels in legume seeds (up to
Plants synthesize secondary metabolites to protect themselves from 20%). The main compounds found in legumes are verbascose, stachyose
various attacks (insects, pathogens, unfavorable growing conditions, and raffinose. Oligosaccharides are not digested by the human or-
…). These compounds may have detrimental effects on consumers. For ganism since it does not produce the suitable enzyme for their diges-
example, potatoes contain alkaloid solanine, arsenic and nitrite, green tion: the alpha-galactosidase. Thus, once consumed, these compounds
leafy vegetables presents toxic oxalates and peas contain phytic acid, are fermented by the digestive flora of the colon, causing gas produc-
protease inhibitors and tannins (Habiba, 2002). Most anti-nutrients can tion and flatulence. Their ingestion would have prebiotic effects by
be reduced or destroyed by appropriate cooking method promoting the proliferation of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. These
(Fabbri & Crosby, 2016). Other compounds called antinutritional fac- bacteria help balancing the intestinal flora and preventing some dis-
tors may exert specific biological activities depending on their struc- eases. Positive effects are modulated by intake.
ture. Legumes are the main sources of anti-nutritional compounds in Anti-nutritional factors have negative effects on the nutritional
human diet. Common legumes include soybeans (Glycine max), black quality of the foods. As a result, it is necessary to eliminate or inactivate
gram (Phaseolus mungo), cow pea (Vigna unguiculata), dry beans (Pha- them before the plant matrix is ingested by man or animals. This can be
seolus vulgaris), winged beans (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus), chick pea carried out either by selection of the plant genotype or through post-
(Cicer arietinum L.), horse gram (Dolichos biflorus), moth bean (Vigna harvest treatment (germination, boiling, leaching, extraction fermen-
aconitifolia), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), favabeans (Vicia faba L. minor), tation, etc.). The structure of anti-nutritional factors and their chemical
grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), lentil (Lens culinaris medic), jack- properties, particularly thermal lability, determine the physical process
bean (Canavalia gladiata) and grass peas (Lathyrus sativus). Legumes that will be most effective in reducing or eliminating them, thereby
consumed in fresh forms, like green beans, young beans in their pods minimizing adverse biological effects.
and green peas, are considered as vegetables. The anti-nutritional fac-
tors predominantly present in these types of foods are lectins, trypsin 3. Traditional lactic fermented foods from fruits and vegetables
and protease inhibitors, tannins, phytic acids, saponins, phytates, glu-
cosinolates, cyanogens, phytoalexins, etc. Some of these compounds Nutrient and phytochemical content of fruits and vegetables de-
may reduce the bioavailability of certain compounds or inhibit diges- pends on cultivar, agricultural practices and ripening stage as reported
tion enzymes. for cabbage (Singh et al., 2006) and olive (Othman, Roblain, Chammen,
Hereafter is a summary of the most studied anti-nutritional factors. Thonart, & Hamdi, 2009). In cabbage, it was shown that some phyto-
Protease inhibitors or enzyme inhibitors (trypsin) form stable chemical concentration can vary up to 10-fold as a function of cultivar.
complexes with proteolytic enzymes which reduce/block their activity After harvest, and even more, after cutting, fruits and vegetables are
in the intestine. Thus their main action is to reduce the digestibility of rapidly spoiled due to the development of yeasts and molds, but also
proteins. These molecules can be classified into two broad classes: because of endogenous reactions (like anaerobic catabolism or pecti-
Kunitz trypsin inhibitors and Bowman-Birk trypsin/chymotrypsin in- nolytic activity) and mechanical damages (Barth, Hankinson, Zhuang,
hibitors. Breid, & Breidt, 2009; Toivonen & Brummell, 2008). Food transforma-
Saponins, which are glycosides of triterpenoids or steroids, are tion technologies aim at either increasing shelf-life of products, chan-
found mainly in legumes, roots but may also be present in sugar beets, ging the taste or both. A consequence is the modification of composi-
oats, and tea. They are characterized by a bitter taste, a surfactant ac- tion. For instance, decrease of water content, through drying or thermal
tivity, their ability to haemolyze red blood cells, their effect on the treatments, promotes hydrolysis or polymerization. Among food pro-
intestinal epithelium functions, favoring the passage of allergens or cessing technologies, fermentation aims at increasing shelf-life and
disrupting cell renewal. developing pleasant sensory characteristics. Fermentation belongs to
The phytic acid (or phytates) consists of an inositol radical esterified some of the most ancient food processes in human history. Since Pa-
by 6 phosphate radicals. They are present in monocotyledons (wheat, leolithic and Neolithic eras, products such as bread, wine, beer and
rice), in dicotyledons (legumes, nuts and oilseeds). Phytates are closely cheese were developed and consumed by ancient populations world-
related to proteins. They demonstrate an influence on the functional wide. Indeed, very soon, humans learned to exploit this endogenous
and nutritive properties of foods. Despite a recognized antioxidant ef- process that need very limited equipment or energy, and later on to
fect, phytates are the main chelating agents of legume seeds. During induce it. This phenomenon is natural and occurs spontaneously if raw
digestion, they form insoluble and non-digestible complexes with di- material, whether vegetal or animal, is stored of left without appro-
valent cations such as (Mg2 +, Fe2 +, Zn2 +, Ca2 + …). They are con- priate conditions of conservation. Microorganisms naturally present on
sidered mineral assimilation disturbing agents reducing mineral ele- the substrate, develop their fermentative activity. This leads to the
ments bioavailability. Phytates also influence the activity of enzymes transformation of the initial material and to modification of biochem-
such as pepsin, trypsin and amylases. They can also form complexes ical composition. Fermentation causes considerable changes that affect
with proteins which reduces their solubility and digestibility. Phytates the organoleptic properties (taste, texture and in a lesser extend color),
can also interact with starch either directly through hydrogen bonds the nutritional value and the microbial safety of food. Therefore, human
formation with a phosphate group or indirectly via proteins which re- interest in fermentation lays on the four potential advantages for food:
sults in a decrease in starch solubility and digestibility. Despite their (1) improved shelf life and safety, (2) improved nutrition health

A. Septembre-Malaterre et al. Food Research International 104 (2018) 86–99

properties, (3) organoleptic modification and (4) production of active function whether at cellular, organ or system levels. Apart from the
principles of interest (Haaland, 2007; Hussain et al., 2016; probiotic effect, the different ways by which LAB affect the nutritional
Katongole & Nicholas, 2008; Young-Hee, Tung-Ching, & Young-Chul, quality of foods are: (i) increase of nutrient density, mostly due to a
2005). Fermented foods exist for millenniums and are consumed all decrease of sugar content, (ii) hydrolysis of polymers from the raw
over the word. material and bioactive compounds content, (iii) biosynthesis of bioac-
A fermentation system is fundamentally composed of three ele- tive molecules, (iv) degradation of toxic or anti-nutritional factors and
ments: (1) the microorganisms, (2) the substrate and (3) the environ- (v) synthesis of promoters for absorption and uptake.
mental conditions. Microorganisms used for fermentation are very di-
verse. They include bacteria, yeasts and molds. Fermentation is based 4. Changes in bioactive compounds over lactic fermentation
on their action on the substrate that provides them nutrients for growth
and energy purpose. Various types of fermentation can occur (lactic, 4.1. Increase of nutrient density
alcoholic, propionic, malolactic, butyric, …) that share the same basic
feature of being an anaerobic catabolism of organic compounds whose The increase of nutrient density by lactic fermentation is mostly due
yield is lower than respiratory chain in term of energy production. to a decrease of sugar content. Catabolism of disaccharides like sucrose
Fermentation is traditionally initiated by simple processing steps, or lactose has been extensively studied for many LAB species
such as salt addition or anaerobic condition, which lead to an im- (Gänzle & Follador, 2012; Melanie Kostinek et al., 2005; Lynch et al.,
balance of natural microbiota. Consequently, to salt addition and en- 2015). Catabolism of disaccharides and of oligosaccharides implies the
closure of food in hermetic jars, anaerobic salt-resistant microflora is transport of these molecules inside the cell where hydrolytic enzymes
favored and the most rapid to grow colonize the food. Amazingly, are located. Starch is a polysaccharide for which extracellular enzymes,
fermentation has been implemented worldwide empirically with si- amylases, are produced. Sucrose is one of the main oligosaccharides in
milar methods and has resulted in a very large diversity of food pro- fruits. Interestingly, for short duration fermentation processes i.e. 17 to
ducts with different tastes (Franz et al., 2014; Lan et al., 2013; Nuraida, 24 h, under acidic conditions, sugar concentration essentially decreases
2015; Peres, Peres, Hernández-Mendoza, & Malcata, 2012; Sagdic, over prolonged storage under refrigerated conditions (Di Cagno et al.,
Ozturk, Yapar, & Yetim, 2014; Singh, Lee, & Lee, 2017). Among the 2009, 2011). In these conditions, metabolic activity of LAB is required
most popular fermented vegetables, cabbage is in first place: sauerkraut to ensure intracellular pH homeostasis and thus a high viability. This
in Europe and Western Asia, Kimchi in Eastern Asia, Dhamuoi in metabolic process requires energy for proton-motive force main-
Vietnam and Cortido in Latin America (Kusznierewicz et al., 2008; Park tenance. One could suppose that sugar consumption over storage is
et al., 2012). Fermented leaves are another popular foods, like black related to this requirement of energy. On the opposite, sucrose, glucose
tea, cassava leaves or mustard leaves (Fessard, Bourdon, and fructose were totally depleted over cabbage or leek fermentation
Payet, & Remize, 2016; Lan et al., 2013; Paludan-Müller, Huss, & Gram, when fermentation lasted several weeks (Jung et al., 2013; Wouters,
1999). Besides, radish, cucumber, olives, carrots, onions, Jack-fruit and Bernaet, et al., 2013; Wouters, Grosu-Tudor, Zamfir, & De Vuyst, 2013).
beetroots are fermented and called pickles (Gardner, Savard, Conversely, hydrolysis of polysaccharides occurs thanks to numerous
Obermeier, Caldwell, & Champagne, 2001; Juvonen et al., 2015; glucosidases and glycosyl hydrolases which release monomers of su-
Saeedi, Shahidi, Mortazavi, Milani, & Yazdi, 2015). Among fruits, fer- gars.
mented lemon, but also durian fruit, and green mango are produced (Di Fermentation also contributes to increase protein, peptides and
Cagno, Coda, De Angelis, & Gobbetti, 2013; Randazzo et al., 2016; amino acid content in foods from legumes. This leads to the opportunity
Sagdic et al., 2014). Lastly, fermented beverages like non-dairy kefir of using fermented vegetal products as an alternative and more sus-
and Kombucha (fermented brewed tea) result from complex microbial tainable source of proteins to animal proteins in North and South
fermentation ecosystem including LAB and yeasts (Chakravorty et al., countries (Oguntoyinbo et al., 2016). Therefore, such possibility might
2016). contribute to food security in countries with limited access to meat
Although in some cases the microbial species driving fermentation protein sources but also in Western diet to replace animal proteins,
are not precisely known, in many cases LAB are involved. Usually tra- thereby limiting associated health, ethical and environmental issues.
ditional fermented vegetables and fruits harbor a multi-species eco-
system. The most frequent species of LAB involved on fruits or vege- 4.2. Hydrolysis of phenolic compounds
tables fermentation are Lactobacillus plantarum, Lb. brevis, Lb.
rhamnosus, Lb. acidophilus, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lc. citreum, Lc. Most of studies have focused on changes of antioxidant activity of
fallax, Lc. kimchi, Pediococcus pentosaceus, P. acidilactici, Weissella con- foods over fermentation (Table 3). From collected data, a high diversity
fusa, W. cibaria. During the last three centuries, with the improvement of patterns is observed. For instance, for cabbage, opposite trends in
of scientific knowledge and tools, fermentation evolved from a tradi- antioxidant values over fermentation were obtained in different studies,
tional small scale community centered process to an industrialized but the starter strains, the fermentation conditions and the antioxidant
controlled large scale market process with associated constraints among assay differed between the studies. All these factors could easily explain
which safety and constant repeatable quality. Nowadays, especially in the observed apparent discrepancies. As a whole, a lot of studies, per-
Western countries, fermentation process is well controlled and starters formed with different substrates, with spontaneous fermentation or
are increasingly used (Corsetti, Perpetuini, Schirone, Tofalo, & Suzzi, different starter strains and with different assays to evaluate anti-
2012; Hammes, 1990; Leroy & De Vuyst, 2004). However, 90% of fer- oxidant activity, did not succeed demonstrate predictable changes in
mented foods over the word are still produced with natural auto- antioxidant activity over fermentation. However, a common conclusion
chthonous flora (Tamang, Shin, Jung, & Chae, 2016). The development for several works is that the selection of starter can contribute to
of starters emerged to ensure a constant foods sensory quality, but also maintain or to increase antioxidant activity when compared to spon-
to improve safety. Other functional properties of starters, used for se- taneous fermentation. Changes in antioxidant activity point out that
lection purposes, are degradation of toxic and anti-nutritional com- modifications of composition occur over fermentation. One of the main
pounds, synthesis of bioactive molecules including antioxidants, en- mechanism that could explain antioxidant activity variation is the re-
hancement of the bio-availability of nutritive compounds and lease of bioactive compounds from conjugated phytochemicals. Meta-
contribution to probiotic effect of foods. Physiological impacts that bolism of phenolic compounds by LAB has been reviewed by Rodriguez
were demonstrated to promote human health can be non-specific nu- et al. (2009). Interestingly, among LAB, Lb. plantarum is of great interest
tritional impact (provide essential nutrients needs, correct a deficiency) since it possesses enzymes leading to the production of high-added
and often can go beyond with a specific physiological impact on a body value compounds, such as powerful antioxidants (hydroxytyrosol and

Table 3
Antioxidant activity modulation over lactic fermentation of fruits and vegetables.

Raw material Microorganisms Condition Antioxidant assay Observation Reference

Cabbage (Kimchi) Spontaneous (W. koreensis, L. brevis, Leu. gelidum) Short term: < 7 d; over TPC Values in over ripened kimchi are higher
ripened: > 2 y at 4 °C DPPH than in short term fermented
White cabbage Leu. mesenteroides CECT 219 or L. plantarum CECT 748 or both 7 d at room temperature ORAC Increase from 100% to 190%
A. Septembre-Malaterre et al.

Cabbage L. plantarum ATCC8014; L. rhamnosus ATCC9595 or L. brevis 24 h 37 °C, pH-controlled at 7 TPC, TFC 15–24% decrease, strain-dependent
ATCC8287 DPPH 5–13% decrease, strain-dependent
FRAP Slight decrease, strain-dependent
Leek L. plantarum IMDO 788, L. sakei IMDO 1358, or Leu. With salt 2.5%, 18 °C 3 weeks ORAC Increase by 17 to 51% Wouters, Bernaet, et al.,
mesenteroides IMDO 1347 DPPH Constant to high decrease depending on 2013
TPC Slightly higher
Korean leek (Allium tuberosum Rottler) W. confusa LK4 or L. plantarum LK8 48 h 30 °C TPC Increase of TPC over 48 h with LK8
DPPH No significant change
FRAP Decrease in spontaneous fermentation
whereas 20% increase in observed for the
Soybean L. plantarum KFRI00144, L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis 48 h 37 °C DPPH Increase by 1.9–2.3 fold Young-Hee et al., 2005
KFRI01181, Bifidobacteria thermophilum KFRI00748, or B. ABTS Increase by 2.5–3.0 fold
breve K-101
Tomato juice E. faecium/faecalis POM3, L. brevis POM2 and L. plantarum 17 h 25 °C, then 40 d 4 °C ABTS Constant whereas control TAA decreased by Di Cagno et al., 2009
POM1 and POM35 2.5 to 3-fold
L. plantarum LP254
Red (RS) and green (GS) smoothies P. pentosaceus SWE5, L. plantarum POM1, Pr3 and W. cibaria 24 h 25 °C, followed by 30 d DPPH Decrease by 10% until end of storage Di Cagno et al., 2011
B6 (RS) OR L. plantarum K3 and F6, and L. pentosus P1 (GS) 4 °C TPC Constant

Carrots, fennels, melons, onions, Commercial water 48 h 25 °C TPC Slight to 49% (fennel) decrease, juice
tomatoes or strawberries Kefir (mix of L. fermentum, L. kefiri, Lc. lactis, Leu. mesenteroides DPPH dependent
and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Moderate changes (increase or decrease),
juice dependent
Apple, quince, grape, kiwifruit, prickly Commercial water 48 h 25 °C TPC Slight to 53% (grape) decrease, juice Randazzo et al., 2016
pear or pomegranate juice Kefir DPPH dependent
Slight to 19% (grape) decrease, juice
Sweet cherry puree added with stem P. pentosaceus SWE5 and L. plantarum FP3 36 h 25 °C TPC No variation Di Cagno et al., 2011
infusion DPPH Decrease by 13% over started fermentation,
by 30% for unstarted
Pomegranate L. plantarum C2, POM1 or LP09 120 h at 30 °C, then 30 d at TPC, DPPH Decrease, but in a lesser extend for started
4 °C juice
Pear juice (four cultivars) L. acidophilus 72 h 37 °C TPC Significant decrease within 24 h
DPPH Increase or decrease depending on cultivar
and time
Pineapple juice L. plantarum 1OR12 and L. rossiae 2MR10 24 h 25 °C DPPH Spontaneous fermented juice is less
antioxidant than started
Pineapple Leu. pseudomesenteroides S14, W. cibaria S27 48 h 25 °C ORAC, ABTS, DPPH, No significant change Increase by 25% for Fessard et al., 2016
hemolysis S14
TPC Slight increase for S27
LDL oxidation
Tea L. plantarum ASCC 292 and L. brevis NPS-QW 145 48 h 37 °C TPC, HPLC Increase in phenolic acids, derivatives, and Zhao & Shah, 2016
flavan-3-ols; decrease in flavonols
DPPH Increase by 9–11%
Cellular ox Increase by 8–15%

TPC: total phenolic content, TFC: total flavonoids content, DPPH: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl assay, ORAC: oxygen radical absorbance capacity, FRAP: ferric reducing antioxidant power, ABTS: 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic
acid) assay, LDL: low density lipoprotein.
Food Research International 104 (2018) 86–99
A. Septembre-Malaterre et al. Food Research International 104 (2018) 86–99

Fig. 1. Tannins gallic acid hydrolysis into pyrogallol

during fermentation.


Gallic acid Pyrogallol

pyrogallol) or food additives approved as flavouring agents (4-vinyl resulted in an increase of antioxidant activity (Kusznierewicz,
phenol and 4-vinyl guaiacol) (Rodriguez et al., 2009). Pyrogallol is Śmiechowska, Bartoszek, & Namieśnik, 2008). The gradual release of
formed by Lb. plantarum in two steps involving first tannic acid hy- substances with antioxidant activity from fresh cabbages was recorded.
drolysis by a tannase activity leading to gallic acid which is subse- Similar observations were made with fermented Chinese cabbage (E. K.
quently transformed by a gallate decarboxylase activity in pyrogallol Kim et al., 2011; Sun, Chou, & Yu, 2009): an increase in radical
(Fig. 1). Tannase, named tannin acyl hydrolase (E.C., is an scavenging activity was noticed after cabbage fermentation compared
esterase acting on hydrolysable tannins and releasing glucose and gallic to control fresh cabbage. Total phenolic compounds level increased
acid. In 2004, Vaquero et al. (Vaquero, Marcobal, Muñoz, more than flavonoids content after fermentation. A first clinical study
Marcobal, & Muñoz, 2004) investigated lactic wine-isolates and tannase with overweight and obese patients that consumed fermented cabbage
activity was only detected for Lb. plantarum. However, a subsequent showed positive effects on various factors associated with metabolic
study (Kostinek et al., 2007), on a larger panel of bacterial isolates, syndrome. In fermented cabbage, particularly high differences were
successfully detected tannase activity in Leuconostoc spp. and in Weis- found for isothiocyanate levels from decomposition of sinigrin, glu-
sella spp. coiberin and glucoraphanin (Tolonen, Rajaniemi,
Feruloyl esterase enzymes (E.C. are also known as ferulic Pihlavaa, & Johansson, 2004). The observed changes can be related to
acid esterases (FAE), cinnamoyl esterases and cinnamoyl ester hydro- Lactobacillus ability to degrade glucosinolate in allyl-isothiocyanate
lases, release ferulic acid or p-coumaric acid from conjugated phenolic (Llanos Palop, Smiths, & Brink, 1995). Knowledge of the bioavailability,
acids. Cinnamic acids (i.e., ferulic and caffeic acids) that are esterified transport and metabolism of glucosinolates after consuming Brassica
to the vegetable cell walls should be enzymatically released to be ab- vegetables is an essential prerequisite for understanding the mechan-
sorbed by intestinal cells (Scalbert, Manach, Morand, isms of their protective effects in humans. The occurrence of such
Rémésy, & Jiménez, 2005). Releasing of gallic and ellagic acids, of fla- compounds in food determines its functional and health promoting
vonoids, and of flavan-3-ols, was related to esterases activity (Curiel nature.
et al., 2015; Filannino et al., 2016; Zhao & Shah, 2016). Ferulic acid
esterase activity was particularly searched in probiotic bacteria 4.4. Bioactive peptides
(Esteban-Torres, Reveron, Mancheno, de las Rivas, & Munoz, 2013;
Hole et al., 2012; Jo, Kim, & Baik, 2014; Bioactive peptides have been mainly studied from milk or whey
Palaniswamy & Govindaswamy, 2016). This activity increases the con- hydrolysis during lactic fermentation (López-Fandiño, Otte, & van
tent of free assimilable phenolic acids, but also bound phenolic acids Camp, 2006), but also from fermented soybeans (Gibbs, Zougman,
released from fibers. However, the increase of bioavailability may be Masse, & Mulligan, 2004), and more recently from grapes (Aredes
counterbalanced by phenolic acid decarboxylase activities, also present Fernández, Stivala, Rodríguez Vaquero, & Farías, 2011) and cereal
in LAB (Filannino, Bai, Di Cagno, Gobbetti, & Gänzle, 2015). Beta-glu- flours (Coda, Rizzello, Pinto, & Gobbetti, 2012). Milk and derived whey,
cosidase is one of the major enzymes responsible for the hydrolysis of soybeans and cereals are rich in proteins, but in each of these foods the
flavonoid conjugates during bacterial fermentation. This enzyme was proteins are different. In all cases, LAB succeed in releasing bioactive
detected in many LAB species (Lee, Han, & Kim, 2012; peptides. Bioactivity of many peptides, either naturally present in raw
Michlmayr & Kneifel, 2014; Pyo, Lee, & Lee, 2005). food materials or released by food fermentation was reviewed in the
As a whole, molecular nature of phenolic compound can be mod- literature (García, Puchalska, Esteve, & Marina, 2013). Bioactive pep-
ified through fermentation leading to new derived compounds with tides are generated during fermentation process through enzymatic
biological activities potential including modification of microbiota po- proteolysis, performed by single or multiple, specific or unspecific
pulations and gut immunoglobulin levels (Massot-Cladera et al., 2014; proteases, of larger protein molecules usually not bearing any bioac-
Parkar, Trower, & Stevenson, 2013; Rodríguez, Landete, de las tivity (Humiski & Aluko, 2007). Health impacts include modulation of
Rivas, & Muñoz, 2008). In addition, polyphenols bioavailability can be immune system with associated positive influence on inflammatory
positively influenced by glucosidase, over fermentation, thereby in- processes. Reports have also shown specific activities on cardiovascular
creasing in situ radical scavenging potential as well as putative stimu- system such as inhibition of conversion enzyme and anti-atherosclerosis
lation of natural antioxidant body defenses (Escudero-López et al., effects thereby preventing hypertension co-morbidity (Sirtori, Galli,
2014; Michlmayr & Kneifel, 2014). Anderson, & Arnoldi, 2009). Bioactive peptides can regulate specific
physiological functions, such as the reduction of blood pressure or
4.3. Derivatives of glucosinolates possess free radical-scavenging activities. More specifically, the angio-
tensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) regulates blood pressure. Its inhibi-
Cabbage content in glucosinolates is high (Kusznierewicz et al., tion by bioactive peptides can exert an anti-hypertensive effect. The
2008). These substances and their decomposition products are believed antioxidant effect of peptides was related to their amino acid compo-
to act as anticarcinogens and were shown to inhibit tumor cell growth. sition, conformation and hydrophobicity. These peptides are inhibitors
The main glucosinolates hydrolysis product in fermented cabbage is of lipid peroxidation, exert a direct radical scavenging activity or che-
ascorbigen. It was shown recently that cabbage fermentation by LAB late metal ions that catalyze the generation of oxygen reactive species

A. Septembre-Malaterre et al. Food Research International 104 (2018) 86–99

Phytate Inositol
Fig. 2. Phytate enzymatic degradation during fermentation process.
Adapted from Lei & Porres, 2003.

(Rizzello et al., 2016). fructose, classified as α-D-glucans (dextran, mutan, reuteran, and al-
ternan) and β-D-glucans, whereas those containing fructose are fructans
4.5. Secondary metabolites, short chain fatty acids and vitamins (levan and inulin-types). Heteropolysaccharides are composed com-
monly by glucose, galactose, and rhamnose and in some cases by N-
Secondary metabolites generated by fermentation process are no- acetyl-D-glucosamine and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. It was demon-
tably interesting regarding health. Isoflavones, from soja for example, strated that LAB belonging to the genera Lactobacillus, Lactococcus,
were demonstrated with anti-cancer properties, limiting the onset of Leuconostoc, Pediococcus and Weissella, in particular W. cibaria, W.
breast carcinogenesis (Celligoi, Santos, da Silva, & Baldo, 2015). Poly- confusa and W. hellenica, are producing a large diversity of EPS, de-
saccharides, polyunsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols were corre- pending on the carbon source (Fessard et al., 2016; Juvonen et al.,
lated with direct significant health effects on diabetes and cardiovas- 2015; M. J. Kim, Seo, Hwang, Lee, & Park, 2008; Pan & Mei, 2010).
cular diseases including coagulation and inflammation. Conversely, The most studied health effect is indirect and called prebiotic: EPS
compounds such as sorbitol or mannitol do not demonstrate direct but stimulate the growth of probiotic bacteria. They may also be involved
indirect effects through their lower caloric impact when compared to in biofilm formation, thus helping ingested bacteria to survive in the
glucose whose glycemic index is elevated. Therefore, these compounds intestinal tract. EPS are also proposed to have direct effects, such as
reduce excessive glucose pressure on obese and diabetic subjects, immunomodulation effects, antioxidant activity and cancer prophylaxis
sparing over solicited functions such as endocrine pancreas and insulin (Caggianiello, Kleerebezem, & Spano, 2016; Franco-Robles & López,
signaling in insulin-sensitive tissues such as muscles, liver and adipose 2015; Kwak, Cho, Noh, & Om, 2014; Pan & Mei, 2010). These molecules
tissues (Michalak & Chojnacka, 2015). scavenge hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals, and non-radical
Short chains fatty acids are produced from hydrolysis of lipids. They oxidant molecules (hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen). In vivo, as
might be produced during the fermentation process and are used as tested in mice diet, EPS can stimulate the production of reactive oxygen
energy source by colon cells and leads, for example, to anticarcinogenic species detoxification enzymes, such as NADPH oxidase, catalase and
properties of the final product correlated with a higher content in bu- superoxide dismutase.
tyric acid (Parra-Matadamas, Mayorga-Reyes, & Pérez-Chabela, 2015;
Pereira-Caro et al., 2015).
Fermentation of fruits and vegetables is frequently associated with 4.7. Degradation of anti-nutritional factors
an increased content in vitamins. They notably include vitamins of the
B group as well as others such as vitamin K. Vitamins are compounds The use of fermentation as an integral part of food detoxification
without energetic value that are mandatory for human health as these processes is widely practiced. Lactic fermentation using Lb. plantarum is
molecules are co-factors of numerous enzymes involved in all types of involved in lowering anti-nutritional factors and detoxifying food. The
metabolism contributing to organs function and structure. LAB are content of proteases and trypsin inhibitor was also reduced by fer-
particularly interesting in this matter as it is possible to promote im- mentation. LAB, through their enzymatic equipment, help neutralize
provement of a predesigned B vitamin ratio content, of the fermented anti-nutritive factors such as phytates, saponins, tannins, cyanogens or
product, as a function of the starter composition used (Capozzi, Russo, trypsin inhibitors (Fig. 2) (Lai, Hsieh, Huang, & Chou, 2013).
Dueñas, López, & Spano, 2012). For example, galactosidase is able to reduce anti-nutritive factors
such as phytic acid, tannins, trypsin inhibitors (Adeyemo & Onilude,
4.6. Synthesis of exopolysaccharides 2014). This effect can be associated with modification of minerals
bioavailability (Arslan & Erbas, 2015; Gaspar & Crespo, 2015) and pro-
Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are long chains of homo- or hetero- teins whose digestibility is also favored (Kaur, Jha, Sabikhi, & Singh,
polysaccharides, consisting of (branched) repeated units of sugars or 2014). In addition, galactosidase is recognized to metabolize cyano-
sugar derivatives produced outside microbial cells. genic glucosides present in some vegetal matrixes such as cassava roots,
Homopolysaccharides are formed of repeated units of either glucose or bitter almonds or whole sorghum (Oguntoyinbo et al., 2016).

A. Septembre-Malaterre et al. Food Research International 104 (2018) 86–99

5. Bioavailability and interactions 2015). Among probiotics, LAB were described to promote im-
munomodulation, cancer prevention, lower cholesterol absorption and
5.1. Bioavailability of bioactive compounds therefore cardiovascular disease prophylaxis but also reduced food al-
lergies (Aragón, Perdigón, & de Moreno de LeBlanc, 2014). In addition,
One key issue for bioactive compounds provided by diet is their these bacteria can modify and positively influence human gut micro-
bioavailability. Bioavailability can be defined as the rate and extent to biota whose composition disturbances are known to be correlated with
which the compound is absorbed and becomes available for host cel- obesity, chronic low grade inflammation, oxidative stress and asso-
lular metabolism. It involves gastrointestinal digestion which releases ciated risk such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. These positive
the compounds from foods, absorption by epithelia cells, tissue dis- impacts on health should nonetheless be moderated since persistence of
tribution and bioactivity. Release from food is highly dependent of in- probiotics and their effects do not seem to last durably. The mechanism
testinal microbiota, digestive enzymes, and for fermented foods of in- of action of probiotics effects on health, whether local (intestine) or
gested bacteria. Molecular structure of the bioactive molecule global (whole body and functions) seems to be complex and still poorly
considerably affects its absorption: high molecular weight molecules understood in spite of the various hypothesis that probably all con-
are less absorbed and therefore cleavage of the glucoside moiety is tribute, at various degrees, to the observed health benefits. Bacter-
important for absorption of conjugated phenolic compounds. iocins, for example, are protein derived molecules, produced by bac-
Interactions with other food components, such as proteins, play also a teria during the fermentation process. These compounds have an
role (Bohn et al., 2015; Aedín Cassidy & Minihane, 2017; Rein et al., antimicrobial activity aiming at neutralizing microorganism competi-
2013). From those elements, few changes in antioxidant activity as- tion to promote dominance and supremacy of the fermentation species
sayed by in vitro tests were recorded. Deeper investigation of the over other bacteria. This ability helps preventing food contamination by
composition variation and associated in vivo testing to evaluate the undesirable or potentially pathogen bacteria. It should also be men-
effective antioxidant effect are required. As reviewed above, thanks to tioned that the impact of bacteriocins is further consolidated by
the activity of various enzymes, fermentation of fruits and vegetables changes, such as pH levels and ethanol production, in reducing the
tends to improve bio-accessibility and/or bio-availability of various contamination risks by biohazardous microflora. A missing data re-
type of compounds such as proteins, amino-acids, vitamins and anti- mains to be determined about probiotics: their safety/efficacy dose
oxidants compounds (such as polyphenols). range ratio (Parvez, Malik, Ah Kang, & Kim, 2006). Therefore, fer-
mented foods and associated probiotics interest for health needs further
5.2. Prebiotics investigations to better understand the modality of their influence
taking into account host microbiota specificity and the concepts of di-
Prebiotics are defined as “a substrate that is selectively utilized by rect local effects and indirect global effects on the human body
host microorganisms conferring a health benefit”. This updated concept (Tamang, Watanabe, & Holzapfel, 2016).
includes not only carbohydrate but also non-carbohydrate (free fatty
acids, …) types of molecules. Also, a reasonable proof of causal link 6. Conclusion
between the prebiotic and health benefits (gastrointestinal tract, car-
diovascular system, …) (Gibson et al., 2017). It is noteworthy to specify Food consumption of vegetable materials, whether fruits, vege-
that fruits and vegetable are a less valuable source of prebiotics than tables, leaves, stems, can prevent chronic diseases such as metabolic
cereals. Among prebiotics, EPS have the ability to promote specific syndrome, cancer, etc. These benefits are due to the presence of fibers
microorganisms' over other ones. The most known prebiotics such as and micronutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, but also phytochem-
fructooligosaccharide or inulin promote growth of specific probiotic icals. Low fruit and vegetable consumption is one of the top ten risk
bacteria. It should also be mentioned that prebiotics tends to positively factors for mortality. Up to 1.7 million lives could be saved each year
influence the composition of the enteric microflora thereby sustaining with adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables at the world level.
optimal health through probiotics (Arslan & Erbas, 2015). Prebiotic Therefore, in addition to fresh products, fermented foods now represent
were recorded with significant biological activity through modification an additional source of consumption of fruit and vegetable with more
of the host gut microbiota and reduction of insulin-resistance and as- diversified and sometimes improved health properties. The lactic fer-
sociated elevated blood pressure as well as overweight in obese patients mentation of these vegetable materials makes it possible to propose an
(G R Gibson & Roberfroid, 1995; Glenn R. Gibson, Probert, Loo, alternative mode of intake, with new sensory properties, for foods de-
Rastall, & Roberfroid, 2004). Isomaltooligosaccharide, produced during veloped according to a sustainable approach. Lactic fermentation
fermentation of Kimchi, demonstrated prebiotic potential on resident modifies the composition of the fermented materials and by the meta-
bacteria of colon (Cho et al., 2014). bolic microbial action can improve the beneficial health benefits of
food. The improvement of the functional properties of foods by lactic
5.3. Probiotic effect fermentation results from several mechanisms: elimination of anti-nu-
tritional factors, production of metabolites with a positive effect
Probiotics are defined as “live microorganisms that, when ad- (bioactive peptides, exopolysaccharides), improvement of the bioa-
ministered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host” vailability through polymers hydrolysis (esters of phenolic compounds),
(FAO/WHO, 2001; FAO/WHO, 2002). This definition was com- increased vitamin, mineral and phenolic compounds, leading to an in-
plemented by recommendations from a consensus panel of expert in crease in the antioxidant capacity of the product and possibly an effect
2014. It included “microbial species that have been shown (…) to on the intestinal flora and the intestinal absorption of bioactive com-
confer benefits to health” but excluded live cultures from fermented pounds. The improvement of the antioxidant properties of food by
foods unless a health benefit was proven (Hill et al., 2014). Therefore fermentation and their effects on the state of cellular oxidation or
fermented foods may be considered as potential probiotic but they have cancers development are reported in the literature. However, it seems
to be first demonstrated to have a positive influence of the consumer that these properties strongly depend on the plant material - microbial
health (Hill et al., 2014; Roberfroid, 2000). Fermented food can be strain couple and the molecular mechanisms underlying these ob-
considered as a potential delivery system for probiotics in the sense that servations are poorly documented. Indeed, very few bibliographic data
this type of food contains living bacteria of potential interest for human regarding the bioavailability and the potential health effects of the
health. The positive impact on the consumers is not limited to the di- newly formed compounds by lactic fermentation exist. Development of
gestive system as it may also positively influence other system function tools for global analysis, such as metabolomics, proteomics and tran-
such as immune or respiratory system for example (Ray & Montet, scriptomics, would considerably help in that respect. Determination of

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