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246 S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • N a t i o n a l Pa r k s & F o re s t R e c re a t i o n A re a s 247

Southern Taiwan
40 km
20 miles

19 1

3 Shanmei

Baihe Baihe Reservoir

Yuli 11
Yenshui Guanziling Yushan NP
Hot Springs
Sinying Nanan
Tsengwen Chiayi Meishan Jiaming
Tienchih Antung Hot Springs
Nankunshen Farm Sanmin Lake
Reservoir Yakou
Holy Mt Zion Siangyang
Wushantou Lisong
Salt Matou Reservoir Taoyuan Guanshan Lidao Hot Spring Fuli
Mountains 21 (3666m) Wulu
In the south, people’s ties to rural folk culture are strongest. Local gods are more fervently Black-faced

Spoonbill Reserve Yuching Mokenan Chengkung
Paolai Hot Springs Haituan
worshipped, traditions more respected, and a clannish regard for kith and kin more obvious. Tsochen
Chiahsien Hot Spring
8 Bulao Hot Springs
And in a land of hospitable people, southerners shine as the most hospitable of all. Luerhmen
Sinhua Nanhua

Mt Tsao Liugui 9
TAINAN Luigui Donghe
Outside of Taipei, the only cities really worth visiting are in the south: ie Tainan and Kaoh- Moon World

Kuanmiao Tunnels Shanping Jinzun Recreation Area
siung. Tainan has a temple heritage second to none, and a great array of local foods to sample. Tainan Meinong
Dona Dulan
Chishan Maolin

Kaohsiung is a harbour city on a mad drive to make up for decades of lost development time. 1 Maolin National
Ten years ago we could hardly stand to drive past it. But these days you can feel the buzz 3 Kaoshu Scenic Area Shanyuan Beach
3 22
(much like Taipei a decade ago) and couple of days here soaking it in would be well spent. Saichia
Wutai Taitung
Foguanshan 11
10 Ali Chihpen
For some of the best mountain scenery in the country head to the South Cross-Island Hwy. Tsoying Sandimen Chihpen
Pingdong Haocha Hot Springs
This route literally crosses the island, and can be used as a walking path, with side trips up KAOHSIUNG
Taimali Green Island
to 3000m-plus mountains and down to beautiful natural hot springs in the river valleys. Fengshan 27 Jinfong Hot Springs (Lutao)
Jinluan Hot Springs

In fact, the south pretty much has it wrapped up for the nature-lover. There are two but- Linyuan
terfly valleys – one of which (in Maolin) has recently been put on equal footing with the 1
Jin-Shui Ying
Donggang 9
Monarch Butterfly Valley in Mexico – and a winter resting ground for the rare black-faced 17
Historic Trail

spoonbill. The southern landscape also varies from coastal mud flats, to grassy headlands, Dapeng Fangliao
to majestic cypress forests. Little
Liuchiu Dawu
Weatherwise, the south is hot and sticky in summer and warm and dry in winter. If you 9

want to swim in January, head south. Shiuhai Grasslands

Fengkang Shuangliou
26 26

„ Hike ancient forests and soak in natural hot South Lanyu
Yenshui Cross-Island Kenting NP (Orchid Island)
springs along the South Cross-Island Hwy Hwy Kenting
(p260) Eluanbi

„ Bike through lush fields, eat traditional foods

and shop at Meinong (p274) Tainan
Meinong Maolin
National Parks & Forest Recreation forest. Shanping Forest Recreation Area
„ Explore Taiwan’s temple heritage in the old Areas offers peaceful trails, abundant plant life, and
capital of Tainan (p248) There are three national parks in the south. excellent bird-watching. There’s something
„ Swim or surf year-round in Kenting National Beautiful, remote Maolin is a stronghold for for everyone in this part of Taiwan.
Park (p282) aboriginal culture but also holds an impor-
„ Visit the winter resting grounds of the purple
tant winter resting ground for the purple Getting There & Around
butterfly in Maolin (p277) butterfly. The South Cross-Island Hwy runs
It’s easy to get to and around the major urban
Jin-Shui Ying through the southern end of Yushan Na-
„ Cross the southern tip of Taiwan on the Jin-Shui Little Old Trail
tional Park and there’s some excellent hiking centres by public transportation. The High-

Ying Old Trail (p280), a steamy jungle route Island
to be done there. Kenting National Park is Speed Rail (HSR) is convenient for travel to
once used by the Qing dynasty military Kaohsiung but not Tainan (the station is 40
a beach playground, though there are also
„ Get rained on with fireworks at Yenshui (p259) Kenting
National Park some interesting protected areas few people minutes walk from downtown). Scooters and
„ Scooter and snorkel around Taiwan’s only coral venture into. Siangyang Forest Recreation cars can be hired in the cities and are rec-
island, Little Liuchiu Island (p281) Area is an excellent bird-watching venue. ommended for travel into the countryside
Shuangliou Forest Recreation Area has a where public transportation is poor, such
„ Watch a ceremonial boat burn to the ground in Donggang (p280)
gorgeous waterfall, while much of Tengchih as in Meinong, Maolin and along the South
Forest Recreation Area boasts intact virgin Cross-Island Hwy.
248 S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • Ta i n a n C i t y S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • Ta i n a n C i t y 249

TAINAN CITY ‫؀‬তؑ modern history began and it is here that viving and restoring the old harbour area History
%06 / pop 754,917 much of its traditional culture continues of Anping and its trove of historical sights. The Chinese first settled in the Tainan area
We’ve always been very fond of Tainan to thrive. Outside Dutch-built forts, lively Tainan has industries producing metals, in 1590. Not long after, the Dutch arrived.
(Táinán), and always impressed with its night markets sell dishes exclusive to the textiles and machinery, a few old masters After colonising the island, the Dutch used
array of temples and historical relics. But we region. Inside hundreds-of-years-old tem- working on traditional crafts, as well as a Tainan as a base for their trade with Japan
often wondered if we simply needed to get ples, people bobui (toss divination sticks) new science park that promises to bring and China. The Dutch ruled from 1624
out more. So one day we travelled to Beijing to determine the best course of action, just the city into the avant-garde of Taiwan’s until 1662, the year they were expelled by
and saw some of the greatest architectural as their ancestors did when the temple first hi-tech revolution. the Ming loyalist Koxinga.
wonders of the Chinese world. And then opened. The only difference is that today, You can visit Tainan any time of year, Koxinga established his central govern-

we returned to Tainan and found we were people then jump into their cars and head though we love winter when it’s warm (in ment in Tainan and built up the city. In
no less impressed with it than before. No, to air-conditioned homes. the high twenties on average) and dry, and 1683, when the Qing dynasty regained con-
it couldn’t compare directly to Beijing, but But no-one seems worried by the di- few tourists are about (try and find all those trol of Taiwan and turned it into an official
then travel is not a zero sum game in our chotomy. Modernity is embraced in Tainan conditions in Beijing). Traditional festival province, Tainan was chosen as the capital.
opinion, and the wonderful deserves to be as much as the past is respected. There are days are of course a great time to come, as Tainan remained the political, cultural and
praised as much as the amazing. shopping malls, luxury hotels, sharp-looking are the birthdays of temple gods. Give your- economic centre of the island until 1885,

Tainan is the oldest city in Taiwan, and cafés and trendy bars. But there is also an self at least a couple of days here to see the when the capital moved to Taipei. If you
the fourth largest. It was here that Taiwan’s approved NT3-billion-dollar budget for re- sights and observe the local culture. have a discerning eye, Tainan’s pedigree is
apparent by the stately quality of the city’s
0 0.5 miles
1 km
temples and historical sights.

Almost all the sights in Tainan are concen-
g Rd
trated around the city centre (west of the
1 Rd yuan 1
iho 5 train station) and the Anping District. Both


Siaodong Rd
areas are compact enough to get around on

n ngg Chengkung
'a ong foot, though you may want a taxi or bus to

Lin Rd

To Anping

(Main Campus)
Fort (3km) 2 take you from one area to the other.


Please note the English spelling on road

n Rd 20 10 Tainan Train Station


41 26 43 Dasyue Rd
signs in Tainan has changed since the last

Min 25 46 FE21'Mega

17 19 zu 44
fu Rd

Guohua St edition. It may change again before the shelf

Gong Hou 35 22 Kailung 23

Min Old St 39 Temple 4
shen 45
life of this one expires.

Rd Mitsukoshi

g Rd

Linsen Rd
30 n
ha Department
Changrong Rd
Sheng Li

2 Jungje Lane 84 Jh
on Store 2
ng Rd 3
Beimen Rd


g Rd
You A Cingnian Rd
i St

i Rd

18 Chenghuang
Tainan is probably the most English-friendly


Fucyan 6 inc 13 Cingnian Rd city in Taiwan after Taipei. Nearly every

Rd 12 Gate Don
17 yu gnin
Traditional an g Rd
sight worth seeing has English interpretation
Chingtung St

32 Food Alley Rd

Junghua E Rd

signs around it. Large map boards guide you



Yungh 1
24 gm
along a walking-tour route similar to ours,

ua Rd en

16 Rd


Jianye St
15 Small City
God Temple Great East Gate Rd
though not identical (ours was first).
Shulin St ong
Sec. 2 Namen Yun
Jhongyi Rd

City Wall
3 3

Chingjhong St

To Eternal Golden 34 182 28


Tainan Municipal Cultural Centre (Map pp248-9; %269

Simen Rd

Castle (4km)
21 Wufei Rd Rd
37 L 2864; 332 Jhonghua E Rd, sec.3; h9am-5pm)
38 Jiankang Rd
Jinhua Rd

Martyr's Shrine d Ch

n National Museum of Taiwanese Literature (Map

Guomin Rd


pp248-9; %221 7201;; 1 Jhongjheng




S Rd; h8am-5pm, closed Mon) You can get free internet


d ua



4 Sin Jh
on 4 access in the library here.
To Airport
Tainan City Government ( A good
resource, especially for anyone staying in Tainan long
250 S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • Ta i n a n C i t y S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • Ta i n a n C i t y 251

INFORMATION Official God of War Temple Armory Pub ..............................................36 B1

Bank of Taiwan ৄ☷䡔㸠 .....................1 C3 ⼔‫℺݌‬ᒳ ...............................................19 B2 Chingjhong St ᝊЁ㸫 .........................37 C3
There are English explanations around to help you out. Tainan families have been
C1 Water Fair Temple ∈ҭᆂ................. 20
GPO 䛉ᬓ㐑ሔ ...........................................2 B2 Willie's Second Base the site as well as a brochure you can pick doing this for generations on the 1st and 15th
ICBC Ё೟೟䱯ଚὁ䡔㸠.......................3 C2 Wufei Temple Ѩབྷᒳ ..........................21 C3 㩇ヴѠຬ䜦৻......................................38 A3 up when you enter. At night the whole area of every month.
Laundromat ⋫㸷ᑫ................................4 D2
SLEEPING ENTERTAINMENT around the fort is filled with shops and ven- The temple is noteworthy for two things.
National Cheng Kung University
D1 Cambridge Hotel ࡡ‟໻仃ᑫ ......... 22
Hospital ....................................................5 B2 Vie Show Cinemas dors selling traditional foods. First, it has no statue of the god. The original
National Immigration Agency Cheng Kuang Hotel ៤‫߹ܝ‬仼 .........23 C2 㧃㋡࿕⾔ᕅජ......................................39 C2 temple was established as a temporary meas-
ܻᬓ䚼ܹߎ೟ঞ⿏⇥㕆 ....................6 C2 Confucius Inn Official God of War Temple (Sacrificial ure – 300 years ago! Second, there’s a famous
Photo Studio ✻Ⳍ仼 ..............................7 C2 ࡡ‟फଚ᭛⠽᳗仼 ........................... 24 B3 SHOPPING
Hann Gong Hotel ⓶ᆂ໻仃ᑫ.........25 C2 Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Rites Temple) सࠢࣳᐔ Y (One) inscription over the altar. Y signifies
Tainan Cultural Centre
ৄफᏖ᭛࣪Ёᖗ ...................................8 D4 Hotel Tainan ৄफ໻仃ᑫ ..................26 C2
Department Store This is the oldest and most impressive tem- that for heaven and earth there is only one
ৄफᮄ໽ഄ ᮄ‫ܝ‬ϝ䍞..................40 B3
Labour Recreation Centre
Shuang Chun Chang Shoes
ple (Sì Din W Miào; Map pp248-9; 229 Yongfu Rd, sec.2) true way: humanity and righteousness.
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES ৄफᏖࢲᎹ㚆ῖЁᖗ ......................27 C4 in Taiwan dedicated to Kuan Kung, a Han
䲭ܼᯠ䵟㸠...........................................41 B2
Altar of Heaven ໽ປ............................... 9 B2 Tainan Student Hostel ৄफᅌ㢥.....28 F3
Chikan Towers 䌸ዕῧ ........................ 10 B2 Taiyih Landis ໻ۘ呫㏏䜦ᑫ............. 29 B3
Tainan Kuang Tsai Embroidery dynasty general deified as the war god. National Museum of Taiwanese Literature
Shop ‫ܝ‬ᔽ㐵㥞.................................(see 35) The temple’s overall size and structure ഏ୮‫؀‬᨜֮ᖂ塢
City God Temple ජ䱡ᒳ.................... 11 C2
Confucius Temple ᄨᄤᒳ ................. 12 B2
A Xia Restaurant 䰓䳲仃ᑫ................ 30 B2
TRANSPORT were established in 1690, though much The building that houses the new museum (Guó
Dongyue Temple ᵅ᎑↓................... 13 C2
Chi Kin Dandanman 䌸ዕ᪨᪨咉 ... 31 B2
City Bus North Station splendid artwork and many historically valu- Ji Táiwn Wénxué Gun; Map pp248-9; %221 7201; www
Great South Gate ໻फ䭔ජ.............. 14 ࣫キ݀䒞ҁ ........................................42 C2
B3 Green House ............................................32 C2
City Bus South Station
able objects have been added over the years.; 1 Jhongjheng Rd; admission free; h8am-5pm,
Koxinga's Shrine ᓊᑇ䚵⥟⼴ .......... 15 C3
Lady Linshui's Temple
Lily Fruit Shop 㥝㥝∈ᵰᑫ ............... 33 B3
फキ݀䒞ҁ ........................................43 C2 The long deep rose-colored walls of this closed Mon) was once the Tainan District Hall.
Yu Shen Restaurant
㞼∈໿Ҏ႑ᒳ ..................................... 16 C3 ‫ܜ۾‬㋴亳㽓令 .....................................34 C3
Hsingnan Bus Company temple have always been one of its highlights Built in 1916 by the Japanese, it’s a gorgeous
Matsu Temple ໻໽ৢᆂ .................... 17 B2 㟜फᅶ䘟キ...........................................44 C2 for us. Other interesting features to note are example of colonial architecture. Even if lit-
National Taiwan Museum of DRINKING Scooter Rentals ″䒞ߎ⾳................. 45 D2
Literature A Chuan Melon Drink UBus Station
the beggar seats built into the doorframe (so erature is not your greatest interest, it’s worth
೟ᆊৄ☷᭛ᅌ仼 ................................ 18 B2 䰓Ꮁ‫⪰ހ‬㤊 ..........................................35 B2 ㍅㙃ᅶ䘟................................................46 C2 that the poor could beg alms from every coming here just to wander the halls and relax
visitor), the high threshold at the entrance in the foyer.
(originally designed to keep women out!), The museum highlights the development
term. It can be a bit tricky to navigate but there is a pull-out map is especially useful as it’s completely and the bamboo-shaped poem on a scroll at of Taiwanese literature from pre-Han aborigi-
wealth of information (and pictures) on everything there is bilingual and up to date with the changes to the English the back, which contains words said to have nals through the colonial periods up to the
to see, do and consume in the city. spellings on road signs. been written by Kuan Kung himself. modern era. All exhibits and displays have
Visitor Information Centre (Map pp248-9; %229 English signs.
LAUNDRY 0082; h8.30am-5.30pm Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm Sat & Sun) Matsu Temple Օ֚‫ٿ‬୰
Laundromat (Map pp248-9; 111-1 Yu Le St; h24hr) There are two centres in Tainan but the most convenient This lively temple (Dà Tinhòu Gng; Map pp248-9; Confucius Temple ֞ᐔ
Behind the train station, to the right of the FE21’ Mega one for travellers is right in the train station. Staff speak 18 Lane 227, Yongfu Rd, sec.2) once served as the You expect a Confucius Temple (Kng Miào; Map
department store, is DIY laundry. English and have all the information you could need. palace of Ning Jin, the last king of the Ming pp248-9;; 2 Nanmen Rd; adult/
dynasty. If you wish to confirm visually that child NT50/25; h8.30am-9pm) to exude the calm,
MEDICAL SERVICES Sights a king’s status is lower than an emperor’s, grace and dignified beauty of traditional
National Cheng Kung University Hospital (Map pp248- CENTRAL TAINAN count the steps to the shrine. There are only Chinese culture, and this, the first Confu-
9; %235 3535; 138 Sheng Li Rd) Chihkan Towers (Fort Proventia) ߧ୿ᑔ seven; an emperor would get nine. cian temple in Taiwan, doesn’t disappoint.
One of the best preserved, or perhaps we Matsu is the most popular folk deity in Nor do the grounds, which contain one of
MONEY should say reconstructed, historical sights in Taiwan, with over 500 temples dedicated to the largest and most beautiful banyan trees
There are ATMs in most 7-Elevens (which Tainan is this old fort (Chìkn Lóu; Map pp248-9; 212 her around the island. For more on Matsu in all of Taiwan.
are everywhere) in Tainan. You can use the Minzu Rd; adult/child NT50/25; h8.30am-9pm). It’s a see p216. The temple grounds are free (and nice to
ATMs or change money at the following: splendid place to roam around, or even enjoy Some features to note (besides the elabo- sit in at night), but you must pay to enter
Bank of Taiwan (Map pp248-9; 155 Fucyan Rd, sec.1) an outdoor concert on the weekends. rate carvings and paintings) include the the palace area. The receipt comes with an
International Commercial Bank of China (ICBC; Map Chihkan has gone through many masters 300-year-old Matsu statue, and the shrine excellent short brochure and map of the tem-
pp248-9; 90 Jhongshan Rd) (Ming, Qing, Japanese and the Kuoming- in the back to Matsu’s parents in an area ple. One thing to look for that is not on the
tang or KMT, China’s Nationalist party) that used to be King Ning Jin’s bedroom.
PHOTO STUDIO since the foundations were first laid by the Look up and you’ll see the roof beam where
Fuji photo shop (Map pp248-9; 5 Nanmen Rd) Dutch in 1653. At that time the seashore the king’s concubines hanged themselves so SIGHT PASS
reached the fort’s outer walls. Our favourite many years ago (see Wufei Temple, p252). If you plan to visit all the major sights, buy

POST features are the nine stone turtles with tab- For fun, check out the eyes and feet of the a pass (NT150, good for one year) at any of
GPO (Map pp248-9) Near the North Bus Station. lets on their backs. These steles hail from door guards. Notice something odd? the following: Confucius Temple, Chihkan
the Qing dynasty and if you check the Towers, Koxinga Shrine, Anping Fort, Eter-
TOURIST INFORMATION backs you can see where the carver made Altar of Heaven ֚ᕽ nal Golden Castle, and the Former Tait & Co
FYI South Magazine ( A free a mistake on one and, rather than starting Have you had a run of bad luck lately? Then Merchant House.
monthly entertainment magazine. You can pick up a copy over with a fresh slab, simply turned the visit this temple (Tintán; Map pp248-9; 16 Lane 84, Unless otherwise noted, temples are free
at the information centre or many restaurants across town. stone around and redid everything on the Jhongyi Rd, sec.2) and pray to the supreme Taoist and open from 9am till 5pm.
You can also download it at the website. The magazine’s other side. The craftsmanship is amazing. entity, the Jade Emperor (or Lord of Heaven),
252 S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • Ta i n a n C i t y S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • Ta i n a n C i t y 253

brochure is the stone tablet on the right as Lady Linshui’s Temple (Chen Ching Gu City God Temple ৄၽᐔ sights have English signs and there are map
you enter the Edification Hall. The words Temple) ᜯֽ֛Գაᐔʳ The city god tallies our good and bad boards everywhere.
on the tablet explain the school rules (the This elaborately designed and excessively or- deeds in this life, after we die. Hence it is From Chihkan Towers it’s only 2km to the
site was once a centre for Confucian stud- namental temple (Línshi Frén M Miào; Map pp248-9; 1 not unusual that his image appears in the start of the canal leading directly to Anping.
ies), such as prohibitions against gambling, Jianye St) is dedicated to a woman – in this case, Dongyue Temple, dedicated to underworld, But if you don’t feel like walking, take city
drinking and cheating. the goddess Lady Linshui. nor that these two temples are very close to bus 2 or weekend tour bus 88 or 99 from the
At the time of writing there was a lot of For generations now, women have come each other. North or South Bus Station.
work being done to the grounds beside the to this temple to ask Lady Linshui to protect When you enter the City God Temple (Chéng-
temple. Expect new walkways, ponds and their children. This is demanding work and huáng Miào; Map pp248-9; 28 Guosheng Rd) you’ll see two Anping Fort (Fort Zeelandia) ‫ײؓڜ‬໵
a museum. the goddess employs 36 assistants (three for large abacuses. These are used to calculate if In 1624 the Dutch seized the area known as
Across the street from the temple entrance each month), whose statuettes can be seen you have done more good than bad in life. Anping to establish a military and commercial
is a stone arch built in 1777. It’s now the gate- in little glass vaults around the inside walls Overhead is large sign with a gold inscrip- base in Taiwan. This fort (npíng Gbo; Map p253;
way to a pedestrian street filled with cafés and of the temple. tion that translates roughly as ‘You’ve come adult/child NT50/25; h8.30am-5.30pm) was a strong-
small eateries. In addition to offerings of incense, you’ll at last’. hold of Dutch power until captured by Kox-
often see flowers, face powder and make-up The pink slips of paper you often see on the inga in 1661. Though most of the fort has been
Great South Gate Օত॰ৄ left at the temple. altar are from students asking for help to pass reconstructed, it’s still an impressive site.
The garrison commander in you will love an exam. Yep, school is hell everywhere.
the martial feel of this old city gate (Dà Nánmén Wufei Temple ն‫ڒ‬ᐔ Anping Matsu Temple ‫ٿ֚ؓڜ‬୰
Chéng; Map pp248-9; Lane 34, Nanmen Rd; admission free; When Koxinga’s grandson surrendered to ANPING ‫ؓڜ‬೴ The Matsu Temple (npíng Tinhòu Gng;
h8.30am-5.30pm), the only one in Tainan that the Manchus in 1683, all hope of restoring After central Tainan, the western Anping Map p253) in Anping is yet another of the
still has much of its defensive wall intact. The the Ming dynasty ended. King Ning Jin, the (npíng) District has the most interesting ‘first’ Matsu temples in Taiwan. But it does
inner grounds feature several cannons and last contender for the Ming throne, knew his concentration of relics and temples. In re- genuinely feature what many believe to be
a section of the old wall marvellously over- time was up. Before he committed suicide, cent years the area has undergone a dra- the oldest Matsu statue. It’s not the one you
grown with thick roots. As with the Confu- however, he urged his concubines to ‘get matic face-lift as part of a NT3 billion plan think (the biggest one in the back shrine),
cius Temple, the trees here are an attraction thee to a nunnery’. The concubines refused, to revive, restore and recreate the histori- however, but the middle one in the second
in themselves. claiming their honour was as important as cal district. As in central Tainan, almost all row of smaller Matsu statues.
the king’s, and hanged themselves on a roof
Koxinga’s Shrine ࢏ؓಷ‫׆‬ర beam in the bedroom of his palace. The pal- ANPING 0
500 m
0.3 miles
When the Ming dynasty was overthrown ace is now the shrine to Matsu’s parents at
by the Manchus in 1661, Koxinga (Cheng the Matsu Temple (p251) and the beam is
Gubao St d
Cheng-kung) led his army to Taiwan with still in place. ei R
iver 5 স෵㸫 Hew
e i R
shu Elementary
plans to restock supplies and then retake the This dainty temple (Wfi Miào; Map Yan School
mainland. He found the Dutch already here, pp248–9), off Wufei Rd, was constructed in Julius Mannich
Merchant House 1
oj h on
g St
but after nine months battle they surrendered the concubines’ honour and now sits in a 2 Yanpin
g St
and departed Taiwan. 2000-sq-metre garden park. Note that the real Rd Rd ᅝ
ei A np i n g Anpi
Koxinga did much to improve conditions tombs of the concubines are behind Koxinga’s Anb ng R
d ቟ᐔ

Mincyuan Rd

on the island. But, like the KMT of modern shrine and are covered with cement. Tainan Canal

times, he did not live to see the Mainland Cingping Rd

Pingfo ng Rd ᑇ䈤䏃
retaken. He died after only a year in Taiwan, Dongyue Temple ࣟᚣᄥ
and his grandson surrendered to the Manchus People often come to this temple (Dngyuè Diàn;
in 1683. Map pp248-9; 110 Mincyuan Rd) to communicate with
There’s a certain atmosphere of dignity the dead through spiritual mediums. It’s a fas- Anping
Harbour Rd
surrounding the Koxinga Shrine (Yánpíng Jùn- cinating place to catch a glimpse of Taiwanese ∌㧃䏃

wáng Cí; Map pp248-9; 152 Kaishan Rd; adult/child NT50/25; folk culture.
h8.30am-5.30pm), even though most of it is of The first chamber of the temple holds the 4 6
rather recent origin: the original southern- city god, Chenghuang; the second, Zizang
style temple was rebuilt in a northern style Wang, the Buddhist king of the underworld; A nyi

Anping Fort ቟ᐔฎႆ .............................................1 B1
by the KMT government in the ’60s. Many the last, a number of demon gods who rule Guanjhou 1st St Anping Matsu Temple ቟ᐔᄤอች ...................2 B1
of the artefacts are historical, however, in- the underworld. Anping Oyster Ash Kiln
cluding the boxes in the shrine that hold the The disturbing yet fascinatingly.grim mu- ቟ᐔⰠἯ┇ඳ‛㙚.............................................3 B1
Eternal Golden Castle ంタ㊄ၔ..........................4 B2
original imperial edict from 1874 permitting rals on the walls of the second chamber are as Former Tait & Co Merchant House & Anping
the shrine to be built. graphic as the depictions of hell by Hierony- Taiwan Tree House ᓾ⸥ᵗⴕዄ቟ ᐔ᮸ደ ..............5 B1
Beside the shrine there’s an interesting mu- mus Bosch: there are disembowelments, eye Strait EATING
seum featuring displays of traditional puppets gougings, stabbings, boilings and so much 5 Cent Driftwood House ઩ⷺ⦁᧼ ....................6 B2
and clothing. more. Anping Harbour
254 S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • Ta i n a n C i t y Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • Ta i n a n C i t y 255

Near the altar you can pick up a little packet Walking Tour On Shulin St, take the first right and head roof beam! If you’re hungry head back to Chi-
of ‘safe rice’ to take home. The packets are The following walking tour covers all of the down a quiet lane filled with quaint cafés and hkan Towers and get something to eat at the
designed to keep you and your family safe. major temples and sights in central Tainan. teahouses. When you reach Wufei St, check nearby stalls.
You’ll have plenty of opportunity to sample out the dainty Wufei Temple (5; p252), built to
The Former Tait & Co Merchant House local snacks and drinks along the way, so honour the concubines of the last contender Festivals & Events
and Anping Tree House it’s best to go on a light or empty stomach. for the Ming throne. Traditional Chinese holidays such as the
ᐚಖ੉۩ዄ‫ؓڜ‬ᖫৢ Some people have told us they prefer to do Now look for building No 76 on the left as Dragon Boat Festival, Lunar New Year and
The merchant house (Déjì Yángháng; Map p253; Gubao St; the tour backwards so they can end around you head east down Wufei St. When you see the Lantern Festival are celebrated in a big way
adult/child NT50/25; h8.30am-5pm) was built by the the quiet Confucius Temple instead of the the number, turn left onto a small lane. Fifty in Tainan. See p337 for more about each of
British in 1867 and now holds a permanent busy Chihkan Towers area. metres on the left you’ll see the grounds of these. In addition, the birthdays of the various
exhibit of household artefacts from the 17th After you’ve taken in your fill of history and the 300-year-old Fahua Temple (6). When the temple deities – Matsu (the 23rd day of the
century (donated by the Dutch government). fine writing at the National Museum of Taiwanese temple was first built, the ocean reached the 3rd lunar month), Confucius (28 September),
Through a series of decorated rooms, the ex- Literature (1; p251), head south a block to the edge of the outer wall. Lady Linshui – usually feature colourful and
hibit highlights the lifestyle of Dutch, Chinese peaceful Confucius Temple (2; p251) on Nanmen Continue up the alley until you reach a lively events at the respective temples.
and aboriginal families. Rd. A few blocks south on Nanmen you’ll find large intersection. Head north up Kaishan
Anping Tree House (npíng Shùw), on the the martial Great South Gate (3; p252) and just Rd until you see Koxinga’s Shrine (7; p252) Sleeping
same grounds as the merchant house, stands east on Shulin a large section of the old wall on the left. When you leave the compound, BUDGET
out with the large banyan growing in the (4; p252) that used to connect with the gate. take the back right gate to visit Lady Linshui’s Tainan City Labour Recreation Centre (Táinánshì
gutted centre. Temple (8; p252). You’ll mostly see women at Láogng Yùlèzhngx
n; Map pp248-9; %215 0174, ext
this elaborate temple, asking for protection 6; fax 215 0177; 261 Nanmen Rd; ত॰ሁ261ᇆ; s/d/tw
Anping Oyster Ash Kiln WALK FACTS for their children from Lady Linshui and NT470/570/700) Part of the Youth Guesthouse

‫ؓڜ‬๦‫ۊ‬ᒠ໑ढ塢 Start National Taiwan Museum of Literature her 36 helpers. Network (p328) but anyone can stay here.
It’s generally believed that the Dutch taught Finish Matsu Temple Now get back on Kaishan Rd and turn right Rooms are ageing and sheets are threadbare,
the Taiwanese to make a durable brick mor- Distance 6km at the intersection. Head east down Fucyan but it’s clean and central and an OK price.
tar using crushed oyster shells mixed with Duration Four to six hours Rd and then turn left at the big intersection There’s laundry on the 3rd floor. To get to
sugar water and sticky rice. At one time, onto Mincyuan Rd. At the Dongyue Temple (9; the centre, take bus 2 from the North or South
oyster-shell kilns (which produced the p252) check out the terrifying visions of hell Bus Station.
ground-oyster ash) were a common sight WALKING TOUR painted on the walls. Cheng Kuang Hotel (Chéng Gung B
ngun; Map

0 400 m
0 0.2 miles
in Tainan. The ruins of this kiln (npíng K Gong
Continue up Mincyuan to Chenghuang pp248-9; %222 1188; 294 Beimen Rd; ‫ק‬॰ሁ294ᇆ;

Rd and turn right. At the end of this short d/tw NT650/1000) Rooms are small, simply

yáo Bówùgun; Map p253; Anbei Rd; admission free; S Rd

h9.30am-5pm, closed Mon) represent the last of 19 street you’ll see the City God Temple (10; p253) furnished but well maintained, except for


its kind. ong
Rd across the road. some bathrooms that have mould going
The kiln is nothing special to look at but Now head west down Cingnian and then black. If this bothers you, ask for another


it’s still worth a visit to learn more about turn right up Mincyuan. Cross Gongyuan and room. This hotel is conveniently close to

this little-known industry. turn left. You’ll see a bank and then a small the train station.

14 Min
16 13 zu R
d d
20 alley. Turn right into the alley to get to the Altar Hann Gong Hotel (Hànggng Dàfàndiàn; Map pp248-
fu St

Eternal Golden Castle Ꮩሉ८ৄ Min 12 ha of Heaven (11; p251). If you’re hungry, consider 9; %226 9115; 199 Jhongshan Rd; խ՞ሁ199ᇆ; d/tw
shen Lane 84 gs

g Rd
Like many famous sights around Tainan, the seafood at A Xia Restaurant (12; p256). from NT700/1300) Rooms are nondescript but


this fort (Yìzi J

n Chéng; Map p253; adult/child NT50/25; When you leave the alley, it’s a quick left clean, and the location, near the train sta-

Beimen Rd


ng Rd
h 8.30am-5pm) goes by different names: 1 Cingnian Rd and then a right onto Minsheng. A block later, tion, is good.


Erkunshen Cannon Fort, Anping Big Can- turn right up Yongfu St. Two blocks ahead Tainan Student Hostel (Táinán Xuéyuàn; Map pp248-9;
non Fort and Eternal Golden Castle. The Fucya 2 Rd
9 you’ll see the beautiful deep rose-coloured %267 0526;; 1 Lane 300, Funong St,
n Rd Gate
fortress was built in 1876 to shore up Tai- walls of the Official God of War Temple (13; p251) sec.1; ༄ልဩԫ੄300৥1ᇆ; d/tw NT1000/1450) The
Nanmen Rd

wan’s defences against the Japanese threat. Lily Fruit on the left and A Chuan Melon Drink and Tainan double and twin rooms are pretty plain, and
Not much remains of the original fortress; Kuang Tsai Embroidery Shop (14; p257 and p257) the hostel is a bit out of central Tainan, but it’s

Datong Rd


oddly, though, the intact arched front gate on the right. Don’t miss a gander at the fant- a good place to stay if you’re a young traveller

Jianye St
Jhongyi Rd

was built with bricks pilfered from Anping 3 abulous works of one of the last masters of and want to meet young Taiwanese. There’s

Simen Rd

Fort. The reconstructed fort and the cannons 4
Se embroidery in Tainan. a 15% weekday discount. To get to the hostel
make for good photo ops. It’s possible now, Shulin St 6 Now continue to the end of Yongfu St it’s best to take a taxi first then figure out the
and recommended, to walk to the castle to the Chihkan Towers (15; p250). Legend has bus route back.
from the other sights in Anping. 5
Wufei Rd it that the old well here leads all the way to
If you are heading to the castle directly Jiankang Rd Anping Fort! MIDRANGE
from the train station you can catch city bus On the opposite side of the street, a tiny Confucius Inn (Jiànqiáo Nánshng Wénwù Huìgun; Map
14, or tour bus 88 or 99 on the weekend, alley leads to the Matsu Temple (16; p251). Don’t pp248-9; 4 Nanmen Rd; ত॰ሁ4ᇆ; %214 0033; fax
from the North or South Bus Station. forget to check out the door guards and the 213 2277; r from NT1800, weekday NT1200, incl breakfast;
256 S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • Ta i n a n C i t y Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • Ta i n a n C i t y 257

i) Our favourite midrange hotel in Tainan Eating grubby and messy. Some snacks to look out when this location housed a prison and ex-
by a Confucian mile. This professionally run For simple inexpensive noodle, rice and for include xijun (ᓚ൴; shrimp rolls) and ecution room, and not an upscale mall.
hotel, directly south of the Confucius Tem- Japanese fast-food outlets, check out the area yúwán tng (ູՄྏ; fish ball soup). Shuang Chun Chang Shoes (Shung Quán Chng
ple, could easily charge much more. Rooms around Vie Show Cinemas, or behind the train 5 Cent Driftwood House (WJio Chuánbn; Map Xiéháng; Map pp248-9; 316 Simen Rd, sec.2; h 9am-
have a spiffy modern décor, with large comfy station (the student area). For traditional food p253; %2999 3321; 88 Guangjhou Rd; 9-course set meal 10.30pm) For something traditional, check
beds. Extras like ADSL and laundry service you can’t beat the area around Chihkan Tow- NT500-700) This is one place that you should out the cute mùj (wood slippers) at this old
are available, and the hearty Western break- ers in the evenings. Look for dànz miàn (ᖜ‫ג‬ at least have a gander at. It’s across from the shop near the Matsu Temple.
fast is fantastic for a midrange hotel (think ᤺; noodles with a tangy meat sauce), guncái Eternal Golden Castle. Designed by an artist Tainan Kuang Tsai Embroidery Shop (Gungci
fried eggs, bacon wraps, wheat toast, cereal bn (ཛྷ‫ ;ࣨޗ‬coffin cake), and hixin zhu from Tainan County, who had no previous Shòu Zhung; Map pp248-9; %227 1253; 186-3 Yongfu
and fruit). (௧ធ࿦; seafood congee). background in architecture, the house will Rd, sec.2) Across from one treasure of Tainan,
Cambridge Hotel (Jiànqiáo Dàfàndiàn; Map pp248-9; The old street directly east of the Confucius strike you as either daring, original and awe- the War God Temple, is this other; Mr Lin,
%221 9966; 269 Minzu Rd, sec.2; ‫ا‬ගሁ2੄269ᇆ; d/ Temple (through the gate) has turned into a some, or proof that people should stick to one of the last remaining embroidery mas-
tw NT2400/2800; i) Run by the same company pleasant pedestrian-only area with a dozen their field of expertise. The house is made ters in Tainan. Mr Lin has been working at
as the Confucius Inn, the Cambridge is well or more cafés and small restaurants. If you’re from driftwood, railway ties, brick, stone, his craft since he was 16 (he’s in his late 60s
positioned in the business district and just a hungry, you’ll find something here. glass and other natural materials. It’s massive now) and in recent years has taken embroi-
stone’s throw away from the Chihkan Tow- inside, with an open interior fed with natural dery to a new, modern level. All his pieces
ers. Facilities include underground parking, CENTRAL TAINAN light. The outside is indescribable, though if have the light touch and expressiveness of
a business centre, ADSL in every room and Chi Kin Dandanman (Chì Kàn Dndnmiàn; Map pp248- we had to describe it we’d say it looks like a a craftsman truly at the peak of his skills.
direct service to the Tainan Science Park. 9; 180 Minzu St, sec.2; dishes NT40; h24hr) This is a castle battling cancer. If this sounds harsh it The most famous and expensive samples of
Rooms are nicely furnished with modern fun place to try traditional dànz miàn as the isn’t meant to be. The restaurant is a quirky, his work are the long Eight Immortals pan-
conveniences and have passed all the latest restaurant is set in a Japanese-era merchant’s idiosyncratic work of love and we quite like els, which used to be popular at weddings
fire-safety regulations. house. Dànz miàn means ‘two baskets and a it just the way it is. and other special occasions. Such panels
Hotel Tainan (Táinán Dàfàndiàn; Map pp248-9; %228 stick’ and refers to the baskets used to carry cost tens of thousands of Taiwanese dollars
9101;; 1 Chenggong Rd; ‫פګ‬ the noodles around for sale. The dish is a Drinking but this doesn’t stop buyers from all over
ሁ1ᇆ; d/tw/ste NT3200/3600/4800; i) For service simple, refreshing mix of noodles with a tangy There are cafés and teahouses all around the world coming to the shop. For the less
and comfort this deserves to be in the top meat sauce. This shop uses no MSG. Tainan. One street with many pleasant op- extravagant, smaller pieces can be purchased
end but we’re putting it here to let you know Lily Fruit Shop (Map pp248-9; % 213 7522; 199 tions to try is Chingjhong St (ᐜխဩ), just for a few thousand, and even browsers are
what a good deal it is, especially weekdays Fucyan Rd, sec.2; h11am-11pm, closed 2 Mondays per south of the Nanmen City Wall on the way to more than welcome, as the sign outside the
when a standard room goes for as low as month) Across from the Confucius Temple is Wufei Temple. For the latest pubs and cafés shop reads.
NT2200. The hotel is a stone’s throw from this well-known shop, serving delicious bào check out the FYI South Magazine listings.
the train station, and about the only nega- bng (‫ܕ‬٧; shaved iced and fruit; NT50) and A Chuan Melon Drink ( Chun Dngguchá; Map Getting There & Away
tive thing we have to say is that the outside fruit drinks. pp248-9; 212 Yongfu Rd, sec.2; drinks from NT15; h9am- AIR
does not do the inside justice. Rooms are Yu Shen Restaurant (Yuxin Sùshí X
cn; Map 10pm) This well-known melon-drink stand There are flights from Tainan to Taipei and
comfortably furnished in a modern style pp248-9; %214 1180; Chingjhong St; dishes NT120-200; is just across from the God of War Temple Kinmen. Far Eastern Air Transport (%260 1271),
and are regularly updated. Rooms also have h11am-10pm) A popular vegetarian restaurant and often has people lining up for a bever- Uni Air (%260 3683) and Transasia Airways (%260
ADSL. The hotel includes a business centre serving à la carte dishes. On a street with age. 1273) have reservation counters in Tainan Airport
and health club. The buffet meals at the Jade many quaint teahouses and cafés. A few staples of the bar scene include Ar- ( There’s a visitor centre (%335
Room Restaurant (meals NT290 to NT680; Green House (Map pp248-9; %224 4474; 3F, 21 Lane mory Pub (Map pp248-9; %226 9520; http://armorypub 9209; h8.30am-5.30pm) at the airport with Eng-
open breakfast, lunch and dinner) come 196, Fucyan Rd, sec.1; dishes from NT150; h10am-10pm) .net; 82 Gongyuan S Rd; drinks from NT120; h8pm-5am) lish-speaking staff who can help you with all
highly recommended. A long-running Western restaurant with a and Willy’s Second Base (W ilì Èrl i Jib; Map pp248- your needs. There’s also an ATM at the airport
casual vibe, especially on the rooftop. Dishes 9; %291 1050; 321 Jiankang Rd, sec.3; drinks from NT120; and a car-hire agency.
TOP END include pasta, hamburgers and Mexican, and h6.30pm-late, closed Mon). Note that both places
Taiyih Landis (Dàyìlìzhì Jidiàn; Map pp248-9; %213 5555; there are large, filling sandwiches (NT90 serve meals and the Armory has a decent BUS; 600 Simen Rd, sec.1; ۫॰ሁ1੄ takeaway). range of vegetarian options. Buses to Taipei (NT500, five to six hours,
600ᇆ; d/tw/ste incl buffet breakfast NT5800/6200/8800; A Xia Restaurant ( Xiá Fàndiàn; Map pp248-9; every hour) leave from the UBus Station
is) The Landis is the only five-star place %221 9873; 7 Lane 84, Jhongyi Rd, sec.2; dishes NT500- Entertainment (Map pp248-9; %226 8108; 2 Beinan Rd) to the left
in town and one of the few hotels in the south 700) A popular seafood restaurant serving the Vie Show Cinemas (Huánà W ixiù Y ngchéng; Map pp248- of the train station. Buses also leave from

deserving of the label. Rooms have an elegant freshest seafood in Tainan, now sporting a 9; %600 5566; in Chinese; 8th a host of other bus stations to the right
modern décor, with plasma TVs and worksta- modern look. It’s popular for weddings and fl, 60 Gongyuan Rd; adult/child NT240/240) You can down Beinan Rd. Note that if you catch
tions. The hotel is close to the new upmarket other celebrations. book tickets online in English. the UBus between midnight and 6am the
Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store, fare is only NT260.
as well as a number of cultural attractions, ANPING Shopping
and has its own top-notch food and beverage The area close to Fort Anping is also well Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store (Táinán TRAIN
outlets. Package deals for two usually run at known for its local foods. It’s fine during X
ntindì X
ngung Snyuè; Map pp248-9; 658 Simen Rd, Tainan is a major stop on the Western
NT4000 a night. the day but we find the night market rather sec.1) Most older locals remember the days Line. Trains to/from Taipei (fast/slow train
258 S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • A r o u n d Ta i n a n S O U T H E R N TA I W A N • • G u a n z i l i n g ( K u a n z i l i n g ) 259

NT741/476, four/5½ hours) and Kaohsi- to the museum are several salt mountains (ad-
ung (fast/slow train NT107/50, 30 minutes/ mission NT50; h9am-6pm Mon-Fri, to 8pm Sat & Sun) YENSHUI FIREWORKS FESTIVAL ᨖֽᇎ੧
one hour) run every half hour from 5am that look just like giant mounds of snow There may be nothing stranger in this land than the annual Yenshui Fireworks Festival (Yénshi
to midnight. (there is a Santa and reindeer on display). Fngpào) – or battle, or blowout – in which thousands of people place themselves willingly in
The High-Speed Rail (HSR; NT1450, two Kids can climb and even slide down in places the melee of exploding fireworks. Officially, the festival re-enacts the time when the people of
hours) runs trains about every hour between (where the salt has not hardened). To get Yenshui turned to Kuan Kong, the god of war and righteousness, to save them from a terrible
Taipei to Tainan. Note the station is about 30 to the museum and mountain head north epidemic.
to 40 minutes south of the city centre. up Hwy 17 from Tainan and look for the It was 1875, and cholera was killing off the town; nothing known to man was helping. In
English signs. desperation, people began to parade their gods through the town and set off noisy and smoky
Getting Around The Black-Faced Spoonbill Reserve (႕૿ྵ firecrackers to scare away evil disease-spreading spirits.
TO/FROM THE AIRPORT & HIGH-SPEED ᨔມ‫س‬೯ढঅᥨ೴; H imiàn Pílù Y sh ng Dòngwù For the older generation, the current Yenshui festival still honours the old event, but for
RAIL (HSR) Bohùq; %06-786 1000; Cigu Township) is a small sec- the younger crowd it’s an opportunity to live life on the edge. Crowds of 100,000 or more can
Bus 5 to the airport leaves from the South Bus tion of wetlands on the west coast of Tainan gather. It’s hot, smoky, and tense, very tense. When a nearby ‘beehive’ is set off, thousands of
Station (NT18, 20 minutes, every hour). Buses County dedicated to protecting the extremely bottle rockets fly at you and over you (though hopefully not through you). The noise deafens,
to the HSR leave from the North Bus Station rare black-faced spoonbill. The bird, which the smoke blinds, and the rockets sting.
(NT40, 40 minutes, every hour). gets its name from its comically long black Some people travel from overseas every year to be part of the excitement. Tens of thousands
bill, spends summer (May to September) in more come in from all parts of Taiwan. Accidents, burns and lost eyes are all common, though
BUS Korea and northern China and migrates to most try to mitigate damage by wearing protective clothing. A motorcycle helmet is considered
City Bus Tainan County for the winter. Once down mandatory, as is thick, nonflammable clothing and earplugs. Many people also wrap a towel
Tainan’s city bus system (http://ebus.tncg to just a few hundred, the species now has around their neck to prevent fireworks from flying up under their helmet. is pretty good and covers a wide area. closer to two thousand, though this is still If you’re injured you should be able to find medical help nearby, but don’t expect any sympathy.
Basic fares are NT18 and most buses run every tiny and the bird’s future is by no means as- And certainly don’t expect any compensation. You participate at your own risk.
15 to 30 minutes. Note that the hub is across sured. If you visit the reserve you won’t be The festival is getting bigger and bigger each year and more activities are being added to
from the train station and there are two sta- able to see the birds up close but there are draw in the crowds. In 2007 a 14km-long chain of firecrackers was lit, breaking the Guinness
tions: North Bus Station and South Bus Sta- high-powered binoculars you can use for free. record by 2km. The chain took 45 minutes to completely burn up.
tion. Most city buses stop at either station, as To get to the reserve drive north up Hwy 17 Yenshui is in the north of Tainan County. You can reach the town by taking an express train
do the tourist buses. from Tainan or take tourist shuttle bus 99 to nearby Sinying and then a taxi. Be prepared to be out all night if you go, and take care of
from the hub across from the Tainan train your valuables. The festival happens every year during Lantern Festival, two weeks after Chinese
Tourist Bus station. For more information check out the New Year.
On the weekends, two tour buses (day pass website of the Black-faced Spoonbill Conserva- For more information, and some fantastic footage, check out the website of an amateur New
NT60, every 30 minutes from 8.30am to 6pm) tion Association ( York filmmaker who was doing a documentary of the event at the time of writing (http://homepage
run to all the major sights. Bus 88 covers the /index.html).
cultural sights while bus 99 covers natural at- The majority of people in Tainan County
tractions including the Black-faced Spoonbill worship Wang Yeh, who is both a Taoist god
Reserve (right). Go to the train station visitor and a brother of the first emperor. Nankunshen tests and photographic competitions. This is which is a light grey ‘mud’ colour owing to
centre to purchase a ticket and a map of all Temple (ত㑯ߪ‫ ;ࢌ֚ז‬Nánknshn Dàitin your chance to see what a country fair is like, the heavy mineral content. The second odd-
the stops (it’s in Chinese but the staff can F) is the oldest (established 1662) and most Taiwanese style. The festival is held in July and ity is a cave where natural-gas flames burn
help translate it). important Wang Yeh temple in the county. August. The place to stay here is Ama’s Scenic continuously on top of a small pool of spring
It’s also a beautiful structure and larger than Guesthouse (ॳ᚝ऱ୮; %06-687 6899; fax 687 6531; water. Either is a good reason to plan a day
SCOOTER anything you’ll find in Tainan City. On most Baihe Town; d/tw 2000/2400, with Youth Guesthouse card trip from Tainan or Chiayi.
With an international driving licence you can Sundays the temple atmosphere explodes with NT1500), but you better book early if you want
rent scooters from several shops behind the exuberant displays of ritual devotion: there are a room. The guesthouse is set in the middle Orientation & Information
train station for NT200 per day. fireworks, parades, chanting and, occasion- of lotus fields and every morning visitors are The Guanziling area is essentially one long dip
ally, self-mutilation. If possible, try to visit taken out on bikes to watch the lotus blos- off County Rd 172 on County Rd 96. The vil-
AROUND TAINAN during the Welcoming Festival for Wang Yeh (20 soms unfold. Note that except for during the lage, on the eastern end of the dip, is divided
Taiwan Salt Museum (‫؀‬᨜ᨖ໑ढ塢; Taíwn Yén April, lunar calendar) or the Birthday of Wu- festival times there is little reason to come to into lower and upper sections. There’s a big,
Bówùgun; 69 Yencheng Village, Cigu Township; adult/child tzu-yeh (10 September, lunar calendar). Buses the area. new park with stone steps at the back joining

NT100/80; h9am-5pm, closed 3rd Wed every month) is to Nankunshen (NT121, 40 minutes, every the two sections. Buses to Guanziling pull
not a must-see, but if you are in the area do hour) leave Tainan City from the Hsingnan GUANZILING (KUANZILING) ᣂ՗ᚢ in here to turn around. The lower village is
drop by. The 1st floor has English signs, and bus station on Jhongshan Rd. %06 / pop 2000 the older part of town. It’s not that pleasant
there are several movies to watch, includ- The Baihe Lotus Festival (‫ࣾػ‬ᓊक़ࡱ; Báihé This small hot-spring village (Gunzlng) in through here as many of the buildings are
ing one about the back-faced spoonbill (see Liánhu Jì), in northern Tainan County, cel- northern Tainan County is famous for an old shabby and the hot-spring owners send touts
right). The 2nd-floor display of salt crystals ebrates the blooming of the lotus flower. The temple (now finally repaired and open to the to drive you into their establishment as if you
from around the world is fascinating. We two-month-long festival includes cycling public) and two geological oddities. The first are cattle. There’s an ATM in the 7-Eleven in
had no idea there was so much variety. Next tours through lotus fields, seed-shucking con- oddity concerns the hot-spring water itself, the lower village.
260 S O U T H C R O S S - I S L A N D H W Y S O U T H C R O S S - I S L A N D H W Y • • Pa o l a i 261

Sights & Activities (from NT4200) with hot-spring tubs inside. SOUTH CROSS-ISLAND HIGHWAY 0
10 km
6 miles
WATER & FIRE MIX ֽ‫ٵ־‬ᄭʳ Though these looked great on the surface we
In a small grotto (Shihu Tóng Yuán; admission free; found a few rooms had pretty shoddy con- Police Station Guanshanling

h24hr), west of the hot-spring area, fire and struction (eg sinking floors). 131km
(3496km) Jiaming
water really do mix as natural gas from far un- 10
derground bubbles up through a pool of water Eating & Drinking Kuhanuosin
and ignites as it hits the surface air. The result There are plenty of cafés and restaurants 8 1
is a surreal dance of flames atop pure water. around Guanziling. Across from the bus


Taguanshan Siangyang
The grotto is in a small park across from a car stop sit a row of barbecue stalls, though

(3220km) FRA

h Cross-Island
park. It’s a popular sight in Guanziling so it these usually serve group-size portions. Most

Guanshan Lidao
would be hard to miss it. of the hotels have restaurants and decent set (3666m)

The flames are not as high as they were meals can be had for around NT200. 169.5km

So 4
when we wrote the last edition, though then 5 96km 3
they were higher than the previous edition so Getting There & Around Taoyuan 95km
184.5km 6 Hsi
it seems the intensity of the natural gas flow It’s best to take your own transport here Meishan Visitor Centre Wulu ulu
Canyon e r
varies from year to year. Still, we have never (scooters are only NT200 per day in nearby 20
ṙቅ䘞ᅶЁᖗ ..........................................,... 1 B1 To Taitung
To Yali B&B Rd (45km)
seen the flames less than a metre high. If pos- Chiayi) but if you can’t, take a bus (NT79, (3km); SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Wulu Forestry
sible, try to visit the area at night. one hour, every 30 minutes) from the Chiayi (80km)
Kuaigu ⁰䈋 .............................................................2 C1 Dalun R
Paolai Lisong Hot Spring ᷫᵒ⑿⊝ ...........................3 C2
Bus Company station in Chiayi. Buses stop at Paolai Hot-Spring Mokenan Hot Spring ᨽࠏफ⑿⊝ ................4 C2
BIYUN TEMPLE ጘႆ‫ڝ‬ Biyun Temple first, then continue to Guanzil- Bulao
Area Shaonian River Recreation Area
ᇥᑈ⑾乼᱃औ ..................................................5 A2
This Ming-dynasty-era temple (Bìyún Sì) is ing. Get off the bus in the new park. Hot-Spring
dedicated to Guanyin, the goddess of mercy. 113 SLEEPING

Chief Spa Hotel ໽啡仃ᑫ ................................6 C2
It’s a small affair, but rich in excellent wall Kuhanuosin Mountain Cottage
relief, and colourful Chochin-style carvings. ᑿજ䃒䕯ቅሟ .................................................. 7 B1

HWY তຝᖩ຃ֆሁ
Meishan Youth Activity Centre
ṙቅ䴦ᑈ⌏ࢩЁᖗ ....................................... 8 B1
HOT SPRINGS Tienchih Hostel ໽∴᢯ᕙ᠔........................... 9 B1
Guanziling’s mud hot springs were opened Yakou Hostel ඵষቅ㥞 .................................. 10 C1

during the Japanese era, and have always A friend once said that the South Cross-
been considered therapeutic. The town is now Island Hwy (তຝᖩ຃ֆሁ; Nánbù Héng-
catching up on the hot-spring craze, and more guàn Gnglù) perfectly illustrates the prin- March when it’s cool, even cold, but dry. With public transportation it’s a different
and more hotels are being built. Most of these ciple that ‘sometimes the journey matters Traffic is very light during this time too, story. The Hsingnan Motor Transport Company
are attractive modern-style hotels with excel- more than the destination’. With all due especially midweek. (%06-265 3121) runs four buses daily from
lent facilities, but we do hope that the place respect, we think he needs to get out of his Tainan to Meishankou (NT319, six hours,
can resist overdevelopment. car more often. Information first bus 7am). In Taitung, the Kuo Kuang Hao
Maple Hot Spring Cottage (દᆺᄵੈ৫೗՞ The highway bisects southern Taiwan, There’s a Yushan National Park visitor cen- Bus Company (%089-322 027) runs one bus a day
๗; Hóngyè W nquán Dùjià Shnzhung; %682 2821; un- running from Tainan in the west to Taitung tre (%07-686 6181; h9am-4.30pm, closed Mon fol- to Tienchih (NT351, 4½ hours). It leaves at
limited use of public pools adult/child NT450/200; h10am- in the east. It passes through the southern lowing 2nd & 4th Sun of every month, if these are national 7.10am, but always confirm this time as some
10pm) has modern outdoor public pools set in section of the Central Mountain Range, skirt- holidays, closed Tue) in Meishankou for maps and schedules (even the one at the bus station) still
a valley off the main road. To get here, walk ing the bottom of Yushan National Park. The general information on most of the eastern say it leaves at 6.40am.
up from the park where the bus turns around area is sparsely developed, scenically grand, section of the highway. Hikers who wish to Unfortunately this means that the 27km
(the park between the upper and lower sec- and blessed with easily accessible old forests, climb Guanshan can apply for permits here stretch between Meishankou and Tienchih
tions of the village). On the right you’ll see a aboriginal villages, fantastic hikes both long for a climb the same day. has no public transportation. It’s possible to
café perched on the side of the hill. You can and short, and numerous hot springs, includ- hire someone in Meishankou to give you a
buy tickets here for the pools below. ing Lisong, which many consider the most Getting There & Around ride, but it won’t be cheap. You could walk,
There are also pleasant cottages (doubles beautiful natural spring in Taiwan. You can of course start the highway from but if you don’t have so many days take the
from NT2880) across from the outdoor pools Be aware that, as with all mountain routes either end but if you are riding a bike, or bus from Taitung to Tienchih and start your
on the side of a hill. in Taiwan, parts of the high, narrow road walking, west to east is best. With a car or journey east from here. Meishankou has lit-

King’s Garden Villa (ནՕྀ೗๗Ⴜ; J ngdà Dùjià are frequently washed away during land- scooter it doesn’t matter, though west to east tle of interest anyway and you can always see
Zhungyuán; %682 2500; in Chinese; slides, and falling rocks are all too common. just seems the better route. The long, sce- Paolai and Taoyuan when you visit Maolin.
unlimited use of public pools adult/child NT450/200; h9am- Don’t go after heavy rains or earthquakes. nic drive downhill through the Wulu gorge
10pm) is another modern hot-spring resort, The safest time to visit is in winter, during and out into the rift valley is a very satisfy- PAOLAI ᣪࠐ
with 15 distinctive pools in the spa. There’s the dry season. Afternoon fog is a hazard ing conclusion. Similarly, if you are hiring %07 / pop 600
a range of accommodation styles, from cot- year-round, especially around Yakou: plan scooters, Tainan is your best option as hire The town of Paolai (B olái) is considered
tages with their own walled-in compound to be off the road, or trail, by 3pm or so. shops accept international driving licences the gateway to the South Cross-Island Hwy,
and outdoor springs (NT7600) to rooms Hiking conditions are best October to while those in Taitung do not. which is appropriate because right here, at
262 S O U T H C R O S S - I S L A N D H W Y • • Ta o y u a n T o w n s h i p S O U T H C R O S S - I S L A N D H W Y • • M e i s h a n k o u ( M e i s h a n ) 263

a 20-minute walk and the way is pretty obvi- Guanshanᣂ՞

WALKING THE SOUTH CROSS-ISLAND HIGHWAY ous. You can camp in the recreation area. The clearly marked trailhead for Guanshan
„ Day one: take the bus from Taitung (p202) to the Guanshan (opposite) trailhead. Climb to
(Gunshn; 3666m) is at the 139km mark,
Kuhanuosin Mountain Cottage (opposite) and stay the night.
MEISHANKOU (MEISHAN) ම՞Ց or just 3km south of Tienchih. Permits are
%07 / pop 200 needed to climb the mountain and can be
„ Day two: complete the hike to the Guanshan summit, then return to the highway and walk The next stop on the road is the tiny village applied for in Meishankou at the visitor cen-
3km north to spend the night at Tienchih Hostel (opposite). of Meishan (Meishankou usually refers to tre. The Yushan National Park’s board con-
„ Day three: walk 13km along the highway to Yakou (opposite), with a possible side trip up the visitor centre area), home of the Bunun siders Guanshan a very basic climb, despite
Taguanshan (opposite). Spend the night in Yakou Hostel (p264). aboriginal tribe. Note that this is the last stop being over 3000m, so applying in advance
„ Day four: hike up Guanshanling Mountain (opposite), then take the afternoon bus to
on the bus from Tainan, and the last gas sta- is usually unnecessary. However, if you plan
Motian (p264). Hike down the side road to Lisong Hot Spring (p264) and spend the night tion for 100km is just up the road. There’s a to go on a weekend you should apply in ad-
camped by the river. visitor centre (%07-686 6181; h9am-4.30pm, closed vance (see p329) as there are limited beds
Mon following 2nd & 4th Sun of every month, if these are in the cabin.
„ Day five: hike back up to the highway and walk 10km to Lidao (p264), then 7km to 8km or national holidays, closed Tue) just off the highway The hike takes two days (though really fit
catch the afternoon bus to Wulu (p264). Spend the night in the Chief Spa Hotel or camped to the right. people can climb up and down in a day). It’s
out in the hills. The Meishankou Youth Activity Centre (Méishn a few hours climb to Kuhanuosin Mountain Cot-
„ Day six: explore Wulu Canyon (p264) and wild Mokenan Hot Spring (p265). Take the after- Q
ngnián Huódòng Zhngx
n; %686 6166; d incl breakfast tage (Kùhnuòx
n Shnw), a rough cabin
noon bus down to Taitung. NT2400, 4-person tatami r incl breakfast NT3200) is the only at 3026m where you can leave your heavy
hotel in town. It’s a very quiet, relaxing place, bag and tackle nearby Kuhanuosin Mountain
and makes for a good base if you are exploring (elevation 3206m). The next morning, climb
the start, are hot springs and the opportunity s/d/tw NT600/1500/2400). The family are very kind- the area with your own transportation. Lunch to the summit of Guanshan, return to the
for adventure in the form of rafting down the hearted, and the mother is simply a wacky riot and dinner are extra. cabin, and head back to Tienchih. Note that
Laonong River. at times. Rooms (each one is named after a there is a stream for water at the trailhead
The Laonong River (₟ᖺᄻ; L onóng X
) member of the family) are simple but good TIENCHIH ֚‫ۃ‬ to Guanshan, and tanks that hold rainwater
begins on the slopes of Yushan and the raft- value for money and are decorated with little The 27km no-man’s (or no-bus’s) land from at the cabin (but confirm the latter before
ing (fànzhu) traverses 20km of rough water handmade articles. (‘No money,’ the mother Meishankou to Tienchih (Tinchí; elevation you head out).
(much rougher than the Siougukluan River kept repeating when we were there, ‘so we 2280m) is blessed with dramatic mountain The next day (or any day for that mat-
in Taitung) from Paolai to Sinfa. A trip costs have to make our own decorations.’) Guests vistas, and if you have to walk it, you certainly ter), it is possible to walk 13km to Yakou,
about NT800 including lunch and transpor- can learn how to make bamboo chopsticks, won’t hurt for things to look at. the next pit stop with food and accommo-
tation. For more information, and online and also enjoy a swim in a natural spring-fed Note that Tienchih is not a town, or even dation. Along the way the highway passes
reservations, check out pool (not a hot spring) next door. If you plan village, but a forestry department outpost through an area called Kuaigu (Cypress Val-
.tw/index1-1.htm. Or contact the Laonong to stay a night, bring your own towels and with a police station just up the road. The ley; Kuàig), a gorgeous stretch of giant
Whitewater Rafting Company (105 Jhongjheng Rd, toiletries. There is a 20% weekday discount. only place to stay is at the minimalist Tienchih ancient trees that is worth taking in at a
Paolai Village, %07-688 2996; fax 07-688 2997). To get to the guesthouse turn left just past the Hostel (Tinchí Zhodàiso; %07-678 0006; dm NT300). leisurely pace. At the 144km mark is the
Paolai has bicarbonate water, with a pH 77km mark on Hwy 20 into Jianshan Village (৬ There are no meals available, though there is clearly marked trailhead for Taguanshan (Da-
of about 7.5, and temperature about 60°C. ՞‫ ;ޘ‬estimated population 100) and head up a kitchen, so bring supplies with you. guanshan; Օᣂ՞; Dàgunshn). The steep
If you have your own vehicle, and love hot the road 1km. If you are taking the bus from trail takes a few hours to complete and takes
springs and scenic landscapes, it is worth Tainan the stop is just before the turn-off for Activities you through an enchanting old-growth for-
exploring this area for a day or two. About Jianshan Village. Tienchih is a great starting point for a number est. Much of this forest is within the first 15
6km south of Paolai on county road 133 of hikes and is an ideal spot for beginning minutes of the hike, so do explore the trail
is the Bulao Hot Spring (լ‫۔‬ᄵੈ; Bùl o TAOYUAN TOWNSHIP a multiday journey (walking or otherwise) a bit even if you can’t do it all.
Wnquán), a low-alkaline carbonic-acid North of Paolai, the Taoyuan township down the highway.
spring. There are some lovely hotels along area has an abundance of undeveloped hot YAKOU ⅢՑ
the road, many with great open views over springs (we only touch on a couple) and rivers HIKING Yakou (Y k u) is the halfway point along
the Laonong River valley. for swimming. Jhongjhiguan խհᣂ the highway. The scenery is dominated by
Hot-spring hotels are reasonably priced in At the 96km mark on the highway you’ll The trail (Zhngzh
gun), also known as the high mountain ridges and sharp valleys
the Paolai area (NT2500 to NT4000 a night see a sign for the Shaonian River Recreation Area Guanshan Historic Trail, begins a few kilo- (that is if you can see any of it through the

with good midweek discounts) and if you (Xiàonián X
FngJng Q). There’s an inter- metres west of Tienchih at the 131km mark thick fog). Right before Yakou is the 600m
just want a soak it will cost around NT300 esting waterfall here and free hot-spring pools on the highway, and ends just up from the Dakuanshan Tunnel (Օᣂ՞ᙞሐˎʳDàgunshn
per person. set up by the local community. The falls are hostel at the 136km mark. The trail was built Suìdào), the dividing line between Taitung
For something a little homier we recom- visible across the river from the parking lot by the Japanese to control the Bunun tribe, and Kaohsiung Counties.
mend a little aboriginal family-run place and can be reached by crossing the suspension and the 3.5km section that is open to the Just east of the Dakuanshan Tunnel is
a few kilometres before Paolai called Yali bridge. To get to the hot springs, turn right public now takes two or three hours to com- the trail to Guanshanling Mountain (ᣂ՞ᚢ՞;
B&B (ࠅԺ‫ا‬മ; Ylì Mínsù; % 688 2042; www after the suspension bridge and follow the plete one way. Most people who hike it take Gunshnlng Shn). It’s three to four hours in Chinese; with Youth Guesthouse card road up and then left, over the falls. It’s about the trail one way and the road the other. return with excellent views from the flat top
264 S O U T H C R O S S - I S L A N D H W Y • • S i a n g y a n g F o re s t R e c re a t i o n A re a K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K a o h s i u n g C i t y 265

if the weather is clear (go early morning for To get to Lisong look for a metal shack a dozen wild hot springs to explore along the the gorge. It’s the longest suspension bridge
best results). around the 169.5km mark, near the village of canyon floor. It’s tough getting down to the in the east of Taiwan and an obligatory visit
Travellers can stay in the Yakou Hostel (Yku Motian (ᐰ֚). Take the farm road behind the bottom, though, so watch out for paths or for most tour buses.
Shnzhung; dm NT600, 4-person tatami r NT2400) just off shack down about 1.5km to the end. (You can temporary access roads built by road crews. On the other side of the bridge, a clear
the highway down a side road at the 149km drive it but it’s pretty rough and steep.) Turn There are also a few suspension bridges if you trail allows for a pleasant 1½-hour walk
mark. It’s cold up here and the rooms have right across a farmer’s field and look for the want a good viewpoint for photos. through lush forests, with expansive views
no heat but it’s much more comfortable than trailhead on the other side. It’s pretty much over the canyon.
at Tienchih. Fairly decent meals (NT120) are straight down from here and there are many HOT SPRINGS
prepared by the hostel but must be ordered in sections where you must use ropes (already in There are dozens of natural hot springs BIRD-WATCHING
advance . The front desk has a small selection place) to assist you. When you reach the river, along the South Cross-Island Hwy, some Organized tours from North America and
of snacks and drinks for sale. Note that rooms cross and head up the bank 30m then cross requiring half a day to hike into. Around Europe have in recent years started coming
must be booked through the Meishan Youth back using the rope in place. Scramble up Wulu, however, there are several that can to the Wulu area for bird-watching, espe-
Activity Centre (%07-686 6166). the bank to the now obvious springs. People be reached fairly easily. One of the most cially on the lookout for endemic species
have made a small pool out of rocks and you wild is the Mokenan Hot Spring (Mókènán like the Taiwan partridge, mikado pheasant
SIANGYANG FOREST RECREATION AREA can dip into the deep pools of the Lidao River Wnquán). In this large open area of steamy and rusty laughing thrush. While the trail
‫ٻ‬ၺཤࣥሏᑗ೴ when you get too hot. fumaroles, and long cliff faces stained with on the other side of the Heavenly Dragon
From Yakou you can continue walking on the If you walk in from the highway, it will take colourful mineral deposits, hot-spring water Bridge seemed to our eyes to team with
highway 8km to this new forest recreation 1½ to two hours to reach the springs. Since the spits dribbles and boils out from cracks in birds, it is a nearby forestry road that is the
area (Xiàngyáng Snlín Yóulè Q) with sev- turn-off for the springs is about 20km from the canyon walls. real draw.
eral short trails through beautiful cypress and Yakou, you could easily walk from there and To get here, look for a clearing wide The Wulu Forestry Road (ᣆຼࣥሐ) starts a
pine forests. There’s a visitor centre (%089-345 camp overnight by the river. enough to park a car or two on the left few kilometres east of the Chief Spa Hotel
493;; h8.30am-4.30pm) at the side of the highway just before the 184.5km but you need to drive up about 15km to the
start of the reserve just off the highway. Note LITAO ‫ܓ‬ᒟ mark as you head down (east). You should best bird-watching spots. And for this you
it does not sell any food or drinks. pop 300 see a tag on the bushes. Look for a trail really need a 4WD vehicle.
Siangyang is starting to become known as From Lisong Hot Spring it’s about 8km to on the right side of the clearing. It’s steep,
a prime bird-watching area and is also the 9km to the small aboriginal village of Litao very steep, going down, so take care. Wear Eating
start of the three-day round-trip trek to Jiam- (Lìdào), where you can get food and drinks river-tracing, or rock-climbing, shoes for Across from the Chief Spa Hotel sits a lit-
ing Lake (ቯࣔྋ; Jimíng Hú), a tiny alpine and catch the afternoon bus to Wulu or better grip. tle Sichuan restaurant (Sìchun Fàndiàn; dishes NT60),
lake that resulted from an asteroid collision onwards to Taitung. At the bottom, scramble down the final where you can fill up on fried noodles and
ages ago. Those who have done the route rave The Litao Hotel, run by the Meishan Youth rocks and cross the river. (Don’t attempt tofu with chilli at any time of the day. The
that the scenery is about the best in Taiwan. Activity Centre, has closed but there are nu- when the water is high after heavy rain.) Chief Spa Hotel has excellent aboriginal food
The Jiaming Lake trail is part of the National merous inexpensive homestays. These tend to Then, explore. prepared by Bunun cooks.
Trail System (p329). Only a police permit is go in and out of business, not to mention up Wulu’s water has a pH of about 7.5 and

required to hike it. and down in quality, so ask around or show is odourless and silky to the touch. It is, in
the characters for mínsù (‫ا‬മ). fact, almost identical to the water at Taian,
LISONG HOT SPRING ொ࣪ᄵੈ If you are looking for a bit more comfort, our favourite hot spring in Taiwan. We’ve
Arguably the most beautiful natural hot continue another 7km to 8km (about two seen pictures of people soaking in contrived
springs in Taiwan, Lisong (Lìsng Wnquán) hours’ walk) to Wulu. pools at Mokenan but you’d better make KAOHSIUNG CITY ೏ႂؑ
is a must-visit for any lover of the sublime sure you mix the hot spring water with %07 / pop 1,512,677
in nature. At the base of a deep river val- WULU ᣆຼ cooler river water first. In the last edition of the Taiwan guidebook,
ley, eons of mineral deposits have painted a pop 100 For something a little more refined, check we called Kaohsiung not a must-see, but a
small limestone grotto shades of deep green, The last real stop on the highway, Wulu out the nearby Chief Spa Hotel (Tinlóng Fàndiàn; city to keep your eye on. Well, no-one is
white, red and black. Steam rises from the (Wùlù), like Paolai, the first, offers hot %089-935 075; If the hotel more surprised than we are at how quickly
rocks, and hot-spring water bubbles, spits springs galore (both wild and developed), is not busy, nonguests can use the out- the change has come.
and streams from fissures and cracks in the bird-watching, hiking and a rushing river. door pools (NT300) that look out onto the In some ways of course this is because
canyon walls. Stand in the right place and There’s no rafting here but you can enjoy the canyon. Comfortable rooms (single/double Kaohsiung, Taiwan’s second-largest city, and
you are in a hot-spring shower. It really is as beautiful Wulu Gorge as you walk or drive NT3000/3600) with piped-in hot spring largest port (the fourth- or fifth-largest in

good as it sounds. along the road. water are also available, and there’s a 30% the world), was so sorely and long neglected.
If Lisong wasn’t already well known among discount Sunday to Friday. Audrey, the Like the double-digit growth of many devel-
Taiwanese hot-spring fans, we’d probably keep Sights & Activities manager, speaks fluent English and is a great oping countries, Kaohsiung’s transformation
it a secret. Fortunately, the remoteness of the WULU GORGE source of local information. seems astonishing in part because it has so
spring and the very steep trail down keep it This deep, twisting canyon (Wùlù Xiág) runs much catching-up to do.
from being wrecked by crowds. In fact, on a beside the highway for the last stretch before HIKING We wouldn’t be thrilled about the change
weekday you likely won’t see another soul. opening out into the East Rift Valley. It’s sce- Behind the Chief Spa Hotel, the Heavenly if Kaohsiung didn’t have something worth
We never have. nic enough on its own, but there are also about Dragon Bridge (Tinlóng Diào Qiáo) spans transforming. But it does. The harbour, the
266 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K a o h s i u n g C i t y K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K a o h s i u n g C i t y 267

beaches, the Love River, the historical sights, the honour to push through even more urban the tunnel starting in the train station. The the booklet Fun Kaohsiung for an excellent
and the 1000 hectares of almost-pristine for- renewal projects. fee is NT6 and you can purchase tickets in overview.
est have of course always been there. It finally the train station. Access Kaohsiung (Map p266; %342 2101, ext 811 or
took someone with a good vision to see their Orientation One great change is the bilingual signage, 0917-119 930 ask for Melissa; http://accesskaohsiung
true worth. Kaohsiung is a large city but most of what not only for roads, but major attractions.; 801 Chongde Rd, Tsoying District; h9am-
The visionary in many ways was former you want to see is clustered in a few areas: And no more hiding street names behind 5pm Mon-Fri) Largely the brainchild of Canadian expat
Mayor Frank Hsieh. He saw the Love River the Love River, especially in the section coconut palms for this town. Mellisa Wriston, Access Kaohsiung (part of the Bureau of
cleaned up, and its banks turned into lovely between Jianguo-3rd and Wufu-3rd Rd; Human Resources) exists to help foreigners travel or get set
promenades. He also saw the city get potable the Tsoying District in the north; the har- Information up in Kaohsiung. In its little office, you’ll find free internet,
water for the first time, oversaw the start of an bour and Cijin Island; and the Sun Yat-sen CULTURAL CENTRES books, tons of English information including bus schedules
extensive MRT system (though he was tainted University grounds. Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Centre (Zhngzhèng and many guides and brochures that are hard to find
with a scandal on that matter), the opening of Most travellers will have to spend at least Wénhuà Zhngx
n; Map pp268-9; %222 5136, ext 237; elsewhere. You can take a 301 bus (2 zones) to the centre or
the harbour to tourism, and even scored the some time around the train station, if only 67 Wufu-1st Rd; h9am-5pm, closed Mon) The centre walk from Lotus Lake.
2009 World Games. The city is proud to be when catching a bus. It’s still a grubby part has lecture and concert halls, galleries and a library. To get FYI South Magazine ( This free
hosting the games, the second-largest sporting of town, but at least it’s not all torn up any- there, catch bus 50 or 51. Note that the name of the centre bilingual monthly focuses on the south of Taiwan. You can
event after the Olympics. And like many Ol- more with MRT construction. If you wish may change as part of the de-Chiangification of Taiwan. pick it up at tourist centres and at many restaurants and
ympic-bid-winning cities, Kaohsiung is using to cross the tracks behind the station, use entertainment venues across town. You can also download it.
INTERNET ACCESS Tourist Office (Map pp268-9; %281 1513; 5F, 235
10 km
6 miles There are many internet cafés around the Jhongjheng-4th Rd; h9am-5pm Mon-Fri) Good for
To Bo Ai Rd/Cisian-2nd Rd area (Map pp268– brochures and such, though staff speak limited English.
A 17 B Taipei C D Train Station Visitor Centre (h9am-7pm) Staff speak
(Zuoying) (366km) 9). For free internet at Access Kaohsiung

HSR Station see below. English and are a good source of information, especially for
Xuan Tian Shang-di
buses, as the city hub is right outside the train station.
1 Dragon & Tiger Pagodas Tsoying Temple
Temple of Enlightenment Kaohsiung City ( One of the Sights
Spring Autumn Temple
best city tourism websites in Taiwan. LOTUS POND ᓊ‫ۃ‬ᑧ
Shengli Rd The pond (Liánchí Tán; Map p266) has been

Old Wall of Fengshan


a popular destination since the Qing dynasty



Tsoying Train Station Ch

Niaosung Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Medi- and is well known for the 20 or so temples

de Kaohsiung


Golf cal University (%312 1101;; 100 dotting the shoreline and nearby area. In re-



Junghua Rd

Zihyou 1st Rd) cent years much money and effort has gone

Chaishan 6 Chengching

Nature Lake
Reserve Rd into returning the lake and its cultural and
3 Dashun
2 2
natural heritage to its former glory. There’s
There are banks and ATMs everywhere, now a path right around the lake, and efforts
4 including most 7-Elevens. You can change are underway to restore the wetlands on the
Jiou Ru-1 Rd
(355m) money at the following: west side. At night coloured lights give the
To Pingdong
Bank of Taiwan (Map pp268-9; 264 Jhongjheng-4th Rd) lake a very festive and modern appearance.
ICBC (Map pp268-9; 308 Jhongjheng-4th Rd) Two long sections of the impressive Old
Wall of Fengshan (Fèngshn Jiùcháng; Map
TOURIST INFORMATION p266), built in 1826, lie to the southeast of
Kaohsiung Fengshan Kaohsiung is not lacking in places to help the lake. The best section is along Chenfong
3 Harbour
Rd about 100m up Shengli Rd from the
you find the information you need. Look for
See Central Kaohsiung Map (p268–9) train station.
If you are going to the pond, get your hands
Cijin Access Kaohsiung.............................................................................1 B1 on a copy of the free booklet Lotus Pond:
Chang Gung Hospital 䭋ᑮ䝿䰶 ................................................2 C2 Tourism Guide. This is a highly informative
and useful guide to all the temples and sights

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts 㕢㸧仼 ................................3 B2 around the lake, including places to try trad-
25 National Science & Technology Museum itional food. Tourist offices don’t always have
TAIWAN Siaogang Airport ⾥ᅌᎹ㮱म⠽仼............................................................................4 B2 copies; try Access Kaohsiung.
4 To get to the lake, take a train to Tsoying
Cross-Harbour International Friendship House..................................................5 B2 station (Zu yíng; Map p266). Exit the station
Tunnel 17
and walk straight ahead two blocks up Shengli
To Kenting Lighthouse Bar & Grill ➜ศ㕢ᓣ䜦仼 ......................................6 B2
Rd. The lake is unmissable on the right. You
can also catch bus 301.
268 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K a o h s i u n g C i t y K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K a o h s i u n g C i t y 269

CIJIN ISLAND ዁੍ BRITISH CONSULATE AT TAKOU (DAGOU) sea views and breezes, they are top spots for To get to the consulate, take bus 99 to the
Cijin Island (Qíj
n; Map pp268–9) makes for ‫ؚ‬द૎ഏᏆࠃ塢 enjoying a meal or drink (open from 10am consulate stop and walk up the stairs. Or,
a pleasant half-day trip from the mainland. Kaohsiung has a large number of well- to midnight). take bus 248 to Binghai-2nd Rd (the har-
Attractions include the seafood street (hichn preserved relics scattered around the city. While you’re in the area check out a tiny bour) then walk along the new paths around
ji), a centuries-old Matsu Temple (Tinhoù The handsome redbrick consulate (Dgu Y
nguó temple to the left of the larger temple beside the cape to the stairs.
Gng) with excellent relief and pillar carv- L ngshì Gun; Map pp268-9; %531 2560; 18 Linhai Rd; the consulate. There are two gods within
ings, and an old lighthouse (Qíj
n D ngt; admission admission free; h9am-midnight), built in 1865 by the shrine, and if you ask most Taiwanese MUSEUMS
free; h9am-4.30pm) with fantastic views over the a British trading company, has recently be- people they would not be able to identify The Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (Goxióng
ocean and harbour. There’s also a long strip come one of our favourite hang-out spots. them. And that’s because these gods are not M ishùgun; Map p266; %555 0331; http://english.kmfa
of sandy beach where you can swim in sum- The consulate sits about 70m or so above Chinese, but Dutch!; 20 Meishuguan Rd; admission free; h9am-5pm,
mer (there are free public changing rooms the mouth of Kaohsiung harbour, and it’s During the 17th century many Taiwan- closed Mon; bus 205) has a stylish interior and high-
and showers) and stroll in winter (the city a great location for watching the giant con- ese revered the Dutch for their military and lights the art of southern Taiwan. The level of
keeps it clean all year round, quite a rarity tainer ships sail through the tiny mouth of technical prowess. This temple, the only work on display is impressive.
in Taiwan). the harbour. one of its kind in Taiwan, went so far as The National Science & Technology Museum
To reach the island, take bus 248 to the Recently the old dining and tearooms to deify two naval commanders, much as (K xué Gngyì Bówùgun; Map p266; %316 0331; www
ferry terminal. The ferry (NT10, five minutes) were reopened. With their Victorian British old Chinese generals have been deified over; 720 Jiou Ru-1st Rd; adult/senior/child NT100/
runs every five minutes. design, and arched windows letting in the the centuries. free/70, foreigner with passport NT50, IMAX adult/child

1 km
0.5 miles
Bank of Taiwan ৄ☷䡔㸠..............................................................1 C2
To Tsoying Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Centre
A B C 26 D E F

Tianjin St
Ёℷ᭛࣪Ёᖗ................................................................................2 F3

Chungwa Telecom Ё㧃䳏ֵ ...................................................... 3 E2
Jiou Ru-1 Rd ICBC Ё೟೟䱯ଚὁ䡔㸠 ...............................................................4 C2
Internet Cafés ....................................................................................5 D2
1 1 National Immigration Agency
Jiou Ru-1 Rd
ܻᬓ䚼ܹߎ೟ঞ⿏⇥㕆.............................................................6 C2
Kaohsiung Changming St
Train Station 29 Post Office 䛉ሔ.................................................................................7 E2
28 30

2-28 Memorial Jianguo-2 Rd Tourist Office ᮙᅶЁᖗ ................................................................ 8 D2

-2 R


d 15 Bade-1 Rd ua

Bo Ai-1 Rd
R d -2 British Consulate at Takou ᠧ⢫㣅೟䷬џ仼 ........................9 A3

g uo-3 Rd
Matsu Temple ໽ৢᆂ .................................................................10 A4
Wanshoushan Jian

Nanhua Rd
Zoo Cisian-1 Rd
5 3 Municipal Film Archives 䳏ᕅ೪᳌仼....................................11 C3

n Rd

Minzu Rd
Liuhe Rd Museum of History ⅋৆म⠽仼..............................................12 C2
ng R

-2 Rd Seafood Street ⍋冂㸫 ................................................................13 A4

2 C 2

ing R
Rd 4 Rd
e-2 ng-
Baseball Liuh gjhe

Jhon Ambassador Hotel ೟䊧仃ᑫ....................................................14 C3


6 Hotel Skoal Ϫ೟໻仃ᑫ .............................................................15 D2



National Sun

1 Rd Hwa Hung Hotel 㧃ᅣ໻仃ᑫ....................................................16 E1

Yat Sen University 8 fu-1

Minsheng-1 Rd Wu

Hsitzuwan Da
ren 12 Ferry Pier Kaohsiung 202 ................................................................................17 C3


Beach Tun Rd Kingship Hotel ⓶⥟໻仃ᑫ ......................................................18 C3

nel Ferry Pier



2 Sunset Beach Resort & Spa 㽓ᄤ☷≭☬᳗仼 ....................19 A3


19 18 14 g-2 Jhongshan

2 Rd
Park Uni Resort ㍅ϔ⏵‫؛‬ᴥ................................................................20 A3

Min 21

Lin Go fu-
ng Wu


Binhai -2 Rd


ai Ferry


Gua d

-2 Wu 23

Rd -2 Pier EATING

Rd fu- t

gfu S

4R 11 Rd


ai Rd
d 17 tien Lai Lai Seafood Barbecue Restaurant


3 3

o Rd
Linse ՚՚⺇⚸⍋冂令ᓇ...................................................................21 D3
1 Rd
Wufu-3 Rd nian
Seafood Street ⍋冂㸫 ............................................................. (see 13)
Binhai -1 Rd Cing
n-1 R

Pier 12
20 27 Shou-Yu Vegetarian Buffet ⾔㖑㋴亳....................................22 E2


ya R

9 Ling Wudu Organic House ⛵↦ⱘᆊ᳝″‫ع‬ᒋϪ⬠.................23 F3



3 Rd

1 Rd

Sihw Vie Show Cinemas 㧃㋡࿕⾔ᕅජ...........................................24 E4

-3 R

Kaohsiung duo
Harbour San SHOPPING
Gushan Ferry Pier Bamboo Street 㗕ネ㸫................................................................25 B3
10 Jade Market ⥝Ꮦจ......................................................................26 D1
Cijin Ersheng-
d 2 Rd
Island -4 R Yih


4 duo 24 sin



Cijin Ferry Terminal ⏵㠍⺐丁..................................................27 A3



Tuntex Sky Tower


City Bus Hub Ꮦ݀䒞キ.................................................................28 E1


-2 R

Kaohsiung Ke Yuan Station 催䲘ᅶ䘟キ ..............................29





13 Kuo Kuang Hao Bus Company




Processing To Siaogang Station ೟‫ܝ‬ᅶ䘟ᵅキ..............................................................30 E1


Zone Airport (10km)

270 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K a o h s i u n g C i t y Book accommodation online at K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K a o h s i u n g C i t y 271

NT150/100; h9am-5pm, closed Mon & Chinese New Year) Just back from the river is the wonderful the water and enjoy the ships sailing in and to Yancheng Station (ᨖἸీ) then change
features an hourly IMAX show and high- Municipal Film Archives (Diàny ng Túshgun; Map pp268- being loaded and unloaded. No, we’re not to bus 219 to Longcyuan Temple (ᚊੈ‫)ڝ‬.
quality hands-on science exhibits designed 9; %551 1211; 10 Hesi Rd; admission free; h1.30-9.30pm, talking about a scene of shirtless coolies haul- The trails start behind the temple.
for children. Most of the IMAX shows and closed Mon), where you can enjoy on-site private ing bamboo crates off a four-masted barque – Just walking around the university (Map
displays are in Chinese only. The exhibit on and public viewings of the Archives’ films. It’s these are massive container ships, and the pp268–9)) and getting lost in the hills is
the Industrial History of Taiwan, however, just a shame they won’t sell the movie posters modern port is fully outfitted with cranes and pleasant too. Some trails will take you up to
has full English displays and is so informative in the lobby. lifts to unload the cargo. (And it’s no less the zoo, and also up to the nature reserve.
it alone is worth the price of admission. You A few blocks north of the Archives, also enjoyable for that.)
can take bus 60 to the museum. beside the river, is the lovely Museum of History Harbour cruises leave from Pier 12 several VOLUNTEERING
(Lìsh Bówùgun; Map pp268-9; %531 2560; http://w5.kcg times a day (NT150, 90 minutes). Check at the Animal-lovers can make Kaohsiung a better
LOVE RIVER ფࣾ; 272 Jhongjheng-4th Rd; admission free; h9am- visitor centre for the current schedule. place for our four-legged friends by helping
About five years ago, the Love River (Ài Hé; Map 5pm, closed Mon), formerly the city government out at BARK ( BARK was
pp268–9) began to be cleaned up after years of building during Japanese times. Inside are a BEACHES started in 2006 by expats in Kaohsiung
neglect, if not outright abuse. As the waters number of photographic exhibits, furniture Kaohsiung is lucky to have two decent and since has grown quickly to become a
flowed clear again, the banks were turned into displays and special seasonal exhibits. But we beaches right within the city borders. The registered nonprofit organization (NPO)
strips of lovely parkland featuring walkways, just like to walk up and down the cool marble beach on Cijin Island (Map pp268-9; admission free) with plenty of both Taiwanese and Western
benches, shady trees, outdoor cafés and stages. staircase. Bus 248 stops by the Museum of is just a five-minute ferry ride (and another volunteers. BARK is involved in rehoming,
And it just keeps getting better year after year. History, putting you in the centre of the Love five-minute walk). There are showers and catch-neuter-release (CNR) programmes,
These days it has become the focal point of the River area. changing rooms but be aware that there are and rescues, in addition to raising aware-
renewed pride Kaohsiung citizens feel for their serious rip tides along the more open parts ness of the huge problem of stray animals
city. One of the most popular activities now is KAOHSIUNG HARBOUR of the beach. in Taiwan. Not only is helping out a great
cruising along the river at night. There are four The harbour (gngku; Map pp268–9) itself Hsitzuwan (Sizi Bay; X
z wn; Map pp268-9; winter/sum- thing to do, but you’ll meet a lot of kind,
piers from where you can catch a boat for a has recently become an attraction as more and mer admission NT50/70) is smaller than Cijin, but generous folk. (For more information,
20-minute ride (NT50) from 4pm to 11.30pm more of it is opened up to the public. Down it’s a calmer swimming beach and is also an see p343).
every day. Boats leave often and are usually by Pier 12 and the Gushan Ferry Pier you’ll excellent place for hanging out and watch-
full on weekends. find walkways and cafés where you can sit by ing the sunset. We prefer it to Cijin, as it has 2009 WORLD GAMES
a cool tropical feel and a lovely mountain The World Games are the second-largest
backdrop. The beach is on the grounds of international sporting event after the
THE BETEL NUT BEAUTY Robert Kelly Sun Yat-sen University so the whole environ- Olympics. The 2009 events will take place
It’s said in advertising that sex sells, as do small cute animals and children. Leave it to the Tai- ment on and around the beach is clean and in Kaohsiung from 16–26 July. Over 3000
wanese to find a way to conflate all three ideals into one. They did and they call it the Betel well maintained. To get to the beach, take athletes are expected to attend and the whole
Nut Beauty (Bnláng Xsh). bus 224 to the Sun Yat-sen University stop spectacle will certainly be a huge boost for
The beauty is a young woman, or teenage girl, often extremely pretty, who sits in a glass booth on and then walk through the tunnel. You’ll see the city’s international image.
the side of provincial highways and county roads, wearing as little as possible to attract customers. signs for the beach on the other side. There
Her ware is the betel nut (bnláng), the seed of the betel palm, a tree that grows throughout Asia. are changing rooms and showers here too, Festivals & Events
As for the cute animal angle, well (and yes this is a bit of a stretch, I admit), very often a little dog as well as a café. As befitting a port city, there is a quirky Inter-
accompanies her in the booth, or at the very least a shelf full of Hello Kitty products. Both beaches are open all year round, and national Container Arts Festival (Guójì Huògùi
In any case, betel nut is a US$1 billion dollar industry in Taiwan. To make it fit for consump- kept clean all year round, though swimming Yìshù Jié) in November, during which con-
tion, the nut is usually slit down the middle, mixed with lime, and wrapped in a leaf. The effects is only from May to October. tainers are used as art material.
on the mind and body are comparable to nicotine and caffeine. It’s extremely popular, though There are also praise-worthy shows dur-
it does lead to oral cancer, and growing the nut tree is a scourge on the environment. Activities ing Chinese New Year at the Chiang Kai-
While many countries have betel nut, only Taiwan has the Betel Nut Beauty, named after Xi HIKING shek Cultural Centre and the colourful (and
Shi, a legendary paragon of Chinese beauty. The phenomenon started in the 1990s and grew Within Kaohsiung City there is good hiking often hi-tech) lantern displays along the
quickly, through competition and one-upmanship, to the point where literally nothing was in the 1000-hectare Chaishan Nature Reserve Love River during Lantern Festival.
being worn by the girls but see-through skirts and blouses. Many locals took a strange pride (Cháishn Zìrán Gngyuán; Map p266),
in this and an even stranger joy in exposing foreign guests to the, well, exposed charms of which has been preserved since Japanese Sleeping
the local beauties. times. There’s a decent brochure and map of BUDGET

But all good things must end, and by the time everyone could admit the empresses really the area at the tourist office. The Chaishan Budget accommodation took a turn for the
had no clothes on, the politicians had gotten involved. ‘No exposure of breasts, belly buttons or reserve is famous for its macaque popula- better in 2007 as two new hostels opened up.
buttocks’, they declared, and somehow or other this ban has managed to stay enforced. It’s true tion, so don’t carry food into the area and Both are run by English-speaking expats and,
we do see the occasional flash of defiance in our travels around the country, but by all accounts watch out that the monkeys don’t steal best of all, one is in the southern part of the
the glory days of the Betel Nut Beauty are behind us. For one last glimpse of what has been lost, your camera! city beside the Love River, while the other is
do a search for ‘Betel Nut Girls Taiwan’ on to see a trailer for South African Tobie On weekends and holidays you can take up by Lotus Pond.
Openshaw’s upcoming documentary. the Chaishan Line bus to the reserve from Kaohsiung 202 (Map pp268-9; %0938-020 304;
the train station. On weekdays take bus 248; 202 Guangfu-3rd St;
272 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K a o h s i u n g C i t y Book accommodation online at K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K a o h s i u n g C i t y 273

٠༚ 3ဩ 202ᇆ ; dm/s/d with shared bathroom modern design (we are so happy the flower food stalls. You can eat well here for NT100 to along who knows something about jade. Of
NT280/350/500; i) Taipei has its 101, and now prints are gone), proximity to the Love River NT200. (It’s also very clean, as there is literally course it’s also fun just to browse.
Kaohsiung has its…202? It’s a little smaller but and the bars and restaurants along Wufu-4th one rubbish can every 10m.) Other places to
it does the trick for the independent traveller Rd, and good price (10% weekday discount), the try traditional foods include the Lotus Pond Getting There & Away
coming for a visit or looking for a place to stay Kingship makes for a solid midrange option. area, especially on Shengli Rd. AIR
while he or she gets set up. Bright colours and Uni Resort (Tngy
Dùjiàcn; Map pp268-9; %533 6680; For fresh seafood head over to Cijin Island’s Kaohsiung’s Siaogang Airport, located south
liberal use of wood give the hostel a welcom- 14 Shaochuan St; ଽํဩ14ᇆ; d/tw NT4000/5500; i) seafood street. Or try the locally recommend of the city centre, serves both international
ing atmosphere, and the rooftop views over An excellent place to stay if you want both a Lai Lai Seafood Barbecue Restaurant (Lái Lái Tànko and domestic flights.
the harbour make it comfortable for hanging comfy environment and lots of room to move Hixin Cnt
ng; Map pp268-9; %215 6966; 53 Minsheng-2nd UNI Air (%801 0189), TransAsia Airways (%803
out. Other perks include an English-speaking around. The hotel is right on the waterfront, Rd; h10am-3pm & 5pm-3am). It’s the kind of place 0599), Mandarin Airlines (%805 7900), Daily Air Cor-
manager, free use of a computer with ADSL, with walking paths to the ferry and the uni- you go to eat good seafood, drink cheap beer, poration (%806 9397) and Far Eastern Transport
and the location: close to the harbour and versity right on your doorstep. There’s a small and be loud. Just tell the staff how much you (%801 2311) have counters in Kaohsiung’s
right by the Love River. spa in the basement. There’s a discount of 45% want to spend and they will arrange dishes for Siaogang Domestic Airport Terminal (Map p266; www
International Friendship House (Map p266; in winter, 20% in summer. you. Be sure to tell them anything you don’t There are flights from Kaohsiung to
%0971-119 930;; 83 Lane Sunset Beach Resort & Spa (X
z wn Shtn Huìgun; eat (like fish head perhaps?). Taipei, Hualien, Kinmen, Matsu and Penghu.
129, Wun Tze Rd, Tsoying; ؐᛜ֮۞ሁ129৥83ᇆ; Map pp268-9; %525 0005;; 51 EVA (%536 9301) and China Airlines (%282 6141)
per person NT400; i ) The house is a mod- Lianhai Rd; ᓊ௧ሁ51ᇆ; d/tw NT6000/6800; i) The Drinking have counters in the international terminal.
ern five-storey apartment 1km from Lotus rooms are a good size and feature soft beds, The area around Jhongshan Park (Map pp268– There are flights to Hong Kong, Japan, Macau,
Pond. Run by a member of Access Kaohsi- good bedding and other midrange comforts. 9) houses an assortment of modern cafés, and Singapore and Korea.
ung, it features a homey atmosphere with But it’s the location that really sells the place. there’s even one in the park itself. Along the There are two visitor centres (%805 7888;
all the fixings: wireless internet, full shared It is literally on the beach, and the hotel has its Love River the many small cafés stay open late h9am-12.30am) in the airport, one in each ter-
kitchen, TV, stereo etc. There are two rooms own private entrance. It’s also right within the into the evening. For a beer or meal at a pub, minal. Both can help with hotels, tours, buses,
per floor (for two to four people each) and university grounds, giving you access to tennis head to one of the joints along Wufu-4th Rd. car hire and so on. Staff speak good English.
each floor has its own bathroom. Towels courts, jogging tracks, hiking trails and lots of A new area to check out for tea or coffee, or The domestic and international terminals
and toiletries are provided should you need greenery. The hotel has a restaurant and café even a beer, is the harbour. At the time of writ- are joined and you can quickly walk from one
them. Laundry was being set up at the time on the premises. There are discounts of 30% to ing there were a few cafés at Gushan Ferry Pier to the other. There are money-changing fa-
of writing. The house is down a quiet lane 50% in winter, 30% to 40% in summer. with open decks facing the water. More will cilities available in the international terminal
but there are plenty of cheap eats (and fancy doubtless open as the harbour continues to be till 10pm (cash only, no travellers cheques).
eats, too) nearby. Long- and short-term stays TOP END developed for tourism. And of course there is There’s a post office in the domestic terminal.
are accepted. In either case, you should call Ambassador Hotel (Guób
n Fàndiàn; Map pp268–9; the British Consulate (p268), which overlooks All airport signs are bilingual.
or email Melissa before heading out. Don’t %211 5211; fax 281 1115; 202 Minsheng-2nd Rd; ‫سا‬ the harbour and has to be one of the nicest
just show up. 2ሁ202ᇆ; s/d/tw NT4500/5500/5500; is) Part of settings in the south for a meal or drink . BOAT
Hotel Skoal (Shìguó Dàfàndiàn; Map pp268-9; %287 a group of luxury hotels in Taiwan, the Am- Lighthouse Bar & Grill (D ngt M ishì Jigun; Map The Taiwan Hangye Company (%561 3866; www
6151; fax 288 6020; 64 Min Zhu Heng Rd; ‫׌ا‬ᖩሁ64ᇆ; bassador is rated one of Kaohsiung’s best. p266; %559 2614; 239 Fuguo-1st Rd; beer NT100; h6pm- in Chinese) operates Tai-
d/tw NT780/1600; p) Rooms are small and a lit- Facilities include business centre, outdoor late) is a popular hang-out in the Tsoying Dis- wanline, which has services to Makung, Pen-
tle dark, but kept very clean. There’s a car pool, health club and a host of food and trict with good service, seasonal activities and ghu. Boats (NT600 to NT1300) leave from
park across from the hotel. beverage options. live sports. Kaohsiung’s Pier 1 (Map pp268–9), near the
Hwa Hung Hotel (Huá Hóng Dàfàndiàn; Map pp268- ferry to Cijin Island, from mid-March into
9; %237 5523; 243 Jianguo-2nd Rd; ৬ഏ2ሁ243ᇆ; Eating Entertainment September. The schedule changes every three
d/tw NT950/1500; i) This place has two things There’s food everywhere in Kaohsiung, at all Clubs come and go quickly, so ask around or months and boats are limited in winter. Sched-
going for it: it’s right by the train station, times of day and night. check out FYI South magazine. ules are posted online (in Chinese only).
and it’s got a fresh, funky interior that looks Shou-Yu Vegetarian Buffet (Xiùy Sùshí; Map pp268- Vie Show Cinemas (Huánà W ixiù Y ngchéng; Map
like it was taken out of a comic book. In fact 9; 274 Jhongsiao-1st Rd; dishes NT120) Shou-Yu has pp268-9; %337 1234; in Chi- BUS
we were completely unprepared for the inte- branches in most major Taiwanese cities and nese; 13-14F, 21 Sanduo-4th Rd; adult/child NT230/210) In Buses to Foguangshan (NT77, 30 minutes,
riors, with their bright tropical colours, and is popular for the light, fresh taste of its food. the FE21’ Mega Department Store. You can every 40 minutes), Kenting (two-hour ride
decent furnishings. And all for a sub-thou- It’s old looking, but the food is good. book tickets online in English. NT342, three-hour ride NT298, every hour,
sand dollar price! Ask for the rooms with Wudu Organic House (Wúdúde Ji Yuj
Jiànkng Shìjiè; 24 hours per day) and Meinong (NT121,

wood floors. Map pp268-9; %556 1178; 114 Sihwei-2nd Rd; dishes NT120- Shopping 1½ hours, every hour) leave from the Kaoh-
200; h10am-9pm) The health conscious can head Bamboo Street (L ozhú Ji; Map pp268–9) At the siung Bus Company station (Map pp268-9; %746
MIDRANGE to this place, an organic restaurant and shop. end of Wufu-4th Rd you’ll find wares from the 2141; 245 Nanhua St). Don’t confuse this with the
Kaohsiung hotels offer good value for the The train-station area, especially as you past, including traditional hats, raincoats and Kuo Kuang Hao Bus Company station (Map pp268-9;
midrange dollar and good locations. head down Jhongshan Rd, is filled with inex- household articles made from bamboo. %236 0962; 306 Jianguo Rd), which is just in front
Kingship Hotel (Hànwáng Dàfàndiàn; Map pp268-9; pensive cafés and restaurants. Nearby Liuhe Jade Market (Yù Shìchng; Map pp268-9; cnr Shihcuan- and has buses to Taipei (weekday/weekend
%531 3131, ext 60; fax 531 3140; 98 Cisian-3rd Rd; Ԯᔃ Night Market (Liùhé Yèshì; Map pp268–9; h6pm-2am) 2nd Rd and Zihli Rd; h10.30am-late afternoon Wed & Thu) NT400/500, 5½ hours, every 30 minutes, 24
3ሁ98ᇆ; s/d/tw NT2100/2300/3500; i) With its fresh, is famous island-wide for its hundred-plus Bargain hard and, if possible, bring someone hours per day).
274 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • F o g u a n g s h a n K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • M e i n o n g 275

TRAIN monastery, university and meditation centre. MEINONG 0

1 km
0.5 miles
Kaohsiung is the terminus for most west coast It is considered the centre of Buddhism in Renzi Shan
trains. Trains to and from Taipei (fast/slow southern Taiwan. (183m)

NT845/544, 4½/seven hours) run frequently The most famous feature here is the Great To Yellow
from early morning till almost midnight. To Buddha Land (Օ۵ৄ; Dàfóchéng), where a 3
Taichung (fast/slow NT470/363, 2½/three towering 36m Amitabha Buddha stands over the Hakkas
Lingshan Museum
hours), trains run about every two hours. a garden of 480 smaller Buddha statues. For (530m)
㕢䏃 Minzu Rd
many, though, the Disneyland-like Pure Land i Rd ⽣ 1

High-Speed Rail (HSR) Cave (෣Ւ੐ᆌ; Jìngt Dòngk), with its

Jhongjheng 106
At the time of writing there was HSR serv- animated figures and light show, is the more Lake

⇥⃞ 䏃
ice (NT1490, two hours) between Taipei and interesting sight.


Rd g
ei Rd
Tsoying (Zuoying) Station (Map p266) about Tours in English of up to a half-day can 5 Rd
Minzu shan
every hour. be arranged with the nuns at reception (ॾ

M i n c y u a n Rd
140 7 Tai-an Rd
ஈխ֨; xìntú zhngx
n; %656 1921, ext 6203-6205). 6

Getting Around Temple tours stress the ceremonial aspects

TO/FROM THE AIRPORT & HIGH-SPEED RAIL of Buddhism and you will be requested to

Bus 301 goes to both the airport (NT12, every bow, kowtow and otherwise observe all forms Ёቅ

15 minutes) and the HSR, and leaves from the of respect and devotion. Wear appropriate an
To gsh
bus hub in front of the train station. Note that clothing and do not carry any food or drinks. Kaohsiung Jun
the two destinations are in opposite direc- In return, you will be instructed in Buddhist 2
tions so make sure you get the bus going in thought, history and iconography and may 4
the right direction or you will make a big and receive advice and blessed trinkets.
time-consuming loop. Taxis to the airport The Pilgrim’s Lodge (Jushn Huìgun; d NT2000)
or HSR should cost around NT200 from the invites devotees and tourists to spend the night.
city centre. The accommodation is surprisingly good. The
meditation centres host frequent retreats for
BUS beginners and experienced practitioners. Check
Buses in Kaohsiung usually have English signs the website for details, and more on the history
at the front and electronic English signs in- and mission of the temple. Arrangements for
side indicating the next stop. The city bus meditation classes or an overnight temple stay In recent years a number of B&Bs and even SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES
hub (Map pp268–9) is directly in front of the can be made in advance. a camping ground have opened in Meinong. Bike Rental ...........................................................................................1 D1
It’s well worth your while to while away a Meinong Folk Village 㕢▗⇥֫ᴥ ............................................2 A3
train station. The fare for a one-zone trip is To get to the temple, take a bus (NT77, 30
NT12. Pick up a copy of the very useful Eng- to 60 minutes, hourly) from the Kaohsiung few days here. Winter is our favourite time SLEEPING
lish Kaohsiung Bus Guide at a visitor centre Bus Company station in Kaohsiung. to go, as the weather is perfect – warm and Jhong Jheng Hu B&B Ёℷ␪ቅ㥞⇥ᆓ...................................3 D1
or Access Kaohsiung. dry – and the tourists are few. And, around Shui Lian Tian Campground ∈㫂໽ ........................................4 A3
MEINONG ભᖺ Chinese New Year farmers plant colourful EATING
CAR %07 / pop 45,187 cosmos flowers in the fallow fields to help re- Meinong Traditional Hakka Restaurant
For car hire call IWS (%0800 009 414), Hertz Northeast of Foguangshan, rural Meinong stock the soil before the next growing season. 㕢▗স㗕ᅶᆊ㦰............................................................................ 5 B2
(%0800 015 168) or Central Auto (%802 0800; www (Méinóng), once the centre of a thriving to- It’s a lovely sight. SHOPPING All have English-speaking staff bacco industry, has now refashioned itself as a Guan De Xin Paper Umbrella Restaurant
and do pick-ups. rural retreat. Fortunately, its popularity hasn’t Information ᒷᖋ㟜㋭٬...................................................................................... 6 B2
yet ruined the very reasons people want to Road signs in Meinong are usually bilingual.
MASS RAPID TRANSIT come here. The countryside is still covered With our map you should have no problem Bus Station...........................................................................................7 C2
Kaohsiung’s MRT system was behind schedule with fields of bananas, tobacco and rice, people getting around.
at the time of writing but may be ready by the still smile at strangers from their front porches, For more history on the Hakka people
end of 2008. When the KMRT (underground and everyone wants to know your story. check out and see p45. a bike. The town of Meinong is not particu-
railway) opens there will be a line to both the Meinong was settled about 200 years ago The Kaohsiung County tourism website larly atractive, but the countryside is lush and

airport and HSR station. by Hakka (Kèji rén) immigrants. While the ( has a good over- dotted with tobacco sheds and three-sided
Hakka make up about 10% to 15% of the pop- view of the sights at Meinong, including many Fujian-style houses.
FOGUANGSHAN ۵٠՞ ulation of Taiwan, in Meinong the percentage we don’t have the space to list. Some of the best cycling is off the main
%07 goes up to 95%. The Hakka are traditionally road towards the ridge. Another enjoyable
The Light of Buddha Mountain or Foguang- seen as a hard-working people, who value edu- Sights & Activities route is to ride out of town on County Rd 140
shan (Fógungshn;, is a cation, and little Meinong can count a dispro- CYCLING east towards Liugui and then head left into
52-acre temple complex about a 30-minute portionate amount of PhDs (and in the past, One of the most pleasant things to do in the fields. There are colour-coded bike routes
drive from Kaohsiung. The complex serves as imperial scholars) among its population. Meinong is to get into the countryside on across Meinong but at the time of writing the
276 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • S a n m i n Book accommodation online at K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • M e i n o n g t o M a o l i n 277

lines on the road were fading, and in any case, Jungshan Rd, sec.1; dishes NT120-200; h9am-2pm & 5-9pm) One local sight that deserves a mention little-visited Shanping offers peaceful trails
maps were in Chinese only. One of many places around Meinong to try is Holy Mt Zion (ᙔ‫ڜ‬՞; Xínn Shn; admission free; and excellent bird-watching.
On weekends you can hire bikes to the right good Hakka food. The restaurant is decorated h6.30am-5pm). The mount is the home of the The last stretch of the trip takes you down
of the Meinong the Hakkas Museum on 40-3 with old farming implements and other rustic New Testament Church, a fundamentalist Hwy 27 to Maolin. Interestingly, the land-
Minzu Rd. The Shui Lian Tian Campground daily use items. A simple bowl of bntiáo (ࣨ group founded by Hong Kong movie ac- scape looks completely different on this side
also rents bikes, as do most B&Bs. ය; flat rice noodles) costs only NT35. tress Kong Duen-yee in 1963. It’s an odd, even though you are just retracing your route
odd place, with loudspeakers blasting out down on the opposite bank of the river.
MEINONG FOLK VILLAGE ભᖺ‫ا‬ঋ‫ޘ‬ Shopping Hallelujahs, and posters on walls depict-
The village (M inóng Mínsú Cn; %681 0072; 80 Lane Craftsmen have been making umbrellas in ing the end of the world, and sporting such MAOLIN RECREATION AREA
421, Jungshan Rd, sec.2; admission free; h8am-8pm) is an Meinong for 80 years, ever since a local busi- slogans as ‘Diplomas are the tool of Satan’ ૊ࣥሏᖈ೴
artificial recreation of an old-fashioned neigh- nessman bought up a Chinese master’s shop (which of course they are, but to actually %07
bourhood. It is definitely touristy but worth (and all his suppliers) and forced him to move say it!). And yes, that reads diplomas! The recreation area (Màolín Yóuqì Q), part
visiting nonetheless, as you can watch tradi- to Meinong. The umbrellas are made of paper The members welcome visitors to the moun- of the much larger Maolin National Scenic
tional crafts being made and sample léi chá and bamboo, hand-painted and lacquered to tain, however, and you can wander around Area, covers a protected region from Maolin
(ᖘಁ; pounded tea), an assortment of sticky- make them durable and waterproof. They freely. Quality organic produce is available (estimated population 200) to Dona (esti-
rice snacks, and tasty traditional noodles. make great decorations and gifts. for sale. For a good overview of the history mated population 200) Village. Here you’ll
Village stores sell well-made paper umbrel- Guan De Xin Paper Umbrella Shop (Gung Dé X
ng of Mount Zion check out find pristine mountain landscapes, vertigi-
las, fans and bamboo baskets. At the back of Zh sn; %681 0451; 361 Jungshan Rd sec.1) If you’re /print.php?sid=209. nously high suspension bridges, waterfalls,
the village, outside the last shop, are two metal looking to buy, this is one of the best places. It takes about two hours to drive to Sanmin natural swimming pools and even free out-
pots filled with water. Dip your hands in the An umbrella here costs between NT600 from Meinong. If you continue north you door hot springs. Rukai aboriginal culture is
water and rub the handles of the pots. The and NT1200. can reach Danayigu in the Alishan National strong in this part of the country and Dona
sound is like a hundred wine glasses being Scenic Area on a narrow county road. There’s Village is one of the best places to see tradition
rubbed at one time. Getting There & Around hardly any traffic along this route and the stone slab houses.
You can catch a bus directly into Meinong scenery is superb. But Maolin’s greatest hit is the Purple But-
YELLOW BUTTERFLY VALLEY ႓ᓘፇߣ from the Kaohsiung Bus Company station in terfly Valley. Considered one of the two most
Locals have told us that the butterflies Kaohsiung (NT121, 1½ hours, every hour). MEINONG TO MAOLIN important butterfly migratory resting grounds
are coming back in numbers to the valley Meinong is quite small but the surrounding The cross-island highways get all the glory, in the world (the other is the Monarch But-
(Huángdié Cuìg) and recent seasons have countryside is expansive and you’ll need a but for sheer diversity of landscape and activ- terfly Valley around Mexico City), the valley
been the best in years. The butterflies flock to vehicle or bicycle (which you can hire) to get ity don’t miss this stretch of road through the gifts Taiwan in the winter with a daily show
the valley in June and July and are best seen in around. If you stay at a B&B the owners can interior of Kaohsiung County. of hundreds, or even thousands, of butterflies
the morning when the sun rises (and rouses likely help you hire a scooter. The drive begins outside Meinong on dancing in the air as the first rays of the morn-
the butterflies from sleep). Provincial Hwy 28. The first attractions of ing sun tip over the mountains.
SANMINԿ‫ا‬ note are the Liugui Tunnels (քᚋᙞሐ; Liùgi
Sleeping pop 500 Sùidào), a series of seven long mountain Orientation & Information
Jhong Jheng Hu B&B (Zhng Zhèng Hú Shnzhung Mínsù; Not many foreign travellers make it as far as tunnels opened recently for people to walk It’s simple to get around the scenic area. There
%681 2736; fax 681 7783; 30 Fumei Rd; 壂ભሁ30ᇆ; dm remote Sanmin (Snmín), north of Meinong through. (Note that some of the tunnels were is only one main road, County Rd 132, con-
with Youth Guesthouse card NT300, r from 1500) The owner on Hwy 21. But with your own transport, closed at the time of writing.) necting the two villages. It’s 15km from the
of this pleasant B&B is a local tour guide. She especially a scooter, you can explore rugged Just past the tunnels, the 18 Lohan Mountains Maolin administration office to Dona.
doesn’t speak English but her son helps out. canyons, high mountains, small aboriginal vil- (ԼԶᢅዧ՞; Shíb Lóhàn Shn) begin to ap- The Maolin National Scenic Area Administration
Stay in the newer building for the larger win- lages, and long winding country roads dotted pear. The exotic beauty of these crags, jutting Office (Màolín Guóji F ngj ng Q Gunl Chù; %680 1488;
dows overlooking the fields and perfect sun- with palms and yellow and red poinsettias (at up like the rows of armour on a dinosaur’s; h9am-5pm) is just past the
set views over palm trees and low mountains. least in winter). back, had us jumping out of our car every tollgate (admission NT70; h6am-10pm) to the scenic
Bikes are free for guests. Be prepared though for a lot of attention. minute for a photo. area. The staff speak no English, but the exhib-
Shui Lian Tian Campground (Shu Lián Tin; %0911- At one breakfast shop, we got three marriage Next you’ll reach the town of Liugui (քᚋ;ʳ its are usually bilingual and includes an excel-
735 589; 80-1 Lane 421, Jungshan Rd, sec.2; camp sites NT500) proposals in the first 10 minutes (and a fourth Liùgi), famous for bell fruit and mangoes. If lent introduction to the purple butterfly.
A family-run camping ground with a quaint a little after that). Don’t leave your sense of you’re interested in river rafting continue up to For information about the Rukai people see
old wooden restaurant and teahouse on the humour at home for this trip. Paolai (p261).

grounds, with traditional foods and tea. The The best way to approach Sanmin is just to A few kilometres south of Liugui are roads .html.
camping ground is just to the left of the folk vil- go. There are three small villages with shops, leading into two forest recreation areas:
lage from the back parking lot. Bike rental is free restaurants and B&Bs (‫ا‬മ) so you won’t go Tengchih (ᢏࣤཤࣥሏᑗ೴; Téngzh
S nlín Yóulè Sights & Activities
for guests and NT100 per day for nonguests. hungry or lack a place to stay. A few shops even Q; and Shanping (஛ؓཤ PURPLE BUTTERFLY VALLEY ࿫ᓘ৩ߣ
serve exotic fare such as squirrel and cricket. ࣥ‫س‬ኪઝᖂႼ೴; Shànpíng Snlín Shngtài The valley is not just one geographic location
Eating There are English road signs to waterfalls, natu- Kxué Yuán Q). so there are several good places to see the
Meinong Traditional Hakka Restaurant (ભᖺ‫ײ‬ ral-gas fires and deep gorges, so you won’t just Tengchih is said to have one of the best- insects. Just to the left of Maolin Village, Maolin
‫۔‬ড়୮လ; M inóng Glo Kèjicài; %681 1156; 362-5 wander around lost (not that that isn’t fun). preserved natural forests in Taiwan, while Park (Màolín Gngyuán) has a few hectares of
278 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • M a o l i n R e c re a t i o n A re a Book accommodation online at K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • Pi n g d o n g 279

butterfly-protection area. The park maintains beside the river for 2km. You can swim in driving on County Rd 132 past the village a corn to be made without it just elicits blank
a small display shelter but it’s more fascinating the waterfall pool but be careful as it’s a slip- few kilometres. stares). Little stalls are set up on the main road
to see the butterflies on the trails around the pery descent. A new set of springs (we think they are in Maolin (often in what looks to be people’s
park. Though the good spots seem to change Further up the main road through Maolin free, though it wasn’t clear) have opened up ramshackle living rooms), but be aware that
every year, at the time of writing the best lo- is the turn-off for the picturesque Meiyagu recently in the Hongcheng Gorge (Hóngchén these places close early (by 6pm or 7pm) on
cation could be found by following the park Waterfall (M iy g Pùbù). From the car park Xiág). Again they are pumped into cement weekdays. Don’t wait to eat!
trail up to where it connects with a small road it’s about a 15-minute walk on a smooth pools, but the setting is very scenic as you On weekends, large barbecue pits are set up
and by following the road down to the right. stone path. overlook the river valley from tub level. Even in Dona, but these are not suitable for a single
Eventually the road crosses a bridge before re- if you don’t visit the hot springs you can park person unless you can eat a whole chicken.
turning to the small road that leads back to the ROAD TO DONA here and use the location as a base for explor- Around Dona Hot Springs a number of small
park. Around the bridge we saw a thousand or County Rd 132 from Maolin Village to Dona ing the river. shops sell pretty good barbecued meats, soups
more butterflies fluttering in the air. features a number of roadside attractions, in- and stir-fried mountain vegetables (average
Just up the road from the administration cluding the Dona High Suspension Bridge (Dnà Sleeping dish NT100). Some places claim to be open
office is another butterfly viewing area on Gudiàoqiáo), and the Snake Head mountain There are half a dozen guesthouses in Dona 24 hours a day.
the left. You can’t miss this one as there are (Shétóu Shn) and Dragon Head mountain charging around NT1500 a night for a double. Just before the tollgate there are a few other
usually crowds of people and buses and even (Lóngtóu Shn), which are actually odd-shaped Just walk around and you will see them. shops, including a good fruit-shake stand,
a vendor or two. mounds in the middle of the river valley. De En Gorge Guesthouse (Dé n G Mínsù; %0955- but these also close by 6pm. Down Provin-
The best time to watch the butterflies is be- Dona (Dnà) is a stronghold for Rukai 055 132; dm/camp sites/2-person cabins NT300/500/2000) cial Hwy 27 a short distance there’s a small
tween 9am and 11am, when the sun first comes aboriginal culture, and stonework, includ- Set high above the river on a grassy meadow, grocery store on the right.
over the mountains and rouses the insects from ing traditional shale houses, which are visible and run by an exceptionally friendly couple,
sleep. It’s possible to arrange a tour, but we everywhere (though there is quite a bit of ugly this should be your default accommodation Getting There & Away
usually just follow one in progress. modern development as well). in Maolin. Camping is permitted. The Indig- There are buses from Pingdong, but Maolin is
enous People’s Culture Park on the grass bluff just too large an area to explore without your
WATERFALLS HOT SPRINGS and the cabins, made of grey stone, are a great own vehicle unless you have a lot of time.
You can drive up to the first of the five lev- The free outdoor Dona Hot Springs (Dnà stylish option. Dorm rooms have two single Consider renting a scooter in Tainan (per day
els of the Qingren Valley Waterfall (Qíngrén Wnquán) have been, well not quite ruined, beds per room so if you’re a couple you can NT200) and riding there.
G Pùbù). It’s then a 10-minute walk to the but made a lot less attractive recently. Instead get your own room and bathroom. To get to
second level. of small pools in the rocks, there is now a the guesthouse head down to Maolin Valley PINGDONG ৠࣟ
The next waterfall in the park is the Mao- concrete platform with two long concrete and cross the bridge. When the road ends at a %08 / pop 216,777
lin Gorge Waterfall (Màolín G Pùbù). As you pools. Many people ignore this now and head fork, head left and up about a kilometre or so. Though Pingdong (Píngdng) is actually not a
drive down into Maolin Gorge (Valley) there upstream. There is a small wild spring pool The first building you see is the guesthouse. bad-looking little town, there is little here for
is a sign and map for the waterfall just before not far up on the left and a canyon just made Fungshan Agricultural Activity Centre (Fèngshnshì the traveller. If you need to spend the night
you cross the river. Follow the road until it for exploring. Nónghuì Màolín Huìyuán Huódòng Zhngx
n; %680 1115; there are a couple of obvious places across
forks at the end and go right. There’s a park- You can reach the springs by a trail that d/tw NT1500/3200) Rooms are large and clean but from the train station where you can get a
ing area 1.5km up the road. The trail runs begins at the end of Dona Village, or by very spartan. There’s a restaurant in the hotel room for less than NT1000 a night.
but it’s for groups only. Trains between Kaohsiung and Pingdong
0 2 miles
4 km
(NT31, 25 minutes) run about every
To Liugui To Liugui (15km) 6 Hongcheng Gorge
Eating 15 minutes.
(15km) A B C 4
D Your options are very limited and most dishes The Pingdong Bus Company station (%723 7131)
Valley Dona
Village have MSG in them (even asking for barbecued is a block left of the train station as you exit.

1060m 2
You can’t miss it. Buses to Donggang (NT72,
1 Dragon Head
Mountain Dona For INFORMATION 40 minutes) run every 20 minutes. There are
Valley Snake Head
e str
Maolin National Scenic Area also buses to the Indigenous People’s Culture
Rd Administration Office 㣖ᵫ೟ᆊ乼᱃औㅵ⧚㰩 ..............1 A2
Mountain Park (below).
Dona High Suspension Bridge ໮㋡催৞‟..........................2 C1 SANDIMEN Կ‫چ‬॰
%08 / pop 2000

Butterfly Dona Hot Springs ໮㋡⑿⊝ ....................................................... 3 D1


Viewing 8
Area Hongcheng Gorge Hot Springs ㋙้ዑ䈋..........................4 C1 This small aboriginal community (Sndìmén),

Maolin 1948m Maolin Gorge Waterfall 㣖ᵫ䈋◥Ꮧ........................................5 C2

Village an hour east of Pingdong, is well known for

Meiyagu Waterfall 㕢䲙䈋◥Ꮧ ..................................................6 C1

Maolin 9 5
Qingren Valley Waterfall ᚙҎ䈋◥Ꮧ......................................7 B2 the Indigenous People’s Cultural Park (‫؀‬᨜՞‫چ‬
2 Tollgate Park
Butterfly ֮֏Ⴜ೴; Táiwn Shndì Wénhuà Yuánq; %799 1219;
Viewing Area SLEEPING; 104 Fongjin, Peiyei Village, Majia; adult/
1 De En Gorge Guesthouse ᕫᘽ䈋⇥ᆓ....................................8 B2
To Pingdong (30km);
Kaohsiung (40km) 7 Fungshan Agricultural Activity child NT150/80; h8.30am-5pm, closed Mon). The park,
Centre 勇ቅᏖ䖆᳗㣖ᵫ᳗વ⌏ࢩЁᖗ..............................9 B2 set in forested mountains, covers a large area
To Kaohsiung (56km)
and is an excellent introduction to aboriginal
280 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • J i n - S h u i Y i n g O l d T r a i l K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • L i t t l e L i u c h i u I s l a n d ( H s i a o L i u c h i u I s l a n d ) 281

meet, and receives the second-highest rain- Winter is a great time to visit as the weather
THE BURNING OF THE WANG YEH BOATS Robert Kelly fall in Taiwan (bring an umbrella). It’s a is still in the mid-20°C range but the place is
In the old fishing town of Donggang (Dnggng), Wang Yeh worship runs deep. Wang Yeh, a jungle here and the relative remoteness of practically deserted (at least midweek).
Tang dynasty scholar, is said to watch over the waters of southern China. To the Taiwanese, who the trail and its long history means you
largely descend from southern Chinese fisherman, his importance is eclipsed only by Matsu, the have a good chance of spotting local wild- Information
goddess of the sea, and protector of fishermen. life, including the Formosan macaque, the There’s a new visitor information centre (%861
At the resplendent Donglong Temple (Dnglóng Gòng) in Donggang, a very odd festival is held Reeves muntjac, wild boar and over 80 spe- 4615; h9am-5pm) just above Lingshan Temple
in Wang Yeh’s honour every three years. It’s a little like Burning Man, only with a boat. cies of bird. on the cliff. Very little English is spoken but
The last Boat Burning Festival (‫ํ׆‬ผ; Wángchuánjì), or the Burning of the Wang Yeh Boats To hike the trail you need a police permit the view is good up here.
as it’s often called, was held in 2006, and a few friends and I were fortunate enough to see the (NT10). Contact the Pintung Forestry Bureau Little Liuchiu Island is part of the Da-
final event. The whole festival runs over an eight-day period. During this time, a 20m-long wooden (%08-733 8835) for information, including hot peng Bay National Scenic Area; check out
boat (that had taken local craftsmen more than a year to build) is filled with replicas of houses, to arrange a van in Fangliao (ࣝᐇ) to take the website ( for more
clothing, cars, horses and electrical appliances, as well as sacrificial offerings of food. On the you to the trailhead and pick you up on the information.
final day, or rather, morning, the entire model is dragged to the beach through the main streets other side. You can catch a train to Fangliao
of Donggang, then hundreds of kilos of ghost paper are piled round. During a slow, elaborate from Kaohsiung (fast/slow train NT109/66, Sights & Activities
ceremony that goes on for hours, local gods are called onto the boat. Sometimes the gods are one/1½ hours) every hour or so. You can ride around the island on a scooter in
reluctant and have to be persuaded to get aboard. (Can’t say I blame them.) about 30 minutes but give yourself at least half
During the 2006 festival, it took till almost 4am for all the gods to board the vessel. And then, LITTLE LIUCHIU ISLAND (HSIAO a day. This island was made for exploring.
as per tradition, the boat was set on fire. LIUCHIU ISLAND)՛అ෺ Some attractions to look out for are Vase
Looking back, the time spent waiting for this moment was worthwhile, but at the time it %08 / pop 13,000 Rock (Hupíng Yán), a giant eroded coral
was agonisingly tedious. It’s a good idea to bring along a folding chair if you go, and maybe This pretty coral island (Xi o Liúqiú Y), no with a thin base and large head, Black Ghost
a book. more than 5km long, offers more than enough Cave (Wgi Dòng; admission NT120; %8am-5pm) and
It’s surprising how long the boat takes to really start burning once it has been lit. For the first 30 sea vistas, convoluted caves, sandy beaches Beauty Cave (M irén Dòng; admission NT120; %8am-
minutes you can stand pretty close. Afterwards the heat and smoke keep the crowds back, but this and odd rock formations to keep you happy 5pm). For the bloody stories behind these
is also the time to get the best photos as it’s easy to push your way to the front for a clear shot. for a long, long day. Best of all, it’s simple to names check out
By dawn, most people have usually had enough and begin to set out, leaving the now gutted get to and around. /scenery/0496_Hsiao.html.
but still glowing hull behind. They also leave behind an unceremonious amount of garbage, which
can now be seen clearly in the morning light. As my Taiwanese friend Kitty said upon witnessing LITTLE LIUCHIU ISLAND 0
0 1 mile
2 km

the aftermath, ‘It’s a little like waking up, rolling over and thinking, “Wow! You looked a whole
To Donggang
lot better last night!”’ A B C D
The next boat burning is scheduled for autumn 2009. To get to Donggang take a Pingdong Tollgate 1 5 Baisha
2 Harbour
Bus Company bus (NT72, 40 minutes, every 20 minutes) from Pingdong.
1 Village 6 TAIWAN
Lookout Baisha Elementary STRAIT
culture in Taiwan. A useful English-language From Sandimen it is possible to get further Aircraft Landing Strip School

brochure (with map and events schedule) can into the mountains to very remote aboriginal
be picked up at the reception area. The park’s villages in the Maolin National Scenic Area
website is worth a look before you go. (
Lobster Cave
Separate areas have been established to TAIWAN
highlight the nine indigenous tribes. Each JIN-SHUI YING OLD TRAIL STRAIT
area features authentic, life-size displays of ௦ֽᛜ‫ײ‬ሐ 4
traditional houses and communal structures. Part of the National Trail System (p329), 2
You can walk around each area if you give this Qing dynasty path (Jìnshu Yín G
yourself several hours, or you can ride the Dào) used to cross the entire southern part
free shuttle buses that cruise the park every of the island. Today it still covers about Visitor Information Centre ᮙ䘞᳡ࢭЁᖗ......1 C1
10 minutes or so. The park also houses half and takes a full six to seven hours of
several interesting exhibitions and there downhill walking to reach the end of the Dafu Port Beauty Cave 㕢Ҏ⋲..................................................2


are daily performances of aboriginal danc- trail near Dawu on the east coast (it would Black Ghost Cave ⚣儐⋲ ....................................... 3 A3
Mountain Pig Ditch ቅ䉀⑱ ...................................4
ing, though the ones we saw were slightly be another two hours of walking to reach Vase Rock 㢅⫊ች ......................................................5
tacky. Dawu and the sea on back-country roads). Zhong Ao Beach Ё▇⍋☬....................................6 C1
From Pingdong, buses to the park (NT65, Along the way you pass the remains of a 3

one hour) run only on weekends. The first bus Qing dynasty army camp and various other Cliffs Fo
r m Kuanyin Rock Coco Resort ἄᵫᑺ‫؛‬ᴥ........................................7 B1
leaves at 8.40am. On weekdays take a bus to historical sights. r a l Indian Head Rock
Sandimen (NT58) and then walk to the park The trail runs along the point where the Haikou 7-Eleven ..........................................................................8 C1
(15 minutes) or take a taxi if you can find one. summer and winter monsoon airstreams

282 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K e n t i n g N a t i o n a l Pa r k Book accommodation online at K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K e n t i n g N a t i o n a l Pa r k 283

Other must-sees include the narrow, you get off the ferry at the spiffy new dock AROUND KENTING 0
0 4 miles
8 km

twisting, root-strangled coral passageways or even before you get on the boat at Dong- To Kaohsiung
A 6 B C D

at Mountain Pig Ditch (Shn Zh Gu) and gang from the local touts. Don’t worry, they (65km)
Lingshan Temple (Língshn Sì), just up from are legitimate. 7
3 Nanren
the pier. The temple offers, like several oth- 199
ers around the island, fine clear views across KENTING NATIONAL PARK 1
Taiwan Strait. ᕼԭഏ୮ֆႼ Checheng
The best place for a swim is at Zhong Ao %08 Nanren Shan
Beach (Zhng Ào H itn). The beach at Vase It’s the end of the road down here, but there’s

4 Ecological
Protection Area
Rock is nice for wading as you search for nothing remote or isolated at all about Kenting
sea life, and the tiny but picturesque stretch National Park (K nd
ng Guóji Gngyuán). Guishan
of shell-sand beach before Black Ghost Cave Over 5 million visitors a year flock here to (72m)
makes for a sweet picnic spot. You can go swim, surf, snorkel, dive, visit museums, hike, Houwan
for a dip here as well, but only up to your visit hot springs, eat good food and enjoy Airport 26

knees. Be sure to wear something on your a little nightlife. And they do so all year 2

feet if you go in the water as the coral rocks round. The average January temperature is Chikung Manjhou
can really cut you up. Also, don’t go more 21°C (many days are much warmer). Unless
than 20m to 30m from shore unless you a cold front has hit the island, you can usually 2
Hengchun Chuhuo
are wearing fins. There is a nasty undertow swim even year round. In July it can get to a 200
around the island. scorching 38°C. 8
The park occupies the entire southern tip Chennan Temple

Sleeping & Eating of Taiwan, an area known as the Hengchun Longluan
Lake Kenting NP
There are several inexpensive hotels around Peninsula. Low mountains and hilly terraces
the village at Baisha Harbour (Báish M tóu) prevail over much of the land, along with, 3
Kenting Forest
with rooms for NT1000 or less should you in a few places, rugged high cliffs and sandy TAIWAN
Guanshan Dajianshan
Recreation Area

decide to stay a night. For something a lit- deserts. The swimming beaches won’t stun STRAIT (152m)
(316m) OCEAN
5 Sheding
tle nicer, try the quaint Coco Resort (Y lín you with their beauty like those in Thailand, 153
Dùjiàcn; %861 4368; 20-38 Minzu Rd; 2-/4-person cab- but they are lovely nonetheless, with yellow Park

South 1
ins NT2200/3200), a minute’s scooter ride up a sands and turquoise waters. All in all, the topo- Kenting Kenting
quiet lane. graphy is wonderfully suited for recreation, Houbihu
Beach Beach Ecological
Baisha Beach Fishing Little Protection
The village at Baisha Harbour has many in particular cruising around sightseeing on Baisha Bay Harbour Bay Sail Rock Area
small restaurants. You can eat expensive a scooter. Hsiangchiaowan

fresh seafood or simple stir-fries for less than In many ways, the park gets better every 4 Hsiangchiaowan Ecological
Maobitou Protection Area
NT100. There is also a 7-Eleven in the village year, but also worse. You can no longer just Bashi Channel Shadao Ecological

where you can buy sandwiches and drinks. pitch a tent anywhere, but now fireworks are Protection Area
banned on the beaches. There’s a greater em- Lighthouse

Getting There & Away phasis on cleanliness but with more and more
From Pingdong, catch a bus to Donggang travellers visiting, some places are trashed
(NT72, 40 minutes, every 20 minutes). The during the busy season (summer and Chinese peninsula at Sail Rock or Eluanbi. Surfers
bus will first stop in town and then proceed New Year). The main street in Kenting Village and beach bums will probably like Nanwan National Park Headquarters
to the harbour ferry terminals. There are two is looking better, but there’s still no plan for or Jialeshui. ೟ᆊ݀೦ㅵ⧚㰩............................................................................1 B3
ferry terminals on the right before the fish a pavement.
market and both offer trips to Little Liuchiu Suffice to say, some love it here for what there Information Dashan Hot Spring Spa ໻ቅ⑿⊝䖆จ ................................(see 7)
Island. The first terminal is the one we rec- is, while some do not for what there isn’t. There’s free wireless internet at the National East Gate ᵅ䭔....................................................................................2 B2
ommend. Boats to Baisha Harbour on Little Park Headquarters and the McDonald’s on Haikou Sand Dunes ⍋ষ≭Ϭ ....................................................3 A1
Liuchiu Island (return NT410, 30 minutes) Orientation Kenting Rd. There are ATMs in the 7-Elevens National Museum of Marine Biology
೟ゟ⍋⋟⫳⠽म⠽仼 ................................................................4 A1
leave every hour in the morning (first ferry The national park covers a large area (18,000 in Kenting Village on the main road.

Nuclear Power Plant Ḍ㛑ⱐ䳏ᒴ..............................................5 B3
at 7am) and every 1½ hours in the afternoon. hectares) but as there are few major roads it Kenting National Park ( The official Shihmen Historical Battlefield ⷇䭔স᠄จ...........................6 B1
The last boat back to Donggang leaves at 5pm is easy to get around with our map in hand. website is more than thorough in its introduction to the park. Sichongshi Hot Spring ಯ䞡⑾⑿⊝..........................................7 B1
or 6pm, depending on the season. The majority of people stay in Kenting Vil- National Park Headquarters (Map p283; %886
lage. There are literally dozens of hotels here 1321; 946 No 596, Kenting Rd; h8.30am-5pm) You’ll Beach House ⍋䙞 .........................................................................(see 9)
Getting Around as well as scores of restaurants, bars and find English-speaking staff and several useful English Winson House ...................................................................................8 D3
The island is only 9km around so you could assorted shops. brochures and maps. The centre is a few kilometres north
easily walk it in a day. Scooters (half/full Those looking for a quieter atmosphere of Kenting so you’ll probably need to check into your hotel Waves Kitchen ⊶⌾ᒮ᠓...............................................................9 B3
day NT150/300) can be rented as soon as should consider staying further down the and rent a scooter before visiting.
284 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K e n t i n g N a t i o n a l Pa r k Book accommodation online at K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K e n t i n g N a t i o n a l Pa r k 285

Sights The beach across from the Caesar Park fixed schedules. Just show up during spring Sleeping
Must-sees include Kenting Forest Recreation Hotel is smaller but set in picture-perfect Little or summer days. Bookings are advisable if there’s a particular
Area (K nd
ng S nlín Yóulè Q; Map p283; admission NT100; Bay (Xi o Wn; Map p284). There’s a beach hotel you wish to stay at. Otherwise, it’s pos-
h 8am-5pm), with its limestone caves and bar and showers (free for Caesar Park guests, BIRD-WATCHING sible, even during Chinese New Year, to just
botanical gardens, and Jialeshui (Jilèshu ; Map a nominal fee for others). With its grasslands, forests, lakes and coast- show up and find accommodation. Kenting
p283; admission NT100; h8am-5pm), a 2.5km-long Nanwan (Nánwn; Map p283) sees a few too line, Kenting is a prime bird-watching area, Rd and Dawan Rd are filled with budget and
stretch of coral coastline with rocks eroded many jet skis for our liking, though there is a and the National Park Headquarters has sev- midrange accommodation.
into the shapes of animals. roped-off swimming-only area now. eral good brochures on the species you may At Sail Rock you’ll find a number of small,
The National Museum of Marine Biology (Guólì The sweet little crescent beach at Baisha encounter. For the casual birder, Longluan Lake, nondescript hotels and a few restaurants
Hiyáng Sh ngwù Bówùgun; Map p283; %882 5001; www2. Bay (Báish Wn; Map p283) is a little further Eluanbi, Sheding Nature Park and Manjhou (all across the street from the water. Prices are; 2 Houwan Rd, Checheng; adult/child NT300/200; afield but worth taking the extra time to visit. Map p283) are considered prime spots. similar to Kenting Village.
h9am-6pm Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm Sat & Sun, 8am-7pm Jul & It is not as unvisited as years ago, but it is still Among the more famous birds to sail the Summer (approximately May to Septem-
Aug) is also rated highly for the live displays of the least crowded. Kenting skies are the migratory goshawks and ber), Chinese New Year and other public
colourful and exotic sea life that are profes- In recent years, jumping off the chin (and grey-faced buzzards. Early to mid September holidays are considered the high season.
sionally and imaginatively designed. other protuberances) of Sail Rock (Chuánfán the goshawks start arriving on their journey Discounts of 40% or more for midrange and
The park maintains strict access controls to Shí; Map p283), aka Nixon Rock, has become south to Indochina. The best time to see them top-end hotels are standard on weekdays and
ecologically sensitive regions, such as the area quite popular. is morning in Sheding Nature Park. As many during the low season.
around Lake Nanren (Nánrén Hú; Map p283) as 200,000 fly by in 20 days.
and the fine shell beach at Shadao (Shd o; Map SURFING, SNORKELLING & SCUBA DIVING Around October 10 (National Day) about BUDGET
p283). You can apply for permits on the park’s The waters around Jialeshui (Jilèshu ; Map p283; ad- 20,000 grey-faced buzzards pass through the At the time of writing there were two camping
website to enter these areas ahead of time. mission NT100; h8am-5pm) and the nuclear power park also on their way to Indochina. The best grounds (lùyíngq ) at Baisha beach on either
plant (Map p283) at Nanwan have the best place to see them is Manjhou between 3pm end of the bay. By the time you read this,
Activities surfing waves. You can rent boards (NT500 to and 6pm. Sadly, as many as 2000 buzzards are however, the park have bought the land they
SWIMMING NT800 per day) in Jialeshui at Winson House poached every season for food. stood on and started building its own camp
Taiwan is a volcanic island, which means the (opposite), in Nanwan at Beach House (p286) sites. In Kenting Village, a camping ground
land rises steeply from the sea and the ocean or at numerous shops along Kenting Rd. Festivals & Events just back from the beach off Dawan Rd was
begins to drop not far offshore. As a result, the For snorkelling, check out the coral for- Indie music fans should definitely try to time being reconstructed at the time of writing. It
waters just offshore have treacherous currents mations near Sail Rock. You can rent gear their Taiwan visit for April when Spring Scream looked to be an ideal place to stay.
and undertows. Some sound advice from a across the road. If you want to scuba dive, ( takes over Kenting. It’s the Winson House (Map p283; %880 1053; www.tbay
long-term expat is not to go out much further check out one of the shops in Nanwan. longest-running music festival in the country,; 244 Chashan Rd; የ‫ڠ‬ၢಁ՞ሁ244ᇆ; dm/s/d
than you can stand. now in its midteens. The multistaged musical NT300/800/1200) Just 100m before the entrance
Kenting Beach (Map p284), the longest swim- BOATING event brings together names big and small in to Jialeshui is this B&B-style place run by
ming beach in the area, is now free to the There are sea tours from Houbihu (৵ᕻྋ; Taiwan’s indie music scene, along with a few Winson, a well-known local surfer. Lessons
public. You can enter via the campsite off Hòubìhú; Map p283) for NT400 for two hours. imported bands. In 2007 there was a change (NT2000 a day) and equipment rental (board

Dawan Rd. No reservations are required and there are no of venue from the old Liou Fu Campground, NT800 a day) are available. The surfing beach,
so check out the website for the location of which is considered the best in the Kent-
0 0.2 miles
400 m future events. ing area, is literally just down the hill from
To Kenting Forest
the house.
A Recreation Area; B C D Catholic Hostel (Tinzhjiào Huódòng Zhngx
n; Map
Sheding Nature INFORMATION
1 Park National Park Police ೟ᆊ݀೦䄺ᆳ䱞.....................................1 A1 p284; %886 1540; fax 886 1352; 2 Wenhua Lane; ֮֏

ὄὄὄ ὄὄ
McDonald's 11 ሁ2ᇆ; d/tw NT1200/2000) The hostel is immacu-
To Kaohsiung SLEEPING
1 (100km) 8
Caesar Park Hotel ߅ᩦ໻仃ᑫ................................................... 2 D2
lately clean and a close walk to the swimming
beaches. There’s a dorm, but only for groups.

9 Catholic Hostel ໽Џᬭ⌏ࢩЁᖗ...............................................3 C1

La ngh

7 Chateau Beach Resort ໣䛑≭☬䜦ᑫ......................................4 A1



Campsite Hotel California ࡴᎲᮙᑫ.............................................................5 C1 MIDRANGE



Kenting Youth Activity Centre 䴦ᑈ⌏ࢩЁᖗ .....................6 C2

Hotel California (Jizhu Ldiàn; Map p284; %886


EATING 1588;; 40 Kenting Rd; ᕼԭሁ40ᇆ;

e nh
W Ke
nt Amy's Cucina फ᯳໻仃ᑫ ............................................................7 B1 d NT2000; i ) With its brightly coloured


Rd Lu Nan ᮙफ⌏⍋冂 .........................................................................8 B1 rooms, and surf-shop décor (it’s run by



Beach New Port Warung Didi 䖾䖾ᇣৗ...................................................................9 B1


South Bay Taoist

Toll Gate
a local surfer), the California is a good
2 Temple 2
DRINKING place to stay if you want a bit of charac-
Caesar Park Hotel ߅ᩦ໻仃ᑫ.................................................10 D2 ter. Dorm rooms for four to eight people
To Eluanbi
(NT3000/5000) are also available.
Little Bay Scooter Hire ″䒞ߎ⾳ᑫ ...........................................................11 A1 Kenting Youth Activity Centre (K nd
ng Q
6 Huódòng Zhngx
n; Map p284; %886 1221; 17 Kenting Rd;
© Lonely Planet Publications
286 K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • K e n t i n g N a t i o n a l Pa r k Book accommodation online at K A O H S I U N G T O K E N T I N G • • S i c h o n g s i H o t S p r i n g s 287

ᕼԭሁ17ᇆ; d/tw from NT2500/3000) The centre Eating than Kaohsiung (a 20- to 30-minute drive), ent temperature pools, spa jets and showers.
occupies 25 hectares of land and features a Kenting is a tourist town and there is no short- you will still need to catch a bus or taxi to You can stay overnight but most people just
reproduced traditional Fujian-style court- age of food, including Thai, Chinese, Yunan, complete your journey. Note there are no come for a few hours.
yard dwelling for guests to sleep in. The Italian and even South African. Most places shuttle buses between the airport and Kent- Recommended by Kenting locals is Dashan
centre will appeal to families, not only for are open late. ing. You have to walk out onto the main Hot Spring Spa (Dàshn W nquán Nóngchng; Map p283;
the rather fun design (kids just love playing There are a couple of breakfast shops and road and wait for a Kenting Express Bus to %882 5725; 60-1 Tamei Rd, Wenquan Village; unlimited
around the old-style buildings) but because fruit-drink stands along Kenting Rd. The come by. time NT200; h6am-11pm). The spa is at the far
it’s on its own secluded road. breakfasts at the Caesar Park Hotel (NT462) end of the village. Drive until you are almost
Beach House (Hibin; Map p283; %888 0440; www have long been popular. BUS out of town and turn left 30m or so before the; 230 Nanwan Rd, Nanwan; ত᨜ ত᨜ሁ Warung Didi (Dídí Xioch
; Map p284; %886 1835; From Kaohsiung catch the ‘Kenting Express’ strange castlelike building. Follow the road
230ᇆ; d/tw 3200/4000) Also run by local surfers. 176 Dawan Rd; dishes NT200; h5.30pm-1am, closed Tue) (two-hour ride NT342, three-hour ride about 1km and then turn onto a dirt road
Rooms are small but brightly painted and The service can be spotty, and the place NT298, every hour) from the Kaohsiung Bus marked with a sign in Chinese for the hotel.
the upper-floor rooms have excellent views can be costly (NT300 for a curry and the Company station or the airport. To get to Sichongsi, follow Hwy 26 almost
over the ocean. Nice friendly vibe here and rice is extra?) but Didi draws in the crowds as far as Checheng (߫ৄ;ʳChchéng) and turn
suitable even for older travellers. every night with the promise of Thai and FERRY right onto County Rd 199. Sichongsi is a few
Malay curries, good music, beer and a lively Ferries are said to leave from Houbihu kilometres down the highway and is the first
TOP END beach-hut atmosphere. Reservations are rec- Harbour for Lanyu during the summer real settlement you pass through. It’s about
While there’s no doubt the top-end hotels ommended on weekends. months. 32km to Sichongsi from Kenting.
in Kenting have lovely rooms and excel- Amy’s Cucina (Nánx
ng Dàfàndiàn; Map p284; %197
lent facilities, we do find them overpriced 7131, ext 1; 131-1 Kenting Rd; dishes NT200; h10am- Getting Around SHUANGLIOU FOREST RECREATION
considering the level of the rest of Kenting midnight Oct-May, 10am-2am Jun-Sep) This was the The only way to get around Kenting is with AREA ᠨੌཤࣥሏᑗ೴
(that place that exists outside the hotel) is first place in Kenting to serve pizza and it’s your own transport. There are no buses of It’s well worth continuing down County Rd
fair to middling. still got some of the best Italian food in the any kind except those coming in from Kaoh- 199 east of Sichongsi. Along the way, you will
Chateau Beach Resort (Xiàd Shtn Jidiàn; Map park. The casual redbrick- and wood-design siung and Heng Chun. Any hotel can arrange pass the Shihmen Historical Battlefield (Shímén
p284; %886 2345; 451 Kenting Rd; ᕼԭሁ451ᇆ; r from makes it suitable for hanging out and enjoy- car, jeep or scooter hire. Most travellers use Gzhàn Cháng; Map p283) and be rewarded
NT6100; s) There’s a light, breezy, whimsical ing a nice meal. scooters and as you enter town there are with a varying landscape of ponds, aboriginal
feel to the pastel-coloured Chateau, making Waves Kitchen (Blàng Cnt
ng; Map p283; %888 scooter-hire shops (NT400 to NT500 per villages, mountains and open fields.
it a nice contrast to the posh Caesar. The 3399; 212 Nanwan Rd; dishes NT200; hnoon-10pm, later day) to the right. Just before the coast, you have the choice
Chateau sits right on the beach and you pay on Sat) A stylish new restaurant off Nanwan of taking Spur Route 199 to the photo-
for this access – overall the rooms are noth- beach, with a decent menu serving well- SICHONGSI HOT SPRINGS genic grasslands and hot springs around Shiu-
ing special. A new wing was opening at the prepared seafood, pasta and sandwiches. ؄ૹᄻᄵੈ hai (Xùh i), or continuing up the 199 to
time of writing and the rooms here promised Lu Nan Seafood (L Nán Huó Hixin; Map p284; %08 Hwy 9 and turning left to reach Shuangliou
higher standards (and considerably higher %886 1036; 193 Kenting Rd; dishes NT500-1000; hnoon- One of the pleasures of a trip to Kenting is Forest Recreation Area (Shung Liú S nlín Yóulè Q;
prices). In the off season 40% discounts usu- 10pm). Recommended by locals for its fresh, the sheer variety of things to see and do. Out- %08-870 1394;; adult/child
ally apply. delicious seafood. The place has all the side the park boundaries, but still accessible NT100/50; h8am-5pm).
Caesar Park Hotel (Kisà Dà Fàndiàn; Map p284; atmosphere of an airplane hanger but that’s by car or scooter, is the hot-spring village of The park has two main walking trails, one
%886 1888; fax 886 1818; 6 Kenting Rd; ᕼԭሁ6ᇆ; not why people come here. Sichongsi (Sìchóngx
). While you may not to the gorgeous Shuangliuo Waterfall ʻᠨੌៃ
d/tw NT10,560/12,980; is) The Caesar has a want to visit hot springs during the summer ؒ; Shungliú Pùbù; two hours return) and
swanky new Southeast Asian design and a new Drinking months, a soak in an outdoor pool with a clear the other to 630m Mautzu Mountain (༐՗՞;
price tag to go with it. Hotel features include Many restaurants, such as Warung Didi, starry sky above on a cool winter evening Màuzi Shn; three hours return). Both trails
a spa, business centre and a fine new super- Amy’s Cucina and The Waves Kitchen also is a real treat. There are numerous hotels, begin near the visitor centre and are marked
vised children’s play area (with storytelling at serve as bars (beer from NT120), often with many with modern facilities, including differ- with English signs.
night). If you want a room in summer you’d good music played loudly in the evenings.
better book at least two months in advance. The Caesar Hotel runs an outdoor bar-café
In winter, weekday rates go as low as NT4600 (Map p284; beer from NT90; h9am-6pm weekday, 9am-
per night. 10pm weekends, later in summer) on Little Bay beach
(seperate from the hotel premises).

DON’T EAT THE FISH! Getting There & Away
The national park administration asks that AIR © Lonely Planet Publications. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally
visitors refrain from eating coral fish be- TransAsia Airways (%02-2972 4599), Mandarin Air- restricted. In return, we think it’s fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
cause fishing is damaging the reefs. You lines (%02-2717 1188) and Uni Air (%07-801 0189) only. In other words, please don’t upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
can recognise coral fish easily by their all have flights to Heng Chun Airport (Map p283;
bright colours. from Taipei. everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of saying
While Heng Chun is much closer to Kenting the above - ‘Do the right thing with our content.’

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