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Открытый урок

к декаде иностранных языков

для 5-х классов
учителя английского языка

декабрь 2008
Предварительная работа:
1. чтение текстов “New Year”, “Christmas”
2. чтение стихов
3. изучение лексики.
Цель: обобщить знания по теме, поднять интерес к
изучению языка.
1.развитие памяти, мышления,
воображения, внимании;
2.закрепление лексических единиц и речевых
образцов, которые были изучены за 1-е полугодие,
согласно требованиям программы;
3.формирование страноведческих знаний;
4. Воспитание умения работать в группах.
Ход урока:
-Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Today we have a lesson-
competition. Our two teams-Snowmen and Snowflakes- are ready
to start. At the beginning I want to say the winter has a lot of
holidays. We know them, for example, New Year, Christmas and
St.Valentine. The first task is to tell us about New Year.
Конкурс-«Лучший рассказ о празднике Новый год»
“The best story about New Year”
We can’t imagine holidays without songs. That’s why the second
task is to sing a song about New Year or Christmas.
Конкурс- «Лучшая праздничная песня»
“The best holiday song”
There is another fantastic holiday in winter. This is Christmas
.Russian and English people celebrate it. But there are the
differences .And now you should choose the cards with the next
task. One team is telling us about Christmas in Russia, the second
one –about Christmas in Britain.
Конкурс-«Рождество в России и Англии»
“Christmas in Russia and in Britain”
You know all people send Christmas cards to each other. At home
you had task to prepare Christmas card to other team. Let’s see
how you wish Merry Christmas.
Конкурс-«Рождественская открытка»
“The Christmas card”
I know you‘ve learn by heart some poems about winter holidays.
The task is the best poem.
I’ve prepared quiz to see how well you know winter holidays.
“The quiz”
1. He’s old, fat and he likes wearing red clothes. He brings
children their presents on Christmas Day.
2. it’s cold and white. It falls from sky.
3. How is called the day before Christmas.
4. It’s green and brown. You can find the presents under it.
5. This is something you make with snow. It looks like a man.
6. How does Santa Claus enter a house?
7. This is something the postman brings at Christmas time.
8. On 1-st January we say …….
9. What season does Christmas come?
10. Children and adults receive them at Christmas.
-Well, now it’s time for puzzles. You should ask your opponents
how well they know holidays.
Конкурс - « Загадки»
“The puzzles”
Last task is drawing with closed eyes. The topic is Snowman.
Конкурс - «Рисуем снеговика»
“Drawing the Snowman”
-Thank you very much for your participation .Let counts your
score. The best team is……..

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