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Hello everyone, my name is Marta Pokupić, and the title of my study is Geomorphometric
parameters and drainage network. The main idea of this study is to create models of
geomorphometric parameters and drainage network with Digital elevation models of
different resolutions to show the sensitivity and influence of resolution on output models.
Output models were created with QGIS program.
2. First, we will be introduced with the basic terms and importances of models of the research.
After the introduction, models will be described and analyzed.
Furthermore, the output models, geomorphometric parameters and drainage network, will
be overlapped which will show that together they make sense. At the end, everything will be
rounded with the conclusion that gives as the main research goals.
3. Geomorphometry is the science of quantitative land surface analysis. It collects various
mathematical, statistical and image processing techniques that can be used to quantify
morphological, hydrological, ecological and other aspects of a land surface. Within the
research, two geomorphometric parameters were created: slope and aspect.
4. Drainage network is a network of channels and drains of all drainage basins of an area. In the
research as the term the network channel it is used the stream segment, because of the
terminology of the used module within the QGIS computer program. A drainage basin or
catchment area is any area of land where precipitation collects and drains off into a common
outlet, such as into a river, bay, or other body of water. Drainage basins connect into other
drainage basins at lower elevations in a hierarchical pattern.
5. Combined with geomorphometric parameters, drainage network can help the society in
defending against natural hazards, in civil engineering, coastal protection, for the needs of
the military and tourism or simply in space planning. In fact, the goal is a design of a stable
6. The basic procedures are related to computer analysis of the digital elevation models. Digital
elevation models provide basic information on heights. In this research four DEMs with
different resolutions were used and compared.
7. You will see on examples how the resolution makes big and important difference. Resolution
with shorter base observe more details.
8. For comparison of geomorphometric models, I selected the area of Paklenica National Park
and Biokovo Nature Park because of the extreme values which appear in this area. For
comparison of drainage networks, it was selected the area of Medvednica hill which is
surrounded with the Krapina and Sava rivers.
9. We can start with models of geomorphometric parameters.
10. Slope is the steepness or the degree of incline of a surface. I want you to observe a change
around the canyons, and how the details of the slope representation drastically decreases
considering the resolution. SRTM15 and SRTM30 have not even recognized canyons, whose
extreme values are of great significance.
11. The same thing is happening for the Biokovo Mountain. At SRTM1, some inclines are greater
than 55 degrees, while on the SRTM30 there is no inclination greater than 32 degrees.
12. Aspect can be thought of as the slope direction. The values of each cell indicate the compass
direction that the surface faces at that location. It is measured clockwise in degrees from 0
(due north) to 360 (again due north), coming full circle. It looks like a 3D model. We can
easily recognize the canyons. The 3D impression is now lost. On SRTM30, canyons don't even

13. And now, the models of drainage network.

14. In this research, two, let's call them components of drainage network, were created: stream
segment and drainage basin. Croatia abounds in a variety of reliefs and therefore different
drainage network direction and density. Stream segments remind us on the nervous system
of human beings because of its branching and hierarchically merging. Every stream has its
own drainage basin. Drainage basins are of varied sizes and shapes.

15. For orientation, how to analyze accuracy and how to compare drainage networks from
different input DEMs? One way is to compare results with other agencies' data. Vector layers
of stream segments were overlapped with the vector layer of the Croatian rivers, which was
taken from EuroGlobal Map of EuroGeographic.

16. Let's remember that stream segments are not just river channels, than all the channels
through which the rainfalls would flow. First two DEM gaved rough results because of their
low resolution. Their stream segments are almost just river channels and they look quite
unnaturally. Better resolution results in longer calculating time and numerous drainage
basins, so it was expected that SRTM3 and SRTM1 would provide better and more accurate
results. It is clearly visible how SRTM1 stands out for its density and very natural look and in
most cases rivers and stream segments are quite compatible.

17. If we overlap drainage network with aspect, we can clearly see how channels start from the
top of Medvednica all the way up to the flat area. And if we overlap drainage network with
slope map, we see how the canyon, of Krapina river, stands out because of its location
between slopes.

18. At the end, let's make the conclusion of this research.

19. The goal of this little research was to create models of slope, aspect and drainage network
because the focus is on studying the sensitivity and influence of all input variables to be able
to create models which would describe reality in the most optimal way. It was expected that
DEM with higher resolution would provide the best results, but its calculating time was way
longer. These created models of geomorphometric parameters and drainage network have
widespread usage in many scientific and civilian branches and activities, but everyone will
decide which resolution is enough for their needs. That is one important factor, the
economic factor.

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