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Business documents Unit 1 A performance review

Pixkel Inc.
Performance review

Employee name: Gina Ling Job title: Export Assistant

Review period: Jan – June 2008 Reviewer: Holly Eden, Office Manager

Performance Rating Definitions

Outstanding: Significantly exceeds most of the major requirements of the job
Above Expectations: Significantly exceeds some of the major requirements of the job.
Meets Expectations: Performance results are satisfactory in all aspects of the job.
Needs Improvement: Improvement is needed in one or more performance areas. Results are
less than normally expected.

Communications: Above Expectations

Gina listens actively, asks pertinent questions and assimilates new information quickly and
reliably. She has excellent verbal and written skills, passing on relevant information to
customers and co-workers.
Interpersonal Skills: Meets Expectations
Gina establishes and maintains good relationships with customers and co-workers. She is
pleasant, considerate, tactful and supportive. However, she tends to avoid conflict rather than
seeking to resolve disagreements.
Dependability: Meets Expectations
Gina is punctual and manages her time efficiently. She meets her objectives, respects
deadlines and is flexible when changes are required. However, she sometimes tends to be
satisfied with the minimum required rather than making an extra effort for her customer.
Initiative: Needs Improvement
Gina will generally ask for help when required, and sometimes offers to help her co-workers.
She does not, however, get involved in team projects as much as she could, or seek
opportunities to take initiatives or more responsibility.
Quality of Work: Outstanding
Gina’s work is exceptionally accurate and thorough. She demonstrates an ongoing
commitment to excellence which is an example for her co-workers.
Job Knowledge: Above Expectations
Since joining Pixkel, Gina has consistently exceeded expectations in learning and mastering
new software tools. She has a good working knowledge of the firm’s products and their
applications, and fully understands export procedures and the recurrent problems encountered
by the department.

Overall Evaluation: Meets Expectations

Development Objectives:
Focus your attention on using your skills as part of a wider team. Communicate with your co-
workers to provide help and develop each others’ skills: be on the look out for opportunities
to take initiatives, improve systems and customer service, and develop contingency plans to
respond to problem situations.
Action Anticipated
Following a team-building course to be scheduled within the next two months, you will share
responsibility with Claire Baer for setting up and managing monthly quality meetings within
the export department.
Completion Date: September 30 2008

Employee’s comments:

Employee’s signature:
This photocopiable page has been downloaded from The Business Advanced DVD-ROM.
 Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009

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