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Software Design Specification for <<Project Title>>



<Project Title>


<Internal Guide>
Prepared by

<Student Name>
<Register Number>
<Date created>

Copyright © 2020 Department of Digital Sciences, KITS P a g e |1

Software Design Specification for <<Project Title>>

Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Project Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Project Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Document Preview ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Architectural Design .......................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Section Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 General Constraints ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Database Design ............................................................................................................................................ 4
2.4 Program Structure .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Alternatives Considered................................................................................................................................ 4
3. Detailed Design .................................................................................................................................................5
3.1 Section Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Component 1 (and so on) ............................................................................................................................. 5
4. User Interface Design .....................................................................................................................................6
4.1 Section Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Interface Design Rules .................................................................................................................................. 6
4.3 UI Components .............................................................................................................................................. 6
4.4 Detailed Description...................................................................................................................................... 6
5. Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................................................7
6. Appendices..........................................................................................................................................................8

Copyright © 2020 Department of Digital Sciences, KITS P a g e |2

Software Design Specification for <<Project Title>>

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose

<This section (1 – 2 pages) provides an overview of this entire document and the purpose
of SDS>

1.2. Project Overview

<Describe the client, the problem to be solved, and the intended users. Explain the context
in which your software will be used, i.e. the big picture. (1 – 3 paragraphs)>

1.3. Project Scope
<Mention the most important features of the system, inputs, data stores, and outputs. Do
not discuss implementation details. Note any major constraints. (1– 5 paragraphs)>

1.4. Document Preview

<Describe the purpose, scope of this document, and intended audience of this document.
Mention the major sections that follow. Provide references to companion documents. (1 -
2 paragraphs)>

Copyright © 2020 Department of Digital Sciences, KITS P a g e |3

Software Design Specification for <<Project Title>>

2. Architectural Design
<This section (2 – 4 pages) provides an overview and rationale for the program's data
and architectural design decisions.>

2.1. Section Overview

<Provide a summary of the contents of this section. (1 – 2 paragraphs)>

2.2. General Constraints

<Describe global limitations or constraints that have a significant impact on your system
design. Examples include hardware and software environments, interface requirements,
external data representations, performance requirements, network requirements, etc. (1 –
3 paragraphs)>

2.3. Database Design

<Describe the structure of any databases, external files, and internal data structures. You
may wish to include references to appendices containing ER diagrams, data, naming
conventions, normalization or file formats. (1 – 3 paragraphs)>

2.4. Program Structure

<Describe the architectural model chosen and the major components. Include a pictorial
representation (or reference to an appendix block or class diagram) of the major
components. (1 – 4 paragraphs)>

2.5. Alternatives Considered

<Discuss the alternative architectural models considered and justify your choice
for your architectural design. (1 – 4 paragraphs)>

Copyright © 2020 Department of Digital Sciences, KITS P a g e |4

Software Design Specification for <<Project Title>>

3. Detailed Design
<This section represents the essence or core of your document. Be as detailed as time

3.1. Section Overview

<Provide a summary of the contents of this section (1 – 2 paragraphs)>

3.2. Component n Detail (Include a sub-section for each component)

<A structured description usually works. For example, if your components are
classes you may wish to include the following subsections 3.2.1. Description
3.2.2. Data Members (include type, visibility, and description)
3.2.3. Methods (include English or pseudocode descriptions for each one)>

Copyright © 2020 Department of Digital Sciences, KITS P a g e |5

Software Design Specification for <<Project Title>>

4. User Interface Design

4.1. Section Overview
<Provide a summary of the contents of this section. (1 – 2 paragraphs)>

4.2. Interface Design Rules

<Describe and justify the conventions and standards used to design your interface. You
may be able to re-use some of the material prepared. (1 – 2 paragraphs)>

4.3. GUI Components

<Note the GUI components or API's provided in the development environment that
you plan on using. (1 paragraph + table)>

4.4. Detailed Description

<Provide a detailed description of the user interface including screen images. You may
prefer to refer an appendix containing the screen snapshots. (1 – 4 pages)>

Copyright © 2020 Department of Digital Sciences, KITS P a g e |6

Software Design Specification for <<Project Title>>

5. Conclusion
<Provide an ending to this document with a mention of implementation and testing
strategies resulting from this design (1 –2 paragraphs)>

Copyright © 2020 Department of Digital Sciences, KITS P a g e |7

Software Design Specification for <<Project Title>>

6. APPENDICES (a list of possibilities)

6.1. Database Entity-Relationship Diagram
6.2. Architectural Design Block Diagram(s)
6.3. Class Diagram(s)
6.4. Class Sequence Diagram(s)
6.5. User Interface Screen Snapshots

Copyright © 2020 Department of Digital Sciences, KITS P a g e |8

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