Developing A Free-Fall Reactor For Rice Straw Fast Pyrolysis Toproduce Bio-Products

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Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 1305–1311

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Developing a free-fall reactor for rice straw fast pyrolysis to

produce bio-products
A.M. Shoaib a,⇑, R.A. El-Adly b,c, M.H.M. Hassanean a, A. Youssry d, A.A. Bhran a,e
Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt
Process Design & Development Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Taif University, Saudi Arabia
Suez Oil Petroleum Company, Suez, Egypt
Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University IMSIU, Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recently, the world energy demand is increasing due to the growing world population. Accordingly,
Received 2 February 2018 many research works are directed toward the new resources of renewable energy in order to compensate
Revised 19 July 2018 the shortage in petroleum based products. The use of biomass as a source for renewable energy is of
Accepted 5 August 2018
growing importance. One of the most problematic agriculture wastes in Egypt is rice straw which is gen-
Available online 3 September 2018
erated in huge amounts over a limited harvesting period. In this study the main objective is to develop
and design a new rice straw fast pyrolysis reactor that improves some inefficiencies in traditional reactors
while maintaining high bio-oil yields. To accomplish this target, a laboratory scale plant with a free-fall
Fast pyrolysis
Rice straw
reactor was designed to avoid lack of moving parts; Compared it with other plants, the designed under
Free fall reactor investigation plant has the advantage of simple design. Two basic principles were combined in the design
Pyrolysis products of the free-fall reactor; the first principle dealt with the particle heating rate, while the second considered
the particle’s free-fall velocity. Based on this developed and designed free-fall reactor, the fast pyrolysis
process of rice straw was carried out at temperatures ranging from 450 °C to 700 °C. The obtained bio-
products from this process are liquid bio-oil, bio char and non-condensable gases. The characterization
and chemical composition of the bio-oil and non-condensable gases were determined, respectively. It
was concluded that the above mentioned free-fall reactor can be used for producing useful bio-
products from rice straw and sharing to solve the most problematic agriculture waste.
Ó 2018 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction considered as biomass feedstock; such as wood, agricultural and

industrial residues (e. g. bagasse, rice straw, saw dust, waste paper,
Nowadays, there is a growing demand for sustainable energy food processing wastes, animal wastes, aquatic plants and wood
resources to overcome the increased cost of fuel and depletion of ship) [3,4].
petroleum products with increasing population. Renewable Biomass conversion into valuable hydrocarbons could be
energy, especially biomass, is a promising solution for these chal- achieved through three alternative routes; biochemical, thermo-
lenges. This will consequently reduce the resulting environmental chemical and biological processes [4]. Thermochemical processing,
hazards from fossil fuels; especially, great emissions of CO2, SOx aiming at biomass conversion into bio-oil, a solid charcoal like
and NOx [1]. material named char or bio-char and a non-condensable gas,
Biomass could be defined as any hydrocarbon that consists basi- includes gasification, liquefaction, combustion and pyrolysis.
cally of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, in addition to sul- Among these processes, pyrolysis is a promising process for bio-
fur in less percentage [2]. Many natural and derived materials are mass conversion into alternative energy in forms of biochar, bio-
oil and combustible gases. It is an oxygen-free thermochemical
decomposition of biomass to produce such valuable alternative
Peer review under responsibility of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. fuels efficiently and economically [5,6]. This process could be clas-
⇑ Corresponding author.
sified into slow (conventional), fast and/or flash pyrolysis, based on
E-mail addresses: (A.M. Shoaib), refeladly@
the operating conditions, like heating rate and pyrolysis time [7,8]. (R.A. El-Adly), (M.H.M. Hassanean), (A. Youssry), (A.A. Bhran). When the process is aimed to produce charcoal as a main product
1110-0621/Ó 2018 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1306 A.M. Shoaib et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 1305–1311

and chemicals like methanol and acetic acid, conventional pyroly- 2. Experimental
sis would be applied [9].
Fast pyrolysis has gained more attention as a flexible and attrac- 2.1. Materials
tive way for the production of bio-oil as a main product to be an
alternative to transportation fuels [10,11]. Besides, there is a major The feeds of the investigated laboratory scale plant are rice
advantage for fast pyrolysis over thermal liquefaction and gasifica- straw and pure nitrogen (99%) gas as an inert gas for the process.
tion; liquid fuels could be directly produced at atmospheric pres- Rice straw obtained from delta region in Egypt is dried and
sure, thus, reducing the high cost of high pressure systems and grinded, then, sieved to a particle size less than 1 mm. Table 1
allowing for the use of simple reactor design [6,12]. Additionally, addresses the characteristics of rice straw feedstock.
unlike other bio renewable energy platforms, it does not require
expensive catalysts or enzymes but rather uses heat to breakdown
2.2. Pyrolysis of the rice straw
lignocellulosic biomass. Another advantage of biomass fast pyroly-
sis over other renewable energy platforms (wind and solar for
Before pyrolysis, rice straw was cut and milled to a diameter
example) is the fact that a liquid energy carrier is produced.
about 1 mm. After that, the sample was dried in a vacuum oven
In fast pyrolysis, for maximum yield of bio-oil, heat is quickly
at 105 °C for 24 h. Fast pyrolysis experiments of rice straw were
injected into biomass particles, while condensable compounds
carried out in Pyrolysis pilot plant at temperatures 400 °C to
are collected efficiently and quickly from the existing stream
700 °C. This process was fitted with a nitrogen purge (1 L/min flow
[13]. Biomass, in this process, undergoes a very quick decomposi-
rate) and a thermocouple for temperature measurement. The
tion generating mostly vapors and aerosols and some charcoal
residual bio-char particles were collected as total yield of the
and gas. A homogeneous dark brown oil is produced with a lower
pyrolysis process. The total yield was determined by the difference
heating value than fuel oil. As the feed ash content is lower, a
between the weight of sample before and after the pyrolysis exper-
higher liquid yield is gained [11].
iment. The bio-oil was collected through the condensation system.
Among biomass feedstock varieties, Rice straw is concerned in
this study, as it is one of the most problematic wastes, produced
in huge amounts seasonably in Egypt; more than 3 million tons/ 2.3. Pyrolysis pilot plant description
year [14]. In addition, it has limitation toward its application in
paper making or animal fodder due to its high silica content. Fur- The pilot plant used in this study consists of a screw feeding
ther benefits could be ascribed to the converting of rice straw bio- system connected to a reactor, char catch, carbon filters (cyclone),
mass to biofuels such as: Agricultural soil improvement, waste placed for gas clean-ups, and a series of two condensing canisters
management, renewable energy production and climate change (H-shaped, vapor condensers) those are cooled by water. Nitrogen
mitigation. Many research works have paid attention to the pro- gas cylinder was used as the inert gas for the process. A Free fall
duction of biofuel from rice straw. The effect of catalyst on the dis- reactor was chosen to carry out the fast pyrolysis process at tem-
tribution of product yield and bio-oil characterization has been peratures in the range of 400–700 °C for converting raw rice straw
studied by Ahmed et al. [15], while Zolghadr [14] concerned the biomass into bio-oil, bio-char and non-condensable gas. The reac-
characteristics of the produced bio-oil experimentally on a pilot tor was heated by an electric ceramic heater. Temperature and
scale. Sukumar [2] has introduced a review for the various work pressure measurements were respectively carried out using ther-
carried out on feedstock of biomass, taking into consideration mocouples and a pressure indicator. Temperature readings in the
pyrolysis type, reactor type and bio-oil upgrading techniques. Xiu- reactor were taken at many points and the averages were
juan et al. [16] have studied physicochemical properties of bio-oil computed.
obtained from fast pyrolysis of rice husk. A complete review for The process begins by placing biomass into the feed hopper
work achieved on product properties and effects of biomass pyrol- located on top of the reactor. A ball valve type is located between
ysis parameters have been introduced by Kan et al. [17]. the feed hopper and the top of the reactor, where biomass is
Many types of reactors have been reported in literature for the allowed to travel through the reactor by free falling when this
fast pyrolysis of biomass such as Circulating fluidized beds, Bub- valve is open. The biomass flow rate is controlled by adjusting
bling fluidized bed, Fixed bed, Auger reactor Rotating cone pyroly- the valve opening. It is noticed that the first design of feeding sys-
zer, Ablative pyrolyzer, Heinze-type reactor, Vacuum pyrolysis, and tem shown in Fig. 1 has many problems during operation which
transport reactor [2]. Punsuwan and Tangsathitkulchai [18] intro- can be summarized in the difficulty of biomass falling through
duced a study for the biomass pyrolysis in a free-fall reactor. the ball valve opening. As a result, a new feeding system has been
Jahirul et al. [19] introduced an overview for the various fast pyrol- installed instead of this ineffective one.
ysis reactor types, indicating advantages and disadvantages of each The new feeding system presented in Fig. 2 consists of capacity
of them. Among various introduced reactor types, free-fall reactor hopper that stores biomass, and an auger of 2.54 cm inside diame-
has been selected to be used in this work due to lots of advantages; ter that serves for metering and injecting biomass into the reactor
mean residence time as like mass balance could be determined manually. The biomass is agitated and encouraged to exit the fee-
simply and straightforward. Residence time could also be moder- der by the walls of the hopper which flex alternately at the same
ately controlled. High heating rate could be provided efficiently
and the kinetic parameters could be conveniently examined from Table 1
the pyrolysis results [18,20]. Analysis of Egyptian rice straw (on dry basis).
Biomass is an abundant organic material composed of cellulose,
Rice Straw Component wt %
hemicellulose and lignin. It may be converted into useful products
to offset petroleum based products. Accordingly, the goal of this Pectin 2.3
Holocellulose 71
work is to develop a new biomass fast pyrolysis reactor that a-cellulose 34.94
improves upon inefficiencies in traditional reactors while main- b- hemicellulose 36.06
taining high bio-oil yields. The obtained bio-oil characteristics have Lignin 12.3
been studied, in addition to that the complete analysis of the pro- Soluble materials 14.17
Total 100
duced non-condensable gases.
A.M. Shoaib et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 1305–1311 1307

is the designed length for a complete pyrolysis of rice straw parti-

cles. The other port is located at 1.5 m from the top of the reactor
heated length to serve the decomposition of any other types of bio-
mass or a larger particles of rice straw that did not decompose
through the 1 m heated length of the reactor.
Vapors leaving the cyclone enter a bio-oil collection system.
Two bio-oil fractions are collected in two double pipes water
cooled condenser made of stainless steel and arranged in a capital
‘‘H” shape. Cooling water flows from the bottom to the top and it is
controlled manually. The two bio- oil fractions are collected in two
drains connected to ball valves and the non-condensable gases
leaves through an exit line to atmosphere.

2.4. Reactor design

As indicated before, the reactor type used in the current work

Fig. 1. First design of feeding system. for producing bio oil from rice straw feedstock is a free fall reactor.
The selection of this reactor type was due to its simplicity and the
absence of moving parts. Various configurations and sizes of free-
fall reactors have been used in a wide range of applications. Even
so, very few free-fall reactors have been constructed for the pro-
duction of bio-oil via fast pyrolysis of biomass. Designing the
free-fall reactor required a multi-disciplinary approach. The only
restriction on the design was a specified biomass feed rate of
1 kg/h. The reactor was designed in this study and constructed at
Suez oil processing company (SOPC). Reactor design and its calcu-
lations are discussed in the following sections.

2.4.1. Design principles

Two basic principles were combined in the design of the free-
fall reactor; the first principle dealt with the particle heating rate,
while the second considered the particle’s free-fall velocity. After
integrating both of these concepts, either the required wall tem-
perature of the reactor as well as its length for complete conversion
Fig. 2. New design of feeding system. can be determined.

2.4.2. Particle heating rate

speed as the metering auger. The feeder has a transparent lid to It is reported in literature that the optimum operating temper-
view the condition of the biomass during operation and it is fitted ature for fast pyrolysis is in the range of 475–525 °C [21,22]. By
with a nitrogen purge inlet. By purging a small amount of nitrogen assuming that complete pyrolysis has taken place once the center
through the hopper, a slight positive pressure is provided to dis- of a spherical biomass particle reaches 500 °C, the time needed for
courage the back flow of pyrolysis vapors into the hopper. the particle to reach this temperature should be calculated. Ignor-
The injection auger feed tube of 2.54 cm inside diameter is con- ing all effects due to shrinking and changing particle density, a
nected horizontally to the reactor; below this connection point, the lumped capacitance method can be used for determining the tran-
reactor is wrapped with a water cooling jacket. This jacket task is sient heating time [23]. The lumped capacitance approach assumes
to remove heat conducted from the reactor to ensure that the bio- a uniform temperature distribution throughout the body. Since this
mass does not begin decomposing prematurely. The cooling water can only be the case if the conductive resistance within a solid
is entering at room temperature, and the flow rate is manually con- body is zero, lumped capacitance is assumed accurate for small
trolled. The reactor was made of stainless steel (type 316) with ratios of convection at the surface of the body over conduction
2.54 cm inner diameter (schedule 40) and 2 m height. The reactor within the body. This ratio is a non-dimensional value and gener-
heated length of 1.5 m is radioactively heated using ceramic hea- ally represented by the Biot number [23], Bi, as shown in Eq. (1).
ters capable of raising the temperature up to 1000 °C.
A nitrogen cylinder is connected to the purge line feeding into Bi ¼ ð1Þ
the top of the reactor and feeder. The carrier gas serves to remove k
all oxygen from the system before starting the feeder. K-type ther- where,
mocouples are located in 0.30 m increments along the reactor. The h: the convective heat transfer coefficient at the surface of the
thermocouples serve to monitor the temperature of the biomass body
particles that are rapidly heated as they fall through the reactor. k: the conductive heat transfer coefficient within the body; it is
On average, over 98% of the produced char is collected at the also called as thermal conductivity.
bottom of the reactor in a stainless steel catch of 0.076 m diameter Lc: The characteristic length; it is defined as the ratio of an
and 0.20 m height. This catch is heated by a ceramic barrel heater objects volume, V, to its surface area, As, as given in Eq. (2) [23]:
to prevent condensation of vapors. The vapors and non-
condensable gas which are produced from the high-temperature Lc ¼ ð2Þ
reaction exit the reactor from two separated vapor ports and enter
a heated cyclone particulate filter to remove any entrained char. In general, the lumped capacitance method is applicable if Bi
The first vapor port is located at 1 m from the reactor top which 0.1. In order to find the Biot number, the convective and conductive
1308 A.M. Shoaib et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 1305–1311

heat transfer coefficients as well as the particle size must be 2.5. Design case
defined. Since the biomass particles would be free-falling through
a heated reactor tube, the only heat transfer to the particles is due The next sections are directed to the design of a lab scale unit
to convection and radiation. that can be used for converting rice straw biomass into valuable
Bohn and Benham, 1984 concluded that radiation heat transfer biofuels such as bio-char which is produced in a large amount.
is the primary means by which particles are heated within an The important design parameters is the calculation of radiation
entrained flow reactor. To account for this, a radiation heat transfer heat transfer coefficient, time required to heat the particle to
coefficient, hrad, was derived as shown in the following equation 500 °C, particle terminal settling velocity, produced amount of
[23]: char, and the char collector size.
r T 2pþ T 2wall T pþ T wall 2.5.1. Calculation of radiation heat transfer coefficient
hrad ¼ ð3Þ
ep  1 þ F112 Design first step considers the calculation of radiation heat
transfer coefficient (hrad) assuming the following: The reactor
where r is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Tp is the particle tem- diameter D = 900 lm, Tp = 298 °K, Twall = 923 °K (maximum wall
perature, Twall is the reactor wall temperature, ep is the emissivity temperature), r ¼ 5:67x108 mW (Stephan Boltzmann constant),
2 :k4
of the particle and F12 is the view factor from the particle to the
reactor wall. The view factor can be estimated by defining the bio-
ep = 1, and view factor = 0.7. According to the above mentioned
assumptions, the calculated hrad with regarding to Eq. (3) is 45.6
mass particle as a cube. Assuming the particle cannot touch the W
reactor wall through the top and bottom faces of the cube due to m2 :k
the other particles falling before and after it, the view factor can
be approximated to be somewhere between 2/3 and 1. By choosing 2.5.2. Calculation of required time
a view factor of 0.7 and assuming that the biomass particle enters The time required to heat the particle to 500 °C is calculated
the reactor at room temperature and that the particle is a black- according to the lumped system method. To apply this method,
body, only the wall temperature is undefined. the Biot number should be lower than or equals to 0.1
Assuming that complete pyrolysis occurs when the particle
reaches 500 °C, the next step is to calculate the time required for h:Lc 45:6  900
Bi ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:1
a particle to reach that temperature. Using a lumped capacitance k 0:068  6  106
approach, Eq. (4) can be solved for t (the time required to reach a
specified temperature) as a function of temperature T(t) as As the Biot number is equal to 0.1; thus lumped capacitance
described below [23]: analysis can be applied for the present case. With T O ¼ 773;
T i ¼ 298, qricestraw ¼ 200 mkg3 , and specific heat capacity of biomass
TO  T1
¼ ebt ð4Þ kJ
C p ¼ 1:3 kgK , the value of time constant b can be estimated as
Ti  T1
where, T1 is the fluid temperature. It could be assumed that the
fluid temperature is equal to the wall temperature. Ti is the initial 45:6
b¼ ¼ 1:17
particle temperature and b is the time constant that can be calcu- 200  103  16  900  1:3
lated as below [23].
From energy balance of a solid over a finite time interval, T wall
hrad :As can be used instead of T 1 in Eq. (4) [23] and the time required to
b¼ ð5Þ
q:v :Cp reach temperature of 773 °K can be obtained.

Replacing hrad in Eq. (5) with the radiation heat transfer coeffi-
cient presented in Eq. (3) while specifying a particle density (q), a lnð500650Þ
t¼ 25650
¼ 1:21sec
specific heat (Cp), and a particle diameter, Eq. (4) can be solved for 1:17
t, the time to reach 500 °C. Note that only the radiation heat trans-
fer coefficient is substituted to be conservative.
2.5.3. Calculation of particle terminal settling velocity
The particle terminal settling velocity can be calculated accord-
2.4.3. Particle Free-fall velocity
ing to Stokes’ Law. The following properties of air and particles
Knowing the restrictions on particle size set by rapid heating to
should be considered. Air density and dynamic viscosity at
500 °C in 2 s or less, the length of the reactor can be determined. To
be conservative, all effects due to particle heating, such as changing 450 °C are qf ¼0.4880 mkg3 and l = 3.415  105 m:s kg
respectively. It
density and loss of mass were ignored. Assume that the particle should be noticed that the air density at 450 °C is less than that
free-fall velocity is the terminal settling velocity which is defined of pyrolysis vapors, therefore particle will have a higher terminal
as follow [24]: velocityut . The particle outer radius and rice straw particles densi-
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ties are:r o ¼ 900  106 m, andqp ¼ qricestraw ¼ 200 mkg3 . By substituting
4:g:2:ro: ðqp  qf Þ

ut ¼ ð6Þ with the above mentioned properties of air and particle, the value
3:qf :C D of particle terminal settling velocity can be calculated as follows:

where, ut is the particle settling velocity, r is the Stokes radius, g is vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

gravity, qp is density of the particle, qf is the density of the fluid, and u 4  9:81  900  106 ð200  0:488Þ
ut ¼ u
u :7
CD is the drag coefficient. t3  0:488fð 24
Þð1 þ :14½0:48890010
0:488900106 u t 3:415105
By calculating the time t required to heat a biomass particle to 3:415105

500 °C, ut can be obtained by solving Eq. (6) and then the reactor
length can be calculated. When particle is falling for time t (s) from By solving this equation by trial and error, the calculated value
rest, it will travelling near ut (m/s) during falling a distance L (m) of ut is 1:289 m/s. then, the minimum length required for the reac-
that can be calculated by L = ut  t. This is the length required for tor to heat a 900 lm rice straw particle to 500 °C isL ¼ 1:21x
the reactor to heat the particle to 500 °C. 1:289  1:55m.
A.M. Shoaib et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 1305–1311 1309

2.5.4. Calculation of the produced amount of char where they were condensed into bio-oils. The condensed volatiles
The produced amount of char can be estimated by assuming were finally collected in two circular tubes drains.
that 25% of biomass feed will be converted to char with a bulk den- After each run, the bio-char was obtained as a by-product and
sity of 400 kg/m3 [25]. The amount of the produced char could be separated from the char catch and the cyclone. The weight of the
determined by applying the following equation: produced char was determined, then char yield was calculated.
The non-condensable gas, together with the carrier gas (nitrogen)
Char produced ¼ t ð7Þ was vented or collected by gas sample bags and analyzed by gas
qchar chromatography (GC).
According to the above equation and after 1 h, it is found that
the calculated value of the produced bio-char is 625 cm3 at bio-
3. Results and discussion
mass feed rate of 1 kg/h,
The chemical composition of the rice straw under investigation
2.5.5. Calculation of char collector size
is summarized in Table 2, indicating the higher organic material
It is assumed that 2/3 of the char container volume is filled after
(lignocellulosic compounds) and high silica content. This reveals
1 h. This assumption is provided to prevent the particles escaping
that the higher content of ash content.
from the container in case of its volume is completely filled; this
Experimental data show that the obtained products from fast
consequently helps the particles to be re-entrained. For a radius
pyrolysis of the rice straw are bio-oil, bio-char and non-
(r) of the char collector equals 3.81 cm, the container cross section
condensable gas (NCG). Fig. 4 shows the yields of these products
area (Across) will be 45.6 cm2 and the collector height can be
as a function of process temperature in temperature range of
obtained as following: h ¼ Acrossproduced
¼ 1:5625
¼ 20:6 cm. Accord- 450–700 °C.
ingly, the char collector volume V = 45.6  20.6 = 939.3 cm3. As addressed in Fig. 4, the bio-oil liquid yields are increased
from 39.2 to 46.0 wt% as the temperature increases from 450 to
2.6. Methodology 500 °C. However, after 500 °C, the yield is decreased with increas-
ing temperature and its value is reduced to 36.3 wt% at 700 °C. The
A schematic of the pilot plant included the free fall reactor that maximum bio-oil yield of 46.0 wt% was obtained at 500 °C. Unlike
was designed to produce a bio-oil from a biomass feed stock is to bio-oil, the NCG yield is increased continuously as the tempera-
shown in Fig. 3. As illustrated in this Figure, the production process ture increases from 450 to 700 °C. Nevertheless, the char yield is
starts by placing 500 g of each rice straw samples in the feeding decreased as the temperature increases for the whole temperature
system. When the temperature of the reactor reached the specified range of 450–700 °C.
run temperature, the flushing of nitrogen gas was initially allowed Three correlations relating bio-gas, bio-oil and bio-char yield to
to flow for about 1 min. This action is taken to remove all the oxy- temperature have been extracted using regression analysis. The
gen from the system in order to ensure an inert atmosphere in the adjusted R2 for the three proposed correlations are very close to
reactor tube. Then, the feeding screw is operated manually for 1, while the standard errors are very close to zero. This confirms
moving up the rice straw sample to the heated reactor. After pyrol- the good agreement between the experimental and the predicted
ysis of biomass sample inside the reactor, produced streams com- results using the proposed correlations. Table 3 summarize these
posed of volatiles and bio-char residues passed through the carbon results.
filters (cyclone) where the bio-char residues were separated. The The desired product from fast pyrolysis process under investi-
purified volatile streams then flowed through the condensers gation is a dark brown liquid known as pyrolysis oil, bio-oil or

Fig. 3. Schematic of the investigated pilot plant with a free fall reactor: 1- nitrogen line, 2-feeding system, 3-reactor tube, 4-char catch, 5- cyclone, 6- condenser, and 7- gas
exit line.
1310 A.M. Shoaib et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 1305–1311

Table 2 Table 4
Chemical composition of rice straw. Characteristics of the bio-oils achieved by the
fast pyrolysis process.
Component Percentage (%)
Characteristic Value
Moisture 22
Lignin 14.5 Bio-oil yield (wt %) 40.5–46
Cellulose 34 Calorific value (MJ/kg) 18
Nitrogen-free extract 4.2 Density, kg/m3 1010
Ash 19.5 Viscosity@ 50 °C (mm2 s1) 15
Silica 14 pH 3–3.7
Calcium 0.17 Flash point (°C) 70
Phosphor 0.10
Potassium 0.20
Magnesium 0.11
Sulfur 0.08 corrosion inhibitor, or separating the highly acidic compounds
Cobalt 0.05(mg/kg) such acetic and formic acids. As it is presented in Table 2, the den-
Copper 0.50(mg/kg)
Manganese 0.40(mg/kg)
sity of bio-oils derived from rice straw is 1010 kg/m3 which is den-
ser than that of either light petroleum oil (diesel oil) or heavy fuel
oil with densities of 854 and 963 kg/m3 respectively. The viscosity
of the achieved bio-oil is 15 mm2/s which is lower than that of the
60 fossil fuel oil with approximately 300 mm2/s as a kinetic viscosity.
The considered bio-oil has a low heating value and it is often
50 reported around 40%–50% less than the heating value of petroleum
Product yield, wt %

based fuel-oils. This can be ascribed to the high oxygen and water
40 contents in the produced bio-oil [26]. It can be noticed that the
obtained bio-oils have bad fuel properties than both diesel and
30 heavy oils. However, their sulfur and nitrogen contents are 0.009
and 0.08 wt% respectively, which are low, compared to light and
20 heavy fuel oils of 0.9 and 2.1 wt% respectively. This consequently
gives the produced bio-oils an advantage over these conventional
10 fuels since they would emit less SO2 and NO2 during combustion.
So, bio-oil combustion may be considered carbon neutral and
0 emits very low sulfur emissions compared to fossil fuels [27].
450 500 550 600 700 Direct combustion in boilers, engines and turbines has been tested
Temperature, ºC with various results. Due to its heterogeneity, viscosity and corro-
Fig. 4. Fast pyrolysis products yields in relation to the process temperature.
sive nature, most equipment requires some modification in order
to efficiently process bio-oil including a preheating section [28].
Upgrading of boi-oil would improve their characteristics as a
liquid smoke. Bio-oil has a distinct odor similar to smoke from a fuel. These characteristics include oxygen and moisture contents,
wood fire, and it is often quite pungent. The most important spec- ignition temperature, acidity and stability. Upgrading would con-
ifications of the investigated bio-oil are higher heating value, den- vert the bio-oils to either green gasoline or green diesel oil depend-
sity, viscosity, flash point, and pH. Table 4 showed the physical ing on the process employed, making them suitable for use as
characteristics of the produced bio-oils that was obtained from alternative fuels for transportation and stationary engine applica-
the rice straw at 500 °C (maximum yield). The maximum yields tions. Bio-oil large scale production would be cost-effective since
of bio-oil derived from the rice straw ranged from 40.5 to 46%. This it is based on lignocellulosic biomass such as bagasse, rice straw
yield of bio oil is lower than that achieved by wood pyrolysis (75%). and other agriculture waste, which currently offers little value.
This can be attributed to lower organic and high ash contents in Also, the re-use of the co products, i.e. char and NCG as process
rice straw compared with their corresponding values in wood. In heat would be valuable.
addition, the presence of some metallic components can partici- The gaseous products from fast pyrolysis will be referred to as
pate in lowering the bio-oil yield by catalytic decomposition of non-condensable gas (NCG) rather than syngas. The NCG fraction
oil portion. from fast pyrolysis is a combustible mixture, and contains many
The obtained bio-oils has pH range of 3–3.7. These lower values species. The main components in product gas are methane, hydro-
of pH indicate that the produced bio-oils are highly acidic com- gen, CO and CO2. Ethene and ethane was other important compo-
pared with light petroleum oil with a pH of 5.7. This could be nents in the product gas. For a purpose of getting the NCG
attributed to the presence of acids such as acetic acid and formic composition, the gas sample was taken in a lap balloon which
acid. The highly acidity of the considered bio-oil can cause corro- was connected to the exit of the free fall reactor. The compositions
sion problems for its metallic storage containers. However, the of the obtained product gases were analyzed by a gas chro-
acidity of this bio-oil can be reduced by neutralization, adding of matograph and the results are reported in Table 5.

Table 3
Statics for the proposed correlations.

Item Bio-Gas yield Bio-Oil yield Bio-Char yield

correlation Y = 75.47 + 0.3 T-0.00017 T2 Y = -151.05 + 0.9 T-0.0015 T2 + 8.49E-07 T3 + 2.54E-06 T4 Y = 639.06–2.84 T + 0.0043 T2-2.2E-06 T3
R2 0.98325 1 0.995432
Adjusted R2 0.966501 1 0.981728
Standard Error 1.820437 0 1.174757
A.M. Shoaib et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 1305–1311 1311

Table 5  It is also recommended to investigate other types of potential

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Methane (CH4) 16.28
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