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CHS Portfolio

Personal Growth: Relationships

Who am I now?

1. Describe a relationship, either in school or outside of school, that you have spent time
developing this year. (​Some examples: relationship with a parent, teacher, coach, friend,
significant other, counselor, mentor, etc.)​
This year I have built and strengthened many relationships, one that I have strengthened
the most is with a significant other. I spend most of my time with them on the weekends, during
the week we are both busy with work and school.

2. How has this relationship challenged you to grow?

This relationship has challenged me to grow in many ways. Along with getting a job this
relationship has made me a much more responsible person.

3. What kinds of skills have you developed or practiced because of this relationship?
Because of this relationship I have learned to communicate better and have become more

4. How can you use things you’ve learned in this relationship as you interact with other people in
your life?
As I interact with others in my life I have definitely become a more patient, caring and
understanding person. I have improved my communication with others as well which will help
me interact better with others.

5. Do you think this current relationship will continue to be a part of your life in the future?
I am unsure how far into the future this relationship will go. Do I hope it is a part of my
future? Yes. I am sure that If I keep up my communication and other skills I have learned, I am
sure this relationship will go on to the future.

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