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Samantha Meekins

AUP Critique Paper

EDTC 630
Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) has their acceptable use policy (AUP) in

the student and employee handbook. The internet is a powerful tool and needs to be used in the

classroom, but it must be used properly. “There are many benefits to using the Internet in

elementary and intermediate education, but it is important for you to harness this powerful tool

so that it is effective and safe for student use.” (Scholastic, 2018). The AUP is online on the

county homepage, passed out in the beginning of the year, and should be referenced throughout

the year. The AUP for AACPS for students and teachers is clear, easy to read and understand,

and easily available. The AUP is in bullet form and has two lists on appropriate use and

violations of the AUP. “Educating parents, students and teachers about the internet’s potential as

a learning resource is any AUP’s main aim. Defining proper online behavior and the

consequences of breaching it, as well as providing schools with legal protection from liability,

are also core elements behind a policy’s establishment.” (Webwise,2017) AACPS has done a

wonderful job making sure everyone

There is a page in the beginning of the handbook that requires a signature that shows you

understand and will follow the expectations. I believe that all teachers need to hold every student

accountable to turn this paper in. There should be a rule that if the paper is not turned in, then

they cannot use the school’s technology. The teacher needs to keep these papers in an easily

accessible file, so they can be accounted for at all times. This would clear the “gray” area if a

student broke a rule on the AUP and did not turn the paper in to the teacher. Holding students

accountable is vital when enforcing the AUP in the school/county. There is a page in the student

handbook that explains the level of the offence and possible consequences. If the AUP is posted

and they violate it, then they cannot say “they didn’t know.” “Be sure to post a copy of your

AUP near each computer and remember that part of successful implementation of an AUP is
making sure that someone in your school is appointed to enforce the AUP rules” (Scholastic,

2018). Teachers need to tell the students about the consequences and hold them accountable

every time something happens. This way students will understand how important it is to

follow/respect the AUP.

My school needs to make changes with implementing the AACPS AUP. There is not

enough time spent explaining the expectations and how everyone is held accountable. There

needs to be more professional developments throughout the year, so that the AUP is always fresh

in the entire school’s mind. Teachers need to work as a whole to talk about how they can put this

policy into kid friendly language. Primacy teachers should work together and intermediate

teachers should work together to come up with this language. When the entire school is using the

same language, the students do not get confused on the expectations. The AUP needs to be

something that anyone in the building can explain to anyone. Once the language is set for the

school, then the teachers need to teach students how to follow the AUP and use the internet/ tool

safely. “While regulation is important, its use should be balanced by educating students to take a

responsible approach.” (Webwise,2017). Teachers need to take more time to educate students on

why it is important to follow the AUP. When students understand why something is important,

then they are more likely to respect and follow what they are taught.

I believe that AACPS needs to add/update a section about using personal devices for lessons

in the classroom for a lesson. In our technology filled world we are using more personal

technology in the classroom. It is great for lessons because every child has a piece of technology

in front of them and is ready to learn. This is especially great when the school is lacking in

technology. The problem is that it is a personal device. The teacher doesn’t have a clue what is
on the device. I think if the school is allowing personal devices to be used in the classroom there

needs to be a solid list of expectations. Examples are listed below:

 Only use the device for the lesson

 Personal Ringtones, music, and sounds need to be turned off
 If you leave the site/app being used for the lesson you will complete the assignment at a
different time when you can be monitored 1 on 1 or for homework
 No texting, messaging, snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, or social media use during the
Having clear guidelines for personal device usage in the classroom will set any teacher up for

a successful lesson. The teacher must be clear and firm about the device usage and hold the class

accountable. When this is done in the classroom I believe that personal devices can be very

beneficial in the classroom. This information needs to be added to the AUP, so every student can

have a safe learning environment online.

Overall AACPS has done a wonderful job creating a clear and powerful AUP, but they need

to take the time to implement it in the schools. The teachers need more time to read it,

understand it fully, and plan how to teach it together. Then they need the time in their day to

teach, model, and hold students accountable when using technology in the school.


AACPS (2017). AACPS Student Handbook.

AACPS (2016). AACPS Employee Handbook.

Scholastic (2018). Why Have a Technology Policy in Your School or Library? | Librarians.

Retrieved from

Webwise (2017, November 30). What is an Acceptable Use Policy? A brief explanation.

Retrieved from

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