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what flew over these

military installations ties were confined to sketchy stories
may never be explained . . . in such local newspapers as the Bangor
(Maine) Daily News and the Sudbury
(Ontario) Star.
Then, starting Nov. 7 for four Reporters had no idea that UFO-typ- e
straight nights, Malmstrom AFB and a activity had occurred at any
series of ICBM launch control facilities bases other than their local installa-
in Montana, along with Minot AFB in tion, and the Pentagon issued instruc-
North Dakota, began reporting fly-
overs of brightly lit objects this time lA tions to its information officers to keep
the lid on.
referred to in the 24th NORAD region Despite three weeks of intense and
commander's log as "UFO's." The similar activity across the northern
mysterious activity was so intense that tier states, a Pentagon telex ordered
on the second night, Malmstrom sent information officers: "Unless there is
up two interceptors after its evidence which links sightings or un-
radar picked up seven separate aircraft less media queries link sightings,
between 9500 feet and 15,500 feet. queries can best be handled individu-
They were flying at only 7 knots, later ally . . . responses should be direct,
sped up to 150 knots, and then virtu- forthright and emphasize that the ac-
ally hovered at 3 knots.
tion taken was in response to an iso-
A memorandum from the National
lated or specific incident."

Military Command Center at the Pent-
During these three weeks, the Air
agon describes what happened after
Force constantly checked with other
the seven objects were picked up on military installations, the Federal Avi-
ation Administration, local airports,
"Ground witnesses observed lights law enforcement agencies, the FBI,
in the sky and the sounds of engines
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
similar to jet fighters. Cross-te- withll
and others to determine if any of the
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
craft might belong to these agencies.
revealed no jet aircraft within 100
The results were negative.
NM nautical miles of the sightings.
What flew over the military instal-
Radar tracked the objects over Lewis-tow- n,

" lations during those 24 nights between

Mont., at a speed of 7 knots
Oct. 27 and Nov. 19 will probably
The jets took off but were unable
never be fully explained, and the last
to make contact because the objects
entries in the 24th NORAD region
began a game with the
commander's log serve only to offer
more tantalizing hints:
"Personnel at 4 SAC sites reported
observing intercepting arrive
"12 Nov. UFO reported from KOI.
- j. -
They say the object is over Big Snowy
in area; sighted objects turned off their
mountain with a red light on it at
lights upon arrival of interceptors, and
back on upon their departure."
"'"sag 1 high altitude."
Climactic scene in movie "Close En-- alien spacecraft heading for "12 Nov. Second UFO in same area
The Pentagon memo makes it clear land-counte- rs

of the Third Kind" depicts ing strip for rendezvous on earth. reported. Appeared to be sending a
that radar operators checked out their
beam of light to the ground intermit-
equipment, and it was functioning
properly. Also ruled out were at-
mospheric tricks caused by the north- in speed high velocity, to 30 NM south of the sight rang- "19 Nov. SAC command post ob-
creased 25
served object traveling NE at a fast rate
ern lights. Other entries from the 24th raised in altitude and now cannot tell ing in altitude from 26,000 feet to 72,-0- 00

of speed. Object bright white light

NORAD region commander's log de- the object from the stars." feet. The site commander and
seen 45 to 50 sec following terrain 200
tail the strange happenings throughout "9 Nov. SAC CP reports UFO 20 other personnel say the object ap-
ft off ground. The light was two to
this period: miles southeast of Lewistown Mont., peared as a bright star but much
"7 Nov. Received a call from the orange white disc object." closer. three times brighter than .landing
"With binoculars, the object ap- lights on a jet "
341st SAC CP saying that the follow- "10 Nov. UFO sighting reported by
ing missile locations reported seeing Minot Air Force station, a bright star- peared as a 100-- ft diameter sphere
a large red to orange to yellow like object in the west, moving east, and appeared to have craters around For UFO Watchers
object. . . ." about the size of a car. The object, the outside. Be assured that this com- Several UFO study groups wel-
"7 Nov. SAC advised that the LCF passed over the radar station, 1000 mand is doing everything possible to come inquiries and reports of sight-
at Harlowton, Mont., observed an ob- feet to 2000 feet high, no noise heard." identify and provide solid factual in- ings from the public. Among the
ject which emitted a light which i- The following night, Canadian Air formation on these sitings sic. principal groups are:
lluminated the site driveway." Force personnel at NORAD's Falcon-bridg- e "I have also expressed my concern Center for UFO Studies, 1609
"7 Nov. reports that the object
L- -1
radar station near Sudbury, On- -. to SAFOI Air Force information that Sherman Ave., Suite 207, Evanston,
to their northeast seems to be issuing ta-i- o along with many civilians and we come up soonest with a proposed HI. 60201.
a black object from it, tubular in local policemen saw a similar bright- answer to queries from the press to National Investigations Commit-
shape." ly lit object. from Selfridge prevent overreaction by the public to tee on Aerial Phenomena, 1 Bank St.,
"8 Nov. A security camper team at AFB in Michigan failed to make con- reports by the media that may be Suite 307, Gaithersburg, Md. 20760.
4 reported UFO's with white lights,
tact A confidential report issued by blown out of proportion. To date ef- Aerial Phenomena Research Or-
one red light 50 yards behind white the Combat Operations Center, forts by Air Guard helicopters, SAC ganization, 3910 E. Kleindale Rd..
light. Personnel at 1 seeing same ob-
NORAD, describes the incident: helicopters and NORAD have Tucson, Ariz. 85712.
ject" "Falconbridge reported search and failed to produce positive ID." Citizens Against UFO Secrecy,
"8 Nov. L--
5 reported object in height finder radar paints on an object News reports on the strange activi 191 E. 161st St., Bronx, N.Y. 10451.


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